[Vinesauce] Vinny - Portal 2 Compilation

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and good evening it is me Vinnie actually I'm here with special guest Stephen Merchant hello hello it's me I can't do it unless I say Carl what are you doing mate I can't do Stephen Merchant it's absolutely insane anyway hi Wow really excited to play this game this is the first time I've ever streamed this game you know story was I've played the community levels I've played a lot of levels that people have made I made levels but this is the first time I'm actually streaming the story mode and I haven't played this in years I barely remember well I remember it well enough I suppose but I don't remember the specifics so this is gonna feel pretty new to me this game features voice acting from one of my favorite people Steven hello you will hear a buzz when you hear the buzzer good you will hear a buzz when you hear the buzzer look down at the floor good holy [ __ ] the gymnastic portion out of your mandatory so you guys thought I would fail the puzzles come on you will hear I'm already doing it holy [ __ ] look at this this is like if Bob Ross took a full day if you suspect staring at art has not provided the required intellectual sustenance reflect briefly on this classical music well brings back so many thoughts good give me more of it we got in this [ __ ] shitty place anyway there's a mini-fridge it's a microwave probably trash and sells berry steak in there which I kind of like actually y'all give me some of that Salsbury you have been in suspension there is Carl open the door please are you okay are you answer that I'm fine there's plenty of time for you to recover just take it please prepare for emergency evacuation all right don't move I'm gonna get Oh you might want to hang on to something word of advice up to you what the [ __ ] is there to hang on to shitty TV no the art the art it's all faded I need it I need it from my house all reactor core safeguards are now non-functional please prepare for reactor core meltdown yeah I want to do [Music] you think it's gonna be on the other side of that wall is one of the old testing tracks there's a piece of equipment in there that we're gonna need to get out of here I think this is a docking station get ready I'm ready to duck Stevens they mean Wheatley good duck it's not a docking station so there's one mystery song I'm gonna attempt a manual override on this wall okay bit technical hold on manual override [Music] remember Rick on the mix holes bullet holes the worry you'll figure out seriously do hold on this time now I'll be honest you are probably in no fit state to run this particular type of cognitive government but at least you're a good jumper so you got that jumping on your side just do your best and I'll meet you up ahead but but I don't want to go no I like you whoa portal remember when we first saw this in portal 1 when I got the orange box I was [ __ ] blown away for the first time 10,000 people all the little fake apartments I'm gonna try not to do horrible Stephen Merchant impressions this entire playthrough I'm really gonna try I didn't say I mean it's not gonna be easy but I'm gonna try one thing I want to know that I don't think a whole lot of people know what's going on here at aperture do we know it is me fat I am a sentient cloud Morty though worlds can be one together cosmos one love the way he says smooth jazz that's that's my favorite smooth sheds all right here's a question is there anyone here in the chat who's never played portal 1 or 2 that I think is even harder to find than people who have played the game because this game was just so this and it's prequel it's prequel and its predecessor we're just all over the place there's a lot of people in the chat that have never played portal 2 let me tell you guys something you're in for you're in for a treat you're gonna enjoy this this game is awesome all right well that that's highly dependent on whether or not you find me to be a chode so if you've never played a portal game allow me to explain I am portal that's my name I can crouch I can run and I can shoot gun okay and when I create portal I can go through portal watch this whoa my name is John portal I'm a Space Marine I've been sent to eliminate killer robots deployed by the animal king and his general fart someone just asked in chat but can it shoot Bowser's you cheeky bastard you knew he oh vas the new Corsa can shoot Bowser's I just have to find a Bowser first I mean I don't really need to explain this but you know I'm solving puzzles I'm going through this is an old see I didn't stream portal 1 so this is basically the Aperture Science test laboratory and this is a sadistic laboratory designed by Chipmunks all right and the animal king and it's basically okay there is no animal king basically what's happening is it's it's semi sadistic so you know it's it's pretty explained in portal 1 but i'm here many years later assumedly I have to get the [ __ ] out of here if I should plug my I forgot to do my laundry today that is definitely the thing I forgot to do it's amazing one thing led to that like oh I should plug my phone in led to I forgot to do my laundry this is how you do it this is how you portal when John portal Space Marine goes through portals this is what happens find a portal oh do you know what just goes to show people with brain damage are the real heroes in the end don't they the end of stay brave come on through cheeky bugger you so if you've got any reservations whatsoever about this plan now would be a tremendous time devotion I would like to stay here forever I think case you thought yourself I've missed the window of time to voice no reservations still open so what if I just do this what if I just stay here forever and just this stream will be up until the end of twitch or the end of time and I'll just leave it up and forever and then I'll get a whole a separate system so I can stream on a different channel which will be blump Co industries yes that's the perfect name for a stream so this is it you're now watching the future of vine sauce all right fine let's keep going there she is what a nasty piece of work she was honestly like a pop Romania human I know I know apparently this human escaped and nobody's seen him since long trunk of time where absolutely nothing happens and then there's us escaped you know so that's pretty much the whole story got to speak but that's that really is the whole story you just heard it this is the main breaker room look for a switch that says escape pod alright don't touch anything else not interested anything else don't touch anything else don't even look anything else just what obviously gonna look at everything else to find the escape point but as soon as you look to something that doesn't say skate pod look at something else look at the next thing alright but don't touch anything else all okay well look at other things but don't you understand tell you what plug me in and I'll turn the lights on yeah you plug that student that's got no [Music] power up initiated okay alright stop panicking power up completely oh it's you you know how it's been a long time how have you been okay look we both said a lot of things that you're going to regret but I think we can put our differences behind us for science you monster I will say though that since you went to all the trouble of waking me up you must really really love to test I love it too there's just one small thing we need to take care of first that was your first mistake GLaDOS alright maybe your second or third mistake that was okay maybe your fourth mistake yeah I think this is diff definitely fifth you can see where I get a lot of my sense of humor from if you listen to Stephen Merchant [Applause] we're okay we're okay there's no fall damage I'm fine yeah I need that there should be a way back to the testing area up ahead you want me to test still I thought we were over this I am so ready for this let's test I'm ready to test forever or if you'd like we can go back to that one spot and just wait forever and not do anything so we can go back to that one spot like I said and just leave it on I'll leave the microphone on so you can hear me like sleep you can hear me poop you can hear me like use my fruit roll-ups if you want whatever you know it's just like you'll be watching the stream I'll just be standing does it sound pleasurable I'd like to remind all of you as we continue with our portal to stream I am a human and sometimes I make mistakes or don't solve puzzles like a speedrunner if that is a problem for you then you're probably not watching the right stream whoa how can there be only one there's not only one there's two portals man [ __ ] portals [Music] [ __ ] this is that human element I was talking about let me get burned by lasers real quick you see no I got this really let me show you now if you want to see some of my famous speedruns I can direct you to them here come the test results you are a horrible person I thought you said you're a [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] for brekkie that was a lot less complicated I thought it was more convoluted and complicated than that it was an easy puzzle oh thanks now I'm getting called fat that's cool thanks GLaDOS so not only do I have the chat shredding me mercilessly but now GLaDOS is calling me fat my favorite flavor of fruit roll-up is probably spermicide there's the secret on this level wait a minute that's not let that that's not how you live space job my job it's a lot of memes involving this particular cube and ones like it okay it makes a little tune when you get near it it makes a little noise I feel so happy that for a brief moment in time I was able to spend time with the companion cube and hear its song every test chamber is equipped with an imagination grill and it's exit so that test subjects cannot smuggle test objects out of the test area this one is broken don't take anything with you [Music] place it near the edge of the button like that yeah I got it I feel a deep sense of satisfaction and personal victory that I was able to finally get this cube and bring it with you [ __ ] you know today was an interesting day for me oh so I wake up I'm you know it's a little sunny if the weather's not too shitty I'm feeling pretty good I go to the deli I grab a coffee bacon egg and cheese on a bagel you seem to have defeated its load-bearing capacity well done I'll just lower this lower the ceiling please so I got my bacon egg and cheese got a chocolate bar got orange juice got a coffee I'm ready to do the things I do right and ready to do some mixing you know for a few hours and I'm feeling good I'm like ah this is you know I'm gonna start the day he's gonna get some some stuff done gonna be productive and I was like weathers pretty nice you know considering and then some jerk some like [ __ ] like Johnny boombots drives 50 miles an hour into the parking lot blaring his horn at someone who's on the side of him like you know in the general vicinity and just blowers you start screaming hey [ __ ] what do you throw 50 miles an hour just comes to a stop like a screeching stop and and just for that one moment of the niceness that I was feeling deep in my soul I realized where I was and I was like yeah this sucks like yep this is the this is how it is [ __ ] no is it probably just a typical Staten Island the Italian guy like like myself you know what I mean like myself I'm barely Italian by any definition if I can be totally honest with you I am a Fatali and a fake Italian and then the bacon egg and cheese was just pepper I didn't taste I was like can I get salt and pepper on that and then I'm biting into it and it's just like pepper I don't taste the bacon I don't taste the bagel I don't taste the egg I just taste pepper I just checked the bottom of the bagel and it was just it was black and that's yeah that was my day that was that was my day can I confirm the best sandwich you can get in Long Island his subway what the hell there was someone linked me to a video and said David Bowie predicting the future he was talking about how he was in mime school and then for some reason he said meme school and like smiled I don't know if it was a joke he said me a meme school and this someone linked me that insane that was important that I should know that I was like thank you very much that is lovely but I don't know if he just mispronounced mime or if he was actually finding a way to predict the future I'll let you be the judge of that do you know people who are only trying to help them did you guess sharks because that's wrong the correct answer is nobody nobody but you is that pointlessly cruel Oh GLaDOS fat cruel horrible abuse simulator I figured out what to do with all the money I save recycling your one room full of air when you die I'm going to laminate your skeleton and pose you in the lobby generations can learn from you how not to have your unfortunate bone structure alright that's not so cool doors malfunctioning I guess somebody's going to have to repair that too we're gonna break out very soon I promise I just have to figure out how to break this out of here I'm actually despite this being abuse simulator from both GLaDOS and the stream I have to say I'm really enjoying this this is this is wonderful I really missed this game a lot Wheatley or are you tweet Lee I need some Stephen Merchant voice there's a secret somewhere in this level the vent by the entrance that's the secret put laser on on turret oh I see oh I'd never seen this secret I don't think I might have I don't remember oh my god oh look it's the steam console only seven people bought them but they're you know they're still here in the warehouse is this what they do on their off time they just sing suddenly I'm not so intimidated [Music] beans oh man that's that's the easter-egg I wanted want some beans people are gonna start getting angry at me because I killed the turrets I invited it's like me killing the cats and fall out I hear something [Music] who is this guy [Music] she's gonna be making weird like chortles all right all right so oh god oh god I was reading in my computer chair Oh God all right whoops that was not what I wanted to do exactly what's the law who turned off the lights hey buddy I'm speaking in an accent that is beyond your range of hearing oh [ __ ] quick worry about the future plans not a college store we're gonna shut down their turret production line all right turn off Ramiro Thompson and then confront the islands you were almost at the last test there it is why don't you just do it trust me it's an easier way off and whatever else and I'm fine your friend came up with Oh stupid did you think we are we're gonna be okay it's just you getting grounded in neurotoxin oh that sounds fun really upset I missed that [Music] it wouldn't be a portal playthrough unless I did this at least once the delivery so perfect they really couldn't have done a better I'd like seriously Stephen Merchant best choice folklore oh I remember this [Music] gives the Spanish happy thoughts [Music] that that Prometheus let me tell you boy [Music] it's just gonna go ahead are you buying it a little bit right just go back just a little bit that doesn't seem to be a way to save that's but there's death beneath us do you want to die [Music] GLaDOS GLaDOS it's her name it's not her name she's okay she's fine see you can kind of just barely see her down there a little bit and um yeah just gonna leave it it's a better life than death right I guess the answer answer was beneath us response rests in [ __ ] pieces too late now no light anyway this is shells potato my character shell when she was a child I guess she that was her prop that was her project zoom in on the bottom right no that's not happening hey Wheatley can you can you come back here for a second bye shell now there's there's people in chat arguing that you don't pronounce it like that you pronounce it something else it's not Chell isn't it shell like Michelle I mean you can pronounce it however you want at home in my home when you step into this house it's shell I feel like I'm being sucked down it's down to I thought of a great band name based on two words that I say all the time okay you ready for this literally trash that's the band name okay all right fine you need another word for your band here's another one literally trash guys literally trash guys that's the three words I say the most how I've done this is already gone through that door oh okay we're gonna get there check us a little while get there but I see it I see it it's in the distance there obviously that's where we have to go I mean yeah GLaDOS emergency shutdown door was not a large incision I devised a much more elaborate trap further ahead for when you got through this easy one if I'd known you let yourself get captured this easily I would have just angled a turkey leg on a rope from the ceiling this is where we need r2 to have sex with a wall to fix this situation r2 all right so they're dying Oh No well it was nice catching up let's get to business I hope you brought something stronger than a portal gun this time otherwise I'm afraid you're about to become the immediate past president of the being alive Club seriously goodbye [Music] trash turrets you were busy back there well I suppose we could just sit in this room and glare at each other in schools if I were you I'd take a deep breath central core is to 80% correctly that's funny I don't think thank you I do oh that's me they're talking about to initiate Court transfer please deposit substitute core in receptacle for transfer oh you are kidding me substantive core accepted a substitute core are you ready to start the procedure yes corrupted core are you ready to start the procedure no oh no no no no no no no no stalemate detected finger so she won't kill us impersonating a stalemate associate I just added that to the list it's a list I made of all the things you've done well it's a list that I am making resolve what this really hurts we're on the buoy and the shipyard flavortown are you are you just saying that or is it really gonna hurt you're just saying that aren't you you're just bigger than you are he's gonna hurt me of Jesus [Music] we did would you look at this not too bad a joy robot massive it's not just for your idea I am bloody massive my life well right get the estate not fully there there we go lip called the pace slow you are down there I can barely see you very tiny and insignificant wait I've just thought of some let me tell you I knew it's gonna be cool to be in charge of everything what is your favorite car anyone I don't even know what I just say oh sorry doesn't it yes sorry this one is amazing seriously and small you are [Music] do you have any idea how good this I did this tiny little Wheatley did this no do anything she did all the work oh wait that's what the two of you think is it whoa maybe it's time I did something then what are you doing don't think I'm not onto you to thinking you know what you are all you've done is boss me around you traitor see that trick this is potato battery it's a toy [Music] [Applause] [Music] Stephen and Karl have switched places for this game huh sorry be a potato own it enjoy potato hood [Music] no I don't think I can help you with that with that my left ear feels very disheveled after that yes welcome welcome to Porter - my friends this is what it looks like enjoy your stay here in the portal - realm ok twitchplayspokemon just actually defended me here he says the texture which was probably what caused menu to get lost valve likes to use light to direct the player and the glitch would mess with that Thank You twitchplayspokemon you are quality [Music] [Music] god I love this guy JK Simmons now people are arguing about gravity insight and the science of what it's like to be in the center of the earth or closer to the gravity source of earth and someone's actually confirming that you and you lose weight like you lose gravity you like your weightlessness you be okay someone basically just confirm that you can fly the closer you are to the core of the earth start digging if you want to be free as a bird start digging I love that this has actually become an argument people are actually arguing that you get lower in weight as you get closer to the core of the earth and it's people defending it you have to increase the speed for 12 hours what what did you what is this pseudoscience happening hollow cube earth theory wait does decrease what is happening in the shed scuttle bug it's time for scuttle bug physics here we go yeah well how many PE use can we skip through that's my question ah penises in mouths penises in the mouth there's a thing on the Ricky Gervais show talking about Stephen Merchant there's something that really tickles it tickles me pink Karl was wondering how he was talking about how he didn't understand how earth wasn't getting heavier because we keep building things like ships and and buildings and I swear he was very confused he didn't understand why the earth wasn't getting heavier and he was worried that if it was it would be a problem and Ricky just shot him he's like Kyle everything is built on earth comes from Earth it's not from an asteroid or from another planet Carl and Carl was like okay and then Stephen Steve merchant is like well wait a minute Carl what about elephants right they start out they're born they're really tiny and then they grow up to be these large giant mammals and what about whales Carl caught whales really they're born they're small then they get huge and then Carl tells the Rick he's like yeah what about elephants and whales and stuff and Carl Rick he's like Carl he's having a go don't don't listen to him Carl what about whales and elephants I might get a puzzle and portal 2 wrong but man if you listen to that carl podcast it there's some just brilliant stupidity the man is a genius gizmo's that are gonna travel into your bloodstream and pop experimental genes and RNA molecules and so forth in here - [Music] Thank You Johnson nice I love Cave Johnson so much he's such an [ __ ] I like how as they kind of moved up to the surface they just abandoned all this [ __ ] they didn't bother to upgrade it they didn't use the space they just abandon it they're like [ __ ] it really explore the space explore that's space forgive me a second here oh god oh god what have I done Oh No then II what the [ __ ] is wrong with you a lot I've got seven problems in your five of them it must be hardwired into the system or something oh but I'll tell you what I do test such as to say [Music] okay I just want to go out to like a London pub with Steve merchant and grab a pint and like not get any women to talk to us because it's you know me and Steve merchant how great would that be men good good job Wheatley you did it proud of you it's godly that's what that is that is godly god I missed this game so much this is like going through your portal and then emerging in that way I don't know what I'm saying I just it's so cool you can break Wheatley's monitors I'm going to try that smaller tests thing lying around together buttons got funnels bottomless pits or evolve Scott little dynamite this and love Stephen Merchant so much ah sorry break his monitor break his murderer feel like we're in like the womb right now that's the level of comfort that these beams provides that beams whoops mistakes were made mistakes were made yet again a little fellow almost died I don't know why I didn't just do that last time what is that voice it's like a Wilhelm scream oh my god what is wrong with me tonight Oh Bob Oh Oh play the game I don't think I'm gonna try to break all of Wheatley's monitors maybe if I can get some of them I will oh wait there we go 3,000 frames yes I'm talking about books it's just him as Carl and Ricky too mixed together Stephen Merchant is playing Ricky Ricky's arrogance and Carl's wealth other but what Karl is you know which is not I'm [ __ ] by the way I was being a bit facetious about that wanted to get rid of molitor's thing they are really quite useful so I do alright so if you could just avoid them someone in trans - what the [ __ ] bro I come here to watch your [ __ ] content not [ __ ] ads I like how you're coming here to watch [ __ ] content but ya get ad block or just understand that that's what twitch does I'm not pressing those ad buttons until I'm gonna BRB so my [ __ ] content is being ad walled because that's just what twitch does to all their streams y'all bro do you want to vape come on bro let's have a vape look at all that stickiness Jesus so we need to get some of that right onto this conveyor here there was no division tonight that was a that was an error sorry for whoever was expecting the division that was a mistake I only started streaming just a few min I live Bob please pop there's an episode of Bob's Burgers where Teddy is learning to dance like Linda's teaching him dance I think it's a season four episode and Teddy's making these amazing noises you're everything I had to rewind it a number of times just because I'm like I'm a complete sucker for stupid voices and that was the stupidest of them all I loved it let's get some you're right well welcome literally just flag something up according to the control panel my up there the entire abilities to the self-destruct in about six minutes but a pretty sure it's a problem with the line of people lights on the vaguely but just the case is if I'm gonna have to kill you as discussed so let's call that three minutes a little bit of break but we should leave allegedly two minutes to figure out how to shut that whatever to start some other fires sorry also is this one two three the neurotoxin let's start with that shall we okay there's one save it I don't remember how to do this fight from memory but I think I know I'll have to do wish to deliver cores right yes yes yes oh it's the space Corps this is the mean space cop put this all read system compromised an offline reactor explosion in space space I'm stuck okay the other state okay so oh god oh god alright we need to use these moms vicious you say competitions looking for there we go oh I see I see I see oh I don't have much time left three minute on less than three minutes all right we need to how do I get Oh explode I'm not doing this quick enough much time is left I'm not saving how much time is left of the timer just draw reactor explosion certain the emergency preemption protocol initiated this facility will self destruct in two minutes publicity word I say worst which the solo become okay here we go where is it find it find cor fun court okay course here to the big demon tree to avoid benign threat because I wanted to hear more of that goddammit percent [Applause] Schrodinger's course is awesome I see supposed to do the car are you ready to start corrupted car are you ready to start what do you think interpreting vague answer as yes like in the stalemate resolution annex extinguishing it's clean soil that's it well that would have been good to know little earlier stalemate resolution associate please press the saline resolution I'm sorry really I have to press the button that's that's what I do that Mike that's my theme song is portal stay alive [Music] to work [Music] more delicious cubed sure about that that's one of the coolest things ever there's still moon buggies and you I'm not [Music] [Music] Shawn portal literal Space Marine exactly absolutely finally I've been to space and now as John portal I can rest you care being Carolyn taught me a valuable lessons I thought you were my greatest enemy but all along you were my best friend this is promotion that shot through me when I saved your life taught me an even more valuable lessons where Carolyn lives in my brain [Music] you know deleting Carolyn just now taught me a valuable lesson the best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one and I'll be honest killing you is hard you know what my day is used to be like I nobody murdered me or put me in a potato potato I had a pretty good life and then you showed up you dangerous mutant lunatic so you know what you win just go you look on that after all we've been through all they had to do was just delete Carolyn there is character development there was growth [ __ ] game literally unplayable oh wait that's him wait am I gonna miss me some people gonna die [Music] [Music] [Music] I've only seen this once yeah I have that leopard-skin portal turret in the back there it's a like it was like a grab bag you can get various types of turrets and mine was leopard skin that's the sexy turret did that turn to say a schvitz no right all right cool [Music] all right Oh fun out there she'll ah finally some some closure some resolution [Music] see cool song [Music] Consensus auto-tuned not real singing [Music] I do like this those the nice aw [Music] maybe not as heavy name wellness [Music] get out dope dope [Applause] [Music] my only friend oh did you think I meant you that would be funny if it was replaced [Music] redacted that was the part about the concentration pack boy all right call geez man life [Music] d Bradley Baker is in there too Nolan North was in there is the voice actor Jonathan Coulton [Music] does seem like good music here it is the after credits yeah I wish it all back I honestly do I honestly do wish I could take it all back and not just cuz I'm stranded in space I know who you are mate yeah we're both in space anyway you know if I was ever to see her again do you know what I'd say anything I'd say I'm sorry sincerely I am sorry I was bossy and monstrous and I am genuinely sorry the end I need more I need more I want to know what happens to Wheatley okay we need to come up with a portal three concept it takes place but I'm alien vessel alright exterior ship did you see it over the moon alright the silhouette of a Star Destroyer like ship and then you see Wheatley is brought on board and the alien scientists who are basically just humans with some force [ __ ] on their forehead like Star Trek good enough get the [ __ ] on the forehead you got a movie you got an alien all right there at there in this ship Wheatley they do experiments and somehow he becomes connected to their systems and they can only stop Wheatley with the help of one man John Portal Space Marine and then they go to the fields where John portal has set up her own house it's a house and they're in the wheat fields and then there's all kinds of stuff in there there's like the cubes and goo and and a key and a gel and they get John poorly bringing her to the space station and then she has to solve the puzzles on an alien ship with new new technologies and new portals all while Wheatley is is reacting havoc that's my portal 3 you make it happen if you want GLaDOS doesn't need to be in this one Wheatley's the star I like Wheatley better it's just me so there you go there's my three portal 3 number 3
Channel: Vaporeon
Views: 132,104
Rating: 4.9392056 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinesauce Vinny, Vinesauce highlight, Vinesauce highlights, Vinesauce compilation, Vinesauce compilations, Vinesauce vappy, vinesauce vinny compilation, vinesauce vinny highlights, vinesauce vinny voices, Vinesauce portal, vinesauce portal 2, vinesauce portal compilation, Vaporeon, Vaporeon compilations, Vaporeon Highlights, vinny portal, vinny portal 2, vinny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 20sec (3920 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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