[Vinesauce] Vinny - Subnautica: Official Release

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make your selection now [Applause] oh I'm running out of oxygen Oh No what have I done Oh No already already well you've seen me stream this before but I know that there's plenty of people who have never seen this game we have lots of new members since 2016 for some reason maybe they saw me corrupt steamed hams and they were like this guy holy [ __ ] this guy is awful I gotta see what happens next oh that's too that's too same cave that cave that cave is fun don't expect me to scan every single thing in the game I'm doing it at the moment but I'm eventually gonna want to stop doing that knowing myself and I know myself better than most I tell you what ghosts can a reaper Leviathan oh yeah I'll just head over there in a second how did you glitch the game to have water in the Life pod but it just happened it started when I played the game huh oh it's me Tinky Winky fish how you doing listen I want to go on the water for a long time no couldn't do it for numbers cause uh I'm always down neck I have to take it on the water advance you're alone hey Zul already souls more hit me up Thank You Winky hot for you at gmail.com gold oh [ __ ] boy am I glad that's not Parma death okay you like cutting it close don't you yeah I do I like the drama that you know I like what my audience has to like when they go like that and they have to [ __ ] a brick or two in the hopes that maybe I'll actually survive even though there's plenty that want me to die plant is doing a show in Phoenix where the tickets are $380 Jesus Christ it's not for lack of interest necessarily just got a bad case of the olds we all get there we all float down yeah oh great now I got a new voice shitty Pennywise it sounds like mr. ting oh no my Pennywise impression is mr. dink imagine tommy wiseau meets Pennywise Pennywise oh if you will ha we all float down hello this is why I love the chat you're picking up the slack you know when I can't think of something exceedingly stupid usually the chat can do it for me I got to build quicker before I [ __ ] die of thirst oh man I don't know what I'm doing anymore where's the thing basic - no it's like me checking the [ __ ] menu when I'm in Monster Hunter in a pool of acid come here come here I need your water there's no water it does not contain water I can't drink the fish build a pineapple drink the ocean oh yeah that'll go well I am NOT an odd knock thanks for reminding me that desert I appreciate it anytime I forget about Monadnock just just let me know real quick build the landmark ha ha what a story landmark terrible I am NOT banana McNab neck oh okay you just spawn that's fine scum base looks penile that was unintentional man at no point did I say you know I really like a [ __ ] base but it happened anyway I'm telling you I'm not looking to be creative anymore that's those days are over I'm telling you you guys are worse than me all I have to do is give it give you a little push and then you end up getting worse doing the ac/dc song goes that one I think about that song from time to time my uncle gave me that CD in 2006 it's funny because I barely sang I barely gave you a clue as to what song that was and you knew what it was now either that speaks leagues for ac/dc or somehow you're a genius some guy in chat just commented on how much bass his subwoofer had and I imagine that you grabbing your mic just now might have blown him the [ __ ] away oh he's dead now he's he straight-up just gone he's deceased he is no more cool lava eyes I'll be fine I'll be fine you just swim it off it turns out lava hurts a little bit yeah I know I'm dead it's okay I've come to terms with my mortality [Music] then your taste more here we are I see it now I need oxygen but oh god oh god I'm stuck I'm still Oh worst fear right there you just witnessed it no one do this with me I'm going to hold my breath as long as I can and see if I can match up with what's happening this is a stupid idea no one do this okay hang on hang on no breathing air out helps it's not cheating I'm just breathing air out you don't have to believe me but yeah actually I did it I made it but I was ready to I was just about ready to say [ __ ] it like if I didn't find that exit that would have been that would have been a [ __ ] first dreamer to die by holding his own breath on stream to prove that he's not stupid yeah no I'm cool I'll just hold my breath underwater for like 10 minutes I got this I'm thinking of myself can't give up don't want to give him the satisfaction just as I like the vision gets blurry the last thing I see is someone say in chat [ __ ] faker and it was all for naught so are they still doing updates for this game I know it's like officially released but I'm wondering they want to add a new biome multiplayer is planned oh my god subnautica multiplayer sounds insane alright is subnautica battle royale on the way is what I want to know this is so silly the fact that this works like this it's amazing subji that's the best gift the chat has given me tonight subji be sure to check out the sunbeam landing oh I will I definitely will we're gonna get rescued guys this is the greatest day ever what could go wrong nothing's gonna go wrong we're gonna get rescued and then the game will go into space and then it'll turn into no man's sky you know the ship just like it comes down to the planet we're here to rescue you now I'm good night I'm not really into you I'll lock it down here yeah but you could go to infinite planets all procedurally generated I'm good down here like it's wet you know you know these fish and everything nice good Mike now just leave me alone okay the rest of the game becomes a mission to sabotage the rescue ship so that they don't take you out of your water I like that game that sounds like a good game Australian Kermit has that what my voice has become for that but yeah I'm gonna make I'm gonna make a scum stir I was getting away with saying that with a straight face for a very short time that did not last long call the new skumps - skumps there Junior oh no I can't there's not enough room for it Minnie stump this is getting worse and worse you know that right I see scum Junior Minnie stump the [ __ ] is wrong with us and yes I say us that is going to shoot down the aurora isn't it sorry the the sun beam we broke an atmosphere go away towards the landing site is that up a building down there what do you mean you can't identify it change course set thrusters before it's my fault I did this or at least I'm complicit ancient buildings do tend to send sound like whales yeah you're infected you're going to probably die soon so this planet has some kind of yeah there's diseases in the water yeah I might just stop you hello so I think Hootie and I are gonna try to do what were you doing in there Minnie stump what the [ __ ] is wrong with me like I I screamed this last night and then I come back up I see things like Minnie skunk I'm like I don't remember doing that I bet you taste good that's a good first line by the way if you ever meet someone and you're attracted to them and you want to get like immediately going start some some dialogue just just go like that to them and the creepiest voice you can just go bet you taste your line that's good no I'm telling you there's there's a respect when you do that Vinny was this your son tingle is married now how do you feel I feel I feel nothing but I have an audio clip or two that I'd like to play for you yep got them all so has someone ripped them from the game oh and here's ting Gaza I don't like it that one oh that one but you taste alright tingles voice actor also voices Ganondorf and Twilight Princess oh my god that explains so much that actually did quite a bit of damage to my hull I prepared for ramming speed speaking of ramming speed I rewatched yesterday's enterprise so our guy walks in into the doctor's office yeah I'm not doing a full rewatch of TNG sorry what's my goal for the stream the aurora aurora borealis I'm sorry for quoting steam Tam's again and I don't even [ __ ] watch The Simpsons and yet you know my friend bill who plays keyboards in the band is the biggest Simpsons fan I know you know Here I am quoting steams esteemed hams at him he's like I never thought I would get to the day where you're quoting Simpsons at me and I'm like yeah dude I just you know it's everywhere I can't help it I'm sorry it's it's just you log on the computer and someone's steaming a ham at you what's that the word aurora shows up nope you're done done you got to steam them hams what human who what the [ __ ] are you a little bit alien life-forms just staring at me if humans are so good how come humans to doesn't exist it's terrible just ignore me here's what sucks my organization skills I cannot argue those are terrible maybe labeling your storage is other than scum what helped tear you how could you say such a thing oh boy what am i doing what am i doing oh oh oh oh no please please no no please no please no okay we're good we're good you uh yeah give me a second white box data shows the high-security turbo in the captains quarters is still functional all right I'll tell Becky I'll just take the regular yeah she'll what I mean I don't know but the regular dude oh now dude I like the way he said J's you know it's like almost mr. garrison J's Vinny your baby Vinny your base looks like a hamster home ye but yes mushroom base I need to get magnetite and then I will come back to the base it's gonna be a quick mission very quick no more than five minutes sorry I meant to say no more than 5 min yacht's how silly of me why are you like this I don't know I don't think the mushrooms have properly loaded in just yet there we go good the mushroom loaded on my submarine apparently Twitter thinks that my stream title is in check but it's just my bizarre wording of things as usual still only four times drowned on that very first day my first day back was a little shaky how do you get the seeds for this though I don't think I'm gonna be able to get them come on well why are you so heavy underwater you're that heavy oh my god come on [ __ ] fell through the floor come on subnautica this isn't Skyrim that's later Benny how addictive is this game well I played some of it off stream if for no other reason than just because I wanted to enjoy the game the game I'm gonna be I'm gonna be a good guy oh wait this one's dead whoops you're free you're free to go be free you know narrow narrow you know you know all right everybody's singing with me I'd like to be under the sea in a cocked up pusses garden in the shade he'd let us in he knows where we've been and his octopus's garden in the sea am i in a musical mood well I just did my taxes so I'm in some kind of [ __ ] mood me typing alien ha ha makes me wonder how many people here I've seen the Tom ey show you're a fan of Tommy obviously everyone is maybe but have you seen him play video games with an alien giving him instructions hey Leo why you do make me play Dark Soul please he didn't actually know how to play video you know what it was a nice try a for effort more like a for abort as sure sure when Tommy got on Twitter not that long ago his Twitter DM z-- are open but I sent him a DM I was like hey Tommy do you want to do it like a quick interview or a promo or anything you want to do maybe you just say ha ha I was like if you want we love you everyone loves you and he never he never got back to me he probably took a look at numbers I don't like numbers not big enough ha ha ha he had an opportunity to get on the h3 podcast which has you know huge audiences and he just didn't do it no Mickey Mouse [ __ ] I owe a big number ha then you have contaminated your aquarium I don't know what you mean then he one of your fish fish is diseased can you explain I didn't know that fish could get diseased in this game they're all diseased oh yeah look at those boils good for them oh they're all diseased together I think it's kind of cute one day I'll fix them my goal in life has been replaced not by my own survival but by the survival of my fish friends dead fish Vinnie did you prepare your moon shaped pool photo frame god dammit hang on it's got to be a JPEG JPEG more like JPEG do I look like on know what a jape is there it is oh man it's like we've time traveled back a year and a half Vinnie was it worth the time you spent I would say yes you know sentimental value can be important especially if you're alone in an alien underwater planet and you have nothing that can sexually arouse you aside from this fruit because if you squint they kind of look like Bob's but you got to squint and they're probably not the most healthy Bob's but it's better than a curved piece of wood Vinnie how are your tree Nobles fish they're good yeah they're gonna be developing legs soon crawling out of the tank and evolving into lovers I'm going to show you their final form there you go right there so I mean let him evolve okay true story mick fleetwood from Fleetwood Mac is in one of these costumes that's true I'm in tight back it's a [ __ ] are you doing you [ __ ] bastard I apologize sometimes I get angry I become Welsh you know you know to hear Oh God that fish hurt by doing this okay first order of business is fall back into the moonpool what the [ __ ] are you doing man funk frog says switch the colors of your seamoth around so it's primarily black but if I like my seamoth as I like it now wrong oh [ __ ] I didn't know I was wrong do you remember in Monty Python and the Holy Grail when they asked him his favorite color and he says blue and then he just it's wrong anyway and he gets thrown into the sky into the pit it's a good thing the game reminds me to drink fluids this is very much like real life if only all of us had some kind of hydration bot internal hydration BOTS that would like play messages in your ear then he it's called thirst all right no need to get technical about it Jesus Christ what did you go to Harvard what's so technical I've had enough of this Mickey Mouse [ __ ] you holy [ __ ] please this filthy son of a [ __ ] just said Peck that's interesting uncle uncle says the hmm Superbowl song is stuck in his head that's good oh oh so that's where my base just floats it just free floats then oh my oh oh no oh no oh god dammit game okay we're good we're good we're good holy [ __ ] Todd what are you doing Dave cap says I'm beginning to think your computer has worse memory issues than you do now you're right Vinny it's some giant underwater McDonald's play place [Music] the [ __ ] Sun what was that great now you're gonna tell me alien fish have EMP oh my god it's a brain squid get away from my ship what are you doing to the Tingler it sees light oh you're both the coolest thing ever and [ __ ] horrifying yeah how do I leave I'm stuck I don't know how to get I don't know I get out of here how do I get out of here oh you're gonna be a [ __ ] coffee I need it right now diluted with tasteless American water water tasteless we tried [ __ ] New York Pizza they say it's all in the water whose day I don't know a day who I don't know whose day I don't know my dude he's gonna need a lot of ass when he gets off this planet it's down here dude like I said there's nothing to jerkster bait to not a single thing fruit you know you're having a walk to fruit not not even the fish picture is good enough what about the voice recordings I guess I guess father we're dying yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] tell the intercom voice to say some [ __ ] like Bob's open the intercom voice yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly Oh baby I fight bait it'll be like Rocco at the phone sex hotline Oh baby Oh baby they may also be studying you get the [ __ ] on up out of here I don't wanna hear about that okay now there's plenty of sentient fish maybe I'll bring one of those war pers get a crab squid Zito what are you trying to do do you want to induce a heart attack every time I go up into that room put a diseased fish in there you monster that sounds like a great idea do they fight like if I put an aggressive fish like a gladiator arena that's what I'm saying it's boring down here you got to keep yourself occupied you scoundrel please leave please there's another time capsule you said a reaper Leviathan run you want me to run and miss the reaper Leviathan my best and only friend you don't know I'm here hello you don't know I'm here don't know I'm here you don't know I mean so Wow is that the cuttlefish that one it's not a cuttlefish it's a cuttlefish and it is [ __ ] adorable and I hate it because it it would probably get killed in an instant what's got little teats it's got little teats Luke Skywalker would love it come I can show you the world okay you're just gonna oh hi you want a biscuit oh come on how many tens of thousands of dollars of the budget you think we're spent on this obviously I'm looking for lippy huh yep nope what are you doing oh it poped wait wait a minute what alien feces oh yes I definitely want that this is a great place to mine for lithium they're all stuck that is awesome the this is coolest foot Wow they're a little glitchy either that or they're just running into each other they love running into each other I'm not sure excuse me oh you what are you doing here you're not supposed to be here I love it I love this who fish so much what since when do they do that what is it what is it what did I crash into [Music] haha that might have been the best Reaper reveal in the history of my playthroughs with this game that's a lot of [ __ ] nutrients I bet it tastes like [ __ ] calorie made though God calorie mate tastes like such cardboard sawdust molasses Vegemite sorry Australians I didn't I didn't mean to bring up Vegemite I'm so sorry please do not kill I have made very very many mistakes in my life but eating a spoonful of Vegemite perhaps was the greatest calorie mate on the other hand doesn't taste very much like anything I mean it's just there you know people have sent me calorie mate give me a second have you had the chocolate one hang on hey well hang on a minute cuz they're all yellow the packaging is yellow the ones I have I have a red one and a black one it says calorie mate in red and it says calorie mate in black oh [Music] I'm actually eating this like I'm somewhat enjoying it this is what happens when you start with the worst one and like you prepare your tastebuds you train your tastebuds for ass and then anything else tastes good in comparison there's some survival bar that you can buy on Amazon that has like 3600 calories oh wow good for me so this is what happens when I pay attention you know to the chat or I start you know eating calorie mates I start repairing the wall you wish to continue this isn't good oh that is not good oh I'm out of extinguisher I have no healing the only thing I could do was run through the fire who's really I was left with no other choice hello [ __ ] I just got done doing all this [ __ ] please please please that's Sammy the safety reaper just making sure you have your safety equipment where could a vending machine go like I said this place is kind of kind of cluttered it can do something sorry this is always entertaining to me oh so many people are gonna hate this but think about it you don't have to leave your bed for snacks this is midnight snacking on a [ __ ] parallel dimensional level this seems like a good idea seems like a great idea I can't I do want to go on more underwater adventures but I think this is a loud fish I hate it did it did it get in its certainly trying how's that what is this reverse reverse this to them Oh chat I don't I don't know where I'm going this is fine I'm good where's the Aurora going down with the ship how does one level up in such a way that you can drink your own pee aim into your mouth I guess that's helpful thank you now I know information a quad where um where does the character poop I wonder if there's just like a little release valve like you just press the button and it just like is it illegal to poop in the ocean I run out of thing I've been streaming too much I don't have anything left to say what the [ __ ] just happened I think they spawned in each other there is Wilfred just stay the [ __ ] away from my base and we cool Roger wanted to mow the lawn this afternoon but procrastinated a couple of times and now he has a sore wrist hand to gland combat that laugh that I just did was pretty much thanks Arthur pray for me chat [Music] yeah yeah there is water at the bottom of the ocean river water there he is but I mean what did we name this child again or is that not the one that might be the one right there that one was it Ernest did I really named him Ernest please check on the flying fish I fully intend to in fact I think I got to make some more nuclear rods why are you laughing I just said the word rods someone's laughing I can sense it through the internet oh oh mott the hoople is gone man well time to depress depression EEP is that is that you mutt I think that's him I wish you well good luck oh my god sorry scum klopse I dropped my upgrades has anyone seen any upgrades lately they went off the cliff good oh boy oh boy this is this is one of those brain yacht moments only me man only [ __ ] me reload I haven't saved people are sending you clips on where it is okay let's see if I could follow it down and yes I can see it falling that's the best part oh this is this is awful this is awful yes yes and it was still falling - oh alright there's a storage which I don't think I can accent huh what what please game please game what a stupid [ __ ] fish it's a juvenile it's yachting I've decided I don't I don't want to spend the time killing it I don't care it's fine it's resilient what's the harm or not there's probably some lithium like right here for now building a locker so I can store some [ __ ] how's that sound that sounds good good job bin you did it you're I'm proud of you great moves keep it up Ernests you get the [ __ ] out of here Wow Ernest what did I tell you about staying away from the front door someone in Chad just said that the sand shark is the best addition to the base yet it's like the dog that you keep outside it's a guard dog there he is always hungry Ernest goes [ __ ] mental that's accurate it's not even a meme it's just my dog going crazy any other upgrades that I should be taking a look at that I forgot about these fish man they just don't stop and it's always when I'm not looking [Music] lava larvae holy [ __ ] get out of here [ __ ] I just [ __ ] look at that I pause the game look at the exact moment I accidentally just pause the game unbelievable yo this warp has got a [ __ ] hard-on for me woah no you look like a bug so if anyone needs a chat named Picard's moose knuckle is a good one what happens when you google the cards moose knuckle I wonder this is almost as good as Pierce Brosnan's chest Bush yeah it actually comes up when you google Picard's moose knuckle you get the exact thing that I'm referencing which that [ __ ] there has to be that speedo has to be inflated with some air I don't like that I really really don't like that and would prefer if that wasn't ever I summoning salt I'm a fan of your videos so thank you for your hard work it's good good content good [ __ ] just a suggestion for a future video Chrono Trigger of course I'm gonna say Chrono Trigger it's my favorite game of all time if you get a world record then maybe I'll consider it listen somebody's thought let me show you something my dude I can't believe I'm saying my dude again [ __ ] let me allow allow me to show you something I'm very proud of when someone told me that this existed it made me so happy I have a 100% 100% in Zelda 2 but the best part of this is that I am just a head of RPG Godfather streamer doesn't like what I like why I'm sure if you search hard enough you'll find a streamer that likes exactly everything you like I know you're being sarcastic but however let me finish my bit I'm doing a bit this is like the bit I did earlier with the grandma who gave a blowy to FDR listen it's a good bit just hear me out let me finish it but eventually they'll do one thing you don't like they'll like sniff wrong on the stream like just a few too many times oh no no no I'm out I can't deal with this guy anymore oh yes I've given a good blowy to FDR yes my name is Mildred Abigail but Bert burning ham the fourth I once used my knuckles to achieve the state of climax on Frank Sinatra's bellboy I do have some hippy tendencies just a couple I like incense I like these oil smells I like some what well what the [ __ ] where'd it go what happened to it okay well I have a warper here that's hell-bent on destroying me oh great what now I'm walking on nothing um hello are you the Emperor scan the fish milf oh come on I figured it had something to do with mushrooms cool arm dude it is likely that ideal hatching conditions for the eggs vary considerably from ideal survival conditions for the parent when I read this stuff I feel like data from Star Trek struck from strep throat data from strep throat my favorite sci-fi show tell me a day to Joe a guy goes into a bar bada-boom but I'm bum I really like what they did with this game I thought the story was gonna be like just survive get off the planet build a rocket but I like that Emperor Emperor Janus is pretty cool a 1-800 join him alright oh [ __ ] nein [ __ ] yeah I'm fresh out of titanium Mike it's better than the movie Bill Hader was not wrong what is going on with you these like ghost Ray's have this strange habit of getting tossed through walls at maximum speed just have a question have you heard of the High Elves no that's my question Jesus that noise stop that [Music] you cower you in here I can't be in here there's no water in here this is this is this is not right this is amazing I'm sure they developed as much as they could to avoid from this from happening but just Everett okay never mind what please please god no what is this what game game this chat is going so fast you won't know I'm gay says VOAD Asya that's actually not going so fast tonight my friend but good for you congratulations alright anyway this is a big moment this is a really big moment so we'll resume this next time and I'm going to now stream Secret of Mana again from the start thank you for watching everybody hope you enjoyed subnautica stream has ended good night I was looking for the intermission music but I don't have it anymore at the moment goddamnit coming for ya I'm gonna put them down she's so happy my young are swimming for the shallows I thank you their freedom is my end what will it be like I wonder to go to sleep and never wake up no guys next week I will be an ocean current carrying seeds to a new left no creatures so small it sees the gaps between their grains of sand farewell no no y-you die why you do so I can't actually take this with me back to my my base I can do this though so how do I save these fish how do I because I can't carry the enzyme as far as I'm aware people are cured I don't know if this is gonna work but either heal cure them or they'll infect him I hate him look how stupid he is you are so [ __ ] loud and stupid you know if you're gonna be doing like science work you need you need a microscope you might even need one of these too you can put samples and like enzymes and stuff Quine samples samples of equine stringiness no I didn't say horse [ __ ] I said at Quine stringiness never mind that I just watched a video of Johnny Knoxville rubbing that on his face because Bam Margera put it in his Sun Tan Lotion never mind that I just watched that what a [ __ ] that popin would have killed me I didn't I didn't bring the stasis rifle long ass [ __ ] range with that slap gotcha she's just [ __ ] graphics well this is it or about to finally leave the planet we're gonna do the Ziggy rocket we're gonna do it right that's a little Metroid yeah but I mean going for the Ziggy Stardust look why do you want me to say goodbye to the cuttlefish I've got the cuttlefish with me good food I know thank you the second cuttlefish a little bit of love before I decided to leave six for you two for me did you guys ever hear the the Bala did you guys hear the rejected ready player one theme song back to the future remember Tomb Raider remember weird science remember Battletoads and the Iron Giant remember Star Wars and transformers the movie remember ghostbusters remember The Goonies remember when neon used to be trendy remember the where's the beef lady from Wendy's remember it Kiera that's from Japan remember Galica and mrs. pacman remember contra and remember Street Fighter remember the a team remember Knight Rider remember the simple scenes one through nine remember logging on to America Online remember Highlander and Highlander to remember Star Trek we certainly do lose it every time [Music]
Channel: Captain Weeks
Views: 66,278
Rating: 4.9537392 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, vinny vinesauce, vinny, vine, pc, indie, stream highlights, stream, highlights, video games, subnautica, mrcountermax, underwater, underwater adventure
Id: 9F-J5whCnEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 14sec (3614 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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