[VLOG] Thrifting - Storage Units - Opening the Safe

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so I own Rochester Minnesota for a meeting which doesn't start for about an hour so of course I'm going to savers not planning a whole lot in this store it's pretty bare so one of my favorite things are there it's one of my favorite things to do when I'm traveling is go check out the corny roadside attractions that doesn't get much corny er than that so I was driving through a small town I found a goodwill well I found this router 699 I get 26 or 27 after fees used on Amazon and this 299 824 after fees just need to make sure that works I'll test it when I get home with my iPod so I fell asleep in the car and my better half woke me up at a goodwill in Wisconsin Rapids so some good fines so far we get this camera for ten bucks get about a hundred and forty after fees on Amazon I do need the charger I might have one of those in stock otherwise they're cheap to order this guy here five bucks is going for about twenty eight on eBay they've got a Walkman really nice shape five bucks going for about twenty to thirty now this back to the future flux capacitor charger was debating if I want to spend that for my own collection but I looked it up this thing is sold recently on eBay for a hundred and thirty so my other half found me workout shirt yes I will be buying that and then I found this it's a ti-83 worth about 20 bucks they want five I'll open the battery compartment and yeah I'm gonna pass on this one all right I think that's it for this store I'm seriously excited about this and it's gonna be really tough for me to sell it but I'll never find another one again but it's harder than thirty bucks let's go up to Solomon warden Stevens Point she's a little excited to get inside she's also a ball of energy right now this wasn't planning to me in a thrift trip but apparently it's turning into that so I went to this goodwill and all I found was crap yeah here's a brand that I only know him because of Craigslist hunter doesn't seem to be worth a whole lot of line but it's here alright last Goodwill the night also in Stevens Point so here's what I got here I get about 50 bucks for this sure shot I will date I've sold this one many times before this one I think was like 40 or 50 bucks it's a digital camera it does work and I should have a charger at the warehouse for it this these boxes are just gonna get scrapped these remotes are about 15 bucks each they're good ones and that whole samp was what 4 bucks so I'll get 30 for that this I'll walk away about 20 after fees just a joystick nothing special there's the price 6 bucks right here we've got another film camera this one's about I think there's 25 I've sold this one several times before they're very easy to test actually let's say you pop that open you put in a battery and then you push the button make sure the stuff doesn't stink this it was buried in with those I saw the edges in like that looks like something that would go with it yes - it is it is a screen for ps2 to make your PlayStation Portable they won't five bucks it does not in the power cord but this AV cord is included I don't know if it's a proprietary if it's just a regular AV chord but the power cord shouldn't be too hard to find if I can get the power cord it should be a decent value it's still awkward when I'm filming and look behind me there's people standing there how's it going everybody we still rabbit here it is really nice outside we're gonna work on one of these storage units I've been driving the car for the past couple of days because of the weather let's lock that glad to come here get the truck in the trailer and I think I've showed you this unit yet you saw a little glance at it when I bought it but that's it so here is the unit I paid 330 bucks for it this looks like a pretty nice dresser these are kind of lower end with still nice tables I have not set foot in this unit yet I have no idea what to expect that could be a watch or something some jewelry we'll check it for silver or gold I'm not gonna hold my breath on it that looks like it might have been part of a nicer table or something that might still be in here oh it's just kind of household stuff we got a little briefcase in there what's over here more drawers a bunch of Christmas cards it's a lot of stuff in here this is intriguing interests oh I think this it's like a knockoff Crosley I bet I can get 20 bucks for that that will go good will what else someone left their child in here we got a backpack here sometimes those have decent stuff in them this looks like a brand new little bookshelf probably 20 for that oh we got a wheel chair whole bunch of boxes of stuff it's nice it's not a ton of furniture that almost looks like a bench like for a booth maybe I don't know oh there's not a ton a big heavy furniture that's gonna suck to move that might be somebody let me step on this Magnavox there we go these about a hundred bucks on Amazon so that'll be a nice little cell right there I'll pay for a decent chunk of the cost so I'm gonna start getting this stuff hauled out and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try this is a goodwill right around the corner here I'm gonna try and sort some of it here since it is a nice day and see how much I can just all the goodwill like this assuming that's a full box of clothes these bags of clothes I can go right to Goodwill what's up here shoes probably goodwill that there's a little lock box in there um that's just gonna be trash it looks like in the dresser okay dressers empty hidden drawer on top [Music] sometimes you find good stuff in dressers when they're full uh-huh you never know it might be some jewelry or something in there oh it's just a file cabinet some shoes so what'd I say paid three thirty I think I have notes which I looked at before I told you the first price set of lamps there's a suitcase down there so well dig through it see what we find I'm gonna see how much of this I can get hauled out in one trip we'll take a trip to Goodwill around the corner and then one trip to the warehouse I think we'll still need multiple trips to the warehouse but you never know so I'll start digging on what you don't find anything interesting so we made a little bit of a dent this is all goodwill it's almost entirely clothing that is trash this is personal effects papers and photos and everything we are able to get these back to the owner of this unit this is a goodwill box I'm working on mostly clothing so we cleared some space here I found a camera it's been a while since I've sold these they used to be like 40 bucks on Amazon maybe 20 or 30 maybe still 40 a record looks worse for wear but it's worth looking up this is an Under Armor shirt with the local high school team maybe someone will buy that this looks brand new crock-pot looks like a football i just opened the box it's still wrapped in the plastic I'm about to investigate a little further but worst case even used it's worth some money over here I've got a coach purse a little worse for wear but I could probably still get 20 bucks for it and this is all the stuff that I'm keeping him there were a few pairs of new shoes but only singles find a lot of single shoes I wonder that and the wheelchair maybe this lady was an amputee I found this it's a little older but I could probably still get 40 bucks on Amazon for it that's basically where I'm at so far a couple of bags here that I need to go through I'm just trying to pull the Goodwill stuff first looks like there's some albums in there but I can't clear this out that is all VHS tapes that's labeled Christmas dishes and looks like Christmas dishes it's a shame a nice plastic flip-top tote but I'm not going to go through it I'm Bree to go straight to Goodwill and I want to get through this stuff so I can shove this dresser up along the wall I'm right now just kind of on I cleared some stuff out of here to this file cabinet it's just personal papers in one of the drawers the other drawers empty I'm trying to get through Oh see those you all boxes I could use those for Amazon shipments as long as the bottoms are all messed up for being on the floor so I'm just trying to do Goodwill first I want to get all of the goodwill stuff on here and then I can come back for the trash which is come in the warehouse with me and the salable stuff this is nice I thought this was just like a little kids chair but it goes all the way down the floor it's a shelving unit we've got is this metal no it's plastic it's made to look like metal a little outdoor table probably sell it for the with those chairs for 20 bucks or something Oh looks like a sewing machine down here other than that I really haven't gotten to see much else oh damn it is that a KitchenAid stand mixer yes sir it is a KitchenAid stand mixer that depend on the model should be between 50 and 250 this is quite a variable on them but those are nice I've got one on my counter that we never used but I had to get it what I only got it cheap at a garage sale it's not too worried I don't know what that thing is all right it looks like this could be a lot of clothing and stuff in these boxes so it should be pretty quick to uh get emptied oh that might be kitchen this might be one of those mini coca-cola fridges what's this medical stuff maybe urinary catheter right here so here's what I gather I found needles but I also found insulin so I'm assuming this person was diabetic and not a drug user I haven't found anything that even if I was being judgmental would make me think they're a drug user there's in that file cabinet there's a bunch of funeral stuff you know the little cards with the person's picture in a poem a stack of them from its from 2007 so probably quite a while ago but a lot of medical stuff it could be saved from whoever passed away you know 7 I'm not sure I was trying to see if I can figure out the story on these that wheelchair does look newer though although I'm not an expert in wheelchairs either so we'll dig through this stuff some more and see what we can find a little more progress in I found a cult membership kit here but usually these get-rich-quick things are worth some decent money what else some of this is trash this is basically stuff going back to the warehouse either trash or good selling stuff so this was full of records all that's personal photos - that's a 55 dollar book 55 after fees on Amazon also some nicer pan sets that we're gonna put together there's the KitchenAid there were some other textbooks in here nothing of value so that's where I'm at now I don't think I have much else to report from a little more costume jewelry well what I assume is custom Joey will look through it a couple of movies apple corer or some boots I don't think there's really the briefcase and had some personal photos in it I took those out I'm gonna sell the briefcase speaking of where's this thing is nice so it's got the top lifts up like a chest and then these that pull out these are wooden photo albums is another one right there I would like to sell it but honestly the time we would take to take all of their photos oh it's just not worth the 10 15 bucks I would get for it so we're just gonna give it back to them as it sits oh stuff like that is just one of the dumpster some of the medical stuff we can sell some of it we can't I still need to go through those looks like a nice wood bench here this table will probably go to Goodwill that's pretty did I show you this all records um couple bags of them right there looks like an older briefcase down here so that's where we're at on the trailer the floorspace about half full I'm not gonna stack it too tall we're basically just gonna do like one layer along the floor I might try to just dump that into something cuz those in secretes are nice kind of want to keep it for myself what else some crappy er pots and pans and kitchen stuff this is all the good will stuff like this lamp we really can't sell floor lamps unless they're nice they don't really sell for much if they sell it all out here these two boxes are also good will this is more it looks like two similar sets of pans stack and the box of personal garbage again this is my stuff by the gloves garbage race Oh a couple of cast-iron pans they're unbranded but probably still get 10 bucks for the set maybe five so trailer is full full of Goodwill stuff I'm certainly loading stuff back in now I'm gonna go with that that's not all the goodwill stuff but right now we've got a lot of stuff coming back to the warehouse that it's kind of in the way so we're gonna do this goodwill run then we're gonna do a warehouse run made a little progress back here most of these boxes we're boxes of stuff just worth looking three so we'll look through those later I got rid of a lot of blankets that were stacked up there so this looks like it might be like a kitchen table maybe it has a glass top and we've got that case looks interesting I mean I kind of want to get to it right now up these are upside down it's a typewriter I don't even need to open it so when you shell you can't see little shelving unit there there must be a couple more dressers in here little table what was in this Oh edge didn't it ain't goin anymore but we got some chairs here Oh match a different type of table this is a mattress but is all ratchet I could probably get it right in the dumpster there's gotta be because I'm seeing drawers like this a whole bunch room so that's gonna be a dresser I'm seeing that style so that's gonna be a second dresser and then there's a white one over there so a third dresser and then the main one that we looked up by the front so there's gotta be four dressers in here I don't see them anywhere so we might just end up with a bunch of drawers but you never know if there's one buried in here somewhere it might be a kitchen table because that looks like feet I have no idea I don't know where there would be any more dressers but you never know once we get through a little bit so I'm gonna get that dropped off and then this whole wall just about is coming back to the warehouse with me as well as a bunch of the stuff up front so that'll clear enough space where I can dig a little bit more got that all dropped off I went inside grabbed myself for water and a bathroom break they were really nice at this location they kept thanking me for everything nice we good well I usually drop off at my manta pen shoes there but they're not nice sometimes let's get back over there and haul some stuff to the warehouse so I got to keep my insta crate and I found brand new with tags pair of pants well I was pulling the boxes out at Goodwill Oh looks like 46 bucks retail sold at 70% off we'll take that 70% off tag off very easily and put this in the warehouse sale there's decent money for it all right let's start emptying this out I want to get this dresser first then all the personal effects we can just stack up right there made some good progress here so all this stuff looks like it's a bit good will mostly clothing me some boxes the transfer that in and I did find this poster looks like a Beatles ticket oh I'm out of breath I'm moving fast because I might kill you another trip and that's all personal effects in this particular case we're just leaving them in the unit we've got a lot of boxes to go through yet but we got a lot of stuff out so the trailer is full this is all either good salable stuff that we're keeping boxes that haven't even enough mix what I'm going to go through it at the warehouse or garbage like that mattress I'd say we got at least half of it out if not two-thirds so I'm gonna get this that's a goodwill box and get this stuff back in we'll get this unloaded and hopefully I'll be able to get another trip tonight so there's absolutely no way I'm gonna be able to get another trip and it's already starting to get dark I'm just getting in the warehouse so we get this emptied out empty out my car from all the stuff that I picked up the trip over the weekend and then probably call it a night it is about 8 a.m. I decided to unload the trailer this morning so I'm back at this unit we're gonna try and get this one emptied as much as we can today it's gonna start raining in about two hours so I don't know how much time I'll have but if you remember this is won't the safe that we're hoping to find a key for and all that stuff we're gonna get as much as we can load it up I don't know if I'm going to be able to make two trips just because it's supposed to start raining at 10:00 and it's gonna rain all day so we'll see we'll get what we can though so we're making some progress here I don't think I'll get it in one trip I'm gonna try if it's not a lot I've got one of those two years so I can just shove the last of it in like the mattress or something I wish I showed you this before I filled in boxes but this antique dresser actually has some drawers on the top that one's empty this one's locked though so I want to figure out a way to pick that lock if I can't find the key I don't know if there's anything in it or not but and then this little detailed piece is missing but I don't think that's a big deal otherwise it's in really nice shape I didn't even think it was an antique I would have thought like 1960s until I looked at the back which again I can't show you well yeah you can't really see that but it's definitely an antique very old dresser well trailers full I mean I could add more stuff on top isn't really gonna help much we got most of it out here I grabbed every that looks like it might have the key to that safe in it so hopefully we find it just in case I'm not able to get a second trip out today so what do we have left most of this is like trash we've got some sockets and stuff husky and this looks like new this might be new antique saw some ratchet straps another saw antique chair you get this rifle stand I'm gonna grab this too just in case that has keys and that we did find some brooms to sweep this out a couple of microwaves the bed it's tough to say to condition the beds in I can give it away or if I'll need to dump it but that's about it and some other odds and there's still some sellable stuff in here but we got most of it out found some neat stuff just from what I saw an antique step stool there some other odds and ends so I'm gonna get this unloaded and depending on how the weather looks I'm trying come back and get the rest of this today I still have the one from yesterday about half-full and then I've got the one another one a couple doors down it's mostly just trash left in there and that giant stove but that's alright right now alright just drop the box of liquor in the dumpster and it's not raining yet so we're gonna be another trip out of there we should have it emptied in this one no problem I grabbed some garbage bags which I had to pull out of the garbage my cleaning lady puts extra bags in the garbage cans so we couldn't you know swap it out easily well my role of garbage bags is in the yard I was that yesterday I left it over there cuz I was hoping to get another trip in there the seat belt dinger was beeping I edited that out so anyways I words and things left I grab some garbage bags out of the garbage and some more empty totes we're gonna get this one emptied out now all right this one is officially empty got the trailer loaded up now I need to grab something out of this one over here take a little walk with me I sold that display case for 60 bucks so it's on wheels to be nice and easy gonna wheel it out and fit it in the trailer I got to deliver it I don't like delivery stuff is not really worth my time they gave me extra 10 bucks for delivery I try was listed 450 but this is something that it's a tougher sell and I want it out of here so that's that's the next step I get all this thing you go through yet - most of it is just trash out it's a little bit of furniture a couple other odds and ends but most of it is like this or it's just trash so I got it in when I had to leave this bag of trash here we'll save this for another day so I found the key it was in the in the desk see what's in here I can get thrown out all right so we've got some personal papers looks like checks a whole bunch of checks I'm gonna check these envelopes for cash it's just another box of checks we've got a condom and then down here a knife [Music] old-timer [Music] old money clip this is the hardware for the safe we've got a watch probably not worth much we've got a chain here doesn't look like gold though I can't grab it so okay this isn't working alright it wasn't gold no see we've got a credit card and the knife I presume doesn't look like anything too special I have Boy Scouts of America we've yeah another knife again not anything too special but nice-looking a watch Harry Dalton never heard of it again I don't expect it to be worth a whole lot looks to be engraved I love you now and forever alright I'm trying not to just reach in here and grab this opposed to be another knife well it's the box say yeah I doubt that's worth much what else do we have in here another knife just the knives will do well some pens and some jump we've got another knife not worth anything we get a flashlight in here so I can actually see what I'm doing and that looks to be oh there's a ring right here I have to get off the floor before I look closely at that another little pocket knife see if there's anything under the felt on either of these and two more knives under the felt so I'm on TV we'll get this rain I've probably got 20 bucks worth of knives and the safe so that has the key we can sell that probably another 20 30 bucks for that and the ring is mark 925 sterling silver so nothing too exciting in the safe I've never had a really exciting finding the safe but usually there's not even valuables this time we got some money here so we've got a whole bunch of stuff we can send the local auctions to sell but look what I found in the bottom of the drawer I think it's the right one there we go well at least there's that I can get glued back on a whole lot of nothing otherwise nice little antique dresser here this I'll just glue on right there with the key I found this and I just realized it's marked special edition I don't know if that means anything but I looked up this brand here that's not the brand there's the brand dango so tactical wallet these things are selling for like 50 to 150 bucks so there's a decent fine we'll get that on eBay what else you saw the knives some random phones is this knife doubt that's worth anything but this is a coin Bank it's kind of neat watch feels pretty happy but highly doubtful this is worth anything Hawaiian Lifeguard Association maybe it will look that up and you got some new socks and you saw the gun last summer I went through there that's mostly goodwill pile except I need to look up that book correction I looked up Hawaiian Lifeguard Association watch 7 used ones have sold on eBay in the last 90 days ranging from 56 to 175 bucks that will also go on eBay what else I looked up another watch - this one feels like a nice watch I couldn't find any information about it there were no Harry Dalton watches I tried looking at that 580 M that just sounds like the movement and look to see if there's any info on the back here but feel like you feel being grieved it would be a nicer watch but I couldn't find much on it maybe I'll set it aside until this video goes on YouTube and you guys can let me know so I was about to hand that watch off to my ebay guy and I remember I saw a bunch of empty watch boxes and look what I found I don't know if it's the same one but HLA 5502 does it say down here somewhere mmm there's 50 500 series 55 so that's probably the box for it so let's um that'll definitely up the value of this watch so this guy definitely enjoyed the finer things that all the Allen Edmonds boxes right there but between those that's run a ton of like bags and stuff for Men's Wearhouse a bunch of suits hanging a bunch of watch boxes I would not be surprised if I find some more valuable stuff more watches would definitely be nice the more valuable type but so far it's just the one the other ones who didn't like seem like too much but maybe I should look up that cheap one see maybe it is something so the bet that came out of the unit usually I'll price these if they're not gross at 20 bucks just to get someone to come get it I've mentioned in other videos that is more likely to get picked up at 20 rather than giving it for free this one's actually in really nice shape and it's only two and a half years old you can see a manufactured November of 2017 so I listed it for 50 I'd imagine that would go pretty quick in this book here is got 27 after fees on Amazon here's the barcode if you want to look it up remember that Hawaiian Lifeguard Association watch just sold for a hundred bucks so I don't remember what it was a couple days ago I filmed it what I paid for the you know I was like three thirty three fifty three twenty something in that range that's a nice chunk of that pay for right there it sold within like twenty four hours of being listed I also found this wallet we listed it for $69.99 there's the here's what it looks like it's interesting and we listed as a bifold wallet it really isn't but every other listing for this is calling it a bifold wallet so it's more like pockets he should have got a close-up of this here a handwritten number sequence for their special edition I don't know if that's gonna op the value at all also this picture is kind of dark and I probably would have we may need to look at some of the pictures he does most of them seem fine but I probably would have done maybe something like that put a close-up as the main one or something like that yeah just have a discussion on that speaking of which were up to 40 231 items it's seventeen hundred and thirty listings current asking price over ninety one grand and over ten thousand sales on eBay in the past month you may have seen it in previous videos I always had a toner cartridge the brother toner cartridge sitting right where that brown box is well that wasn't for sale as for this printer and when Tim started he rearranged everything in here which I told him to do I said arrange it in a way where you'll be able to find this stuff well I think he moved that toner cartridge I don't blame him but it's sitting with the inventory and something that would make sense to sell I don't think he listed it because it was in with the inventory this bunch of ink well it's not in here and I would figure he'll to put it next to that so I'm about 75% sure I didn't use it so I'm not certain he may actually be in the printer right now but anyways my point in all this is I can't find the toner and the printer is getting low I actually found it a thrift store a while back I always make note of what my printers needs so if I find it in thirst or anyways so I'm so bad at remembering things I left him a note to remind me to ask him a question yeah I would I'll totally forget by tomorrow he will remind me if when I come in the morning and I'm gonna go oh yeah toner and then ask him so there's that so I'm deed through the boxes from the storage unit and I'm gonna cover up some info but he was paid seventy thousand dollars from a medical supplement um January 22nd of last year it takes it was from an insurance company it takes about six months of being in default for a unit to go up to auction so that means about eight months or so after he got 70 grand he stopped paying rent which is interesting I thought maybe he passed away but I looked on Facebook and he had a Facebook post two weeks ago maybe a week ago it was like late February so that's interesting and fifty bucks later the bed is gone so if you remember I got these brand new tennis shoes on a pallet of paper goods for some reason they actually fit me perfect and I'm in the market for a pair of running shoes I looked him up I guess I'll get about 78 bucks on eBay - fees my shipping I'm looking at I don't know fifty to sixty bucks that's about what I'd go and pay for a new pair of shoes anyway like I said I needed some so I will keep these
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 16,589
Rating: 4.911602 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop
Id: m4AT_dAZHao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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