[Vinesauce] Vinny - Subnautica Below Zero (PART 4)

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all right it's uh the long-awaited continuation of inefficient subnautica with frustration abound this is gonna be one of those um one of those times where i'm like oh because apparently the modules can be piloted individually so good for me i hope everyone's doing okay i really appreciate you watching this stuff we live in a pre nintendo but post all other e3 world at the time of me recording this and you know i gotta say i just really want to kill chaos the internet has memed the final fantasy forgotten fantasy whatever it's called to to death by now and uh has boy boy oh boy has it been something so i mean what can you say when when you got when you got to kill chaos you just you just got to do it you got to know when when it's the right time to just you know just let loose and and kill chaos and that's been every meme it's been just a ton of that so while i'm sub yachting i will say yeah i forgot about the moon pool i forgot how it worked i forgot about a number of mechanics in this game and i've also learned that you can um you know you can park the thing in here the sea truck and are those bubbles you you can park the thing feedback there are bubbles when there should not be bubbles and it will automatically disconnect that's what i've learned so while i'm rebuilding the aquarium i wanted to uh recommend a couple things hang on one second i wanted to recommend the rocket man movie which i finally saw leagues better than that shitty queen movie i did not like the queen movie it was really like glossy and the editing hurt my face and it just felt like knowing the history of queen is very revisionist but also like you know what freddie mercury wasn't squeaky clean and that's okay that's what i liked about him in some ways is that he lived his life the way he [ __ ] wanted to and it was messy sometimes probably a lot of times but he was a compelling interesting dude and his story i think is you know it should have been told that way and instead we we got something quite different and it really didn't do anything for me that said the elton john movie rocket man was stylized in an interesting way and do i have lithium [ __ ] so i need lithium to make the thing i need for the aquarium i need two of them all right so that'll be mission number one one second the elton john movie was great the singing taran edgerton was amazing um the songs are always amazing i've been listening to goodbye yellow brick road it's provided me a lot of uh the meaning of that song in particular is important to me now when i just had like the song previously but now i well now i know kind of what it means but it was you know the movie had so many great songs and so many great sequences and there was like a heightened fantasy element to it that i really enjoyed i thought it was really cool how am i gonna park this thing in the moon pool i guess like this i'm just testing something out um yeah the goodbye yellow brick road album in particular has been just stuck on on my uh spotify i've been listening to it like crazy and it's well deserved but yeah the movie really um painted an interesting picture of elton john and in a way that made me appreciate him even more and uh they didn't leave out the messy bits is to say that yeah there's some some stuff in there that's let me see if if i can maybe should i build the moon pool you know what no i'm going to keep the moon pool right there i don't care i'll i'll deal with it like how things just like die when i get close to them it's nice um the the thing about the the movie is yeah there's there's the drug addiction all kinds of stuff and it doesn't shy away from it and by the time you get to i'm still standing at the end it's earned it wasn't like a perfect movie or anything but it had so many great moments that i i just i think it's great i recommend it highly so that's that's a good if you haven't seen rocket man and you like elton john's music or even if you don't you just want to see a cool movie it's it's great it's really great it's half musical half dramatic movie with good performances and good um good cinematography the whole the whole thing so what else uh the loki show was pretty good first episode i don't know if i mentioned this during anything else but i thought it was cool because there is an element of catching up so even if you didn't remember everything that happened to loki and he had quite an arc in these movies um they kind of had to catch up and it was weird i wasn't sure if it was gonna work but i think it worked and i like the character enough that i'm curious to see what they're gonna do with him and owen wilson's great wow wow that's great i'm a big fan loki big fan he's like the perfect dude for that role it's unbelievable i think it's time for owen wilson to finally get back into the spotlight i don't know if he ever left the spotlight truthfully but i guess uh whatever the hell happened i don't remember see i haven't seen him in a while but he's great and and the show was fun and i gotta say for these marvel shows even though falcon and winter soldier had some stuff in it that made me laugh unintentionally and i wish they didn't compromise some of their original vision from what i heard about it um and you know it's just dopey like turn your brain off tv it really is it's entertaining and no i don't pay for disney plus i don't pay for paramount plus or anything like that i just basically have um amazon and netflix i'm not trying to be cool like a cool kid like i don't pay for these things bro it's more an issue of at the moment i'm happy that i'm not and i watch the shows so it's not like i'm i'm like oh i got to get my money's worth it's it's no this is my choice i want to watch these shows and they're they're they're all right i think there's lithium here uh new king gizzard album is pretty cool very synth heavy it is 10 songs it's psychedelic and and um there's a couple things on there that are really amazing i like catching smoke a lot that's good i like there's another one there's a couple more i can't remember the names shanghai was good um the last song there's one with a lot of guitar that i liked i don't remember the names because i only heard it twice all the way through but i i enjoyed i thought it was a really cool change of pace for them and it's got some groove to it it's got some cool synth lines i think it's one of the better albums of that kind and i just like the variety that we get from them like each album you get something different just about and i think they pull it off very nicely we need like one more lithium uh so yeah that's the high recommendation butterfly 3000 new king gizzard album i really like it and i'm i'm happy it exists but it also made me go back to the the previous two albums that they released kg and lw and i thought those were cool too i only heard those a little bit like as much of a gizzard fan as i am i um i was more obsessive about them when i first discovered them [Music] so [Music] okay so the sea truck is going to be very come in very handy uh re-watched darjeeling limited recently uh sphynx played it and i rewatched it's one of my favorite movies actually but i haven't seen it in a while and i continue to love that movie from the soundtrack to owen wilson you know the performances it's just a weird movie but it feels like a spiritual kind of journey like i know it sounds lame but that's what the point of the movie is and it's brothers reconciling i think it's my favorite wes anderson movie even if it's probably not his best it's probably my favorite one thing i finally realized maybe this is obvious maybe not for those that know the movie but i i just there's something i noticed so the movie heavily uses the kinks soundtrack three songs from the same album all three songs i love like amazing it's the movie that got me into the kinks and i think they're a phenomenal and underrated band especially in the us two brothers ray and dave davies who famously did not get along but created this amazing music together the movie is about brothers and family and i just thought wes anderson was was using the soundtrack because the songs were so good and fit the theme not only were the songs good and fit the theme but they also yeah i mean there's that angle too there's the the two brothers making the music together maybe it seems obvious maybe it just seems like i'm rambling but just a thing i noticed that i hadn't before and it made me kind of think man wes anderson's great i really love that dude's movies he's like stanley kubrick with a heart okay he's not as meticulous as kubrick but his cinematography his his shot framing can be similar stanley kubrick is great i love his movies because you can re-watch them endlessly there's so much detail there's so many interesting angles and there's like a real artistry to his movies that i love maybe it's hipster to say that you like kubrick i don't know or obvious oxygen but i'm just gonna get a little more lithium while i'm here i figured this is the perfect time for me to talk about this stuff anyway but kubrick the problem with kubrick is that his movies uh people i don't mind people have criticized his his whole kind of thing as being very cold very distant very detached and i can agree on a lot of his films and a lot of moments in his films but i think there's a real empathy for humanity and i think that's why he made his movies in the first place is just exploring and studying the human condition and trying to understand why we are the way we are and i think his approach works but the criticism of it being cold and detached is fair i think it's fair boy i'd love to click on the uh the lettering on those lockers don't i but again within within the the whole kubrick ethos and the way he does his stuff there's there's also there's a lot of um humanity you just have to look for it and you also have to kind of watch the right movie for it wes anderson the humanity definitely shows it's it's there on the surface most of the time but i think he has the potential to be as detached and cold as kubrick in some of his movies too and i think it's called just not shying away from you know things that are kind of [ __ ] up and observing like there's a scene in darjeeling where there's a death i mean the whole movie kind of is framed around a family death but there's a scene in the movie that is very it's like a complete tonal shift and i i always was a little bit like jarred by that but i understood its purpose now the older i get and the more i realized like how trivial some [ __ ] is like when you go through some [ __ ] you lose a family member when you go through um i don't know loss and when you go through some hard times you kind of get to a point where more and more the older i get and the more i grow as a person i'm trying to find the the whole connection between what doesn't matter anymore and what matters and the movie is really good at showing that darjeeling limited absolutely covers that and i think that's one of the reasons i love that movie so much so i may be rambling but it's okay because i'm literally just collecting like fish and rocks i just wanted a little bit more lithium so yeah that movie's that movie's great anime is terrible though this keeps happening every so often people um it's happening again where you know i joke about something people but vinnie you don't watch any anime and you hate it so your argument is invalid and you can perpetuate that as much as you want but i'm sorry to say this i don't agree i actually i think anime is fine i don't like the the high school drama stuff i don't read manga very much or at all but i mean akira is a phenomenal movie and the style itself i have no problem with i respect the art form and most of the games i've played that i love are heavily anime based or inspired especially toriyama but yeah i don't go out of my way for anime so i think people just think i hate it and it's like all right i only hate anime when it's convenient to not play persona 5. [Music] okay i have my materials now maybe we'll even get to some story okay once again i uh revisited the um arctic monkeys tranquility-based hotel and casino album because there was a video i think from middle eight about why it's kind of an over not overlooked but under appreciated but genius album i think it is i love it i love am as well and i love a lot of their previous singles but something about tranquility base is just incredible and uh that video got me to listen to it again and it's still great it's just there's not really any like there's not obvious singles it's kind of a difficult album to pick a single for but it's a lounge singer a disillusioned lounge singer on the moon i know that sounds a little corny and it is but it works so that's an album that is nice to listen to that and goodbye yellow brick road and uh what else have i been listening to kind of burnt myself out on elliot smith i love his music but i think i got a little too depressed listening to it it's just on repeat oh you know what let me build this thing first all right here we go nope the uh the lost aquarium module okay so apparently you can uh that's what you can do so a i feel like a stupid idiot but what else is new and and b in my defense it wasn't that obvious is that correct do i have to wait i hope i don't have to do this thing backwards wait what do i have to actually come on don't do this to me not again i'm so [ __ ] done with these modules man i hate this i i hate this oh my god oh my god also got to look in the exact right spot on the locker just so you don't accidentally um i i am i am actually sweating why didn't why didn't it connect why didn't it connect [Music] why didn't it connect why didn't it connect can you not do you have to like use the keyboard you have to press enter so when you go to edit locker name i wish i could disable that because that i really don't don't need that [Music] really don't need that time to waste some more materials do not patronize me computer i have had it up to here with your [ __ ] [Music] why is the aquarium module so fragile though like why i bumped into it twice gonna save before i i didn't even think to save it's like why would i need to save i'll just connect it it's easy save okay so they all connect this way this is how they connect okay so so we line it up we go like this we line it up we line it up it's perfectly lined up perfectly lined up it's good wow i crashed into it once and it's down to 27 percent that's not at all what i wanted to do okay it's like is there am i not pressing the right button is there a button is there anything so connect i i don't understand what's happening here and i and i don't like it so [Music] i'm gonna try something the pain continues you thought the pain was over oh no the goblins have only just begun to dance i don't want the aquarium module first what have i done why did that connect so easily wait what i i give up i [ __ ] give up i guess i wasn't allowed to have the docking module like does that not connect it looks i guess not i guess that's my fault because i didn't see a door and i should have been like oh there's no door don't it doesn't connect so that's probably my own fault but you can i hope you can appreciate and understand my confusion a little bit at least at least a little bit please i'm begging you to understand wow wow so what are next it's the delta thing isn't it all right let's see the afterburner upgrade would be great so i need to repair the thing the tower parallel processing unit so we start with that gold silver table coral probably gonna have to go back to my base yeah i deposited table coral all right at least something is happening now and i finally understand the modules i guess one of the things i could have done with the moon pool is put it up more so this is going to be a fun adventure every time i'm going to break modules on the way in let's take a quick look and see how much damage they took i wonder if one they're connected it mitigates damage to the whole unit [Music] okay so those are the materials needed okay one of those one of those one of those one of those [Music] do all right got it great batteries replaced the only thing i need is maybe some food i'll bring this stuff with me oh no oh no yeah the moon pool may be in a terrible location and i may have to figure that out i can make it work but do i want to so e3 has been very chaotic uh just to go with some overdone memory i think at this present moment i mean by the time you watch this we'll have seen e3 we'll know when breath of the wild 2 comes out we'll have seen gameplay footage of kid icarus um kid icarus mastication what does that word mean metroid prime 4 uh new smash character dante chewing it means chewing okay kid icarus pit learns to read all of the things are going to be revealed and it's going to be amazing and no one will be disappointed but the way things are going now a lot of people are kind of hoping nintendo can like you know save e3 i didn't think e3 was completely terrible so far i think it was very mediocre maybe some of the conferences like square was just trash ubisoft was just more ubisoft stuff with mario and rabbids which actually looked great and um you know i i that that zombie thing they're doing with rainbow six alien zombies whatever they're doing uh you know re-watching some of it just looks a little boring like i'm vaguely interested in it but i'm also i know how i am i'm interested enough to the point where i say i'm interested but then i'm probably not going to purchase it rocksmith i've signed up for the beta because it's this you know it's rocksmith do you play guitar there's songs as a service though that that makes me a little bit sketchy about it because a lot of us you know that played rocksmith uh there was there were ways to just download your own songs and now what they're doing with this service thing it's probably to get rid of that aspect of it where you can't really import your own songs and you have to like pay for theirs so ubisoft was kind of as generic ubisoft as it comes with an extra emphasis on we have the best villains microsoft had the best one i mean sony's not there so you can't really even compare it but microsoft just had a lot of games even if we don't know what the [ __ ] star field is i did feel like yeah that's a decent conference so it you know nintendo can they with their 40 minutes can they come around and can they make it a great e3 do it please work yes satellite is down okay all right altera you win this round come find me at my greenhouse i'm about a kilometer east of your position up on an iceberg i have a present for you i'll come by if i have time sure whatever if you have time for me in your busy social calendar just lost a quarter of my health by being lazy it's funny because seeing people you know the way i reacted to oh you know square could be good this year and right now you know exactly what happened at the nintendo conference and i don't and that's the same thing as when my square video premiered of me reacting to squares conference i'm like oh this could be cool there could be this there could be this and then it was i need to kill and then a bunch of other confusing stuff and marvel so that's cool but i think nintendo has a very real possibility to turn this thing around and truthfully i no longer expect the switch pro i think that was i don't know why there was so much i don't know why there was so much indication of a switch pro but now i i have my hopes for the switch pro are down kilometer east of your position up on an iceberg where's the atari direct wasn't atari like actually releasing a thing like they had a thing that they were releasing that could play old games and it had wood paneling on it or is that just another ouya they're loud i'll give them that they're loud but they're no leviathans oh [ __ ] is that is that a giant shrimp how does one activate the pulse [Music] i have it also is this the iceberg maybe it's further this way she said east so it's probably this way no i'm like oh maybe this button will do it i don't know if it's automatic but i'm pretty sure i activated it manually at one point this would be this would be east seems like an iceberg it's gonna search around i don't know if it's under the iceberg above the iceberg on land up on an iceberg so i had a really fun headache today not that this is compelling conversation for a video or commentary but i had a really nasty headache took some tylenol didn't work just ended up like forcing myself to sleep because it was that annoying and painful and i think it was maybe a little bit of dehydration [ __ ] sucked but i guess i'm happy it was today and not for the nintendo thing tomorrow because i'm gonna be up a little not too early but like you know earlier than my usual by about a half hour and i forgot to get half and half so i can make my own coffee [Music] this kind of seems like it would be it and i have a dentist appointment tomorrow too so it's like that's like super cool it's nintendo and then like gum scrape that's the name of the next red box album gun gum scrape gum scrape soup new technology acquired i'm beginning to think maybe this isn't the uh the iceberg can i use my hot knife to like heat up my face a little bit hypothermia are those the sound effects does the game still think i'm outside it does oh my god oh my god might be that one just want to do a little exploration real quick that's what this game is exploration hmm it's just like lots of nothing down there and that is scary [Music] well yeah it's pure you know it's pure purified [Music] well there's a big [ __ ] winter storm so i can't exactly see what i'm doing but i'm i'm going to try this one oh yeah well that makes sense hello bye pepper tree oh it gives you body heat too kind of cool game looks good like this scene right here is looking pretty nice well i did it i made it in spite of your directions and i'm stuck only [ __ ] me all right okay incoming cutscene damn satellite hasn't passed by in a while i guess that was your doing sam's not the only one in the family who knows knew what to do with vague directions in old wire she was an original that sister of yours first time i met her i was sure she was altera through and through not a crease in her uniform sending those damn bird bots to spy everywhere then she surprised me maybe a little too much meaning if you really want to know there's a pda on the bench that can point you in the right direction you need anything else don't bother me but you can help yourself a greenhouse least i can do to repay you for getting those spine pests off my back okay thanks i'll i'll keep the entire greenhouse thank you hell yeah plants i think the marble melons were good right those were those was good foods i think shrub nut that's the name of this game isn't it i've already synthesized an antidote and stashed it in a cave i can go grab it and that's your plan you don't think it'll work you're thinking too small like maybe if you're polite enough about destroying the bacteria altera will come around and see it your way but do you believe in yourself or not i think so you can look all you want there's more to marguerite than any damn fangled gadget can see damn fangled i've already you're thinking too small like maybe if you're polite enough about destroying the bacteria altera will come around and see it your way but do you believe in yourself or not i think so you think so come on is the bacteria a threat or isn't it it is does it need to be dealt with or not it does so who's right on this i am say it like you mean it i am i said like you mean it not like you're testifying before a rigged transgender court i am great then what you gotta all right marge old girl we hate this green i've already got your testifying before a rig what you gotta do is seal off the whole cave i've got justice stuff made it for fishing but it blew the whole ice shelf halfway to deep space vaporized all the fish okay and you gotta hit the lab too or there's just no point actually you know what let me take care of that one it'll be fun all right marge old girl we hate this greenhouse so here are some pointers to remember so we never have to do the worst parts again too bad you can't fight malnutrition by hunting it down and killing it so first like chaos insulation first few nights the soil was rock solid ended up having to insulate the dam place with dehydrated kelp adding a thermal mass helped too heat from barrels of water probably should have just eaten the damned kelp but nope my body was craving a salad i wish i was just made of exosuit next grow lights were a must-have gotta admit i felt pretty proud of my first oh i have those in in rimworld add half of it to preston stalker will be practically anything always spits half of it out though another thing we have in common the slobbery green mess makes good compost okay i'll try to grow some of this crap uh can you do that here oh god this water why is there a penguin in here somewhere uh whatever um okay just put this stuff in here okay good good it's nice to have inventory okay well i'm gonna head back to my base we can always check out the alien distress call not entirely sure where i'd want to go next but [Music] those are some locations that is a location it's gonna be a long road back we need we need that after burner you know what i'm gonna look that up right now sea truck after burner upgrade i remember like i got one or two of them i just don't remember where the rest are it's time to help people oh jesus i'm getting advertisements while trying to find the location of this thing well i hang on a minute i'm hearing about purple vents did i accidentally stumble upon it well whatever i stumbled upon it's it's certainly a thing let's take a look fabricator module control room okay it's not the afterburner upgrade but i'll i'll take it command chair number one number jukebox disk [Music] i'm thinking of the oath that first note made me think of the oath the final fantasy song there's the lithium i might need for later warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining [Music] what would you rather explore non-existent chat space or underwater would you rather be like james cameron or would you be like hell 9000 but that doesn't make any sense but that's a movie i've been meaning to watch 2010 space odyssey the sequel yes there's a sequel to 2001 and i have not seen it for me it would be space but space i guess space has the potential excuse me underwater you could probably explore and see like more more things whereas space you're just gonna be like flying along nothing oh look there's nothing there oh look there's nothing there like unless you had star trek like warp engines so i guess that leads us to you know i guess the exploration of the the water would also be to some extent i don't know what i'm saying but bear with me let's say it was a fantasy scenario where you had the technology like this [Music] versus like a star trek future where you could go warp speed and check out planets i think i would still choose space because i'd want to see the um aliens with just [ __ ] up nose ridges and that's it that's the only thing that's different yeah i think i just passed up any potential after burner upgrades maybe it was near the pilot location it crash [ __ ] it i'm gonna head back there real quick i have a feeling it was there because i didn't fully explore that area but space would be fun to explore the potential of what's out there like even within our own solar system the planets are endlessly interesting even if there's a lot of gas giants their moons are really interesting too so i'd probably explore space but i'd want to you know the potential of finding life out in the universe that's that's the most interesting thing finding life underwater it's like well yeah we know there's life underwater but what if it's alien life underwater usos unidentified submerged objects which have been reported by many sailors drunk is a skunk sailor so you can trust them over the years lights emerging from the deep ocean i guess you just chalk that up to like oh [ __ ] it's an angel you know if you're in that kind of um if you're in that time period you just be like that was i saw god see we've been here but doesn't mean we can't have another look because i think we've been here is the last known pilot location does that just take you to marguerite because that beacon is still there i'm wondering if maybe i didn't do everything i needed to do oh it's the base i died trying to get to because i'm going to i'm an idiot yeah that's that one uh game builder garage has had some interesting already within three days the custom games already look so much better like we're not talking again like next level amazing [ __ ] award-winning video games but a lot more than i was expecting i hope the node limit gets increased though if you didn't watch my game builder garage showcase it was crusty but the one thing i've heard you know i followed like some of the the discussion about game builder garage because i think it's interesting one of the things that people keep saying is that the node limit is a little too low it's a little stifling i don't have high hopes that nintendo's gonna update this thing but here's a couple things people want one increased node limit two the ability to share sprites like custom graphics via qr code or some kind of online service which leads me to three which is an online service where you can search for games easily but for nintendo's baby first game development it's kind of cool and i think that it has a lot of potential i think it's going to teach a lot of people some vital game development skills that will translate pretty well into learning you know it's the basics it's the basics but like it'll go into intermediate i think this is my limited pool of knowledge of game development but i do think it's a cool tool i think it's a great idea and i can't wait to see what people can make with it um beginning to think maybe it's not here this upgrade after burner upgrade [Music] and i remember there was a message over here that was like up there's a the fragment that floated up or something and that left me very confused i don't know if it was just making a comment on the way these things are kind of suspended or if there's more to it [Music] god all right i'm gonna head back to my base this thing is just too goddamn slow that thing is cool squid shark someone already made super hot and game builder garage a very basic form of it but i absolutely intend to plan it um to check it out to play it probably in about a week it's a little less than a week from by the time you're listening to this i had like a little guitar riff in my head i was like oh that's pretty cool it's like oh what is that what band is that that's a cool riff and then i remembered it was coldplay and then i i threw up in my mouth a little bit not allowed to like coldplay i've already talked about this though there's a video that kind of goes over what made coldplay kind of get lame when they were initially of a well-liked band but you know i'll listen i'll take it to my grave i think coldplay had some great songs back in the day and i think that there are way easier bands to make fun of it's red vox [Music] any rock band by a youtuber or streamer especially if said streamer or youtuber says spin but that's just my opinion coldplay is not terrible they got terrible they didn't start terrible oh my god what's that noise oh does it just pick up fish randomly yeah i think it does i think like when you crash into something it just like acquires the specimen huh another thing about space and this reminds me of it is like the movie alien portrays space as this very unglamorous boring thing where where these people are basically space truckers just trying to uh just reminded me there's a movie called space truckers with uh dennis hopper and steven dorff don't worry about that but alien is really good at making space a lot more boring than star wars and star trek and that's i think one of the reasons that movie still holds up and endures and doesn't feel like it's a movie from the 70s it absolutely nailed the space trucker aesthetic and it also really kind of you know maybe a semi-realistic approach to the matter like you go eventually people are going to be just hauling freight and like asteroids and you know metals from a variety of places and yeah i mean if if there's still money if it's not a star trek future then it would kind of make sense that there would be jobs of just people just kind of hauling and it's boring and you have to just wait for long periods of time and that's another reason why maybe exploring space isn't the most exciting option but hell i'd still do it just not in the next 50 years like maybe let's say if if we don't pulp ourselves and uh we continue to advance as a race as a species maybe like 100 years i mean the progress progress we made from the first flight to landing on the moon was like 60 something years it's crazy how fast we we worked and then we just kind of slowed down in regards to space exploration we got to the moon there was no porn there and we we left we went back a couple more times we had stanley kubrick mock up some footage but then we were like nah we're good we don't need to spend all this money to continue going to the moon what what is at moon i know elongated muskrat and other such people are trying to get us to mars but you know when we find out there's no porn on mars are we going to want to stay there or how about oil warning emergency power only oxygen production offline power restored alonso mosquito is is uh is the guy who's going to lead us to the future so seek fluid intake vital signs stabilizing [Music] okay all good on food so what now uh there are many things that can be happening now i think i wouldn't mind building some of those grow beds there's the command room too aesthetic design that's cool so [Music] so [Music] got a counter [Music] wasn't there a divider it's like a partition does this work can you uh well could do something like this oh it increases hull strength too okay let's make this large room a little bit more homer homer homer you haven't you have disappointed the family homer i don't know why we would need this here but you can even make a door too wow you can tell i you could tell i've seen an owen wilson movie or two least uh recently need one of those and get some of those grow beds too i hope i can still plant these things even if they're a little rotten there's just a little rotten stand i could do this it's like a little grow room or something oh this is the partition where the dank stuff is grown we locked this partition up at the end of the night and the titanium is going quick okay that doesn't grow there this can though wall planter you can how do you how do you use the wall planter though is there a way or does it just look cool is there a prompt recyclotron eh that's interesting ion cube titanium ingot recycles items into their constituent parts and this is advanced wiring kit class and titanium times four if i can get one of those but i want to oh i wanted to plant these damn peppers i think these are these are good peps how the [ __ ] do you plant them though all right well i've planted it here for now well at least the grow beds look cool okay so command module you need some materials that's a lot of fish we picked up a lot of life forms tiny little life forms where are you okay so it's titanium advanced wiring kit and glass oh we'll put some peps in here advanced wiring kit well we got wiring kit i didn't install that mod obviously the one that builds the things table coral times two gold copper wire [ __ ] table coral times two is the problem no it's not very pleased that i don't have to go find that [ __ ] copper wire [Music] so command room where's a logical place to put this thing control room rather no no that doesn't make any sense hmm so i wonder if i could just potentially like put it there like does it have um multiple exits and entrances i don't think it does i think it's only got one in the control room you can change base lighting and colors rename your base and see information about power and structural integrity but not the integrity of societal power structures that was funny oxygen cool all right need to just find a place for this thing there's a t-section connector there's the t compartment we can do this we can make this work [Music] this will be fine it's almost some level of it looks cool i mean it's not symmetrical but it doesn't need to be like i don't really want it to be symmetrical it just looks cool so yeah let's oh right yeah just built a thing maybe i should go check it out disable section oh sick base name jelly one [Music] [Music] i wonder what that looks like so you can do a couple things not a ton of stuff but there's there's a couple things that you can do here it seems these stairs go anywhere oh it's like a pass-through room oh [ __ ] oh well i kind of like the way it looks now like this so i'm not going to change that but now i know kind of looks cool like that could be a little lighter but i i think it's kind of neat that you can customize the color of your base now i like living in underwater life sometimes i can live with that for now certainly doesn't stand out but it's like almost stealth what's the other thing i wanted to build uh could build a chair [Music] oh boy that rotation is taking forever so um [Music] i remember now but wait a minute i'm a little confused i forgot how to replant like doesn't it pay dividends i kind of remember there being a way to eat the fruit and then replant the fruit it's just for decoration at this point at least the chinese potato stuff you get a bunch marble melon just replant it it's weird yeah i don't know it's probably a couple different ways to do that that i'm forgetting okay is there anything else probably want to build the jukebox now but where the observation room is like my own personal room but it's very small though you have to admit this would be a kind of [ __ ] amazing place to listen to music the jukebox lets you listen to music in your base no one said survival couldn't be funky [Music] got the writing all right all right [Music] oh my god all right cool welcome aboard captain i mean it's definitely possible to leave the base it is possible to leave the base it's just a huge pain in the ass this is a great way to get water like damn that's that's actually a really cool thing having the aquarium automatically pick up the fishies alien distress call well it's not too far from my base i've probably already been down there but almost positive i have been but um it's still there the beacon so i may as well check it out okay i think it's definitely going to want to pick this up all right the outdoor grow beds still haven't built those i think it's probably over there it would be cool if there was the afterburner module here but i don't expect that however more titanium would be great so does this go to the alien distress area again i might have done this already but it might just maybe i didn't do the full amount of what i needed to do and then uh oh yeah yeah there's all these things down here just want to double check probably gonna need um people to leave a comment and let me know what other areas i should be checking out or what i should be doing because i'm i'm losing the plot here i'm losing the thread sorry for the erratic mouse movements this is kind of just how i play first person things better than erotic mouse movements god i hate these things it's nice to not have to hear oxygen every 60 seconds [Music] there there was a path maybe it's down here hang on a minute i know i'm kind of swimming in circles also if you if you comment north left in regards to me asking where to go next i'm gonna tell santa claus not to bring you any presents this year does this count as alien distress call nope but there was an ion cube i had missed so okay i'm just gonna go over this way i mean this was always really uh close to my base and i guess i didn't i just didn't do this part or maybe i got i remember seeing some big alien thing yeah i feel like i've been here critical hello is someone there inner i think i saw it and then turned around what is all this i can help you better if you show yourself you mean you don't have a physical presence are you one of them an architect storage media identified we will be lost unless we find anybody can no my equipment is uh borrowed it's weird i can't drop anything [Music] look i just can't i can't drop it i want to pick up the ion cubes okay how long have you been stored here our data can be downloaded we may speak more it's a lot of bits per electron damn storage what's happening memories of whale trusted complete how do you feel why do you sound like you're inside my head the facility identified hospitable capacity within your cerebral cortex you are in my head i offered you my pd8 get out oh no does your kind perceive a boundary between cybernetic and organic components my mind is not a component you sound angry we will allow you a moment to process don't you go silent on me hello this is not happening that's the explanation it's not happening i think again i kind of liked the silent protagonist but i also kind of liked silent aliens too i don't remember how much aliens spoke in in subnautica one original i honestly don't remember i just remember being more mysterious is my memory correct on that i think the best aliens are in movies and in media like when they approach it like this are kind of like in close encounters mysterious you get a little bit more a little bit more a little bit more but then they still maintain the mystery in any case it's not bad i mean i'm just i'm still learning what the story even is i guess we'll find out um and then you know you also have uh james cameron's the abyss which i spoke about which had an alternate ending where spoilers for the abyss movie a 1989 movie i think it's 89 i think it's cool if you like subnautica it's worth checking out truthfully i like it but there are aliens and they're weird manta ray creatures and audiences apparently did not like the aliens like at all when the movie was first you know in theaters and it was a bit of a sticking point [Music] but what they ended up doing was i think there was a whole plot where the aliens manufactured something to get the humans to stop warring with each other and it involved soviet missiles and i think they cut all that i don't remember the actual ending god even that i don't remember [ __ ] this arrangement you're not real go away to go we require a suitable body for transfer why do you keep saying we how many of you are there one of us and all of us we do not think of ourselves as individual distinct why don't you start by telling me who you are you may append your seed code to my species designation my whole life i've been dying to meet a sapient spacefaring alien up close and you're telling me your name is alan is it insufficient no it's fine it's perfect [Music] your alliance calls us architectures the precursor race but what are you doing here that is a long story perhaps you would prefer to focus on the construction of a new storage medium to which i may transfer yes fine absolutely how do we get you out of my head i have added the information you will need to find the necessary components any idea where i can find them it is unclear i have been disconnected from my network for so long i cannot locate the coordinates okay oh i was hoping it would have the uh all the answers i needed just what i needed [Music] um well these cubes are are good they're good to have i wonder if they could charge my entire [ __ ] base i'm just gonna clear out some of these lockers oh god oh every time every time i'll leave one in there i might need one at some point welcome aboard captain okay transfer there get more of them alien stuffs very good more diamond good okay could use some extra power okay let's go grab some uh some [ __ ] weeds to power an entire base got four of those very good that'll be enough all right um oh the exterior grow bed i wouldn't mind checking that out didn't i have like a light here the [ __ ] happened to that thing weird foreign the grow bed lets you grow plants and vegetables providing flavorful options for evading [Music] scurvy nope that's not gonna grow there well there are things that will grow there but yeah i had like a portable light thing thingy shouldn't i be able to build that the light thing pretty sure i researched it that's that's really weird now it's just gone what the [ __ ] happened to it all right i want some nice bioluminescent stuff to plant warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining my incredible grow bed with all the plants i could find right outside of my base anyway maybe that maybe the sea monkey stole it changed their tune if only i could let them know what i need maybe they could bring me something useful next time oh i thought the sea monkey was oh that's interesting i i thought it stole something from me which is why i swiped at it i feel like mildly terrible now well [ __ ] ruby times yeah there's there's still some some upgrades i'm gonna have to get uh what else was there there was the um the alien stuff necessary components to your data bank okay well i'm gonna have to find what those things are but uh next time i'm gonna end here and uh you know play again sometime after e3 which this is already being viewed after e3 but the beauty of pre-recording is i can pre-record all right thank you for watching this has been a very chill series of videos for me to make and even though i get lost very easily and confused at times i still enjoy going on underwater expeditions so take care thanks again and i hope that nintendo direct was good it's in about oh nine hours from now so i'll see you then in the past you
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 33,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, Subnautica, Below Zero, Subnautica Below Zero, Subnut
Id: XdGww46MuP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 35sec (7595 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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