[Vinesauce] Vinny - Subnautica Below Zero (PART 2)

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okay i might be a little addicted to subnautica again um i'm playing again so soon because i just wanted to play i think it'll be fun i i really want to work on my base more [Music] and i like these little penguin penguinos so so yeah let's let's uh give it a shot let's play i should invent something like what do you do when you just play and record footage we play no that's the nintendo wii well we will uh do some some subnetting god i wish i didn't say it like that i need to figure out what to put in the um titanium this is going to be specifically titanium also a little allergies today and if you hear any crust it's just um it is uh what is it what is it my air conditioner because it's really [ __ ] hot it's a heat wave it's a heat wave out there i know no one would know this um well maybe some of you would know this but what's the uh the shortcut to mute your microphone on obs that would be good information did i put away something important or was it stolen oh no the sea glide it's just here it's but it's zero percent i need you know what a battery recharger might be nice oh i forgot to say i hope you're all doing uh i hope you're all doing well out there i appreciate the continued support people have been um been very generous and comment like subscribe hit the bell don't you don't have to do any of that i'm just trying to say all the youtube things but no people have been very kind and very generous and um again if if me doing this more lately as a hobby is something that you can enjoy as well then that's that's good for me did i just drink the water drink a little water anthony keaton's he says that in one of the songs he goes there but man it's so hot it was almost 100 degrees it's a little mental but i mean i complained about winter so i can't really complain now because i already did my complaining and if i complain about summer that's that's no good let me remove this battery yeah that's how so i'm gonna charge a couple batteries while i i go do some stuff i need to make um one more solar array as well just to boost power both limit and production i rem like it's a lot of this is coming back to me now a lot of it i remember man am i am i allergied up geez it's quart quartz times two okay quartz quart quart quartz i sure hope no fish destroy the solar array also is this getting power yeah it's getting power look at you you you you'd be cute if you didn't steal my [ __ ] son 81 uh yeah that's all right that'll do what it needs to do i will [ __ ] you up i know they're all cute and [ __ ] but they steal your [ __ ] i wonder if you can make that a little less bright oxygen yeah can i make it less bright in here it's very bright it's interesting okay how are we doing on on this crap fine for now yes okay so uh for those watching if you watched my previous episode of this then you you understand what's happening here for those that don't you should watch the first one what are you doing here i'm gonna build another battery [Music] just to have it truthfully because right now there we go right now i could use that extra battery well knife got weird for a second okay um i want to make enameled glass so i can build the observatory as well so i know i have some goals that i actually need to do but for now um my goal is to have fun really it's it's all about just having fun and what's fun in subnautica gathering materials and mustache rides the hell are these things what are they used for just collecting strange slimy substances i will be right back i need to uh try to fix runny nose well it didn't help all that much but i feel a lot better peeper i like to accidentally drown it's fun okay so material collection while the batteries charge i don't know if these uh clusters make for good organic materials and these are edible huh and they provide water too that's good that's good okay batteries are doing well it's gonna store the peepers in there [Music] yeah i need more titanium [Music] i think now would be a good time for a titanium run do i have to sneeze do i have to well that was exaggerated on purpose to make people laugh i hope it worked but regardless there is definitely some sneeze enameled glass that would be the goal to eventually get some nice enameled glass so i could hang out with jellyfish so enameled glass i think i'm gonna need diamond for the oh man do i sound stuffy jesus what is it with the allergies diamond not like i don't know where that is but they call them the diamond dogs oh i should get one of these bat batteries i need this battery now okay thank you stuff [Music] okay um titanium and material run [Music] see preferably um a place where i can find many titanium deposits i'd need like a drill for those but got some stuff here those jellyfish certainly look cool [Music] my power is almost down fifty percent so that's that's no good i i still have some materials back at my old base though i have a feeling that they're nothing special though there could be some titanium on the way i jelly so my my goal here is main room um i'm gonna build some stuff here like uh some glass compartments whoa 30 seconds because i can't connect it um and then like bedroom will be there so i'm going to connect the bedroom to the power room it's going to all revolve around the power room i could make that at the aquarium room too because you can build like aquarium tanks which is really cool but yeah titanium would be good and also increasing crush depth and the rebreather i need the rebreather so i can stay underwater longer but let's head back there for now because because back there there's there's more materials eventually i'm going to need more gold again that's going to be a nightmare as as it was previously wood that it were so simple i am becoming um i'm becoming the old man that feeds ducks i'm not kidding i i am okay with this they i call them therapy ducks but they they've been um they've been nice they're nice ducks most of them and they they're fun to hang out with for a little bit so i do that and now you may say to yourself vin i've watched your streams for five or more years i did not know you liked ducks you know that's that's the uh that's the thing i just keep surprising i keep surprising my audience with new tidbits like i like ducks pretty cool ducks they go i want to know what it means when a duck goes twice in a row very quickly like is there some greater significance to double while i'm here i'm gonna look for gold well more fragments are good too double titanium it's definitely worth it see monkey egg i don't want that warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining i should have built that damn rebreather all right well it's one gold is better than none gold i always say oxygen there was um there's a new cut of the mario brothers movie that was released with um deleted footage that fans made because the studio sure as [ __ ] ain't doing it and um it seems pretty cool to me i mean well not cool like not like it's gonna make the movie better but it's something that i would watch probably i think that movie gets a bad rap because it's if it wasn't called mario brothers if it was called the super linguine bros and it was totally unrelated to mario brothers i think it would overall be a better picture or better received picture movie you know picture whatever and dennis hopper plays the villain who also plays the villain in water world water world about water world war world is actually not to me water world is actually not a terrible movie it's not necessarily a good movie but please understand that water world is deemed a flop because it had a huge [ __ ] budget that was the most expensive movie to make at the time but it didn't make its money back because it was it was rotten there was something rotten in the state of denmark which was a lot of delays and bizarre script choices that like they they shot a movie that wasn't finished they didn't finish writing it so that's a problem but for all that i think water world which is a movie now if you don't know what that is it's of 1995 i think movie and the concept is that the ice caps melted and most of the world is now covered in water and kevin costner plays this dude who's like a grumpy mariner who likes to um do swashbuckle but he's like kind of an unlikable dude i i never really liked kevin costner and all that much i think he was okay in that robin hood movie though but anyway he's okay he's okay well he's not even that good in the robin hood movie he sounds weird but he's been in a couple things i don't remember what of his i like but i'm sure i could think of it in enough time what movies of kevin costners do i like [Music] well i kind of like water world because it's like it's schlocky and goofy but it actually does have some stuff that is kind of cool and like they're looking for land and and they need like birds to find land and dirt is valuable it's like more valuable than gold so there's some really interesting stuff in that movie just overblown to [ __ ] and um like sets were destroyed by bad weather they built like a whole like um this thing it's like a base on the water made of metal and paper mache and stuff and it was destroyed like the movie the making of the movie is actually like fascinating especially with how much went wrong and how many egos were involved in all that fun stuff but it is kind of um a spectacular failure that's kind of what i like about it it has by the way that has an extended cut too like the mario brothers movie and dennis hopper's the villain in that so i'm wondering if there's some kind of connection here but apparently the extended edition of waterworld makes it a better movie if such a thing is even possible so yeah yep yep i wouldn't recommend going out of your way to watch water world but i figured it was good conversation for water themed video game and there's a couple shots in that movie that look dated but also a couple really good like some of the underwater scenes there's like a good one when they're like um underwater and there's like la i think and i remember i haven't seen the movie in a long time but i remember it looking very stanky but also kind of cool like the concept of it was cool warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining i should get that rebreather now kit fiber mesh silicone rubber i don't have enough silver for a wiring kit okay so now i need to find silver so i'm gonna get that started for the observation deck how the [ __ ] can't i build windows in these multi-purpose rooms though that's that's kind of weird [Music] warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining okay scanner room wait no no no deconstruct there we go oh i need more titanium already [ __ ] i'll just save some lubricant just in case you know it gets lonely in subnautica land i mean you never know what you're gonna need okay more titanium a little bit more titanium probably just didn't scan a window so i have two lead i have one lead do i have two lead i have lithium but no lead okay what do i need lithium for i needed um an upgrade c truck plastil and enameled glass oh what was the lithium thing then laser cutter ingredients unknown huh didn't i scan it what the hell mineral detector i want that i gotta get the mineral detector battery okay i should have well i'll get the mineral detector now and then i need um a wiring kit the mineral detector can sniff out raw materials potentially saving you hundreds of hours of searching that's special when i unlock the um the thing where i can build uh aquarium that will be the aquarium room the middle one for now it's the power room but it will be the aquarium room eventually yes okay so i guess i have to find it once and then i can scan for it i guess we'll find out oh searching for lead so how to [ __ ] this thing work oh i guess you just have to get close enough warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining okay so you sacrifice speed because um you can't use the sea glide this whole jelly area seems like a bad area for resources plenty of quartz though warning passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased just spent some time down here collecting materials oh another laser cutter fragment i wonder if this will give me the materials or the yeah now i know how to build it silver warning passing 200 meters oxygen efficiency greatly decreased warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining quick oxygen there's some crazy alien thing down here though 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen where's my sea truck oh wow my first death you died and lost some belongings well what the [ __ ] warning passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased um i'm assuming it doesn't show you where you died because i just lost a bunch of decent stuff i had to have been like just around here anyway uh that stupid thing okay um i'm really gonna need that rebreather but i had enough silver on me to make it now i don't and making the floatation the swimmy that gets you to the surface would actually be quite nice but i forgot to make it warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining remember when commander data became a floatation device that was embarrassing how embarrassing [Music] well i just have to accept that i lost those goods those those goods are gone okay i'll make the rebreather but i need to find lead so i can build some more platforms because we're losing structural integrity welcome aboard captain so that laser cutter i'm gonna need eventually but i can probably get away with not getting it right this moment [Music] it's the air bladder silicone rubber the rebreather facilitates extensive free diving by recycling air more efficiently at significant depths create the freedom okay i managed to get an ion cube at least should probably cook up this fish too battery times two and silicon rubber okay so i guess i could do that now [Music] i'm still gonna wait a little bit longer before i do that though more food [Music] okay uh lead so i'm just gonna see if there's lead in this biome okay lead searching so it's galena outcrop propulsion cannon it's good to find no no no galena 30 seconds of oxygen remaining foxy sorry all right allergies whoa those allergies hit hard okay we could use a little bit more titanium and lead oh god you see what happened like it just how did it strike me out of nowhere i saw like a clown now what the hell i don't this is how it's oh no allergies do you remember that trend on youtube for a while where people were just speaking in baby voices is it still happening second please i have the minty smells the vapor inhaler [ __ ] and it's not really working really just struck me out of nowhere that was that was really bizarre warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining creature egg probably have enough of those oxygen okay diamond is a different story though that i think you gotta go deeper for that one but i need enameled glass to get the crush depth upgrade so i don't know and to get diamond you need to have enameled glass i think wait what it doesn't make any sense i'm going to take a look down here in a bit warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen gotcha peeper [Music] okay i'm gonna head back to jelly base i think i need no i don't have any room yet for more plant i was gonna bring more plant back but no plant well i guess good thing to start with would be this okay so extra foundation ah need more lead i know there's other ways to increase the foundation but uh or the uh the whole integrity but i forgot oh it's reinforcement you just need lithium for those okay we'll build i got a little bit of lithium can do one here oh those are very efficient come on there i'll build the scanner room why not oh man what a what a weird weird set of allergies today has been a scanner room will allow you to survey the surrounding region for fragments and material resources like lithium or copper or titanium if you need help finding it for whatever reason warning 30 seconds funny computer [Music] oxygen welcome aboard captain okay funny computer listen we got work to do so no more funnies i am here to drown not to laugh okay that looks pretty cool okay that's still working scanner room camera drone scanner room hud chip range upgrade probably want to scan for diamond more than anything else i cannot scan for diamond because i haven't found it it's very interesting oh god the jellies are coming through the base oh god whoa that is gonna be a fun room fiber mesh for beds like duplicating someone else's bed it's kind of weird [Music] [Music] yeah clip the fingers hey the air bladder saved my life several times so i'm gonna build another one as it was ingloriously stolen from me by a sea monkey a real statement that's that's real still don't know how to use thermos soon i'm gonna need a power cell charger but for now i'll go this way i'm gonna see if i can find diamond or anything useful on the way so it's good because this is pretty much on the border of three separate biomes i think there's another biome right around here there's the one with the twisty rocks what's the twisty rock biome whatever that was [Music] there's the volcanic biome maybe there's diamonds around here warning maximum depth reached hull damage imminent okay too much all right all right maximum depth reached imminent okay it's not exactly what i'm looking for but i will take it it's designed to scare the piss out of you warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining okay no diamonds but gold and silver is good still could use a little bit more lead hello strange new fish brand new undiscovered life form death so pilot last known location still guess i'm kind of just heading there anyway right okay power is 34 percent [ __ ] ah man i should have brought the damn welder or rather built the dam welder yep so yeah the the welder will get me in there but there could still be a couple things here pick up hmm warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining okay gotta go fast [Music] all right that takes up a lot takes up a lot of inventory room oh it's this [ __ ] location i forgot about this place i hate this place warning maximum depth reached pull damage imminent [ __ ] that [Music] now this is where something supposedly rose up though i did not fully understand what was being said nor could i particularly see anything but sea truck after burner upgrade exo suit thermal reactor module [Music] warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining you [ __ ] off got my scanner back oxygen probably wanted to get to the sea truck friend what can you not control the bladder i know that's a weird statement but can you really not just [ __ ] control it thank god there's a sea truck exit seriously though like you you press the thing and then what happens you you press the thing i didn't even lose anything um you pre okay so you press the thing and then you just have no choice but you just keep going up kinda weird glow well there's like no off switch on the bladder warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining nope no no no no no no no no i will not fall under your spell mermaid [Music] hmm i mean apparently this is the pilot's last location apparently that light does not look natural that looks very um manufactured okay didn't i tell you to stay away from what i don't even know who you are marguerite made us the name here on my turf great can i come in and warm up what part of go away do you not understand altera i'm not with altera cool house i'm coming in anyway i think as soon as i find a [ __ ] entrance hopefully i don't die looking for an entrance seconds of oxygen remaining there's no entrance there there's no entrance where's the entrance where's the entrance where's the where's the entrance hatch there's no entrance hatch oxygen where's the entrance hatch hey hello hello huh where's the entrance hatch [ __ ] huh where's the entrance hmm i guess there just isn't one oh well so where's those oxygens i'm gonna [ __ ] die again because i can't find the oxygen plants warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining but what oxygen but there was oxygen plants somewhere around here somewhere where are they they're gone uh the seat the mobile spawn point of the sea truck is nice at least but um yeah i'll just follow the oxygen plants i'm not really sure how i missed that before but this seems like that they're supposed to be beacons okay we're gonna take a look over there again i really did not see any kind of like i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm supposed to do over there i can look inside but i i don't see any specific entryway some dumb which i mean clearly [ __ ] clearly but okay here we are again well it ain't this oh oh god i should have just followed the damn oxygen plants that's really all i had to do the whole time here's the moon shaped pool i bet she loves that i'm just like copying all her tech i told you to stay off my land oh boy you trained that thing these these facial animations next time i'll let them tear you to ribbons altera i'm not with altera i'm robin i you i'm looking for information about my sister sam i think you might have crossed paths bull crap i suggest you take the time you need to come to your senses and then get off my base if you're not altera why don't you disable that damn tracking satellite tower instead of barging into my sea base maybe once altera's off my back i'll remember something about your sister there's some junk on that table that might help i couldn't get it to work okay snow fox fragment that far out to sea swimming back for land wasn't an option i'd die from exhaustion long before i made it to shore all i could do was survive long enough to wash up somewhere i felt a suction and suddenly there were vast jaws rising out of the water towards me it had taken hours for the reaper's corpse to float to the surface using the knife i clambered up her flank and got a perch on top i figured she'd float for a few days at least enough for me to lift my breath but would she sink before or after i died of thirst i had a knife a repair tool and three liters of water she killed this reaper died of exhaustion damn now those reefers they're practically all muscle but there's some fat in there i was able to keep warm and drink the water and i didn't have much but i had that repair tool so i had a spark it took a week to light that first fire and i know more about the burning properties of reaper fat than i ever cared too i had to ration fires but as they burned i could smoke meat that i carved out of the beast's rib cage written by ernest hemingway but like walmart version large room that's cool i kind of just wanted a window for the smaller rooms but i think large room is good this is a cool place to make a base though still suit oh sick spy pangling fragment wow there's a lot of weird tech in this game new technology acquired now's not a good time to drown oxygen no time is a good time for that all right well i guess i'll just [ __ ] off back to my sea truck that's not diamond i like there's one like creature noise in the background that goes warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oh whoa there feller [Music] i almost expect there to be like a nice day when i um surface it's just very much not that called below zero for a reason i guess see truck perimeter defense upgrade i guess i'll head back to the base i hope i can go this way can kind of go this way looks like i can go this way yep delta station dock you know what maybe i should come back up here and very quickly uh search for if i missed windows because i feel like that's a very obvious thing that i should have that i don't have peat plants are are very cool but you look like you could probably like they kind of just look like certain stoves so you probably cook some stuff on there some roast penguin hey who knows maybe these things don't even have windows they probably don't well there's a broken one i can't even scan for it i see them but i can't scan for it so i'm gonna say probably not yeah doesn't look like it that's that's a weird thing to not have i guess i can't really do anything here [Music] oh this game is also pretty good if you want to be left alone with your own thoughts if that's appealing okay go back to jelly base still pretty non-diamond-handed mineral-rich crevices detected below geothermal activity detected caution advised okay you convinced me i'll go down here calorie intake recommended the [ __ ] is a calorie led scummy creatures of oxygen remaining i probably missed the good stuff whatever's in there i forgot i remember the last game there was some good stuff let's see more lead i think i only need out one probably need more later but oh well okay so there's just like good gold and silver and lead stuff there this was the the [ __ ] biome i was talking about before the twisty biome so this is pretty much just about east from my base so like east by southeast so oh okay gotta power the damn reactor power restored all primary systems online okay okay now that foundation's finished that's good i need to uh eat emergency starvation imminent yeah warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining time to eat the sea monkey [Music] i wonder if there's a way to make the fabricator go a little faster vital signs stabilizing okay great you can turn salvage into more titanium there we go all right switching batteries okay so i got some new stuff so reclaims moisture from the body and provides clean drinkable water okay i remember that then there's also the spy penguin remote and spy penguin it's an observation robot prawn suit upgrades sea truck upgrades there's the uh oh i didn't quite get the after burner okay so that's a problem uh arrow gel is ruby plus gel sac test override module okay that's that's story [ __ ] what was i gonna do the the pee pee suit didn't i have a ruby did i lose the damn ruby when i died that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] man what are you gonna do synthetic fibers i need to what was that um ruby spiral plant clipping okay so that's that's kind of um that's a whole thing isn't it vehicle upgrade console large room partition um moonpool large room okay might be time to start thinking about um some of the stuff i can do on my base hydrating caffeine free coffee i'd like some coffee mr paris there's coffee in that nebula [Music] do i not have a coffee machine already oh it goes on the wall that's nice the sweet scent of dirty rain water like does it need water huh because i don't have any water okay i need more thermos [Music] so now i can have two full thermoses of coffee h2o minus two oh [ __ ] never mind piss off dirty bean water um i need i need water i need hydrate please please new warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen um i need more air bladder where are these lads oxygen well i guess never mind seek fluid intake so vital signs stabilizing okay so for a moon shaped pool titanium ingot lead times two [ __ ] i have lead times one plastic times two i got one of those let me guess i'm gonna uh i'm gonna need enameled glass for the roof yeah goddammit [Music] [Music] still no diamonds dude dog i guess um [Music] hey no i i need that i can't punch it without a knife i need the knife to kill it [ __ ] warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining i want my knife back oxygen i need to put some shitty old vines in the machine there we go so a large room is [ __ ] massive gorsh well that's more massive than i expected truthfully [Music] warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining [Music] oxygen [Music] so components must be deconstructed first what do i even have in there oh it's this i mean i'm just trying to figure out where this large room and the moon pool are gonna go moonpool for later though i think this would be a good spot though [Music] how the [ __ ] do i get the scanner room in there remaining i thought maybe the scanner room might connect on its own but it doesn't look like it does that even though before it looked like it did that can't do that because that goes directly into the um that's the wall there let's be warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining okay i'm gonna be dreaming of 30 seconds of oxygen remaining to mars oxygen [Music] but certainly is a big room seek fluid intake i know there was a way to like just automatically synthesize water and water water it was like salt plus something i know there's a component for your base that basically sucks the um the water out of the ocean and gives you salt and and drinkable water so there is that but gotta figure out where uh where to get that warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining i mean it's an addictive game but it can be a little slow in your quest for upgrades oxygen and i'm probably not helping it go any faster truthfully but in terms of tools that laser cutter diamond see i need diamond for that so i couldn't even get one and if i wanted it [Music] vital signs stabilizing nice now i just need to unpin the the fish because the fish does not need to be pinned this won't end up turning into a three-hour version of subnautica so so and it's not you can see probably by the timeline but what i will say i gotta do one more expedition freaking lead diamond anything really i want to go to the twisty location with the twisty things how do i keep losing the twisty location is my sense of navigation that bad before you say it yes i know it is but holy [ __ ] i can't i keep finding it by accident and then not finding it maybe it's back this way oh god how does this happen i even said where it was before and now i don't know where it is because again i am very close to three biomes this is the perfect location for a base i just need to know how to get to everything okay here it is so it's yeah it's like northeast rare endangered life form murdered by underwater truck warning maximum depth reached hull damage imminent so please go but yeah i think i need to maybe spend a little bit more time down here and explore jesus even if there's no diamonds down here at least at least there's oxygen plants um whatever i can find is is good enough for me jesus please whoa [ __ ] that finally diamond [Music] can you [ __ ] please didn't know i was gonna have to bring a health kit with me god damn sea truck fabricator module storage module oh man that's exactly what i need i mean i may as well collect as much diamond as i can while i'm here some strange stuff down here okay i'll be good on diamond for quite a while brilliant very nice i'm gonna keep looking around though for these um upgrades okay got that okay that that's got some range there's an obelisk this is not the first time i've seen obelisk oxygen come on please just one more i don't know if these gel sacks are mostly meant to be eaten but they getting eight uh got one more blueprint that's it just that one more fragment 30 seconds of oxygen remaining it's the fabricator module the storage is going to help tremendously if i can find that one last piece excuse me geez that's gross it's almost like i'm a human or something it's weird sometimes i make gross noises sometimes humans just make gross fluid noises we can't help it it comes out one end it comes out the other end i don't a know of a philosopher comes out one end comes out the other end i don't know close to like aristotle like that level i sometimes wonder how people could watch such a dumb streamer and then i remember like i watched dumb [ __ ] too so it's okay okay i think i'm covering all of the same ground which i had to be thorough i had to just check oh my god okay here we go here we go here we go storage module yes [Music] nice well that worked out that time i'd say that was a resounding success and now i know where more diamonds are at least [ __ ] diamonds are not though i'm definitely going to uh definitely going to need what was i gonna need why did my brain fart that hard why yes it did well i have to go back and get a ruby these are all things that i need to remember because i might not play this for a few days so i just have to remember these things for later this walk cycle makes me laugh a bit it's a hell of a diamond collection i've got there good that was worth it it's little bastards um i need more glass all that quartz that i skipped well now i need it warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining it's like nine quarts all right oxygen okay so the uh the moon pool is lubricant and lead which lead is the problem we have one lead so i have to wait on the moon pool for a little bit longer [Music] glass loyables quantum locker oh that's cool i don't remember if that was in the other game it might have been but i can almost make it i mean i can i have an ion cube that's pretty cool so now i need to make the um an enameled glass it requires lead [ __ ] you yep that sucks okay okay okay so now i need a bunch of uh lead yes i need lead much of it because i need four enameled glass here well it's down there [Music] what time is it oh my god it's time for me to stop playing this is what's what the time is but i'm gonna go get some lead real quick one more mission one more scavenge one more scunjili i haven't heard much about the scungilli man lately wait wait was it north am i is my brain like damaged where was the where is the area that i was supposed to go to it's not this way yeah it's this way dinner so i mean i'm kind of just hoping that there's lead over here i don't know if there actually is i don't remember which outcroppings had led galena i don't know or tonight you know what hold up galena galena outcropping warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining okay warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining i mean it just is going to take forever to find the amount of lead i need so it seems like warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining this helps though warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen jesus warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen okay that was a little too close for comfort i don't have to go that far down to look for this uh particular outcropping it seems so there we go i need more lead less titanium please thank you warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen wouldn't that lead to like um an embolism in real life if you use something like that maybe it's technology like yeah you can't if you're diving if you like rise too quickly you're gonna have [ __ ] problems not just problems but [ __ ] problems severe ones but again future and technology and underwater and aliens and and space flight and things that can telepathize 30 seconds of oxygen remaining so it's it's not worth thinking about too much unless you're trying to recreate the cover of radioheads the bends it's really not it's not worth thinking about warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining okay just a little bit more lead and then i'm done with this farce this mummer's farce tomfoolery warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen please okay i'm a little bit tired i need to maybe not play anymore oh oh i lost some of my belongings i see only some you gotta be [ __ ] there's no way to find your old materials is there that that sucks [ __ ] wean i got too [ __ ] distracted i was like thinking about stupid [ __ ] and i was in a like a brain a brain yacht all that's gone now i'm actually i'm very angry i'm actually angry mostly it's just myself great and and now we spend more time not getting the materials required because lead is why is it this rare but anyway yeah completely my own goddamn fault can't even blame the game entirely 30 seconds of oxygen remaining it's not gonna stop me from blaming the game a little bit i guess um i just wish lead wasn't this [ __ ] rare here not rare but not disannoying to get that's all it's probably someplace else i probably have come across it in its own like not in outcroppings i just don't remember where it was if so [Music] uh kind of surprised you don't explode into treats when you die though like so you could pick your old [ __ ] back up so titanium wonderful okay 30 seconds of oxygen remaining i need a little bit more lead i flew too close to the sun earlier i had so much lead it's [ __ ] mental how much lead i had 30 seconds of oxygen remaining one two three four five probably need like two three more three more and i'll be satisfied why do i play games like this like why why it's just finding materials now and yet it's utterly addictive 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen that's as much air as i needed okay probably just one more where is it one two three four five six seven eight fine good enough sorry this isn't exactly the most thrilling gameplay or commentary i understand this you have to be really dedicated to watch this or really tired 30 seconds of oxygen remaining all right well back to the base back to the bones but yeah back to the base just gonna build that glass roof i don't think i can build the pool yet the by the pool maybe i can we'll try but next time try to get some more story done i'm also gonna um try to upgrade my suit i'm not so sure about these oh right inventory full right glass glass glass okay enameled [Music] so that's four well that's three but plus this is four okay so that means i could build this with lithium and then for the moon pool it's titanium get lubricant and lead what got the two no i need more ain't got [Music] [Music] um i hope that's enough lithium and lubricant messy inventories are my life video games i've i'm a master at messy inventories in video games this is this is just what i do i don't organize until much later if at all start with this what does it need glass glass huh did i not enamel enough glass i don't think i have the titanium is that really what i forgot titanium yes it was all right well that's cool be nice if i could connect these rooms together so that they uh anyway it would have been nice if i could have connected these warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining still could done really [ __ ] christ almighty uh oh what happened here oh [ __ ] you game i'm gonna quit this game if this is what i think it is oh no no no no no no i can't save i can't get out of the v are you kidding me game soft locked lost two hours of progress can't get out of vehicle or save this whole time i forgot to say why doesn't this game have an auto save feature subnautica below zero stuck in sea truck uh subnautica below zero stuck in sea truck can't save this is in this is unbelievable that's two and a half hours i wasn't gonna make this i was j i was so happy i was just about to finish okay i just saved the game it allowed me to save at least oh please please work please work this is the most frustrating night of subnautica one could have unless your save file got corrupted which oh thank god thank god that was the most bizarre glitch and i i almost like shat several bricks holy holy good god damn okay well my base is is coming along even though there's bubbles inside of it um but okay well that was almost terrible and i almost had a heart attack or an embolism take your pick i'm gonna save here and i'm gonna quit now i'm gonna quit while i'm ahead well once again thanks for watching uh i almost this would have been maybe my last uh video of this because that would have been two and a half hours i would not have wanted to do again i'm going to have to like save manually a lot i really need to remember to do that because holy [ __ ] uh thank you so much there will be more things in room world and various other variety varieties of things i have um something bizarre to to show you in video form as well so uh take care everybody thank you again and uh you know don't don't forget to save
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 47,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, Subnautica, Below Zero, Subnautica Below Zero, Subnut
Id: hjWgBWUpnTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 36sec (8976 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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