HOMELESS MAN Takes Meal From BLIND LADY | Dhar Mann Bonus

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see that lady she comes here every day at 12:30 always with two plates of food one she eats herself and the other she just sleeps on the bench why who cares why the point is it's about to be a plate of free food for us to take she must make it herself because it is delicious sounds like you need it [Music] oh my God th this is incredible she's been doing this as long as I can remember I'm talking years but why make all this food just to leave it behind who knows who cares this is between us got it you tell anyone about this word gets out and we have to fight people off for this food then the cravy train is over I got it I won't say nothing [Music] I've been sleeping here for the past year sir it's pretty safe you're welcome to sleep here tonight we'll work on finding you at top so you can make a tent of your own tomorrow thanks Ron for all the advice yeah don't mention it I know how tough it was for the first few weeks on the streets for me but I'm happy to help make it a little bit easier for you if I [Music] okay cool if I join you name is Trey haven't seen you around here before I'm Jason I'm I'm kind of new here what put you out on the streets uh you know life I hear that what about you I got in with the wrong crowd in school before long I was addicted to drugs stealing from my own grandma just to get a fix she tried to help me but I just pushed her and anyone else who cared about me away then the day I turned 17 I bounced spent the first few months couch surfing but I burned through friends fast so for the past 3 years these streets have been my home you look really good for a drug adding no offense yeah that's that's kind of the funny part it took me becoming homeless to finally get clean really how'd that happen I Ed a year ago yeah it was really bad almost killed me but one of the women that lives here Lisa she found me and got me to the ER she stayed and watched over me till I was discharged and then walked me into group for addicts that was really nice of her yeah she lost her son and husband to opioids about 3 years ago while she's on the streets actually she didn't want to see me go down same path after all she did to keep me alive I don't want to let her down I've been sober ever since going on 14 months now did you ever think about going back home now that you're clean every day but doubt my family wants to see me after all the trouble I've caused them or maybe I'm just too embarrassed to face him I'm sure your family would love to see you again I doubt it nice to meet you Jace I'm gonna crash for a bit but [Music] [Music] [Music] are you sure don't you need it I can spare one for the night thanks [Music] yeah rise and shine what what's going on and Lisa heard about a new homeless encampment across town that's better than this I'm talking bathrooms showers and there's a soup kitchen right next door you want to come with um I think I'm going to stick around a bit longer really why since I'm Le leaving that means the park Lady's food is all yours are you sure yeah I'm sure I'm going to be eating like a king soon enough just don't go flapping your gums about the setup around other people got it I'm serious I got it oh run thank you for everything [Music] [Music] excuse me uh mind if I sit next to you sure I've seen you around here these past few days uh seems like this is your spot oh yes I've been coming here for years it's a very special place for me but why the two plates of food I mean I only ever see you finish one that's true the rest I leave for a very special person can I ask you a favor sure may I feel your face uh [Music] okay oh you remind me so much of him I'm sure if you could see me I doubt you'd say I remind you of anybody you knew why is that I'm homeless for when why why are you homeless if you don't mind me asking it's a long story I've got nothing but time I ran away from home oh I see were you being abused or no no nothing like that I just well I kept SC up no matter what I did it seemed to be wrong at school at home and my personal life I just couldn't get out of my own way I always thought that I wasn't good enough for my family like I always disappointed them so I ran away it seemed easier that way [Music] I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you you sound exactly like my grandson he ran away too about 4 years ago and I haven't seen him since this is our spot his mother worked so I took care of him during the day and we would come to this park every day we would sit together eat our lunch while we people watched you like people watching oh yes my grandson would describe the people for me it was our little game so that's why you keep coming back I know this sounds silly but I kept hoping that he would come back one day and then I'd be here and then we'll sit together and enjoy a meal like the old days but I'm beginning to lose hope that that will ever happen well don't give up just yet I think one day you'll have your [Music] reunion that's so sweet of you I tell you what let's make a deal I won't give up hope on my grandson if you promise me that you will go back home and and try talking to your parents oh I I don't know about that trust me they don't hate you they're probably just like me hoping every day that you'll turn up okay you got a deal all right oh and please here I haven't touched this I want you to have it please eat up I sure mhm delicious I made it [Music] myself going somewhere home actually yeah good for you you know that park down the street yeah near the Southside bench there's this old woman that goes there every day with two plates of really good food she eats one leaves the other if you wait till she leaves the food is all yours thank you yeah of course [Music] [Music] who's there it's me Grant oh I have come here for years just hoping that you would come back to see me [Music] are you ready to come home now actually I was kind of hoping we could sit and eat just like the old days of course we can here [Music] it sounds like she's all dressed up ready to go on a date it looks like it you love her blue dress hi Dad I know you hate me but uh oh my God my son your mom and I have missed you so much I'm so glad you're home I I missed you today [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Bonus
Views: 1,895,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dhar mann, behind the scenes, motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, self improvement, happiness, kindness, dhar mann studios, dhar mann behind the scenes, dhar mann actors
Id: PoeP4f6MbrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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