[Vinesauce] Vinny - The Corrupted Hour 2 (Compilation)

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oh yeah I should probably warn anyone once again if you've never come to a corruption stream before I want to warn you because if you have visual epilepsy you could possibly die so you know be careful during corruption at any moment anything could go wrong now it's been a while since I played double dash but I don't remember the engine sounding like sporadic wet farts the Billy Joel song this is called Need for Speed least wanted holy [ __ ] it's a spinner the traffic light is coming with us this is this is a guy fieri chase the year 2019 the most infamous car chase since oj guy fieri eludes the cops his crime hot dogs and teaching everyone that it's okay to eat hot dogs the way he does he's a crime against culinary expertise holy [ __ ] oh thank goodness you're here they really gimped on the animation budget for this game huh my fusion unit okay [Music] James Bond getting in on that Mission Impossible action [Laughter] [Music] [Music] it's [ __ ] massive heckard check it out advice' mate i'ma tell you luigi in your bed I'm telling you Luigi me and Daisy we never did anything together oh I think you're a liar there are no laps this is Mario Kart forever oh my god what's coming out of toads ass please toad what you got coming out of your ass rod ass is a very serious problem in the Mario universe we're just gonna play through the whole level with that that's fine whoa Luigi I think I just died and came back to life okay goodbye [Music] but what now Magnum has seized control of as now trying to open the seven wizz wizz means seal heart I am in the done oh there's Zelda with emojis I'm in the dungeon of the castle please help me Zelda is definitely not okay but I can't do anything about it the screaming is too powerful I cannot move sorry Zelda okay I like that that's a good drummer is by the way this is [ __ ] drummers not playing this is like opposite vine risin this is neck risin whoa what are you do don't resist alright I'm ready I'm ready for it [Music] oh what's that what's happening on the Rainbow Road oh oh it's even more of a psychedelic acid trip great I was wondering how long I can go through corruptions without mentioning acid or Satan and unfortunately we've hit the point of no return Mario to serve like it to you alright fault this racket this racket is [ __ ] Mario's tennis playing is so bad that lakitu has a stroke live on camera oh god it's going light speed now I understand why it's called dong Li nog wow I can't even race properly because I'm too distracted by Donkey Kong's head bobble Kong [Music] like they're just trumpeting themselves off voluntarily what move is that the one we're at hull can shoot green plasma from his [ __ ] [Music] all is so good he's [ __ ] shredding there's a boat doing some cool stuff in the background that's not something - you're still [Music] stop now you lack in the stamina what are these new and innovative camera angles really getting a view of the mountainside here in lakitu come my dearest dung skipped legs and arms day and head day as well I don't know why he makes those noises it says here this is the confused mallet part 1 and this corruption can go on forever guard this one's called press are two swole working out hey Luigi you looking good how many reps do you do about 4,000 a minute he's crazy are those toads - those are toad hats extruded toad hats stretched to infinity to [ __ ] keep them confined within the boundaries of the court [Music] that was great this is snake carnal can you carnal can you carnal can you cardinal can you carnal can you carnal can you economy can you run a noodle noodle you know I don't know what the the canoodling is all about did they all just like crash into each other yes they did the corruption that Jesus keeps on giving really does there's so much to see and so much to unpack in this one corruption it was a full one just end it just envy beautiful double down underground doubled on coming soon there's no coming back from this and this is the demo I'm not even playing this eat a dick funky funky knows how to manipulate the motorcycle by stretching oh my god funky has taken a lesson from lanky funky is pretty much carrying the likey torch he's learned he's learned from the master on how to stretch best to manipulate the weight of the motorcycle for the most optimal racing experience [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and nothing no one no one is here anymore except Luigi Luigi has survived the apocalypse let's see how he spends the rest of his life dying the music on the title screen is unbelievable good circus peanut music so the name of this corruption is swaggy has a wing oh god did I say sweat shaggy no sir I don't think we'll be doing this corruption that's a new ocy Luigi is this waluigi in health is very Elvin Elvin features it's like Mario's foot shouldn't be funny in the line' like the face of waluigi turning into this but it's amazing this is the guy that's gonna be in Smash not regular waluigi but long luigi [Music] I can't I can't I can't even we just started the stream like a half hour ago and this is already it's already like this does it crash the moment you load the game it just closes the game immediately doesn't crash it just closes you know I could say something like speen that I'll let you use your imagination while you're busy getting dizzy this one's called the singers got moves it's pretty good I like how we can contort his arms backwards like seriously a good like a front man contortionist what where did you come from I don't know who this guy is but also showing off that's how you do it belly and [ __ ] first this one's called walk around a bit and leave which I think is a joke I don't think I can actually [ __ ] walk in a direction that I choose trying I'm trying so hard okay oh my god yeah that's about right one does tend to die after experiencing [ __ ] horrors of mallomars yes thoughts smog in the city why Luigi has become again enter - that's a naked ass that is a naked Donkey Kong ass wow I never realized what that would look like without the Donkey Kong fur holy [ __ ] Wow wait wait a minute Donkey Kong might have a little something between his legs that's not something we're supposed to see in a Nintendo game what the [ __ ] whoa as soon as we see the dong the music plays I'm never gonna be able to hear this music the same way again we went thin now we're super white oh Jesus look at the junk wait I'm flying why is McDonald's in this game I don't remember McDonald's being in this game these corruptions and these thick ass is brought to you by McDonald's allegedly not really there we go am I going the wrong way I can show you the world jesus [ __ ] christ why luigi doesn't realize his own strength no this isn't happening just take the ball away from me while luigi is supremely corrupted i guess this is like whoa I'm confused and I'm now blind as well zel does that you ace our only hope fully the wizard is magically controlling all the cat soldiers in the castle I fear the worst for my father the wizard is an inhuman fiend with strong magical powers do you understand yes all right let's get out of here before the wizard notices I know secret paths but first we have to go to the first floor first floor of what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then link became one with the trees never to be seen again [Music] this one's called Luigi Luigi commits identity theft and is punished soon after [Music] real evil it real evilly evilly the nuclear weapons disposal facility on Shadow Moses Island and Alan's going for a ride with the camera usually the person operating the camera is supposed to be behind him in front of it no this mansion is a rave how fast Luigi's Mansion music kind of sounds good oh I'm in control I think chest oh my god that's a translation that's a transition [Music] Wow I like how Luigi only has a face on one side of his head this can't be real not when you're Nate his name is Claude okay there go the legs all right this is touching this is a wonderful and emotional moment still still not real received mop what the [ __ ] did you do to get these corruptions how did you do what kind of like cursed mojo did you put on this game but where is Pikachu what the [ __ ] how is Pikachu like missing knowing him so oh my God look at that what the [ __ ] this is the opposite of he thik does he flat oh my god this is the fov that the chat wants whenever I play a first-person game and they're like win yacht more fov please I'm gonna do another one it just gets worse oh yeah yeah it looks ugly it's Luigi without a moustache nothing else wrong just luigi with - luigi is very scared whose footprints indeed oh it's probably nothing probably a ghost why are they sideways a surveillance camera he's always so surprised [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mother [ __ ] Hartman what way to be able to climb that it's very angelic and beautiful isn't it oh man oh yeah this is competing with Skyrim for my most glitched horses I almost said moist glitch horses [Music] yes very good a prehistoric percent dance what here's the X Y Ella and our button to button root Wow what what the [ __ ] I liked the part when Luigi becomes a mushroom that's my favorite part of Luigi's Mansion you two and anyone else feel the same way what melee players really want [Music] holy [ __ ] see saw Luigi this is some [ __ ] next-level tactics Luigi by manipulating the very bone structure of his body was able to create a pull on the mario kart in such a way that no other kart racer could do luigi has sacrificed his body for racing and has discovered the most stank cheat strategies that anyone could ever do oh [ __ ] Mario learned these strategies to never mind the tape PJ P guys get it do you get what just happened there I'll let you figure it out it was perfect pic ked up winter cough art sniper pick it up winter covert sniper [ __ ] okay this one seems to work and it's some good Deutz I love this though that means that Luigi had individual hair modeled [Music] so here we have a nice mix of Seinfeld and Doug music while Mario takes a nap Wow [Music] fast asleep really really really good really good thank you and I'm now just stuck who's this brother who is this brother who is pink REO [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] jeez God [ __ ] oh okay that's enough of that corruption hmm interesting good story so far while this is [ __ ] impossible what do you what are you doing to yourself Luigi Luigi the Internet is already [ __ ] weird enough we don't need this in the world someone turn that into a gift spread it all over the Internet just do it I think this corruption is gonna be more or less normal [Applause] what drowning I don't think like the human body was meant to handle pressure changes of this of this nature it's too rapid we need we can either thing from the abyss where you could breathe like oh [ __ ] I have to say I'm actually stunned there was some weird teleportation going on toad found out to see hey Luigi hello how is space 3 you returning to your people no excuse me but who's driving this particular cart why do they have a [ __ ] buzzsaw on the side of their go-kart oh that's a wheel ok nevermind no that's it that's a wheel don't don't worry about it though I could see Wario and Waluigi like cheating by having a giant saw on the side of their go-kart I can't laugh anymore tonight Jesus Christ I'm [ __ ] tired from laughing too much for the record the name of this corruption is finna have a heart attack some say that Luigi's heart grew 3 times the size of today that day and stuff whatever I said that totally wrong but I don't care but is it still okay if the heart is upside down Oh Luigi is they up flatlined remember kids cologne is not a substitute for not showering or for showering that was a double negative you know what I mean and after you watch this corruption and then vomit all over yourself then you're gonna need to shower and then maybe use some perfumes you know rub that [ __ ] on you a little bit get some lemons on you some lemon essential oils trip balls poke a enemy mono here come with me sorry professor I've got places to be and things to do sword boy yes yes good it's like a Devo music video it's giant it's inflatable it's got the same weight as a regular football because it's just a really super like banana with thin material filled with air I like how hard they're trying to like make sure that they get some commentary and [Applause] [Applause] the name of this corruption is fallout the did lack of to cause a nuclear explosion can't beat a little bit of diarrhea when you turn oh that's good what's all that fun stuff that's an Arg and the first one to crack it gets a free copy of Mario Sunshine on the switch what is that it's not my stylin sir or is it just a semi so we have some swole tea oh oh that's good wait they can hit me but I can't hit them oh [ __ ] excuse me but we're even was bond wide Luigi you got to be [ __ ] me I'm not here this isn't happening they could Yoshi is extending I don't know what that move is what is that move while the Ouija what the [ __ ] are you doing man see why Luigi's legs are always wide open because he's always ready I like wide Luigi hey Velma when Velma opens her mouth she goes water I know what an Eleanor rule one Nannini the language of her people swim something seems off about the framing of all this they're called stairs you're supposed to use them Wow Wow I'll just I'll just have a drink of water real quick while this is happening I clearly don't have to do anything except Hulk Hogan Hogan you can't character so ugly I can't deal with it I can't [ __ ] deal with it air time while we look at our water holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I don't know what's happening am I so far up or am I so far down I don't know what the shadow remain consistent at least whoa he's like disassembling oh my god I've never seen a corruption like this before you can bring him back from the depths where will you go Luigi everywhere [Music] the ultimate punishment Wow oh okay well we're starting Mario World corruptions mario battle trance is so hard he starts to levitate is the name of this corruption I got this there's a there's a benefit to the whole moonwalking experience they can't turn to shoot me I'm sorry what are you shooting at what the [ __ ] I'm in the wall I have exited this plane of reality true stealth master finds innovative new ways to clip through walls how about we take a ride on the Magic School Bus is this Far Cry 5 Wow whoa oh [ __ ] was bond supposed to look like a spider awesome it's waluigi kind of no it's not he thick um peach are you eatin ass oh man this could be so exploitable this one's called I don't remember my Luigi being that stretchy well no it's like real real Ouija upside down real slender weeds well it's a kind of inside-out skinny Luigi though um I mean Angie yes princess zorldo [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right going out into the deep ocean Mario we're gonna go back to the Mushroom Kingdom so there you go confirmed if you go too high you lose oxygen Mario dies I'm a scientist this is a mistake vomit [Music] you know it was a mistake using science to try to give yourself a better body and then turning into this writing invisible bicycles are we but this is what you can do when you're a scientist you can invent all kinds of cool stuff I understand no more chicken noises like why is this funny why is the little tuft of hair on egads head turning into a frying pan funny it shouldn't be it shouldn't be but yet somehow I love it he's almost Fanning Luigi you know probably really hot in this mansion [Music] yeah yeah I gotta walk sideways yes drink responsibly I'm committing crimes by flipping into the air like this it's terrible the name of this corruption I didn't want to say it at first but the interruption is I can make chat meme I think it's the bee isn't it there's no oh my god it's deconstructing the level [Music] this is unbelievable powerful fruit eight six six fruit so this is pretty disturbing waluigi's [ __ ] thin stumpy spindly like what is going on you wouldn't want to miss out on this the lizard lady Wow well the Robertsons are like sticking straight out what kind of bras that good off sides are we are we we're up sides are we better with men nothing frustrates a coach more than a penalty like that yeah I know especially when they're all following the rules this may as well be football huh you know the spot where Luigi's nose is that's a very interesting spot for that here we [ __ ] go [Music] that's impossible search your feelings you know it to be true that one caught me off guard by die well this is appropriate considering the day this one's called Bowser's final form it's like oh no no no you haven't seen Bowser's final form yet really [ __ ] stinky and stanky both at the same time saxophone solo yes PC I say something about a PC [Music] and you wonder why we don't get away master mario sunshine link is eternally in praising mode well no one can attack each other it is a world of peace we're all much too stupid to start any kind of violence what about you guys what do you look like yeah it's to be expected yeah you get you'll get over there do it do it you'll figure it out see see easy just expand your muscles into a disk and then I guess turn into smoke [Applause] [Music] we need slender weeds he's so thin you know he had some awkward years growing up hit puberty very young and his proportions got all [ __ ] up which is why his confidence is so bad now these are those years [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so that's what's under peaches dress everyone wanted to know it's a portal to the secret realm of R'lyeh that's all it is I see it I see it happening already Mario and Princess Peach get together Mario doesn't realize what Princess Peach truly is gives birth to a world-eater demons unleashed upon the world only one Space Marine can save anyone now doom plus Mario Kingdom battle coming soon just like Mario did to create the demon I'm not even surprised that Luigi just okay look on them look on the mini what's happening here what when does the race begin I wish I didn't ask that question [Music] now this is [ __ ] racy I've made that joke a few times but it's appropriate here holy [ __ ] Luigi's face is almost as big as Koopa that's pretty good you can do really do a lot with a head that big [Music] what happened in Mario's hat what happened to the top of Mario's head more so than the Hat well what the [ __ ] [Music] we have achieved Mario I swear in that moment we were all Mario watch as the jet ski racer probes its neck to look for fruit thousands of thousands of millennia of evolution have led the jet ski racer to copy that and find fruit this one's called demonstration ok we're demonstrating sorry this is [ __ ] beautiful wait a minute that's not so beautiful Mario's arms whoa whoa I like that demonstration [Music] hell this one's called the Hylian dab please god no what link is now in purgatory help me help me I'm lint Zelda please help me I'm stuck in gay baby jail you think it looks a little ugly hmm the [ __ ] is happening [Music] okay well we found at the very least I found is that a foot kind of looks like a foot it looks like a foot and hands it's like arms legs and feet all together geeze attention that's a really interesting stuff tactic you got going on there Solid Snake make your whole upper body shrink so as not to be as easily noticed 15 12 this is incredible this is what happens when you start corrupting new games I didn't even touch that I wasn't close to that Oh tea smash the music goes shockingly well you know how animal crossing on the TV's sometimes has that weird little TV channel this should be in the next animal crossing smoothest ride ever devised yeah yeah I don't know what's happening I don't know if I'm riding the police car if I'm flying I was flying [Music] bond tweaks out during his first mission bond is just doing the animations of it's impossible to drive this thing super material fails his mission it was in that moment I knew I couldn't do it there were people inside that castle turtles magikoopas fire sentient fire I just couldn't do it okay this one's exceptionally good oh god stop that he got in James Bond have been hanging out quite a bit lately Oh No [Music] let's know I don't like this of course the name of this corruption is nightmare fuel but I'm more concerned about the snow yeah I mean you know spider humans no problem but the snow is all kinds of [ __ ] up where you going waluigi where are you going where the this isn't how you play tennis all the way see spike head code in the distance Waits and watches silently no one's getting paid not even the camera operator hope already smashed okay Hulk crashed maybe 99 is too much as well the music just morphed I got a one up for some reason are you [ __ ] kidding me with this corruption are you [ __ ] joking Wow look at this show bode son of a [ __ ] keep one leg on the wheel at all times folks remember that there's a gallantry to this it's a completely dark room and thank God for that because the audience would all leave if they could see what was happening oh my god I think I might have remembered that what was so interesting over there this mansion is so sick it's [ __ ] [Music] Oh No [Music] [Music] Bowser is going warp ten and will soon turn into a lizard and have sex with Captain Janeway oh wait a minute Bowser was already a lizard kind of I'm sure there's gonna be some great art of that who's arresting me I'm not resisting officer please he later turned himself in was found filled out of his ass with psilocybin oh who is this lad in the distance here do you see this lad this guy oh my god here it is here it is again eh pose the name of this corruption is the last thing you see before you die so like god that is incredible [Music] [Music] set banjos foot activating the Bell I got that confused that's fine no I don't see any paper mode but I see some spin [Music] hello fellow humans a design singer ooh [Music] what's wrong snake what are we doing what are we doing having fun down here liquid what are we doing - just get two bros hanging out exactly almost brand dad [Music] that cannot have felt good oh boy for only that reason go to the animals and pick the donkey when you're done donkey 9 9 9 i white car west 9 brown chop boom it is opposite of short yet the [ __ ] [Music] why are you instantly tired Mario I can't actually um okay we'll just let that happen then shall we all right bye [Music] see you later now Mario just can't hit just can't hit he's afraid of oh [ __ ] he can look at it but he can't hit it yeah an error has occurred okay it's called mental Mario it's a [ __ ] menace [ __ ] amazing is trying to hook out but it's not happening where we going we're with where we drop in boys if there is like a death now there isn't there's no like there's no way to die game doesn't have fall damage and it doesn't have like a Death Zone that's the best one that's the best one wait a minute no this might be the best one I take that back I'm wearing a diaper Mario holy [ __ ] I've never seen snake move so fast in my life as a [ __ ] savage if only he could face the right way liquid wouldn't stand a chance the dangerous but tasty chocolate island the name of this corruption is mustache ride into heaven why am i laughing Mary what is this was that meat talking to Clete what the [ __ ] was that it just closed it just closed [Music] you
Channel: Michael Johannesson
Views: 317,434
Rating: 4.9451294 out of 5
Keywords: vinny, vinesauce, corruptions, corrupted, hour, 22, two
Id: otaEg2BgLVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 24sec (3684 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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