Opening a Locked Abandoned Safe!

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- Oh my gosh. You ready for this? Little safe. That is an old gun. (tense sound) Welcome back to the fourth edition of our storage locker hunting experiment. We've had some great ones and we've also struck out a few times. And today I'm filming this on actual election day. I'm near Dallas, Texas. I traveled all the way down here to see White Settlement, Texas. I'm kind of surprised that there's a place called White Settlement, Texas. I paid $1,000 for this unit. It was very popular. A lot of people wanted this. Is this is not the coolest office you've ever seen? Unboxing what's inside of this thing, we're gonna do the ultimate unboxing of a storage locker today. First, you drive into this area and this is where you park your car, load in and out. It is climate controlled in these units. Luckily for us, this one is on the first level. A lady came in here, put this stuff in there three years ago. She's never been in here since. Let's see this. (upbeat music) Jake, open her up. - Okay. - What is inside of this storage locker? (door clatters open) (laughs) Yes, this is it. Oh my, we got lots of boxes in here, but this is what we came for right here. There is a nice gun right here and down there, SentrySafe, a little safe. I don't know. It's pretty organized. - Everything's labeled. It's clean. I think we've got a winner here. - Yes! - I'm feeling really good about that gun. - [Cameraman] Why don't you feel the actual gun? Just squeeze it. Is there a gun inside of it? Please have a gun inside of it. - Uh oh. - [Cameraman] What? No. - There's a gun. - Yes! Man, there's a lot of stuff in here. I feel bad for people that leave their stuff. Good news, there's a very dusty key that looks like it's to the safe. (safe clatters) Oh, there's something in there. Yeah, there's something inside of that safe. (sheep baas) Look at that. Three years of dust. Let's start with the safe. Now, let's try this. This looks like it belongs to it. - [Jake] Uh oh. - Oh, dude that's jacked up. Is there a broken key... (gasps) It's broken inside. Somebody tried to get inside of this and they couldn't. Check it out. It's broken and you can see inside of there. - We're gonna have to get in it. We're gonna have to get serious. - [Cameraman] We need some tools for this guy. - Yeah. - One of the videos we did with an abandoned safe once was up in Alaska with my wife's grandfather, Grandpa Jack, and he had a safe from his old restaurants that he hadn't been able to open for 20, 25 years, and so they asked me if I could cut into the safe. It was difficult to get into, but we found some things in there that were really interesting. I'll link to that video in the description. It was a really fun video. There's a chance that for 10 years, 20 years nobody's been able to get in there and get the valuables. I feel good about this. Let's go for the gun. (zip screeches) Oh my, that is old. Woo! Wow! That is an old gun. (gun bangs) That is an old gun. Oh, okay. It's open. You can see it's just like a double barreled shotgun. So that locks it into place, put the shells in there, lock it up, and then when you pull the triggers, pew, pew, pew, pew. Let's make gun noises. Utica Firearms Co. The butt of it is a little bit broken off, a little bit of rust on that. What do you think that's worth, Jake? - I don't know, $2,000? - Yeah, no, I don't think so. (laughs) We're gonna take this to a gun place. There's plenty of shops that buy guns here in Texas. (cash register rings) Let's get into some of this other stuff before we get into the safe. (upbeat music) What we got in here, Ian? "How to Draw Manga". (upbeat music) All right, you, there you go. That is old. All of their checks that they've written. So weird going through people's junk. It just still... It feels wrong to me. Date of delivery, July 13th, 1993. And here's somebody's resume from 1994. - [Jake] This will hold 360 K. - If there's anything we learn from these videos, it's that storage lockers are probably not the place you wanna put your stuff. It's the storage junk, and then finally it goes to auction. Nothing in there. (tape reel squeaks) Life Magazine. December 13th, 1963. - [Jake] President Johnson is pertinent for election day here. - Today is election day. - [Jake] Maybe there's some collector value there. Value? $25. - General Electric advertising. 1963, John F. Kennedy. Oh! - Huh, wow! - What? Look at these newspapers. - Yeah, November 29th. - November 29th, 1963. First bullet. This is in really good shape too. I'm holding on to these guys. "Ray Faces Quick Extradition". "Moonmen Are Ready For Luna Liftoff." - [Jake] Oh, cool! - Astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the moon at 9:56 last night to become the first human to set foot on the moon. That is cool. A weather for a Texas phone. (upbeat music) - Ooh! (box rattles) - What do we got inside of here? (gasps) Oh man. US Navy Seal right there. Dude, an old one cent Indian head. This is a penny from 1899. That's gotta have some value. - Oh! A two dollar bill. - 1976. That's that. - [Jake] That's worth $2. - Somebody's military wings. - Oh, cool. - Five cents. What is the year on that? This is old. It doesn't show the year on it, but you can see that it's super old and worn. - Oh yeah. - Okay, so we've got a few things in here. (Jake whistles) Oh my gosh. You ready for this? - [Jake] I can't wait. - We've got a few things in here that are of value. One is this old knife, two is this smaller old knife, three, smaller old knife, smallest old knife. That's it! (upbeat music) I was hoping for more from this gold bag here, but... This bag was interesting. Hmm. - [Jake] Hey, this is memorabilia. - Eric Clapton. Paulie. Miss Aurion, 1992. This is Jethro Tull, "Rock Island". You open it up. David Pegg of Jethro Tull. I have no value in that. No. Oh boy. - Okay. Bring those feet. - This is signed by some sort of baseball player. Again, signed by somebody that I don't know. Bill Baites, sorry, I don't know who you are also. Some sort of rocker there. Just a random picture of Eric Clapton. (upbeat music) All right, we're getting to this one here. This is a giant quilt. This is an old jacket. - Oh! - I got a little old washable, a bit broken. This feels pretty good. Check out this one, it's heavy. This old pocket watch with a silver case was worn by my grandfather from 1864 to 1955. That thing is like 1900s, maybe even before. - 25 centavos, Republic of Mexico. American Bank Note Company, New York. What? 1915, series I. Look at the writings on it. Look at the printing of it. I feel like there's some value to that. Here's some of the old watches that we found. Old tickets from concerts. (upbeat music) I mean, that's a close up picture of Kiss from back in the day. Do people collect these? This thing is signed by Batman? This is kind of fun, finding old stuff. I like this, collectibles. Wow, all the best to him. Concert tickets. This guy loved rocking out. Jethro Tull, Santana. Do people buy concert tickets stubs? Maybe not a ton of value, but I'm having a blast on this unit. There's a bunch of oil lamps, like legit oil lamps, and I don't know why there's so many. "Cory's personal". "History of the 90th Division". This is one old book, newspaper articles. I wish I was a collectible person and I could say more about these things. "Jack and Jill", August 1946. I don't know. Look at this old picture. It's like this old military picture and it says, "this is me" on it. Personal items. Holy dynamite, I love that. "Dad drawers". If you know anything about dads, they love to put things in their drawers. This is what was in dad's drawers. (laughs) We're gonna get paid here. Dad loves his pocket knives. - I got something for you. That one could be something. - Belly rings, nose rings. Hmm, I'll be honest, I'm not some expert at jewelry but that does not seem like it's worth it. - Kind of looks costume-y. - One free movie rental, tons of keys. This guy went to so many concerts. We need to do that and get rid of "Dad's drawers" but this is "other drawers". Here's a nice cell phone right there. (camera clicks) Star Wars Nintendo DS. (junk clatters) "Fragile knick-knacks". - (taps box) The money box. I got a good feeling about it. Okay, we got a penguin here. Think we break it open with our hands? - It's fragile. Careful with your muscles, yeah? Oh, little nut things, nutty things. Oh, look at that cutie! We've got another oil lamp. Ooh, eagle. - Broken eagle. - A rat? - Mouse. - This one is "living room cabinet". Oh, okay. Lincoln Cent, collection starting 1941. Ooh, like that's on steel. That's a steel penny. Those are steel pennies. Oh yeah, here we go. Pretty good collection there. "Crown Royal", isn't that like an alcohol? Sneaky place to keep your Bible. Old cards. Like do people collect Kiss cards? They collect Pokemon cards. I don't know. This one's actually in a protective sleeve. I think it's signed though. - [Jake] Oh! - That's like the exact same card though too. Good find. - It is signed. (upbeat music) - It's like spring loaded. It's got some diamonds. - You think those are real diamonds, huh? - I don't know. Oh, yes! Jake, are you ready for this? - Hit me! - This is not staple food for fish. These are coins. - Ooh! - 50 cent coins. Oh, and a big old... Hah! And there's two more of them. Wow. - $10 in each one. There's $30. (claps hands) Thank you! Scooby Doo. Hah! There's some more coins. Do you hear that? That's the sound of money. More, and then another kids card. More kids cards. - $30 if you have all 367. - Oh my gosh. - Let's keep collecting. - Bear scout book? Just opened up a knick-knacks box and we found this inside of it. Paper money! Honduras. Lots of Honduras money. - [Jake] Ooh! Hey, there you go. - Las Vegas Hilton Spacequest Casino. (jar rattles) We've been working for a long time, a long time. These are some of the things we're gonna take with us. Of course, we're gonna take the safe. We've got the gun over there. These are personal items. This is all stuff that we're going to leave for the people here at the storage locker to shred or do what they want with that. These are all things that need to go to Goodwill. And then we gotta break open the safe, see what's inside of it. - Hopefully, we've got some good stuff in the safe, but overall you'll probably break even with what we've already found. - It's been pretty good. A lot of the coins, a lot of the stuff, it has some value to it. (upbeat music) (cash register rings) Here we go, leaving Roy's Pawn Shop here. Got $75 for my old gun. They said it was something from before the Great Depression. A lot of gun companies didn't survive after the Great Depression, and so this was one of those that never made it. That's why they don't recognize the brand. As far as the watch goes, it didn't look like it worked. Like, they were trying to shake it and do all this stuff. It's probably worth like 50 bucks. I'm gonna hold on to it. I wanna get a second opinion on that and just see. Maybe I take it to a watch, jeweler place that knows how to fix it. And then the safe, of course, the safe with the broken key inside. Here's our tools today, a two and a half pound sledgehammer, it's the biggest they had, and this little guy. (hammer clangs) Let's do this pokey side. (hammer clangs) - [Jake] Oh! - I think it's starting right there. (upbeat music) Yes, haha! This isn't my first rodeo. (upbeat music stops abruptly) "", that was some sort of a cigarette paper, a plastic bag, this metal pointy tool, this knife, why? (laughs) This razor blade. That's it, guys. Don't get suckered into seeing a safe inside of a storage locker. You can't tell what's in it. - "They're going to the moon." - That's really cool. Whoa! - Dude, that almost caught your eye. Sorry.
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Keywords: Opening a Locked Abandoned Safe!, safe, abandoned safe, treasure, old, safe cracking, vault, abandoned, money, inside, found a safe, found, auction, hidden safe, 1000, 10000, vlog, funny, how to, video, did you know, secret, mystery box, auction hunters, storage wars, found safe, opening abandoned safe, diy, justdustin, justdustin safe, breaking into abandoned safe, abandoned money
Id: x0eVVotabAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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