[Vinesauce] Vinny - LEGO® Builder's Journey (PART 1)

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okay so here's something that i saw on steam and this was in some presentation and i was like hey this looks nice visually i hear it's a very short game but it is the best looking game i've ever seen in my life i think i mean that too i mean just look at it [Music] jesus [ __ ] christ it's so realistic i've already cursed like a lot and i just started playing this so yeah i mean playing baby lego game and i'm saying curse words bad curse poopoo words i went through a pretty big lego phase as many of you know last year [Music] and uh built the lego mario a little bit i built um the lego nes which also has tv and i built the throne room from return of the jedi so you know that was enough for me last year but lego is still fun to come back to [Music] i can't believe how cool this looks [Music] also to the motion like when you move a brick or when it is destroyed like it's so good [Music] we it's lego where's waldo isn't it [Music] it's a little artsy too you hear that music it's kind of minecraftian [Music] i heard this described as something like captain toad as well [Music] anyone out there call something like this photo realistic because truthfully you could take a photo that would be comparable to this the film grain helps but [Music] there we go achievement unlocked builder hell yeah i see i wouldn't exactly call this captain toad oh that was cool did you see the look look at that look at the way it goes down the river god damn and i believe this is using the full power of my 30 80. like i'm pretty sure that's you know that's all rtx that we're looking at right now like we're only kind of scratch like rtx is cool i think dlss is probably more vital rtx has looked pretty cool for some stuff the ascent rtx looks awesome [Music] uh cyberpunk for as shitty as that game is to some people i will say i think at the very least visually it's kind of stunning at times and the rtx absolutely adds to that [Music] and uh this is proof that you could do something nice and simple and have it be kind of phenomenal looking so we're just scratching the surface with rtx and i think one day you know everyone's going to be able to utilize it much more effectively i think that's what we're seeing now a little bit [Music] that's amazing to look at even if it's just lego bricks okay [Music] [Music] there we go the reflections on the legos oh my god in the textures too like the little scratches like over here [Music] i never thought i'd be gushing about a lego games graphics but here we are i earned a hat [Music] weird bubbling swamp [ __ ] [Music] no no bueno [Music] yeah it's too high oh i see i see increments i'm getting achievements left and right i apparently i'm a god gamer this guy this thindleberry pieces can i i wonder if he can jump this yeah probably can jump this too nice actually a clever little game [Music] oh we're making a campfire [Music] wow lighting [Music] does anyone know why my acer monitor my second one has intense scan lines over certain colors [Music] like vertical scan lines has anyone had a similar issue oh god the fun never ends i tried changing the cable i have to do an hdmi to displayport so that's what i'm currently using because um i have limited hdmi on the 3080. [Music] what's uh the deal oh come on mate there we go lego genius i'm getting a little like crust when the physics kind of crossed out also not really that bad just some there was some frame lag but look at this i can't wait for a virtual lego builder using this game's engine where you can just make whatever you want [Music] too high [Music] i mean i'm not exactly making high art here but it works [Music] it seems like there are several ways to approach a situation in this game [Music] well that was okay that was the very height the very limit of a jump [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] hmm it's too low [Music] really where is that [Music] right this oh yeah still too far [Music] yeah that's not happening [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] no no no no no no no incorrect okay awesome [Music] god i would have loved this game as a kid i love it as an adult but i would have enjoyed this even more as a kid lego was my uh one of my favorite things it's still pretty good though to be honest building that lego nes was cool just learning how the inner workings of like seeing what they did to approximate the inner workings of a uh of an nes was like really fascinating [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right that worked oh wait we're not done yet how do you solve this last puzzle i don't know what to do [Music] did that dude just break that path on purpose kind of a dick move [Music] unless it was helpful [Music] [Music] i need to just put enough weight on this for that lad oh that okay so this lad operates automatically there a lot you can do with a relatively simple concept go go across my man go across dude i'll say can you put a block on this dude's head doesn't look like it i still haven't watched the hour 40 minute red letter media yet of best of the worst so i will report back when i have but i'm excited to watch that i just need to find the time for it um and that worked do you think this lego person is proud proud or is silently judging that's it rtx on you know be cool a first person shooter in the lego world using like similar graphics as this i don't know why it would be cool maybe it wouldn't or like the night playset remember the nights with the cool swords when you know back in the early 90s at all four of you [Music] like a third person hack and slash like um i guess it could be like anything but just using that stuff that could be awesome [Music] the hell is that oh you know one of those excuse to show off that rtx [Music] so [Music] i want a game about orange transparent chainsaw people [Music] the hell [Music] i like the music in this game i like that what kind of organ is that um i don't know if it's a hammond but i like that you can hear the keys being pressed [Music] [Music] this dude keeps getting called away on business what the hell is this [Music] am i not supposed to understand what's happening right now because i'm doing a very good job at that [Music] like building spikes for different video games [Music] spike pit that's all let me just say this yum i should probably remove bungee from my um my stream deck [Music] [Music] i guess this is kind of one of those build your own things moments where you get a chance to just be a little more creative it starts you off it's like here this is going to be a thing it's a little castle building you figure it out make it however you want it's kind of neat i called that wadom game charming this is even more charming as far as i'm concerned [Music] is this a secret murder basement [Music] do [Music] [Music] uh okay oh it's a little robot i had no idea i was building something like that [Music] oh cool so [Music] oh cool okay welcome to the skateboarding segment [Music] wait dude you just broke half the level what the hell [Music] so so i don't know if this game i don't know how long it is i've heard it was really short i don't know if it's worth the 18 bucks i paid on sale but i thought it was free somewhere maybe i was mistaken [Music] i'm not sure i'm quite kidding this [Music] [Music] i mean i have to assume there's multiple solutions hmm yeah yeah there's multiple solutions unless that was the exact solution whatever the case is though i i like the i like the freedom of being able to figure things out and try different solutions reminds me of tear down even if it's nothing like tear down [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] how's this piece so oh here we [Music] any go of these yeah must connect i need like a little piece or this is fine again different solutions even if it was messy looking it still works [Music] [Music] so [Music] well i needed that one [Music] hmm that's not gonna work there [Music] so [Music] try that there try that there [Music] hmm [Music] what are the pieces you have for me robert robitussin [Music] that's the one i needed got it what a cool little game this is [Music] maybe if something is 18 and you had fun maybe it was worth it for you [Music] [Music] was that a plumbus [Music] it's me lego rick [Music] mark by word there will be a lego rick and morty set at some point in the future and there will be a crossover tie-in episode of lego rick [Music] [Music] i don't know what any of this is [Music] [Music] the [ __ ] maybe you have to go in order yellow [Music] pink or just one of each [Music] yellow pink blue green [Music] yeah i don't i don't think i'm doing this right mm-hmm [Music] i guess i can't connect that there [Music] there is no need to be upset [Music] goddammit [Music] huh [Music] all right [Music] oh nice glitch [Music] [Music] i have no idea what's happening [Music] i know what some of you are saying right now you're saying findlethorp why can't you figure out baby puzzles some are you dropping your phone to which i would say i'm not a findlethorpe i'm a thindelby [Music] [Music] [Music] nope [Music] what's [Music] [Music] i'm trying to figure out a pattern and i cannot figure out a pattern here [Music] i'll try a couple more times then i have to look something up [Music] hmm lego builders journey machine [Music] apparently this was on apple arcade from 2019 wow okay was there that long [Music] [Music] yeah i'm sorry i have to look up the solution gonna pause i looked up several things it appears to be optional or at least optional to the point where i don't understand it fully still but then you get pieces but yeah the the guide i watched the person was like i don't understand this either and then i watched several more guides and they didn't understand it so okay that's done this one it looks like you just have to match the colors [Music] oh and then it knocks out the studs [Music] [Music] apparently there was a big update for this game when it first launched it was like way shorter and then they added a whole like post ending [Music] [Music] this is cool too [Music] more roberts [Music] why you won more lego pieces congratulations [Music] i like the lo-fi jams it reminds me of like melody's echo chamber or something like that [Music] [Music] [Music] what oh [Music] man how come when i place legos next to each other in real life they don't pop out like that and glow i can't wait for future legos like to have leds in them like led tech is going to get so good and so so cost efficient and so cheap that you can just have it in individual lego blocks [Music] with batteries attached [Music] oh okay did you imagine that tiny little batteries inside the led that keeps the led lit for years no bigger than an individual lego brick i mean i don't know how far off we are from something like that but it seems well maybe not the battery part or conductive legos that when you put them next to each other they transfer power to other lego maybe this exists already but and each one has an led and if you connect them and then connect them to a power source they light up and then you don't even have to be you know you can charge a little extra for this and just gear it towards like adults a adult d-o-l-t [Music] [Music] i better get some extreme achievements for this [Music] i want the coolest glowing order for my profile pic on steam [Music] [Music] okay i think we've um we've reached the maximum of fun [Music] for these kinds of puzzles [Music] i think we're ready to move on to the next challenge now thank you [Music] [Music] am i not doing something right [Music] i feel like now i'm doing something wrong because i'm getting like the same puzzle over and over again [Music] [Music] hmm oh god damn it you have something [Music] [ __ ] i was like just solving the same puzzle [Music] sorry your son's gone he's off solving the same bizarre puzzle over and over and over again [Music] so [Music] one second here [Music] [Music] oh you're wanted at the machine again sorry you gotta go build some spike pits it's kind of a little too dark to see this but i also have a studio session in a couple minutes but i'll play this for another like five minutes this game is cool though and i plan on playing all of it uh i love that it's now even it's trying to get scary [Music] i think you're getting up there mate [Music] what if there's a restart button yeah i think i [ __ ] that one up much better foreign hmm i need the cookies i need the businesses please i need them okay jamie i need pieces to solve the puzzle please yeah go on brag about the lighting oh wow well now we can brag about the lighting holy [ __ ] damn that looks good and video game flashlights are gonna be amazing in a couple years that's one thing i've learned from rtx [Music] can't get up there [Music] got it okay i think this is where i have to stop so i can go do my studio session but yeah this this is a really i mean even if it didn't have the amazing lighting and the lego name it would still be a fun little puzzle game but the presentation just makes it better really cool anyway thank you for watching this lego game it's really uh neat and it should be played more and i will do so so take care and more lego soon and more bottom soon and more of everything else i've been playing soon because there's a lot of it take care everybody thank you so much for the continued support i appreciate you still watching and i appreciate people that are still um i don't know just kind of uh just chilling watching the videos or chilling out in the live uh reruns yes live reruns and uh just remember you know there is no need to be upset just let them jimmies remain unwrestled more chernobyl light at some point um just to see where it's at and i want to check out that warzone update and finishing up rimworld more zelda the ascent i mean there's just a lot of games and yes i'm stalling for time because in 10 seconds it will be exactly the one hour mark like my previous video okay so i'm gonna end this in just a second now all right
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 74,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kn6F5Wk2oe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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