[Vinesauce] Vinny - Subnautica Below Zero (PART 11 Finale)

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i will finish this game i'm hoping to do so tonight 22 hours welcome to hopefully the last subnautica below zero episode i have a new mic arm and i have a new mic plug-in that i'm not using but i have a new mic arm it's a road it's not crusty like my old one and filled with oil you can hear the coins dropping and it's it's very good it's it's a very good mic arm i think it's it's quite quite good so i'm having a new problem where i restart my computer or i start it up and my mic isn't recognized i have to restart and then my mic shows up but it's the sample rate is wrong i don't understand anything anymore i have i've given up on understanding my computer i guess if anyone's had a similar issue please let me know but for the time being i have to just restart my computer every time i restart my computer you know what i'm saying dog so there's a clip channel now i'll start with that an official one now you may say vinnie why is there an official clip channel and the reason for that is well john and i would like to be able to submit and you know have the channel like a clip channel and the old one the person who's running that i don't want to call them out not a big deal it was never my channel uh but they just disappeared and that sets on that they no one has to stay in my life no one is forced to stay in my life and they don't even have to be peripheral the dude probably got busy they have their own live lives life one life i don't even know how many people are on that channel but so we figured we'll just make our own so if you want to submit clips to that channel you can it's called actually i don't even i don't even know what the name of the channel it's just um vine sauce twitch clips that's what it is and you could submit clips to john at full underscore sauce on twitter um you can probably just link to i don't know maybe there's a better way if you have suggestions to submit clips you know best of clips your favorites new ones whatever so yeah yeah check that out i mean you'll see all relevant links um on the side line of of most of the the channels so it's like a purple shroom you know so it's a teleportation module it's a it's a module maybe i don't even need that at this point though i i learned that was one thing i learned it was very silly i forgot about the whole module thing so power restored all primary systems online okay so i i now know i have to do a surface thing also i really hope i don't jinx it but it seems possible that my new psu fixed my computer issues aside from my new microphone issue but as mentioned in a previous episode my sound card wasn't playing nice and it wasn't recognizing anything at one point so maybe i need a new sound card too it's an audigy i didn't think i would but it's like damn can i just like do my computer can i use my computer please welcome award so i'm not doing the snow fox up here anymore actually whoever said the snow fox was was worse than this i don't know if i agree with that for surface excursions because the hover doesn't really do a whole lot the um the arm this thing isn't really like it's slower it's not really doing me any favors well [ __ ] never mind that so this just has zero percent power now all right we'll use the prawn so yeah i have to find a thing there's a thing somewhere around here it's a story thing tell don't show so i did look up a guide not today but last time i played this and i saw i was just too tired to continue but i i saw what i had to do generally and it's somewhere around here but i am um i'm not sure 100 where it is and i am looking forward to going to the last part of this game we're not gonna get stuck in here well this is good you know if you need ion cubes i don't know if i mentioned this in a previous video but they revealed um outer wilds dlc they're doing an expansion i feel like the game was extremely complete as is but i am curious to see what kind of additional storyline stuff they're gonna add to it because they're they're making it okay the way they made it sound they're gonna add it to the game and make it feel like it was there all along but that you know people just didn't see it and that seems a little bit more organic guess we're not going up there but i guess i don't have to worry about the [ __ ] annoying worm it's not that much of a threat anymore just does a little bit of damage but it doesn't knock me out of the thing so that's a huge relief i really worry that this is what was actually destroying my computer like i'm underclocking my gpu at the moment using msi afterburner like that's one of the suggestions considering other people seem to have had similar sounding issues with the 3080 so i'm slightly underclocking and i'm also um you know running a better psu so i've been here already this is what i missed it's what i missed somehow i was here and i didn't see this all right well thank god for that ah there we go body piece ah that is a rough way to go yes i would not enjoy being crushed while mining iron crush the cold preserved the body well but this isn't a big sample will it be enough our tissues are pluripotent derived from the dna of various species capable of changing form as necessary like stem cells so what prevents you from i don't know ending up with look at my hooves at least not since the fourth iteration it's learning to laugh we need to make a storage foreign all right well i'm excited because that was the last component this is for all the times that you attacked me even if it wasn't that specific thing that felt nice my favorite area of subnautica can't see shittington just hope i'm heading back the right way it should be sea turtles that way we're getting closer all right i think this is the last surface episode forever unknown worlds please no more surface in a subnautica game minimal man please if you the player out there or aka the viewer somewhat enjoyed those segments then i'm very components i'm happy for you great what's next let's get you out of my head first you must find the fabrication facility it is concealed at some depth facility so you planned on needing to make new bodies it is a standard medical facility a medical facility where you just replace your whole body when it wears out sounds a little beyond standard to me ours was a research mission of the highest importance so what were you a scientist like me i am a scientist now so what happened your team found the vaccine and then please robin you have the components find the facility and construct the body okay but don't think i don't notice you changing the topic what could go wrong this is fine just some you know demanding alien dudes just some dudes just trying to get their body some dudes probably destroyed their entire race via something really stupid a couple of bros just enjoying their own you know self-imposed genocide having a brewski welcome aboard captain i may have to make the depth module uh the snow fox is going to be put away forever is that like can i go in there yeah all right [Music] yeah i don't know if i can actually make the depth module but we're gonna try okay okay so there's um sea truck depth upgrade mark ii oh look okay that's the mark three prawn suit mark two so kyanite nicolor i don't know where nickolore is so [Music] yeah i don't know kyanite i don't have nickel this whole time this base was like leaf powered um gee whiz i hope i don't need those um depth upgrades i'm gonna do just a little bit of research i'm not even gonna pause it subnautica below zero nickel crystal caves deep lily pads cave fabricator caverns and lily pad islands hmm [Music] [Music] i will pause now okay i'm going to um attempt to do this without the depth modules i'll try again it's just nickel ore it's it's in the area i'm going to so it's not i don't really want to come back and get it get it come back get it go back get there come back go there hmm i will bring power cells though it's apparently something very useful i wonder if i can build um ion battery ion power cell silicone rubber wiring kit so i need um iron cube gold silver lithium cube gold so i can do a couple of those oh i have nickel or i have a couple like two all right i will see what i can build with that lithium no gold huh i guess after a while i just stopped picking up gold so okay it is possible i have gold somewhere around here more nickel would be amazing though nah none of that stuff [Music] okay so i could go and look for gold real quick i might do that just to have ion like battery cell for um the prawn so the prawn suit mark ii is nickel or times two nickel or times three well we're getting the prawn suit one because i don't have three nickel i mean it'll help [Music] okay yeah that'll help and uh gonna go get some gold just very quickly should be like right here again the underwater stuff is just still very good like i think part of the reason that this game wasn't as effective is just because i had experienced it already but it's still good it has a lot of high points and it's just condensed but sadly the the things i noticed that i didn't like as much were amplified i don't think gold is over here i remember what to look for kind of but let's see mineral detector i don't remember what kind of outcropping it was in but i do remember generally what the thing looks like or what kind of area it's usually in it's an early diamond if you need it fairly early diamond so all right this so [Music] rock puncher egg discovered oh back at the base right this is where all the diamond and gel sac is i don't know if there's gold down here now it's copper not gonna help me just trying to remember the specific outcroppings gold copper no copper i have failed utterly and totally and completely in my quest well hey i found some lead that was the big item to get for a while i need a c truck fragment okay i just figured it would be nice to have that extra energy because the um i don't know how long the sequence is gonna be and two gold didn't seem like an impossible task oh well i'm leaning very heavily towards getting that audio technica headset i've heard only good things about it i've done some reading up on it seems like a really good headset and it basically has lots of strengths where the akg headset had failures and it has a full like the headphones have a full sound to them they cover like a um 30 seconds the full spectrum of uh of sound as opposed to just high end so i'm probably gonna get them it makes sense to me oxygen well i haven't heard that in a while welcome aboard captain your entire life is just spicy pepper that that's all you eat you need it to survive it's just spicy pepper it's the martian with mark damond but it's just spicy pepper all the time and then you have to like expel the remains of spicy pepper but it hurts so here's the deal on the way there if i find um on the way there if i find gold i will do the thing if not then i have extra power cells on me okay the crush depth is now very good on the prawn at least so i think this is the right way i think it's the pilot last known location that's where the crystal caves are and that's where i have to be cool noise that's the noise after the spicy pepper i have not seen yet the new rick and morty i mean by the time you see this it'll be like four days after me recording it because i've been recording a lot because i want to take a couple days off um but i have not seen the new rick and morty but i've heard that it it's pretty bad and it's just honestly this whole season the high iq [ __ ] you have it's gonna be really high to me this has been like a really dumb season aside from the first couple episodes which i enjoyed but as someone who kind of fell off the show and doesn't view it with the same reverence i used to and that most people do and also see lots of rick and morty weed memorabilia like rick and morty keith plates but anyway um yeah i know the season just hasn't been all that amazing and and i have i've heard this new one's not that great and uh i'm wondering do you think do you think it's over did they jump the shark some people will instantly be like vinnie show was never good touche but i enjoyed it i like sci-fi the show is very silly it can be both entertaining and have good sci-fi concepts and also be the dumbest [ __ ] you've ever seen and i like the balance i think there was a good balance for a while but now it just feels i don't know some of these concepts have have been very dumb if not the concept than just maybe the writing i don't i don't really know what do you got you got to suck my [ __ ] morty come on morty no rick oh god that's disgusting oh the audience isn't gonna like that especially vinnie's right now no no morty it's fake it's not real you don't understand there's an antidote it's made of marzipan morty it's not real it's designed to tear away morty you gotta suck it you gotta eat it oh oh is that where the parasites get killed rick from uh from the um the [ __ ] the fake [ __ ] that's right morty it's not real you gotta eat it morty eat it and that's the episode [Music] and then he eats it and then he's cured but then he grows like um like a a clone double of himself as like a side effect and rick's like i didn't account for that but then he did because later on the episode you found out he accounted for it but also he's a super genius and he doesn't make mistakes and that's my pitch that's my pitch for the episode this is not the pilot's last known location where the [ __ ] am i going i need to i think i need to go to the crystal caves again i'm basically driving a bus underwater so that's not helping yeah i went a little too far that red area is not i don't think the area i'm supposed to go to but also there's just a lot of guesswork i guess you could deduce that you have to go back to the crystal caves but truthfully that that's a little sketch for me i i wouldn't i'll just look everywhere try to find the location that i missed it's not real uh what the hell is marzipan anyway i don't know my rick impression is just from what i've been told it's magnificent i don't know [Music] magnificent and accurate too there's an official led zeppelin documentary that has now been apparently completed i don't know when it will be released but i don't know how much more we can learn maybe more about the [ __ ] incident but i'm interested i'll watch it yeah i don't care anymore about the power cell i just want to know if they dug up some more footage that like people have never seen before that that i'm curious about this music and the visuals here remind me of when qui-gon jinn obi-wan kenobi and jar jar binks went to the goonga lisa which got planet that boss ness what a character what a card but i mean it's it's a similar kind of moment there's this this wonder this aw the music is similar warning maximum depth reached hull damage imminent [Music] [Music] [Music] oh um [Music] 71 power at the moment oh that's a cool [ __ ] noise so i'm looking for a red area of some kind you you would just assume it's the deepest area i mean i guess i was just expected to find this on my own it is concealed at some depths it's like wait so go to the crystal caves and find the very specific entryway got it [Music] one second all right maybe it's this way this is where we got one of the components earlier hmm maybe it's not down here [Music] continue east and down so past this area east and down i think the north left was never quite so north left if you know what i mean [Music] well hopefully this is the right direction [Music] i guess so yeah this has got to be it it is what was a little more obvious than i thought it would be okay foreign sense of the presence of a substantial facility unable to identify whoa [ __ ] punch it with the drill delete us the meatus okay once you have used the fabricator to build each component we can assemble well i'm saving i'm [ __ ] saving my head i am anticipating it as much as you are no no oh no oh [ __ ] i i am i am now stressing out i have to actually get all of these components i suppose i should have known about this i am stressing out [ __ ] so i kind of wish the ai dude was like you will need the following ingredients for this particular endeavor [Music] god that sucks yeah as you can tell i kind of want this to be done 22 hours is is too much for for this like i've i've um i've killed the enjoyment of watching this play through by expressing my feelings for this game but i can't i can't not be honest about it and um and now it's just gonna be a lot of travel like a lot more travel i guess i should have built that teleporter module huh let's go get all the ingredients all of them get all them ingredients again i blame myself for not building the teleporter module because i was going to complain like i have to go all the way back to get some of this stuff yeah i do but i could have teleported so yep kind of my fault by now though the momentum for me the momentum is now just the story sorry all right well welcome aboard captain the other issue is again this playthrough has been many like spread over months by now and that definitely you know between that the game crashing some of which is not the game's fault those are not the game's fault those are my fault or my computer's fault i guess or just life's fault but um yeah it's it's really i'm just not looking forward to revisiting areas just to find like a lube just does not sound fun to me right now man and i had gel sacks earlier and i ate them i need just one more of those [Music] okay so there's one i think that was the easy one i'm gonna see what ingredients i have left in my seat seat maybe if i'm lucky i'll have a couple [Music] leave a comment let me know if you think this is artificially extending the game's length or is this just what the game was from the start let me know what you think seriously i know i'm sounding like a little bit of a [ __ ] right now but hear me out i don't know if it's artificial padding or if this is just what subnautica is because i seem to enjoy these exact activities a lot more the first time around [Music] you don't need the titanium for the ingot torpedo arm fragment okay i don't know if i'll be able to build the torpedo arm but that at least sounds kind of fun oh look gold hmm torpedo arm fragment torpedo arm going once going twice okay never mind uh well i've got diamond okay that's a plastic ingot gel sec root pustule found in kelp caves ruby plus spiral plant okay we got three diamonds um flowering spore that's not helping me lubricant that's not helping me could not now i own cube and battery times two silicon rubber wiring kit three silicon rubber wiring kit silver ore for that uh this is also just cleaning up the inventory really silicone rubber is creep fine seed cluster that's not happening okay never mind i don't think i have enough silver for this i do well if i get the thing then i can build the thing but at least i have the thing okay food eight so i still need um a couple things polyaniline i don't remember where to get that or how to make it or whatever guess we're going back to my base maximum depth reached car damage imminent the other thing that i want to note is that there are other games i am enjoying at the moment which is why it was hard to even like boot this game up after after everything i forgot the prawn suit back there warning maximum depth reached car damage imminent this is not like a body harvest situation though where body harvests i got halfway through or so and i felt like uh i'm good and it wasn't even working that great like the emulation was bad but it was still so early in the play through that i felt like even halfway through it it felt like it wasn't working and it wasn't getting any better so that that was a game i just felt like i needed to abandon for my own sanity this we're so close it's extremely close well at least i set a beacon also the teleporter would not have teleported my um my prawn suit so even if i did build that it probably still would have meant i had to go back and get my prawn suit again it's weird because i also i feel like yeah it's it's part of the game's appeal to revisit past locations that's that's one of the things that makes it what it is but in the case of like going just to get the ingredients and then having to go all over the world to get the ingredients and then come back that that's a gut punch to me that's like [ __ ] dude really i mean you heard me all right i'll keep the rest of my thoughts to myself in regards to complaints this playthrough is just cursed that's really mainly what it is it just feels highly cursed also hang on a second i checked different microphone setting out i don't know if i like it i don't really even know what the difference is truthfully the new mic arm is very good though it's way better than my old one it's actually well made and it's got just the right amount of like counterweight where you can move your microphone around as if it's hovering so it's it's mainly the polyaniline and whatever that yellow substance is hang on a second check one two one two one two sounds a little weird to me still i don't know what's going on something's going on all right well not to be [ __ ] with now as long as i can hear myself and you can hear me that's all that matters so i'm gonna head back to my base in the hopes that there was something there that i missed or something i that i have some of the ingredients back there so i don't have to go scouring it's the polyaniline i'm most worried about because i don't remember what that is but i i will i might have some of those yellow globules globule globule globule glob wait globule globule okay globule okay now this is globule just a mic test i have not done anything else really i mean i went back to wildwood for a day i won a skull mug um but otherwise it was it's more of the same i don't really have anything to talk about while traversing the dark dank void just you know the usual existential dread staring into the void void staring back well i guess there's a kind of a serious uh ish topic uh oh game is about to crash whenever i bring up something semi serious the game's like no you can't do that crash no the the semi-serious topic is is there is um this stupid thing it's just brass steps in manhattan in hudson yards and um there's like the fourth suicide it's just steps that go up and then more steps that go up and um i don't know i guess some people like this thing but it's really um it's really sad because it's like the perfect way to do that and people keep doing it and um now they're saying they're gonna put safety rails on there and it's like well why wasn't that done from the start what took them so long to do that if this kind of kept happening so that's just a thing that upsets me a little bit that's really just that like some new york city news um and i don't think it's all that cool of a structure truthfully like it's very touristy people go up there and take selfies if you saw it you'd be like okay that that's cool looking but what's the point it's kind of one of those things and the point is yeah it's just like i guess there could have been like anything there and they were like we will make steps that lead to more steps that lead to more steps and um yeah i mean again just some kind of safety rail system probably would have been fine i also tried um well on a less serious note on just a note i tried something called a chopped cheese which is it's um i don't know i heard about it and i went to this deli that does it and it's like they take hamburger meat and then they chop a bunch of stuff into it like peppers like banana peppers onions um some kind of sauce whatever you want um cheese and then they put on a roll with lettuce and tomato and it's yeah nothing terribly complex it tastes like a burger but it's got like a little bit of extra flavor to it and it's actually pretty cool never thought to try something like that but tried it and yeah it was fine it was perfectly fine i told you i have nothing going on right now root pustule root pustule got those gold and hydrochloric acid young cotton anemone and salt deposit i may be able to do that i don't have gold but i specifically have a bunch of these things just need gold okay gold golds do i have any so i know i picked up some gold i think i used it all ugh i think that's the outcropping so close just so close then i just have to make my way back there and then just build the body and hope that there's not too nice floating plant hope that there's not too much extra back and forth remember there being gold in these little like caves silver of course one of those things that i saw a million times throughout my playthrough and dropped actively dropped many times would be the last thing i need [Applause] [ __ ] man it's just not at all in the limestone ones okay well there's just no calvary caliverite there's no caliber right around here once you spare just spare a crumb of gold oh we got one titanium no no no no gold gold gold titanium no no gold oh thank god looked like it was about to go through and get lost the void was calling 30 seconds of oxygen remaining all right back up gold i can't wait to bring all my ingredients there and then the alien lad's gonna tell me but we also need to build my scrotum yes we will need to you see in order to build the scrotum we need to go to each of the four corners of this world all right you will complete a temple one that is dedicated to the wind one grass one water one fire there you will defeat the four guardians you will then get the master sword fish bring it back to the pedestal defeat um cronando and then only then can you reconstruct this body what will you do with the body that my friend is up to you wait so why did we need to get this body again i wanted to party don't you want to party with me if you want my party and you think i'm sexy then you have to let me know the end and that's the end of subnautica below zero i i can't listen to that song the rod stewart song if you want my body and you think i'm sexy that stupid song i cannot listen to that song without laughing it's [ __ ] hilarious that it was taken serious at all good sexy [ __ ] [ __ ] hot body yes good eat this guy's dick don't worry is fake it's not real dick antidote antidote antidoty is in there here we go hmm i'm going to look on my phone for you know news i wish to see if there's any video game related things that i can discuss that isn't activision blizzard so that's going to be fun when diablo 2 remaster comes out and anyone plays it on their fit uh youtube channel or stream that's gonna be a fun time for anyone who plays it um rockstar confirms gta 5 has surpassed 150 million units sold in other words gta 6 delayed another 4 years elder scrolls 6 won't be released until after fable okay i had no expectations for elder scrolls 6 to come out in the next i i don't plan on being in my 30s when that game comes out but what's surprising to me is that there's a new fable in the works i have a vague recollection of fable being created or being worked on right now just very vague recollection apparently halo was pretty good halo infinite looking forward to that i always like some good shoots and i haven't played a good halo game in a while i mean there's always the master chief collection if i really wanted to but in terms of new halo this being good well that's that's nice to hear teletubbies mmo battle royale is currently being developed that's an interesting piece of news i don't think this area leads to the area i need to get to unfortunately [Music] god i did the same exact thing this is mostly what i wasn't looking forward to it's an odd [ __ ] sea truck behavior happening right about now it's a little payback all right so we're gonna go back to the pilot last known position and hopefully this time i can actually go the right way i feel like this isn't the right way okay jesus give me strength [Music] yes stuck on a scummy lily pad okay good okay see my my instinct tells me to go to my beacon but then i get to the red area and that's not the area i'm supposed to be at pilot last known position right okay [Music] i think this is the right way it is thank god my throat is scratchy from doing the rick voice earlier the shitty rick i have not been doing that kind of voice and as i said in a previous video i haven't like i haven't been doing four hours a night so going for long like periods of speaking it's not as natural as it once was with practice it would be again but yeah it's um it's a thing it's a thing and today i did um almost three hours of that starmancer game which is really cool and then this and studio in between yesterday i did a couple hours too but i i like being able to do i like being able to have like a flow of force it's a psychological thing financially i've had people express their concerns and and worry for like my financial situation i've saved like a [ __ ] for years and i'm making i'm making enough money to live you know thank you for the concern out there um and yeah of course for me uploading videos actually does help and if people sub on twitch as they've been doing um it does help even if it's not like everyone if you use your amazon prime it's great you don't have to too because i'm doing i'll live the cost of living in new york is expensive but i've i've gotten you know i've gotten it under control to the extent that i've got wiggle room and i don't want people to feel burdened with my financial responsibility that's the one thing i don't like that creators on the internet do sometimes and it's not really anyone else's responsibility to pay for someone else's bills [Music] unfortunately the way the system is set up in the us in particular too we have to deal with some extra stuff and taxes are pretty [ __ ] high and you have to deal with all that [ __ ] and i'm again very careful with my money to the point where i don't overspend but it can be tough and a lot of people don't have the ability to just sit back and you know i'm lucky and some people have it a lot harder than i do but i've been there you know i've i had at one point a hundred dollars to my name and i had to work my way back up from that in my 20s so i i get it and i can appreciate money for what it is the point being i don't have to stream i don't have to make videos every day i could do once a week if i wanted to just for fun but i like it and i like having a steady flow of of material so if i'm you know uploading one video a day of some kind one you know one thing a day just feels good but what i like about what i'm doing now is i can record let's say three days and then just take you know four days to myself if i needed to or record for four days and take three days or record a little bit for five days like one video per day and then two one another day have a day in between like it's it's actually really nice that's the point i'm trying to make it's a long-winded way to get there but we got there so alan you said your people came here in search of a cure i was a researcher you were a scientist like me my people regarded my scientific contributions with particular interests as i said like me if that is your interpretation so how did your valuable scientific mind wind up infected not my mind my party perhaps you should build the next component so you came here to search for a cure does that mean the bacteria got out on your watch this subject is uncomfortable if you would like to know more i will ask that you first construct the final component a little weird dude i'd be questioning my life choices right about now it's like i can't even get this [ __ ] out of my head until i build his body autonomous again what will you do with your newfound freedom for the bacteria there seems to be a lot you're not telling me it is hard for me to find the words i must collect my thoughts we have all the necessary components you may initiate body fabrication sequence from the top you still owe me an explanation but understand commence installation is did you cause the accident yes this is where a fight would begin with against the doomslayer my name is sheriff gene-free my character is still screaming since i last stretched out in so many dimensions she's still screaming in pain whoa well not anymore hey you're really not in my head anymore there are some records would you like your memories of me removed as well are you kidding no way you still owe me the end of your story i told you i must return home to assess repair my comments tell me more when the bacteria escaped was my fault i disobeyed the directive from my network oh noticed that a species of leviathan young produced an enzyme that is efficient against the bacteria i thought if we incubated sea dragon eggs we might expedite that hatching i was not wrong but it would appear that sea dragon parents are stronger and more motivated than our facility was rated to handle then the bacteria got out affecting everything how many survived the outbreak back home are they still waiting for someone to bring back a cure i do not know can i help the fact that i withheld this information does not consent he's certainly manipulative i've also made my own share of mistakes i'm still location uploaded to pda thanks i will join you in the database when everything is ready but for now i have much to prepare you know i was kind of hoping that this would be the ending hey so where did my um where did my prawn suit go just gone where's the alien man gone cool all right so yeah my my my prawn suit is just gone let's blew up i guess all right cool yep yep yep sick [Music] all right well i guess i'm uh i'm gonna go back to the sea turt without um with without it without my um prawn suit which is spontaneously combusted maybe that thing ate it also maybe i won't have the oxygen to uh get back to this thing don't know it's not real it's not real morty it's gone it's it's been quite the adventure so quite the adventure [Music] [Music] maybe my prawn suit is now attached to my sea truck [Music] no it's just [ __ ] obliterated [Music] okay well i hope i can get there without any incident maybe my c truck will blow up maybe it won't hope it doesn't at least i didn't waste my time building the torpedo arm [Music] [Music] [Music] i mean i i have no choice but to admire the scenery as you say i admire the visual the the scenery the the um the environments but like that's really all you can do you just have to look at them while you wait patiently to get to your destination oh so it's a good thing i um [ __ ] her it's a good thing i built that ion power cell that just is now gone as well very nice very nice very nice i'm hoping the phase gate here is the very end of the game and that way i can just pretend that my um my prawn suit was not in fact destroyed or phased out of existence or glitched out of existence truly a cursed playthrough this is one of the most cursed playthroughs i have experienced in many many years i mean in in like a long form play through i mean oh [ __ ] this is on the surface he's that i'm pretty sure it is well i may never see you again sea truck but you deserved a full repair considering you didn't spontaneously combust [Music] dangerous weather approaching seek shelter what did altera use this place for researchers here were trying to find me posters were banned from xenoworks following a lengthy discussion at the annual company retreat three years ago this poster is technically contraband [Music] i'm not reading that oh potato i miss that fluffy little couch walrus [Music] nutrient delicious nutrient still one of the coolest looking and sounding things in the game [Applause] please game just crash for comedic value here just one more time for old times sake miss a little razzle dazzle are you preparing to leave ellen yes there is much to do i guess it would be too obvious if the alien lad turned out to be like an evil jerk and you had to fight him with your knife do you still wish to leave with me beyond this teleporter there is no turning back are you kidding i can't pass up a chance to see where architects come from besides i don't have another ride i do not know what we will find there the others may be sick or angry if they live at all or you could find peace family i hope you are right please complete any business you still have on this planet join me on the other side when you are ready to leave okay from here watch the movie prometheus oh this is where the first order um you're just in time the phase gate is opening this is where it hugs you've been hiding a phase gate here this whole time gave his speech only for the last millennium it will lead us home no wonder you hit yourself from altera it was imperative to keep the homeworld safe in hopes that the others survived murmur of understanding that's just me most of the time i'm trying to follow a story in a video game that i just can't feign interest in i'm just like yeah the energy masters must be moved into place well this is different mate what the [ __ ] am i doing oh it's okay you you've you've got the power of magic now very good return to me and i will initiate a ship assembly remember technology is just magic to wizards thank you or whatever whatever that means the energy field is ready there is no time to lose wow [Music] okay my turn i want it to be like the movie coneheads where it's a cone-headed for heavier ship i would have helped you to your feet but as you can see i have been fully integrated with the ship is this permanent nothing is parallel are you ready to go yeah you could say that ready to leave the past behind good please brace yourself and then we will depart yep yep yep also ready to leave the game behind launching in three two one [Music] [Music] well they know how to do spectacle what will we find when we get there if i am the last of my kind i will experience the sorrow of ten thousand souls today poetic man [Music] wait a minute this is just the beginning of rise of skywalker and if they survived with you i am ready to face whatever awaits did you see what it said emergency power only that was my base losing power during the ending sequence oh man all right um recap time yeah sure i have some issues with it some was just beyond the game some of it was just computer problems and some of it might have been directly related to subnautica that said yeah it just there's so much i could say about it but concisely no it's not as good as as its counterpart i don't think um microphone please it suffers from you already knowing what to expect and there's a lot of what the [ __ ] do i do now which i think was in the original but maybe because i had the chat to guide me and i wasn't looking up a guide maybe i would have felt the same way if i was on my own with the original i don't know but this seemed pretty [Music] pretty difficult for me um to find my way around and um yeah it was really just not the pacing was not as good especially in regards to the surface areas you don't need me to say that out loud after you watched this whole thing but i'm gonna say it again yeah it was it was a little a little [ __ ] tough to navigate and not fun [Music] some of the spectacle was cool i liked the way the ending looked um i liked the story for the most part like following you know the leviathan with the disease and everything and of course the base building is just fun and finding new parts for it but i hope they don't do subnautica again for a while that the studio does something completely different [Music] and then maybe they come back with some different ideas later for another subnautica completely rework and see where the market and where games are in five years and then figure out like okay yeah we can we can do subnautica we can do it but we have to um wait where am i they're especially not going to thank me after after this play through but they could do it using um maybe just a little bit more user-friendly stuff and i don't know i feel like there's a lot of potential for the subnautica thing as a series but this just felt a little too derivative and i think they pushed it in some directions that just weren't fun but it was still subnautica it was still good and when it was good it was really good and it was really [ __ ] engrossing there were times where i was genuinely like wow this this is amazing there were other times where i was like i've seen this before and there were times where i just was very frustrated but it has those moments of grandeur that are like whoa this game is pretty [ __ ] cool and the the scares from the the giant fish are also quite intact and quite good but i'm happy it's over because this was a long play through and there was a lot of stuff that happened to my computer during this playthrough and my prawn suit just [ __ ] disappeared but most of all thank you the viewer for suffering my commentary for dealing with it and for making it through and thank you for also um you know continuing to watch my stuff and all the parts of this if you did if you didn't and you skipped around well yeah i mean i probably would have too but it's over now and that means that i can get engrossed in some other stuff and i've been playing some other games like the ascent and starmancer that i'd like to revisit chernobylite i'm not so sure about but you know more zelda more random whatever stuff and um those games soon to follow so take care everybody thank you again i wish you all um safe and healthy times out there in life and um thank you once again for watching my stuff and for also treating me like a human being if you do i appreciate it alright happy sub nutting everybody and take care
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 16,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, Subnautica, Below Zero, Subnautica Below Zero, Subnut
Id: q252nKm6u0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 33sec (7713 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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