[Vinesauce] Vinny - Metroid Fusion Compilation (Fan Highlight)

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well this is actually today's officially the anniversary of the stream and is pretty exciting but that won't happen the actual anniversary stream won't happen until tomorrow well tomorrow you know what I mean later on today whenever because it's 1:00 a.m. Eastern so it is actually May 11th this is the night before I started the stream and it actually yeah I mean it's it's definitely really cool to have people here for this this is the first time I've stream Metroid Fusion and Metroid being one of my favorite series I think if not my favorite series of all time I think this is an appropriate thing to start on this day and I have the Virtual Console version [Music] there we go the galaxy is at yes [Music] [Music] whoa just change the engine all right we're all set up Cowboys yeah I like zero mission extreme that I think once I've played it a number of times this I've only ever played once but I'm excited Metroid Fusion I'd been assigned to watch over biologics research team so I once again found myself on the surface of sr388 oh look look it's the Federation force dudes [Music] it was there that I was attacked by a life-form they had never encountered before there's only later that I learned the identity the attacker a parasitic organism we now know his ex but aware of my condition I was returning to the station a disaster struck I like how simple the story is and like the way the cut the stories told through the cutscene is so simple compared to what they tried to do with other em once the axe had infested my nervous central nervous system I lost consciousness my ship drifted into an asteroid belt [Music] the ship's emergency systems automatically ejected the escape pod before impact it's like right at the beginning samus's ship is just destroyed what a shame biologics vessel recovered it it transported me to Galactic Federation HQ however during the journey the X multiplied within me corrupting large areas of my Power Suit it then came to light that the organic components but my power suit had become so integrated with my system it could not be removed so I was unconscious large portions of my suit had to be surgically removed dramatically altering my physical appearance however the X in my central nervous system were too embedded to be removed safely I was given a minimal chance of survival then they proposed using a metroid cell to make an anti X vaccine it seems that the Federation had managed to preserve cell culture from the last infant Metroid sr388 the serum was prepared and injected without delay the ex parasites were immediately and completely destroyed [Music] and yes this is the last game in the timeline this is what we're up to I'm getting from 2002 is is what we're up to in the metroid timeline kind of crazy to think about it 14 years and we still don't have a like a continuation of the story as for me when life ended and I survived reborn something pondering this fact I realize I owe the metroid hatchling my life twice over soon be arriving at the BSL research station must prepare for docking the ship's computer had notified me our approach to the biologic space labs or BSL research station during my surgery the research team sent the last batch of creatures we captured there as well as the infected pieces of my power suit what after after regaining consciousness I learned that an unexplained explosion rocked the station and the Kasbah some reason is awoken nameless fear in my heart now I'm being sent there to investigate my mission on the BSL station will be overseen by my new ship's computer following the commands of his blood computerized Co something I have to bear as it was a condition of my taking the ship or someone who just likes taking orders this is the second time I found myself having to do so that makes me will call my other Co is that a reference to Adam I forget I don't yeah it's another my boy they're like hey what's the the least cool aspect of this game that we can base a game story around oh I know Adam there's been an explosion in quarantine Bay the bay currently stores capsules containing recent samples from sr388 as well as parts of your suit infected by the X parasites cause of the explosion is as of yet unclear investigate the quarantine Bay is here move quickly quietly you are still unable to use most of your latent abilities don't forget that service stop at the navigation room on the way up link from there is your objective clear yes now go to the quarantine Bay don't remember a whole lot about other em honestly I really don't remember much of the story I remember remember me I can't not remember him because he just he said remember me and that was like a meme for a while I also remember Adam I remember Samus and kraid was in the game kind of I remember enjoying this game immensely but I don't remember a lot of this game either so this is definitely a fitting anniversary stream start in a way this is the only Metroid game that I love that i've never streamed quarantine Bay is ahead biosigns are confirmed and careful I can't believe I never streamed this this is really this is an anomaly [Music] explosion Kabam x' will I play other em again there's no need for me to play other em again [Music] so I mean this is just a crazy like past few months for me Twilight Princess into this into you know Chrono Cross is just a lot of memories unfortunate news the specimens brought back by the field team were infected by X parasites the X can mimic its prey any specimen could have hosted it before the explosion a security sensor scanned one the gelatinous x-parasites invaded and rapidly it would invade and rapidly reproduce killing the host creature they also absorb DNA and use it to mimic the host we're almost killed by an X infection only the Metroid vaccine saved your life seems Metroid's were the main predators of the X that's why the vaccine worked so quickly and so well but it's also changed your cellular makeup you will never be infected by X again in fact you can now absorb any free-floating x-parasites without most by merely touching them this will allow you to replenish health and restore weapons you may also restore latent abilities this white box will pursue free x power sites whatever your possible time this station is home to many species some violent ones we must keep the X out of the breeding environments at all costs this is vital some boosts I'm already detecting massive bio signs in this region the X are gathering is maybe our chance to exterminate them but you're only a 10% battle capacity your chance of survival is extremely low Federation needs you alive on duty samus so the Federation force game can be created is your objective clear now get going I've released the lock on level zero hatches look for the blinking hashes I mean you know this game tried its hardest it's Game Boy Advance Township isn't all that amazing in all honesty some games did pretty good with it it's more it just sounds like the midis themselves are fine but you know the quality is very low there's a lot of good soundtracks on the gameboy advance it's just again a lot of it sounded very muffled I received news from HQ they can support you with downloadable weapons data once you have this data you'll be able to use missiles this will help you against some enemies your beam can't hurt head to the data room for download data room is here yes with your chance of survival climbs to 20% suddenly atom or whoever this is this AI I forget is now by or fee from skyward sword here let me just email you some missiles thank you for that exactly email me missiles also just to talk for a moment people were curious about how I like the new Pokemon I like the owls the computer reminds me of a gruff Federation CEO I served under the name I had adam malkovich he called me lady on missions from anyone else it would have sounded sarcastic but Adam made it sound dignified out of respect some irony I named the computer after him there we go that's that's why I called Adam there you go Bob the owl is okay I like the owl it's cute that will probably be my starter Liddy didn't we already have a fire cat Pokemon what was skiddy was skinny not fire and then there's what was the other one it was a Jackalope it was a clown water pokemon the old clown water pokemon we never had a fire cat before I was giddy was normal sorry okay so skinny was not fire okay is that kind of like is lit leo going to be an evolution of Lytton [Music] I just want to know like what I got missiles I want to know how yeah I have to change some controls that's good so I I mean I think um I'm excited for Pokemon Sun and Moon I think it's based on Hawaii the the new area a Lola is oh it's called Aloha Island electrical interference has knocked out the elevator on the main deck this may be related to the ex I'll work on it as for you try to find another way to the target located here I'm reading huge biosigns I hope your missiles work to reload missiles you can use a recharge room or absorb a special type of x-parasites yes missiles are your only hope and so is obi-wan Kenobi but I just want to know what is Pokemon gonna look like in 50 years like how out of ideas are they if they're doing fire pokemon cat pokemon again [Music] bop-bop-bop mom Bob it's cuz like that Bob it's like we're getting to the point where it's just copies of a copy of a copy of a copy it's like when you Xerox the same thing over and over again it's just the quality degrades I mean I'm sure there's gonna be some cool-looking ones inland Sun and Moon but in 50 years every animal every combination is gonna be totally gone yes like The Nine Inch Nails song I'm just a copy of a copy of a copy I'm sorry GPM I'm sorry about the Douglas thing I'd like to officially put I would like to officially put the Douglas thing to rest because I think it's freaking some people out what began on Sunday shall end today that was it for old times sake [Music] my god oh that's how you do that [Music] morph ball I'm sorry you can still do it GPM you can do it as much as you want but for me that mr. dink I've decided that for the six year anniversary one of the things that I want to do is I want to kill a meme and it's infancy but it's yours now GPM if you fought it I know Mike likes it too so I mean it's not dead from you know existence I'm not gonna do it anymore [Music] then you're missing an energy tank right now frustrates me so much okay you're gonna let me know where it is I don't know where was [Music] lor and pause menu samus it's as I feared the breeding environments have been invaded by x-parasites sector 1's are extra several abnormalities and biosensors checked one is a simulation of the sr3 ecosystem to get there take the main elevator to one okay [Music] I'm not sure that I think that whoever allowed the X into the environment may also be linked to the earlier explosion it's gonna lower the volume a little bit you can't get the energy tank anymore right now okay that sucks so I have to be able to go through that door that I can't get through to get it am yeah I don't know this game as well as I know Super Metroid so I'm gonna end up missing a lot of stuff every set no I'm good man I'm good I am gonna reset actually after the saver I see people trying to tempt me into doing the Douglas voice it's not gonna happen sweet Jesus we did it it's like we're there in real life guys and then that low ask quality for that theme that requires super missiles I would assume I can do shitty bender once since it's the anniversary oh you need authorization I need the green hatch to unlock all right this is not the way I want to go did you see Ridley holy [ __ ] just hiding out what made me start that voice though mental problems I'd say and I'm not taking voice requests tomorrow I'll do shitty voices for you guys one each one sentence each oh [ __ ] it's a mrs. suit automated s ax I guess I'll go down to one one of my Chrono Cross voices sounded like mr. dink well that was partial I didn't actually make a connection that it sounded like mr. dink I don't think for some reason mr. dink just started like slowly worming his way into my streams the volume took a dip yeah it did lower a little bit you know let me um let me say something with shitty pen nerds my name's Thomas are you okay I'm real Slim Shady like you other slim Shady's were just imitating so won't the real Slim Shady please stand up there you go all right there you go whoever else in the audience gets triggered by my voices well like to wish you all a happy dick teat but uh at the same time that's the only one you're getting you're getting one shitty bender for the whole year so enjoy it it will be totally unusable for some time unfortunately some unknown agent is at work something very powerful certainly not human I'll report when I know more now listen closely the X in Sector one have invaded the atmospheric stabilizers they must want to alter the environment to their needs they're already reproducing clear all five atmospheric stabilizers to stop them yes I have to destroy some GameCubes now by the way someone actually my we as you know has died the disk drive no longer works guy named William sent me one of his wheeze apparently he got into a Ponzi scheme where he tried to sell a bunch of [ __ ] wheeze and ended up not selling a bunch of him and he had like like a bunch left at his house so he just sent me one of those and and now I have a replacement for shovelware so thank you William you you've saved the stream but also ruined at the same time because that means more shitty games will be played on stream what's a Ponzi scheme hang on a second well I said Ponzi scheme I don't really even fully know what that is there's the Gamecube by the way it's a fraudulent investment operation where the operator an individual organization or organization pays returns to its investors from new capital page the operators buy new investors rather than from profit earned through legitimate sources obviously so maybe he didn't participate in a Ponzi to sell those weeds but he did end up selling wheeze at some point I don't really know how it worked he sent me an email about it but I've forgotten someone else sent me gummy tits there's the birthday gift in my p.o box not kidding by the way they're just candy candy tits hey what's better really but what's better than filling your your stomach if both tits and ends too much sugar geomatics sent me something to which I haven't seen Gera medic I hope you didn't send me more dildos I don't I really don't have any room for dill like I said before I went to pax I actually hid the dildos which let's say I didn't come back from pax or someone decided to you know go into my house to check on stuff and they start cleaning out my stuff and there's two hidden red dildos I mean how the [ __ ] posthumously do you explain that you know cuz you're dead but it's worse if they're hidden and and you know the fact that they're like so they're unused it would be like whoa he cleans them real good and he hides them they're so little we knew about our Vincent so little we knew so no I don't need any more dildos and no more dildos John you you're complicating my life with dildos it's he says I can promise you no more Frenette for now for now huh okay all right fine speaking of like gummy bears and [ __ ] like that I had these things called squish recently that are like gummy things that are weird and they're they're really good they're supposed to go with cocktails and one of the flavors is called brain when I'm floating brain and it's literally just a gummy brain filled with like like diabetes juice but it's delicious though it's actually really good beetus juice there's one that was spicy that like actually you would eat it and the juice inside was just spicy it was it was pretty insane but yeah it was a very interesting very interesting gummy bears it's amazing how far we've come from gummy bears which by the way that seems like an abnormality eating a fuckload of gummy bears when you're a child like how does that even come out I always expected my poop to be like glued together and like and like red and blue I don't know how you even are supposed to digest [ __ ] like that but we've come a long way from just like bears now there's lots of different things there's lots of different ways to glue your poop together like pina colada for example I visited dentists a lot in my life let's just leave it at that I actually will avoid candy as much as possible and I successfully have avoided candy but like I said the squished [ __ ] was was pretty goddamn amazing me Mike and Joe ended up eating like I don't know 17 each oh [ __ ] you chose oh goddamn it dude nothing is to be trusted in this game not even your own suit not even yourself um enjoy yeah [Music] charge beam nice I love how to charge me effects your actual beam in this game it makes a little bit wider anyone else ever hear horror stories about how like the people lost caps on their teeth because of certain candies like the really chewy candies and people like broke their teeth on jawbreakers cuz I heard those my whole life which I'm not the room after the charge shot there's a secret okay I'm not sure if those were old wives tales or things told to me so that I would not eat as much candy when I was a kid nice but yeah there was I've always heard tales of of like people eating particularly chewy candy and then losing caps on their teeth which I'm sure is possible I'm not doubting that at all I don't think that's ever happened to anyone I know personally but someone said I lost two caps with bazooka gum I broke my tooth on gummy candy had it taken out and replaced notion on gummy candy warheads Oh men yeah there are people in chat that lost fillings and caps and [ __ ] and broke tea it is real warheads were a thing when I was in middle school or elementary school whatever you want to call it warheads were like a competition like to me to be a cool Bab in fifth grade you had to be able to eat all the warheads and like the okay the more warheads you could you could handle like if you could handle like three or four at the same time you were cool so ever see the le le beast video where he eats warheads until his mouth bleeds oh [ __ ] off I don't want to hear about that are you [ __ ] serious that hurts just to hear that actually that sentence hurt me nope bad bad samus bad samus warhead comes in spray but you can spray warhead juice into your mouth what does that even mean I don't like that I don't like the sound of that I missed a room I'm gonna go back for that room okay I didn't realize how awesome Cadbury chocolate was because we don't generally find Cadbury in stores in the US like just at random delis or maybe it's just a New York thing but then some people sent me Cadbury from like England and Australia and I was like okay this is really good and then I found out that there's a few stories that actually sell it locally just the milk chocolate Cadbury milk chocolate and it is so much [ __ ] better than Hershey's oh it's a New York thing okay maybe it's someone saying it's a New York thing oh this was just a safe point there is there's nothing I guess map percentage completion okay here we go navigation room we did it we cleared out the things atmospheric stabilizers online but many X have already made it to the other sectors it seems in particular sector to trow the tropical habitat shows abnormalities I suspect X entered the sector with the help of our unseen saboteur he or it may be inti our own now I must get over there we need you to put an end to this it's your objective clear start moving I'll brief you at the TR Oh navigational room as I listened to the briefing my thoughts turn to Adam the real Adam understood me well he would end orders by saying any objections lady he knew I wouldn't disagree that was just his way of noting our trust getting other m fly it's amazing how other m even makes this part of the game kind of bad for me I'm sorry if you don't feel the same way I wonder if I can trust this computer to it like that really none of that bothered me when it first came out but now I'm thinking it's just making me think about the story of other M and I really really did not like that game story rave culture and nightcore I I have no opinion on rave culture I know very little to nothing about it and nightcore as far as I know is just speeding up music and increasing the pitch of the music which I've heard for a number of my songs and I it just left me confused so I really don't know why was other M so bad you know I did this once and I had a number of people get salty with me because they loved other M so some people really like that game but I'll explain why I don't like other I'm in just a second I have learned the identity of our mystery saboteur samus it's an ex mimicking you I have named it the SA X I believe the SA X came from a capsule containing containing your infected suit parts it used a power bomb to escape the quarantine Bay that explosion breached the capsules containing all the X that started this disaster but the sa X is definitely our biggest worry right now the sa X is mimicking you at full power you can't face it if you see the sa X just run don't think about fighting you're still very vulnerable to cold and unexpected effect of the metroid vaccine like metroids you can be frozen by an ice beam of course the SA X is armed with the ice beam stay away if you see it just run HQ says they have bomb data ready for the data room in the data room bombs will help you help you find a way out if the SA X traps you the data room is here but it's sealed by level one hatch they'll have to find the security room and release the level one locks but her safety protocols it's not marked on the map you have to find at your own on your own somehow good luck got it this is where it gets so I didn't like other M thought the gameplay was pretty weak overall the setting was okay but it was kind of I didn't really do it for me moving around in a 3d space with a d-pad I didn't really like that I didn't like having to switch the way I pointed the Wiimote to use missiles but it had some good gameplay stuff the gameplay was actually probably one of the better parts of the game on a hold but there's a lot of like you're not authorized to do this I don't like the way this story made Samus into a weak character who just takes orders you know and then just random pointless characters an emphasis on story and a series where story does not need to happen story in a Metroid game is fine sure it could be done right but I feel like what I want and this is just my opinion this is just my opinion remember that you can have your own thoughts about Metroid story that's that's good your own thoughts are good but my thoughts are that my favorite Metroid games are the ones that give you only a little bit and let you fill in the rest and the sense of isolation and being alone the sense of of just just dread that you're on this alien planet by yourself that's something that you can't really you can't beat but there is an attempt at characterizing Samus that I think was awful and I don't I just think the game get a lot wrong [Music] so this game has like story and you you don't feel like you're alone in this game you're you know completing objectives but there's there's a little bit more to it than just babby the babby the babby yeah you need permission to do anything in a metroid other m you just need permission what's that Master Adam can I do the thing do I have your permission master again the character of Samus gives no [ __ ] and lives like a wind rammer all right does not give a [ __ ] Lucy's future in balls and does not have to kowtow to some idiot who won't even give her her abilities but also just the gameplay and just the the whole overall of the game was just boring to me bland unmemorable but I think that's why a lot of people would would give that game [ __ ] it's not just me like I'm you know a lot of people have claimed that to be in some ways the death of the Metroid franchise at least until the next game comes out which at this point is Federation force everyone yeah someone just said I know you've been in a superheated room taking damage for a few minutes now samus but only now do I give you permission to turn on your heat shield yeah you you were you would take damage and be like like actually dying but you could not gain permission to turn on your heat shield yeah I think axiom verge did a good job at balancing story and keeping you still in the dark enough that you felt you felt like you were alone and it was like really creepy and weird and the story didn't detract from the gameplay and that that feeling of isolation axiom verge is the best Metroid game in years I've said that before and I love that game which Metroid game is my favorite Super Metroid followed closely by Metroid Prime [Music] [ __ ] ice ax this year the blue thing was really [ __ ] taking those those hits sponging them up it's amazing how Resident Evil for both rejuvenated the franchise and killed it at the same time and I actually like Resident Evil 5 I think that's that's a great co-op game a lot of fun with that one it's that's one thing they did to make certain areas inaccessible huh I don't know how to Bob jump on this oh I'm [ __ ] now I'm stuck here forever everyone game over oh okay look at that let's scumbag that's scumbag technologic technologic people oh oh what does that words I think I just did a stroke help I'm okay now what was that thing doing there it was one pixel to the left damn it see now this is what's cool about this game that SI x is giving me like some anxiety it's like you may not have the feeling of isolation so much I mean you do because you're still on your own above all but at this moment in time it's like I'm being stalked good good job Ben I really mastered the eye walls haven't I oh it's like a [ __ ] condom spiky condom mistakes were made mistakes were made yeah it's not over yet [Music] high jump and jump ball abilities I like that the spring ball is now just jump ball they don't edge you on it here it is [ __ ] ice ax was here escape escape I don't like that twitching bug thing it's not good nope I guess we're stuck here forever on our fish someone has to take a piss they said pause the game go ahead about try fad day about tree fritter go ahead take a piss alright this time is this time is over snake Samus we've got trouble releasing the security lock may have been a bad idea the s ax has invaded the water environment in Sector four aqua or a QA of several thousand x the blue hatches active the SI X slipped in easily the creatures and systems in Sector four are already showing multiple irregularities currently investigating I'll brief you in the navigation room when you arrive is your objective clear [ __ ] well yes ax an enemy with my strongest abilities does it have reason probably not it's just a killing machine my current state I can't face it head-on as they X's me only heartless I must stop it before it learns its potential and threatens the universe the entire universe I'm thinking if you get enough Federation ships and just blast the [ __ ] out of the general location where the SA X lives you can probably get it killed I mean it is after all just samus's Power Suit I don't think the entire universe will bout what about like a [ __ ] army of space pirates concentrating their fire on one area samus can you know get killed we've seen I mean you've seen me play Metroid games before I get killed all the time essay X can be killed it can be beaten the sector has taken more damage than expected I knew the X were powerful and destructive but still this seems to be purposeful we certainly can't rule out the possibility both possibility that the s ax has a high degree of intelligence I find the X fascinating especially this si X but I digress the sector is home to a very large creature the researchers called Sarris it was capable of moving and attacking at an ultra-high speed the more senseless and widespread destruction here may be attributable to saris no doubt the si X released it but I can't be sure why yet Sarris has returned often to the breeding tank here its natural behavior must be to go back to it periodically it's a valuable specimen but you have been authorized to terminate it if you don't it may invade other sectors you are authorized while you're moving be careful some broken power notes have electrified the water but we can't cut the power doing so would affect the whole station adversely if you touch the water you'll be electrocuted conserve energy as you go this game is definitely Moody in its own way echh I recognize those okay does anyone else see a face in these water tanks like kind of almost has like a Homer Simpson meets Easter Island look like some kind of ancient Egyptian art in some ways to the [ __ ] is cool cat cool cat is a mascot for kids created by a man who once starred in the magazine penthouse I think it was penthouse you know that mat [ __ ] fish that [ __ ] fish got me good it's just about how you shouldn't bully people because bullying is bad and also I mean we're talking like expertly filmed one of the best cinematography lessons you could watch if you're an aspiring filmmaker ah [ __ ] goddamn those things hit hard this daddy Derek is apparently I actually found the secret area by accident I was holding left and I just looked at the chat and then I found myself in a new room he's making a movie about gun safety for women oh thank god daddy Derek is active and staying busy man is a true hero a true patriot this game uses the Wario Land 4 engine yeah I heard about that okay the old Metroid charm running into a dead end Billy wait a minute what did I do wrong oh yeah I have to bomb walls do I consider having to blindly shoot it well as a flaw of the Metroid franchise um maybe I never thought of it like that I just thought of it as a Metroid thing I mean it definitely leads to you getting stuck at a number of locations because you missed a secret wall that maybe there was no indication of yeah now I wouldn't maybe I wouldn't necessarily say it's something that bothers me too much you just get used to it and you just learn to explore your environment and analyze it and then find areas where there may be a structural weakness let's call them that I don't have a lot of house now I have full health the [ __ ] why is my finger my finger tip is itchy what the hell's that mean you guys ever hear about that leave your palm is itchy it means good luck and you're gonna get money what is the what is in you and your fingertip is itchy it's it's both a gr from Zelda and fish form [ __ ] off dude yeah it's fast real [ __ ] fast I know it upgrade I'm getting from this boss [Music] 49 health left [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] your speed booster [Music] it's a slow start for a speed boost last time on Metroid Fusion I got the thing that makes you go really fast the speed boots that were made for walking don't want to walk right over you hey here's a bonus point on the quiz does anyone know who sang that song and does anyone know what Stanley Kubrick movie that song was in oh [ __ ] ah trivia retrograde roulette you got it right Nancy Sinatra that's correct yeah and Kubrick movie while I lower this full-metal-jacket Michael you got a right good job you you won a vine sauce claim old of vine swells dick congratulations oh [ __ ] this thing you guys remember what happened last time holy [ __ ] those fish do so much damage my favorite Kubrick movie man how do you I can't choose I'm sorry it depends it depends on my mood sometimes it's Clockwork Orange sometimes it's the shining sometimes I'd wise wide shut and other times it's actually [ __ ] Barry Lyndon if you could believe it the movie is not for everyone but I think it's one of Kubrick's best and it's such a well shot movie and it feels it really does feel like a [ __ ] adventure Pokemon yeah I'll probably stream Pokemon I liked Pokemon X that was a fun stream I'll probably stream Pokemon Sun or moon and probably moon because moon sounds cool I have a song called Munna well not moon but there's there's a title to it that it's still work-in-progress but yeah just gonna show my music any chance I can get it's got a shil it not not that it's related conversation just just chill it's called goodbye moon men original concept do not steal [Music] I'm warning you with peace and laughing do you think Ringo gives a [ __ ] Oh someone said they like the preview for my new song on Twitter I posted a sample do not steal you ready if you missed it on Twitter here's the the sample ok this is a little little teaser for the next song that we're gonna put out here that [ __ ] alright alright here I'll give you one more give you one more thanks cool alright let's continue here we go oh well actually maybe I have to keep that going here we go [Music] nope that is in fact not what I had to do there's a lot of people that were mentioning like what's better zero mission or this and I've replayed zero mission a bunch of times I like zero mission a lot I think that one that's a very very good reimagining not a remake necessarily of the original metroid because it is so I mean play the original metroid that game is [ __ ] hard to navigate and there's a lot of [ __ ] that is just will get you lost forever you can't do a lot in the original Metroid it was it was a very simple game for a different time different time I need power bombs for that but it's still it's still a good game I still think the original Metroid is great in its own way and and the the mood that that game would evoke was just unreal for the time mad that game scared the [ __ ] out of me when I was a kid especially seeing the the bosses for the first time but yeah zero mission was great well I probably need wave beam for that and maybe gravity suit of some sort for this oh here we go this is more like it this is this is designed to replicate the feeling of the planet right sr388 so this whole like shift is like a bio environment for various species is that is that accurate I really don't think this is a good place to be right now okay [Music] but yeah the remake is looking so good I really hope they don't [ __ ] it up so saris had been infected by the x2 well as a result you recovered another ability at this rate you may be able to face the SI X yet but that's still a ways off HQ has more support data this time it's a missile upgrade you desperately need this but the data room here is sealed with a level 4 lock the highest security lock let's avoid opening sensitive areas until it's necessary also the route to the data room in Sector 2 is blocked by still more si X activity I notice I know to deliberate activity pattern as if it is blocking your recovery intentionally samus it looks like your best option for this download is in Sector 3 you'll find the py our data room on your map after using a navigational room there is your objective clear yes now head for sector 3 I think another reason why I never replayed this game was because metroid prime had just come out as well and that game [ __ ] blew me away and this one was like good it was a good Metroid game but prime was like a different type of Metroid game and I really loved that game so I replayed that and then when zero mission came out that was the one I really focused on I mean that's why the series is so great like I would I would probably say Metroid is my favorite game series of all time and that's mainly because of two games Metroid Prime and Super Metroid also a lot of people have been requesting for me to stream prime I already did like two years ago so it's it's not really been too long since then but maybe you get in the future but not not anytime soon thankfully X have not invaded this area yet the data room here is sealed by another security hatch in order to download you must find the security room here and activate level two hatches this may allow sa X and X parasites into the area but we're left with no choice your recovery is our main goal the data room is here as I explained security rooms can't be shown on the map be careful it's a moose you will see very violent organisms here and avoid the ultra heated areas your suit can't take such high temperatures yet but we're working on it level 2 hatches are green release the lock and proceed to the data loom data room for the free download super missiles yes I like how they not really like but it's easier to wall jump but they they definitely made it harder to they definitely made it harder to actually get to areas to sequence break and Metroid goddammit and Super Metroid you could you could jump like straight up a wall in this game you don't really get that kind of mobility I'm sure there's a thousand other sequence breaks that people have found by now there are literally zero sequence breaks for this game are you serious is that true there's really no sequence breaks how about zero mission did that have secrets breaks this has none or just one according to one chatter and zero mission had quite a bit zero mission had both intended and not intended ones I'm gonna have to stream zero mission two at some point it's been a few years since I streamed that way longer I stream that way longer ago than I did metroid prime so these dudes these lizards that spit and also use their teeth to bite these these wall lizards who are in metroid 2 they were they were on sr388 correct I remember them kind of say they shot like things from the wall they were in a few areas so in some ways this game is almost kind of a it almost this kind of a remake of metroid 2 we're not a remake but it there's a never mind they're elements of metroid 2 in this game then they were in Super Metroid right right ok I think I know what to do so I'm getting Metal Gear Solid 1 vibes from this song yeah the prime series had like [ __ ] next level ball tubes oh [ __ ] [Music] wrong button I need more speed [Music] [Music] sequence break I did it I did it guys and did the first discovered sequence braking in metroid fusion history and there's nothing up here this does not diminish the effects of my accomplishment SI x think was here and again for anyone just joining i have played this game when it first came out so that was 2002 how long ago is that 14 years ago so yeah this feels like a new game for me because I don't remember it at all [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] off yeah jump on it good job in Howcast it ain't no sequence high enough someone had just said that room is too hot for me what you mean like it's gone sexual oh my god oh my god this is bad see this room has a little dot on it does that mean that there's a item in here okay no no no we don't go in there [Music] oh dear [ __ ] God no no um I'm having like malfunctions with the controls here oh okay I have to put my I was holding the wrong button whoops see that I can't get I mean someone said I missed an e-tank that's just gone forever now right you can still get it go back to where you fought the Maus to get the e tank I might be able to go back up there maybe it's not gonna make it easy for me oh wait a minute no I don't think it's gonna be easy at all for me - yep - that's - Missy tanks so far that I could have had early or at the appropriate time I should say I'm just making this game harder for myself damn it would I take a metroid for dinner good question good question yeah I mean if if it paid if it paid the bill I would go to dinner with a Metroid but I wouldn't actually treat the Metroid see that you encountered a rogue security robot okay you may destroy it if you meet it again your safety is vital but as to your brief level two security locks are released so sectors five and six are open that means those sectors have likely been infiltrated by X they're much harder to stop then we initially suspected sector five arc is Sub Zero I can't think of a fatality joke in relation to then everyone you're still susceptible to cold from the vaccine side effects so you'll take damage if you even set foot inside there avoid sector 5 for now but in the meantime HQ is working on data to adjust your suit for extreme temperatures once you have the transmission you can download but the X have destroyed all the data rooms you have used so so far I no longer doubt their capacity for critical thought you'll have to use the data room in the night Hobbit sector 6 ok sector 6 it is tread lightly samus you're the only one who could do this the X may be much more dangerous than we know yo how about we get off the ship and set the ship to self-destruct that'll work right incoming dispatch with this to samus suspect anything no I do not think so good monitor her closely affirmative out oh [ __ ] conspiracy time so does that imply that samus listened in or just me the player because you know I Tarak just the player the Varia suit data is here from HQ ready to download get moving to a data room but there's a problem X from the sub-zero sector Ark are in Sector six and they they've been changed by the cold if you absorb one you'll be frozen from within this seems like a deliberate tactic once you download the Varia suit modification you'll be out of danger just be extremely careful until then god damn it these guys use your beam to stun them in order to get by yeah they're hunting you actively now Samus oh that's creepy you sons of [ __ ] and this area is very dark proceed with extreme caution I wonder if like I could get a flashlight like in Doom 3 this isn't very dark as much as I love half-life 1 and would consider it to be one of my favorite games some of the flashlight the flashlight kind of blue in half-life 1 you know it was really really small radius and it didn't really do a good job at lighting things half-life 2 did a much better job with that okay let's just get hit by all of them it's good it's good SGU d it's good stay cool icy freeze ah I look at the chat for two seconds [ __ ] by a bug ah [ __ ] oh my god this room should just run oh [ __ ] no one here that note no one here um hi how are you [Music] [Music] [Music] escape escape someone in Chan said mario has logged in it's why I guess I could probably go that way maybe not I don't know you know what I'm gonna chimp I'm gonna attempt to go to the right this time [Music] oh just let that happen [Music] [ __ ] this level oh that's such [ __ ] oh my god no no no Oh Dix I didn't mean to run after it I just I fell down the level collapsed underneath this we're doing this again [Music] [Music] that happened goodbye s ax look at that trollee level design I probably yeah I could have outrun the SI X if I had shot instead of used bombs earlier so there is there there is a method to escape yeah guy little sneaky D key like wine made by the French damnit they took away my data okay so if I was boss boss is happening requires charge shot I have to penetrate it's um it's minions admissions that no charge shot it is there we go yeah got ya [Music] it looks like the color scheme of this suit almost looks like I don't want to say bloody buggers but I'm gonna say bloody boogers [Music] can't touch this Crayola is issuing a new color soon bloody bugger or clown vomit as some kind members of the shat have informed me I can get behind that jelly belly is releasing a new flavour soon don't even joke about that alright clown vomit is a sacred resource it should not be defiled by those jelly belly folks looking to make a quick dollar if he eats something and then the camera cuts away just after he starts chewing that means he didn't like the dish what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] turning into missiles now to fool me [Music] I watched a bit of Ramsay I've watched some Guy Fieri sure I mean Guy Fieri is fun to watch this because he's such a clown and he's got those catchphrases but he does actually from what I understand even though he's like kind of a fool and a lot of people give him [ __ ] the dude does help out a lot of local businesses and apparently he's a really nice guy like so he sure he's you know got a funny haircut like he says crazy yeah flavortown but you know that doesn't mean he's not a cool guy like maybe he's a really nice guy and he helps out a lot of people I maybe I'm just attracted to him I don't know how did that X download the various soup data this doesn't seem to make any sense at all us the X just the X have the ability to process data organically at any rate you have to Varia suit data now you'll be protected from extreme temperatures more importantly the s ax will no longer be able to freeze you so you can escape easier but you're still too weak that thing is too much for you you currently have no way of damaging it but my simulations indicate that a penetrating weapon like the plasma beam might work developing modification data will take HQ sometime though there's also a chance that you may be able to restore your plasma beam by absorbing a large core X as you did with the charge beam function as for the restoring or as for restoring ice beam functionality I doubt it your current cellular makeup would reject that addition therefore HQ has developed an ice missile upgrade this will had a freezing effect to your missiles it will help go to sector 5 for the download cool yeah this game is this game is good I forgot about the ice missiles I like that twist years ago I like it now do I die in his Times Square restaurant you know there's no there's no excuse for dining in Times Square it's so [ __ ] expensive and most of the [ __ ] in there is just chain restaurants that you can find anywhere else Paddy's just go to 9th Avenue and there's a bunch of good food over there that's a little bit better priced that's like actual like cool New York food but I say cool New York food I mean like just a variety of different [ __ ] that's one of the good things about New York you might find a thousand different types of restaurants within a two-block radius obviously I'm exaggerating but it's just crazy the melting pot qualities of New York City are amazing and yeah Times Square is I would say for a tourist people ask me about like touring experiment with those new missiles they'll be helpful got it people ask me about like Vinny I'm coming in New York what should i what should I do you have any suggestions and I'll email them back and I'll give them like a little list or I usually have like a copypasta that I give them because I get the question so many times but I'll put a little personal twist on it that said I'll tell you now if you ever visit New York to things you want to avoid or eating in Times Square and taking the train at night now the train at night even that's not that bad these days really it's it's perfectly safe what I would say is avoid eating in Times Square is number one and also maybe like just plan to only spend like 20 minutes in Time Square you don't need more than that Times Square is is all well and good but it's it's expensive it's a tourist trap it's packed it's really really not worth the time it's nice to see just the sight of it like I would almost recommend 20 minutes max of Times Square because it is fun to look at for a little bit but then you'll just get forward of it really quickly and it's like nope so don't do Times Square also don't don't do the Empire State Building go to the top of another building because that way you can see the Empire State Building from the top of that building and also the wait times are much shorter like find a tall building that has tourism but don't don't do like the Chrysler Tower or the you know type or the Empire State Building because you're gonna wait a long time there's gonna be expensive there's to be a lot of people so find a tall building but maybe not one that would be the obvious answer definitely check out the East Village the West Village a lot of really good stuff over there a lot of cool restaurants a lot of cool stores it's got a more the feel of the villages are a little bit more I don't wanna say intimate but maybe intimate is the word I'm looking for I don't know and you can walk around what's wrong with the food in Times Square it's expensive that's what I mean you could eat there I mean I'm sure some of the places are cool but it's really expensive and whoops and most of its just chain restaurants like [ __ ] fapla beasts so I would say go eat dinner in the West Village grab some John's pizza which is amazing and across the street is kes Day which is also amazing pizza don't go to the Statue of Liberty cuz it's again expensive it'll take you a while it's not really worth it when you're there take the Staten Island Ferry instead it's free 25 minute ferry ride good visuals it's a cool ride and you get to see the Statue of Liberty and take some pictures of it from the water then once you're here on Staten Island get right back on the ferry and get the [ __ ] out of here so those are my those are my tourists tips for New York City if you're gonna do tourism go to Brooklyn you know maybe go to Astoria Queens go to definitely go to Manhattan Rockefeller Plaza is pretty cool you can go to Nintendo World Nintendo World is also a little bit disappointing in some ways cuz it's a very small store like you're not going to like a theme park or Nintendo theme park and that off puts some people but it is cool if you're a big Nintendo fan there's probably some cool [ __ ] to see over there and and there's some other cool [ __ ] to look at if you have $300 sitting around you could go to the NBC store and buy some Jimmy Fallon guitar picks for $30 what's that you want a Tonight Show mug you got 40 bucks it's really expensive oh the intrepid school yeah Intrepid's awesome [Music] someone just asked me where I can find where you could find hookers on Staten Island I'd like to sadly announce that there is no there I do not have that information I'm not legally obliged to it reveal the information then where's the place with the giant gold bull so that's lower Manhattan Fred that's the financial district that's downtown where all those protests took place a while back and you know that's Wall Street pretty much it's I used to work in Jersey City so I kind of was over there a lot and downtown Manhattan is beautiful and there's again a lot of great restaurants but not is maybe not as cool as some of the other places you could visit but yeah the bull is a huge tourist trap so oh you cut fake e-tanks [Music] have I ever met a vine sauce fan on the street actually yeah on a few occasions I met a few vine sauce people that recognize me locally on Staten Island and a few times in the city as well just like twice nothing major kind of glad that doesn't happen I like the attention online it's nice right everyone wants to I think in to some extent have an audience and people that would watch what they do and listen to their music for example but at the same time I don't think I get handle getting recognized on the street on a daily basis I don't think I could do it like someone like I said before like George Clooney yeah yeah that's got a it's gonna be rough Bill Murray had a big talk about this Bill Murray was like you know if you had the choice between rich and famous take the rich just be rich man don't be famous I mean I'm paraphrasing he said it much cooler because he's full Murray but yeah that was the sentiment and I enjoyed the sentiment oh wait a minute oh that's a great that's a really good idea oh nice that's really good [ __ ] know what I would not even even thought of that it's puzzle-solving with enemies definitely something that makes this game unique in the series have I ever thought about putting pizza rolls on top of pizza what sorry yes yes yes I have thought about that once I don't know why I've thought about it but I have maybe three of the episodes maybe three were good [ __ ] was that rest and peace skull mother I want to know what that big shadow was I didn't like it no sir I need super bucks what [Music] emergency okay [Music] well I mean I still have to save migration the last metroid is in captivity the emergency in Sector suit area could meltdown it seems the main boilers cooling unit is malfunctioning this could get easily this could easily destroy the entire research station but likely trigger the auto-destruct explosives we have about 6 minutes hurry to sector 3 oh [ __ ] are down because of this you know who to blame si X must have hacked into the system file with impressive intelligence so the question I keep getting over and over and over again from people that keep joining is I Vinnie have you played this before then you did you ever play this before or why don't you know the game you have played it before because I played it only one time when it first came out 14 years ago so this is there's a lot of this feels brand new to me which is great and so gonna get to re-experience an amazing game considering there are no new metroid games coming out for a while Federation force [Music] this is kind of a really really nice treat for me I love it the store is open [Music] again this is open to I'm not really sure I'm not gonna what I play Federation force and I will play Federation force I'm not gonna view it as a metroid game necessarily I'm going to view it as its own thing and I think I will enjoy it because of that then he'd go right okay no all guys that I he I made a boner boners were made this isn't good [Music] [Music] yeah now I'm rushing and taking lots of damage there we go [Music] [ __ ] three minutes remaining yes [Music] yeah [Music] yo that wasn't it that wasn't a man that wasn't a scientist that was a [ __ ] parasite how did how did they assimilate into a human wide beam ability recovered beam wide instrument this is the first game and only game with a wide beam in it of the Metroid series [Music] wide beams like why not just the waves beam so we kind of covered everything we missed in the past two months and we have vowed that we're not gonna let it go another two months without a podcast update so the ex mimicked a crew member it all makes sense now the ex can absorb the memories and knowledge of their prey what an astounding find HQ was very impressed but don't you find it strange that this could have destroyed the station with the X in it not to mention the si X unusual for a self preserving species like the X unless your presence is an even greater threat a threat to the existence of X elsewhere this is only a hypothesis perhaps their survival instinct is in conflict with their newly borrowed intelligence don't let your guard down yet the X are still a threat Samus OS boy why the music stops did something [ __ ] happen stylistic stylistically bold I see that the bio signs on the habitation decks survivors in fact a crewman you saw had survived until recently maybe there's a chance the signs emanate from here is your objective clear I have just restored power to the main elevator use it to return and look for any survivors alright I'm gonna go do that real quick [Music] oh this is a thing [Music] [Music] oh look it's the animals despite my best efforts to kill these [ __ ] they still live you know what to be fair they did teach me a thing or two they taught me how to wall jump and the other one taught me how to scoot so I mean they're all right I guess that way there I think I have to wait for it to extend extend [Music] then wasn't enough extension ah [ __ ] a lien chestburster okay I think I see whatever [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's this way so twitch I mentioned implemented this new thing where if you subscribe you don't get ads and that actually was defaulted to my channel so I mean I don't know why I'm even telling you this I kind of mic my original question was is this actually gonna end up inspiring people to subscribe considering adblock is so incredibly rampant and useful and the answer most people said was nope but it was defaulted it just kind of defaulted for most channels so I'm just gonna leave it on but you have my permission if you have adblock leave that [ __ ] on I don't mind yeah there's still a thing and apparently again this was like without them really even telling people they just left it on they just turned it on but yeah you definitely you definitely do not need this functionality if you already use adblock they did it before and it already failed to do anything yeah well I don't know one thing I don't understand about the ad system on Twitch is that people tell me they get ads during like weird times of my stream when I have absolutely nothing to do with that like I was under the impression that the only time you get an ad was when I pressed the Add button and then I'm starting to suspect that it just kind of happens at random and I'm kind of pissed about that can anyone confirm this according to Konami those are ads that benefit twitch only okay well if those things happen and that's annoying and I see people complaining about it let me explain what you can do right twitch is gonna [ __ ] hate me for this if anyone from twitch is watching I apologize but I really at this point I think that's that's something that you guys should probably be a little bit more proactive about letting people know because I didn't even know that was the thing but if that happens Google a thing called adblock plus a dbl Ock with a plus sign and I think it'll work for there's one for Firefox there's one for Chrome pretty much every browser I would imagine has that add-on oh [ __ ] edit Koons and decorous I've met these intelligent beings before they seem to recognize me as well how unusual to meet again here in the past they have helped me unleash abilities I didn't know I had but where did they run to I hope they're safe they're fine they're good good animals save them so yeah you can just install that and you won't get ads when you watch my stream I've told you guys this before the only time I queue and that is at the end of the stream and when I take a piss break so otherwise if you're getting ads during like moments that ruin your your streaming experience just use adblock seriously because I didn't know about that that's kind of [ __ ] [Music] well okay then today we're going to play some great games Metroid Fusion followed by a game called battle bees Lumpkin which is almost as good as darby shears and the kettle of warrington but not quite as good after that I get him caught doom and then there is a another lovely game called me alienating my UK audience because they think I'm making fun of them but I love them almost as much as I love the game great Grimsby I swear there there actually is no Bartleby Slovenia which I'm imagining is something I'm going to have to explain a number of times over and over again it just you know it was just something that was on my mind you know the England came up in conversation a number of times today and I decided that it would be it would be a great great game to put on the old ticker get them yep yep just just completely [ __ ] fail at English accents it's so much fun anyway welcome back to Metroid Fusion last time I'm Metroid Fusion I rescued the animals they didn't deserve it but I did it anyway let's see I'm feeling you know today my sinuses are acting up a bit I wasn't home today I was working on some music and went to dinner but after that was like yeah you know I want to play by at Applebee's lumpkin so I decided I would stream but I am feeling better mostly my laryngitis is kind of diminishing a bit but my sinuses are still it still feels like I'm a little sick it sucks but I'm feeling better and better each day so the survivors were not human most unfortunate we can now confirm the deaths of all crew members I imagine this was the case but I had hoped it wasn't so I believe the X only infected the humans foreknowledge that form is too weak for battle I'm sure the others were merely food for the X Samus I think that are evolving growing stronger some are now appearing that resists your current weapons HQ anticipated this and sent power bomb data as soon as the hardware team finished it [Music] it's weird because it Ark we're gonna sector five the limitations bother me in a lot of ways like the you know go around do this do that the idea that you have to like kind of take orders and find out where things are in that way it's still a little off-putting compared to my favorite Metroid game favorite Metroid games I should say that said there's another aspect of it where this game makes it in enticing because it makes it part of a story and it kind of makes it also so that the items are as important as advancing the plot which I'm okay with I'm just curious what do you guys think is better metroid prime 2 or Metroid Prime 3 not one we know one is amazing I know one is great I love it but what do you guys think what's better than what's better metroid prime 2 or 3 a lot of 3 ok it's almost even okay now it's not even any more now there's mostly twos okay all right you know well it's it's kind of still a little bit even but mostly I would say more to than three people seems to like to a little bit better that's okay I didn't eat a strawpoll I just want to take a quick site check to is still like I said it's a hard game it's a game that's very rewarding but I gave him up on it when I first played it and I had to come back to it a few years or a few months or maybe a year later or something like that but um when I did when I did come back to it it was amazing you know an incredibly rewarding but three actually I you know at the time I really liked the motion controls I remember oh god when the we came out I was really like itching to see how the game is system would handle first-person shooters I thought it was gonna revolutionize first-person shooters and to be fair I think it did first person shooters pretty well when they were done right it felt pretty good there were some good shooting stuff on the on the Wii but it was still a lot of dreck the conduit I remember that wasn't the conduit it's supposed to be like this revolutionary looking Wii game that was supposed to be totally modern and then the cover art that they revealed was disgusting look look at that dude's face here's the real one oh dear [ __ ] God what would that I mean seriously guys who here is so impressed that they have to go out and buy it this [ __ ] he stole snakes lower half combined it with some kind of like mech power armor top half that's totally one one color and he's wearing sunglasses if you're good at listen if you're gonna do Space Marines keep the helmet on just just keep the helmet on I'll show you what I'm talking about here was the conduit - right now that at least it's bland it's kind of called duty you know it's one of those things but at least he's wearing a helmet and it doesn't look as trash his ski glide he's gonna go seek skiing it just prevents him from getting snow in his eyes ah dude dude let me show you I've got um a sick ski suit bro [Music] so this is how you reveal secrets in this game let me show you now that's not how that's not how I'm gonna show you your name is Sean John doing focus I just said con John to it which is probably the greatest Space Marine government agent name I've heard ever [Music] just oh no god damn it no no run away go away no one here know what she thinks [Music] is it coming back why is he coming back don't come back no no no state go away stay away [Music] also happy birthday captain south bird it is confirmed that today is his birthday congratulations you lived wow that was a really it was a really interesting way to lead into a powerbomb upgrade just scare the [ __ ] out of me with the SA X I'm sorry it doesn't really exist if I if someone makes a game called bow to Lily Lumpkin I'll [ __ ] play it okay you've got my word my word as a Lancashire Ian I will [ __ ] play the game known as Bartleby and his his Lumpkin prospecting game developers make it happen make it the most English game ever you do this [ __ ] that Mother of Christ well I'm freezing it too far from me yep poop eh yeah that's that's too close see that's that was too close to me you gotta get a right in the middle oh come on dude there's pixels there's free pixels Adam Sandler starring in a video game smash hit of the decade pixels coming soon the sequel to pixels pickles sewing Rob Schneider as a pickle in a pickle don't do it it's me Rob Schneider the boy pickle just talk the laugh out loud Rock'em Sock'em go [ __ ] yourself hit up the summer where Rob Schneider is a pickle and Adam Sandler goddamn it it's supposed to not eat him but I'm so hungry I just want a pickle it sounds like my pickles talking to me but I think I'm crazy that's what happens when you wait you press my back up against the wall in a video game I just lose my [ __ ] oh my god Joe I put the pickle in my mouth and it sounded like it was talking that's the end of that this is really just I can't do it I can't do it I couldn't do Jill's voice hey this thing like poops it sounds like it's saying go to your highest point my disgusting poop pooping friend Wow that's it samus return to your ship I have important information for you I was vague so what do you plan on doing to my daughter mmm mr. sprung go I just want I just want to talk to your daughter um for like a little bit about this school a school assignment yeah yeah sure you're not interested in my daughter who sexually you know mr. sprung go I don't even know what sexist this is gone go I mean this and dust this was the way of the world those fungos were sons of [ __ ] [ __ ] Ridley oh [ __ ] Ridley ice Ridley this is creepy as [ __ ] all I'm saying is you haven't lived until you've been grilled by one of your friends parents about potentially smoking weed that's good [ __ ] recommended recommended viewing you better not be smoking weed with my son [Music] I'm from the 70s okay I'm from the 70s I know what it's about okay I smoked reefer okay I know I listened to Led Zeppelin no quarter you know no quarter okay I smoked I know I watched all that fantastic planet okay I used to get movin to sativa Purple Haze Acapulco gold I used to smoke no it was you know I I liked personally I like the sweet Mary Jane now is my favorite one but man you can't you kids you can't be smoking weed I smoked when I was 12 I still do from time to time boat you kids are smoking weed no mr. strong go now we just have cell phones [Music] the main silo of the reactor core has gone offline that's why all elevators and station systems are down elevators and hatches won't work this doesn't bode well if you can't if you can get to this point you may be able to start the auxilary power system then when you figure out why the main silo went offline is your objective clear yeah I should return here to tell you some strange creatures have boarded your ship I confirmed that they were not the ex hosts and gave them a berth do you know anything about these strange creatures or this source of the healthy biosigns earlier very well than their presence in the midst of this disaster it must have some significance I will keep them here that's why I'm here for the [ __ ] animals I like how Chris Pratt in Jurassic world calls them animals yeah I have these are my animals all right I love them they're my babies another type dinosaurs no they're animals they are animals in a technical level yeah they are they are animals but I mean then then you go a little deeper in their dinosaur animals but yeah they're you know Chris Pratt was like very insistent on calling them animals so as not to scare the Babu does that mean we're animals you and I I thought we were made of stars how come are we also animals this looks like a [ __ ] science experiment with potatoes gone wrong [Music] what is this boss oh please God take it away oh I don't like it yeah you scumbag you scumbag let me tell you tell you what the best to roll around does a ball fella what's wrong I'm really centipedes this game knows exactly the things I hate [Music] thank [ __ ] god for missiles we're done yet [Music] now we've done talk about [ __ ] cutting it down to the wire Jesus it's still a little bit difficult - well not difficult but you know you can't just jump mash the jump button endlessly there's a rhythm to this like in Super Metroid [Music] [Music] also congrats Vinni on meeting that annoying boss on the first go murder that's stopping a playthrough of this for me for like a month no [ __ ] [Music] someone else just said it's the hardest boss in the game I don't know about that but I mean that yeah I mean he almost [ __ ] murdered me save rooms in recharge back online but with a only auxiliary power no elevators or hatches will work without the main silo online we're still stuck with the source of the problem is the vegetation you saw earlier choking the reactor core have to find the source of those roots to proceed guys we're gonna play a mix of flip Cup and Scrabble with our celebrity guests who's their celebrity guests today pop-culture icon from 1983 and no other time sounds sounds like I like a good show boy that does a lot of damage damn this [ __ ] thing's hit hard [Music] Wow also for the record I just about Jimmy Fallon he's not my favorite late guy a late night guy by a longshot but every now and then he has a decent bit or a guest or something he's alright I don't I don't I don't really love his show but he's fun I don't know what's happening here and I don't like it a lot of roots [Music] [ __ ] out of your quick [Music] [Music] that sucks I forgot you can freeze her I waited for the [ __ ] bomb to blow off but I should have shot downwards you know that's just that's just anus that's anuses [Music] shooting down wouldn't have done it it would have had to have been the missile so until I figured that out I would probably don't [ __ ] anyway I have so little health I'm gonna need that safe point they [ __ ] know safe point disabled I can't go in there bro good mother okay that didn't do as much damage as I thought it would the other dudes didn't way more damage than those dudes this entire section of the game is [ __ ] intense thank God someone in China said stop trying to wall jump just do this Space Jam they should do Space Jam too but instead of Looney Tunes they do like some Chechnya and knock off like like fake looney tunes that no one's ever heard of like you know the stuff you might see on like a book bag in Chechnya it's superbunny I didn't save oh whoops I was yeah remember to look at the screen when you save and not the chat got it blogging duck the famous duck the dendi gar the elephant throw Dendi in there [ __ ] it I would love that look I would love your space Gentry like like happened but they didn't have the budget to get all the Looney Tunes they just closed it like knock off shitty versions that would be so [ __ ] fantastic and someone draw that won't be great just make up a bunch of bootleg Looney tune characters like like two or three or four someone chances Vinnie can you go ten minutes using the English degree you worked so hard to earn what do you mean worked hard to earn it's an English degree I'm not trying to prove a thesis here I'm trying to stream video games and makes stupid noises this is not the TED talk comment that's cool no no go back I like it and I like being in there get me back in get me back in please so it turns out you got to hold the jump button cuz if you just tap it you don't get out of there [Music] so I was trying to kill the flowers so they could stop like doing nasty things to me turns out that is not how you play this at all you have to you have to attack the young chozo bird all that does look like you're chose oh definitely get some Super Metroid vibes from this section let me show you good jump timing everyone yes no [ __ ] no I needed that Oh [Applause] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] goodbye voice - this Boston I find way harder than spider-man honestly I found that was to me that was harder than spider-man I mean it was simple patterns but still paint in the dick just getting stuck in the waters is a real [ __ ] killer oh hey I got plasma at least as much good the [ __ ] beam the beam the beam of unmerciful one merciless that that's kind of a double negative isn't it the beam of mercy [ __ ] sighs well I've said how great would it be if I could do that boss again I've never wanted anything more in my life doesn't look like there's I don't think there is a hidden recovery room in the shaft oh oh is it this long shaft because this shaft is even [ __ ] longer obvious jokes that I won't make at the moment is there not I wouldn't even call them jokes oh nice double powerbomb gotta play the Powerball tonight boys go win the lotto tonight if I keep playing I might win what you've restored plasma being functionality most unexpected even so continue to avoid the s ax it too may be stronger and you still lack a few abilities crucial to survival wait we need a second more trouble hold on I've isolated the cause there's been an explosion in the arc data room samus go to sector five it's your objective clear yes the damage is staggering find out what's causing it this this suit continues to look like something something of a Mexican food mistake that came back up I can see the cilantro and the chorizo [Music] some stuff gotten worse the damage seems to have been caused by a creature kept here by the researchers who named the nightmare apparently it was a biomechanical organism designed for military applications it possesses uncommon power and can manipulate gravity we must assume that it's become an ex host they have no choice you must find it in defeated I can't confirm the location yeah I can't wait to die to the nightmare get me off the station this place got [ __ ] up this place got [ __ ] up - whoa it's a wonder this spaceship has it like sprung a leak there on one of these monsters you're gonna [ __ ] put a hole through the wall [Music] why determine turn to a beautiful mermaid what the [ __ ] [Music] I don't like it [Music] no [ __ ] here it is it is huge nightmare everyone I think is this nightmare why is it a face its mouth is extension it's [ __ ] up gravity it's so weird [Music] scum mucus it hurts it hurts clutch no no no clutch can't really attack them from the front okay that sucks you gotta hit him like pretty [ __ ] get on definitely not performance issues affecting the frame weights [Applause] well that's yep that's gonna be that we're going again we're sittin is still moving oh my god what's wrong with your [ __ ] face yeah I hate it I hate I absolutely loathe this boss looked like he was going in the opposite direction he wasn't oh this is it I got it this time I've said that before but this this time it's a confirmation I just missed the thing but I don't care it's fine just patience believe in me everyone come on believe if you can believe that I can do and I believe in myself too also this is whoever suggested that I save scum the wii u version is the virtual console version there's no safes coming in baseball this movement pattern though so annoying nice awkward angle that I can't attack him from yep do that extra damage [Music] [Applause] I hate him I hate I hate this boss holy [ __ ] amazing that was yeah you just said find the right pixel [Music] yeah you can get the tank too oh now I have the suit that can make me breathe underwater like a beautiful sea creature John and the big beef coming at you in the morning hey John how do you like your big beef cooked oh you know what I mean [Applause] well now [ __ ] here in the Morton show we like to do things a little different yeah right we'd like to have naked women discuss the stories and crank calls no one else in the country's ever in this content what do you think baby I agree Oh today we got a new co-host his name is slow-cooked beef hey slow cook tell me a little bit about your dick I missed the energy think again well Ora can just do that yeah also it works how about um beef cooked in a crock pot as a new another co-host hey it's zip zoom and fit in the morning beef yes that's what I that's the name of my my shock jock early morning radio show it would be zip zoom and the morning beast [Music] all right here we go someone said I have a nice beard how do you know what my beard looks like right now all right close your eyes all right you just got a three-dimensional ASMR of my beard which is still pretty shitty well I can't go back up that way and also I've been told to go to the top left let's just double check here yep [Music] nope this is just a recharge room this is not the way to go go in the small door in the bottom right but they're far which bottom right Jesus I'm really lost here I know what to do now but I just exhausted every other potential Avenue on where to go in this game speedrunners now's the time now is the time to throw shame shame clang shame [Music] oh oh I see I see that just takes me out of the sector altogether have I ever listened to King gizzard and the lizard wizard you know I really don't like the name of that band for a number of reasons but then another part of me loves the name of the band just because it is so stupid I've heard them Joe actually introduced me to them just a few days ago and I had heard the name but I hadn't heard the music they're [ __ ] pretty good king lizards wizard and his wet lizard that that that band is surprisingly decent okay we're just gonna have no signal now it's a loose connector for my HDMI splitter that connectors been loose for a [ __ ] long time so I made the tweet earlier that someone needs to fix Detroit sometime and I'd like to explain for a second why I even said that I watched so I've been telling you guys have been watching parts unknown it's a Bourdain show about like traveling to random lowered the volume a little bit random locations I find it fascinating like I said it's as much a Travel Show as it is about food but he the episode I saw was Detroit and yeah it was a sad episode because Detroit is such a [ __ ] beautiful city and there's a lot of culture there and the automotive industry just tanked tanked there which [ __ ] it up irreparable but it's like one of those things where you just want to see it succeed and comeback like I really want Detroit to be a thing I wanted to like come back and be awesome again but I mean that episode just showed how much of a [ __ ] hole it turned into which is just a shame someone else made a point that they should fix Cleveland first then go for Detroit and that another person was like Vinnie why don't you fix Detroit you know what I'm open to the challenge I think I can fix it I think I can fix it here's how we're gonna do it hot dogs that's how we're gonna fix Detroit everyone I was watching the episode and there's this like Coney Island hot dog place there that had really good hot dogs we need to push hot dogs and make Detroit the hot dog capital of the world and have even more awesome hot dogs so that way everyone wants to go to Detroit and grab a hot dog it'll work turn criminals into hot dogs not exactly my plan but sure we could try that I haven't had hot dogs in like probably a good month which is a shame because they're so good they're so healthy for you I mean you know you add an extra year to your life every time you eat a hot dog with all the lovely pig lips that are involved in the process of it if someone didn't tell me in chat what I had to do here I would have been so [ __ ] confused forever apparently you need to well you'll see apparently that needs to happen now thought open you have to kill all the enemies the only way to get those enemies active is to get the parasites involved I mean I've done I've had to do that a few times but that is there was some lateral thinking I mean it is for a secret so you might go through the whole game without ever having to do that but I mean do you really want to go through Metroid game without all the secrets come on how dare you go through Metroid without getting all the e tanks at the very least you got to get all the e tanks you know what I mean you can do sure you can miss out on some of the missiles but for Christ's sakes get all the e tanks so getting all the heart pieces that's half the fun cool that works there's a whole set of skills in this game that you have to master particular but they're especially good if someone gets kidnapped and they're very particular for that kind of situation specifically however this room D there's D here diffusion added two missiles oh okay it's a charge now I forgot that that was in this game whoa whoa you don't even [ __ ] you ain't even know you ain't even know though that would be the name of my rap album everyone if I made a rap album it would be called you ain't even no please tell me that doesn't already exist Viper it's a viper album isn't it yeah alright nevermind feet into the punch oh that makes a world of difference forgot that I could do that Oh or [ __ ] okay I have to spine shark it which for a while is actually what I thought it was called because I am what you'd call a a [ __ ] and I thought that spine shark sounded cooler anyway it's a sci-fi channel original everyone spine shark versus croc to prokta puss alright mega croctopus' croctopus' exists already what no it doesn't Octopussy no Octopussy if it was a sci-fi original before James Bond Octopussy would be an octopus cat but as it stands it's just a lady's name isn't it it's an octopus II her name Octopussy you [ __ ] kidding me pushy galore you upgraded your missiles that's unusual there's no word from HQ procedural error I'm sure even so I did not approve of bypassing security level four from now on you will use more discretion in any case samus do you remember the security robot you faced earlier I believe the ex have infected it that is to say they have claimed the organic components perform its neural network it is entered Sector six don't know what it's planning but let's not wait to find out Samus you know what to do I like how even though you're not authorized in this game you'd [ __ ] do it anyway no no I'm talking about Octopussy and [ __ ] Galore from James Bond do you know when um do you remember one James Bond James Bond says this was an old thing we used to do on the stream do you don't you like when James Bond says her name [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay what a name and that way they got away with that in the 60s - I think Timothy Dalton was definitely an underrated Bond his movies were much more serious much more brutal and security robots more powerful now but you know Connery is was an amazing bond and then Roger Moore had a few good movies but I I'm not really Roger Moore is not my not my guy I'm more of a George Lazenby guy when it comes to James Bond is anyone though he's anyone a George Lazenby guy granted the movie he was in was actually pretty good but the dude wasn't an actor he I mean you want talk about fake it until you make it that dude faked his way into the role of a lifetime he was like a male-model and he pretended like he went into the interview with all this bravado and he made up a bunch of movies that he was in that he wasn't actually in and then they gave the role to him because he looked like James Bond and then they realized he couldn't act like halfway through the movie yeah Ford Harrison Ford does love Harrison Ford loves playing Indiana Jones I don't think Harrison Ford wants to [ __ ] up the movie I'm almost positive he acknowledges the idea that the previous movie wasn't that good and he was they were waiting for a good script for Indy 5 and I think they made they may have a good script I wonder if they're gonna get Chris Pratt that Chris Pratt is so hot right now Oh God there we go [Music] please don't die please don't die oh this boss is a [ __ ] let's eat flow take it slow it's working full concentration I mean now it's now it's a definite but it's just yeah that would have been a good that would've been a great clutch [ __ ] well from what I understand the reason I'm not using missiles is because at this point in the game the charged plasma beam is more powerful than missiles and also you might only be able to get like one or two missiles into the thing before he jumps away so I feel like this is probably the best strategy for dealing with this guy and then there's the cling and clang [Applause] no guys oh [ __ ] I'm gonna try missus I've already broken it okay so missiles do work better cuz he's already like halfway dead so missiles were the key even though oh my god really that quickly Wow guys what the [ __ ] bought their [ __ ] I remember someone in chat saying Vinny at this point in the game you should only be using charged shots against the boss I remembered that jesus [ __ ] christ also this game i think has the latest wave beam in any Metroid game which is weird because usually the wave beam is like the second or third warning entry without briefing cotton-candy beam I don't think we're supposed to be here guys I remember this part of the game there's the plot twist [ __ ] look at the [ __ ] Metroid's from Metroid 2 it's the evolutions of the Metroid's I love the way the story is told in this game and just met rate in general yo son just ax is getting swarmed my droids oh my god [ __ ] faster pokey well it's a climactic end to s ax is samus shouldn't have done that am I talking to Hal 9000 you ignored your orders you may have to pay a price for that quite soon as you can see the Federation has been secretly working on a metroid reading program a peaceful application only of course please understand please understand but perhaps you already knew of this program's existence certain that you must have had doubts when you saw sector 1 SRX a faithful replica of the sr388 ecosystem ideal for raising alpha gamma Zeta and even Omega Metroid's this research even uncovered techniques for rapid growth imagine creating an Omega from a larval Metroid in days but that research is finished the ex has smelled out its natural enemy and one of the s ax is on its way here one are you saying that there's more than one si X don't be so surprised Samus you know that the X reproduced by a sexual division because of this mechanism there are now no fewer than 10 si X aboard the station the silence speaks leagues Sammis you must Samus you must go get out if you stay too long the ax will destroy you stop only at a navigation room to uplink to me I don't know how HQ is going to take this but you need to report to them immediately you know the thing I find funny about this is like how did they replicate the suit that suit that suit was built in a cave the box of scraps by the chozo and they replicated it the real Adam would have said the same thing about that incident but he would have softened the blow he was relentless in his criticism but he always cared it's not a machine obsessed with duty there's such compassion could exist in that computer tracksuit [Music] there's definitely a way to continue the story from this game though I mean Metroid's don't have to be done completely there could still be choice there could be troy'd surround somewhere question is this the last energy tank Oh oh my god far from it I didn't realize there was two [ __ ] levels of energy tank cheered god this this game problem does this game hold the record for most amount of energy tanks there's 20 altogether and that's that's a record yeah that's that's the most again I've played this game in like about 14 years [Music] why does there need to be a reboot of this franchise like someone in chats like you know I mean they're not they don't want it to happen but they think it could happen I mean you're right I can see a Nintendo easily pulling the reboot card since this series rebooted or rebooted but since the series came back after the long absence of from Super Metroid this is the furthest we've gotten in the story and there's so many stories that can be told it's sci-fi it's it's a sci-fi universe you can do so much with sci-fi you don't need to be restricted to just like you know one one set of things there could be a thousand things we could figure out how to get Samus back into the suit we can get Troy's back we don't even need toys the amount of side-story we've received and like non-canon metroid prime stuff has been off the [ __ ] hook Oh God space pirate fusion suit is literally fused to her more than her old one ever was she would have to keep it again this is sci-fi I believe it yeah like it's fused to her sure but maybe the chozo have a cure maybe that she could go to the chozo you know a chozo planet where they still exist you know like in crime we see the chozo as they were and like through like records and Holograms and [ __ ] maybe we could go to a place where the chozo still exists and the idea is to get Samus out of the fusion suit because it's slowly killing her and you start to rebuild slowly into a new suit that resembles the one that we're all familiar with but is more up as upgraded there you go perfect something I mean you know it's not the best that there could be but it's something to work with [Music] make the game make it good that's all you got to do hi Ridley oh my god listen to those screams [Music] this is the best Ridley's ever sounded [Music] I'm sorry but we didn't even really meet Ridley in this game I mean I'll take it it's just a parasite mimicking Ridley wasn't Ridley blatant well and truly destroyed in Metroid Super Metroid and I'll just keep going and I don't blink and I'll just keep going and I don't blink and I'll keep on shooting and I don't blink I'll just keep shooting [Music] [Music] ScrewAttack that's a very cheesy bull ridley where are those called Zoomers goobers goobie are they cold goobies rippers while they rip and tear thinking of gamers what someone just said why does this look so crispy is it on the WiiU yeah it is it's the Virtual Console what do you mean crispy you mean like that the pixels have sharp edges yeah there's no smoothing on or anything like that it's on the Wii U it's the Virtual Console version if you want to collect more items don't go to a navigation room you'll be locked into endgame really you can't actually smooth this now yeah there it is I mean I'll let you be the judge what do you think it's a big spaceship it's a very big spaceship not that I would know how big spaceships are in a traditional sense but this seems to me to be a very big spaceship that Ripper had full health Space Station sorry station in which case I retract my statement because we uh you know Space Station's can be worth 15 points and they can be as big as you want them to be like massive lava yeah [ __ ] doesn't bother me at all I can handle lava ok so there's gonna be a lot of hidden [ __ ] to find now that I have my screw attack so I'm gonna be looking around for some of that hidden [ __ ] I only really care about health like II tanks are the main priority just a few more almost done almost done sector 4 is next this might be where the last two are the last energy tanks are in the main sector all right Thomas we're done here leave the rest of the Federation we should be preparing to evacuate the station are you joking do they know how dangerous the X are quickly they reproduce Federation has taken an interest in the eggs and the nests ax they believe this life-form has endless potential applications this is ridiculous the X are heartless abominations what potential can they have necessary that you understand such matters the Federation is coming now you should just leave quietly it's just madness stand a chance here the station will devour them what could be worth the risk capturing the SI X of course are you serious they really think that they can succeed it will certainly be difficult they don't expect your help they knew you would try to destroy the SI X that's why they stopped sending you support data the plasma beam modification was ready some time ago but they withheld it to keep you from engaging the SI X and somehow you restored that function on your own I also tried to withhold the diffusion missile upgrade because they didn't want you to grow too powerful but they had already sent it and you tracked it down Bravo Samus they must cancel this mission open a channel to HQ I won't let this happen they are already on their way [Music] as soon as this Federation ships land the X will overwhelm them and absorb the knowledge and power of their occupants the X are just waiting for the hunt to begin the mill spread across the universe electic civilization will end the X hunger for form knowledge and power they mimic these perfectly but they cannot copy the soul their single-minded instinctively seeking to increase in number there a plague and the Federation underestimates their threat the X must not leave here you must destroy them all before the Federation arrives this situation this station has a self-destruct mechanism I must use it to destroy the X here and on the planet must send them to oblivion them the station and myself if I have to [Music] open the hatch have been ordered to confine you until the ships arrive don't let them do this can't you see what will happen Adam Adam who's Adam a friend of mine what would this friend advise you to do now you would know that the only way to end this is to start the self-destruction cycle he knew he knew how important it is to did this Adam care for you what'd he sit on safe command room and order you to die he would understand that some must live in some must die he knew what it meant he made that sacrifice once so he chose life for you a fair warrior samus mmm your Adam gave His life so that you might keep yours for the sake of the universe a foolish hope to her you how could you hope to understand machine you know that detonating this station in high orbit would not guarantee the complete extinction of the x-parasites even though the station would be utterly destroyed you would only succeed in removing the one obstacle the galaxy's ruin herself you would ignore this simple fact and choose death when Adam decided who would live he chose incorrectly if you were to alter the station's orbit then you might be able to include the planet in the vibration feel vaporization field of the self-destruct detonation you would have to start the propulsion sequence now before the federation arrives samus this is your last mission go to the operations room adjust the station's orbit path to interrupt sr388 intercept sr3 d8 then return to your ship and escape move quickly stay alive that's an order any objections lady [Music] [Music] the Brobot is now helping [Music] so we're saying that the last the last e tanks are here the two energy tanks are in the main sector above the morph ball boss room okay yeah I see see one of them the other one I think I already have I'm pretty sure I have the one so there's there's another one missing someplace but I'll get this one and then maybe we'll see about the other one this is the one that you guys freaked out about that I missed someone in treasure said forget about the tanks have you heard about steak knives I remember steak knives do you he was the true hero of the Fallout universe I could finish the game right now I'm so close to getting that last one sector two I'm gonna go to sector two that was the one that I haven't gone to yet it's gonna be a [ __ ] to get but and it's gonna involve five spine sharks but I want to do it for Queen and country and then we will finish my trade fusion and that'll be that'll be that then I can start Metroid Other M right away oh boy I'm not actually doing other M fear not fair locked I see a number of things on my map that are very interesting I know exactly where it is it's not very far from here it's gonna happen what the [ __ ] is this why is the door locked so then you weren't lying people people weren't lying when they said if you went to a navigation room you would hit endgame I thought that was and then another person dispelled like another 10 people dispelled that you have to beat the game at least once to unlock these doors okay so I have to beat the game then go back then I can go get everything but yeah all the doors are locked alright well we're not getting that last one time to finish the game everyone anyone have OCD I'm being told that there is still a passage somewhere but I don't think I care enough to get it probably it's probably blocked I mean if they blocked everything else I'm sure they covered their bases Tom j-just had a good idea Tom J said use xsplit to make it look like there's another tank [Music] okay I can't believe I'm doing this I'm gonna do it guys [Music] [Music] magic magic here I did it I [ __ ] did it everyone it's perfect except when I look at my screen because I'm playing this on the Wii U gamepad I know the difference it's not the same everyone but I did it I got all the e tanks you know officially but Vinny will be able to tell if you get damaged I mean that's ok whatever but I want to save is it is it really too late to save [Music] here we go Wow that [ __ ] did a lot of damage to me [Music] what are you turning into [Music] I don't like it I don't [ __ ] like it [Music] not like this not like this okay this is what people were telling me to do but I couldn't read the chat because I was busy fighting but this would have been a good way to get my health back and I completely and totally regret not doing this [Music] the good cheese that's a good cheese I don't know why I didn't consider the invent the invincibility of the ScrewAttack like when you're in the moment you know you just don't know and then you shoot your pic then you shoot your pants [Applause] operations room here it is gorgeous good cheese [Music] [Music] [Music] get the e tank yeah sure okay I do have an opportunity to hit up this there was no save the door was locked to the save room Suns it's ok good thing I have all my e-tanks [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh my god one hit what kind of cheese is this don't tell me the s ax was my friend the whole time I don't remember this I do not remember this this is it's a very very similar story to the end of another Metroid game that you may be aware of yeah I remember the disappointment of that boss fight actually I remember having there's some some I knew that the boss fight was taking place in the docking bay I didn't remember that the help from the parasite or whatever the [ __ ] just happened there but I do have a vague reckoned a vague recollection of being slightly disappointed with that fight but yeah [Music] the SA X just hates Metroid's it's not your friend but I like Metroid's at the end of Super Metroid I became one for a minute that perfect military mind the wisdom of adam malkovich continued to serve even after death until today I had no idea that the minds of leaders and scientists were frequently uploaded to computers my incredible reunion with Adam may have saved the universe but how will the beings of the universe view our resolve I doubt they will understand what we did the danger we barely averted they will hold tribunals and investigations they will hold us responsible Adam understood this and he spoke to me in my anger do not worry one of them will understand one of the must I've reflected upon his words why is the eff corrupted oh I know why the eff is corrupted I see the wisdom in them we're all bound by our experiences they are the limits of our consciousness but in the end the human soul ever reach for the truth that's what Adam taught me just one detail still bothers me the ship can only be started manually before I face the Omega Metroid ship moved on its own guided by someone's hands is it possible Adam lady what's the truck what's troubling you you wonder how I started the ship just think about it they let me a hand they lent me a hand the true heroes of the game the animals [Music] one of which oh there's a baby involved to that baby like a chocobo it's like a little green chocobo you can cross mountains with it that's what happens when you save the animals in super metroid if you don't you engage in a time paradox how does that chocobo have have a baby though did it always have a baby it always had a baby the baby was always there but can it shoot Bowser's thank you chat member for reminding me of connect shoot Bowser's good quality and Super Metroid the bird have a egg thank you for that information I'm just happy I got all the e tanks [Music] [Music] what's my percentage any guesses I say 67% for 24 how man if only I didn't dawdle for four minutes 70% okay [Music] yeah these clothes aren't coming off see you next mission well that's that's the saddest part about this whole story is that there was no next mission no face reveal yeah how great would it have been for 20 69 percent that would have been yeah it's good oh look this safe file got corrupted it shows that there's not all of the safe the e tanks it's like see you next mission is well see you in a another universe that is not canon and also we'll see you maybe in Federation force as a cameo and and also an other M which is can and I don't know one that's supposed to take place but see you in the past anyway this game was great I'm actually shocked I haven't managed to play it again in the 14 years since its release but I enjoyed it very much this this game is absolutely fantastic I would say it's it's up there with the best Metroid games zero mission could definitely be a stream in the future if I need my Metroid fix again I might do zero mission apparently someone in chat said the whole prime not Canon thing is false the creator said it was a side story so Super Metroid goes to other M goes to fusion other M is a direct prequel to fusion oh that's a shame really is anyway this is a very very lot amount of people here for for 3:00 in the morning 4:00 in the morning almost and I am really happy you guys enjoyed Metroid Fusion Metroid Fusion is a [ __ ] amazing game and I enjoyed the stream of it a lot I can't wait to do more Metroid games but I'm probably gonna take a little Metroid break and then maybe zero mission could happen and then I think at some point I kind of want to do the original again which is kind of a [ __ ] of a game to stream because it you just get lost constantly but with the help of a map I think I could do it and I've completed Metroid 1 on stream once years ago and I still I still really like Metroid 1 there's a very that's a game along with Zelda 2 that are games I've played endlessly when I was a kid because they were so hard and they were so difficult to beat and there was a lot of Secrets and the thing about Metroid is I always felt like that game was huge you know my 4 to 5 to 6 year old mind couldn't comprehend how big the game was so it just seemed like a limitless endless world of possibility
Channel: Gravidea
Views: 7,955
Rating: 4.9424462 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Metroid, Nintendo, Gameboy Advance, Wii U, Virtual Console, Metroid Fusion, Vinny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 31sec (11371 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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