[Vinesauce] Vinny - Cuphead (part 1) + Art!

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well cuphead and his pal McMahon they like to roll the dice if the volume is good [Music] and now they're fighting for their lives on a mission Broadway thread and if they proceed but don't succeed they're [ __ ] [Music] oh all right well they've evolved to have cups on their heads I feel bad for them but they're they're useful they can transport liquids they can be weaponized trust me I could just see them now carrying vats of acid in their heads once upon a time in a magical place called inkwell Islands there were two brothers named cup head and mug man they lived without a care under the watchful eye of the wise elder kettle one day the two boys wandered far from home and despite the elder kettles many warnings ended up on the wrong side of the tracks and engine the devil's casino it's classic Adam and Eve inside Cup headed McMahon soon found themselves on a winning streak at the craps table hot dog exclaimed King dies the sleazy could seeker the casino sleazy manager those fellers can't lose I just wanted to let you know unfortunately we have skeletons I did not issue a spoof warning music is fantastic presentation in this game is already amazing let me just slow worry a little bit okay I guess spooked Ober has come early nice red boys left a newcomer the brothers grass gasped it was the casinos owner the devil himself now how about we raised the stakes he suggested with a toothy grin win one more roll and all the loot in my casino is yours the devil boomed but if you lose I have your souls deal cap head blinded by easy riches nodded and grabbed the dice for a throw good gosh cap hit no cried mug man for he understood the danger but it was too late Snake Eyes laughed the devil while slamming the floor you lose the brothers trembled in fear as he loomed over them now about those souls the brothers pleaded for their very lives there must be another way to repay you bug man stammered yes please mister cuphead added perhaps there is the devil snicker pulling out a parchment I have here a list of my runaway deb-deb Taurus generous collector Souls for me and I might just pardon you two mugs devil Taurus I'm an [ __ ] now get going the devil roared kicking the boys out most rudely you have till morning tomorrow to collect every one of those sauce otherwise I'll be the one collecting yours cuphead and muckman were terribly frightened and ran away as fast as they could come on muck panted cuphead we have to find out a kettle he'll know what to do nice loading screen little dancin fellow there what a fantastic looking game what a fired and pickle you boys have gotten yourselves into I know you don't want to be the pawns of the devil what a beautiful xym can't bear to imagine your fate the dialog said midnight not morning deepest apologies you must play along for now collect those contracts and you'd best be ready for some nasty business your debtor friends won't be very friendly once you confront them in fact I expect they will transform into terrible beasts you take this potion so they won't hang the ghoul out to dry it'll give you the most remarkable magic abilities now go to my writing desk and use the mystical inkwell now you need to prepare yourself for a scrap now I know uh like everyone in the world is streaming this game right now but I hope I can offer something unique to the stream when I say unique I mean duck noises and me being terrible at video games the dreaded tutorial oh boy how to feel about that [Music] that's just like Megaman [Music] press jump off airborne to nullify or interact with pink objects jump now let's see okay resurrects revive your dead pal with a well-timed parry on the ghosts two-player mode only can someone explain what the meme is about this tutorial there's a dude who who couldn't get past I don't understand kid I need I need I was out today I was out most of the day I didn't get a chance to catch up on the meme news a guy sucked at jumping what this part [Music] journalist was amazingly bad at the tutorial he couldn't jump oh okay okay further back watch the video I couldn't figure out the - doesn't it say which button to press this became a meme [ __ ] all right well the dreaded tutorial is now all you guys were like building this up I thought you were serious you aren't using enough kappas you'll have to lay out all those debtors to move on now shake a leg I don't want tutorial get what I might want to do is rebind the - button because that might be cool left bumper right bumper that might be cool on there it is [Music] left bumper or right bumper which one or left trigger or right trigger I'm not sure which one may be left since lock is right yes all right seriously they'll look at this all hand-drawn I mean visually this game is already delivered I love it I don't know if there's gonna be a full playthrough I guess we'll see [Music] I used to be the same way always getting into trouble running jumping shooting but now I prefer just rolling around and go into the pictures let me give you a hand take this Yoshi coins Mario the Hoshi coins pork rinds Emporium ok chaser long-range with the low average damage no aiming required heart extra hit point lightly weakens your attack power spread short-range with great damage if you can keep close to your target invisible - are these temporary great coverage with attack damage with average damage sorry aim backwards for maximum range no they're permanent see that 100 other things begin whoa cool voice other things unlock you've got to equip those new purchases if you want to use them look at your equip card bums oh cool okay I see couple of unlockables here we've got six different weapons eight different Emeka minx the root pack in botanic panic boss battle [Music] is kind of amazing [Music] I onion onion [Music] hang on a second hang on a second the pink things I need to think about that how do you have you Perry I press the wrong buttons or Dodge I want HP no you parry was jump you just hit jump again okay I understand all right let's see trying to figure this out jump No there it is but now I'm this low on HP excuse me [Music] I don't know time if the [ __ ] parrying hey little guy it's okay if you have to cry do you have to press the jump button early okay so this is this is gonna be I hope you'll give me some time bear with me a moment there it is I'm learning how to Perry this is important this is gonna be a very useful skill later on in the game okay [Music] wacky onion [ __ ] unbelievably beautiful animations are you to even say that you can see okay on your dead carrot [Music] you'll must Jules - onion I press the right trigger instead of the left one here that's gonna be it's gonna be a source of some some annoyance all right I think I'm gonna rebind the - maneuver oh there's an HP bonus for a better score don't forget to use your supers that's what this thing is in the bottom don't even have one at the moment soul contract root pack soul contract empty be okay okay so I'm learning all this stuff I gotta figure out how to make all this happen every weapon has a super okay thank you for the information cool yeah I'm gonna rebind I'm gonna rebind cuz I keep pressing the wrong button I think 20xx the - button is the right trigger so we're gonna do that you parry to charge your super when you have five Perry's you can use your super cool I am using a controller yeah alright hey you seem like a nefarious skullduggery type fella harumph I'll be a monkey's uncle if I'm putting my Munna in the bank for all I know the devil probably controls the place - they'll never get a hold of my gold if I spread it all around if some Joe happens to find a curler - well good for him there's I say humph clip joint calamity drippy and croaks [Music] that's my goddamn curtain okay - isn't working beans Bulls just pressing the button now there it is [Music] friend friend friend food friend [Music] unscrupulous bunch of frogs I heard there's a lot of boss fights in this game I like boss fights [Music] nice [Music] [ __ ] you wind oh my god yeah this game is no joke oh my god what is this come on come on tiger where's this this game this [ __ ] game [Music] that's it I was almost there - frogs man I hear like a baby noise when I do the thing [Music] you can stand on those platforms oh damn it [Music] learning boss patterns the game the experience the movie [Music] right I remember this [Music] dammit I'm not using my thing enough such a small amount of HP Eve good and I'm not very hopeful about this slot machine encounter stay guys yeah you got gonna stand on the [ __ ] platforms yeah I mean this is in terms of the difficulty this reminds me of a lot of those NES games the contra I mean [ __ ] my Castlevania three streams should be evidence you know games were they definitely loaded them up with difficulty zelda ii is kind of like this well not really delta ii so much people consider zelda too hard I don't see it [Music] maybe I'm just used to it [Music] [Music] okay so far so good all right slot machine I don't think I'm doing damage to the slot machine during that phase all right snake the dreaded snake here we go now okay I'm almost dead [ __ ] the snake phase man [Music] tiger [Music] you know look how close I was do you know what got me killed the [ __ ] special the special pushes you back a little bit and it like kind of throws off your momentum use wisely use sparingly use with intend use one safe [Music] but saving it for the second phase or the third phase is nice though I like that idea [Music] okay slot machine time slot machine time full health come on alright let's start with the snake all right we're gonna start with tiger [Music] [Applause] there's a time and a place for the special alright okay tiger again that was tried to get another shot in overconfidence your cue Burris game punishes this game punishes hard snake gotcha almost had it perfect yeah I like it I dig it I dig top head Hey baby you're rich man ribby and the croaks oh sorry ripi and croaks it's not a band it's not like Sergeant Pepper in the Lonely Hearts so yeah some new coins would be nice forest Follies running gun yeah make your radio make your microphone sound like an old timey broadcast I mean how long is that going to be cool for [Music] this is called AM radio let's see if it sounds like you'll hear an echo I'm just testing hello hello test testing oh I [Music] need like a compressor on here hey hang on hang on hang on I can do one level like this I will do one level like this check do some limiting here oh yes yes just a moment let me waste more of your time let me wait wasty for a good time yes let me post this the input chechik great great [Music] all right welcome to cuphead gonna go through the level there's a bunch of flying what are you a couple of flowers that's just dandy oh just destroyed my company logo we seem to be in some kind of whimsical forest here on Vine Street the very first of its kind interactive entertainment put all the family I need some common phrases from the 1930s Wow [ __ ] I mean dawn gosh gosh darn where that mouse cursor come from what is a mouse anyway right I mean what's next piranha plants adopting goombahs gee willikers [Music] you know I just don't appreciate that trying to do my gosh darn job call you oh you [ __ ] I'd like to apologize for the language folks great you have to wonder how the flowers even move I've never seen a mobile flower in my entire life as a radio presenter here on vine am my wife and I just got this brand-new invention television box they call it that's right we got to see footage of this thing called the Hindenburg unbelievable modern marvel technological wonder now I'm probably getting my timing wrong I don't know what year the Hindenburg actually was launched to be honest well gosh darn it I'm down to one HP [Music] shiver me timbers and blow me loads way no that's not that's not 1930s colloquialism that's pirates big difference I'm being told by my producers that the Hindenburg was 1937 whoa so I guess I'm not that far off you're just joining I'd like to welcome you to find gimmick the most immersive stream on the Internet I'm on the Apollo on the television box tube guess we'll go again up until up until just a couple of weeks ago my wife and I would have to go to the theater to see moving pictures what have you seen the film Nosferatu what a film what a film actually made me shoot myself from the theater who's my wife Mildred Abigail Cooper Smith you know you know how it is I'll take whatever I can get couple wait I can't get it am i right boys stop at the wall it's good thing that great warned at all wars no more Wars anytime soon no more no more that [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the depression we just got out of the Roaring Twenties I don't know what you're talking about things are just things are just dandy haven't had a drink in years though prohibition and all that hasn't happened yet I don't even know I'm not so good with my history I know a little bit I don't know when who's the president right now oh the president uh dud job Woodrow Johnson Woodrow Johnson unbelievable fantastic yeah that prohibition was rough it was a real [ __ ] couldn't have my nightly bottle of scotch polio I haven't played sports in a long time what's what's what's happening at the world of polio these days I'm just kidding I'm just joshing with you but it's the 30s no one's gonna get upset bruise of a news now right I'll do one more boss as the radio host because I have enjoying myself [Music] whoa balloon but this one has a nice inflation Felicia don't even knew what that was in the 30 I mean now no one knows what that is [Music] he'll all we need was a bare nipple none of this fetish [ __ ] back in my day [Music] let alone a nipple just an ankle really that's all it takes that's all it takes just an ankle an exposed ankle [ __ ] I mean I mean [Music] [Music] stakes are being made what are you doing [Music] teleports behind you no hard feelings lad okay let's go figure out this boss's patterns [Music] the balloon that never pops come on down to Smith's Goods get your own [Music] Annoying scoundrel - the sin appears [Music] god damn it hey the stream brought to you by smokey smoke smokey Strike cigarettes remember if you wish to be fair I'll long existence the best thing for you to do is have a smokey smoke cigarette pretty modern man whoever else maybes doesn't matter have a babies have cigarettes too [Music] disclaimer do not actually smoke cigarettes babies should not be smoking cigarettes if I have to say that for real and you don't know that this is a dumb attempt at humor then maybe it's not even worth the effort to be honest [Music] I want to hear about um the boardwalk college water-ice well we've got cherry we've got vanilla we've got raspberry double voted number one on the boardwalk this water ice will keep you strong and keep you pregnant but you want a 12-month pregnancy you want a baby to come out looking like a [ __ ] Hercules well boy have I got the thing it's called smokey smoke cigarettes and Polish water ice [Music] [Music] hey boys and girls do you know what time it is apply marry the bumblebee [Music] I promise your cup head is not an insult it's a perfectly fine term of endearment in fact oh oh boy a lot of problems with them moving great tombstones as your uncle's headstone gone for a spin lately well then you need smokey smokes headstone removal cream [Music] it's a sound that you put on your kinder bits in the privacy of your own home made with real snake oil [Music] that's right if you want to suckle on the undercarriage of capitalism boy have I got a deal for you I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore okay okay I'm good we're going back we're going back oh wow I'm back look at that I've returned we just advanced 80 or so years [Music] listen suckling on the undercarriage of capitalism was where this needed to stop you know it I know it what set you to want to fly in a plane like I do ha you're not sitting in any cockpit till you study those blueprints blueprints [Music] plane segments [Music] [Applause] mini bullets [Music] the observatory oh right I'm not doing the voice anymore hildenburg threatens up threatening Zeppelin I told you about that then their hinder burg the kinder works man I love the audio mixing this is fantastic [Music] damn [Music] [ __ ] not much of an evade button that's just you get small and then your bullets get small to [ __ ] [Music] this oh you move faster when you're smaller oh this is gonna be a pretty crazy fight [Music] I love all the assets though I mean they it's fantastic it is fantastic like they didn't need to make a boss with this many forms hand drawn but why not let's cuphead we didn't [ __ ] we want [Music] ha [Music] all that's [ __ ] lame apparently I had like a massive special from having all my cards filled [Music] Wow [ __ ] cloud blocked again so I was pretty close to the end there I wasn't really doing so good I was missing a lot of my big shots but I can do better I can do better [Music] ah that was lame it was not better [Music] that was better [Music] come on [Music] I like the baby plate idea I like that's really good Oh [Music] I'm not gonna go for the big bum thing anymore I'm gonna go for the little ones [ __ ] I press the wrong button ha I meant to do baby bomber for extra speed [Music] it's kind of like there's two maneuvers you have to keep track of and yeah the pink things that one specific minute [ __ ] that I really do like this game so far though I think it's I think it's pretty great addictive - I can see how like doing the boss fights and you know spending your time learning how the bosses work I can see how this would get very difficult later on and also extremely addictive oh that's new hey hey there and what is that get me the [ __ ] out of there [Music] to get you to get you all this move whoa oh my god no no no no no no dinner no no no no I didn't know was gonna do that you lost too soon and I was only half a moon past noon [Music] okay maybe no stupid mistakes early on [Music] [Applause] [Music] no stupid mistakes early on it's the new mantra [Music] I don't know if that actually damaged her maybe [Music] [Music] I'm gonna save a big bullet for the moon [Music] oh that's lame [Music] come on come on come on going to the moon moon moon moon moon moon Mon Mon Mon there we go moon [Music] okay UFOs your foes [Music] UFOs oh that's that's some [ __ ] I got the knockout though is fun yes very good someone said UFOs are not from the 1930s UFOs are also not from the 40s 50 60 70 s 80s 90s tens 10 tens double tens 20s etc if you believe them but I know better [Music] [Music] Mario this is better than Mega Man [Music] cuphead - son of cuphead Baby Bottle head fab of cuphead I like the sound of the default weapon look like clack clack clack like like I like it nice [Music] [Music] no health pickups snapping finger that's about as fast as I can go Vinny what if cuphead was 40 a cup into his 1940s or 50s cartoons each sequel was styled after a different era of animation by God you've done it I saw someone mentioned something about the the original Superman cartoon and how that would be a good style for a cup head game I was like yeah that Superman show looked gorgeous yes [Music] [Music] scoffs really doing the boss now [Music] I don't even [ __ ] know what happened there I can tell you what I think happened and it's that I got nervous and also by using the special I also [ __ ] with my movement a little bit enough to throw me off I think that's what happened sucks [Music] [Applause] [Music] go get them cards I'm going for the boss with a full cards I have no idea of what difference that's gonna make but I'm gonna do it a full cards up heading my way to victory just just have to not [ __ ] this up that would be nice [Music] gotcha game is nerve-racking Babu then a Yacht Club is said that the next shovel night game would be either SNES style or n64 style I would go for a cup head 64 all right they should do Super Nintendo first then Duke shovelknight 664 did I say cuphead 64 hollow Knight is hand drawn I'm aware of that I'm excited to play hollow Knight hello what are you looking at my chip so my fault I've been busy fighting off those casino debtors and I gotta save up to have my blade fixed so help me I wish someone would bust that dice King one cuphead 64 equals glover I've always pronounced it Glover because of [ __ ] Danny Glover actually that doesn't make any sense Hart adds an additional hit point but lightly weakens your tech power round about jumbo juice great coverage with average damage aim backwards for maximum range lob our medium range and good damage with a slower rate of fire hold detect to increased damage no rapid fire so precision is key [Music] first Perry movies automatic all you need to do is jump piggo friend I also like how this part sticks out kind of like the way old animation like the background was all I can painted and the foreground was the stuff that moved so you could always tell in a cartoon what was going to move it's like less detail go up and left from tree run-and-gun oh yeah cutting corners [Music] some smartass and chat said wow you're right this game just looks like Oh looks just like old timey cartoons I didn't notice well maybe not everyone maybe not everyone knows that you know the thing oh whatever you need dick we're gonna bring mitt I bring with me a weapon that cannot be used on this level [Music] excellent that's okay me listen it's a term of endearment if I tell you to eat a dick it means it means it means like you did they say be a boo earns I love the way this flower dances okay this is tough those are purple not pink right slowly but surely I'll get there the hands [Music] [Music] that thing doesn't die I like this little tune good tune sorry tune I like all of the hold button too soon oh man [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] damn damn it damn it too much stuff on the screen [Music] [Music] all right I'm gonna come back to this one in a second because there's someone told me there's a building that can help me what's this cup co industries oh wait this is an actual battle I mean it's not it's not even spooped Ober yet [Music] Halloween is so far off damn there's a coin in the tree next to the axe all right I'll take a look [Music] real monsters [Music] I wouldn't I want to know where they got this music done it really is spent out oh [ __ ] mustache ghost gosh I don't know how to thank you boys for saving me where are my manners I didn't even introduce myself I've known as the legendary chalice pleased to meet you searching for magic anga trapped by those ghosts speaking of magic please accept this gift it should help there are other mausoleums around inkwell island I just wonder when locked a new sofa dear me I mustn't forget that magical super arts have to be equipped in the menu before use energy beam devastating attack spills from your head horizontal only ground or air yes energy beams spilling from my head sounds good hey you so y-yeah here you fellas gave some of them ghosts what for glad someone finally sorted them out might make the fishing even better here then again my nut Chris Madigan made the music or whoever that is thumbs up wrong axe the living acts Oh where's that feller justjust give me a second I'll find it oh there it is yeah you lookin at my chip it's not my fault I've been busy fighting up those casino debtors get a suit to have my blade fixed yeah so help me I wish someone would bust that King diced one right but didn't exactly look like an axe at first I don't know I thought it was some kind of like contract I don't know I can't get the yellow thing above him I see the Kern go into the trees Oh like over okay no that's not helping you need to finish the level first [Music] I've been told I need to finish the level first could have been a master JP [Music] maybe not god damn cause gettin spicy now as if it wasn't already bunny boomerang [Music] yeah yeah I know I conduct the boomerangs I'm trying real hard to get that pink one but it's a talk it's tough it's tough the pink one creates the biggest problems for me it's not a button it seeds from the tree you know you want you want to get the Pink's when they come down at you like that it's really hard also I want to see if I can do the thing from below the seed [Music] double damage we all want the pink what the [ __ ] am i doing alright alright look I got this the salt has just begun my friends there we go alright that that's that's a good start charge faster get rid of that stupid thing in the air oh yeah that is a seed those are rabbit well I wouldn't have a rabbit it doesn't fit the theme at all [Music] get some of that it was maybe it was good I don't know I can't tell oh okay I know what to do I know to avoid I can use this not if I keep getting hit like that [Music] mr. burns please yeah it's real easy to take damage chasing them things [ __ ] a diseased dude dude I don't know if that is a sandwich I think it is [Music] infinite drums in the right ear like maybe it is a sandwich okay I'm not gonna chase it there we go that's good damage all right here we go here's the root stories the roots are on fire yes [Music] okay good good brand-new record you beat it in less tries than limes and that was co-op fair enough it's not easy it's really not easy god bless limes but I mean I kind of really like this though but you have to die a couple times to really start figuring out the patterns the dye house Benny I thought you were limes I am just doing a voice what's this music Oh tell me more [Music] those contracts come to the key not enough people sing like this Louie Armstrong did yeah these days not enough people sing like this and Tom Waits isn't as active as he used to be well ain't that looks like you really put the kibosh on them debtors you can head on over to the next Island plenty more marks for you to lean on there is worse 15 points yes you know the dirty said Jeff's worth those hundred now [Music] guys hang on thank the stars I caught up with you I believe I found a way out of this mess you're in hot dog you have your strength is growing you'll soon be a match for the no-good King dice maybe even the devil himself golly do you really think I do but you'll never get close to the devil unless you already have the soul contracts in hand only then will you get a chance to turn the tables on that fiend so when that time comes do the right thing [Music] clown island oh we get some old-timey clowns who ever heard of a barbershop trio if we can't find our fourth member we'll never sell right again be a pal and let us know if you spot emotion treat coin are you moved Oh so slightly roller coaster you say I love roller coasters I went on roller coasters like like two dozen times this year well total you know like every coaster oh nice nice clown [Music] [Applause] [Music] ducks and clowns it's like this level was made for me oh my god this is amazing [Music] the dead I'm [ __ ] dead [Music] Vinnie fight fighting one of the hardest world two bosses really yeah this is not an easy game to just play for the first time and be able to defeat the bosses [Music] we saw a pink nose [Music] this makes me want to go down to the boardwalk and get some Polish water ice what even got me like an off-screen dog [Music] press the button too late you know what let's do a retry yeah it's weird I don't really go swimming but I like boardwalks [Music] like I'm not crazy about the beaches themselves but I'm more about the boardwalk and the bootleg t-shirts [Music] [Music] [Music] come on took a little bit of damage they're not really crazy about that horseshoes [Music] Danny's [ __ ] people there's a moon in the background it looks a little bit like Nicolas Cage oh you're not dead yet that was the final I was entering the final phase dude's got a lot of phases [Music] still have to learn how to dodge this part all right start it sound pretty good [Music] [Music] just about ready to unload buck horseshoes came very quickly [Music] [Music] all right final phase get ready this is where the fun begins it's only pretending to be a dead clown the only good clown is a dead guy the only good clown is a clown that doesn't speak which would make it a mime never mind [Music] damnit so close to yeah the pink nose on the card I'm gonna hit that card at some point I will get the card this is also a hard game to talk about other things during [Music] there it is [Music] I don't want to use my special now so I can continue building but it's already almost over this phase there we go so now I'm just gonna be a little bit more careful with the goddamn horseshoe and [Music] begin nice bull [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] pinball what's so nice kicking the unblock hoes that was [Music] yeah Blancos [Music] penguins the shoot baseballs those like the exact same spot I got it this is it right here got the quick kill man I can't wait to see speedruns in this game it's gonna be insane I went for the pink and I got the stink [Music] not good I don't think this is gonna be it after all [Music] all right one more I get that that's a duck by another HP but then I do less damage [Music] [Music] all right second phase [Music] [Music] okay got a nice kind of quick ish kill there but now I don't have the the big special for this section maybe that's for the best maybe I'll build it up and save it for the last section [Music] yes yes yes [Music] please please get these baseball's out of my [ __ ] face what you have okay I was gonna say you have to be almost dead good fight I'll take it a - I have heard about the new splatfest which is toilet paper up or down over all around whatever pyramid peril [Music] with time and fellas I just added an upgrade on your aeroplanes now you can wall up your foes and bombs just switch your weapon whenever you strike whatever it strikes your fancy try it up your arrow planes are now equipped with mini bombs switch your weapon anytime during battle yeah there should be no debate about toilet paper it's oh if it's who he would do under who would do under oh [ __ ] [Music] it's a giant [ __ ] jawbreaker it's a giant jawbreaker where's the shop I needs a new shop let's let's do let's do a funhouse running gun before I do another boss oh no [ __ ] oh my god cuphead galaxy [Music] alright the Ducks are tolerable cars are unstoppable [Music] notice the pinch of these are things that honk [Music] [Music] Jesus this level it's the level I saw every other streamer hate okay someone in churches said that face when Vinny never answers me I hope that helps how many people we have tonight six thousand three hundred eighty one I hope you don't take a personal mate kind of the sad nature of dreaming so I apologize if I don't if I don't get to anyone's specific questions [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't do anything about this the Mario 3 cannon [Music] my brain my brain is unscrewing itself as we speak yeah this is this is not conducive to brain it hurts [Music] key trumpet [ __ ] there I was right at the end of the level and I forgot that I had a dodge true story when you're upside down you're not thinking about the Dodge button it's hard to explain [Music] [Applause] [Music] at least you kinda become invincible for a second when you're doing the jump or at least that's what it seems like [Music] [Music] [Music] your flat your flat is flat [Music] I see what's happening there I see I understand what's happening no more hunks [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're flat I play with the Grateful Dead I open for them how dare you disrespect music [Music] what now Oh oh that is it you're a no-talent how dare you then he went to the shirt ship out I don't know some people already got there some people already got their shirts [Music] what controller am i using I'm using the Xbox one mini controller then he has to so them be patient yes first Perry move is automatic super meter continuously fills in addition to what you earn it's kind of cool oh that replaces the smoke - I really like smoke - that being the clown [Music] there were never any shirts pyramid purl Vinnie do you keep a collection of vine saw stuff you put out I have some of it I don't believe it or not I don't have the charity shirt or pin oh [ __ ] 3d [Music] [Applause] [Music] because I ended up donating a fuckload and I didn't I forgot to actually buy the shirt and pin and I'm a little upset about that now but I can I can live with this decision that's fine I have almost everything else all the vine merch throughout the years that no longer fits me this is [ __ ] awesome by the way I love this it's me bender [Music] [Music] but these animations [Music] you die little over halfway [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know the moms I haven't really figured them out yet it's all I've been a couple of times that I thought they were needed sorry it's like bender to me a little bit [Music] so long he said [Music] oh hello bullet-hell mild bullet-hell did everything wrong there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] skooby [Music] okay that was a fast one and now the puppet [Music] the utmost in concentration defined me to do this [Music] so you can't deflect while you're in bad plane mode I've just learned that [Music] nice final phase oh you don't know oh oh oh [ __ ] [Music] oh my news coming - oh so calling one get away [Music] [Applause] [Music] damnit it's just listen I can't rationally explain why I sometimes make mistakes in video games I'm sure most of you in China played a video game at some point and you know you get nervous you know and you just that's what happens you just go goddamn RNG give me the Sabres man give me the Sabres those are easier sabers [Music] okay [Music] should I use the special if I should use the special now or should I should save it for the next part I'm gonna save it already come this far [Music] I really hope that worked like I hope that was actually damage done and not just a waste [Music] oh this is this is going really well [Music] keep an eye on the pyramid just go open [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah all HP [Music] Oh got the A+ [Music] good [ __ ] Jimmy the great alright maybe now it'll be a good time to try this one I'm only gonna do like one or two more battles tonight so I didn't see you before candy corn the worst Halloween treat [Music] [Music] damnit damn did you guys fit did you guys see the candy corn pizza it was just a real pizza like tomato sauce cheese the whole thing but the topping was melted candy corn it's the thing of nightmares [Music] this charge is really powerful [Music] [Music] do you know did you know that that was a mistake and I didn't actually mean to press the button there that's it did you know gaming [Music] somehow I still won somehow [Music] see prep at least it's done I didn't find your clown Patriot you can't catch me unless you take a shortcut that's what some punk kids did last week it's the only way they could have beaten me to the rides hey maybe you could show me around where the shortcut is around here I don't know I dunno never mind [Music] vine building one more boss [Music] what are you going [Music] about that smart donut colorized footage of Game of Thrones is ending [Music] first try holy [ __ ] let's took a lot of damage though no Perry's charge is amazing [Music] all right I should probably stop here before I ruin the illusion that I'm good at this game yeah well hey there fellas come to watch my little show have you they say juggling is a bit like parrying though at first tough at first but soon you can string them together swimmingly I'm hoping to get to four someday four in a row yeah that would be something wouldn't it I will return to this this is not a one-off I love this game there will be a return stream still got two worlds to go to so awesome alright yeah but I have to be up kind of early tomorrow and I don't really I don't really feel like playing the other stuff tonight so I'm good I still have to beat Metroid that's right so my plan is to beat Metroid beat rap Mario and Rabbids and then start spooped Oberer and while I'm doing that I can do you know obviously steamworld dig - I'm not too far from the end of that Rock of Ages I'm not too far from the end of that and this is probably like one or two more streams probably - so I'm pretty much like right at the end of five games more or less so and me topia I'm just about done with - so it's like almost [ __ ] everything I'm almost done with which is great because that means spooped Oberer will be even more fun I'm probably gonna do cry of fear Resident Evil 7 - games I've never played and I got a ton of little [ __ ] in-between like Sunday stream stuff and just some other stuff that's random that that'll be good for the month of October so I hope you tune in for spook Tober here on vine wfn [ __ ] sauce I guess before I do the art I'd like to make a quick announcement it's very important so listen up all right smoky smoke cigarettes are the best thing for your help smoke them while you're injured smoke them while you're pregnant you will extend your pregnancy by 3 months at least if you smoke smoky smoke cigarettes disclaimer you will die all right you want art let's do some art then how did you get your mic to do that it took me a couple minutes somehow I thought it would take longer there was a preset called AM radio so I just took that through a limiter on it and increased the volume that was enough okay the art should be interesting tonight we got some cuphead themed art so if you are new to the stream you might want to stay for this and see what the artists of the community have drawn it's always a good time so a couple pages we're gonna start with the the stuff that wasn't from today like this one from nekima necromancer 985 Oh South bird likes Klingon and saw it all me topi art ever present from Avery ace Buttercup here's some character traits of the me topia characters here's one from skov earn score Vern and that is baby Mario from the Gamecube corruptions yep it's the bloody stump corpse from Lala Anderson here you have Jen and devil vinnie convening from cat tarts here you have blini the puppet master still getting art from cat arts as well this one sponge blini Klingon and Jen they soul style you got there done traditionally from the Kraken here's a BRB in the form of asci eye I still have a hard time saying ascii because i grew up saying ASCI i and then one day I learned its ASCII and I'm like uh-huh Jif or gif you know it's one of those from feathers ruffled oh I don't know Mario maybe you should lick it I ain't never seen a mushroom like this before we gee may cause you to be unfunny derivative a bunch of other negative traits may extend pregnancy by five months here's one from Caius moon shroom night Pizza Overlord streamer warlock choose your VIN I go for I kind of like shroom night personally but pizza overlords not so bad from hydro Phil here you have scoot rock of ages' facing the deadliest threat lion lion from Avery ace Buttercup at cannon or laura sponges hair we're getting the way so we where's is here in a bun oh right cuz then sponge got the the other look let's just say it's I wouldn't I wouldn't call it official lore but I get it from laugh fire that's the so it's just utility for Klingon really just to get around quicker from don'll I do I have to pull out the shipping image again from pixel master you mean vine Jesus for when you have the high ground when kylo Ren or jar jar's brought up when Vinnie wants to discuss the prequels a general look of mild concern for your brother's vodka no be actually that's what we did tonight that's that's one of the reasons I was late to streaming and well here's what happened one of my friends has been doing throughout the summer just kind of sporadically projecting a movie outside in his backyard on like a little screen and tonight was a little chilly but it was still pretty nice out and we did the original Star Wars tonight so you know a couple people who had never seen Star Wars watched it outside and the original you know episode for New Hope and they had a good time they enjoyed it we were like is it overhyped they were like of course but you know they kind of took it from the perspective what if we were watching this for the first time in the 70s and from that perspective they enjoyed it but it was fun from Hannah and Ellen hears wow that's really nice makes a little quilt holy crap where where can i buy one buy one I want one me and my friend want to practice quilting we're both fans of the stream I made the design we're both we both worked on the quilt it's made from minke and flannel and measures about 30 inches both length and width nice job from spray-can I mean we do have other vine merch but we don't have quilts giving me ideas though this one is from spray-can as I said and I like that kind of classic drive-in movie here's one from ravu 2012 you died is that why people are making the comparisons Dark Souls specifically because of the you died I mean I know the game is difficult it's more like classic Nintendo hard than it is anything else but anyway from Daddy she V 98 here's a bloody Yoshi from corruptions it's not the first bloody Yoshi the same ocean rodeo this one's from demonic misfit and it's be thanks scoot from mr. 13 here's to face the rogue or the thief this one's from acid or under the acid rain sorry you've heard of alpha on a shelf but now get ready for ving in a bin don't know how I feel about this but thanks here's one from squishy soup social bla man Terry hmm ok you and I really seem to enjoy my beautiful child last night so here I made some more oh yeah oh you made some interesting stuff you're definitely making the Rabbids much more appealing than they were originally thanks for the dab there from lemon line oh look it's an actual like kind of a piece of art that isn't absolutely [ __ ] insane well done lemon line you can do it Ben your films presents vinnie pizza pasta brought to you by Bette beep escola it's good it's good job from see here's fine sauce your hosts for the evening and a nice tuxedo well you know kind of a tuck what would you call this a smokers jacket a white smokers jacket I'm not really sure but I will be a host for this evening and so I'll use some smokey smokes maybe it is a white tux [ __ ] it suit which is an amazing amazing combination of words this one's from Papa Santo it's a little cup head art from tie trash there you go it's a more me in the style of Cup head here you go Grandal and reamer made the smokey smokes rolled tobacco and confectionery company manufactured and packaged in Staten Island USA it's another reason I like Joe versus the volcano it takes Joe is from Staten Island in the movie and of course it's a dreary that's a dreary kind of place it isn't in real life though but I can see smokey smokes being manufactured here since 1887 or 1877 sorry a little dyslexic tonight for some reason Grandal and dreamer made this as well thank you this one's from gust the ghost and here's a little we'll start soon cool cuphead style this one's from SPO tulip and it's me doing my radio announcer voice from the wiggler I like that I like this - this one's cup sauce put the beans in it of course you got to put the coffee beans in it always from silver rope look at that there he is pig boy from orange bear they turned myself into a flower Smithers I'm flower mr. burns sir it it wasn't funny when they did it with the pickle it's not funny now you don't sound like Smithers that's a terrible impression from Luke vine more cuphead animated cut pet vine sauce this one's from rocket cat and classic me now I don't think I could pull off an outfit like that but you make me believe I could this one's from sushi Jude Vinnie and vine shroom in cup head don't deal with the devil don't all right you didn't need that neither did I I got some Louie Armstrong tonight seriously I got to go through Louis Armstrong's greatest hits from indie film production that song was so good in cuphead that it made me want to listen to [ __ ] Louie indie film productions made this vine am stream starts soon if I was born in the 20s perhaps I'd have been a radio host or or earlier who knows alena D made something kind of cool here I like the very deliberate lines little um Spacey in the middle shrew me up top kind of almost looks like it could be an album cover of some kind I think you know it like the Dark Side of the Moon the Dark Side of the shroom huh a little bit more art or almost done from citric acid here's another BRB cup head style I I knew the art tonight was gonna be good you guys are doing a great job from 8bit nintendo kid here's 1930s sanic from cyprus d here you have cup head and my wife there's me on the right and to the left you see my wife Mildred Abigail Kupersmith that's right I'd like to print this and frame it and just put it in a shitty old like you know what I want to do I want to age this even further like crumple it up a little bit put it in like an old-fashioned old timey frame and just leave it and when people come over if anybody's that ah well that's my wife from the old days I'm doing it thank you for that from any Mayo for my wife did you say molester I turned myself into Bharat I'm Bora trick from any Mayo for here's another BRB cup head style from venom Asians that's that's a me video like it dr. pretentious here's another shroom a winking shroom old-fashioned this one's from Palkia des here's a nice cup head I think that's on a couple more just two more here's one from Lobster soda vinny head little disturbing that but I'll take it and from small mama here you have me cuphead style so good art tonight everyone thank you it was a relatively short stream just a couple hours but I enjoyed it cup head is awesome my initial first impressions of the game are very positive and I look forward to playing more of it this has been a great year for video games and it continues to be good and playing something like this is just really awesome I'm actually working my way through golf story very slowly as well I've heard good things about that it's on the switch now and just on my own just something I'm playing I don't know if I'll get into it maybe I will if I do maybe I'll do a one-off stream of it but I don't know how into it I will be but I've heard excellent things about it and it is actually really good so yeah if you are looking for other streamers tonight however Hootie is live fred's live and my mod Jeff is live so if you want to watch a stream that isn't prop perhaps not cup head but is similar to my streaming style then you might enjoy the other streamers so twitch.tv slash team / vine sauce and you can also go to vine sauce comm or at vine sauce on Twitter and a lot of people didn't get the notification from youtube today because I made a little mistake when I started streaming live so if you don't get notifications and you want to know when I go live and the entire vine sauce team we have a little add-on for Chrome that norc's made that makes everything really easy so you'll be in your browser and you can customize it a little noise will play when I go live like oh this guy's live I want I want to watch him so that I can see him make bad jokes and be bad at video games well if that's the case then you are in the right place because you want to go to vine watch vine watch is sorry vine sauce alert how do I get that mixed up it's bit ly / vine sauce alert bit ly / vine sauce alert chromatic just linked it in chat and it's an add-on I don't know why I keep saying vine watch I think that's norris's website Vinny do you and Mildred have kids we got little half Koopas running around little Rugrats so yeah I hope you I hope you enjoyed cuphead hope you continue to enjoy the other streamers and I might do a little something after this I don't know it's getting kind of late I'm not sure maybe I'll just do like a just visualizations to some music who knows if you're interested but otherwise not here by the way otherwise I'll be hosting one of the streamers so I hope you enjoy them I hope you have a great night I'm gonna be a little busy tomorrow but I'm gonna try to show up and do some utopia perhaps and maybe something else so I'll make it I'll make an attempt I doubt I'll be gone all day so maybe I'll see you later on in the day with some more streams and then I can what's my um does anyone know my record for streams without a day missed cuz I'm getting kind of close to that aren't I what was it like like eighteen days or so or was it 14 it's like two weeks it was like 14 or 15 okay so I think if I stream tomorrow it'll be like 11 I think I'm gonna beat that record I'm gonna go for it yeah I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make a legit attempt to beat that record we'll see have a good night and remember smoky smoke cigarettes you can take a punch in the gallbladder with smoky smoke cigarettes extend your lungs by 13% or more increases virility shoot sperm the size of whales don't actually smoke goodbye
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 294,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Cuphead, Don't Deal With the Devil, StudioMDHR Entertainment, Unity Engine, PC, Windows, Run and gun, Platform, Single-player, Multiplayer
Id: LneXdOQ7Vsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 39sec (8259 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2017
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