[Vinesauce Megamix] Vinny - Wario Land 4

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all right wario land 4 this is a game I've never played other than corruptions and I've been meaning to play this it's not a terribly long game which is cool but apparently it's very very quality very high quality and I've been excited to play this game so I finished a bunch of stuff and I did a poll and the poll was what do you want me to play Mario Land 4 or Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons and guess which one the poll Zelda so but not by a lot by about 10% so I decided to play this instead so I I love democracy so I have to catch up on a lot of the Wario games because I've only played one Virtual Boy Wario Mario Land and instead of doing two and three which I may do in the future I want to jump straight into four because this is one apparently is one of the best ones doesn't this game share an engine with another game was it Metroid Fusion or zero mission Metroid Fusion same engine okay egg salad I love when tutorials just written in hieroglyphs on the walls then he have you heard of the game pizza tower yes I played it I played the demo of it it's inspired heavily by this and now I see the inspiration more than ever the demo was updated i'll stream pizza tower when it's fully done then ii thoughts on Mario's mantains listen I know I just shared my thoughts about a bunch of videogame commercials but I'm not qualified to talk about Wario's man tits and also they're called man man bertson's bobberts oh okay watch watch Vinnie fail a very simple game mechanic oh I'm I'm a dumbass I'm pressing the B button on the Xbox controller which is not the same as the B button on the [ __ ] GBA let's just say I'm celebrating my birthday a little bit too hard I took a shot during the Blade Runner mentioned in the Arctic Monkeys song excellent so yeah Egyptian stuff this game takes place in an Egyptian temple so far yesterday I was at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and it was fantastic it was beautiful out I wanted to take a day for myself to just relax and joy and the Met is in the Upper East Side of Manhattan and they had a rock and roll exhibit so I got to see Jimmy Page's number-one Les Paul firsthand Eddie Van Halen's guitar Beatles instruments George Harrison's Gretch Rickenbacker Lennon's Rickenbacker one of McCartney's Hoffner bass Ringo's drums which I laughed a little when I saw them Jimmy Page's double necked guitar that he played stairway live on it was it was wonderful Steve Winwood had a lot of stuff in the collection and it was it was a pretty it was pretty great I loved it it was really really nice exhibit exhibit was not there some you know they had Jack White's airliner it's hard that he used insemination Army video which I was not expecting and Annie Clark had an instrument in there she had a guitar in there I was happy to see that I am a st. Vincent fan I need to become more of one oh so that's how this game works I see all right you got to go to the portal no David Gilmore stuff some synthesizers how do I like the sound design in this game I'll let you know in a bit but yeah some synthesizers the who they're full set up tons of instruments from the who it was it was just wonderful I loved it and then I went to the Egyptian wing and just I saw a bunch of cool Egyptian stuff and then I saw a night they have like a whole like [ __ ] building they like imported a whole like house from Egypt and I have to show you this night that had like a [ __ ] thing I'm sorry I have to show you this this is an unbeliever I couldn't believe what I was looking at no it was a codpiece but it was weird like it was a weird codpiece I'll show you Mario's home run derby Wario hop Mario's roulette I'll definitely get more into this game in a bit I just want to I want to tell you about this stuff [Music] just put your Gameboy sideways oh yeah no problem I'm good at this someone said that Egyptian temple has graffiti written on it in greek latin and french from different conquerors of egypt no [ __ ] I love the Met I have to go back at some point and explore the rest of it I can't exit this I'm not really I'm not really having fun with this no no I don't want this been a need point why do I need coin oh I have to point okay I did it okay so I found in the end the section where they had the medieval plate mail and weapons and it was awesome I loved it I only look kind of walked through but then I saw this and I was I was a little be funneled by this this was the only suit of armor that had this particular thing going on [Music] I don't know why that was like that as it caught piece yeah that's a codpiece and a half that's no normal codpiece that's like extra Cod like what if you know you get like bloodlust in battle or what if you just want to intimidate your opponent huge Cod pieces were a major fashion statement back then oh okay Applebaum oh that's a dude from Mario beware last cannon got a blast cannon everybody what are you [Music] I'm very confused a crust base seen it during corruptions [Music] Budhia big egg salad Vinnie you've told stories about when you used to be a bar guy as I think you put it but now you drink less is that just your interest is less or do you think you went too hard in the paint before well my friends were they encouraged the bar life and I liked it because we would all have a place to meet up and hang out I don't think I was ever like a huge drinker but I liked it yeah it was it was fun for a couple years most of my friends don't really do bars we will meet up at a bar once every 3-4 months or if you know someone's in town I haven't seen in a while I will grab a drink at a bar but not the way it used to be and also my interest in drinking is less I love the idea of having like a glass of scotch at night or like half a glass of scotch on the rocks and that's all you drink you ever see that skit from Mitchell and Webb what was it it was like the perfect amount is two and a half glasses of wine you go more than that and like you're done then he please not during this song what is the song [Music] this is not the music I expected from this game but then again WarioWare Hatsune Miku snake have you heard about much Matsuda Haku someone said this game is beautiful and cute and that makes it more satisfying to smash with your fat ass all boy Nintendo should if they want to make some extra money they should sell Wario plushies at the Nintendo store but like put like fart smell on them now they do but they don't have fart smell on them why am i doing to this to this poor man then have you seen the Mario Luigi Pikachu plushies though I have I've seen they don't smell they don't have smelly on them but I have a Bullet Bill I have a cheap cheap I have a blooper I have a tingle they sell tingle and they pretty much sell everything you have a piranha plant oven mitt no I haven't caught a plant pots soft for the anniversary uh yeah they have oh god how do i how do i how okay I have a puppet like a hand puppet that's a piranha plant you can make it talk [Music] so once that I missed a pep secret too late now man the Nostalgia playing something on the GBA always brings me back to Advance Wars for some reason I missed several secret oh I missed the that wheel you missed one purple pipe and a CD oh is a CD records it's weird that records have made a comeback I saw a record store recently in Manhattan I was I was like oh right yeah there's still record stores it's funny because kids are gonna grow up knowing what records are but they're not gonna know what CDs are are we still kind of have why you have blu-ray [Music] I gotta be honest for Redbox in the future I'm not sure we're gonna be doing CDs as much I don't know how that's gonna go down but I think we might just stick with vinyl and that's it VHS see yeah we'll do VHS Betamax will go hipster in directions that you would not expect to subvert your expectations I watched an interview with the Russo brothers who directed Avenger film and they're like yeah we like to subvert expectations and every time someone says subvert expectations it it just kind of makes me laugh now I mean I know who to thank for that that's still closet guy it's kind of weird seeing Jimmy Page's number one guitar his uh amber burst Les Paul in person because that might be the reason why I picked up guitar like him and David Gilmour but mainly Jimmy Page I'd say from the the Zeppelin DVD it was like yeah it was it was it was a moment I had a moment I was like oh that's why I do this because of this stupid thing then he released a new album on wax cylinder it's probably really expensive if one could even do such things damn I did it's me bidding from vine sauce I just released a cool album on wax cylinder release your album on blood so how do you but as one play blood I've already given so much of my blood I didn't realize like my first cassette player I don't know if I've mentioned this on stream I might have I might not have but my first cassette player was old it was from like [ __ ] 80s and it was just gifted to me and I would play my Nirvana cassettes on it and for years I didn't realize that Kurt didn't have such a high-pitched voice it wasn't quite like that but there was like maybe a [ __ ] it's 8% or so increase in the speed and it would wobble and I thought that's just what music sounded like I was like wow music warbles it was just a terrible [ __ ] tape player the need you plan on doing more psychedelic songs just wait for the next album it's gonna be called horatio sanz taco casino tranquility I mean Weezer released an album called Hurley and it was just Hurley from lost on the cover so on to make an album about horatio sanz music should be on CD cuz you run in the game history issue of losing that history has anyone ever been so far as to decide to look what more like gotcha gotcha you have to bully that's gonna call bully hunters on me yeah I think they meant you should release your music on CD so you don't lose your music to history because they prefer physical mediums that makes sense but yeah maybe I'm not I'm not saying no I think it's more just that vinyl is more collectible and I like I like vinyl so did they repurpose this game for samus returns or rather Metroid Fusion or did they repurpose Metroid Fusion for this Mario Land 4 was first yeah I'm gonna miss a jewel every now and then now I'm gonna miss some stuff I'm not going for a 100% complete from completion run in this game jewels I've never tried a jewel there's every Delhi has a sign now that says jewel sold here just sounds like corruptions now I let some Galaxy brain [ __ ] right there corrupt this game oh I have I played this through corruptions more times than I've actually played the game you know what this this music reminds me of Mac Markos new album called here comes the cowboy which by the way is pretty good it's it's a pretty good at very minimal I don't think it's my favorite of his right now but I like it I've been hitting it hard because it's the right kind of sad pretty pretty good songs like there's maybe like another you know maybe five or six that are as good as the singles but the first song I'm sorry to do this the rock oh I had to hit the rock so yeah there's like five or six really good songs and I like I like some of the vibe but it's not I'm not really hmm you know not my favorite but there is the first song on the album called here comes the cowboy and I'll play a little bit of it for you I didn't know there was a video for this you ready the cowboy congratulations you just heard the whole song chat the cow now you've heard the whole song he just rotates between those two three minutes of that he goes here comes the cowboy and then he goes it gums the cowboy when I first heard the song I was like please let the song not change I really hope it's the same thing for three minutes and it was and I was very happy about that it comes the cowboy my favorites on the album are the two singles that I played nobody especially on the square is really good too I liked all our yesterday's Scylla's moon I liked pre-occupied choo-choos kind of fun and little dogs March and finally alone are pretty good so yeah like half the album I wish there's a little more production on it some of the songs didn't really ever have a chance to develop but I just loved what Mac does I don't really give a [ __ ] because it's just another cool Mac album Vampire Weekend I haven't heard of them in a while I don't have everything here should I look for the CD do you have it oh I do have it I thought it was great out but I'm missing one piece to the the pizza pie of gems you need the jewels then he you need the jewels I'll do that sorry memory very bad especially when I'm like talking I don't sometimes notice things I pick up I just take them for granted you get the last piece after you hit the Frog on your way out oh that can be a thing well they give you two and a half minutes so that's not too bad [Music] I was a little disappointed in the guitar exhibit at the Met because there was no there was no Pink Floyd stuff I mean I know David selling his [ __ ] guitars but maybe he could have like brought one films cowboy but who is the cowboy is Mack the cowboy he's basically Flint because the album is very sad and if he's the cowboy then he's the sad cowboy we are all the cowboy no one asks how is the cowboy right everyone asks who is the cowboy watch the video and you will see the cowboy I saw in an interview that cowboy is a term of endearment that Mac uses for people like oh hey cowboy I just want to see the cowboy for a second excuse me what what are you doing Mac what is this stop this with your [ __ ] weird video oops it's like a Sunday stream it's like a game I would play on Sunday do you remember when I play that game where the thing birthed something out of its vagina and then that in itself birth another thing out of its vagina it's this are they all the cowboy yeah okay okay Peter Griffin was in there someone said the mask was in there drinking out of cups in a [ __ ] yeah Mac is is definitely hit in the weird videos like Pond had some weird [ __ ] videos for a while but now their videos are a little bit less insane I feel still weird but not not like Mac the micro levels of weird so we got a bunch of album his max album was alright Izzard album was really good I the MEK album grows on me fishing for fishies the song itself is becoming one of my favorite gizzard songs just through like Todd I don't know why I just loved that [ __ ] song I like that I like that Ambrose is on that album so much too Ambrose has got a nice voice and he's really he's a really nice singer so I'm glad they threw him on that more plastic boogie grew on me quite a bit but I still think real is not reals not real and the thing those are my my jam so then we have to see if tame Impala's album is good pons album was fantastic no Gallagher has an album coming out I know that doesn't mean a lot to anyone but some people it does I love Noel's work I want to see what he's got going on Toole confirmed that they're releasing an album finally in like August or October it's apparently really really happening now all we need is a Radiohead album and I'll be complete it's been a little long it's been you know kind of long enough since we got moon-shaped pool and then they did okay not okay album after that so yeah it's been like three years which for Radiohead that's about right they'll probably go like another year or two before releasing something anyone else got an album coming out this year red box I would that would be fantastic I'm not gonna rush it though I gotta say though without like because I kept kerosene a stark secret because there's I didn't want to build a pipe and expectation for it because it was just something I needed to do I wanted to do it and you know that was it was a good it was a good recording time like it wasn't overly drawn-out because there was less on it and that was really great I could just put it out as soon as it was done but I'll tell you what we are making really good progress like just last night I wrote lyrics almost entirely to three songs and that almost that never happens I think I've I filled my monthly quota for acceptable amount of red box discussion time so I'm gonna stop now before three people get upset I don't have any more for you actually I if I had any more to say I would say it but I don't did the museum inspire me well yeah I mean just a lot of stuff man and again like you know birthday and Mother's Day and all that fun stuff it's it's all kind of everything someone said I liked the song Reno I'm happy you liked the song where you know I like it too I might be biased though [Music] why am i drowning this poor old man again alright because he's a [ __ ] he deserves it when you throw the man you can't have it hit the first thing that is the wall for the blocks to activate oh I see [Music] it comes cowboy ah I hit down on the control pad by accident on the d-pad yes okay wow that was a hell of a puzzle and this is only like level 3 well yes there's a choice of which level 3 you get yes yes people are telling me to listen to the CDs because they're really weird yep [Applause] they gave the Wario games to the weirdest [ __ ] people on their staff didn't they it's cursed image you probably put that oh I'll go still neck is moving in weird ways but it almost turns into something we wrote a song called tomorrow's blood pressure it's on our new album revolver I don't know John you should probably change the name of it I don't know man like there's got to be a better there's gonna be a better name for that you know ii mean john i got it Tomorrow Never Knows shut up Ringo you get your [ __ ] key it's called tomorrow's blood pressure there is a documentary about John and Yoko and it shows this Brando dude that went to their house it's a famous clip but they they extended it just some dude who thought his lyrics meant something and he just was like setting them ladies like I'm gonna come to your house and since they're you know very public figures they the dude came to that is like you know someone who was not well he was like you weren't singing about anyone in particular when you wrote those songs he was like how could I have been you know a best to think about me or Yoko or like you know I had a good [ __ ] today and he's like but but what about the song you know you can radiate everything you always like it was nonsense man head - and jump at the correct time and then he goes what about boy you're gonna carry that that weight he's like Paul wrote that one but that's alright so he's like you hungry like they're gonna call the cops on him but John just invited him into his house and they had post really really really weird but um he just yeah he was convinced that the lyrics that all the words of these songs meant something and were written for him specifically how could I be thinking it's also somebody I thinking about me or a best Yoko it's a love song I'm saying [ __ ] today and this is what I thought this morning and hmm the dude was so forlorn about that I yeah he goes you're hungry and then he then he gives them the food vinny redd foxx lyrics are all about me I can prove it I will shoot on sight okay I don't have anything to show I have nerf guns but I hmm years ago I bought a from ThinkGeek Sam be killing machete for like 20 bucks because I'm a [ __ ] dumbass and they were like yeah you could kill zombies during the apocalypse that'll be my stance layer and I'll be like y'all hungry and then it'll be like [ __ ] Game of Thrones betrayal they called the sword in that show widows wail - Stan Slayer begone where is that where's that thing where's it gone I'll hear this it's false no way not this time we created it I guess it was also a different time though but you know I think it's important that people understand sometimes words and songs and you know they didn't have video games so there were less ways to occupy your time so of course the best thing to do was listen to your records and smoke lots of amphetamines and weeds but yeah I mean a lot of songs don't mean anything a lot of pop songs just have words that fit I'm not claiming to be anything special but a lot of my songs you know there's there's some meaning and then some some lines are just because they sound good in context so let's you know our scat you know I do a little scat ago I do that or I'll do a myth you ever change your diapers and eat your face in the Alamo and then that'll turn into like something different someone said Vinny at least you weren't a prick like John was I just threatened to stab someone with machete if they came to my house John fed that person and gave him new clothes I mean I know what you're referencing fair enough but yeah but yeah one day I'll post some of my posts like a demo of something and you know if we're just playing and jamming on it and it's just nonsense words it sounds like David Byrne having a [ __ ] stroke while also enduring a religious experience but it's it's very silly I'm a very silly man very silly man I like I love like songs lyrics that were originally one thing and then it turned into something else the last minute like yesterday Paul McCartney woke up from a dream and he had the whole melody and the lyrics and he sang it into a little record like a little recorder he had and it was scrambled eggs all my baby how I love your legs it's dare from gorillas was originally there it's there but the dude couldn't sing the word there he would always say Dada so they just changed it to dare sexy Sadie was originally about a guru named Maharishi who scammed people and was not actually very much of a guru it was like this enlightened religious leader but he was like a jerk face and that was when the Beatles were in India so the song was originally Maharishi what have you done like [ __ ] you you [ __ ] that it was really like that bad it was and George was like come on John you've got to change it don't do that people will know what it is just change it to something so he changed it to sexy Sadie what have you done well yeah it was it was a cult what do you think of Thom Yorke's lyric writing and today oh I don't know I don't know what he did I know Bowie used to have note cards that he would just scramble and throw into the air and then what you know if they landed they would be like a couple lyrics but mostly just concepts and ideas not for every song but for a couple albums he used that method then he what's your method beans no I I'm I like to go for a walk best method is to go for a walk so I'm gonna switch to hat and time in a minute but am I would I be able to you think the boss would take a long time no all right Oh juice [ __ ] sound effect someone in chat you said this whole game sounds like algo music [Music] and what does it feel like to die and then be reborn because Mario just [ __ ] went from Zombo to real life oh boy couldn't clutch it could a final boss insecure oh no problem no clutch or very much clutch no no joke no joke I love that the boss laughs at me let go [ __ ] yourself like seriously I hope how how hard is it to be a nice plant stick a pipe cleaner in your what chat is finishing that sentence with a lot of disgusting things that I did not say or insinuate I was I was not going to say urethra I was going to say something like like squirt squirt pipe I think squirt pipe is the acceptable form you know colloquially you can say that in polite society in fancy circles someone said does anyone else think the plant is kind of cute like cute as in like oh you know what never mind what are we okay as a race as a species meanwhile Here I am making jokes about squirt pipes and I'm asking if everyone else is okay yep that's enough video games for one lifetime [Music] not a dab wasn't it to have chat anyway a good game so far I'm liking it this is turning into a very chill stream stressful chill but but still still pretty chill I [Music] yeah I'm looking forward to playing more of it I hope the game saves automatically but if not I'll make sure that that happens yeah it's just one of those those games I missed some would say it's a gem hidden gem even though it's not at all hidden there are gems in the game though yes all right so last time I did emerald passage and again this is my first time playing through this game and I've enjoyed it so far so this is like factory I get real nostalgic about the Gameboy Advance there's something about those chunky pixels just brings me back to so many good games I said Advance Wars was one of them but obviously the Metroid games minish cap even the sound chip which is a little bit well just the quality of it the chip itself like some of the sounds are cool mother 3 soundtrack is obviously amazing do tear list for Gameboy Advance games Vinny do you think you regret waiting so long to play mother of three no no it was the right time I'm just glad I played it eventually also this is a better game than than Mario Land Virtual Boy if that wasn't incredibly apparent I've already noticed that Virtual Boy Wario Land was pretty good though someone just wrote streamer please move on to Odin sphere thank you let me see if you got any other chat messages no that's the only one I'm more inclined to when I see a name I've seen around for a long time and they're like Benny please played the mc2 I'm like haha funny James but sometimes I'm like wait I think they're serious like I think they want me to like stop playing the one game I'm playing now and move on to the very specific game that they like the best it happens I mean again I'm no longer surprised by much I'm not upset [ __ ] no it's fine I mean you can request right you can request request all you like so what's Odin's fear it's like DMC - it's an action JRPG someone said it was like DMC - Vinnie can you please play Wario Land poor thanks that's about the only request I can grant tonight that's a good work rust that's a good crushed chin Vinnie can you play a PI nurse three hardcore edition is that real violent semen inferno you want me to play that like why do I even bother putting away the bottle of scotch that game is actually banned on Twitch there's a lot of games banned on Twitch again Second Life which is barely a game is banned on Twitch sure you can stream it on one of the competitors that twitch is currently battling like shitbox I absolutely did not mean to do that come on move your ass probably missing a whole assortment of hidden of hidden items how would you so good at this game - I've never seen there's a Star Trek Deep Space 9 documentary that was in theaters for one day only today and I remembered to go see it until I forgot today in theaters only at 7 p.m. from one day it'll be released on like DVD and blu-ray later but it's a something I was really excited about it's like they restored like 20 to 30 minutes of Deep Space nine footage right it's like HD I just talked about the show I really hope they do a whole renovation of that show not renovation dream add you know what I'm talking about remaster restoration yeah I think it would cost a ton of money and I don't think they think they can make it back I don't think they whoa I believe that they couldn't make it back and they know they couldn't also they'd have to redo all the effects shots because the special effects in the old Star Trek shows like you can't transfer those over I think so in when they redid the original series they had to like actually get in there and redo like the effects of the enterprise and any exterior shot and then they did the same thing for the next generation but I think they restored some of that footage anyway this is Sunday streamed the level little monkey felt throw give me the fruit [Music] unit paycheck I'm just curious let's I'm not a doctor or professional but I'm just wondering if you get stabbed multiple times in the stomach and then you swim through a sewer and then you just like say rest for a day or two you're probably fine after that right you die I mean you diet no are you didn't up mine what about if you get stabbed more than ninety nine times but less than a hundred this game is silly oh you can just swim without taking damage I thought the sewer was the stinky toxic water it's not ya Wario's immune to just like piss and [ __ ] and vomit water this is what his apartment looks like that'll be a cool game like Luigi's Mansion Mario's apartment or actually wasn't that while Luigi waluigi had an apartment right and then they both got one together and lived happily ever after so that clip kind of went a lot of a lot of places i've been informed that the clip of Wario and Waluigi making out from last night has nearly 40-thousand yeah awful why would you promote that why would you spread that because it's funny what's funny about why are you why Luigi make it out I need a 13-page si otherwise I'm not unbanning your fallout 76 account someone said by which you stream that the truth is I just didn't know what it was what I was getting myself into it was it was a JP that's what Sunday Stream kinda is even if the collections are vetted and they are mostly there's still some pool that gets through but yeah last night was probably in the top 10 worst Sunday streams I've done I don't care fine with it all the UH the cd-rom stuff was good though that was both terrible terrifying and kind of good I'm not good but it was funny now again everyone saying Vinnie you literally say that every Sunday and fair enough I do but it becomes a time there comes a time when there's a Sunday stream worse than the other ones Vinnie you say this every time you acknowledge that this time you're right I do that I do but but this time i double-dog mean it no Wario games are popular why they sell I think I figured it out sex appeal so I'm gonna need a combination of both Arya Arya Stark and Mario called waria and how one can swim in the sewer after receiving multiple lacerations in the other can't don't actually think that I already saw [ __ ] an aria Faris combination that was just nightmare inducing God's I was strong that eventually the breastplate stretcher what's your favorite vegetable what is my favorite vegetable I have several favorites I had crispy asparagus is pretty good that's just the first one that comes to mind not my favorite though broccoli I love broccoli Bobby B garlic yeah I love garlic brussel sprouts I I know yeah we talked about the vegetable thing a little bit here and there I don't like butternut squash all I could at all I like summer squash or whatever the [ __ ] that [ __ ] is zucchini someone wrote a little while ago I see you hate everything about G ot now no no I love the books I love the first several seasons absolutely love them this isn't just bandwagoning it's just me making a decision no the internet told me not to enjoy myself while I watched the show last night and so I didn't and I wouldn't want to dare betray the Internet there was a rumor going around that George was waiting on the books until after the show was over for some reason to spite David and Dan or something and it was going around everyone's like oh when the show's over George is gonna drop the last two books they're already done and he wrote on his blog today he was like nope not God Game of Thrones is that really long porno with fantasy and politics sprinkled in right that's what someone said in chat see as much as I hate the last season so far I will defend the show and say that it is some of the best TV I've ever seen in the first couple seasons so no I know that's it's a good joke I like that joke that it's it's a porn it's an elaborate porno with fantasy scenes but they really move away from a lot of that later on I know that's hilarious it's just the reason why I care about this is because it brought me so much enjoyment I was like again really into it I like fantasy Lord of the Rings how many times have you heard me talk about that but now I'm just like I know what's going on man it's your opinion on the rumor that George will work on the next from soft game I heard that rumor I guess I'd be down for it I know if thing gets too big and and people aren't into it they have immediately dismiss it and the creator which has happened with Game of Thrones because it gets annoying and it's become very very very very very mainstream and children are naming their daughters Khaleesi and Daenerys ooh but as I say daughters people are naming their daughters Khaleesi and in there anyway but the point I'm trying to make here is that it's George are Martin is a fantastic writer and I really enjoy his writing I mean he's not writing gameofthrones he's not writing Song of Ice and Fire anymore so you may as well have him through the from soft game he's probably not busy people watching G ot at bars is surreal to me well that's the other thing too it became a like like sports I realized this the other day I was like there are people who are watching this [ __ ] like it's football everybody expects me to be into G ot but I'm sort of so bored of it you don't have to like anything you don't want to remember that just like that person who told me then you need to stop watching mainstream TV they told me to watch more documentaries I've been watching more documentaries actually I watched one about The Price is Right and how some dude had the perfect answers I did I watched one about John [ __ ] Lennon but there is this dude in [ __ ] in The Price is Right who memorized the prices of almost every item and he built himself a little like game with a spreadsheet and he had like a photographic memory for this [ __ ] and he would help out people in the audience and people were getting suspicious of him and someone ended up getting like an exact bid during Drew Carey's run and it turned into like this big investigation kind of not an investigation but it was like do we what do we do about this so they had to like change up their games he actually ended up not winning as much on his own run but other people won mini maximum vine blind what did I find blind pipe oh okay yeah i unlock the pipe and then I was just talking I was like oh I don't want that now do I guess I did Benny what's the best mockumentary I'm partial to spinal tap but my current love for what we do in the shadows might overshadow that maybe a little bit but spinal tap is like one of the first if not the first and it's it's still probably still probably my favorite then you saw the movie before the series right yeah then someone has probably named their kid after you it has happened I've received an email about it at one point and I just summarily ignored it because it was too weird for me it's also a pretty common name it's not like they're naming their child Kyle kha L which is a title by the way they named it fine sauce no they named they named the child Vinny frequently people tell me they name their pets Vinny which have fun everyone everyone's gonna think they're in the mob oh hey Vinny how you duel it's also you know a very common name here but it's rare online so people frequently say I'm the only Vinny that they've ever met or spoken to or know from the internet and over here it's like yeah it's super common but it always goes back to the mob thing or like oh you must like pizza it's like how dare you be right about that I do like pizza and pasta I like to make the thing with my fingers the vine tallien you know what else I like to do [Music] I like to have the moon you hit your eye like a big pizza pie because that's a morte do you like jumping and going down pipes I certainly would if I could see any pipes lately why does mario have elf ears swimming in sewage I guess then I found a funny Lord of the Rings meme can I send it to you how about this okay I want you to do me even one better just describe it to me I got your chat open so I can see your messages just to tell me what it's like and I'll let you know if it's good you can describe a meme sure you can right its Frodo riding a scooter and the caption says when you destroyed the One Ring and brought lasting peace to the realm and he's smiling alright you send that to me I'm gonna need send that to me I get the other [ __ ] over here all regular roles right right right right right like a duck fold [Music] you got to use your brain when you play this game you can't just mindlessly [ __ ] about this game is clever and I'm not smart enough for it with the snow you can jump down Oh down there right because there's a little thing there okay very bad again clever game not so clever streamer now I'm regretting not going in that [ __ ] pipe I thought the pipe was the way out I thought this was the secret purple pipes are bonus rooms so there are always bonus rooms then anyway Frodo wouldn't have been happy in riding a scooter like I'm still very curious about this mate but the point of it was that you know he was scarred for life by the ring wraiths by the the carrying the ring there's always pain even though he tried to get back to normal [Applause] you know the Shire when they get back [ __ ] Saruman was there waiting for them it's not the movie but the scouring of the shire is a very good subversion of expectations in a way that you didn't really expect because the hobbits then have to realise that no one's gonna protect them they have to protect themselves so they use all that they've learned throughout the story to eliminate plum to remove cerumen and his his cronies his sickos from the Shire so that peace can return at least for a while and then you know Frodo has to sail off to the Grey Havens because the pain of being a ring bearer is so great that the elves say you know what Frodo you bout to know one you earn this thing is this legit are you having a go no this is real I get why it wasn't in the film the scouring the shy of the Shire would have been too I think it would have been too anti-climactic it would have been like confusing for audiences it works really well on a literary level but I don't think it would've worked as well in in a film extended edition though that would have been nice if they filmed it for the extended edition they had like 17 endings already without that so I get why but there is you know that was what Tolkien was trying to do with Frodo was to show and not just him but the rest of the hobbits yeah I mean they saved the world but at what cost and it was it's really bit it's bittersweet in the best sense of the word what did it cost everything my child you know because it reminds me now remind me of my favorite hobby Meister feel I got it here we go now here's the thing the difference is it's not Frodo on a scooter it's Elijah Wood now are I like this it's not I don't know if this is a meme it's not particularly funny but it's kind of cute because he's smiling he's riding a scooter I just want to say that it's kind of weird seeing Elijah Wood grown up especially with a mustache but thank you for that me my I'm down for that that's all right I'll take it wasn't he like 30 and Lord of the Rings now he was he was like 19 I think he turned 19 when he first started filming and then he was like 23 or 4 when they stopped doing pickups years later and then he was like 30-something in The Hobbit and he ended up playing Frodo again and looking still kind of young this is a really it's a really bizarre level after that last one talk about [ __ ] tonal whiplash in a good way though this game has more variety than I thought it would speaking of memes did anyone send you the Mandalore Gaming interview with Sean Astin about who was better at video games yeah he can make controllers levitate with his mind that's what he said he could do so chat what do I want to do tomorrow tomorrow I have the day and I want to spend some time or do something nice for my birthday even though my birthday was yesterday I didn't do anything for it do I want to see detective Pikachu movie or do I want to go back to the Metropolitan Art Museum and check out more Egyptian stuff because I didn't get a chance to see Flores two and three I only saw floor one which is not nearly enough why not both no I can only do one thing per day pancake bread oh I was supposed to get a pancake all right never mind its pancake bread and Pikachu so I'll do two things thanks Pikachu pancake bread and then I have to do some actual like things the trip into the cities is dark and full of shadows it's a very very annoying trip especially in your rush hour wow this is hell of a thing happening right now Wow Benny do you like stand-up comedy I do I saw some some really good ones I saw Hannibal Chris Rock Joey Diaz I just talked about his dick a lot and his farts and I said Eric Andre the same night as those others Chris Rock was great he still does stand-up I don't think he's trying to do like giant HBO specials anymore but he still does it all right dog dogs I'm gonna tell you about the time I went to a club and pissed on some one dog Eric Andre's humor is very specific and I know it's become like let me add and bird up and ranch legalize ranch and all that stuff it's like no memes but his stand-up was pretty good until he ran out of material there is a distinct lack of confidence halfway through his set and I was like oh and then he just started like touching the wall a lot at the Comedy Cellar or yeah I think was the Comedy Cellar or Gotham I forget which one it was Caroline's Caroline's I don't know if it was part of the act or a few was on psychedelics during the performance definitely on purpose for him yeah he was good I'm not saying he was bad it's just again his humor it was a little less crazy randomness when compared to the show it was more it was good and I liked the show but it felt more like like stand-up it was just like stand-up comedy then he would you do stand-up I've talked about this on stream I think I'm not funny believe it or not I'm here to tell you now in case anyone does think I'm funny in case anyone's fooled and has misconstrued vine sauces entertainment since 2010 what I would do is yeah which is Leah which would be duck noises someone said Ben has pretty bad impostor syndrome to be honest say two but no I have always loved I've always liked stand-up and I've always wanted to do it I've always wanted to do it on some level and when I do panels that's kind of fun for me because it almost feels like that I do feel pretty confident with a microphone and talking you know and to a group of people I just don't think I would be funny enough to do actual stand-up and then again like you have to hone your craft and you have to really like put the work in like the only way to get better at stand-up is to do more stand-up which means you have to pop a lot and just you know keep going keep doing it keep going keep doing it and then eventually you might get okay at it and even then making a career is tough and then you'd have to travel all over the place I'm a homebody as well so I don't think I could do it and I appreciate that people are nice enough to say oh you're pretty funny Ben that's cool no no that's a whole different skill I don't have that and then writing material that's not something I do I might tell you guys about something that happens throughout my life throughout the day and I can maybe come up with like a little bit or a punchline of some sort but thank God you know I don't have to come up with an hour or four hours of fresh material every night I mean even for a stand-up act for like a special you have to do an hour I could take some comedians up to a year to create a new hour then you do your classics I don't remember a lot of the bits that people liked from the streams over the years like I know I've had some good setups and punchlines here and there even if accidentally but now spin isn't a joke spits no I mean how dare you take spin as a joke that's deadly serious it's just a it's just a word imagine me going on stage at Gotham comedy club all right and we got Vinny on Benny vine sauce tonight first time doing stand-up and oh you don't know who he is all of you okay well you're in for a treat because this guy he's got an audience on the internet you're gonna love him hey everybody spoon crickets one person highest [ __ ] is probably going mental in the audience they are very much appreciated the guy on drugs is definitely gonna spin and that Vinny you're doing a bit right now there you go I guess it is a bit it's takes into miracles I guess someone just wrote a bit insane get on stage and do the depowering Arnold voice now I should go to Saturday Night Live and I should say hey I would love to be a cast member on the show you know like Kyle started out Kyle Mooney started out on YouTube all right right well Vinny what do you have for us what well Lorne this one kills you're gonna love it okay what is it well let's see it lets let's see it what's what you're acting okay okay Jamie it's me your father I I need the cookies or I am losing power [Music] okay no no no hang on a minute this what do you think this is you dare defile the sanctity of Saturday Night Live headquarters Kenan take him out why is he dr. evil no no why is dr. evil Lorne Michaels Lorne Michaels is the dude who runs Saturday Night Live and he sounds a bit like that and Mike Myers based the voice of dr. evil on him so there you go no no that's not japes it's not shapes that's too mundane for a good jape Benny are you going to play rage too no you know I have to think about that for a second because I've had people requests rage to a little bit and and I like I guess I like shooting games that are dumb but I'll be real with you really I don't think I'm interested at all it's open-world doom then he it wishes it was that's being generous someone just wrote but the PR manager for that game is a knee they tweet wacky stuff yo they tweet wacky stuff let me ask you a question son did they do they do like Wendy's do cuz Wendy's man them spicy chicken nuggets they do some hilarious things with those I got it you know I gotta give them I gotta give them credit Wendy's figured it out better than almost any any other corporation because it works on people it does work on people and people do think that Wendy's is just like their bra like I'm Wendy's Lee why don't you Netflix and chill with Wendy get yourself some spicy chicken McNugget oh yeah and then that's the other thing too this is very snarky yeah they just that there's a lot of smart and then they like they throw shade at other like fast-food places I'm not really sure what else to do here like I'm eating these things but oh explain to lots of hidden blocks this is kind of I like the relaxing nature of this level compared to the other ones took more puzzle solving and your heat powers are you know put to great test put to the test but at the same time I don't think this is one of my favorite levels so far I like the gorillas in the background those are pretty cool I guess once you start looking for hidden stuff becomes kind of fun though hello Vinny are you at all interested in watching the HBO miniseries Chernobyl Hollow HBO ad executive well I hope my check is in the mail because I've already mentioned that show HBO's Chernobyl television show about three times tonight and the answer is yes I might be checking it out soon I'm interested in said show especially considering that HBO's cash cow is coming to a close in a very disappointing way jokes aside a joke I say but no I'm actually I'm gonna watch it tonight probably I was gonna watch the matrix reason just because I haven't seen it in a while I'm like wait a minute this movies still good right like it yeah I've seen it so many times it's got to be good I'll probably just watch that instead probably because of the matrix for oh yeah that we were talking about matrix for potentially happening oh I wanted to give a quick thank you several people sent me some birthday stuff I will take a picture of it all I already mentioned some of it like the Frog car in the crab but today I went and I got a duck it's pretty cool duck I got a Chrono Trigger clock I just slurred that word by accident I was in the true it's like I'm drunk I'm not maybe tired yeah chrono trigger clock very nice thank you and what else did I get I got so look doc run a trigger thing and then there was one other thing Oh a trash game for a Sunday which isn't very much of a birthday gift but I'll take it it's more of a gift for all you I guess you got the cowboy the audacity the [Music] audacity she comes the cow of this man to make a song like this Denis what are you doing I'm pooping back and forth forever I don't know I don't know what I'm doing I don't know where I'm going I don't know why I'm going oh here it is [Music] I hope I got this right oh I guess not [Music] oh I could ground pound that [ __ ] yeah yeah I was like oh I have to throw an enemy through the side delt minute 30 left minute not even a minute 30 oh and we're gonna shoot lightning too oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you game [ __ ] you Baltimore no-no-no where's that rewind button no no no no no no no rewind doesn't work no no no why doesn't it work what does it work what it's not working it's an is it not enabled I hate that level this is one time where like I would just uh yeah I would rewind I would just rewind and I for some reason I guess I guess it's not enabled on my legit Gameboy I can't find a setting to enable it either I don't know what's going on this is really not something just accept your fate [Music] I mean I deserve it to some extent for sure I wasn't paying enough attention just boy does that suck the astounding thing is I almost found myself complaining about Wario having a life bar where he didn't in previous games which is one of the reasons I liked this game or the idea playing it is because I there is a life bar there are hearts so I have no right to complain the salt talkin I know it's just a shame any other level I would just accept my fate and be like alright I [ __ ] up it's fine that level was eeeh some people are saying that's the worst level in the game and not only is it the worst level in the game now it's definitely the worst level in the game though it's not just because it's tedious but now I have to do it twice so I'm going to extra hate that level so it turns out this is not bappy games entirely glad glad I miss that cool heart up there hello that that'd be games but you know I'm I'm worse at babby games than I am at suck euro so yes then at least you beat SEC hero some people quit the final boss I found the demon of hatred to be more difficult maybe even second owl yeah I don't know the SEC Bureau stuff was what you don't you get going you kind of got to see it through you can't just quit not even for like props not even to like say you did it for bragging rights but just to like you know you spent 30-something hours on a video game wedding nah man I can't even say you know what I think I did quit the game I can't even say that I spent 20 to 30 hours or whatever it was on the last story on the Wii which was a JRPG with a weird like it was alright like I had a battle system that I didn't really love and it was like an hour boss fight that takes an hour it's not like you can just get good and do it in you know 10 minutes or five minutes it was like you have to go through the whole hour slowly whittling down the enemies how doing all the right moves for like over an hour and then you just have to do it again if you die and I died then he don't forget wonderful 101 I never here's the difference I've quit a lot of games I've quit a lot of games halfway through or a quarter of the way through which was wonderful 101 for some reason I guess I just wasn't feeling it never say never to second chances for that game but I also would very much like to never like uncrushed my Wii U to play it so hopefully it'll come to switch but the difference is yeah there's way less games that I've given up at the final boss that feels a little bit worse like you get that close like put put the time in darkest dungeon yeah darkest dungeon though never felt like it had a [ __ ] ending and I would always that wasn't just like a story game where like oh we're gonna go from point A to point B and then win the game that was like you could play that game for 150 hours and still not win yeah I know it has an ending I know the game has an ending it's just a matter of I was just garbage at it just like [ __ ] pure garbage at that game there are times where you know I had my moments I was like oh this is I'm getting this and then I would forget and then they would like patch something and change it and it just got to I didn't see the end in sight I kept doing like I kept doing the same missions over and over and over again and not feeling like there was any any hope no light at the end of the dark dungeon for me which is why darkest dungeon - I'm gonna start with a goal to finish it you know like have a clean slate the other problem was - there was a different mode that like lowered the grinding which is cool and everything and it's much appreciated but at that point I was just like I don't think I want to play this game anymore I would still recommend darkest dungeon by the way even though I quit and never saw the ending I spent like 80 hours in that game maybe a little bit less I still think it's a great game and if you try it on the mode that requires less brined maybe you'll enjoy it more than I did but I still think it's a really fun beautiful game that gets very frustrating then you're gonna stream the other Mario and Luigi games yeah I would like to stream those games at least maybe not all of them I've been debating which one to go to next it depends on on how I'm feeling about like playing RPGs it depends on how many new games are coming out that I want to play if there's like a really dry release schedule then I'm much more inclined to play something classic something older Oh God Yoshi's Island flashback stop this game really knows how to ratchet up the tension it's also very short on health there too uh all right I'm gonna stop playing this game now it seems like seems like I could do maybe like four or five levels per stream Sunday stream is here again okay human voice [Music] [Music] [Music] alright thanks for watching the stream nose fun Varya land 4 will do more of that eventually you snake its Otacon I have a warning for you we just got a hot tip Hatsune Miku is in the area snake you be careful she could sneak up on you in any minute she's a twin tailed voice synthesiser Android I don't know how you're gonna battle her you've got to watch it she has the power of a god and Intel tells me she actually created Minecraft can't believe I mean she's really smart you be careful snake whatever you do are you listening professional to the end he only smiles at the very end and barely very you know very professional voice actor so last time I played this there was a bit of an issue and I was a little upset I died on a really horrible level and and I couldn't rewind but I [ __ ] did it I did it in my own time I spent 20 minutes and I I completed pinball zone because you have already seen the whole thing you don't need to see it anymore but I went through the level pretty quickly anyway this time so it worked out it worked out well like it wasn't it wasn't nearly as painful so so anyway we're gonna just do the boss the wario hop Mario's woo that Oh gambling huh oh that's horrifying [Music] it's um oh okay it's a little scummy but I'll do it I just have to know where the the things they have to be directly over the face Vinnie is this classified as body horror even the Chernobyl show doesn't really have that much body are it does but it doesn't this is a lot of vomit I gave him my eyes [ __ ] how is my memory this the [ __ ] this is not a good game for me this is a bad minigame for me okay sex eyes and sex lips alright got it that's a really disturbing face Mario Oh God [Music] so I'm on a [ __ ] wheel in the desert this is the opposite of Luigi on an egg but that pact is just shake its ass at me hey Mario I'm on an egg flying over the [ __ ] ocean yeah I was a little distracted hacked ass got a boss fight is that before Google dyno game I think so visor man it's fine Rison man big please Applebaum here's a smile for you thanks it's the only free item is a smile I kind of want to get like the visor man so I'm just gonna do a couple more minigames many thoughts on the Picard series title reveal it's just it's just Star Trek Picard now like they showed a visual it was like a graphic and the title just said Star Trek Picard it's like oh okay the creative the creative minds that brought you the ending of lost now bring you the Star Trek Picard series did you hear the production is still delayed I did not know that but now I do so they revealed the title even though there's a production delay Amazon picked it up and Netflix wanted nothing to do with it oh god they're gonna ruin Picard aren't they they're gonna ruin Captain Picard someone just said we're going to see Picard [ __ ] don't say that ever again there is an episode of the next generation where Picard [ __ ] you don't see it but he does it's implied because Patrick Stewart wanted the character to have more like a James Bond like romance debonair quality to him and so it was a captain's holiday so you know he does they give Riker gives him the hor con which sounds like the word horny and the Horgan is a statue that if you display it while you're in your speedo or whatever it means that you you want to like you know you know I guess the main problem isn't that Picard [ __ ] it's that I don't want to see it on screen and I and I think like it's fine if he's younger but now he's like 78 and I don't want to know about that oh that's a scummy looking bird eat the eggs Wario Yeatman you're you want with no heat there no this isn't going well for me hold up dumbass [Music] killed by ducklings you can throw up while jumping Oh secretly secretly I just wanted Weiser man for real someone said I throw up while jumping all the time I heard someone on the podcast explain the chicken joke by saying the joke is only funny because the chicken it just wants to cross the road because you think it's about other chickens but it's about crossing the road it's like no dude the other side is heaven it's the it's the spirit realm which people still still don't believe me about in chat I'm gonna fight I'm gonna fight for this I talk about this all the time but man that chicken joke is not just anti humor it's layered it's like an onion Vinny what is the chicken joke rest in peace visor man rest in peace for coins yeah that was terrible what is the chicken joke the chicken joke is white why did the chicken cross the road dude that that's the chicken joke to get to the other side wait are there people that lived in a vacuum that did not know that joke why call it a joke I mean that's it may not be a joke yeah I wonder if people live in like an actual vacuum cleaner I wanna be your vacuum cleaner freezin in the dust so yeah I just went ahead and became an expert at this so yeah I had this book it's a book of jokes it came up a rubber chicken Vinny I'm gonna need that full vacuum cleaner song it's um it's called I want to be yours it's a cover I don't know the original version but the Arctic Monkeys did a cover of it because I want to be your vacuum cleaner hang on a minute rubber chicken joke book rubber chicken book Wow they still it's used but yeah I just found it it's the rubber chicken book a fine collection of bad skits goofball stunts front yard acrobatics and really dumb jokes and I love that book because it came with like a rubber chicken and it told jokes and well now you know why I'm so funny was it a full rubber chicken oh wait no I can't go this way am i doing I don't remember if it was a full rubber chicken I do the only sound effect I have on cue is this oh I watched the terror I'm on episode 2 I think I just finishing that up it's not at all Lovecraftian really I said it was that was a mistake I mean it's it's got horror elements it just it feels a little foreboding in the same way a Lovecraft story does but it's it's a it's really good the Boat Show yeah it's two boats that are at the Arctic shelf to try to find a passage to some place and Mance Rayder ed mere Tully and Anderson Dawes are in it some of you know who these people are and yeah they get stuck because the one of the captains is stubborn it's like yeah we'll push through will definitely be alright God's with us and then they get stuck in the ice it's based on a true story it's based on it like well I mean not the supernatural elements but well I mean we don't know that could be but you have definitely a good recommendation Jeff and everyone who told me about it it's good I like having a TV show to watch while I'm cooking dinner or like before bed or yeah especially cool shows that involve horror elements and like weird [ __ ] body mutilations that way I can sleep with good dreams really cool super awesome dreams what about podcasts well there's a podcast for the Chernobyl TV show that explains some of the production stuff but mostly just the events that happens in the show and how they relate to what happened in real life any of you watched lake mungo no because the name was always too silly for me no but see what is it is it any good it's a horror movie have you ever seen Dead Alive by Peter Jackson director of Lord of the Rings it's a ghost mockumentary okay lake mungo is like horror but the office okay what we do in the shadows is like stupid vampires but the office we drank the blood of some people but the people want drugs and now I'm a wizard Germaine is apparently in the next avatar movies that's not germane by the way for those that didn't know Jermaine is a different human being there was Oh God can I can I read a headline to you because there's there's a thing that happened that made me laugh today so Taika Waititi is doing a movie it's a comedy movie about Hitler not what you think it is it's I don't remember I don't really remember what the what the context of this movie is but this was the headline to play Hitler in Jojo rabbit Taika Waititi did zero research because the guy is a [ __ ] [ __ ] so Taika Waititi tweeted to be clear Hitler is the [ __ ] what a headline what a headline that is a head you got to make sure your headlines are clear then you're gonna stream the Zelda necromancer necessary Zelda necrodancer game when it comes out yes someone said they here dancing queen from ABBA in the song oh my god you're right [Music] boy way to ruin the song no I well it's not ruined it's just now I'm never gonna not hear dancing queen there comes [Music] different enough we'd order dines they monster dance Wario's the dancing queen young and sweet only seventeen feel the beat of the tambourine dancing queen mario is the dancing queen yeah I'm only 17 years old my arty birth through again what is her name get through the Gertrude know it yet Bert rude but there's another he's got another end it's Aunt Gertrude [Music] comedy you come here for right [Music] chicken jokes that damn right now you know Vinnie origins is a chicken joke book you know someone said in chat I always thought dancing queen was the most overrated Abba song I don't know very many other ABBA songs so I couldn't tell you I couldn't speak to that but want to mention Fleetwood Mac there are so many Fleetwood Mac songs that are like super overplayed but I don't hate them any less that's one of the few bands where I can still listen to all of rumors and I'm into everything I'm into every song and I just have heard them so many times [Music] [ __ ] what can you do I missed the key as well what happens when you miss the key I think I [ __ ] up no new level you know what I just thought of a good idea I'm a little tired and I bought this cold brew now I'm not drinking a lot of coffee at 1:00 a.m. but I have a little coffee - I figure this would be a good remedy like if I just take a like a little bit and eject the coffee directly into my bloodstream maybe I'll be more awake what brand trader Jim cold brew ready to drink could use a little sugar and milk but it's good it's actually really good don't even need the sugar and milk don't even need it and welcome to the stream everybody today we're gonna be doing some block building and stacking and throwing no I'm not drinking any more of it no way [Music] [Music] well now I know what to do someone in treach's said this man managed to beat cuphead excuse me mr. vine sauce are you the person that beat Secor Oh shadows die twice live on your stream I've never seen anyone do that this is wondering can I have your autograph excuse me mr. full sauce is it mr. subnautica yeah they just start calling me by the games I played mr. Zelda breath of the wild is that you I'm a big fan of your work mr. Tomodachi that would probably be the one or mr. corruption mr. Tomodachi or mr. corruption mister gal gun now that's not I'm not ok with that one mr. giggle bone gang mr. Pennsylvania oh [ __ ] it's Pennsylvania he's here at too many games convention too many games he's here holy [ __ ] these DMC boom it's a very silly stream again it'll never be that though cuz I'll never play DMC - its kind of weird that Nintendo would release DMC 1 on the switch but not the trilogy I know why they're doing it I think which is to test the waters and also to possibly make money Capcom ice I'm sorry I bought us a Nintendo Capcom but yeah they can they can sell save DMC one sells really well they could just sell the second one separately and make some good money and then the third one which is the best one of those from what I understand I've only played that one it was good penny will you stream DMC 1 on the switch when it comes out [Music] yeah probably not I still would like the stream spyro to at some point this year especially now that they got rid of the [ __ ] motion blur and I'm still waiting on that Resident Evil 2 DLC the one that's supposed to do like a randomized mode like a rogue light mode that came out though did it no roguelike not light are we doing the term discussion again roguelike is a misleading term I've been saying I've been trying to reprogram myself to save rope light because they're not the same thing and you know I don't even care every game is a roguelike according to steam nobody really cares oh no people do look at chat look at the yachting right now some people really do care and I I don't really I just say roguelite because roguelike implies that it's much more like rogue which was the original game that did the thing Wow then he was your favorite game so far this year man everything this year either DMC 5 or Resident Evil 2 Capcom killed it this year so far no uh new games that came out this year not mother3 oh okay that's the big brain right there that's the big brain it's weird cuz yeah re too and D mc5 both excellent games but if you switch the numbers around you get two very questionable games what about Papa is you Baba is you was was great baba is using is a cool game it just kind of petered out a little bit for me and but no I mean Capcom released my two favorite games this year so far and Sakura is damn close I had a lot of fun with Sakura but I think I had more fun with both of those games that's how you get that all right this game is great this is another [ __ ] great game you gotta have some big brains to play this game now they really nailed a good like combination of platforming and thinking Wario is is kind of low-key one of the best franchises Nintendo has [Music] it's always pretty solid yeah even the virtual boy Wario is pretty good which probably the best game on it is the best game on the Virtual Boy isn't it unless you like 3d Tetris and you like getting sick crash team racing I'm actually really excited about Crash Team Racing I think that's gonna be great it's a remake that they're doing they're doing a lot of extra stuff like they're they're adding so much to it and I never played the full original Crash Team Racing I played it at a friend's house and I played the demo that came on the PlayStation Magazine demo disc are you looking forward to Dragon Quest builders too I have a weird confession to make that might be one of my most anticipated games of 2019 for some reason even though I'd never even played the first one well I've read a lot about it I saw it played at PAX I you know I've watched videos I know what the game is and it just it looks like a fun game it looks like a really fun game it looks like the sequel expands on a lot of the things the first one did right did really well actually ended up getting everything there speaking of egg salad even though mario is not saying egg salad I'm gonna speak about egg salad anyway egg salad smells like poop so be careful if you have that around you and there's other people near you because they'll think that you brought the big poop with you someone said wrong so I'm gonna try to sit wrong this is an objective truth there is no arguing the variety in this game is really it's really great who are these little Wario imposters though I kind of hate them also I'm getting vibes from this whole region of the game from like Mario Land 2 when you're inside the giant toy Lego Mario that son looks like it just saw like someone getting changed somewhere in the village like somewhere to the right someone is like sunbathing topless yeah those are actually Lego trees those are just straight-up from the Lego playset does anyone here past 30 that still builds like OH sets last Lego set I built was a Star Wars one when I just turned 30 so I guess I count [Music] oh [ __ ] you game oh yeah I did the Yellow Submarine that's right I forgot about that I did the Yellow Submarine Lego set Vinnie you are actually so amazingly blind thanks bro I thought maybe lightning was good maybe lightning is a superpower of some kind all the background stuff is nightmare fuel a little bit a little bit it's supposed to be cute but I hate it so I have to just keep going [Music] stop Wow it's like I didn't fail it's like I never even failed everything else that happened the yeah that there's some drugs happening in the background that son it son definitely uh it's looking at some sons under the influence some pretty heavy [ __ ] type dimethyltryptamine thank you even with the coffee this is not my finest work this game kind of you know I kind of want I don't want coffee not or not coffee egg salad you know we've been talking about egg salad [Music] danger art someone's gonna make he's gonna like this is the burro people just make vine girls then doodle dip and Linney's and they all come to life to haunt me in real life and an endless meet endless meet penny but doodle dips are good so is meat I don't want them to be alive though get the [ __ ] out of here with that [ __ ] what would you do if you were recognized in public as the doodle dip guy well now that you said that someone's gonna do that hey are you the doodle dip guys my name is Nathan Nathan Nathan what like Caleb speaking of meet someone apparently modded what game was it someone modded a game to have meats as the voice of the characters no it's like it was well that was fallout 4 fallout 4 the ghouls they modified it they modified the ghouls to have meat voices they just took the meat noises from my stream which by the way is intellectual property that I'm going to have to ask for compensation for thanks secret mist there's a lot of Secrets in this game that I've been missing this will go down in history is one of my blindest playthroughs oh boy [Music] I was just been told to stop not thinking meanwhile all you had to do is just say thinking no need for the double negative just say thinking dude someone said you can kill him by throwing snails at him and you're being japes this is too frustrating maybe I should play some nice Zelda too randomized and relax with some nice non frustrating non terrible Zelda to randomized then he what's your take on the new king gizzard album I was surprised that it didn't sound all like sigh bogie I thought they were putting out like a weird disco II synth album and it turned out to be kind of a little funky and all over the place it goes from like weird psychedelic [ __ ] - like harmonica and like folk music and it got a lot of mileage out of variety which means it could be hit hit or miss mostly hit though that's my tape my hot taking I like the sound of goose side beat the side yeah two grown-up adults dream tonight here on vine saw something many do you have an all-time favorite King gizzard song I think rattlesnake is their best I don't think rattlesnake is their best song I think it's their silliest most catchy song I think it's a good like intro to the band ice I think nuclear fusion might still be my favorite song I actually really really like the first track on gumboot soup beginner's luck muddy water is great I mean there's just so many to choose from crumbling castle [ __ ] hell how do you choose how do you choose how do you choose I do know that nuclear fusion was the song that really got me into them aside from rattlesnake so that's that's why I said that one first there's a song called head-on and parentheses pill that I had never heard until I saw them live and the way they did that song it was it was great someone said Jesus and Mary Chain well I saw them open for Nine Inch Nails they were really good very I don't know just solid right band live I was never really like biggest Jesus and Mary Chain fan but seeing them live was a whole different thing religious no they're not a religious bands they just call themselves ten there's also a bank called the Jesus Lizard the do to produced Nirvana's in utero produced their records and or some of them I think I don't know if you did all of them Albini and they're heavy and weird and loud and I don't believe they're about religious lizards there are so many like artists and band names that are bizarre at first but then you just get used to it and you're like oh that's fine that's normal like the who when I was at the met looking at the guitars and stuff you know Keith moons drum just says the WHO on it and I'm like yeah that's definitely a weird name when you think about it effective they were almost called the detours which is more generic yeah there's butthole surfers don't forget about butthole surfers everybody don't forget to go but whole surfing secret mists then he do you have any interested in void bastards game I've seen it I don't know how I feel about it it's got a cool art style Chet do you mind if I chew gum on stream yes you want me to yeah dominoe ro I wonder if someone's gonna start a stream one day like that like their whole gimmick is that they just chew gum on stream 24/7 alright guys welcome to the the gum chewing Channel it would have to be a Boston guy though it has to be like Germans cousin slur MA [Music] because Boston guys can chew gum and it sounds it sounds better someone wrote Vinny pulp and pond are nice recommendations but sorry King gizzard is [ __ ] [ __ ] what the actual [ __ ] [Music] which songs did you listen to if you're not if you're not trolling you probably listen to murder of the universe and I would do that that's like a surface of the Sun take now murder of the universe is a cool album I just wish they would have left Charles off of it then he thanks for reading that rattlesnake and nuclear fusion okay can I give you a couple more suggestions before you write off King gizzard I don't think it's bait I don't think it's bait they they seem to be listening to the band he could be trolling but let me let me help you out anyway check out the following songs beginner's luck on gumboot soup greenhouse heat death see if you like those two check out reals not real from fishing for fishies and then check out the first song on nonagon infinity robot stop and if that doesn't do you no good then you then you leave him alone you don't touch him you stay away like like like some kind of like okay like I was the devil's like it was the devils themselves what about Gamma Knife well I'm giving them a couple to start with because there's I'd love so many of their songs what I'm trying to think what would be a good I mean some people just don't like certain music I mean that's that's never gonna change that's why I don't think they're trolling this isn't universally good music for everyone I think it it I think it's great and most people I've I've showed the music to liked it but I think just to start those are some good ones what about rent Lazar good song good dude I know him personally not every level in this game is a complete hit for me but I will say that I love the variety not just in the objectives per level but also the themes it doesn't you know they don't reuse the same tile sets wouldn't it be cool if Mario is an optional character in Mario maker I'll be nice even if we didn't have like the shoulder charge it's to be cool so I'm gonna chat a minute ago said something like um I wonder if there's anyone that listens to red box and watches vine sauce simultaneously simultaneously that doesn't realize that Benny is in both things it's apparently happened I don't know how true it is but I've had people tell me well I've watched this guy for years and I stopped watching him for a while and now he's in this band that I discovered it's a I don't it's probably probably BS to be honest but it's a comment and I've seen on I think you can even check out another light on YouTube and it's in one of those comments it could be real I think it's a problem it's probably a very small percentage of people that have heard the band if it is real I'd say that the odds are in its favor of happening at least a couple times though or maybe the better odds are someone heard red box at some point a friend you know showed it to them or whatever and they've heard the name vine sauce or maybe watch the mario64 corruption video like several years ago but otherwise don't watch regularly or know who I am that might be much more likely someone in chat wrote so they're into semitones and [ __ ] this King gizzard they started doing semitones on one of their albums and they've used it a couple times since yeah so the reason the album is called flying microtonal banana is because Stu the singer and main songwriter and lead guitarist of gizzard got a guitar that has micro tones so look at the the frets on the neck some of you may not know what this means but it's basically notes that you don't usually hear in traditional scales this is the the neck of a just a regular old Stratocaster so you can see like the frets are definitely a lot different and you can get some of those notes between the notes so that's got to be a nightmare to learn how to play and like get it second nature and not and not revert back to playing the chords that you already know so uh Stowe from King Gidget tell me about guitars you like guitars nice go get coins well it's thinking about switching to Astra near maybe I'll just let you guys it's due for a little while heists do again is there like another two hours of this game left or more than that would you say less okay so then about two this is something like - alright so then I'll save the rest of the game for the next stream because I would like to stream Astra near because it's getting late so I have two new levels and I have to do [ __ ] Arabian night level again I have a boss and then I have the the middle of the pyramid so yeah I definitely can knock that out next stream [Music] you music okay I was just waiting for yo co-owner to show up you know John Lennon once wrote a song the lyrics are it's not really a song so much as it's like a little interlude between songs lyrical genius he is he goes a Yoko Ono Ono Yoko Ono oh yes thanks for watching we're gonna save it here and boss fight next time oh oh oh you didn't see that I don't you know how does my real overclocked Game Boy do that I don't know it's real strange so yeah welcome to the stream I'm a little late tonight I had some some stuff going on some friends stuff that was nice kind of some belated birthday stuff believe it or not because I don't really do a whole lot for my birthday so a couple of my of my friends decided to do a thing and we just played duck game and ate pizza as you do so that was that was good enough for me [ __ ] my controller I mean my Game Boy Advance game console is now ready here we go last time I played this I had a bit of a nightmare scenario Arabian night so we're gonna just start with this we're gonna get this out of the way I didn't finish this okay so I just need the key on this level [Music] anyway welcome to the stream weather is nice hope you're doing okay hope you're feeling okay I'm doing my best and I'm here and I have lemonade that's yep so I got you know I still haven't taken pictures of some of the stuff that people sent me for my birthday like some of the stuff that people made for me or the duck buttons that Adult Swim sent me of which I now have three it's not really relevant at this moment is it eventually Vinny did you do Zelda tier list already no I didn't have a chance I wasn't I wasn't home really today until later and I'm gonna do that before I stream Zelda next now she says that's what she says made a tier list result and the amount of hate in his comments on Twitter was next level astounding hate let's just say some of his choices weren't popular choices but regardless it was just yeah I mean he was just blindsided by the amount of negativity over his tier list VIN Otacon has information on Garfield I heard it it's pretty good I'll play it at some point but I know that there are other more popular things that people would like me to play on the stream where is that listen okay I know it's from the the fart I know people were saying it's from an overwatch thing but the original fart sound like where does that original the other nerf this thing that was in another fit of video that was someone who went to like fart and it turned into like that sound Donald Duck having a stroke it's a royalty-free fart sound I'm not gonna play it hang on Donald Duck having a stroke I'm not going to play it not loud at least okay that's so much weirder that's so much weirder when it's not just a disembodied gnome fart poo i I don't think I can play that gnome video anymore it's been ruined it's it's it was pure until then until that moment I'm gonna need a new gnome video with different noise it's the only way men yeah this is this is correct I think and I missed those gems the same way I did last time too I watched some footage of WarioWare shake it sorry wario land shake it I always say that and it looks beautiful it's hand-drawn it's really really nice-looking I had never played the game and one day I may play it it's not even a long game it's like about the same length or shorter than this so that's like an easy stream for me so I'm a stream that at some point cuz I like Mario well I don't really like him I like his games he's kind of a [ __ ] [ __ ] but anyway Wario shake it Mario Land shake it his voice is quite different charles's even just within a couple of years Charles is doing some different things someone just said hey the stream is not working on YouTube I'm gonna try it on my xbox got bad news for you mate I actually did just get another email about my streams not working on YouTube I'd say maybe like once a month or two every once every month or two oh that's not the way to the but yeah once every month or so someone will email me and say Benny your YouTube stream does not work longtime fan been watching for like five years where's the YouTube stream I'm like ah just tell them the truth like hey listen if I could I would Vinny your mixer stream just went out what happened oh yeah mixer Shake Shack but what's the other one it's mixer and then there's another one now hit smashed a TV Vinny I was trying to watch your stream on Grindr but I couldn't find it what gives Oh Robert all right well let me get a refreshment like I said I have lemonade but I don't have it near me so I'm gonna get a refreshment I'll be back Hong Hong Kong I'm hang on a minute I went with the pineapple juice instead yeah the famous pineapple juice that people have seen it people we're on drugs so people so I got a couple emails about the time I was on facecam for the sonic video one was Vinny this is a longtime fan please never ever go on camera again thank you that was one that's a real email desert I showed you that one right I showed the mods that one that one was funny I liked that one and what was the other one oh the other one was Vinny why do you drink the pineapple juice what are you trying to do and then they linked me to an article that says pineapple juice has some interesting effects on I just I think it tastes nice I like it it's it was just a convenient nice tasting juice drink and that's really there's all nut that's all there is to it and you should stop that you might get in there I won't get in there video posted cringe you're going to lose subscribers black mirror season 3 soon I was really I was really into the first couple seasons new oh wait what season are we on season four maybe block 5 god I don't even know what season we're on Jesus it's only three episodes though someone just wrote phones bad that's it that the show does nothing else it has no value whatsoever because it there may be an episode that jokes about hush bones could could be bad yeah that's it reduced to its bare essentials but yeah there's an episode where the Prime Minister of England [ __ ] a pig but that's I don't know if that's related to technology bad yeah it is actually now that I think about it I remember that if I recall the episode properly it is that yeah that's just the first episode of the show but no it's a good show I mean some episodes are gooder than others and there are some very heavy-handed ones but I challenge you to watch the new Twilight Zone series and then hop on an episode of Black Mirror and you'd be like oh this is not even close but it's just a depressing show Twilight Zone it just can't be and sci-fi and never in my life did I ever think a Twilight Zone episode would have the word eat my vagina in it but that's what Twilight Zone is now I think or it might have been sucked my vagina sorry I don't I don't want to mince words here but there was a couple of things I liked it wasn't all bad I've seen some of the Twilight Zone episodes and there's there's a couple that were kind of cool that almost retained the tone of the old shows the problem is some of them go for so campy oh this is cool some of them go for really really like Happy Camp and it doesn't really translate very well to the sci-fi they're trying to do and then some of the stuff is just poorly written I feel I don't know I don't really know much about anything that's just my thoughts but ya know a black mirror has at it it has it misses as well and I want to like the new Twilight Zone because I really you know I remember every fourth of July I would watch the old one a cousin or my family and some of those episodes are ingrained in my mind forever no not the club cousin remember I never really hung out with that guy the dude that invites me to the club with Eva Mendes you know there's a lot of misconceptions about that story and I'm here to set the record straight yes Eva Mendes and Madonna were at this club no they were not happy to be at that club apparently and no my club cousin and I were not close growing up at all different cousin I just have a lot of cousins I'm Italian but the the other misconception is that that this club was actually trendy meanwhile my cousin was like bring girls I want you to bring girls to the club bin I'm like I I don't really know very many girls who I'm sorry what do you want me to do like you must be scraping the bottom of the barrel if you want me to bring girls to your club that has thousand-dollar bottles of champagne and Ava Mendez and Madonna mate what are you talking about only bring Kolkata blah blah so much is wrote doesn't know many girls drinks pineapple juice for enhancements [ __ ] out of here yeah here I'm gonna start a rumor right now that pineapple juice makes you shoot laser loads that's the rumor we're starting it on the stream right now alright spread it as an urban legend there's no truth to that whatsoever there's no scientific evidence but if you want to shoot lasers that's how you do it now let me play an own video for you someone said Vinny you played gnomes but I got banned for doing that the irony how are you speaking of your band did nightbot time you out for a link for five seconds that's not what he means you know Twitter you know what he means what does it mean he played it on his stream he got banned for playing gnomes on his stream i mean he's got no other messages in chat so i don't know that information for a fact but if you could get banned for playing the gnome video what what is this world come to that is how you start a rumor yep that's true the pineapple laser loads that's definitely not anywhere near as enticing doesn't have as much weight to it as this new rumor the other gem piece is to the left of that fire pillar jump over the left it's there okay gotta go over the top like Sylvester Stallone a drill a drink of pineapple juice but it was Stallone even in that movie or is that Patrick Swayze where am I thinking of Roadhouse what the [ __ ] oh here it is okay so that I needed and now there's one more the final gem is after it goes ice it's in a door you walked past no I I specifically asked where that was that's good information you have been furnished that's right the informations remember I am like an insider varnishing you with every informations you need that's the actual quote okay ice I would assume this door yep okay oh thanks cool okay yep now I understand why there was a door suspended in the air yeah this game is great it's really good platforming it kind of feels unique too even though there's been other Mario games and a million other platformers it still kind of occupies its own space and it feels pretty replayable a million things to collect lots of little secrets that bastard doesn't afraid of anything that's right you want a million things to collect that's wario land 3 is it yeah but wario land 3 you're invincible which is good because I need that because babby mode no CD just missed the CD god dammit well you know there's a gun that you can purchase legally that shoots salted bugs so if you have like bugs you know that maybe you have issues with spiders or centipedes or flies or bumblebees I have one if I got one recently actually and I haven't used it yet because I never use it because I don't want to harm bugs because I'm nice but if a spider is crawling somewhere around me or a centipede let's let's say I'll leave the spiders I'll be nice to the spiders because I like them because they take care of the centipedes for me so I'm not gonna [ __ ] with the spiders but if a centipede shows up I may have an issue with that salt your pasta water from afar one of my last centipede experiences from last year was just as the weather we're starting to get cold so the winter kills the centipedes but my I think some of you may remember this but for those new to the stream I have a horrible story for you I was about to fall asleep I'm in my bed and I'm real tired and I I start to I feel something kind of fuzzy moving on my arm you know I have my arm wrapped around the pillow kind of and it I thought it was just nothing I thought it was like oh that's probably just like it's like oh I'm probably sleeping probably dreaming like go I put my hand on it and I feel it I'm like oh wait a minute is that like a fuzzy thing from the pillow is that what is that so I get up real quick and I'm like what was that they moved it moved and I felt it what was it so I turned the light on it was like the size of my thumb or slightly bigger which look at your own thumb if you want reference because you don't know what my thumb looks like unless you do you [ __ ] creep but yeah it was a centipede it was a house centipede and I just saw it crawling around on my bed and I never found it again it got away it was fat those things are [ __ ] fast so it got away and from that night forward I was checking every inch of my bedroom before I went to sleep I still think about it sometimes been months the centipede is still thinking about you well I think the centipede might be dead because winter came and went and usually you know winter is the natural enemy to the centipede so that's a that's a horror story that's not a regular old story that's just a horror story that I wanted to tell you which is why I now have the salt gun that ejects salt at a high velocity in order to remove such things from your bedroom or and or your kitchen centipedes like moist they do as jokey as that sounded they do that's why they kind of like crawl out of your shower drain which is why I now this is gonna sound weird how porn stars bleach their [ __ ] well I bleach my shower drains because I want the centipedes to die someone just said okay I'm done good night see ya so yeah you got a bleach you got a bleach your shower drain if you have house centipedes it helps it reduces the amount sticky traps help having an assault rifle that shoots salts is also quite nice this is an interesting take on like almost a Mario s ghost house or a murder house severing the centipedes and mortality that's correct you need a katana for that yeah Murder House you never heard of murder houses when I was growing up there was a murder house we had a local murder house did you like did you ever have chat this is for all of you a local legend of like a murder house somewhere in your area you know whatever it may be wherever it may be someone was killed there it's either haunted or really creepy or abandoned that kind of thing no we have a local crack house someone said in chat okay well we had one and the scary part was that there was supposedly a ghost in the woods and people were talking about his ghosts and you would pull up to it and it would it would illuminate and then years later people were like oh it's just the way light is reflecting I told this story already cropsey's a whole different thing cropsy is [ __ ] there's the Seaview home there's a lot of haunted stuff on Staten Island we talked about this from time to time on the stream we even have a house full of real-life vampires did you believe it one was a warlord during the Ottoman Empire his name is NaN door and he goes we drank the blood of some people but the people were on trucks they called mean and odd the relentless because I did not relent did you see that Tommy was all posted on me brawler of himself in Smash I did see that yeah Tommy was oh is an opportunist in the most pure sense of that word ha ha you missed Smash Brothers here's know what that is but he's been on twitch a couple times I mean he's played some video games he played Dark Souls on this alien show alien why so it's it's not like he doesn't know like he knows what video games are it's just he's not he's not really into him and when he played them I want to say played with air quotes he kind of just ran into walls and stuff there's a couple screenshots released or behind the scenes photos or weird distant photos of the Picard show and they like they brought back the TNG uniforms but it's 20 years in the future or so 25 years Patrick Stewart looks very old it's my only real observation it's nice that the uniforms are back and I think he's still gonna do a great job it's just got damn this [ __ ] aging sucks someone just wrote time is a [ __ ] yeah feel that but I still think with with the right scribbles you know it could be good write scripts directors if that Kurtzman guy as far away from the project as possible the uniforms are not identical the pips are down below the collar they might be based off the future uniforms there's also the awkward things combat might be used no no there they're a little bit further into the future yeah I read about that the speculation of when the uniforms are from but they look you know it's just nice to see those style uniforms again in Star Trek I kind of hate the discovery uniforms just bland blue jumpsuits like we could do so much better than that like I liked when Captain Pike showed up and he was wearing the yellow like the gold enterprise colorful outfit and then they're like yeah we're gonna put them in the blue jumpsuit jumpsuit I was like god damn it jump shooting basketball thing that you could do Mega Man is jump shoot game oh yeah I guess it is then he are you gonna continue enter the gungeon in the future yeah yeah dungeons good and I got everything [Music] [Music] what are we doing are you gonna stream Tetris 99 event maybe there's an event you can unlock a gameboy skinned Vinnie and Vinnie vine sauce lied about the tetris 99 return stream I did yes at first I thought I was gonna return to Tet 99 I just I guess I just didn't feel like getting aggravated I like it and if I'm available tomorrow to stream in some capacity then maybe I'll boot it up but I don't know we'll see I was hoping for more stuff in the game and is $10 DLC they're doing is just like a single-player mode and a weird so for those that are you know who have been to New York and have ridden the Staten Island Ferry you know that there's nothing to do here when you get here so Staten Island was sick of that happening because people ride the ferry for free and then just go straight back to the city and so they figure well there could be money here and what they tried to do for years was direct people to local sights and sounds like some historical stuff some you know the mall or whatever just a way for people who are tourists to spend money in Staten Island and it never worked so what they did instead was they had this idea to build a giant Ferris wheel like the London Eye and that was supposed to attract the attention of people so they would be like wow look at that massive [ __ ] wheel but that fell through and also Staten Island residents were like [ __ ] that wheel like we've never been united in anything but we were united in [ __ ] that wheel so and the taxpayers were not happy about it either anyway the wheel just got chickened but the other part of it was an outlet mall called Empire outlets and apparently it opened and they did a big ribbon-cutting ceremony two days ago now this is just that like right outside the Staten Island Ferry Terminal so if you ever are a tourist here there's now like Premium Outlet stores H&M and all that [ __ ] stuff that I have no interest in buying but I went over there real quick today and it was [ __ ] weird this was what it looks like over there it's not open twenty percent of its open the rest of it is crusty look at that dark alley you know what that is that's fear the one down there on the left there's so many like the construction of this thing is really weird but like it's like there's lots of little tunnels and caves and they like crisscross the stores in a way that there's just weird like like corridors that are dark someone said this doesn't look like New York no oh it's Staten Island which is a little different then there was this I heard this strange noise as I was walking up the stairs keep in mind again grand opening two days ago and there were a lot of like just dead areas a lot of like creepy dark areas and like lots of construction and this is what happened [Music] almost Godfather just a dude playing a theremin looks like he was in Zoolander [Music] kind of cool also kind of weird and then the most fitting the most fitting part of all of this is I want you to be aware of Staten Island welcome everybody to Empire outlets in Staten Island and there is Manhattan interested please we need tourism apparently please it's a lovely place one more come on come on don't I'll take treasure-chest away from me not yet gotcha all three chests clutch one more level and final boss finish the game tonight that's the plan got another boss right here actually just back loaded all the bosses to the last stream the hell Oh much like Sakura this game too has CBT apparently on heart mode this boss is a nightmare damn I'm losing them treasure chest for sure they better keep eating in the wrong direction Vinny what did you eat for dinner heats up Vinny how much pizza do you eat a week I try not to eat too much but lately it's been kind of crazy because I've been doing the the might my own pizza reviews mentally just play a couple minigames just for a second Kurn time what do you mean current I'm I'm to grind for some Kern well I'm just gonna get to this is like the essential RPG experience it boiled down to its bare essentials can't defeat the boss go grind for a bit again I think I know how to do the boss fight now kind of it's annoying but just a little extra help would be nice much damage does it do 1 damage that was not worth my time - it did - damage okay still not still not worth it I had some people actually possibly ironically possibly not ironically tell me that my crystal my M&M impression was in Eminem's new song like Vinnie why why is your blackens meme in Eminem's new song I'm like I must have hit that hit one pixel one pixel I hate this boss my chests so that means that means I have to do this boss fight again right couldn't even die properly I really don't want to grind people are telling me which items to get I don't feel like grinding hit the mouse but don't make contact with the bear okay this is it I got it perfect ye [Music] okay okay I see I got three that time [Music] all right I was kidding I knew what I was doing that whole time it to fight the plant again - I do yes can I do that now or do I have to wait until whenever oh my god so this is timed from the beginning this is not excellent the actor Keanu Reeves would be very upset with me because of how they all want me dead Vinny do you think Wario drinks pineapple juice I think Mario is very virile mala Luigi's the one who's barren that's not like why can't I climb onto that jump up from the bottom area [Music] then he just spring go up go up metal there we go now we got to jump wow this is terrible I'm not doing well do they give me enough time for this you have lots of time super hard mode is three minutes [ __ ] everything you've learned must be applied now what you want me to go left I like this way [Music] left is bad oh yeah I hit some like severe tunnel vision there someone said you're doing like five lines per second that's a new record so one said man Vinny if chat wasn't here no dude streaming makes you stupid it really does it like I would eventually get it I might die once and then eventually get it but I mean try it if you haven't forgot this I just got to go back to the beginning won't you sweep and got it three minutes must be a fun time on that level I'm just gonna go for the final boss one missing treasure chest god dammit wait can I get that still yes if you die once you win yes okay I'll need to pause this for a second I'm doing my pregame yoga that's a really good incentive show the player a cat throughout the whole game never explain what it's for and then have it abducted at the last second that makes me want to fight the boss this thing looks like um oh god what's its name from Final Fantasy 6 ultros [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm still worthy what the [ __ ] man [Music] I'm trying to hit myself I keep ramming it instead of hitting myself I just hit myself as good as I'm gonna hit myself what is this game mechanic don't jump Oh someone told me distinctly to jump that took [ __ ] forever it's for the best just let it happen that could in and of itself be a highlight a fail like if someone does a top 10 fail moments in mario 4 vines off stream that would be 1 through 10 all right there brah no the chest apparently you can't get the chest until you defeat I don't even know if that's true again I don't always know what's true in chat they're just names on an Internet sometimes people like now trust me bin it's your old pal plus E Plus he [ __ ] 49 I'm like oh that's a cool name I've known classy [ __ ] for a long time good lad yes yes very very fast this time the precision required to get this thing to hit you in your own head it's not actually that precise at all but I got it now it's gonna now just all at once whatever free-for-all have fun okay and that is a really weird face that's a troll to face that is definitely one of the masks from troll 2 you can't fool me mental cool [ __ ] boss fight' chez manon get that last chest cats alive cat can continue its life selling items just to barely squeaked by you know paying for an apartment that can't afford really [Applause] and only to one person at that Mario is the only the only person interested in the cat's wears a cameo from the animals from Super Metroid would be nice right about now or like Samus running in the opposite direction the little too cheeky though I guess Wario saved the animal won it was never a cat it was a princess I guess the cat doesn't need to sell items anymore thank you why Rio why would you kiss Mario Mario kissed a cat it was a cat girl it appeared on his doorstep I'm glad that Wario got a little little thank-you kiss good for him Mario in the weeds year they always are always the brothers that are getting that Mario you know he sees heroic when it comes to a large sum of cash really lyrics pretty [ __ ] sweet I like this game a lot this was a game that earned its reputation I had always heard about how good it was and playing through it I can see it still holds up it's a fun kind of smart game surprisingly for Wario not that he had bad games but that's dope me weird wacky and it's it's just a good game then you go to youtube the other endings I'll YouTube them yeah I don't feel like I need to go back to fight that boss I don't really care I'll just check them out so Mario will continue with Wario shake it mario land shake it whatever it's called not anytime soon but I think that will be a good Wario stream for the future what about master of disguise well I mean you could easily say what about all the other Wario games too but for now I'm gonna stick with shake it and then see where it goes from there but it'll be a while from now I like to mix it up you know like do a Mario game every like four or five months do a Zelda game every six months to a year you know you got to rotate your Mario's Wario's l DS and Troy's I don't know why at this point in my life I've acquired three duck buttons but it's a you know it's a cool thing to show to show people like hey check out mmm like hey check out this duck game by the way I have three duck buttons that's like a party trick I guess I probably no I wouldn't have a duck as a pet I feel like some people could do that I couldn't do that but I would visit a duck that someone else had as a pet that would be my my goal yeah I don't need a duck [ __ ] all over my apartment as cute as they are all right well I don't need a duck [ __ ] all over my like outside I'd still it's not just the [ __ ] - it's the the stuff leading to the [ __ ] I'd forget to feed the duck and we're like quack angrily at me [Music] new cat [Music] I'm happy that Pat survived that will be a really dark ending for a Nintendo game uncharacteristically so David and Dan would probably write an ending like that and then the cat is killed by Wario [Music] stakes as much as you can if you continue with the same data every boss will be revived start over and try to get off well hi chefs I got a steak ending weird game like why does the game say steak - saved you don't I mean like what kind of weird post ending credits scene is that strange I don't know what it means just a bunch of random weirdness probably because it's Wario we're gonna take a look at this ending video so they escaped same thing princess again this is a different princess [Music] the [ __ ] someone said hotter princess but but but he's into more mature princesses oh okay he's into the Cougars [Music] remember Wario is only 17 years old yes I am a bit tired that's right why do you look so old Wario well you know and that but rude I write now what's this now then he show the kiss okay I like that it almost morphs into one of the other princesses it tricks you for a second and then this and then there's one more there's one more that looked like Aunt Gertrude that was Aunt Gertrude I think [Music] excuse me what [Music] what the [ __ ] is this he's and gentlemen we got him so this is weird all of these endings are weird and I think we saw all of them right it's just those four here I was thinking that at the end of the game Mario was gonna have like a nice big house and like he was gonna have you know all his riches he was gonna save up and buy like a golden mansion or a Shack or like an apartment building while the we geez apartment nope it's either sits steak and kisses from know then you're thinking of Wario world which I am I did stream that but I figured maybe there was some similarity here steak happens regardless so it's good Wario is always into that I think right well then that is Wario Land 4 good game weird game I enjoy I would like to play Wario when Mario games shake it at some point but not anytime soon so I hope you enjoyed watching it it's it's just something that I figured would be a fun stream for a little while
Channel: Adam Rhodes 536
Views: 32,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: highlights, edit, play, video, the beatles, compilation, wario land, for adults, walkthrough, john lennon, guide, vinny, games, music, mario land, vinesauce, twitch, swearing, cursing, fan edit, red vox, warioware, stream, mario, let's, wario, playthrough, archive, gameplay, livestream, sunday stream
Id: a8t7TcVHdco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 20sec (9560 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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