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[Music] oh looks like someone needs to go back to culinary school this is called a flbe thank you very much all the real chefs do it when they cook um I don't know about that remind me to order takeout when I get there excuse me Willow you would not be ordering takeout on our first date especially when your Boyer as a whole Chef okay okay I suppose I'll let you cook you know I can't believe we're finally meeting in person [Music] tomorrow Ernie what I tell you about playing soccer in the kitchen while I'm cooking slow down Sonic is that Willow hi Willow hi Ernie bye Ernie go to brothers so have you made a decision about uh grad school yet uh my dad is set on me going to Whitman only problem is it's all the way on the other side of the country oh is it his decision where you go clearly you haven't met my dad he acts like everything is his decision Whitman's his Alma modern he agreed to pay for half my tuition if I decide to go there which I don't understand why he doesn't pay for all of it he has the money he's just a stickler about me making my own way well whatever you decide I'll support you I'll save up some money and come see you or I can look for chef jobs in Syracuse me and Ernie will move out that way I'll take care of the bills and you can just focus on school what you really do all of that for me move cross country and pay all of my bills unlik the sound of that yep my mom before she passed she used to say this famous quote to me when I was growing up hold tight to the people who stand by you in your lowest moments they're the ones who truly love you and since I truly love you I'm going to stick by you no matter what through thinking then I love you so much Jamal want to see another cooking treat M Willow ah sorry I got to go babe all good I'll see you tomorrow I love you so much I love you too I'm so excited to spend the weekend with you okay bye [Music] babe so where are you staying again for the 10th time Dad I'm staying at Jamal's apartment you doesn't own house and regardless you shouldn't be staying at some random guy's apartment Jamal isn't some random guy okay we've been talking for over a year and he's honestly wonderful you was dating over the phone and in person two different things what does this Jamal do for work anyway he just graduated from culinary school okay he's going to be a chef and open up his own restaurant now is this interrogation over yeah well do you know 80% of restaurants Clos within 5 years it's a risky business you need stability okay Keith you need to relax just because some restaurants fail doesn't mean that Jamal will really got to stop thinking so negatively what does his parents do says a lot about his future well um he never met his dad and his mom died when he was 18 it's only him and his younger brother now that he takes care of which I think is so sweet now please no more questions okay thank God we're [Music] here well have fun kiddo I hope you have an amazing time with your all I love you love you too thanks Mom you're the best I'll see you when I get back thanks [Music] hey Ernie where's Jamal I've been calling him he was supposed to pick me up from the airport why does it smell like [Music] smoke Jamal Jamal yes it's me I'm so sorry I I couldn't pick you up hey are you kidding you do not have to apologize I'm just I'm just glad you're okay what what happened when we were on the phone Ernie poured Brandy into the skillet went to turn the heat back up and well I'm so sorry if you weren't on the phone with me you would have been what no no don't blame yourself this is not your fault okay oh I'm sorry I didn't know you had come Nate I'll come back later no this it's fine this is my girlfriend Willow well Jamal I'm afraid it's not looking too good the anterior chambers of your eyes were completely destroyed as a result of your eyelids and your ocul surfaces being severely burned so what does that mean it means there's a good chance that Jamal might never see again I'm going to give you two some time to process this I'll be back later to discuss okay Jam Jam I am so sorry I I don't even know what to say listen I know this is a lot and I know you didn't sign up for this so if you going to leave I am not leaving leaving you I'm here to stay and I will be here with you on every step of this journey okay oh what could possibly be funny I guess you're right we're going to have to order take out after a while Jamal come this way here we go okay yeah you're good so's keep walking straight um all right keep going we're going to walk to the couch over there okay so keep going and then the couch is right underneath you okay here we go okay ready good good thanks babe of course of course okay good sorry it's okay that's okay um uh are there any paper towels shoot we may be out maybe a towel I think they're all in the heler [Music] sorry one sec okay hey Willow what's going on we haven't heard from you uh I I've just been I've just been real busy everything's fine Dad okay well where's Jamal I want to talk to him oh um now's not a good time look can I call you back you're acting off have you checked in for your flight tomorrow yet actually dad I I've been mean to talk to you about that I think I want to stay a few more days Jamal is dealing with some health issues and I I just want to help him out that ticket is non-refundable Willow plus you need to come home and finish everything for grad school look this is important can you can you please just book me a new flight if you want a new flight have Jamal book it for you man I'm sorry Willow I was I was just trying to find a remote no no it's okay I I'll clean this up you stay put since there's glass over here now here have a seat have a seat and the remotes right here see right Jamal I'm hungry oh um let me uh clean up this glass first and then I'll I'll make you something okay Ernie actually maybe I shouldn't use this stove right now um I I'll order you some food okay can you find a snack okay Willow um I'm so sorry but I really need to use the bathroom can you yeah of course babe come on sorry I dropped a sauca it's okay I I'll clean it up come going somewhere oh I was going to say goodbye but I just I have to go I wasn't able to extend my flight oh man I was hoping you'd stay for a few more days I know I wanted to but honestly I don't have enough money to buy another plane ticket h I can't believe that you're cooking yeah I figured I might as well start practicing I'm not giving up on my dream that easily I made pancakes they may be a little burnt but hopefully they're at least edible I'm sure that they're great and I would love one yeah yeah okay [Music] okay I'm going to lift it there you go you can place right there okay I'm I'm shocked that you were able to make these well uh it's great it it's great it's great yummy look I know we promise to always be honest with each other they could use some work and maybe a little less salt salt here give it a try okay give me your hand okay try that jeeez I must have put salt in the batter instead of cinnamon I'm so sorry man I'm no listen the fact that you're even trying is so amazing look uh I had to catch my flight are you going to be okay with that about me yeah yeah don't worry about me just call me when you land okay okay I will I love you so much I love you too I hope that we can see each I'll I'll call you later [Music] [Music] I thought you were leer I changed my mind I'm staying I can never be lonely if you put your hand in mine I can never be lonely if you walk with me this time I can never be [Music] lonely if you promise you won't leave I'll never be [Music] alone [Music] only I've waited for so long but what if it goes wrong and you walk right out that door I never thought I'd be speaking words like these but they're hanging on my lips I can never be lonely if you put your hand in mine I can never be lonely if you walk with me this time I can never be lonely if you promise you won't leave I'll never be L only [Music] Lord You're Pati and you're kind no fault that I can find yet I stand Here bound to run how little did I know how quickly love can grow please meet me as I am I can never be lonely if you put your hand in mine I can never be lonely if you walk with me this time I can never be lonely if you promise you won leave I'll never be alone only oh only [Music] if I could look into the ears and see what's going to come oh this I can never be lonely if you put your hand in mine I can never be lonely if you walk with me this time I can never be lonely if you promise you won't leave I'll never be alone [Applause] only I can never be lonely if you promise you won't leave I'll never be long [Applause] [Music] only long [Applause] only Al [Music] all hey how'd it go hey here let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] want me to help you change hey you doing okay I just really thought I was going to get this one now I don't know how I'm going to pay our bills well your first disability check should be coming in soon right that's barely enough to cover rent I think I need to just start looking for a work from home job like a customer service telephone operator no don't you give up Jamal you can't this is your dream okay all you've ever talked about is being a chef I know but it's time to start being realistic Willow well um I I could get a job and support us you know just to give you more time wait you you can answer that you know it's my daddy he's just going to stress me out I me if he keeps calling you this much maybe it's important I'm scared to answer it I know what he's going to say come on who is [Music] [Music] it you okay Willow you haven't touched your food I've got just a thing to cheer you up I was going to wait to tell you this until after you submitted your paperwork I'm going tell you now what's this I decided I'm going to pay all your tuition for grad school so you don't have to get a job I know you've gone through a lot these past few weeks but I'm glad you came to your senses and left that situation there's no future for you and Jamal so I'm proud of you we're still together I didn't leave voluntarily you put a lot of pressure on me dad yeah well it's a good thing I did what was the alternative stay with a blind are you crying it'll be all right babe don't be sad we figure it out okay I just feel guilty for leaving you and Ernie and if I go to grad school I'll be even further away well yeah but distance has never stopped us before right thanks babe I'll call you after I finish my acceptance stuff okay I love you and I love you so much bye all right bye [Music] [Music] [Music] how you holding up sweetheart Deal's my person I've honestly never felt the way that I do about anyone the way I feel about him and the worst part is when I told him I was going to grad school and paying my own way you know what he said what that he'd come to Syracuse and get a job and pay my bills so I don't have to work can you believe that he was willing to uproot his entire life with his little brother for me and now that he's going through his hard times I feel like I've abandoned him at his lowest moment oh honey listen do you think that if the situation were reversed that Jamal would do the same for you he would he would mom what are you doing I'm helping you pack but you need to be gone before Dad wakes [Music] up thank Willow's not here have you seen her I know where she is Keith she's with Jamal what how do you know cuz I helped her get there that's how you helped her she's throwing her life away with this guy Justine what kind of future does she have with him he's blind what can he offer her nothing because he has nothing and what did you have when we first started dating Keith nothing he worked as a low-level assistant can you imagine if I had listened to someone who told me to leave you where would we be right now Jamal's a good guy and he didn't ask for any of this and they love one another sweetheart and we just need to accept that well I can't then accept losing your daughter she's made her choice [Music] [Music] who is it Ernie Ernie I said who [Music] is oh God I'm back and I'm not not going anywhere this time Jamal I'm not leaving you or Ernie Willow I I can't have you throw away your future you should listen to your dad I can't even get a job but I already thought about this and I realized that just because you can't get a job at a restaurant doesn't mean that you can't be a chef we can just open up our own restaurant babe I barely have enough money to pay for rent I don't mean a real restaurant it can be a virtual one as it like Uber Eats or Postmates exactly and Jamal can cook and I can manage the business and I can help create content who would was to support a black share so what do you say can we give it a try my mom also gave me a little money so we can get [Music] started blind day how's that for name for the restaurant I love it yeah what do you think yeah see if I can do this boom got [Laughter] it oh you know that sounds another order wow that's amazing yeah I can't believe how many are coming in we're going to have to hire another driver maybe so I'll get it looked at uh just just hear me out before you get mad I you must be your mom I'm Willow's dad and I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you son I've seen some of your videos online and it's quite impressive that you didn't give up on your dream thanks but to be honest it it was all Willow's idea she's the business Mastermind behind all of this so you're not upset at me you know actually I came to apologize your mom reminded me of how I had nothing and she stuck with me and helped me to get where I am now you know it's really admirable that you chose to stick with your mom because someone who sticks with you at your lowest is someone who truly loves you still with you with the grad school but you know well that's what I was going to say I did decide to go to Whitman I enrolled in their online classes instead but I didn't help you with your tuition how did you get the money well I guess you could say that our little business is doing pretty well yep we be moving to our own house next week well I'm really proud of you guys well how about we celebrate over dinner oh yeah sure I actually know a couple restaurants nearby restaurants I'm thinking Jamal should be cooking something I've read the reviews I got to try his food okay no pressure [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 3,758,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: WmzRw3ZV4bQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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