[Vinesauce] Vinny - Subnautica Below Zero (PART 3)

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okay welcome to this video it's subnut and now you can watch as i subnut inefficiently oxygen oxygen but no thank you for still watching this stuff i hope you're enjoying the playthrough i know it can be frustrating i understand that i play in in a frustrating manner to some extent because also you're not in control of the of the game and and it's easy to see things that i may miss but if you still made it this far i i really appreciate it thank you so much uh i'm enjoying this is it as good so far no but i'll tell you what i'm just happy there's no um i didn't have to re reset my save because it looked like it was going in that direction um also i learned a couple things from uh john and otherwise one well good news is i'm not sniffly anymore you can highlight interactables which i'm not going to do but if i needed to i could and you could do pda pause which i'm not going to do either but i know that these things exist now which is great and uh see i'm i'm kind of a dump ass in the sense that i had the scanner room going not realizing that that would um use a little bit too much power um also i'm missing an oxygen tank upgrade which i'm going to try to go get today and i'm also aware that you can suck the air bladder i am now aware of this how replenish oxygen you get one you get one now that is interesting that is interesting indeed how do i miss these things i don't know how i miss these things i really don't a mystery of my life but again if um even though i'm not streaming on some level this is probably always how i've been where i just miss stuff in video games i'm i'm pretty sure this is just me this is a me problem yeah add it to the pile uh i didn't um that's the bladder fish aren't exactly the best you want to turn them into water the bladder fish i'll tell you what if if this game ends up being somewhat disappointing in different ways for reasons i've heard at the very least we it's more subnautica gameplay and i get to build a cool base maybe i'll even organize at some point maybe so we've got three lead there's a tactic i'm aware of now where you do drop your [ __ ] when you die you do but in order to find it what you want to do is uh you you want to have a beacon on you kevin beacon copper and titanium let's build one [Music] yeah i mean it just it would be nice to have just in case i mean and also if you think about it it's really good to have a beacon anyway stuff i'm gonna call it stuff i think having a beacon on hand is uh a phenomenal idea so we'll go with that but we need some materials here to power the uh the thing now i've heard um some talk i've heard some talk that my base isn't in a good location i disagree i'm bordering on three biomes and there's jellyfish i think that's a fantastic location but i i don't really know for certain maybe i'm maybe i am missing something you know fecal efficiency.cock [Music] okay let's take a look and see what kind of stuff we can build here um laser cutter would be nice because there's a uh ship so we got um laser cutter diamond battery titanium crystalline sulfur all right got it let's do it what diamonds battlefield 6 trailer dropped and uh it was not embarrassing and it looks like battlefield and i'm not even a like a huge battlefield purist i don't really you know i don't love it i don't hate it i just play it from time to time i skipped a couple battlefields though uh so will i will i play battlefield new whatever 21 20 40 at 9 8 what what is it it looks good from its theming perspective and the trailer was was good because it was cut very well and in that sense cool yeah so maybe i'll pick it up wouldn't mind i'm gonna make an exterior grow bed i'm also gonna do the observatory yep i'm gonna do it but i also need to figure out um how to recharge power cells jukebox would be fun too all i ever wanted all i ever needed is here a little depeche mode phase again watched a little documentary about them i had no idea how much of a pop band they were like to the point where when they tried to do serious work people [ __ ] on them it's a good thing i didn't make an album like blood bagel but i don't know i think depeche mode really did a great job at uh transitioning into a more serious band better than the many give him a lot of credit but i mean it also took dave garn i think is how you say his name and uh you know martin gore that's his name the guitarist it took some pretty heavy [ __ ] for them to get to that point it wasn't exactly um a pleasure cruise oh see monkey fellow no i guess that's just for fishies all right also while i think violator is an amazing album i don't think every song like i think the second half is pretty strong i think you know personal jesus and everything is great there's a couple ones in there that a little boring for me and maybe that's a little sacrilege i think it's it's an incredible album and i'm going back to it pretty frequently but a couple couple skippy songs still great and they're the one after that too songs of faith and devotion i i skip a little bit around but i think they still work for me on a spiritual level i don't know what that means but so um how do i how do i get to jelly central like this need more glass well i want to get that in enlarged oh jesus how are you doing down there sea monkey 30 seconds of oxygen i want to get the um the o2 thing i think i know where it is i saw where it was generally so i'm going to try to get the uh better o2 tank i get i'll do that now soon c truck upgrades so yeah c truck upgrades would be marvelous but i'm gonna need some of this stuff too for you know glass but these these little bastards here getting to replenish your oxygen underwater without you know having to go back to your vehicle vehicle vehicle without having to do that can lead to a false sense of security i've noticed and then before you know it you're running out of o2 but yeah i need some new power cells whoa jesus i'm gonna give you the hot knife if you keep this up the spicy knife the spicy keychain also the music i found out was done by ben prunty who did ftl and into the breaches soundtrack so i've been enjoying the music i didn't know it was his work and i [ __ ] love those soundtracks sometimes like whenever i've booted up ftl where i have it in a while one of the primary motivations is to hear the soundtrack again [Applause] do you have a game leave a comment leave a comment below if you yourself have a game that you like to boot up because of the soundtrack for me it's several most of the final fantasy games that i replay chrono trigger of course chrono cross especially i mean for a myriad of other reasons but those reasons as well soundtrack reasons but here's one symphony of the night games pretty easy especially we get lucky with the drops and i've played through it so many times but yet from me even thinking about it just now like the soundtrack i'm like hmm you know what i like that symphony of the night game maybe i should boot that up um the only thing i can say about this oxygen tank based on what i had seen of it was that i think it was in one of these it was in one of those canisters so i'm just looking for for one of those i have to build the storage module for the c truck i should have done that before this but i forgot it existed i went um oh i fed the geese again the the baby geese they're very nice and the ducks too isn't there a lyric in the blur song park life about how the dude likes to feed the the um the the animals he's like it gives me an enormous sense of well of well-being something like that watch your pork life mate sea truck fabricator module okay this is where i got the diamonds earlier and wait did i have i think i have the c truck fabricator module indeed now this doesn't appear to be the location of the uh o2 tank i just know there was the twisty things a good video i watched about how coldplay sucks now not like we need a confirmation about but like how they um went from i'll just be completely candid about this i really enjoyed coldplay's first album second album third album and viva la vida those those four albums there's a little [ __ ] in there but those albums have some good songs just good pop rock-ish stuff not really that rocky but it has its moments viva la vida being the most interesting of the albums but i think the second one being the best overall when ghost stories came out milo xylito um that album is is kind of trash i kind of hate it and then i listened to ghost stories and i heard chris martin just whining and i'm like yeah i'm good and that was the last time i ever listened to coldplay aside from like life and technicolor 2 which is a good song that said the reason i bring up coldplay is because i've been listening to oasis a little bit again talk about listening to bands that people would give you [ __ ] for listening to right and um i unabashedly think oasis's first two albums are still some of my favorite rock albums of that kind don't give a [ __ ] good songs loud guitars just liam's vocals sometimes you know put me off but that's you know in a perfect world the singer would always be your number one choice which would be null but yeah some good songs in there still listening to those first two albums and and throughout their career they had a couple other like for me don't believe the truth is the name of the album it's a good one i don't think they ever really put out a terrible album but just boring and like my lack of interest in them kind of continued throughout the years but uh you know still some decent stuff it's the problem with oasis is wonderwall really it's wonderwall the other problem with oasis is the uh the brothers arguing i bet you're loving this conversation people who have never heard an oasis they're like okay then we get it can you find the oxygen tank uh you gotta understand though those songs especially champagne supernova just as i was getting into rock music and they they were really good and i didn't really know that the brothers were like [ __ ] and instead i just kind of enjoyed the music and it was it was pretty [ __ ] good so so that's my um my two of my guilty pleasures early coldplay and most oasis also i get that there's an alien beacon but i can't find the o2 the the tank so um well at some point i will pause and i will look up the location because apparently as people have told me it's very hidden it's in a very obscure location like not even obscure just annoying like just hard to find which i guess that would be obscure yeah so whatever payback for all the times they stole my [ __ ] welcome aboard captain [Music] okay yeah inventory management be lazy now to create more work for yourself later that's the name of the game uh vinnie the name of the game is subnautica what i want a little more glass just so i can build that one last compartment one quartz [ __ ] singular quartz streamer [Music] hmm what what the [ __ ] oh the brine wing of course i can't pick that one up oxygen i forgot that's a very small amount of oxygen but oxygen hey it helps oxygen um all right so i guess now that i have the moon pool i can upgrade the thing advanced fabricator for modification of survival equipment wasn't there an upgrade station that you could build am i losing my brain well there's the modification station hmm brain lost plastil ingot well we can build this the plastiel and got i need to lithium for that one two titanium okay so now uh plastil [Music] depth upgrade mark one and let's take a look real quick uh at the the power cell it's two battery plus silicon rubber i mean i'm just gonna make another there's also there's a mod that allows you to build stuff from your inventory which i might install i know it ruins some of the immersion maybe for i don't know for someone out there but i'm probably going to get that because going back and forth between inventories is getting a little bit old [Music] well the thing needs a power cell this is computer chip titanium diamond lead computer chip table coral gold copper wire gold there's copper wire table coral [Music] computer chip titanium diamond lead all right there we go it's time for the hot the spicy knife something just crashed sea truck depth upgrades there's the thermo thermoknife goodbye batteries build another battery why not what other things do i have access to the still suit synthetic fibers arrow gel [Music] okay sharky battery okay [Music] but that knife is real [ __ ] spicy 300 meters also going to be looking for that crashed ship again now i have laser with laser i can get in there i'm not looking for it just yet though still need to i want to build my my little observation deck warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining really my how the oxygen goes quick when you're having fun oxygen [Music] welcome aboard captain it's the beginnings of a beautiful aquarium [Music] it's a glass where's the enameled glass didn't i have some of those uh hmm gonna need to rewind the footage seriously didn't i have enameled glass did i not what i'm very confused because i don't think i used the enamel glass i think i just used the regular ass glass oh i used it on the [ __ ] tank god damn it i need just a little bit more glass then oxygen it's like what hold up i just got to the water warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen could always go up through the moon pool too uh how did this happen hmm hmm uh i need lithium to to to build the the thing to make it strong [Music] [ __ ] warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining i'm just gonna do that for now gonna need lithium so i can build better reinforcements then i can get my lead back i completely forgot about reinforcements i think yeah the big room is suffering still how much of this base got [ __ ] up warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining pro subnautica player vincent von vines i still hear um the stuff look it's sounds like things are still [ __ ] up hmm all right [Music] i need the lead for the enameled glass okay um oh the top room which there's no access to whatsoever it's really i mean i could just do that when i get back i need i need lithium and lead well lithium then i can get my lead back let's see if i can even find it i remember it being kind of near it was on the floor it was it was pretty it was pretty um easily accessible i just don't remember where maybe by the volcano i think oh oh boy this biome looks familiar yep may as well re-up while i'm here can i not pick that up i'm gonna plant that warning 30 seconds of oxygen i need that uh big oxygen tank really bad because this is just the entire play through is just warning will robinson danger will robinson no oxygen anyone get that reference that's a cool reference and yes i'm old enough to remember lost in space the original in the sense that they played reruns of it when i was a kid what's that you want lead no have silver instead which technically you know why did i eat that i meant to drop it i was gonna say technically you'd want silver over lead any day but in the world of sub nut they should make a game called post nautica so i can call it post nut post nautica clarity1 that's the name of the base so then i could call it post nut clarity so again you don't always get the feel that you're in a frigid environment a lot of times i just feel like i'm playing subnautica one also i've learned that this is the same planet i mean it would make sense its same life forms and everything i just wasn't sure i like that wacky little fish let's go look for a couple more lithium i'll drop some titanium oh it's a diamond yeah i don't need that let's just drop this diamond so i can pick up some lithium warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining did you know that there's on movie productions there's someone whose position is the dp did you know that it's the director of penetration no it's the director of photography did you know that mr torrence did you know that why am i saying this um i don't know just been watching watching stuff about movies it's pretty vague i once knew a person not personally but this is someone who uh whose existence i was i was made aware of um who who claimed that they that they didn't like movies that movies were lame uh you have to wonder because it's across the internet so you don't know someone's just like saying a thing or maybe you don't know how you know how with it they are like if they're just messing around or if it's a serious statement right but they said they just straight up don't like movies like all movies like the the entire art form that's like me saying i don't like art like i don't like looking at art that was to me it sent me down a [ __ ] truthfully it kind of sent me into a spiral i was like they don't like movies wait wait a minute what is that what does that really even mean how does that work like movies like like no no move none movies maybe its movies are just too long i think the 90 minute standard for movies was simply because people uh the attention span it was like that was the right amount of time between an hour and a half or two hours before they had to go to the bathroom [Music] meanwhile i can sit and re-watch lord of the rings extended editions in one go that's not true i'd usually do when i do my watch sessions of lord of the rings i usually um truthfully i usually divide them into uh the two hour segments because each each dvd you know the blue rays now but each one had like two hour chunks and it stopped at the exact right time so that was a really that's a good way to do that warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining still scanner room oxygen warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining foreign high integrity restored training systems initiated well that was kind of a nightmare also could we have a worse place for these ladders immediately no like seriously i need i need the ladders to block even more of the doorway [Music] vital signs stabilizing that sounded like a wet sport okay now i'm gonna find that yeah it's here oh i can't deconstruct that well that's going to annoy the piss out of me good thing i can't see it really can't deconstruct that what's it once it's in huh warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining i gotta find that tank wouldn't mind finding some more water too oh no no more 30 seconds of oxygen please welcome aboard captain must eat try not to eat rotten food this time i guess you can do that oops whoa oh god creature egg too oh no oh no okay so i've decided that this is a bad idea inventory full inventory full it will be a better idea here because then i can place a ladder like in a in a better place this will be where the um aquarium will eventually go the fish tank [Music] weirdly enough even though a lot of this stuff is just slow and you know you just have to spend your time making the materials i kind of like it what i don't like is running out of lead that's annoying as [ __ ] it's weird that it made that noise yeah i definitely don't like running out of lead it's kind of cool now there are multiple ways to access the moon pool okay need another reinforcement now i guess i'll just make this the reinforcement room okay base will be good for a while still need some lead and enameled glass and all that fun stuff so many tasks hard to remember there's the power yeah the power cell the damn power cell i think it was pilot's last known location so i'm gonna head over there get some materials along the way um and then i'm gonna go into that ship actually you know what o2 tank i'm gonna pause this real quick uh yeah i'm back so it looks like it's pretty much it's pretty much right where i thought it was kind of kind of and you'll see what i mean in just a moment i think i know where it is now okay so it's these these wacky things the ds search along here because it looks like from what i've just seen in the video should be right here hmm well there's that platform it's not that one been to that platform a hundred thousand times is this really this much of a challenge to find this one thing i think it's me it might it's probably just me don't don't worry about it pretty sure i got these but let's just take a quick look yeah i got that stuff i mean it even shows you the location of where every everything is like meaning in relation to the beacons the video was like very user friendly and i still can't find this thing i wonder if i'm in the wrong bio i mean this i don't know if there's multiples of of biome that look the same could just be blinding this maybe i've seen it maybe i've seen it several times maybe it was moved to a new location and this is outdated information from a month ago i don't know tell you what ain't there please hold forgot to unpause i just moved a half inch dory um 128. i think it was 128 away from this that that would place it in a different set of like scumminess why do i go these places without my sea truck you ever wonder that well it looks like this is also the type of area where this could be i mean this is the starting area-ish tar ishtar what's 128. this is very silly hang on was it truly 128 away 228. if it should just be here sure is here it's not and this is a really early area because there's a sea glide fragment over there so like if this is where it it's that again [ __ ] you oh man oh man um please hold yes please hold one more time thank you now i'm just gonna compare the distances because uh clearly i am not able to find this on my own at all so it's two okay so 228 away from the cargo the the crash 210 220 away from that 439 away from alien 347 away from delta this has got to be it it has to be here the damn ugly thing followed me into the shallows i think something that big would follow me up here had a jettison the sea truck again i guess i could try to go back for the parts when it leaves if it leaves found it i really don't want to sit in another meeting with emmanuel manu as he likes to be called ugh i just want to drive around and deliver cargo in peace that like genuinely took forever oh i found a window oh my god finally the window warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining mental oxygen my baby's got the bends oh no i'm thinking i want to go back and make the oxygen tank but i also want to finish my damn room so i need lead warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining yeah i mean i know it's more efficient to just search for the lead but this is a little bit this is not the most powerful of of uh devices so we're just gonna do this again for a bit 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oxygen i had to figure out what would be the more efficient thing to do and in my mind the most efficient way to handle that was to just breathe the emergency oxygen i think it worked out okay back to base check the way the pros and cons immediately all right [Music] so we can get that wacky upgrade [Music] welcome aboard captain where's the wacky upgrade i know that was uh i think that fish was kind of rotten it's all right a little rotten fish never hurt anybody sure kill you a little bit but whatever glass times two silver ore [Music] and standard o2 [Music] i am so happy to get this that is so good 90 seconds of oxygen scrum diddly umptious as willy wonka would say remind me never to say that again because i've got a golden ticket no you don't grandpa joe that's that's your grandson's golden ticket i've got a golden ticket grandpa joe did your voice just crack aren't you like 85 years old grandpa joe pretends to be paralyzed until willy wonka gets the golden ticket and then grandpa joe springs right up and he's like hey charlie you you know i can move around right charlie gee grandpa you've been faking this whole time no uh no charlie it is the power of love my love for you and chocolate that has revitalized me charlie gee that sounds a little stupid grandpa what else don't we know about you grandpa i've been totally honest grandpa one time you said you were gonna store you you were gonna steal some chocolate bars and put them in your prison wallet if it meant you would get the golden ticket what did you mean by that grandpa oh nothing charlie are you even my grandpa all right listen here you little [ __ ] i'm with slugworth warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining ready warning [Music] three [Music] [Music] turn this thing into water real quick synthetic fibers aerogel copper wire gel second ruby huh i can't believe it i did it i finally finished my damn observatory this is the base's current final form for now the only thing i might do is add another entrance or two but i'm not sure when when or where titanium fiber mesh i'm gonna add a bed to it [Music] i did this in original subnautica i put a bed in the observation room because it just seems cool [Music] jellyfish you're not supposed to be able to do that [Music] good joshua i still need to learn the layout of this house says grandpa seth the the two villain grandpas grandpa joe from willy wonka and grandpa seth from troll two grandpa seth throwing conjuring molotov cocktails to give to children so they can so that char uh what's his name joshua can throw the molotov cocktails at the trolls the the goblins there are no trolls in troll too i wonder how many times some of you have had to hear me say that there are no trolls in troll 2 dozen dozen and a half dozen it's a fender bender happened to me i was kind of kind of recently let me let me not start two sentences at the same time that happens you have to slow down and if you're in your car you should slow the [ __ ] down too because there was something really dumb that happened really dumb which is i was at a red light and dude behind me bumps into me at a freaking red light and then like i checked the the rear view mirror and and like you know playing it cool like it never even happened it's like oh you know what you did come on it wasn't like any damage or it wasn't like you know a jostle enough to even it was alarming but it wasn't anything like serious it's just like how do you hit into someone in a red light how do you not pay that much attention the one time i actually did do something like that i knocked into the back of somebody on the verrazano bridge during a horrendous rainstorm and i was trying i try not to like follow too close behind people because you need time to [ __ ] react but in this case other cars were being annoying to me so i was like maybe a little too close to the person in front of me and then by the time they put their brakes they pumped their brakes i was like okay i have to i have to come to a stop here and truthfully it just wasn't enough plus the slippery it was um the slippery road and yeah and so i i just kind of love tapped the car in front of me this was that situation except i was at a red light and it wasn't raining out i think you should have to retake a driver's test every three years like every three years someone should check on you and be like listen you're behind the wheel of a weapon of a large automobile like you are literally driving a weapon be careful okay there we go get through there get through there hope this thing has enough power to open the doors power cell that's a good find parallel processing unit fragment huh don't know what that is locked door little salvage nutrient sometimes when i'm hungry i too eat nutrient it tastes like compacted every cereal minus the marshmallows i like these cool weird vents i didn't fill up fully ah so just need to find that last parallel power thing whatever it is it's locked doors i don't i wonder all right well here's another sealed door thank god for 90 seconds of oxygen i've been here i think i was here the first time i was here which may be a little redundant that sentence but it made sense to me nutrient do neutrinos contain nutrients warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining how the [ __ ] do i get up there and in there hmm that seems like a place to be door access perhaps though i have not the slightest idea on how to make that those crusty old rusty doors uh work hang on i finished the reactor checks we dumped a ton of runoff and we don't need the rods melting down then i helped with the scavenging chopped some veggies with the cooks and tried to help diana but she sent me down to engineering with stefanos i've been working with him the last few days stefanos how to describe stephanos i'm sorry who are these people the most thorough engineer i've worked with and no ego he never leaves the job undone no matter how late it is i've never seen him awake i know who stefanos is now in the sleepiest role not a morning person that one he listens with the slightest smile on his face and twirls this straight girl by his ear he asks a billion questions but i don't mind he surprised me today there's an empty room on the bridge just a spot of negative space in the ship he said the picnic there and said i need to relax he even called me a busy body there were these crazy glowing fungus things he found to set the ambiance the most exciting part though drumroll he can jailbreak fabricators he made a small batch of traditional christian dishes but the craziest part he managed to make a suitable falafel for me i never thought i'd see a good falafel in deep space alhamdulillah a quiet flaffles this planet may be a cold mistress but maybe it isn't so bad okay i don't know what that is but i don't remember react to rod i mean how many ronkin 3.6 not great not too bad not that bad not too great whatever the quote is you know what it is chernobyl show having played the original game i still don't remember a lot of what these things are if they were in the original game i have no memory of this place all we can do make the best of much time give it to us thanks for the advice gandalf you're welcome also apply preparation h three times a day what am i missing here what am i missing like i still need to find that last thing i think whatever it is i don't even know what it is but i need it because it was it was shown to me and therefore i must need it you know how video games is so then this exits [ __ ] it's like do i try to find a way to turn the doors on that's the best theory i've got even though i have no idea how to do that do i hack into a fabricator and make a falafel i wonder how many times i passed that i can only do repairs in spurts that's so inefficient the larger tools seem to set off seismic activity nearby a crew came back telling stories of gigantic worms burrowing in the ice i don't know what they were going on about they were hypothermic and frostbitten because they walked back to avoid angering them the ice shelf is probably a bit unstable and they got disoriented or something to borrow from diana orion's belt thermal couplings are not meant to be worked on in 20-minute spurts if we break the process we'll break the ship but it's nice to hang out with jasmine while we wait for the rumbles to stop i hope she doesn't mind all my questions i love hearing her voice her face lights up and she's got the most expressive eyebrows they're practically acrobats the way she looks when talking about nuclear engineering is this she told me that she used to do decathlon in college and i can believe it she's like a bouncy ball just all over the place she makes rounds on the ship every day to see if people need help i should do something nice for her she's always helping everyone else i wish i had a fraction of her energy all right circles yeah get lost go go in circles yeah get lost go in circles yeah warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining locked locked door locked door locked door hmm back to the big room okay i'm trying to trace like here's one you know there was one over there before like like i'm trying to take a mental note of where these things were and project you know where they might be next but it's not working i can't tell if i'm just dumb or if this is just really obscurely hidden at least there's forever oxygen here i mean it would stand to reason that there would be three of the same thing in one area so that you can you know get the blueprint they wouldn't give you two and then be like oh the next one isn't another crashed chip that would not make sense it just doesn't make sense been there 100 times been in here 100 times all right hmm life forms please hold [Music] parallel processing unit all right please hold oh okay so it's not here it's another part of the ship entirely that broke off from the main ship aquarium module [Music] i don't know for the record i don't really know where this other ship is or the other half of it just hoping to get lucky like the legend of the phoenix so i think there it is significant geothermal activity detected below beware of high pressure and temperatures so jesus imagine though imagine imagine what i don't know imagine would it be here could be see i got confused because i saw doors that said locked i was like oh maybe there's a way to unlock them jukebox disk it's a very meditative game now i just need to build the test override module then i can disable that satellite tower all right oxygen might want some of these there's a couple things you can build with them oh really that this quickly good thing i had the beacon [ __ ] man titanium metal savage metal savage docking module fragment okay i'm gonna need that yeah it's pretty easy to get used to having more oxygen i was like yeah i'm good i'll be fine for a while nope just a second okay so i want to find that docking module i think maybe the docking module means i can upgrade this thing to the point where i can get storage storage would be great storage would be really good um more alien tech more just alien stuff period hmm this thing is weird fossil excavator hmm an ion cube what can i replace a crust of bread now i need that crust of bread i'll i'll leave the ion cube i don't need that maximum depth reached imminent all right got that this could look really good this could be awesome that was kinda awesome new creature discovered all right and head back and the copper wires are all well and good but truthfully you can kind of easily build them and i'm going to need more titanium warning maximum depth reached hull damage imminent all right well that was productive and pretty cool seems like there's even more stuff down there too i'm gonna go this way west lots lots of west james cameron does what james cameron does because james cameron is james cameron this really is just james cameron simulator i i know i'm not reading all the stuff you know it's laziness i'll just call it what it is it's me being lazy but there's also another aspect of it too which is one of the things i like about this game and this style of game is kind of creating your own adventure in your mind that's why metroid doesn't work as well with story in my opinion i mean story yes overt story with you know people explaining their motivations and let's say less time alone on the planet and more time learning about your previous commander for example or you know how ridley was conceived or how mother brain gives great brain these are all things that i don't need to know in a metroid game because super metroid works precisely because you get a little story in the beginning you piece the rest together on your adventure it's not too complex and then you get the rest of the story at the end and it's a gut punch too and it works really well but you begin to make your own associations and that's a 2d game subnut 1 also had well it had the silent protagonist but it had story it had stuff that you could read along the way and you could learn more about the planet it was all really good lore and especially the ending i remember being interested there was some good stuff at the end but i guess um when i play a game where you're on an alien world and there's just these big open areas and you know that sense of isolation is very present [Music] your imagination starts to kind of run away with you a little bit and you're able to escape a little and then when someone tells you what's going on or the character specifically tells you how they feel not always but sometimes i can take you out of it but hey that's just my opinion still good stuff oh that's how you recharge the batteries right like this is it i'm not really sure i don't know if that recharges the batteries might make a fabricator in there too but for now [Music] just do this here's some titanium some ingot there we go very good uh oh storage gonna need some better storage in a bit but let's see what i can make since i'm i'm here we got window uh parallel processing unit so that's story related afterburner upgrade i really need that really really need that then we have the um sea truck docking module which just confuses me what is that can i not build the thing hmm three fluffy with a bit of a kick okay make another locker here and another one here it's not perfect good enough good enough it really i'm such a lazy [ __ ] that i won't organize this [ __ ] properly um okay yeah the power cells are regenerated um okay good but i still don't know how to upgrade let's see large room partition vehicle upgrade console wow i feel like a douchebag very good how did i not see that chip computer copper wire titanium computer chip okay so copper wire i just brought back a bunch of copper wire or maybe i got rid of it all there we go titanium times three two three and computer chip sometimes i really just don't see these things man table coral sample times two and gold i don't think i have any table coral at the moment i do that's good because i absolutely did not want to have to um go back copper wire again though at some point i'm gonna have to do that anyway and get a bunch of table coral and just stockpile it where does this go oh right okay three to green dark green stripe name name the um the uh uh the sea turt if you have a better name let me know you know just post in the comments and i'll be told but uh for now that'll be fun to see tart so okay so you can do that with that docked fully charged it's the modules um that doesn't help me oh i probably have to go to the [ __ ] the thing right i'm gonna have to go to the thing all right hang on a minute i wanna take a look [Music] okay i got a little ways to go but i think this might be what i have to do from what i understand the the sea truck is modular so you can add stuff to it and i would imagine what you would do is is build at the [ __ ] mobile vehicle bay and i'm gonna bring that over to my base at least that's the plan okay so there it is it's still there do i have anything else of value here at all i have uh some quartz creature egg some rotten stuff all right good that's nice more quartz sure [ __ ] it free quartz right it's exactly what i thought okay now how do i pilot this thing i guess you don't pilot it maybe you just grab it mobile vehicle bay inventory full no all right get some food on the way all right i'm not going to be making this a three hour one also i hope everyone's enjoying the premieres again i know it's different i know no streamer interaction except for you bob i see you in chat i i read all of your messages from the past but aside from bob tendo i uh you know i this is how i'd rather do things for a while the summer is is good to have more time and um pre-recording a couple things a week and then taking some time off as you've heard me say a hundred times and you don't have to post comments about it i appreciate the sentiment you can just keep the comments about the games and stuff but truthfully it has been really good and um i appreciate anyone's patience i've never been the most exciting and over-the-top youtube stream person sure i have my moments but i like some chill stuff and if you're okay with that then that's good that's that's how i that's how i like to do my stuff and also too you know i'm growing and changing as a person i think it's probably a little bit unrealistic to expect me to be the same person for 11 years you know i i've already had lots of um change in my life and that will you know that will continue of course i just you know i just don't want to play undertale that's all i hope people realize that i i didn't actually play undertale or persona like you you picked up on that not being real right [Music] because that's still something people have questions like you know vin what did you think of undertale it's like ah i loved it i loved it aquarium docking storage and fabricator i guess we'll just try to get all of them if possible i don't know if i'll have them well looks like i need lead so that's not happening lead times three wiring kit enameled glass [Music] [Music] where to find lead subnautica below zero [Music] commercials now what i already watched your bird show with the shield i'm just looking here to see it's just a dude showing me galena outcrop that's really all it is great i've got one lead [Music] i mean the only thing i have much of a choice i i really just need i just need to go get more lead unless there's a better location but that that dude seems pretty convinced i also need the afterburner upgrade so that's a problem is the docking process is going to be a little annoying in that moon pool oops but yeah i wonder is this lead like is everyone having problems finding lead where am i going where have i gone what am i doing i'm just gonna do the usual it might be boring but god damn it i'm upgrading the c truck today i need to see the upgrade i wonder if i got all the galena here titanium that's like opening a pack of pokemon cards and getting a coughing i didn't even see that just blended right in i mean i guess i could just do a quick visual scan you know just try to find it by sight i mean that's if i'm in an area i haven't already cleaned out all the outcroppings searching sorry there is no more lead left in the game warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oh you're getting the spicy knife it's [ __ ] too fast for the spicy knife warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining like no offense to this game or its music and i love the music hang on here hear me out it just this area reminds me a little bit of when jar jar leads the jedi to the underwater ganga kingdom i mean to be fair warning that movie pretty much has a lock on underwater leading the characters to the underwater city scenes oh [ __ ] oxygen [Music] remember revenge doesn't really do anything i got revenge on that shark and while i was busy doing that my own life passed me by i've watched a lot of episodes of star trek and that was the lesson in a good chunk of them [Music] [Music] [Music] so can we have a conversation about the word wholesome and how um it's a little bit presumptuous and a little dumb like the the word itself has lost a lot of value for me because everything just becomes wholesome but like as a human you know who's capable of uh flaws and mistakes it's a weird thing when people describe you as wholesome and that's not how i would describe myself um i never really have i try to do some good things in life and i try to focus more on on the good things and try to improve as a person the older i get and the more i learn and the more i go through life and you know try to get through some of the [ __ ] that i i let stick with me from many years ago my own you know my own stuff we all got our own stuff but i think it's a little weird when people prescribe the wholesome meter onto onto people like oh that person's very wholesome it's like well a lot of people get diarrhea is that wholesome 30 seconds of oxygen remaining i mean i just had a wholesome [ __ ] the other day truthfully it was it was really wholesome sorry if i sound bitter about all this about the wholesomeness but i just i think it's um it's just a bizarre thing i've noticed happened to a lot of people over the past several years just based purely on like assumptions and projection and thus the expectations are set for you as lay wholesome person to continue being wholesome this [ __ ] shark is gonna get shanked in the [ __ ] in the [ __ ] hole with this hot knife there we go well that was a wholesome shark kill anyway thanks for coming to my um my whose talk is it again who who had the talk my tim talk also there's a lot of artists that have created amazing things that i still love but then you learn like the artists like again i mentioned oasis before oasis you know they have some good songs they haven't like improved my life that much but they're good like there's some some good songs in that in their catalog i would not want to get a beer with liam gallagher maybe noel but liam hell no but that doesn't really change that i like some of the dude's songs and i think that's that's just fine because there's there's a lot that it brought to my life i mean roger waters is kind of an [ __ ] was kind of i don't know if he still is i mean he there's still there's still drama with um him and gilmore in regards to the animals the animals box set that they're going to release with like new remixes and you know other stuff and roger is is kind of still being very picky about how he's portrayed and what he contributed to the band and you know he's saying david gilmour is saying that he did more than he actually did in an attempt of revisionist history maybe i don't know they're both kind of being cantankerous and petty about it when truthfully they were only ever really that great together so my point being i don't really particularly care for a lot of roger waters and his um you know his opinions or his actions or some of the stories i've read about his him as a front man but i still appreciate the music and you have to imagine maybe a dude like that didn't stay the same way forever you know i've been reading a lot about these guys and uh a lot of my my favorite rock and roll stars and yeah i mean bowie changed a lot bowie went from a confused like drug-addled occult practicing [ __ ] weirdo who was addicted to cocaine and bell peppers to marrying iman and having a son a daughter having a relatively normal life and being a pretty chill chill person i can respect that but you know still don't know the dude so am i gonna say his his life was all that wholesome later on no because david bowie got diarrhea like the rest of us oxygen i think that's the the part of hero worship that i i needed to kind of come to terms with especially in regards to the beatles and stuff but also in regards to kurt cobain who i had some revelations about later on in life dude was my hero growing up because his music was so good i liked the way he didn't really compromise his songs and and you know he he seemed like he seemed like a dude that um valued integrity of the music and uh his own art over anything else yet he still really wanted to be famous kurt cobain make no mistake for as much as he may have portrayed himself as the tortured artist which he was and fame sucked for the guy but he wanted to be famous by all accounts like he put the effort into it and i think his music was amazing i think he expressed his he was able to create these amazing catchy songs and still have them mean a lot to a lot of people myself especially and his singing voice was amazing too i love his scream but he's still a person you know and the the older i got the more i turned away from him and then i kind of you know i make fun of him with the nurburner but the truth is i really still do appreciate and maybe even appreciate him more as a human being in some ways uh disregarding the hero worship now i'm not telling you the audience of vine sauce this for any specific reason indeed not but rather as a point of conversation and my own thoughts and feelings about various things hmm if there's one thing i wish was around this base it was those um air bladders the bladder fish because i can't find the module i mean i guess i have to progress the story but i want to do the upgrades as well so i can progress the story a little more efficiently but like i need [ __ ] water and the base just does not i don't have the water um thing yet kind of blows it's like where is that damn thing i'm gonna wholesomely fry up an air bladder and drink its goo for sustenance that and the the word stan like i see corporate accounts tweeting out you know forget about june is all about hello my fellow lgbt members um we wish for you to buy our products so here's a here's a rainbow like genuinely [ __ ] off i get what they're doing you know i don't have any real i my opinion probably is irrelevant about that but regardless i'm just it's just like very apparent it's very transparent i mean and then you get to the people where it's like you have these accounts and people like we stand for the queen it's like yo do you know what that word kind of means seek fluid intake yeah i know i should i'm getting a little salty the salt is building up i need some water to balance it out i do genuinely hope everyone has a happy and safe pride i do um but i'm not gonna you know i the selling of the products part of it is really [ __ ] transparent and then using the word stan on the corporate twitter accounts i just find it very weird and out of touch and uh god that word needs to stop stabilizing i get that it has become just a meme and people like oh we stand for this we you know whatever but the sentiment behind it is is quite sickening you know as someone who has also kind of gone through i i've you know over the years you do this for a decade i may not be the most popular um person on the internet but you do this for a decade you get some some bizarre circumstances and you get to see some stuff that makes you very very uncomfortable and um not trying to paint myself in a better light but i will say it has most certainly my temperament and my mood and my depression to the point where it's just better for me as a person to step away you know from from a lot of this and to keep further back because um the root of the word stan is actually quite a horrifying thing so um so yeah i don't know how subnautica turned into deep conversation but i hope it's okay i try not to get too deep because truthfully it's not really i don't really want to i mean it's kind of a lot of this is just my business and how i feel about things and um i don't like to bring this to what i do with the video games uh streaming and video stuff because it's not really relevant i mean some would say it is but go do your own streams go do your own videos you know i'll do the things the way i want to do them and i like to keep things mostly about games and just chill stuff because life is short you die uh life is hard and why dwell when that's not what we play video games for as much right you know if i wanted to dwell i'd i'd be writing red vox songs for a new album that is going very well you know but if you um you know if this didn't completely turn you off to my my uh commentary then then that's great i don't think it'll be too frequent okay well i think i have enough lead back to the game back to the bones i think i have enough lead to do what i need to do here so i'm gonna try to actually if possible maybe make all of them i don't know enameled glass enamel glass okay now that's um is that plastiel ingot or is that regular titanium yeah it's it's plastic i have enough titanium for all this plastil is lithium times two [Music] okay so i need four of those [Music] one two three four five six seven eight okay i think that's just right steel then i need some computer [ __ ] too table coral gold copper wire silver or silver ore okay [Music] okay one more lithium okay [Music] [Music] wiring kit [Music] wiring kit wiring kit table coral gold copper wire or gold copper wire [Music] so that's um when i put my damn table coral i did return with a bunch of it i i'm pretty sure i returned with like a ton of it did i imagine this scenario did i use the table coral it appears to be missing it seems like i don't have it now that's quite interesting where the [ __ ] locker oh it's in here i was opening the wrong thing advanced wire in case i'm gonna need another computer chip too so gold copper wire again okay oh my god trust me manage your inventory gonna need another wiring kit as well all right so that means uh computer chip so then uh advanced wiring kit just need gold and then we get the advanced wiring kit wow okay i'm gonna look into that mod like i said for next time i feel like that will be a wise thing to do it's gonna figure out how to attach the the modules now cannot build here must be constructed in deeper water oh okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna construct this in deeper water okay okay okay the inventory is full okay welcome aboard captain the really the most i need to do now is just i just want to build this thing remember when i said this wasn't going to go three hours we're approaching the three hour mark okay okay well i mean it's it's a truck it's a sea truck how do you attach them cannot build here must be constructed in deeper water no no okay and there we go one more i guess now we just bring the sea turtle and connect i hope this thing is going to be long isn't it guess that's not how you do that guess that is how you do that there's got to be an easier way to do this though i mean you know what i mean like what am i doing here now i have to just like get lucky and back into it properly so not like a third person view oh my god oh my god oh that's the thing you have to actually activate it oh [Music] this is very silly oh my god it's very silly i'm probably doing this wrong so i mean you know you can laugh at me and you can tell me how i did this wrong that's fine i mean hell i at this point i hope there's i hope i'm doing this wrong oh i hadn't saved the game the whole time but it looks like now my c truck is c [ __ ] so hmm well there's a lot of storage it's definitely a lot of storage of course the problem is i'm now stuck here and i have uh no way of knowing how to disconnect i say as i disconnect modules so what they're just stuck up there now that's cool all right good good good nice game nice game nice game mhm [Music] i'm not going to get that light again huh come on it's a truck haul you use your hall powers you [ __ ] um how does this happen every time i want to finish a subnautica stream this something like this happens what the [ __ ] try to think of a way i could do this [Music] okay subnautica below zero sea truck stuck on land only me only me um apparently a console command warp forward five maybe or ghosts let's see all right let's see if this works how do you enable console in this game [Music] just open a web page let's see [Music] spawn a new one and destroy the old one that's not helping enable console command subnautica below zero [Music] um f1 uh please hold you know what i'm just gonna unpause during this so you can see how stupid my method is come on ah oops um enter c truck okay well okay if if the back module is destroyed i can i can deal with that did it disconnect what the hell what [Music] all right well the aquarium module needs to be rebuilt excuse me okay okay well um okay it's not the ideal scenario but i got most of it back so i'll just take the l and i'll rebuild the aquarium one how [ __ ] lame was that though what i had to do was enable the console and then um yeah i had to basically enable the console and spawn a propulsion cannon and use a jellyfish also these things were actually pretty weak that's why they were blowing up so easily i guess me bumping into them a hundred times maybe there's a better way if anyone knows a better way to connect modules please let me know but for now i'm just gonna have to rebuild the aquarium module which is fine i just need some more enameled glass and a little bit more titanium fine i can deal with that but yeah that's uh there's maybe there's a better method it's a cool concept like the modular truck i guess you kind of have to disconnect this in order to get this in your base i don't know how much i like this [Music] the concept is cool though this item i should not have so i'm gonna do something i'm gonna swim my eyes are closed my eyes are closed tab drop whatever if i see it again i won't pick it up but it's you know for all intents and purposes it's gone i'm also going to disable console so okay that's enough sub yacht and that's exactly what this is this was a sub yacht a lot of this video was me yachting underwater so well i hope someone enjoyed this uh thank you for watching subyatika and have a good evening day or night and see you next time more story maybe and i'll actually try to figure out the sea truck more properly okay goodbye where am
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 43,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, Subnautica, Below Zero, Subnautica Below Zero, Subnut
Id: 1msl3eFLiXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 34sec (10714 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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