CASH MONEY Stashed In BANKER BOXES Abandoned Storage Locker Bought on StorageTreasures

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but look at all this oil guys we hit a little snack okay our car stopped working our jeep guys or this is insane i'm gonna have to look through all those freaking papers we may find freaking thousand bucks in cash but guess what i was looking through more paperwork look at this guys this is insane 20s look at this guys [Music] what's up guys we just bought a storage unit for a hundred dollars that's it one hundred dollars this is a 14 by 27 this is a massive storage unit don't worry it's not all full in fact there's not much that we can go through today graham adventures is not is not included in the storage units um we found a bunch of oil guys uh well we found a bunch of other stuff but the reason why i really bought the units was the shelving units for our garage sale expensive yeah and look how much stuff we can fit on those shelves for our garage sale and so i bought it for the garage sale shelves that we're gonna have in two weeks but a pleasant supply surprise we found a bunch of oil guys yes cases of oil cases of oil i'm wondering if i should dump it or sell it or i'm joking your oil honey it's my oil i'm going to sell it i'm going to sell it you know there's fire parts mixed all out through here yeah yeah so what we're going to do guys to film this unit because honestly a lot of it is um paperwork and i knew that going into it it's only a hundred dollar unit i mean i paid a hundred bucks for it all right it's all over brand new car cards yeah but what we're gonna do is um i'm gonna try to film as much as i can that does not have paperwork and then we're gonna put on the table and show you what we got for a hundred bucks also though this is not the only video you're gonna see today we are pairing it with a second storage unit that i bought in the same facility that is full of boxes and tubs our favorite our favorite so you're gonna see this storage unit what we found for a hundred dollars and then right after that in the same video we are going to not cheat you but include a second storage unit that's full of boxes that you guys gonna see shortly so you're gonna see two storage units in one video today alright so that being said let me move some of this stuff over here i'm going to find the non-personal stuff and then we're going to bring it over here and show you on the table what we found out of the storage unit but these are going to work great for the garage sale that we're having we can put a lot of stuff on these and it makes it easy for people to see what we have so don't go anywhere guys we'll be back i promise guys we made over a thousand dollars i do believe so we made over a thousand bucks in the race car chairs oh my gosh guys brand new i'm not joking we made over a thousand dollars let me show you a couple of things then i'll have grand adventures show you some cool stuff because so look at this i've got a hurricane there's not a lot of light here we found brand new racing chairs for four hundred dollars still in the plastic and beautiful car seats in in beautiful condition so there's one there one there okay so that's 400 but that's 400 of each not not together that's 400 and 400 but let's say we sold for 400 there you go of course i got the big shelves that's the reason i was here but look at all this oil guys we have all this oil a ton of oil but that's not even the best part of course we have a lot of brand new stuff over there all the new car parts all these are brand new but look at this all right here you go grandma let's hold this ready so i'm gonna bring up ebay real quick and start scanning some of this stuff so you can get an idea of what it goes for so we have tens of those like 20 or 30 of these and they are they're like 21 bucks each guys and there's all different ones in here that other one you can oh what about the half a of four cutters we have a whole box of that's like three hundred dollars right there and there's more than one box there's another one right here there's a whole another one right here maybe probably more than 300 but that's just being conservative and then you scan this these are selling for forty dollars each guys and we have four of them we have four of these brand new that's so that's 200 right there what about that air filter let's check out the air filter we have this brand new air filter our garage sale is going to be insane that's going to be insane about 50 bucks that one's used new so let's say 40 yeah that's new yeah 40 bucks of course you got all the oil and then there's a super cooler oh yeah engine oil cooler i don't even know how much this goes for we've got to look online but it's in there guys never used there's a lot of other tools that we don't even have a chance to show you so we made over a thousand bucks on this got belts over there got a bunch of this this is brand new and tools and stuff brand new yeah they were into racing this is bmw by the way guys guys guys whoa what's going on what is going on we got a bunch of this stuff all right so what do you think about this locker i think you did really good because i looked at it and went oh no yeah and then you look at it with your eyes and you wear rankin money so look at this um there's four shelves here guys these things are gonna work really well nicely and you got two little ones yeah i'm trying to figure out where i want to put these shelves but guys we'll find a good spot for this we can put a lot of the stuff for the garage sale we're gonna have a bigger garage sale than last time oh yeah it's gonna be insane most of it new all right so that's the storage locker this is all bonus guys i paid 100 for everything i don't even know how much that oil goes for does anybody know this is racing oil so that may be more expensive those are all full never open those are all full never open got two more boxes two more boxes of oil never open or three boxes of oil never opened guys we have so much oil uh we'll make some money there i think they're going for like 10 bucks right now each court right we always just have the people that's a nice tire there too yeah all right that being said that's this storage unit we bought one more at the same facility here we're gonna give you a sneak peek and then tomorrow we're gonna unbox it so you guys are gonna get two storage units in one video let me know if you guys like this this first storage unit let's head on to the second one here at the same facility which makes it nice and then uh we'll do some unboxings wait i love this one and i didn't think it would i i looked at it and shunned it you really did good on this one we made some good stuff i mean we haven't got it all out yet just the little packets alone that we scan we have got like 30 of them so they're going for 20 bucks each you only paid 100 for this unit yeah 100 bucks for everything so those things are going for 20 bucks each we got about 30 of them maybe 40 brand new those heavy duty shelves oh my that's 600 guys just that one one box and i know how much those shelves cost because my work room is full of them 600 bucks just in these guys alone they cost like 250 instead and then we got 200 in those hoses man this is such a good unit all right well that being said let's head over to the next one and we'll continue on 100 well spent all right we're in this really muggy hot hallway uh but go ahead you ready yeah we're ready surprise surprise how much should we spend on this oh i spent 150 bucks for this guys oh this is really dark in here so the reason i bought this units was because um we bought the shelving unit and i knew i'd have space in the truck so i was like i might as well buy two storage units in the same location you know that echoes in here i know hello hello anybody home anybody home nope okay let's see that goes anyway here we go guys so there's no light in here but when we unbox it we're gonna unbox everything outside so that you guys can see everything there is a guitar over here oh my gosh there's an ac unit our garage sale is going to be insane um look at this ac unit guys this thing will sell oh and it's got the remote man they took really good care of their stuff look at the remote here guys that's a beautiful ac unit and then we have a guitar you ready can you grab the guitar for me do you know how to play anything no but i can look like i do okay go ahead what's your favorite song now though i have no figures what's this what's the brand of that alvarez alvarez so we have a guitar we have a lot of tubs and it has a number and a serial number and everything inside nice and all the paperwork in there you should see this oh wow look at those oh my gosh those things are heavy look at this yeah they're decorations yeah all right we do have two couches unfortunately but you know those will do well at the ground outside we have a lot of tubs all tubs here tubs here we do have a chest there's a chest down here we love chest look at that thing all right all right guys so long story short we're gonna unbox this tomorrow uh because we are tired i had an auction today and didn't have a lot of time so we're gonna unbox this tomorrow so we'll be here first thing tomorrow i will not be wearing a long sleeve and we will unbox the whole storage unit guys together i can't wait so don't go anywhere it's going to be a good one is that your director chair yeah i see a bunch of skulls okay different sizes okay yeah yeah it's gonna be good all right guys see you tomorrow don't go anywhere so we're not unboxing right now we hit a little snag okay our car stopped working our jeep um i love this jeep we bought it brand new in 2014. it's one owner vehicle and it stopped working ashley's on her way ashley is on her way to hopefully jump us hopefully that's it could be the starter i just got a new um um i got two new parts put into this thing like literally two weeks ago so for the transmission so i don't want to get rid of it i know it's old and clunky but we we had it since it was a baby but it may be time grand adventures is in here i'm thinking it's time man i'm going to look for an american made car it works great anyway so we are snagged this is the still the same day tomorrow though we're going to come with the box truck so we'll be here tomorrow with the box truck and that's working knock on wood here but i forgot to show you guys something i wasn't gonna film this but then i forgot to show you guys something in the first clip of this storage unit and that was in here so i forgot to show you what's in here we found this it's pretty heavy isn't it yeah here you want to hold the camera okay you guys ready you will not believe it it's all quarters so yes we only paid 100 bucks for the unit but we made most of it back right here it's all quarters it's all quarters guys we made most of the unit back right here right there but we're gonna give it to the kids anyway yeah all right that being said not it not not too bad not too shabby this is a great unit um i came back because i forgot to lock it then we realized the jeep wasn't working so anyway we'll see you tomorrow we're gonna unbox the other v or the other storage unit tomorrow don't go anywhere guys have an amazing night so you will not believe it's starting to get dark ashley's on our way i can't this has turned into a vlog and not a storage video let's turn into a vlog okay tell them your latest treasure so i'm waiting for ashley still sorting through this stuff right because tomorrow i gotta i gotta get this done tomorrow because we're going to the beach the next day for four days and i had to get this out here in 48 hours look what i found i would have thrown these away oh that we're not done yet by the way oh my gosh pure quarters guys we gotta look and see any of these are silver but look at this can you open the container oh my gosh guys look at that this little thing is full okay ready just like can you move it over here just so you guys can see we didn't take any quarters out hold the fight hold up oh my gosh it's heavy this thing is really heavy holy crap this is over a hundred dollars and quarters there's more in there this is over a hundred bucks in quarters right here got your money back i guarantee this is over a hundred dollars in quarters i mean look at this guys this is over 100 bucks in quarters [Laughter] oh man and we got all this too wow look i can't make this crap up they're gonna think we planted the quarters you know you know they are yeah well no they're not why would they think that i've never played god's truth i've never planted anything in any storage unit before this is just crazy coincidence well keep looking wade tell him you'll be back i'll be back if i find anything oh this is insane that's over 100 bucks right there that's heavy holy moly okay all right guys we'll be back i'm looking through more coffee cups guys or this is insane i'm gonna have to look through all those freaking papers we may find freaking thousand bucks in cash look at this guys so i found it exactly like this here you want to hold it hold the camera we don't have the director chair today so we're using the uh oh we've been here a while yeah i'm using the uh car here so guys there's money littered in here and that's just one envelope you pulled out you didn't even really look at anything no there's more and there's change in here too holy crap okay i think we found like 30 bucks in here money here show them down here i'll show you oh give my shorts here so i'm pull i'm pulling all this out of the uh out of these dude there was a five in here too yeah oh my god there's more change in here too wow okay hold on i saw the fighter in the window excuse me guys sorry there's more change okay i found a freaking there was more money in here i gotta well of course oh here we go there you go okay we gotta look through all of it i had to look through all of you guys this is funny all right all right we'll be back don't go anywhere it's one of those strange units yeah it's gonna be insane i mean this right here like 12 pounds heavy quarters that's a heavy little jar it's half full now we're gonna add our money to it yeah all right well i got more searching to do before ashley gets here yeah dude so that's three five grandma found two more fives but guess what i was looking through more paperwork look at this guys this is insane 20s the whole fan all this paperwork in here is littered yeah this whole paperwork all this paperwork is littered with money guys it's freaking insane all of it is littered with money seriously oh my goodness guys we gotta go through all this paperwork all of it oh my gosh there can't be any let's see anyway um let's see how much money we made on this one you want to hold the camera for me okay i got all of it out of this one okay don't jiggle them okay ready we got to go through all this money guys oh this is literally insane oh my god oh my god oh my god i made the money back over twice one two three four five six 120 bucks this is for the unit right here well then we got all this over here too not even inclu but guess what that's not we're not done yet no you got more look at this old like um yeah like this one look at this okay ready i looked through here oh they got i got starbucks cards in here we're gonna check and see this oh we have mcdonald's punch carts another ten ten there's some starbucks cards we gotta check those yeah oh my gosh guys is there any more money in here oh wait we gotta keep checking five and they're gonna think this is staged but it no it's not if the car wouldn't have broke down we wouldn't have spent our time digging gosh i would have thrown all this away you were going to remember well because uh there's it looked like all paperwork guys well we're looking through every paper oh look look look ready another one oh oh this is not real but that's a million dollars what's that doing in there i don't know but it is fun oh my gosh guys this is insane and what about that big envelope huh oh you got when we go off camera you check that one okay yeah i've got this one all this one's all i mean i'm not i just grabbed an envelope i'm not sure if there's any money in here but well you don't know gotta check you don't know till you know i've we've never had a unit with money stashed in it like this i found i found gift cards and stuff yeah i'm in here all right i'll i'll finish this one look at that okay get working we're making money get working i'm gonna put it in the jar okay we made our money back in 20s and we have like oh we have a lot more here than that yeah quarters yeah and we have over a thousand bucks for the merchandise too and i paid 100 bucks for everything and the shelves oh all right guys i got to get i got to get working i got to get through this paperwork here there's got to be more in here and all the money that we're finding are in different boxes they're not in the same box guys they're in different boxes so i gotta go through all these boxes it's not like we found all the money in one box there and see this is one i gotta check starbucks anyway all right guys we'll be back don't go anywhere it may be midnight by the time we're done though [Laughter] all right guys it's been about five minutes since our last clip ashley just got here can you believe it no no look at that but ashley just saved the day brought my truck here so we're gonna go ahead and uh see what happens and see what happens and we'll uh we'll talk to you guys later i'm gonna go through all this i'm gonna go through all this tonight guys and tomorrow and find more money all right see you all right guys jeep is running it was the battery goodness thank goodness it wasn't something else she's running good now so i gotta get that oh i guess it's full all right high five thank you all right and uh we'll give the kids a quick cameo and then we gotta go okay you guys having a good day yeah you tired okay all right guys well i'll see you later we'll see you tomorrow then we're gonna do some unboxings we won't go let's make it happen we're gonna be here until midnight no we're not no we're not okay all right guys see ya all right we are back this is day number two um it's early guys it's 8 00 am in the morning so uh we got a lot to do today we got to go through this unit and grandma adventures found her own little director chair and this units and we have the table and we are going to go ahead and go through this guy we did bring coffee so uh hopefully we can stay awake because i'm tired um all right so look at that case guys we have not looked and see what's in that case yet so we did show you a couple things yesterday but it's really kind of dark in here um so we're gonna pull out one thing at a time i think that's a sit-and-stand desk right over there could be wrong so we got a lot of tubs to go through i think a lot of it's gonna be christmas hopefully some other stuff that's really really cool by the way and then we do have some couches over here as well so we're gonna go through this units box by box and then we could have some breakables in there and then we're gonna go to the next unit and see if we found any more money oh that's going to be fun that was fun yeah we're going to see if we're finding kids in their coins last night was cute yeah all right so i'll have you hold the camera i sure will let's see what the oh i'm dying to see what's in here this right here okay let's see it's white oh it's panasonic it's a panasonic guys it's a panasonic what i think it is yeah i think this is a really really nice um projector um let's look at this model number vw350 but this is a nice i've never seen one with the case like this before i mean my goodness guys oh yeah weight it is oh yeah it's got the cords in there too this is nice it says focus zoom yeah we might have to use this it'd be kind of fun all right so that's not what i expected i thought it'd be an instrument well we got this beautiful painting i like it i like getting himself i don't wanna jinx this but lately we've been buying some really good units i mean my goodness yeah i mean 100 bucks for that 150 for this one the only bummer was the one i picked out this time uh they haven't seen it yet the video oh or maybe they've seen it i don't know i just i don't know the native american one was pretty i didn't have a good picker on that one but uh anyway all right so let's go ahead this is nice and it comes with its own beautiful case i i do not think that was a projector guys okay all right let's go through some tubs okay all right well we have this beautiful tree stand he said he's gonna keep it we don't want our tree to fall over again yeah yeah it's happened twice now guys all i ask well she fixed she makes me pick like the biggest tree in the forest okay i chopped down something that should be meant for like log well you how high are your ceilings 12 feet bigger than that yeah this is a really cool older looking one we'll figure out which is the sturdiest yeah is there any way to lose use sturdy for two months okay all right let's see what's in here let's see a 12 foot tree doesn't even hold all her ornaments no okay this may be empty actually kind of a nice little bag yeah i got to figure out how to open it here a lot of mini zippers okay oh yeah that's empty guys yeah nothing noisy stacking every morning we're trying to wake ourselves up it's eight in the morning guys and i've been at it so we're uh i think what time to quit last night 10 or 11. yeah okay oh those are always heavy car seat this one's extra heavy today i think we're gonna have like three or four car seats at our garage sale some are new in a box okay we're into our first tub i can't believe we spent only 150 bucks there's just two items that paid for the whole thing you'll see in a second oh man my favorite thing christmas well you know i'm christmas is grown on this is a skirt for under the tree and i do like this one yeah are you gonna do christmas in july i said i would they did pack everything nicely that's nice it's a shiny little deer oh this one says ho ho and it lights up on uh yeah oh it's got mickey here we have one of those uh battery operated candles yep i prefer the real one uh-huh and some more those are really nice candles you know i love penguins is that a penguin yeah i think it's a white penguin it's not a snowman i think it's a penguin we got trees we've got a bunch of these it reminds me of that in the crafts that one you know we found all that expensive christmas in oh that was fun you know they uh this a lot of stuff will do great in the garage sale too look at this look at that big old thing it's no tree yeah i want snow on my feet yeah i'll glitter all day okay that's snowy dude what else we got in here okay oh look at that it's kind of cute let us know in the comments guys if you want us to do christmas in july on graham adventures youtube channel okay merry christmas well the stores uh used to do christmas in july don't they anymore i don't know because i always uh do mine by mail but yeah i'm not sure i love girls you know everything in here is in really good shape like they they really care oh look at this this is kind of cool remember those real vintage uh nutcrackers ashley got oh yeah from germany yes look at this that's pretty cool that's cute yeah somebody's gonna want that somebody's gonna want that okay what else we got in here we got a holy jolly christmas okay we have a christmas does this make you want to sing christmas carols yeah does it make you look at that me too that's kind of cool oh yeah that's a stocking holder yeah there's there's very cute they have really good christmas in here oh i love they go together oh here's another one oh good they can have three kids oh here's another one oh they can have four kids yeah wow these are nice all right these all go together they're metal and they will be on my poshmark so if you want it's got to go to gram adventures poshmark you have to have four kids and you have to have four kids i guess you could have two or three industries yeah all right so that's the first christmas box let me put it all back and then we'll be right back oh oh oh merry christmas i really want to see what's in that chest guys there's something in there hopefully there's something good what do you think we gotta wait till we get there it's a newer chest yep but i love chats of any kind i think they're cool looking i love old ones yes and you can see through it oh wow so are going backwards now to halloween you guys are going to get all the holidays oh and christmas okay this is bulbs there's a little mixture yeah more bulbs then we have this beautiful what did i see halloween i don't know there's nothing halloween no there is that is purdy i love that so there's just one there's two those are so pretty yes i love them okay so it's two of those they have really good christmas in here looks like they shopped at target a lot of this stuff uh ashley's favorite place yep we do have oh we gotta find the right people because they have names on them okay that was a quick box you know you guys know i i don't mind christmas i don't mind christmas but he's being polite he liked it better than books our garage sale is going to be amazing we're i'm excited about the garage sale oh wow oh here we go guys oh look at that who's that it's i know he's somebody but i don't know who you're somebody but we don't know who cute so we have a dog with the little oh he's a he's a school dog goes to school with his class i don't know i'm making this stuff up as i go he's a school dog he's a school it's morning i wonder why they need so much christmas i mean that's one thing you'll find in storage um this is a man that is married to ashley and he wonders why they need so much christmas yeah well have you ever asked her seriously why do you need so much christmas look at this guy this is right here oh it's disney he's a skeleton yeah it's disney uh he could be halloween or christmas it says putin on there oh is that oh oh i wonder why maybe that's what he dresses up as okay here's another one okay okay here's this one here oh you gotta point towards the oh i was trying to get you and it that's a that's a cute little stocking holder for people don't have fireplaces here's another so they must have two trees well they had two tree stands and i think it's a bunch of let's get some all right all right are you going to put this away oh and uh i want to show them this real quick this is really cool guys it's heavy it's musical look [Music] i think everybody's ready for christmas oh no they're not you don't think so i'm ready for christmas two weeks before and then i'm done right after christmas that is really cool all right and we got some more tubes hopefully it's not all christmas we'll see now look at this though guys this will sell quick it's got the remotes and beautiful condition this air conditioner here that's that's an easy hundred bucks that paid for the unit right there that one item not one item paid for the whole unit all right let me put this away real quick and we'll be right back okay we have something that's non-christmas non-christmas guys no i do know the traveling willberries uh-huh the traveling will berries there's i do not know these jet lag gemini do you guys know that one or uh grave diggers six feet deep grape diggers okay that's what it said there's a lot here though oh here's a variety of rock and roll but huh we could auction off all this a lot of times i'll do that on the auction we'll do all the cds yeah you do great with it there's a lot my little black and white there's doubles of sound good year i mean there's yeah there's quite a few in here okay i'm just glad that something that's not christmas or halloween yeah because i have a feeling that we go through these boxes kind of interesting because uh usually i know a few good year i wonder if they were in a group themselves called goodyear there's a bunch of it yeah by the way there's a whole two boxes full of goodyear they they're labeled goodyear in there i think that was their own group yeah it could be all right let me get these tubs ready yeah this is this is a good year i'm gonna wait one second cause dude's blowing out here and it's really loud so we'll be right back okay we're getting dual these do you think this is halloween or let's fists christmas christmas halloween halloween halloween you read the box halloween halloween this is all target halloween i think that's a big uh skeleton ooh this is cool you see that one yeah texas potion spells what else we got in here i like halloween yeah [Music] but i don't i'm not really into halloween uh oh man there's a lot in here it's really bad and a lot of lights on the bottom there's a lot of lights yep we probably made 500 bucks or more off all this halloween and christmas stuff though right so i mean that's a big full-length uh skeleton with some other skeletons yeah that's so scary oh it's bones and heads that you stringer i wonder if you want to keep that uh probably string it around your house ashley would probably love this unit she's gonna love it yeah she'll have fun yep it's all random stuff oh it looks like there's some we have some balloons we like balloons the kids love them okay it's just a bunch of a bunch of we don't mean to go quick on this one but just a fine axel the little one loves pouring buckets of water and balloons on cage but when it comes to doing it back to him it he wants no part of it yeah oh yeah okay very cute okay and then uh you guys seen the uh oh let me swap you over here okay show them how strong you are earlier not today not today okay let's open up a couple more tubs here i can't wait what's in here what is in here let me see this side i'm guessing halloween no guesses no guesses okay what do you guys think of this what do you guys think they know it's one of two things is it christmas halloween oh my god what's that that's a scary one yeah he's scary there's two of them yeah they're string together i think you i think you hang these heads around i bet they really did up their whole they did purple purple lights i like i've never seen full purple before i haven't either okay let's see what what's in here it's hard to get it out because it's all tangled up oh my god you know i love hats oh i love this hat hold on oh you guys isn't it perfect uh-huh are you going to keep wearing it oh careful another hat get yourself with that okay there's some green lights all colored lights oh how cute it is really cool i love this little suit yep okay we're done with this what oh my gosh guys i don't want you to have this meat in there yeah okay hold on this one lights up actually see yeah you have lights you want to put them on your lap okay sit still no [Laughter] but i want to scare somebody now you know there's not much work we can do to you so straighten up oh that got dark quick okay here's another tub oh i mean how many skulls do you need really obviously you need quite a few because there is a million skulls here yeah how many skulls do you really need but i love these little uh different colored pumpkins they got pictures [Music] oh my gosh this is awful oh there's a purple pumpkin that was cool these pumpkins are kind of cool yeah all right you want to put them back in here oh the lid okay [Music] [Laughter] there is some non-halloween boxes over there you're gonna want me watching their kids now no no child services turn them into a skeleton you stay right there you stay right there okay oh my gosh this one was happy guys oh this one's heavy christmas it's our light section everything kind of look how big look at those crystal ones that hang down oh those are nice shooting stars and then there's some crystal ones that hang down uh-huh i love the little round ones yep i haven't seen those before so never sell this brand laser light yeah never sell ball pit on on amazon because they they they'll send you burrows you know what i mean where they have to take it down your listings they're like there's some candy canes that line up speaking from experience yep all right all lights all right just envision the candy canes here's the nets for your bushes just every kind of light you can possibly find in this box so we don't spot you know lights are kind of expensive we bought we bought a couple last year but these are unique ones they're not the ordinary ones either yeah ashley's going to love this box you guys are going to have a very lit up house this year i want to see what's in the trunk but we got to wait maybe that's the precious christmas the precious okay the precious that's the precious christmas this one's really light what could that be but all reality guys we'll sell this the garage sale and make 500 bucks probably from all this christmas or more okay here we go shrubbery and foam decorations oh yeah there's a bunch of that in there yeah okay what is this right here now see i like something like that against the wall this is merry christmas yeah this is simple i like this merry christmas mary had a little lamb little lamb not christmas oh that's a big one that is a big one right there put it out on your tree that you put your finger over oh that's a cute little deer yep hope the guy's cleaning again yep i mean how clean can you get it out there well but plan our commercials around him okay more lights man that's a lot of light they probably have two or three trees in their house they probably did and they probably had lights everywhere inside and out you forgot yeah yeah we'll put him over here okay nope all right i'll stick him in here no oh now you switch them into another is that how you treat him oh gosh okay we're getting to i bet you there's no christmas in that though that's up all let's place a bit i'm saying christmas in the drunk or not no christmas what do you guys think in comments let me know christmas or non-christmas christmas or not christmas i'm afraid to say a sleigh oh how cute that is a cute one i like the little skates we have a welcome yeah that goes by your door yep we have no i think that's cute for a kitchen or something this one's really cool somebody's gonna like the wicker or anywhere all right i think ashley will keep some of this oh you're gonna have to build her another shed [Laughter] oh no no she's already got that one filled up yeah i think she gave you a couple spots that was an expensive christmas shed okay okay so yours is halloween minus christmas yep i can't i've never bought a unit for christmas before like for halloween there's a cough oh wow that is cool for the front yard i bet maybe we'll find the coffin this could be expensive actually yeah wow and you know what we rack on this a little bit but all this is in fantastic shape yeah like all this stuff is in fantastic shape we haven't found one broken christmas item so that that's what's beautiful we haven't found one thing broken at all like they took care of their stuff no they took care of their stuff you know what i mean but to tell you the truth i see something that's really cool okay well that i actually will like let's not get ahead of ourselves let's not get ahead of ourselves this is going to make ashley's day going through it and picking it out oh yeah oh this one's heavy are we the first non-christmas oh we got a uh a cartoon personal picture is it the first time christmas it's a cartoon personal picture okay open up let's see oh oh these are good books aren't they what is it oh they're yearbooks oh okay we're gonna give this box this is all personal yeah i saw the cartoon here it's all personal let's give that back to the family yeah okay okay okay this is okay i can deal with this non-personal box here put that over there here scare me okay there you go there's that's oh i love this picture i love that picture of them i wish i could show it this is nice i love high school jackets brings you back you know okay this is not a uh this is a woman's uh jacket not a mask yeah it has sarah on it open that up what's in there what's in there open that up i'm just glad we got something pictures personal pictures yeah okay real real real you saw how quick she closed that guy oh my god what's in there i don't know if i feel something is it jewelry yeah oh wow okay let's dump it out real quick let's see i can't i gotta get my close-up glasses on here it's got a little yin yang i bet that is that looks silver to me there's a mickey mini mini watch yep oh that's cool yep they liked all the same stuff guys oh yeah there's i bet that's silver this looks silver to me this little yin yang on the sides you see there's something in this black bag too okay what's oh oh yeah open that up i feel it i feel it okay we got clothes in here you're not feeling much really oh he's sweeping again over here silver or pewter it says bad kitty oh yeah this is pewter he's over there sweeping again he's really doing a good job yeah you need anybody you need to hire him okay that's a nice little um blanket in here see though oh this is a handmade little pot from 1987. that's kind of what child made it all right okay so let me put all this stuff away make a little room and then we're gonna go to that bad boy don't go anywhere guys all right first of all look at this this thing is nice that paid for the unit right here guys right here and it's got the remote 100 bucks okay what else you got i love these these are what i was talking about they're solar for your yard you stick them in your yard got the solar thing on them and they light up at night so there's two pumpkins and two heads and they're glass yeah this is glass yeah they're not plastic yeah those are nice and then this reef is really a cool halloween reef i haven't seen one that nice before yeah these are really cool we're probably gonna keep these pumpkins that and these put them every other one and then we have nightmare before christmas guys it's in there it's huge it blows up that big thing on the bottom then you blow up all the others and then it lights up and those are probably let me see it's 11.5 feet wide those are probably 80 to 100 bucks that'll fill your yard it's tim burton's disney nightmare before christmas tim burton i think he's the one that johnny depp does stuff with spooky i've seen one i've seen 100 [Laughter] okay well now we did find something cool here all tools all right like we need more tools i always can use more tools we're going to have a huge toolbox yeah we're gonna have a lot of tools so if you go to the garage sale you're gonna see a lot of tools oh wow you've got um shells here to uh shoot clay pigeons pretty cool all right okay so we have all that found that you guys have seen all that we have the trunk left the trunk is left plus we have these now this couch looks like it's in fantastic condition we're gonna actually sell this leather couch at the um at the garage sale as well so if anybody wants a leather couch um did find a lot more cds in here there's a ton of cds in here that they created and a bunch more cds that we can sell so we'll probably lock these up and sell them on the auction but those two boxes right there are full of this so must have been their band that yeah they had these made and this was their band yeah so good for them yep uh i wonder what they sound like i am going to i might sneak those in for like i have a feeling they might be x-rated could be because i i saw a few that were well i'm gonna i'm gonna sneak those in with the personal and see if i can give it back to them um all right and some couch cushions in here uh other than that guys there's one tree but we have this um we have this trunk here so i'm gonna go ahead and put this stuff off the table then we'll put the trunk on here and we'll see what's in it i hope it's exciting not christmas hopefully i don't know we'll see all right we have not peaked hopefully there's some good stuff in there oh you know how to open it let me put my glasses on okay see okay this looks like perfect it's all personal okay that is beautiful though i love making baby blankets those that that one's so beautiful oh careful there's pins in here yeah this is perfect this is all first of all we're gonna give this back to the thing yeah there's a knife in there careful oh my gosh i do love him yeah he's like he's uh porcelain and fur huh yeah he's cool does he stay in the person technically no but i think we can yeah we can throw him in there he must be special or he wouldn't be in here some really old cars look at those suckers they got a book about them too yeah those are really old oh that's boy scouts yeah looks like they're in the boy scouts look at this yeah okay this is all personal guys we're gonna give this back to you i even think even the odd stuff in here that normally wouldn't be personal is personal in this trunk we'll give it back because we love to help out um all right guys so i love the unit we definitely made our money back sorry for going quick it's early man i have a jam-packed month uh we're working in between the blower yeah working in between the blower um anyways guys so we're gonna get go to the other storage units see if we can find some more money dig through the paper so if we find some more money you'll see us again if we do not find any more money um you'll see us on the next video hit the thumbs up button any last words this is a really good unit by the way we'll see you again i guarantee it i was just going to spend two hours going through this oh ashley's going to love this we made her yeah all right guys see ya on the flip side much love bye now all right guys somebody's uh hard at work over here what are you doing i'm looking for money and we have found some yeah yeah uh so you guys know that yesterday we found some money here before we went to the second storage unit well we decided to come back and look through all the remaining stuff by the way you guys remember this was all full um all this was full stuff we're keeping all of this here so this is our keep pile i'm going to come back and pick this up and all that this is going to be good for the garage sale guys those are ready to go this is all the paperwork left and look at the truck it's full of paperwork guys so we've been at this for like three hours now but look at this guys there's like a ton of money here and starbucks gift cards and we found a bunch more quarters a ton more corners so this is what it looks like they were hiding money and envelopes guys they have um this is why we're going through all the paperwork because they have a ton of money in all these envelopes um so what i'm going to do is i want to show you what it looked like i wanted to show you what it looked like before we went through it to show you how crazy it was like some there there really wasn't much loose uh money it was all in envelopes like this with receipts you have to dig for it that's why we're digging in the rest of the boxes so i'm gonna go through all this real quick take out all the money and uh we'll count it up and see how much is here guys all right so we're going to count this up there's probably 40 bucks or 50 bucks for the quarters here there's a quarter got to check and see if any of our silver and then we've got all our money look how many starbucks gift cards there is there is a whole stack guys and we found some money on yesterday's starbucks gift cards can you imagine if these were 10 bucks each we may find a ton of money on these um and then you've got all of the money so let me count it here and uh i'll let you know exactly how much we have money money you found money oh oh how much did you find i found 20. okay see you guys we're finding it i liked it when i find 60. yeah keep fighting money okay looking there's a lot that we haven't looked in here might have to take some of these home because we don't have time to go through it because we don't need the mother lode here let me count this up real quick and we'll see how much we found out of this unit all this money was hidden in these they're hidden like you in never the same place never random like they'll be like you go through an envelope and then you pull up the envelope and i'll be hidden in here it's in a magazine yeah it's really weird all right we'll be right back so i just counted it up can you believe it 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 875 dollars that's only in bills that's only in bills and then we got another 40 bucks here so that's 900. and here's another starbucks car okay here's another starbucks i do believe they're not used and then we found another 200 in quarters yesterday so we found over a thousand dollars in money and we're not done look around me we're not done not done we may have found 1200 bucks in actual cash okay yeah um and i only spent 100 bucks for the unit by the way and then you incorporate all the shelves all the stuff there's like another fifteen hundred dollars in in car parts in here there's about fifteen hundred bucks from what we scanned yesterday and then you include the racing seats for 800. there's about three thousand dollars in here 1500 to 2000 in merchandise and oil and then you've got all of this cash guys all of this cash um i've got one more insane thing to show you oh yeah um so let me switch out the battery and then we're gonna end this video but you want to stick around guys because it is insane insane okay stay tuned all right this last two days has been insane so long story short this video is gonna be long but i'm gonna try to be quick it's a weird video actually so you guys know that i purchased this unit here that had all the christmas and halloween in here right okay so i purchased this unit you guys have already seen it we've already unboxed it this morning and then i purchased that other unit they we almost found a thousand dollars in cash a little over a thousand including the quarters so the guy that works here came up to me and said that um during covid this there's two units okay uh and stick with me guys because if you don't buy storage units you won't know what i'm talking about but i'm about to show you something insane um so basically he came up to me the the guy that works here and he's like hey one of the ladies moved out of state who owns a storage unit here at our facility she's caught up on her bill but she can't auction her unit off because she's not here physically in the united in the state of oregon she's in a different state and she could sell this her unit by herself on storage treasures but she physically has to be here to open it up and sell it to the person that they sell it to well she's in a different state so basically long story short she forfeited her units and told the facility just give it to somebody free which they can do because it's not a lien unit because she's caught up on her bill she's paid up on her bill perfectly fine she just can't get her stuff because she's in a different state and she doesn't want to come get it so long story short he came up to me and said hey do you want this unit completely free i just got to clear it out so i actually got three freaking storage units and this one looks amazing so this is so the funny thing is is that's the christmas unit that i i still have to pick up some of the stuff by the way and the box truck later tonight this unit here is the one i got for free guys i paid this never has happened to me in all the years i've done storage units i've never got a free unit guys and this one is completely free all this all these boxes all these tubs everything from this unit is completely free guys so this this whole unit is free and i cannot believe i got a third unit uh completely free so we're gonna have to unbox this guys we're gonna do a video i gotta hurry too because we're leaving um tomorrow at 9 00 a.m and i'll be gone until monday so i'll be gone friday saturday sunday and back monday so i gotta get all three of these units out of here in the next six hours so um and i gotta film this unit as well so it's gonna be insane it won't be on this video i'm gonna do this this unit separately so you guys will see this probably three or four days after you're seeing the current video but just goes to show i don't know if it's good karma or what but it's insane so there you go guys there you go we're gonna film this guy and so hopefully there's some good stuff in here but it's completely free i didn't pay anything for it so i'm hoping there's some good stuff in here um more halloween oh no all right i can't wait there's a lot of boxes look at the snowboard right there all right this would be good for our garage sale too so all right guys that being said hope you enjoyed this video mom is still at the other facility she's a dealer storage unit going through stuff to find uh more money because we already found over a thousand dollars in cash um anyway my hands are dirty i'm gonna get going guys just wanted to show you the free freaking storage unit that i got so i'm gonna go dump the truck come back pick up these three units and film this one and then i'm gonna relax the next three days see you guys okay i swear this is the last clip of this video hopefully you guys like this let us know in the comments if you like this video it's insane we put in two storage units in one video but let's see if mom found any more money yeah i know i gotta fix that did you find any more money no i'm trying though uh hurry hurry hurry find some more money i'm trying i never thought we found that much i was shocked when you go well we remember uh we actually counted it for the first time with with when i was filming with you guys she didn't know all right yeah almost a thousand or over a thousand bucks including the uh quarters all right that's it what do you guys think final words before we uh part on this video final thoughts i don't think we have our final thoughts until we get them all done then we'll give them the final total okay we should all right well that being said guys peace out see you on the next video that's a napkin a starbucks napkins yeah they went to starbucks a lot of envelopes yep all right guys see ya
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 121,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cash found, money found, starbucks gift cards found, storage locker, abandoned storage locker, storage wars, self storage, storage auction, storage unit finds, storage wars full episode, storage unit, starbucks, giftcards, money videos, money, cash, abandoned storage, storagetreasures, storage treasures, found cash, found money,, how to make money, how to, storage videos, storage locker videos, live auction videos, real auction videos, storage lockers
Id: vMvhzq5SOQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 49sec (3709 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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