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Does anyone know where her red yoga pants are from?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DaxiGirl 📅︎︎ Feb 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi why am i wearing this in like every video [Music] oh my god also we just released decaf on chamberlain so if you are not somebody who likes caffeine if you like to drink coffee past 8 p.m but you can't handle the caffeine at that hour because nobody really should be able to whatever it may be decaf coffee is now available on and honestly it's something that i should be drinking right now because i'm on my period being a period welcome to today's video where we're going to be addressing a problem that i have not seen many people address i am somebody who struggles with a bad period i was in bed the whole day yesterday when i know you the whole day like i did not leave my bed once sometimes you need to get out of the house even when you even when you're on your period but the question arises what the [ __ ] are you supposed to wear when you're on your period because yesterday my cramps were so bad that i was like i don't even know what i'd wear right now if i had to leave the house like i what if i had to look good right now and the thought of having to pick out an outfit with those cramps going on was like stressing me out and i was like i wonder how many women are like stumped on how to feel like they're dressing cool trendy and fun while on their period because all you want to wear is loose clothes so today i'm going to be teaching you how to look like a baddie even when you're on your period we're gonna do a fun period inspired makeup look a few outfit ideas for how to dress when you're on your period you're all cramped up you're uncomfortable etc etc the makeup look will also be waterproof due to the fact that when i'm on my period all i can really seem to do is cry and be stressed out and if you're one of the people out there that doesn't have painful periods number one i would say [ __ ] you that's like what my body is inclined to say but i also understand that happy for you period friendly outfits period friendly makeup something that nobody is talking about because when you're on your period i feel like that's the time when you need to feel like a baddie the most when i'm on my period i hate myself i look in the mirror i'm like wow you are so ugly i can't be the only one and so being able to get ready in a way that makes you feel comfortable is a good thing let's begin as you can see i've been in bed for over 24 hours now and it's showing like the back of my hair is a full mat but i'm gonna teach you how to get ready exactly from this point no need to even shower sometime oh my god i'm gonna show you guys wait you guys are going to [ __ ] freak out about this i don't know if you guys are going to judge me or if you guys are going to be like wow i mean you're [ __ ] onto it i have a hack for you to start this video this is not okay so this is not good like don't do this like obviously the best option is a shower but sometimes your mental health is [ __ ] up sometimes you whatever and you need to like go out quickly but you don't want to smell bad i don't know if this is a good tip isopropyl alcohol wipes you wipe your armpit it kills all the bacteria in your armpit makes your armpits smell fresh and clean and new you put deodorant over it and it's like you showered it listen it doesn't work it does not replace a shower but i understand that in quarantine and things like that sometimes you just can't make ends meet it also works really well if it's summer and like you shower but then and you put on deodorant and all that and then it's just like you sweat through your deodorant really quickly use one of those wipes i don't know if that's okay for your skin but um the first thing we're gonna talk about here are ladies and well i guess just ladies but you could totally be a gentleman and watch this the first thing we need to fix is our hair and this is my go-to period hairstyle so first we're going to brush out our very tangle and very oily hair great it's already looking up from here you're going to want to take your dry shampoo just really get in there right this adds some volume and makes your hair look like you did shower within the past week my hair looks so [ __ ] awful like this what i've been doing is just going into a [ __ ] clip okay all you do is you take your clip you clip it in you scruff it up a little bit and you call it a day you're so welcome you couldn't have figured that out on your own i bet see watching my videos you can't say i don't teach you anything you are welcome moving on to makeup okay oh my god my [ __ ] this room is a mess i think the key on your period is is to go light just because if you're like me you're probably already kind of breaking out from being on your period although i didn't really break out this period but instead i just got the worst cramps i've ever had step one i'm gonna want you to take your foundation of choice you guys already know my product of choice so this is just not necessary i normally do like my actually everyday makeup look now has become a little bit more heavy because like i do a lot of eye stuff like i do a lot to my eyes and i was like you know what i don't feel like i need to do that anymore when i'm on my period lightly apply your foundation now the reason i say lightly apply is because who knows what's going to happen you could start crying at any given moment decide that like you just need to be in bed literally last night my cramps were so bad i couldn't even get out of bed to brush my teeth so like you kind of always have to be ready to be bedridden okay now we have a light layer of a base on there we're going to add our infamous lip plumper because when we are on our periods we want affection a lot so we want to make our lips look nice and hydrated and juicy so that somebody will want to kiss us while we're on our period okay now that we've done that we're going to add a little bit of concealer you probably haven't been sleeping very well so put a little extra more than normal the way that i blend my concealer changes every day we're gonna powder now this but things i know this is also obvious like okay you just did [ __ ] foundation and concealer yes but we'll get to the to the big kicker okay okay we're gonna lightly bronze our face take a big brush it doesn't matter for me a little bit of bronzing just really like adds some definition to my face so that i don't feel like a toddler now you're gonna take this an eyeshadow brush and the same bronzer put it on your eyelid you don't even need to [ __ ] blend it in nobody's gonna see it take a highlighter you're gonna get it all over your brush nose cheek messy i don't even care you don't care you're in your period you don't care you have other things bigger things to worry about your whole vagina is bleeding off and now my video is probably gonna be demonetized but youtube if you do monetize me for saying that you don't care about women and then we're gonna take some brow gel i am not going to fill in my brows today because the thought of it doing something with precision is out of the goddamn question last but not least mascara you're going to want to use waterproof i [ __ ] ran out of waterproof mascara ladies let's do a little game called act like emma's putting on waterproof mascara i mean waterproof mascara isn't like a crucial point i mean i actually usually cry more before that's not necessarily true i cried yesterday a lot there's actually no activities that are good for your period because like standing up in general is just not okay i guess like what watching a movie i get bored when i watch movies i can't watch a movie by myself who am i supposed to ask questions about the plot too i don't like movies actually i like movies like sometimes i like them the only ones i watched by myself were when i was really single and i was in love with timothy xiaomi because he was like my muse because i like had to like kind of fill a void before i found another guy to date so i watched those movies by myself and i don't know if i want to keep this in the video uh last step if you've been in bed for 24 hours and you haven't left bed to take care of yourself you probably have eye boogers so remove those um now you can optionally add a lip product i'm just gonna add a little bit of lip gloss this product is actually also a lip plumper i literally just added two lip plumpers to my lips see this is what living in la does to you so we're done we're done with hair and makeup and now for the finale i'm going to show you sorry i literally was having a cramp like this is i wish i was [ __ ] with you i bled through a super tampon last night all over my bed wow oh i need to take a little break actually because i'm having a little you know they come in waves um i'll be back now we've arrived at the part that we've all been waiting for the outfit so i would say the key is loose pants pretty much looking as cool as you can while not squeezing your uterus and on that note let's get started with the outfits we'll see how many i can do before i need to lay back in bed again outfit number one so here's my thought process here the main event of this outfit is these pants these have been not only my go-to on my period but also my go-to off my period they are like an elevated yoga pant it's like a little bit cooler than a yoga pant [Music] god the echo is bad and you add the little doc martin you add a little boot and everybody's like damn she has her [ __ ] together you add a cute little zipper that has skulls on it to prove hey everybody maybe don't mess with me right now you had some big sunglasses to hide your emotions you add a cheetah print bag to distract people from the chaos that's ensuing on the rest of your body and it's just like boom next so we're using the same pants because it's important to be efficient when you're on your period to be honest there's probably only going to be five pants in our closet during our periods that we're going to want to wear maximum so if you find a pair of pants that works just reuse reuse reuse recycle so we're wearing these again and we'll probably wear them a few more times too unfortunately we have some color going on to prove that we're happy we're having fun but we also have a little bit of leather to show listen don't [ __ ] with me vibes but also like not in a violent way because you don't want to like go to jail but anyway a nice big oversized turtleneck sweater is perfect because it just covers everything you just feel safe and warm and secure in this a little color coordination never hurt anybody whatever call the police on me this is it this is number two i don't look like i'm on my period right now it's about fooling the masses frankie stop you're gonna [ __ ] fall off the balcony you idiot outfit number three nothing like a cute little graphic tee to make people think that you're emotionally stable i took this cute little graphic tee threw it over this extremely loud turtleneck paired it with the red pants that i've been wearing for the past two outfits this is also extremely comfortable and they look stylish to a certain extent some people might think this outfit's extremely ugly which i understand but i'm very comfortable again nothing is squeezing my abdomen region i feel great the more extreme you are with your outfit the more you're going to fool people into thinking that you have your [ __ ] together and that's the key outfit number four it's time to start styling jeans now i know we said earlier and i said earlier that like wearing jeans is like not an option it is it's just not easy you have to wear jeans that are very loose i have put on a schoolboy outfit i feel great added this little collar to make it seem like i'm smart logical and rational when in reality it feels like i'm none of those things on my period i also added this little messenger bag so that i could put my tampons in here oh i put it on backwards see also all these outfits are fun and cute like it's not like they're bad you don't have to you can dress to impress on your period don't give up on yourself next we're literally going back to basics we're wearing the jeans with a little loafer boot chunky cropped sweater but not so cropped that you feel exposed but just cropped enough where it hits the top of your pants with a nice big jacket you can use any big jacket that you'd like done life is really so simple when you just add a big oversized jacket i mean really good out of any big oversized jacket yes you could wear this by itself but this is extremely boring and also i don't feel like i'm being surrounded by a warm layer of clothes to protect my uterus which is crucial this sweater makes me feel like my breasts are being okay you know what i think i'm getting a little too open we won't talk about my boobs on the internet outfit number six um i'm running out of things to say but i think you get the gist of it by now the pants are loose it's comfortable number seven we're in the yoga pants so i'm literally wearing some lululemon yoga pants okay then i'm wearing a fun long sleeve graphic tee i put a cute oversized zip up on top it's simple but let me tell you is it effective but i look a little bit goth and a little bit fun i don't look off um people are gonna hate on me in the comments also like adding big sunglasses come on you would i look fun and this is basically a warning sign being like you know i'm not afraid to yell today i'm not afraid to ask the manager to take back my food next this is my favorite thing to do with yoga pants you take the yoga pants you take a turtleneck and you take a crew neck and you put it over top done i feel like i could go to bed in this outfit it looks so put together though i have these little accessories that really just make it even better yoga pants elevated number nine i don't even i don't know we're still wearing a turtleneck that's white we're still wearing our yoga pants we're still very comfortable but we've added a sweater vest this just makes it look so cool but it's still loose it's so comfy whatever i don't know what else you can ask for i'm gonna do one more outfit and it's gonna be the perfect sweatpant outfit the grand finale is the ultimate sweatpant period fit check fit check yeah hey guys i am in bed i am on my heating pad and i was actually thinking a big part of being on your period is eating right number one you're hungry constantly or at least i am so why don't we do like a period friendly snack recipe so i did some research on like what foods are good to eat when you're on your period so some of the foods that i found that are good for when you're on your period were chocolate avocado leafy greens chia seeds i mean the list goes on but i was like what if i found a recipe online for brownies that have avocado in it and i found a recipe so i was thinking right now me and you me and you you're my bestie me and my bestie which is you could go downstairs and make some avocado brownies this could be really gross this could go really bad and if this ends up being a good recipe then this could be a great go-to period snack slash dessert but anyway let's make these brownies okay here's what we're gonna need i got this recipe from a website called sweet as honey set your oven to 350. you're gonna need a whatever this is some avocados you're gonna need chocolate chips you are going to need coconut oil oh no coconut oil maple syrup or your sweetener choi oh that's what broke you guys what is going on i'm a mess what the [ __ ] just happened i can't two eggs almond flour baking soda salt and vanilla extract now let's get into it we're gonna put all of our wet ingredients in here okay this avocado i'm pretty sure is rotten because i've had some of these in my fridge for like literally two months no it's perfect damn okay about two cups of avocado they say so i'm just gonna wing it put that in here squeeze second one in here this recipe sucks and i just wasted three avocados and i'm gonna be [ __ ] depressed about that now we're gonna add the coconut oil two tablespoons of coconut oil and we're gonna add the remainder of this [ __ ] maple syrup that's literally like oh what if i get glass hopefully i don't get glass we'll see i'm going to try to scoop the maple syrup off of my counter so let's just scoop that on up we're going to add the vanilla extract i'll just add a little dash i'm not going to measure it because i'm going to [ __ ] i'm going to crack an egg two eggs in here i'll add the cocoa powder later okay i feel like this is good i'm still learning with cooking i'm not perfect at it yet okay but that worked pretty [ __ ] well yes yes i've already made a huge mess one part about cooking being my new hobby like i just am so [ __ ] beyond messy that that's just the problem i'm gonna scoop this into a abnormally large bowl scoop all of this guacamole this is kind of grossing me out to be honest because it's like the base of my brownies should not be green we're going to take our almond flour i've been cooking so much recently and it's literally my favorite thing to do it has genuinely become my favorite hobby that i have but i make so much food i cook way too much for one person because i i enjoy doing it so much i'm constantly cooking but i can't eat all of it this makes me want to have kids just so i can feed them ah why am i dropping everything half of a cup of cocoa powder [ __ ] some salt vanilla extract baking powder but i feel like i should measure this one i hope baking soda doesn't go bad because i'm pretty sure i've had this baking soda for about five years okay let's try a little bit of this oh my god ew there's a green i mean it tastes [ __ ] good chocolate guacamole everybody line up now i'm gonna take a paper towel watch this fun fact in half some of you might think this is disgusting but i don't care so you're gonna take a spoon this one's very dirty i'll clean the spoon here okay fold that onto the inside take my spoon take a little bit of coconut oil put it on the paper towel and then just rub grease the pan scoop your batter you can still see some green which means i didn't mix it enough i'm not i don't have the patience to do things perfectly right now try to make it as even as possible 25 minutes and i'll see you then it has been 25 minutes it looks done to me ow i just burned the [ __ ] out of my hand i hate my life yeah it it seems done enough i now have to let that sit but while i let it sit we're gonna make a decaf latte with the new sleepy sloth chamberlain coffee decaf blend look at the little slime because ever since i read an article about caffeine making period cramps and bloating worse i was like oh i'm gonna have to figure something out and it's perfect timing that the decaf blend is out it's already in my coffee machine i put it in there when the camera was off see like i feel like decaf is so it's like i frown upon it because i'm always like oh like what's the point without caffeine but there is a lot of points without caffeine because some people can't handle caffeine like me and i forget that i probably should be drinking less caffeine and i know that so this is like a good first step and especially on my goddamn period also does anybody else get the worst gas on their period like i just i don't not even like sorry do you know what nobody wants to hear about that nobody wants to hear about that i recently bought this toasted coconut milk and i'm very fascinated by it so let's try it out in our latte today sometimes my nut pods get frozen in my refrigerator and it doesn't make any sense because nothing else gets frozen in my refrigerator besides my nut pods and it doesn't make sense but sometimes i just like to put the little ice chunks in my coffee is that gross like look at my [ __ ] finger i'm literally like youtube is not gonna like what i just did to my nut pocket this towel is so disgusting just after the past hour the amount of things i've wiped up with it this needs to go in the trash probably but i like almond milk better but regardless it's still really good in this decaf it's really fooling me into thinking that i'm drinking caffeine when i'm not here's how our brownies turned out they look pretty good but we need to taste before we can be the joker wow it actually is holding together pretty well let's take a seat and taste it okay i don't like it i'd much rather just eat a normal brownie i love the concept right a snack that satisfies the chocolate craving of your period while also gives you added nutrients unfortunately i hate the flavor of it i'm still gonna eat it but i wouldn't recommend that you make it i also think you're better off just eating a normal brownie emma good job you tried um but i'm done for the day because i'm not gonna lie my cramps are bad and there's nothing i want to do more than lay in bed and on that note i love you guys thank you for hanging out with me oh emma's a chef now we can rely on her well you can't it's a tough pill for all of us to swallow and this wasn't my recipe this was somebody else's so i'm gonna blame it on that anyway i love you all so much thank you for watching and hanging out with me if you're on your period right now i'm praying for you i feel you girl um if you're not in your period well you probably will be soon so i feel bad for you for when you get it order a heating pad on amazon lay on that thing until it burns out and you need to buy a new one for forehead kiss for the road and i'm out of here cheers why is my almond milk so lumpy i'm gonna go bleed all over my bed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,378,699
Rating: 4.9849195 out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog
Id: S_ls--5Dl48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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