[Vinesauce] Vinny - Subnautica Below Zero (PART 1)

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Subyotica ice cream brain freeze

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Tiny_Crusader 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
bingus this is subnautica below zero welcome to this thing i finally decided to give it a shot i've been um kind of waiting to play this for a while and i've heard mostly good things about this but you know it's also maybe not quite as good as the previous one that's what i've heard and this isn't a full sequel this is like kind of dlc that became its own standalone product so let's give it a shot let's let's see if it's something that can live up to the uh the sub yacht survival oh it's it's a little penguino it's an alien penguino that just fell oh no i hope everyone's doing okay out there i had too much ice cream i'm just going to tell you straight up this is the farthest that i can take you on company space but i had good ice cream you sure you want this a little full the research isn't everything it is to me and sam you need to know what happened the [Music] okay so now we have um named and voice acted protagonists okay 546 feet surface temperature let's see if it delivers that immediately went wrong press f8 to report bugs and give feedback the first bug was in the ship the capsule [Music] how do i report uh faulty manufacturing enjoy your stay well i don't understand why mouse sensitivity starts so like high it really is mental some of the the mouse sensitivity like defaults in video games like um you could i don't know you could like um go like this onto the mouse and it would um it would turn you 360 degrees for a nice head shot i've been playing counter-strike again by the way not a ton but you know and not even competitive mode just just like to you know dick around and shoot a little bit holy smokes that did not go as planned that's so cool that's an interesting thing but yeah i mean the first game had um a silent protagonist which you the player could just kind of project yourself onto so now that they're doing a much more um produced story i guess maybe how would you say that i just have to wonder if it's going to live up to the previous one the narrator then kicks in it won't don't be so cynical narrator but i would count the original subnautica as one of my favorite streams i've ever done i would also count it as just a phenomenal steam game that's definitely worth checking out um also i heard that subnautica and this run very very well on the switch which you know it's like yeah it's gonna look like vaseline through a periscope's butthole but when you think about it a lot of switch ports i'm looking at you ark are just complete trash oh there they are little penguin lads got you oh sorry okay jesus is that a fisheye so um yeah the switch versions apparently are very optimized which is a rarity because um a lot of ports are bad do i go there or there first guess we've got options oxygen okay oh god oh god get ready for a lot of this i'll go there first well this is kind of exciting electrolytic materials that can be used in energy storage the computer sounds like ilia i think that's her name from star trek the motion picture i'm sorry i brought up star trek already i'm gonna bring up aliens now because um there was a report the government released you know that wonderful government um that covered up roswell it's alleged allegedly but they said that they um that it's not u.s technology and so if we're the most advanced if the us is the most advanced technologically um you know with the highest budget for the defense and stuff the the speculation is now that they confirmed they soft confirmed that it's in fact aliens i i don't care anymore and no one else seems to care so it's whatever unless i get footage of an alien taking it up the backside i don't want to know about it right now because truthfully what's gonna happen is it's just gonna be like oh yeah yeah that's a little object uh-huh yeah it's fast creature discovered i came out the water or it came from the sky okay that's good so where's the aliens do they communicate what do you mean we've never talked to them what do you mean we've never seen them i can understand why people don't care because as most people would say well gotta make rent gotta pay bills uh my whole life i thought that um disclosure and confirmation of aliens was the most important thing and humanity and i still think it is but by them saying that it's not us and that they're going to release all these like um videos and you know reports of like pilots seeing unidentified objects that's cool but i guess it's it's not exactly disclosure and i'm sure there will be plenty of scientists out there i mean on youtube comment scientists of course um and social media scientists that are probably closer to like what i don't know my age or how about 20 yeah so like experts in the field that will um be the first to have alternate explanations about where these objects came from i can't explain them i think it's fascinating i've always thought that unidentified objects were fascinating like mr spock would say but i have no idea what any of it is and apparently neither does the us government so it's uh we live in wacky times friends i want to offer my sincerest condolences on the passing of your sister i got to know sam better towards the end of my mandate with altera on 4546b when we were thrown together as basemates at outpost zero she spoke often and fondly of you i thought you should know it didn't sit right with me when altera blamed sam's death on negligence the samantha iu i met was many things kind clever devoted to her work but never negligent i wish i could offer you something more substantial but my access to information has been cut off you may be in a better position to look into things than i am if you're able to delta station was our hq they were in a big hurry to leave and there might still be information to be found there it has a big radio tower impossible to miss i hope you find the answers you seek lillian bench that's cool well sam i guess i might as well gather some tools and resources before starting my search hope that radio tower's as easy to spot as lil said gonna need some creep vine okay well gonna need to eat too hopefully not too much ice cream it was really good and now i regret it you know what i also regret a couple days ago taco bell i didn't regret it while i was eating it they have this thing that's basically a instead of it being a taco it's a it's a chicken it's fried chicken as the taco shell i was confused i was like why does this taste like chicken oh it is i should be able to use this whoa strange noises already but yes the regret is usually afterwards because then you feel the regret deep down in your in your in your new plums synthesized oh i need a knife right oxygen okay well it looks nice it runs really nice too it's very good visually it it uh makes my eyes tingle i'm gonna go make a knife get some supplies i'll head over to that emergency supply cache in a bit cool music too it is nice to have a new sub nut so we need silicone rubber and titanium [Music] can make some lubricant get the jokes out of your systems now yes the lubricant yes lube rakint you know what you can do with that right oil machinery yeah yeah you oil that machinery [Music] didn't sonic the hedgehog just have uh i don't know why that transitioned to sonic the hedgehog but didn't he just have a a 35th anniversary and they're releasing some old games again or something i don't know the full details because sonic the sonic does not um does not excite my loins so i don't know it's not exactly something that i i i'm like sitting here like oh man i can't wait for new sonic stuff i just i don't i don't care sorry everybody but um was it sonic colors is getting a re-release how has it been like almost a decade since sonic colors like didn't that just come out [Music] also where'd those fins go did i get them equipped fins yes yes i have the fins they're on now fiber mesh bladder fish oh bladder fish i could use the air bladder quartz i've got plenty of quartz all right oh it's night time new creature discovered these fish need to get it together i mean they need to develop better periphery i guess oh well okay and throw that there to signify that the creep vines are here new blueprint synthesized oxygen all right you gotta breathe i forget to breathe in real life sometimes inventory full time six oh limited inventory oxygen i don't remember the full uh subnautica experience from last time so i don't know the story i don't know why this planet would have the same fish as the previous planet if it's not the same planet i just don't know i don't remember [Music] it's first aid kit standard o2 tank please yes adding additional blueprints to your that will help the standard oxygen tank can be upgraded for deluxe and vip breathing how much is the vip breathing how much do i have to pay for that is it a monthly fee if you are tired of hearing the word oxygen the air bladder provides a significant upward thrust to help you get to air faster underwater stuff is cool though [Music] there was a tv show that was like star trek called seaquest if anyone remembers that i don't i don't think i've ever really watched it but i was aware of its existence jonathan brandis was in it who many years ago i was told i looked like that dude do i believe that not really but yeah seaquest i think the sea is great and and you know what i understand why james cameron likes it so much it's a shame he had to kill all those rats to make the movies but the sea is fascinating and the abyss is a good movie i won't i won't lie i think the abyss is a is a very good movie just some couple problems but overall it works more than it doesn't work in my opinion and it's just maybe a little there's too much of the abyss it's like you could just watch that movie and like the pacing of it sometimes gets a little uh you know off and the alternate ending would have been better than the actual ending we got what are you things hello things sea monkey i forgot how to make batteries so i'm just gonna hope i find one nature's miracles batteries oxygen something try to attack me okay emergency supplies it's almost nothing great warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining [Music] yo that thing is awesome oh and it's re it's refillable too yo that is what is this what is this can i swim through it yeah you can tighten whole fish okay so i'm still getting like the sense of discovery i don't know if it's gonna last all the way through but for now i'm i'm getting those subnut vibes that i enjoyed and this is a hard thing to recreate because i almost feel like maybe this will change and i'll feel differently but i guess i almost feel like a game like subnautica playing it for the first time is almost akin to like breath of the wild like you kind of can't have your first breath of the wild experience again unless there's repeated head trauma which i wouldn't recommend warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining i like this mother miranda 30 seconds of oxygen oh okay it's time to leave okay hey don't do that hey stop whoa whoa i'm stuck that was my that was my ticket to live oxygen couldn't like stop it once it started oh it started inflating so now you have to worry about temperature go fishing for fishies there's a new king gizzard album in a week by the way i've mentioned a couple times but it's just kind of cool it's like e3 almost a week and new king gizzard electronic so battery is ribbon plant and copper ore [Music] so we've got some ribbon plant a creature egg right there's still a lot of stuff i'm gonna have to remember how to do and also i'm gonna need the radiohead moon shaped pool album cover somewhere in my base whenever that happens for old times sake could use a waterproof locker [Music] so how do i put stuff in it oh just pack up a couple things for now okay so uh copper that's copper number one how many mambos were there again was there mambo number five so were there five mambos it's crazy such good atmosphere impeccable underwater if you are unaware of my particular um interest in underwater i say interest i'm [Applause] cool i'm cool um i'm actually kind of afraid of the deep ocean that's one of my my fears like the middle of the deep ocean at night is a very horrifying thought to me i don't like i don't think about it frequently but when presented with the idea whether it be in a movie or a game or just if i do think about what that's like not knowing what's beneath you giant open ocean that's that's pretty scary oxygen i like this thing it makes me wish i could swim like the dolphins could swim there is a channel that did a good deep dive into um i forget the name of the channel i think it's mike the snare might be the name of the channel but it's just some dude who reviewed every bowie album not even really review but like talk about his favorites really and but every one of them from you know the first one to blackstar and it makes me realize just how many hits that dude had i don't mean hits like oh like number one singles like full albums from the man who sold the world to um let's dance really not anything particularly egregious in there aside from pinups which is a cover album i had copper all along but it's it's a really amazing thing to be an artist and have that many great like a stretch of great albums all in a row like that and then there you know then there's the 80s those two and then the 90s is i think better but it's um it's a remarkable discography so apparently pink floyd yes we're going to go from david bowie to pink floyd now pink floyd i have a scanner the song echoes was going to be a space song but then they were kind of being um kind of pigeonholed as as space song the band which they kind of were but the song echoes itself they ended up doing um they were like this should be an underwater song and it really benefits from it so yeah it's that's that's not a space song labyrinths of coral caves it's good one day i should write an underwater song [Music] i think i'll call it ocean man okay that's not the most amazing storage but it'll do for now we're gonna get that sea glide bullseye shroom thick meaty caps it says go you probably do a pokemon snap as like a secondary game mode or a mod for subnautica i think you could like definitely do that well if they wanted to just keep the party going they they just do they get to do spin-offs it's a somewhat cynical way to look at it but it's also creative because you think about it look at steam world dig you had steam world dig steam world heist steam world card game which wasn't exactly my cup of tea but it was more than competent that's kind of a cool thing for a developer to do not just go for the obvious sequel but try something different that's why i respect the out of zelda 2. zelda 2 being a game that i genuinely love which i mean that probably says more about me than zelda 2 truthfully but regardless it's i think a great game in its own way flawed i could think of at least 10 things that would improve that game dramatically and then like i could give you another five after that so you know that's a little rough but i'm just saying it's cool that they took such a left turn and you know then they did it again with lynx crossbow training okay never mind that's the that's the the the zelda 35th anniversary game that we're gonna get like sure we're getting skyward that's cool and everything but you know what's really gonna happen link's crossbow training oxygen i must store the fish oh right you can't like hold the fishes rot don't they i forgot about that i think you have to eat them somewhat quickly well the quest for the sea glide continues the quest for the sea glide ends okay so this is lubricant copper wire oh we got one of those already got that glide is a personal transportation device used for high-speed free diving contains a built-in light and map what a pretty severe thunderstorm today in new york it was very sudden and then it went away and it was the most beautiful day ever it's no point for any of that information but now you know okay so where am i going now i have um more options scan some stuff could start building a base slow stupid and delicious oh little bastard oxygen uh hmm do i need a fabricator now or something i forget exactly what the um the chain of of items like where where do you go from there because i want to start building a base speaking of building bases the minecraft update was split into two updates i might have mentioned this in the past i'm sure many of you know if you follow minecraft and the other the first one's coming out next week but it doesn't have the caves and mountains um update like it's the first half of it only is that klutzer just stealing some creature eggs don't mind me so i know in one of those holes there was um technology oh here we go here's some technology technology do we need it you always heard the words of the scientists forum sea monkey nest so there's a little sea monkey fella 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oh me it's pustule but let's call it a pastuli it's better that way so you won't you get titanium when you um scan a thing you already have some of you may have never seen a subnautica never heard of subnautica uh haven't watched it but i'll say the goal of the game is to survive figure things out get off the planet at least the first one was so there's not right now i probably could read through this and find out what the hell is going on but i'm not really too arsed is there such a thing as the fabricator did i just make that up how do i make bass build a compass for now so the mobile vehicle bay titanium ingot lubricant computer chip table coral sample gold of copper one right okay i'll make an ingot air pump i'm not going to bother with that for now repair tool that's fine i am thirst wouldn't it be easier to like use the um super technology to reconstitute the salt water into drinkable water then like actually like laser a fish with water sacks inside of it probably not though root pustule so i needed uh coral and gold [Music] that is not coral i need one of the water lads high chat i'm talking about pre-recorded youtube chat i hope you're enjoying it warning 30 seconds of oxygen i know it's not the same and no one's forcing anyone to watch but if you can still find enjoyment out of my pre-recorded stuff that's good truthfully i do it kind of for my own enjoyment too like i said i'm perfectly content putting some of the cat back in the bag and it's cool that people can still chat a little bit and um you know type their their poggers and [Music] stuff light stick tech nice still looking for them coral warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining can you suck on a bladder fish for oxygen oh no so unknown says is that morse code no it's just transmission of unknown origin source of transmission depth calculated at approximately 200 meters shark yeah you shark there's the table coral warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining um oh uh to reiterate the minecraft thing i mentioned i don't know if i will play minecraft this year like i was waiting for the update the big one which apparently is going to be part two of the big update is going to be holiday season so maybe i'll check it out then but i do like it i might like maybe do a quick one-off of you know the the patch that comes out in a week take a look at it and then not actually play it too much and then wait until the second part and then do like a legit playthrough and by then i think i will be recharged my minecraft cooldown will will have been [Music] reset warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen i love this tool god it's so good it kind of removes some of the um the cheap thrills of like you know almost dying but you could still easily that up like i almost did before so warning passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining that's an issue too you don't really have a lot of control on on movement horizontally so you can easily get stuck but uh where the hell am i gonna find gold i love hearing like distant creatures that sound like they want to eat me a lot of the game a lot of the games um fear and foreboding comes from the unknown warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining well a lot of fear in general is you know the unknown that's why the the horror movies don't really show you the monster too much if they're good and then eventually they do and it's just a dude in a rubber suit there's only a couple movies from me that ever really delivered on that which is the shining because you never really see very much and then it's just jack anyway um but that's a different story an alien really i mean there's plenty of other great horror movies but alien you don't see too much of it and even when you do see it in full view that costume is mostly really good aside from the um the red letter media coined happy birthday shot where it goes and it like opens its arms but even then it doesn't bother me i think it's it's still a pretty amazing costume and it scared the out of me the first i mean you know the funny thing is the first time i saw alien 1 was a re-release in the theater in like 2003 or 4. i saw little bits and pieces of it i had seen aliens at home but i had never seen the full alien movie and seeing it in a movie theater for the first time was like perfect it was astounding lucky i had that experience light stick beacon this game is a good reminder to drink water i think when's the last time i had water it's been a while actually that's unacceptable that is unacceptable okay water very good you know in italian we say that the gods hydrated using the word hydratory isn't that something i just made that up now hi dr copper wire gold gold it's in the another shitty pink floyd reference a bit of an obscure one at that i'm very pleased with myself because the name of the album that's from is obscured by clouds you know what i'm gonna go ahead and recommend that album right now i know a lot of people out there if you know pink floyd you know the comfortably numb and you know the time and dark side of the moon and all that great good albums good songs i enjoy the album right before that was a soundtrack i think and it's called obscured by clouds and it's a basically a proto-dark side of the moon in many ways and it's it's a really good album um or it was it before metal i forgot if it was before metal or after metal so my floydism like i should know better hmm [Music] but it's pretty good and if you hear any sibilance on the second pressing of obscured by clouds then you have an extremely overactive imagination okay still looking for gold remember when paulie walnuts goes to italy and he says to everybody oh commendatory and they look at him like he's like kind of insane or just a dumb dumb american i like that episode so okay we'll find that gold yet some ethical concerns about stealing the eggs of various creatures but then again scrambled eggs warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining dope that's a lot of stuff i missed over here okay gold and i don't remember where gold was from previous subnet no idea too long ago memory overwritten by pokemon card values got gold all right well that explains that target is selling pokemon cards again and i don't really care until the next set comes out and even then like the thrill kind of wore off as i've said but but i will say is that target like they banned it for i guess what for like a month and a half and now they're like yeah you can buy them again with a limit all it takes is one dude one like really sweaty dude with a gun as happened last time to get them banned again oxygen efficiency decreased oh good time to run the battery huh warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining what are you warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining not yet new creature discovered i guess i have enough gold warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining okay now i know where to get gold where did i store the damn copper wire now god damn it again storage is a little bit too low [Music] so i need um lubricant and titanium ingot i have both of those ingot don't exit but what the is dragon quest for adults what does that mean i've been trying to rack my brains like i don't know i hope it doesn't stray too far from the art style that was established i hope instead it's just a really you know but what they mean is that it's going to be a story that will i don't know have some interesting themes and stick with you um no recipes available all right at least i know where it is three do i don't really know where to go from here because i am running out of storage i can't build new really until i um find new recipes and it's getting a little bit let's get a little tight in here lads going to build a light stick just to clear out a little bit of my inventory and because it'll look cool i was hoping a wiring kit might free up some inventory space but ribbon plant copper ore i need to hold on to that battery battery plus glass for flashlight [Music] not yet oh it's hail oh wow that's fun that makes for a really great visual holy it's little things like that that make you wish you had lived in real life so you could see that in real life as well did it just fart well i guess i'll just keep on searching pilgrim that was a half-hearted attempt there was no attempt at an impression there [Music] like none it was just my voice plus the word pilgrim so no that was in fact a terrible john wayne oxygen warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining sea truck all right okay gotta get one more of those lads warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen so i'm gonna stick to this area and look for that sea truck the last one copper or ore is also always appreciated appreciated why god get out of here you again altera beacon signature detected unique identifier delta station dock delta station this is the place lil mentioned in her message oh okay i don't know if that was like a timed release capsule where it just said go over there at certain time if player is lost or if i get close enough to it but i'm gonna head over there the is this penguin it's literally called a penguin that's how that's how benedict cumberbatch says the word penguin i've been calling them penguins for years without realizing that this game would have penguins in them very good mineral detector fragment identifying nearby resources an approximate distance okay hello lads are these the porgs of this game ah aurora borealis actually looks really good though oh that's not good that noise this darkness imprisoning me volcanic this is cool fumaroli how you doing my name is uh joey fumaroli what's up oxygen vents for volcanic gas there's a large thing here it's evil it's evil okay let's see coffee vending machine trash can we're getting the good stuff now bench so it's very cold this is a recorded message if you can hear this you're trespassing if you know it's good for you you'll get the hell out of here i know game throws beacon i go to beacon just a quick scan there interval detector fragment again inventory full it's good love that inventory full stuff okay we go in circles now oh okay stop right there you're out of bounds i'm not with altera your position is doubly precarious the is this thing what do you mean if you're telling the truth you're out of your mind if you're lying there'll be hell to pay wait who are you stay off my lamb the woman in the extra suit has been traced as far as my technology will allow it would appear i'm far less alone on this planet than i had anticipated signal location uploaded to pda well i mean i'm not leaving for the last time i'm not cheating then what's your theory what's going on if you ask me zeta's been blinking a lot i think it's intel yes a locker it's allergies allergies oh is something in bloom in this frozen sector thermal lilies and if you gang up on me i swear you're all fired you're not even my boss oh you're all so gullible you're fighting each other meanwhile look at parvan just look at him what am i doing i'm not doing anything let's just take this to a vote all those who think zeta's allergies are a bad case of alienitis say intruder intruder intruder intruder the intruder oh i'm just an observer here i'm going to use my pass is there some kind of scientist conspiracy going on here zeta sam danielle you three are suddenly very aligned or like i said parven is cheating i'm starting to wish i was cheating well you see what come in handy i should be able to find my way to phi robotics where sam worked when there's intruders you need to get yourself at the uh to the ranch to get yourself straight again you know what i mean only at the ranch can our health be improved this is the part of the game where you you spend all your time scanning you wouldn't believe the adventure i'm having it's just like when we were kids and we used to play underwater city only sea monsters aren't pretend and i don't need to hide behind you when one swims by because i'm safe in my sea truck safe and very very brave please tell dad for me thanks so much for the mustache kit by the way be honest i wasn't sure if it was a gag gift at first personal grooming is something of a challenge here and as you know i'm a pretty low maintenance guy to begin with but you'd be surprised how handy mustache wax is in an emergency there have been some close scrapes for a while there someone was sabotaging my truck and i thought i was seeing things but my friend sam helped me sort it out although she's had some troubles of her own lately to be honest i get a little worried out here sometimes but i guess that's normal under the circumstances gotta expect a little risk right i should be happy i have great friends and a good paycheck anyway love you jenny and dad please find a way to tell him that he won't find embarrassing and don't worry i'm looking for the perfect fish to bring back as a gift your favorite new blueprint scanner room okay yeah this is just like data hoard communications tower maintenance log another day another just in case let me save because i don't want to have to scan all that again slight by the winged furies as usual i got an interference alert as usual i went out to see what the problem was as usual it was frozen stalagmites a feather bird excrement snooping i fear the career impact of saying this officially if you can even call what i have a career but i could swear they're targeting me personally the week i was out with the flu i came back to find the tower spotless parvan laughed at me when i asked him how he cleaned it silly to me as if part of it would ever clean anything there's nothing left for me to do but quit but i know that's what the birds want me to do oh and i got the tower up and running maintenance complete give me heat give me fuel give me fire i'm thinking that they don't like those birds i'm thinking soon i may not like those birds hey i've come around on geese at least a little bit it's gonna take me a while to come around on alien um bird flap uh uterus creatures i think i got pretty much everything in here not everything in here though i hadn't even been in here but i missed this cushy setup must belong to one of those higher uppers [Music] sam really got under management's skin i know she had it in her tower maintenance log okay this time the birds have really done it i don't know what they've been eating but it's corrosive when it comes out the other end i'm gonna need to rewire i'm short an element to fabricate the right cable i remember seeing some when i did that dive to the old ship i'm gonna go out there and see if i can get some more that should fix it maintenance status in progress what's up beans okay now to find out how to actually make these things and also this is not a manual blast unfortunately that's a good thing i noticed this wait can i get up there and scan it i can't scan it ah maybe i don't need to some good voice cracks today hey what's up i guess i have a choice to go there that's a little too deep though so i'm gonna just not go there oh those are some fun noises detecting stern of an astronautical salt trance curve vessel nearby vessel name mercury ii inoperative it's the mercury two 30 seconds i'm gonna head back that's one of these things again whatever the it is the game runs great again i do have a good video card but it's it's also what the hell are you rock puncher you will stay away you will stay away i feel like this game has gotten more and more and more optimized as opposed to well of course it has but when i first played the original there was terrain deformation and i remember oxygen dis distinctly distinctly i remember when i would bury like trash in the sand and again i didn't have a as good of a computer then but the performance would decrease because the terrain deformation was probably no good well i can get the sea truck it appears that was a very good expedition plastiel ingot it uh reminds me of rimworld which soon i will do another segment on of course oxygen it's great to just be able to enjoy video games for what they are and uh not like anyone was like forcing me to play as much as i was playing no no one was i that was my own schedule but i just kept letting it happen what was that woman's problem the one in the exosuit like i need to say which woman and what the hell is she doing on this planet it isn't exactly a happening vacation spot she knew their terrain well enough to make a dramatic entrance by jumping off a sheer cliff so i guess she's been here a while but how long has she been following me she said to keep away from her or off her land what in this frozen slush bog could she be protecting unless she's camped out somewhere she's definitely heard of altera though did she meet sam thermos how do you add water to thermos hmm advanced wiring kit synthetic fibers plasti you know okay so there's all this stuff sea truck upgrades still not sure how to build a base one person seat and space vehicle titanium ingot i'll just pin it okay so the titanium ingots easy lead much lead three lead okay two glass that's easy advanced wiring kit which needs a computer chip which i can do some copper oh there's the lead required okay so i need gold and copper wire do i have enough gold do i have any gold get some gold [Music] computer chip advanced wiring kit and now power cell which is two batteries [Music] and silicone rubber creep vine seed cluster do you have any more of those they're not that far though [Music] okay i'll grab a couple more there we go [Music] and then power cell all done and that's why i will resume next time thanks for watching everybody okay not yet dangerous weather approaching seek shelter i i know but i'm watching the thing being built [Music] oh it's little this this nice okay well i've got a little vehicle now i still don't have a base and can't store my but that's a start probably going to need a repair tool definitely going to need more batteries [Music] and what's this upgrade plastil ingot enameled glass 2. titan oh lithium diamond okay oh looks like i have another battery maybe i uh made one extra by accident [Music] do i unpin this oh my god am i just hitting everything now uh [Music] i'm gonna pause this for one moment be right back you won't even know the difference i i probably wouldn't have even needed to say anything but one second okay apparently the habitat builder is at the delta station where i was before sorry fish oh god i just want to check something out here just have storage the upgrades dead bladder fish no storage some power cells in there so um okay it seems like it has a pretty decent battery life this wipes fish out could be a little faster i'm wondering if there's an upgrade for speed tell you what those are some crusty ass volcanic stalactites sorry mites stalagmites tights hang mites do not okay so gotta find that fabricator recipe or the habitat thing huh okay so i was here and it is not here i mean that's what it said it said that there was um a habitat builder recipe here i just wanted to look it up because i didn't i didn't know if i was uh where am i going no idea i didn't know if i was missing it or if i was missing something very obvious already in my inventory or something so i don't think it would be here but maybe maybe there's another spot that i missed it doesn't seem like it's here i mean the tower seems like a spot where it would be and it did say delta station i mean triple check jesus it was right there it was right there the one thing i missed oh i wonder if this is going to kill me no it's like a hot spring from kid icarus fred i'm not blaming you but what do you mean it's gone where did it go you found some trouble somewhere in the deep twisty bridges and decided to jettison modules yeah i had a jettison a module i got free went back for it it was just gone and you think someone stole it or something i didn't lose it that's for sure i'm careful with my tools i'm sure you are but you have to admit there have been a lot of sea truck accidents and they're rather expensive you want to follow me on a few runs tomorrow see what it's like conditions are way harsher than anything i ever imagined i don't know if you could really understand it from inside your base that won't be necessary thanks for your time i'll write it up as an accident thanks emmanuel blast i'm gonna go and see the last location warning passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased i figured out i was going to maybe hold off on that and go build a base first but i'm here close enough wow crypto suck us [Music] i don't like that thing don't like any of that okay we're reaching uh i don't like this i we're we're hitting crush depths i need a depth extender or something i can't be here and there's big up a large anomalous mass of rock that has broken away and risen above the surrounding terrain [Music] hmm anomalous rock you say it's just massive lily pads those things are so cool but they're also horrifying [Music] i don't quite understand it has risen above the rest [Music] no no [Music] hmm i was thinking maybe it could be one of these rocks but i don't know if it meant like it's on the surface or if it's just beneath the surface or what but to be continued and over here i'm gonna go back to the base and build a base it's lugia no no no i mean whalmer or whale lord jesus these noises but yeah i'll have to remember that there's an anomalous rock that has risen above the rest i just saw lily pads up there i don't know also while i'm here i may as well collect some lithium i'm so happy because you knew i'd make this reference what's the difference again some of you pay for this starting at only 99 cents by the way sadly we can't merge the subscriptions across the two channels that seems to be an impossibility i mean luckily the you know the emotes can be uh 99 cents which twitch it starts at five bucks on youtube it starts at 99 cents so at least i can do that at least we can you know have a kind of a semi-affordable um meme access and again you know you can still keep your twitch emotes too if you want if that's something you want to do they'll be there they're even implementing animate implementing animated emotes can you off fish thank you they're doing animated emotes finally on twitch which is i mean it took long enough but it makes perfect sense so i'll probably even just upload some animated emotes there um i'm still accepting emotes if you want to use the submission form i have no problem with that but uh it's up to you really the chat again i'm sorry i don't really do the art or anything anymore but it's just uh the way it's gotta be for now maybe for for then too but whatever the case may be um i will continue to uh i'll keep the emotes there on twitch if you continue to say stay subbed and uh you can use them in other channels if you want and i'll try to get maybe the best animated emotes we have and get them on there so i don't know i'll figure something out i just it's you know everything's all in um basically it's kind of like improv you know my current plan is just to focus on me and life and stuff and then any emote plans that's all in the future you know i have no specific idea in that regard but you know like i said on youtube at least the emotes that you can unlock them for a dollar thank you if you were you know kind enough to spend more than a dollar you don't have to but there had to be three tiers that's cool people like the emotes i like them too i like money too but i don't want to take too much of it from people that's why 99 cents is is just fine i like money i rewatched idiocracy somewhat recently somewhat recently and it's uh it's pretty great i mean it definitely has shown some of its age but it's also kind of predicted some of the future a little bit it's like how the did mike judge of all people it's not like that predictory that's not even a word it's it's not that accurate there's a couple welcome to costco i love you it's just um it's funny but it also it is in its stupidity it does make you think a little bit it's like wow things really are stupid now aren't they how do i unpin this christ all right i need diamonds you know what they say pushy diamonds are forever wiring kit computer chip i got a wiring kit somewhere in here game just crash oh oh i guess i need another wiring kit adding emergency shelter blueprints to your data bank lovely with the builder tool you can construct sea basis from raw materials advising against exploring a frozen water continent without a base no bed no storage no place to put a fabricator module no fun because the question is now where do i put the base sea truck unpinned so i'm gonna need some lead as well titanium and lead i only have um one lead also gonna need um another battery for this thing i thought i had another battery somewhere maybe i used it on something but i needed the um like seaweed [Music] in terms of foundation probably only need like one to get started these things they seem finite it's a little worrying well not fun you know what i mean like they'll probably maybe they regrow back or i can grow them myself i'm not sure but i think it was mushrooms in the previous game that would make batteries at the very least i can make one battery i will need to make a battery recharger okay so gonna look for lead and a spot maybe closer to delta station dock and this by this seems like a pretty vital location it's maybe something around here just the right spot um maybe i don't want to be too close to the um the things that will try to kill me at all times but i kind of like where my old base was in subnautica it's just overlooking the precipice of of darkness it's kind of cool now this is kind of a neat spot hmm exterior grow bed okay maybe not quite here but let's see kind of like being on the edge of one biome and close to another too close [Music] okay let me look for lead i don't really remember what i'm looking for with lead i don't remember if it was like just out or if i had to uh break rocks for it warning passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased saw warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining hmm yeah i don't know man don't know where this damn light is i guess i'm gonna have to deal with sharks like almost no matter what let's see truck guess i can't scan that we go warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen i'm fine so it's the galena outcroppings i think that have the lead warning passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased like one more lead that would be fine i think we can get started on a base at the very least i just need this place to store all this crap and i don't have enough titanium to make very much because my inventory is cluttered with lithium now warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining that's what you get man i barely even did anything this chum crashed into my truck i guess i kind of like this as a spot i want to search a little bit more first truthfully if i could dismantle these and build the base like right there that didn't wouldn't be a terrible idea it's another alien thing i kind of want to build the base in like darkness like this i like that oh this is a good spot to build the base oh man perfect jellyfish one that's that'll be the name of the base phenomenal kind of a similar thing that i did last time warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining more titanium do i want to build a base there or maybe even like here closer to the jellies probably there is fine warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining [Music] okay quartz oh just want to see something because that's a really awkward position for that i mean i remember the building being like this but i just want to double check so all right why can i not build oh you know what no i'll go for a diagonal hatch [Music] warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining yes indeed gonna have to figure out some kind of power situation with this place like how am i gonna power it hmm i guess i could run a solar panel just to exactly where it needs to be run from probably wouldn't be that difficult warning 30 seconds of oxygen god damn it oxygen oxygen you know instead of me building more extensions of the base i'm gonna build storage and then go get some other stuff for my other base i think that would be a particularly wise use of my time warning emergency power only oxygen production offline power transmitter 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen yep okay now i need to run solar quartz titanium copper it's a little bit more titanium like the blue glow over here too i think that's pretty cool warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining [Music] hmm okay so now i need to find a place for the damn solar panel which i'm thinking would probably be best suited for like right up here seems fine up there i need gold for that okay i'm gonna go put some more stuff away and then i'll come back i'll probably i think i have gold just the bare essentials god this game is addictive still all right got a little bit of a travel um hoping to just get the base online and then end this video that's my goal hoping that i have gold in my base somewhere my temporary base i wouldn't want to say temporary secretary because then it would get copyright flagged all right okay okay we'll just park this sideways that's fine take that uh take some stuff like that i'll probably have to make another trip because i don't want to just load up with useless crap for now it seems like most of what i have is useless crap yep mostly useless crap okay well i'm gonna need gold oh yeah i should maybe pack this up too now how do you pack this up is there a way oh god i hope this isn't just stuck here now oh damn well it's possible that that's just there now it just lives there now all right try to return with some gold oh man i should have made a beacon okay i think i can find my way back oh um yeah i'll probably find gold on the way pretty sure it's this way as well okay very easy to get it lost i was only thinking like i might do an hour and a half of this tonight you know that would have been fine no two and a half hours doesn't it just flew by just completely flew by all right so gonna have to find gold also gonna have to find a damn beacon or uh make a beacon rather so that'll be that'll be something interior pieces okay we got um this is the bioreactor all right okay [Music] fabricator okay throw some of this stuff in here for now 30 seconds of oxygen remaining gotta have the poster up oxygen i hope these jellies don't want to kill me foreign okay so gold once i get gold i can use the um the fabricator and then i can make a couple more rooms and then i can do the bioreactor and feed plant more lead i know the gold was in those enclosed spaces i'm wondering if it was anywhere else too it's probably in here somewhere 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased yeah [Applause] warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining [Music] was that a lazy sleeping penguin no it's a different thing dangerous weather approaching peanut carrots okay uh yeah this is proving to be a little more difficult than i had hoped oh what's this grav trap i would have missed that jeez cool okay warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining every little bit of titanium helps especially if it's double titanium oh my god okay i'm hoping gold is at these depths warning passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased like i know what it looked like the the thing that you have to break to get the gold but i'm going to need water soon so i'll pick up those bladder fish yeah i mean there's really not much commentary i feel like doing when playing something like this because it's just me describing what i'm thinking because you know i can and talk about like spinning and stuff but kind of detracts from the the mood of the game warning maximum depth reached hull damage imminent rebreather oh nice warning passing 200 meters oxygen efficiency greatly decreased still no gold 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen okay you're i like these schools of fishes it's nice looks cool as well so it looks like gold is going to be a problem at my new base location i also should have probably picked up that beacon from earlier i could have used it here because i don't know where my base is excellent all right no it's over here i wonder if i could just do i can connect multi-purpose rooms just easy like that yeah can i get this thing wiring kit and lubricant i need a fabricator here that's why i need power that's why i need gold right okay the quest for gold continues i mean hey it's extra content for you the viewer if this is the type of content you like just me getting lost looking for gold it's a pretty cool spot too warning maximum depth reached hull damage imminent warning passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased well i think the gold is probably in very specific locations or just way lower and random so kind of up shit's creek here warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining this is my lazy attempt to avoid going back to look for gold i was like oh i'll go see new things and look for gold no gold this alien thing too alien like wiring system i mean power okay elites that's gonna be for another time [Music] that will also help point the way to where my base is if i get lost then i will get lost make no mistake okay there's just an inevitability that i'm going to destroy fish while in the sea truck oh i'm gonna grab that beacon too use beacons to mark traverse territory show or hide the signals of your choice with your xenoworks pda now with surface support okay this is where i can find gold somewhere passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased eventually laser cutter fragment [Applause] warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen whoa hello vital signs stabilizing okay gotta go back down and look for gold again 30 seconds of oxygen remaining [Applause] that was one of the nodes warning passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased the rebreather would help with this too [Applause] [Music] i mean they really just explode they just what a cool life form that is born to explode oh great now i don't even i wasn't paying attention to how much battery 30 seconds of oxygen remaining okay all right um still no gold warning 30 seconds this alien technology exhibits a data signature that strongly correlates with the previously recorded distress call interesting but i can use this new data to identify whether array module signal location uploaded to pda oxygen great it's good can you stop that thanks warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining what the the wildlife down here is very grabby what'd you take what was that what if it took one of my gold oh it took my float floatation thing oxygen i could always make another one but god damn it oxygen all right i'm hoping that i have at least enough gold i've got two to get some power to the base i'm also going to die of thirsts shortly that's the wrong way i that doesn't get old okay where's where's my uh there's my bass this is right back here it's right over here i'm gonna drop the beacon so i'll never i will never lose it again until the next time i lose it seek fluid intake yes correct where the hell could i even put this thing [Music] warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining maybe the solar panel shouldn't be up here excuse me i could always try just building it down here no because the range that limited 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen damn that took long enough lubricate and i need lubricant and wiring kit okay wiring kit easy [Music] lubricant i need grape vines creep fine vital signs stabilizing okay jelly base all right good get my sea truck no i think was the lubricant this the clusters i think it was the clusters welcome aboard captain [Music] yeah this this place needs backup power because solar is not going to be enough solar it's going to we're going to lose power during night time compost organic matter into um electricity into energy so that's that's good just grab whatever random organic sea monkey egg for example good poster [Music] there we go got some personalization here [Music] place a couple things down until i figure out how to use the thermos i can't even place it down never mind okay jukebox huh battery charger is going to be good it's going to be really useful coffee well we'll have that in another module i think priority here is to make sure that this is where you know the building can get done and the fabrication definitely want to have easy access to lockers and like that oh lame okay one more task it's addictive as but one more task is we need organic matter i'll throw a couple more um shrimps on the bop probably end up building another solar panel so i don't think we need this warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining i don't think these are particularly good energy but it's extra energy nonetheless this not work here gravity to attract light objects and small creatures okay resources i swear one more task one more thing i need water oh no where's where's the um the air bladders there's got to be a couple over here somewhere okay there's plenty over here i still want to start the game up next time and and be thirsty you know warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining okay grab these two if possible oxygen yes oxygen is it is what we breathe i don't know if you can change the color of the beacons even though isn't orange the um opposite of blue on the color wheel so it's it's probably it would make the most amount of sense because it sticks out the most yeah it looks like it's just orange which is fine so yeah i mean it's it's subnautica again i know it's not as long as original subnautica and considering we've you know gotten this far in three hours uh it seems like it's a little bit shorter of an experience but i'm i'm enjoying it and it's good to be back underwater because subnautica kicked ass and so far this is pretty damn good so you know definitely looking forward to playing more of it um i want to make an observatory eventually but i need enameled glass which i can have out closer to the jellies that'll be fun but the visuals getting kind of scummy what's going on over there see that weird okay never mind reinforcement is there a window that you can make i know there's windows that's what i'm playing this on but no there there were um there's there's windows that you can have so you can look out huh all right god all right i gotta stop now for real um thanks for watching this this is this has been a lot of fun and um yeah once you start making progress and once you start making your own base it just beca it becomes more and more addictive but i hope uh there was some enjoyment in watching me flounder around looking for gold all right cheers everyone thanks again uh more subnautica soon i'll be focusing on this uh we'll do rimworld and you know e3s coming up soon but uh take care have a good one whenever you see this whenever that may be and uh keep on trucking sorry goodbye
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 88,660
Rating: 4.9392314 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, Subnautica, Below Zero, Subnautica Below Zero, Subnut
Id: Sv-nWA3yRKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 8sec (11228 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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