FAMOUS CHEF Catches COOK CHEATING On Show, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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okay kidding me the heck this is even a real avocado don't get so frustrated you've still got time I got this you can keep cooking you pull me some place Monica thank you chef I'm watching your shows every good cook should be good cook it's everything in his place I know you love sweet and salty so I added an extra few pinches of salt you're going to love it I can't wait to try it just not too much salt I don't want to choke today all right all done do you still need anything yeah an easier recipe I didn't know it was gonna be this hard um well how did you get into a cooking competition I know the basics so don't tell anybody but I may or may not have sent my dad's food to qualify for this he's a he's a Master Chef you cheated it's my only way to culinary school I'm not good enough on my own but winning this competition and that prize money will for sure get me in I well as Jordan Ramsay always says there are no Shortcuts To Success you have to do things the hard way but the good thing is you don't have to be the best that makes you to the next round you just don't have to be the worst [Music] and be the worst [Music] foreign are you sure wow you're the best thank you my pleasure [Music] not bad a little flat sorry chef impressive these remind me of Mrs panucci's Bakery one of my favorite restaurants that macaroons are to die for thank you chef so what do you think no I don't answer that I don't know you think they're the best um way too much baking soda and not enough brown sugar they're not even baked properly haven't you ever made cookies before uh yeah the house do you think I got in the Shell can you stay is the question because you're definitely in last place my grand can do better than this and she's dead these look delicious let's see oh I was like binding into a pink Himalayan salt I can't even swallow water now I don't know what I did wrong I made them like I always do I'm so sorry you got lucky I was convinced you were the one going home but after tasting this Abomination I'm sorry Monica but you're eliminated from the competition wait no please something went wrong I'm begging you please give me another chance uh there are no Second Chances turn in your apron you are all going on to the next round oh no she was so nice oh well and cops Where's my water your water sure hey hey you were right I don't have to be the best I just can't be the worst you got any more tips well not much but I'll tell you this the chef is really sensitive to spice so avoid that all costs [Music] time's almost up you better be getting your dishes ready thank you I won't even eat this hey can I have a favor what is it can I borrow some of your hot sauce I got a tip that Jordan likes you really spicy really yeah I think we should work together to get Michael out of the competition I think he's the best one here thanks let me use some first [Music] oh I'd use a lot more than that here's a really high tolerance are you sure okay thanks for helping me no worries I got you [Music] just in case and time let's see what you guys have got pretty good not bad but not great [Music] so hold on just a second all right this is terrible the only way I can get this bite down is because of the lime juice it's almost as bad as your cookies I don't know how you made it on this show if this is half as good as your affiliate you made earlier this season I know I'll love it oh my gosh oh what someone get me a glass of milk bronzo what are you trying to kill me you put way too much hot sauce it's supposed to be a street Taco not an assault on the senses but but I thought that you liked hot food I can't stand spice I have sensitive stomach and this isn't just spicy this is a four alarm fire in my mouth what were you thinking I'm sorry Jenny it's time to turn in your apron no please yeah you heard him get out of here I don't know what you were thinking with all that hot sauce you are gonna pay for this what goes around always comes around Jason just wait until I tell my dad oh no your dad I'm so scared I bet he's a doofus just like you don't let the door hit you on the way out now we're down to the final two you both will have one hour to bake the best macaroons you can macaroons but those are the hardest to make exactly so do your best and make it count begin hey you got any more tips sorry kid you're on your own for this one [Music] oh careful now you don't want to over beat the meringue the macaroon shells can come out too Hollow thank you ah can I have a second chance or something I'm afraid not you'll really have to hustle now sorry Chef we made a huge mistake we were supposed to take them both into confessionals before the rounds began so we're going to pause the timer and get this taken care of real quick let's start with you follow us to the other set [Music] and you can't work on anything what we got can I step aside and get some air I'm hot yes just make it quick [Music] any advice on how to make macaroons yeah just do what I taught you and everything will be fine but how do I make sure that hey son I gotta go I'm sure you're gonna come up with something okay no no wait excuse me I don't know if I'm in the right place I'm looking for stage six no why oh I'm just dropping off these macaroons to someone here on the lot and I guess they got turned around oh well did you say macaroons yeah from Miss penuche's Bakery why didn't you say so this is stage six hey is that the Jordan Ramsay because I'm like a huge fan oh yeah yeah I'm actually working for him I'm his personal assistant really well you just look a little young to be a celebrity's personal assistant oh wow thanks yeah I keep thinking I'm getting old anyway I'll show you for the macaroons they were prepaid sweet thanks man have a good day hey wait wait wait uh do you think I could meet Jordan Ramsay uh I would say yes it's just um Lino as Jordan tells me all the time Jason get back to work no yeah [Music] hey what are you doing what neat nothing huh what so you ready to confess be fine there's this guy outside he was making delivery and acted like if I was Jordan's personal assistant and then I told him he was in the right place even though he was no I'm I mean for the confessional you know your reaction to everything that's going on ah for the camera the confessional yeah uh yeah I'm ready did you want to finish that story you were telling me or no it wasn't important here it is the moment of truth let's begin with Michael's macarons very good job these look lovely the feet are lifted to perfection just the right amount of filling and the edges are smooth all around um this is the real text vicious do I taste a hint of old gray yep I love Earl Gray and look at the cross section almost no Hollows good job now Jason let's see what you've prepared okay I must say I was a little worried about you at first it seems like you've really turned yourself around these look like they came straight from one of my favorite bakeries oh I know I guess I just saved the best for last whoa whoa this is really good this is going to be a difficult challenge to judge you two are really going places the question is who's going to first place no it's hard to choose I have an idea I'd like to see each of your techniques why don't we review the hidden cameras uh hidden cameras what do you what are you what are you talking about yeah we put them up on your cooking stations to get some close-ups what else do you think we had fake avocados there I'll pull everything up on the morning why don't you just judge our food by how we taste who cares about technique um I do excellent technique very impressive let's pull up Jason's footage I really don't need to see that how about we just move on WOW I'm shocked but uh what seems to be the problem I've never seen this happen before in all my years directing these shows this is a huge problem I I can explain see I um uh I'm sorry everyone it looks like our hidden camera on Jason's cooking station somehow broke it didn't capture any footage after the first few seconds oh let's go let's let's go back to the competition it's all right I still think I can decide I think I want to win good choice well thank you both for being an amazing part of our first season of kids Cook-Off our very first winner who will receive a ten thousand dollar cash prize and a free ride to the culinary school of his choice is Jason is their adjacent here what now I'm looking for a Jason and who are you I came to deliver something but I gave it to the wrong person so I'm oh my goodness you are Jordan Ramsay about excuse me electron tape show here and uh no fans are allowed so please don't get lost it's you hey I need that delivery back what's going on do you know this man on the machine describe my life yeah I'm the guy who gave you that order from Miss panucci's Bakery you said you were Mr Ramsay's assistant I don't understand what's he talking about just got a call from my boss who's mad at me for not delivering the macaroons to the right person there they are oh what there's a bite taken out of one of them where's the Box Jason did you really make those macaroons uh shitty thing is you know when I run outside and I called my dad the delivery guy just happened do you have any idea how much you've messed up my television I'm sorry so don't interrupt me you donut did you really think you're gonna get away with this sneaking food into a televised cooking competition how lazy is that you're so lazy you make a sloth look like an Olympic Athlete how insanely foolish have you got to be you should know there are no shortcuts to success you have to do things the hard way does this mean I lost or like do I have to make it anymore obvious you're forgetting something my apron foreign [Music] let's just get the coverage of me giving the win to Michael now I'm terribly sorry about this if you need to call to your boss you won't get in trouble to be honest even if I lost my job I don't care I just really want a picture with you cool of course [Music] who are you I'm Jenny's dad and what's this I hear you call me a doofus everybody the menu but I'm not gonna create it what if you are everybody knows I'm the best cook here it's gonna be permanently featured on our brand new do you think I can get one of those too it's just a janitor he can't answer I'm gonna go finish mopping the floor okay
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 9,892,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: LnR76F3I4AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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