[Vinesauce] Joel - Hardcore Friday: Super Castlevania IV

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[Music] [Music] yeah I already stream Castlevania 4 I know but it's a revisit I don't think I've uploaded that stream so it's like three four years ago whatever so yeah let's let's to restring Castlevania four it's a Friday the 13th and I figured we could do some spooky games horror related stuff on on this Friday so why not there's plenty of stuff to do on fme Friday for horror games though but that's for another Friday so I figured we can just play a little castlevania four cuz I I just felt like it but uh yes everybody hoo-ha so let me just this is my computer's that doesn't knock into my desk so it's like vibrates throughout the entire stream yeah that's good alright anyway so how you doing do you have a did you have a good Friday the 13th so far a couple of my friends have had like awful days today so it's like ooh Bowie and I've had a kind of crappy day - aye aye I've had a I'm saying this as I'm drinking like a coke can so I have a got a hole in my tooth yes let's let's get some some stuff to even make it worse and it's it's it's weird during the day I'm fine but when I go to bed I'm like oh just writhing in agony so yeah but unfortunately dental care in Sweden it's not covered by anything and it's really expensive so a lot of people just tough it out and that's what I'm gonna do now I'll probably get it fixed but uh yeah the soda drinking though not a good idea but you know what you know what if it's if it's a choice between no Cherry Coke or eternal agony I know what I'm picking mmm pain anyway yeah let me get this on screen here we go I order a cycler t-shirt what's the ETA go on getting it to me if you live in the States one two weeks I would say but uh yeah that's that's another thing by the way all the cycler t-shirts are gone it will be printing more soon but thanks for being patient and all that stuff is going towards printing the the CDs because I know that's a high demand thing but uh regardless let's get this on screen all right now I can't really pick what emulator I'm gonna use usually I I default to these nests I might not do it this time because I know you guys feel about that and I know it's horribly inaccurate but damn it some old old love of mine goddamn snow filter ooh all right anyway know where the hell that I put this there we go Smith's you know I'll use this 9x screw it I'll make you happy I'll make you yell at me all right business is business that one that like runs like molasses and barely nobody can run it but it's super accurate so it's good that's that the one I think it's either one of those emulators that like runs like crap but people insist it's the best one because it's accurate and it's like oh I I mean I can't I can't run it I don't know but listen we're gonna get this on screen now there we go are you ready oh man oh man time to get spooky that old-school Konami give here we go [Music] Oh [Music] it's like an old man in the background super Castlevania four I'm fine all right well well well so yeah this is a revisit of a game i streamed years ago now in a bitter better bitrate and yeah all that Jess probably gonna do it worse this time though because I haven't played this in in a while but here comes wait for it Oh somebody toss out the Belmonts defeat of Dracula by now it's a family tradition like a sudden you know when you're when you're a little older it can defeat Dracula like I did back in the day 100 years the forces of good mysteriously stopped weakened thus the bow of Dracula's doors to revive itself his power grows stronger and stronger every 100 years gradual has revived many times however his sinister actions have been consistently tortured by the better nog family and it's like I was like a really throaty Palpatine its water the dogs dad it's been 100 years since the last confrontation between Dracula and the Belmont family but now the serenity of Pennsylvania is being threatened by destructive forces death oh no doc but she's went up there on a dark and eerie night Dracula rose from his grave to unleash his destructive power over the countryside once again Simon Belmont is called upon to destroy Dracula with all his wit and courage he sets out to the store please to track service come dawn you know listen with onlys weapon courage sets out and smack Simon boom you know you know how you know I ghost anyway we're done with that narration and I'm never gonna voice act like that again because I don't have a what I call it throat cord left all right now you know what the most horrible thing so far is I forgot to bind the controls now that's real hard about Castlevania all right there we go all right anyway so yeah Castlevania is a game i streamed a while ago and I'm gonna do it again because I I love it damn it it's a it's probably one of my favorite Castlevania us next to the original but this game is essentially a remake of the original Castlevania it's Simon Belmont and you know it's a retelling I guess you would say remix yeah but uh oh boy oh boy so probably one of my Joel there we go I'm sad I can't put any hearts in here Joel okay is that good enough all right cool but uh yeah that's like the classic Castlevania I think this is like easier than your weirdo Castlevania but at the same time it's not easy general but it's one of the easter Castlevania so again I'm just gonna go on about this but yeah they introduced this into the game the free whip which is fantastic now a lot of people say that this whip stuff has no purpose but this I love this it works like when there's the little Skelly Skelly guy on the stairs and you gotta like just you know Superman a little bit like it works and you can also do moonwalk you know Simon in this game is very uh it's got some new moves and it's great but uh yeah so as I said it's been a while I did this but I I love Castlevania Mark family classic games rather than for the night I love Tiffany tonight but this is what I this is what I call Castlevania I gotta watch out for the skeletons but uh yeah so it's a Friday the 13th today so I figured why not let's uh let's let's do some scary Super Nintendo games and a music oh yes we this it's much more fluid than the other Castlevania it's like I'm saying that he keep this control scheme for the later games let's run up blood after this I think it was or while the Dracula X game on Super Nintendo I searched they they kept this fluidity of Simon's you know movements I was after yeah I know why they chose to like go back because this is so much better in my opinion but I don't know why try to cross for acts but alright like for example like or throws items and you can you know throw items on stairs and stuff like that so you can do that in the original - but you can move whilst doing it now it always like simple convenience convenient things it's just an abandoned I don't know why but but yes I said this is like a retelling of the first game and you don't even go to the castle yet you're in this like men your barn Dracula see the horses and stuff I mean it's it's a what they call a courtyard by the court robes later actually this is like before the castle so yeah I think this game is pretty early in the Super Nintendo in the Super Nintendo library most of the launch game I forget but uh yeah this is like utilizes a mode 7 stuff like well not yet well that's mode 7 weather I think the key with this but uh there's some some new stuff there's a little bit more mode-7 later on the game but it's mostly guys who played this I like well what am I talking about [Music] I know I was just I was just doing castlevania hacks like a week ago when I figured yeah more costerdane it never hurts late 91 are you stomped on that skeleton alright but what's your opinion of this game chat is it your favorite Castlevania I know a lot of you will probably say simple in the night but yeah minions are you know what a penis our opinions we all have one and you know [ __ ] and LG they'll have one on mine stink tula hell yeah it's good that seems to be the general opinion this I'm pretty I'm pretty okay at this game but later on in the game where we get to like the the blood sewers that's when you're gonna see me die a lot to like it gets really challenging later on but for now it's walk in the park and I haven't played this in a while they either so it's a miracle I know all this stuff what you know of the classic Castlevania I've played wrong of blood at least I'm a little embarrassed thing to say but I played Dracula X a little bit but I haven't played the the original run of blood I have played a PSP version on them that's called Chronicle Castlevania chronicles and I remember then when I switch out for time stop alright whatever I remember him in the PSP version you gotta collect a certain orb in run a blood and then you get sip of the night as a bonus game where they redid all the voice acting so like gone is you know Dracula what is a man and the miserable little pile secrets replaced with like decent 40 seconds a lot of the charm is gone which is and I bought on that part of the original dammit if you never heard the original conversation in in seven uh nights in Japanese I highly recommend it's like so different have at you you know what whatever I don't feel like doing that so yes here's a skeleton on a horse and I'm the only part to take damage all right we're doing Rock'em Sock'em robots alright fine wait a minute I got with them in the head that's what it is yeah yeah whatever I got to do this thing I wait yeah one of those things where you got to jump through dorsen Megaman you got to be in the air with Simon when you do this or else you don't get the satisfying ending all right so we're still on a Dracula's castle to your boat oh yeah boy yeah boy your boy yeah what's up for the powerful hands dude the bush man are like the leaf person and they tell you that the you know what dogfish shark reacts to tell ya this little like free free whip isn't good but look at this I'm kicking ass with it let's go down here I remember having last time I did castlevania for I had like tremendous amounts of problems on on the Dracula man the big man himself and who knows sometimes when I say oh I had so much problem with Mike last time when I do this like years later I'm like I'm fine at it but uh yeah what what are these creatures by the way or my demon armadillos are my demons I mean I guess that local fauna outside Dracula's castle but look good why Sonics all right anyway excuse me the bongos you know I think it was actually the CDI games says birthday like a couple of days ago and like it's 20 years now since they were released or something I'm a singer I really should just order myself a a Philips CDI because there's one game that does not want to emulate and it's hysterical uh I don't know if you guys know this but there's a game called Thunder in paradise and it's Hulk Hogan like on the beach like shooting terrorists and a boat and so TV TV show they adapted into a FMV game but it's you can't emulate it unless you actually get the console which for me is enough for me to like dump $600 into I probably won't do that but uh you know it's one of those things okay watch out for frogs it sounds amazing and alright brother [Music] yo speaking of Hulk Hogan I was watching this really weird thing it's like Hulk Hogan playing bass and Vince McMahon is singing and like Randy Sam she's like playing the tuba - almost call but it was like the weirdest thing ever and it's quite infamous it in the world arresting but don't really watch wrestling so I want to really know but yeah what's that thing call again it's called stand back I have to show that later on but when a pretty good pace here and I want to ruin that so oh it's the best thing ever here's Medusa and maybe which version of Castlevania playing am I playing the American one I think it's one of the versions this is like sensor because this looks like blue base can i blue base but uh hang on I might actually die here yeah hang on sorry I was too distracted by bublé's I think the Japanese version adds a little neat place there's no no no no so this is a pretty easy lovely even though I died on items he's coming in at strike two talking about Hulk Hogan here but uh yeah I uh there's a later level which is just like total terror for me it's a one where they drop bets on you just absolutely crazy stuff neatly I might actually use this this time stop to beat Medusa [Music] alright so I was gonna say oh yeah this is gonna be one of those streets sir Joel talks about Castlevania death I'm not talking about death passing like dying I mean I mean Grim Reaper why is the Grim Reaper but law Dracula how can you kill a concept okay here I go again talking about this but it pisses me off every time I talk about it man Fathima you can't can't like kill the grammar is like a an idea I mean so it's Dracula but you know what I mean I don't know man [Music] Dracula's immortal so death respects him so that there is like bodies the ESCO lie out hang you know watch movies and play uno because there's no point where what [Laughter] yeah I agree Merv you coming over this weekend yeah all right I'll bring a few beers his job sucks but uh you know they're friends his buddies alright that's actually a mid-boss I forgot about that you know you know you know I've gotten plenty of emails about Bunco and I've also been informed that Bunco is an actual game but mine is spelled different it's with like a C which is like the the other Bunco is like with a K I think you know you know these looks like this look like those disgusting candy corn I hate candy corn and I'm sure that's blasphemy to say but candy corn just tastes like honey honey and sugar and I am I had a whole bag of like candy corn a couple years ago and I couldn't eat through it I was like this are pointing candy [Music] not a fan not a fan I mean if I had candy corn these days I probably changed my mind but it's it's been quite a long time ago and we don't have candy corn as we can sell yeah there we go it is Halloween soon and you know for diabetic like needs it's going to be a fun nightmare like every year is but uh yeah in a way let's give this castle already so weird that that Halloween like we've gone slowly surely but slowly towards American Halloween like it used to be just All Hallows Eve here in Sweden where we Excel as of course but like back in the day I don't know 80's 90's like that's when it started I guess but it used to be just like lighting a lantern our candle next to our grave and remembering your you're passed away family whatever it might be right now it's it's all about the video game dude if you don't know what I'm talking about is this Google where I used to talk about video game guy costume [Music] but it still is both and I bet that's the same for America still I hope anyway [Music] let's see here let's go through here and whip I'll do that instead I never liked the serious looks I don't know what it looks like but I don't like it the ground beef zone no I don't know it looks like you know it looks like it looks like what we called a jellyfish see what I mean Metroid's it's a nod serenity about this posters like this this is flute flesh cave beat zone area completely underrated unrelated but I gotta ask you know it's been a few years yes and I have zero interest in this and this is out of nowhere I know that but I have to ask and you're probably gonna roll your eyes like what are you talking about Joe just hear me out now again I don't know anything about this franchise but what happened to five nights at Freddy's it is a horror game what what happened to it it wasn't there like a movie supposed to come out wasn't there like whatever was it just like a it died it just died it burned out I guess too many games said in in like one year or whatever and it's funny the only steam review I ever did was of I started for a moment there I started playing like castlevania 1 2 3 I started playing I pressed up ambi and I'm like why I don't need that in this game but uh yeah they won't steam review ever did less of that five nights at Freddy's world thing and I was like this is this is not the target audience for me but I can like understand why people are disappointed but this is weird are these things go huh it's being of like weird things that like just faded out and like what happened to it most metal gear survived he's supposed to come out again was it this year or are we still waiting for it my sir I'm here Kojima talking about it but he only like he just retweets burgers and like airports never had a release they'd never maybe maybe Konami realize that people will hate this so yeah I don't know but Metal Gear survived I love that like to talk about talk about a weird way of like piss off everybody at the same time Kojima left you just have a well oh yeah you know I just realized something Metal Gear survived I'm sure this joke has been done before but okay so what it what is Metal Gear without Kojima it's like a zombie right it just lives on through corporate blood I guess and the games about zombies perfect but I'm sure that that joke has been on like a million times but yeah titles a little ironic too don't you think like it's barely surviving and it I guess it didn't so yeah whatever anyway here's the level I hate that here's the beds I suck at this level you so much Adam open outside my window here comes oh god I hate this level but you know what I don't hate this smooth jazz I was really close can I get through here doesn't this guy drop a chicken hang on come on die that's the only bad thing about using the free whip it's it's a little weaker than your usual thing all right anyway the air it is think oh I need that please there we go I'm doing a little better than I anticipated I expect to be stuck already but I seem to be doing alright actually no that's about to change because these these mermen I think that's what they're called they shoot this like spit lace Rhett yeah I'll point it out and I'll probably die by it entirely my fault however but uh if I did a castlevania string with no dying I would be very surprised and I think I'm actually screwed here I can't go through here no I can't all right fish fellas fish do this creature of the Black Lagoon dudes that aspect that's ah [Music] okay there we go okay now we're going a little yeah how about this not quiet I was I saying I yeah we're doing the game a lot more difficulty difficult now it's getting a little more tougher it's no longer baby Castlevania that'd be a man I need that I need that alright here we come oh boy whoa oh whoa [Music] all right now we're just gonna go through here watch out when they spit at it's over so just go fast that's the best way of doing this oh god damn it I take that back it's not about going fast but I mean I wear what's around you as well okay no more fuck-ups I guarantee it I promise you after this of course see I warned you it's all about that that that bed zone that I hate like the other levels are fine it's this one it's just really hard for some reason anyway enough of that okay go already yes I can give me the eye cool it begins so yeah but anyway Halloween is Sweden run a talk candy one of my favorite candies is called bubs onion bubs a fan favorite now one of my favorite can it's called Bob's it just it's like a it's like a skeleton skull a little bit redundant it's a skull that's half licorice half raspberry Oh [Music] oh my god I still do this no problem yeah all right now we're all us through here couldn't I couldn't I kind of tricked my way in here okay whatever yeah Bob's is the best dibs [Music] excuse me you know what wonderful sort so so nice that was I don't know what the hell kind of soundtrack this is it's like a smooth jazz flute no can I did I did I you screw myself I think I did but the APD baby poop all right this is probably been asked a million times but what do you call Swedish Fish in Sweden all right I'm gonna I'm gonna blow your mind and I've answered this before but do you want the funny answer or do you want a boring answer oh hang on [Music] Bowles you say all right let me let me fill out that criteria real quick or it's a Swedish Fish in Sweden it's just called fish made you laugh hopefully but its truth it's a bit of a boring conundrum but it's it's what it is oh yeah I hate this place I hate this place so much these birds yeah look that's what they're called however give me that however there's a little bit of a special special thing about swedish swedish fish ours comes in different flavors which I know in America they have different colours but they are all the same right all right here we go I got a feed this boss all right thank God for that magical slow down whoa really helps all right no no bad dragon no no no well you suck okay let me see if I can you do this and start laying on almost is just like standing normally different colors in America different flavors - yeah but do you have you have licorice we do that all right now we're in the skeleton zone there's a bone zone where the game gets a little more tricky tough whatever you wanna call it ha - nice [Music] they're like jelly beans man really [Music] I've heard that licorice is in America is a little different than that we have a Scandinavia like ours is really salty and yours is like sweet bright which I can't even imagine like that's why kind of well in a way that's why I like about bub so yeah whatever and I'm knowing breathing this already off stage four isn't that far in but you know correct really there we go look at all this movement that Simon is able to do in this game so we're to go back on the classic castlevanias after this all right I really don't want to lose this weapon sub-weapon have to now if you get three then oh mama oh yes the giant Red Skull I think or what's this one yeah there we go look at look at that look like Bologna salami tongue me alright any like bleats nuts alright so this was the level I was talking about this is where they really like want to show off well in this technology we got Wow so here's the mode 7 level and there's one lonely skeleton ready for graphics blow me let me hold this down while I take a sip one hand ok oh boy oh boy spinny so I can't touch the spikes hang on it's fine it's fine I wasn't prepared for the Medusa's I forgot about them damnit we're fine though we're fine you know what is it when I was young I thought this game was like unbeatable just like contra and all the other game really guys like Castlevania one I thought okay this game is you can't beat it and then like now it's like yes it's okay you know but I can't touch Battletoads or Silver Surfer that I still think is undefeatable let's get through here [Laughter] it's got weird I always wondered why why they why'd they bother with whip upgrades in Castlevania cuz they're always like in Raich you never like beat the game with what I call it the the leather whip hey if you always get the the chain whip within seconds you know I don't know maybe that personal channel if you want to do that I guess Ohio off of this maybe go I gotta say one thing about super Castlevania 4 it's a game that's it's it's fun to die I never really got frustrated this game like god damn I'm gonna stop playing because the gameplay is so solid that you want to play more of its so when you die you're like oh I can do this better now you know what I mean though I think I think if you have bad game playing you die that's like a you get so pissed off you don't want to play it but this is like rewarding you know what I mean ok I'm gonna take another sip here with one one finger on the the bottom here I'm gonna switch over once I'm done with my drink alright slide my other hand on top there we go [Music] now I'm an expert at Medusa and worried about it that's gonna go smooth told ya yeah I got a frit take it real easy and uh you know we a little nervous though art uh-huh alright in a way we're hanging on but it stopped doing that spooked your man alright I just got to wait for this bridge and my boom for donut you know speaking up vampire movies speed on vampire movies no we haven't been speaking about it but let me let me start this topic and you say well I was gonna say we're gonna watch the skier movies later on the vine yard but uh scary movies in general I'll check out that molds Evan if you're not really entertaining it vampire movie I almost slipped into my old ex and where I say vampires but uh there's one a really fun vampire movie I recommend shadow of the vampire I was talking about this not so long ago to some friends but it's a movie about Nosferatu and the movies okay so the guy playing Nosferatu in the movie it's a real vampire and it's like a filming of that movie and there's like one scene where one of the dudes is like you're a vampire eyes like yeah and it's like why don't you make more vampires I'm like I'm too old yeah [Laughter] not doesn't work in way he's got like erectile vampiress it's really good actually I recommend it alright anyway I hate this part that's that squish feeling okay so what go down or up I forget oh this is this is it I'm not sure but let's keep going ah holy okay we're out of here uh wait a minute oh there's more this more what is the soundtrack is just a bunch of like beavis and butt-head keyboards alright actually it's the soundtrack it's pretty good it's fading for what it is bum bum bum boom up a bit bum I feel like I'm going the wrong way it's been a couple years I did this but uh little Tami Timmy on the trumpet eep-eep eep-eep alright anyway I just love this long Oh God now all their deaths are fun in this game you never get frustrated this game let's see here so if I go this way instead hang on and that death is never frustrating Castlevania uh uh no no I think you guys supposed to go down right smash into potato mash there we go see how that goes there can I are are they all the same like I said could do this no no that wouldn't make any sense fine I'll do this then here we go again [Music] boy oh boy this level is a barrel of fun I swear you have to go down on this level I don't know why but I have a have a feeling that I yeah that's what it is oh no no pink spikes yeah this is where you go okay now this level gets a little more hooey it's fine though ah so nice it's a later part in this game where they they do Castlevania the clock tower from the third one and they do a bloody fierce and the level there is that but like on steroids and I hate it you'll see me die a hundred times on it oh boy oh boy all right here's the dancing no stone man okay this boss sucks okay listen I I love mode seven on Nintendo or the Super Nintendo but this boss looks like crap the way he dies it's like slide whistle material it's the most bad thing ever like dick it's like they hired the coffee boy to be like you want to do this just like alright and how does it die here's kind of farts out of existence here we go hang on okay this guy is actually kind of hard if you got to do input oh god I'm gonna die if I used to Boyd oh I couldn't do anything I'm stuck to him but the way he dies is is hysterical he's just like kinda spins to his I hate you'll you'll see what I mean it's weird but the worst boss in this game but a little tricky I think most importantly you gotta watch out for the spikes a little not the spikes the stones I probably hired a Community Managers never played a Castlevania in their life to decide the boss whoo speaking of people who worked on Castlevania the soundtrack on poster on sample of the night she also did the PlayStation 2 Castlevania but I keep forgetting what it's called oh did I just get trapped in an infant sort of oh oh okay I can probably make this back yeah okay sweet let's go down Oh what is that game called like here in Europe it's just called Castlevania it's really stupid okay well this is a waste of time get the real quick it's a curse of darkness it's really good she well I forget what her name is but she does some really good I knew that was gonna happen [Laughter] well what is her name uh she worked on the simple night and place it into it she's really good like no more [ __ ] [Music] that was just amateurish I was a dick Ulis really stupid hey want to be a Castlevania stream without buying a bunch of times huh [Music] alright anyway you know it's copied by the way when I when I when I stream I never feel an inclination to swear in Swedish I don't know why but I guess it's just like I'm so fluent in English I know that's a little bit of a like debatable thing but personally I feel I can talk English kind of coherent Lee but regardless I never feel like when I talk in one language I have to swear in another but if I'm talking Swedish I feel like appropriate I swear in in Swedish funny huh some people actually email sometimes don't ask me what language do you think in Joel I'm like Swedish but what I'm still better I talk in Swedish then what do you call it then English because I you know born in Sweden all my life but shoutouts to uh to one of my favorite youtubers rob us I love that guy's English a lot of people just talk their their language but say it in English if that makes sense like I'm standing inside him oh I was stupid hello guys it is me you will today we will stare him the costs and Vanya and here is a skeleton and here's my tip and I will do a nice YUM here comes the jump there we go and now we will continue to get the the dollar sign in the 12th century and hello everybody like you gotta hide that stuff you got a try oh it's embarrassing to hit listen to that stuff [Music] skeleton hello everybody it is me skeleton don't kill you we'll all right anyway no more mess ups this this boss battle is Rock'em Sock'em robots like it's very got a kill on quick alright anyway alright anyway listen let's continue here [Music] haven't had way more trouble with this level than I thought it's gonna be real difficult later on when I fight Dracula too but I think I think this game is just the more you play it the better you get at it and at the end I'll be okay ish again I haven't played this given a long while so you know I'm kind of warming up okay nope alright my life has been saved three oh my god pixel oh my god the worst the worst the worst huh I was so close to dying like four times oh okay we're fine though we're fine well I was that was a miracle man okay oh that was another like crappy mistake I could have done at least this level is easy but that's still thank ou for that slow down thank you graphical show-off for guiding me through this these dark skeleton times alright anyway it's a little zone was just made to be like wow graphics it spins pull the crap my student [Music] so does Joel like Castlevania for a kick ass of anymore remake hey I love this game you kidding me man it's my jam speaking of Jam have you guys ever watched that Rick Godfather of Soul is called you know sex machine living in America Jase Brown okay ever wash that Rick Rick James total different guy are they both to kind of do a funky soul I think but anyway James Brown interview from the 80s I think and it's the funniest thing in the planet it's like he killed his wife or something and it's in this interview and he's he has to be like drunk or like really high on cocaine or something because he's like what do you feel what was what the hot how do you take that you killed your wife and he's like jam and she's like what like living in America it's like what she is saying does not go through the man's ears what he is hearing is something to call it completely different jam [Music] it's the funniest thing it's so weird it's such a weird interview just look it up James Brown interview I don't think it murdered his wife or anything hat but regardless is very very very weird all right let's try this again Jam yeah that was easy all right again this this this part is way way way easier but alright no more mess UPS man why do I consider be the worst Castlevania probably that fighting game can I say that without playing it am i a lot to dislike games before I have played them no that just make me like the rest of the internet now I I it just looks over here and I remember get again that game got slammed in the in the review magazines when it came out oh could you believe I used to read those all right here comes stone man again and trust me this time with stone man it's gonna be fine here we go here we go that's exactly what I didn't want to happen oh my god he's so difficult [ __ ] [ __ ] I want [Music] oh damn it all so close ah I need up to that's what I need forgot throw axes quicker they'd be so much easier but oh damn it can really see me struggle there [ __ ] just die please why I'm having so much trouble with this level I don't think I've ever had as much trouble man Jesus Jam Jam alright no more mess up spoon okay that that's a problem I I hit the bat they place that bass just to mess with you a little bit just a little bit alright Jam [Music] alright here we go [Music] and let's go all right I have this down you know you know what I'm struggling with this now but the moment you see me play the other levels gonna it's gonna be like a walk in the park get the trakula all right yo so I've been watching some scary movies or horror movies I went back and watch Hellraiser and Matt my god what a good movie but I got so many questions after watching how erasers hell eraser like i-i-i-i've YouTube some Hellraiser stuff I was just yeah that's what I do when I watch a movie I'm like okay what I need some trivia about this movie and blah blah blah and I've watched like the ending over at pin had died some like the 16th movie like there was a lot of Hellraiser movies right but uh oh my god I'm gonna die maybe not here come the stones god damn it guys whoa oh there's stone Manas okay so I was washing of us watching Hellraiser like the sixteenth movie or whatever and it's like they kill they kill a pinhead with like the Sun or something like his he's in space all horror movies kind of end up in space eventually oh okay this is I'm sucking bad at this Jason went to space I think leprechaun went to space right hey didn't that is one bad movie Jason X oh it's so bad oh it's so bad and he did yeah yeah yeah there we go all right this is this is really it I I do not want to play this level more and more like I'm getting sick of it critters went to space - oh really man how many Friday 13 were makes us to bend by the way like this there was the one made by Rob Zombie right and then there's some new one coming out now I don't think it's a remake though but hey hey I don't know leave him alone leave Jason Louise had enough [ __ ] let him rest with the rest of the afraid of Krueger's and and Chuck East and stuff and I let him sleep yeah Freddie never went to space you know that's what we need we need we need a movie with Freddy Freddy Krueger goes to space but here's the plot twist right it's not humans he's like haunting it's it's alien yeah Freddy goes to space unlike planet zorg log and it's a bunch of like alien grace reptilians and suddenly while the reptile has a dream about like not on a moon moon crystals Fred Astaire and goes why the hell am I here I don't know make it work Hollywood I have caught intellectual copyright on this idea that God we need know okay you know we need you know we need we need a Freddy Krueger going into the the dreams of the xenomorph greatest movie ever made I'm not even sure the scene of Moore's dreaming but you know [Music] all right I'm really I'm really sucking hard at this level I know that but Rock'em Sock'em robots man I'm taking so much crap on this level my god now here's the real question what the hell is a xenomorph dream of which leads me to an even bigger question now I know some insects don't dream apparently right or well yeah yeah yeah whatever but uh turn down the volume just a little bit more uh oh Jesus hang on let's say you can okay no no no let's say well I know for animals they dream let's say you can look inside the dream of your cat or dog do you want to enter that nightmare vision reality that I deserve that could you man how weird it would be like a dream dream vision machine do you think you think you can interprets your speech as me else it's like being John Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich pulled me out chief I've had enough you know what this is this is one of the ports where we're having a leather rip is a little painful but ironically I'm doing the best ever at this bar gone [Music] Aereo ere we go it's fine yeah now come on now that was easy [Applause] alder done that to some extent we got enough to know that dogs usually dream of us and cast utila dream of hunting well I can imagine that but okay my whole point of this conversation was basically with this now we know you know cats hunting dogs us let's put this it let's put this suction-cup dream machine on a spider right okay let's for it ya know a spiders aren't insects but like for one second let's let's say that adrià spiders dream - could you imagine a spider stream you know Here I am talking about spider dreams see see what's happening to me a tiny little suction cup for the spider god no I ran out see that I've actually conquered my fear of spiders well it's sort of I bacon was at my place a couple of weeks ago and we saw this like ginormous spider in my basement right and first things first I'm a dude [ __ ] down and we're like took a photograph of him and I'm like I almost touched this but used to be like hey see alive a couple years ago wouldn't even like look at him I'd also be afraid of him like sucking out my eye juice but yeah there we go spider but where's this picture of the spider I'll ask bacon about it we probably will see it maybe all right you can get down here already right yeah I can I listen this is the last time I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do the the stone boss this time I'm not even kidding this is it he's made me real angry don't worry man it's gonna go ba boom ba boom you're down you better believe it man [Music] now the thing is I can't take one hit I need every H because I keep dying on the stones like that's the one one thing that [ __ ] me up nothing here I can get alright nothing on oh yeah that's good don't say that I don't know man but uh yeah my Eric the form is definitely died down over the years I I had I had such a incredible fear of spiders the only thing I really fear now oh there we go the only thing I really fear now is well still but my fear is rational damn it I really fear wasps Miller because I've never been stung you gotta be kidding [ __ ] off what all that's all that's our fun in this game I've never been stung and I always feel is it gonna be worse than I imagined or what okay this is it this is really it I cannot I cannot deal with this right now my god I'm having this much trouble this early in the game oh oh this is this is turkey stuff what okay this is ridiculous get out of here oh come on this is some oh we some real oh here we go oh my god oh my god I don't know why the stone dude is messing me up man no I I do so much better on the oil on this game in like real life than I do on emulators right did you just have a fear of mold a yellow sphere a mole that's more my fear of mold this more what do you call it it's more you Smead like trying to like be healthy and not like it died of of spores more will [ __ ] you up man especially in houses like my god anyway never tell us about the story when I first moved out enter my apartment I think I might have done it but I'll tell it anyway cuz you know we're not really doing anything here except dying over and over again but yeah the first time I removed out III was such a goddamn idiot it's unbelievable it's like it's it's it's almost so stupid it's hard to believe but uh I I have this dumb thing in my head where I'm like I don't need to refrigerate pasta sauce which I know you don't but that's not what I mean okay so check this out III bought a jar of pasta sauce right I'm like well they all they all sit on the shelf it's like ketchup right so I open it up I was done with my spaghetti and I just put it back on the shelf after had opened it I'm like yeah a month later that uh that uh that uh that red sauce had turned into a alfredo it's a miracle I I am able to survive I know look at this I'm not doing too terrible this time I am come on oh god oh god that was now as embarrassed I thought it was over [Music] god no I was one of the biggest mistakes in my life I'm like whoa Jesus all right did you taste see it after Moore was bad listen I I'm an idiot but I'm not like uh I don't have the intelligence of like a a an amoeba okay I'm not the kind of person who forgets how to breathe sometimes all right here we go you gotta be kidding an extremely bad Castlevania 4 playthrough like I am I'm doing so bad I'm like ashamed like I'm what these little mistakes they don't happen unless I'm streaming the first real embarrassing man real embarrassing all right is that a really tough time today with this game oh yeah I think it's a press I'm talking too much and I'm not concentrating what I'm supposed to be doing then again it's not not too much of a writing task to talk while playing video games which a bit of a skill you acquire over the years I when I first street started streaming eight years ago and I know it's been that long but when I started streaming i could not do two things at the same time which i mean it's a little debatable if I can do that these days right a judgment for this poor gameplay but when I started streaming I was like okay talk now move an inch now all right here we go there we go whoo it's like it's like being aware on how to walk left foot right foot left right that was unfair well I got knocked over with a soul or something the skeletons have souls I just notice something out of this level that I haven't noticed before you see the red skinned flesh on the on the tube here that's where the skeleton drops out of I think yep that's what it is skin tube I got to check up on my skin tube it's infected full of skeletons inside all right listen now now now I'm done with this I've had enough of this level and so have you I'm so sorry for this but we're really gonna get through here now I've had I've had enough I've had enough [Music] now call me no common as she's not the comment on the situation unbelievable unbelievable it's slide oh oh you're in the danger zone there brother oh you're gonna get it at the super slam [Music] sorry I'm actually contemplating if I should just like go and farm stuff on this level because I could I need like an extra and it's a dog pretty much two stones and I can't do it but I can do one but it's like one day about gets intense I just suck that was a bad bad bad judgment I like challenging game stone III never I've never been one of those people that gets so angry at video games I can't play him I enjoy a challenge it's if it's fair regarded [Music] all right anyway there are some hard games that I just [ __ ] hate like I I love them this is pretty much nostalgia though but there's not nes game called section Z I grew up with this game right and I I to this day think this game is a harder times harder than them Battletoads and all that because the whole game is just like a maze puzzle and if you [ __ ] up you got a backtrack the entire game it's it's it's disgusting okay dodge two should be able to do this now oh Jesus we're [ __ ] now I like this game unlike it one bit dammit I had it I had that sweet sweet victory oh god oh god oh god alright please save state no we don't we don't see instead of hardcore Friday man you know this here we go it's so frustrating will I ever make it out of this Stone Hill alright I I do so much better on this level - I don't know why I'm so stuck at this part so yeah all right listen man if I could have two on the ax this would be over with already but we're dealing with people with Jesus we're dealing with this now in fact the life can't do anything about Hank just anything get up here okay oh mama mama I guess because I haven't played this game in a while but I'm really sucking bad at this and here I'm giving this whole spiel about like oh you know this game is so much easier than 1 & 2 & 3 but no yeah I'm not really showing that off am i I think maybe if I stand a little closer to the edge maybe I can do this like if I start here hang on well we'll see [Music] okay I was - okay okay this is I told stone man totally stole man sorry he he hurt me what's that mean thinks about me all right now anyway that was the really stupid death I was talking about now now I can play this game good again by stone man all right now I swear to God I really uh every time I play this game I struggle with that guy but the rest of this I'm like any better at I promise you I promise you please or a little baby Joel through actually entering the castle for the first time here muster can a lot not not kind of logically all whether you can die here if you jump down I think not the first time the Belmonts fight with Dracula now actually Castlevania three I should know this stuff but Simon this is like a hundred years later you know expressly and keep the oh hello I'm surprised didn't keep the the hunchbacks in this and the American release but did one really weird change they they did in the NES version copyright perhaps I forget the story but [Music] thanks uncle with knife I guess dagger alright anyway I can be trouble alright no we're fine we're fine oof this is gamer can flip the the whip around yes it is yes it is lissa this soundtrack huh skeleton whip alright we're gonna get into this castle and it's gonna be fine alright stress pee I have full control what's happening here here we go chicken alright Oh speak out from God I have some chicken in the refrigerator so I tried KFC right he all notice and I told this before but uh yo how plan this KFC like the local deli but the chicken is just uh so much better my guys just disappointed with them like oh I saw it decided to try KFC and when I when I did I was like the best part is just the skin I hate to say it but like chicken which is kind of so it's the first stage of the original Castlevania I believe that's what the interpreted this s BRR BRR BRR BRR no no I think there's a thing in here no I never had Popeyes though I you have to remember I Elimelech I'm very limited to a fast food culinary things anytime now no no well I will say this but though when I was in stock might I said this last time I believe but uh those cheeseburgers like McDonald's I swear to God that they engineer them purposely for idiots like me because I I look at this a look at these graphics my sorry they engineer and purposely because you know what they never fill you up and you buy another one and on your second when you're like you know what I'll have just one more like if you just have one one McDonald cheeseburger I you got to be like a baby to be full with it let's see they make this thin like a really thin patty to like I love him though but uh that's the only thing I like about McDonald's really I tried a mech McMuffin with like bratwurst you know yeah bacon was there at the airport with me and he had like ham and sausage McMuffin fine but mine was like German sausage and it tasted like chalk and and sadness with a with a sundae of Pierce it's just very weird I didn't like it at all that's what I like you know I just have the cheeseburgers I know that they work oh I said sponsor Julius would you man if anybody wanted to sponsor my strings the only the only the only small ship I'd take on it's like I don't know at Villa this is what I need after this it works get the bait that sellout all right anyway Gaber fuels Advil then what are you gonna start doing that huh energy drinks with painkillers inside get the golden painkiller and you two can win a year's support Tory of the pain kill three er that's a new gamer energy drinks I have done that in the past well I've taken out painkiller and an energy drink it's a miracle I'm not I'm not gonna die by like 30 I'm having a midlife crisis at 24 it is a creative enemy just it's just a bunch of colors it's just crap all right anyway Joe sponsored by insulin the end there we go go back and look at the floor huh the floor what are you talking about the floor what are you talking about this floor huh this is like a chicken in here or near the beginning huh I don't see a power up here oh you mean like here perhaps no I'm not sure what you're talking about but uh hmm it is a secret on this level I don't know sure if I'm master at this game you're like oh it's right there man I'm sorry it's a hallways secret room I didn't even know about that all right right in my face all right excuse me well I can I jump above here no I don't need to anyway there we go I think there's a secret room in the treasure room though may be confusing it for that my I might I might die here though oh no no no no I think we're fine I think we're gravy like this game is way more lenient with giving you chicken than the other games that's that's one of the reasons this is easier but towards the end though I guess a little bit more stingy but - oh hello could it be this [Music] I don't know now I'm curious to what what do you guys mean but uh nope nothing here I gotta be quick about this no problem where is it well I don't need to throw stuff I can just do this I can do a little spaghetti spaghetti noodle on top of the skeleton and boom I love that feature and I'm like inspecting every every place here wow that was bad that was embarrassing nothing here huh nothing down here so what I thought that you went down there but whatever let's just lose it go ahead grilled fried or baked chicken I I don't know man but I like I like all kinds of chicken but you know I gotta be honest though I don't I'm not a big fan of chicken noodle soup I know you know you don't want a moan a fan of that cuz I try to make it and everything I do he just [ __ ] up just disgusting I think I had too much chicken stock into it I was just like a little too salty for me you know the crack oh you mean us in oh I see the channel ear leads to death okay I see well listen if I die one more time we're gonna do that I see okay you got you go Joe but yeah the chicken noodle soup I I failed horrendously yet maybe because I I like I just try to like to substitute a bunch of ingredients with my own like the horrible Swedish stuff like for example I I try well you're gonna see that pressure level in a second cuz I'm gonna die I try to do macaronis instead of like noodles which is like already ate or there's a thing in the air [ __ ] all right let it no to that but I try to do macaronis instead of the noodles which is supposed to be fine but you know awesome by the way you can't buy stock here in Sweden we only do uh bullion cubes no we do like to throw the chicken stock but it's more like something one you've seen like packages in America [Music] anyway I'm so really aware of that are you gonna see in a second here we go oh mama bullion's no no no no I'm talking about this okay here we go Joel needs a slight break so I'm just gonna show this on screen real quick we have this we have this this is our like chicken stock kind of looks like this and we we put this on a soup or whatever and boom flavor flavortown you know we don't we don't really do they have the the poor stuff so we're liquid you know but uh yeah set what are they called Oh gross that's bouillon's saw wait am i pronouncing it weird or whatever boo boo leone's bull yo nice we have that a Freedomland - okay so I'm just being like stupid then alright anyway alright here we go oh I can totally do this one two three four oh the coffin this guy right here here it comes god I serve that are you dumbass know anyway hey at least you get to see the treasure room this time yeah alright now the good thing about Harper Friday it's on speed speed run Friday it's just that matter of stamina I like being able to like finish a game in one sitting which is for this game it's not that hard it's just it's just a little a little bit of these frustrating parts that I suck at as evidenced hang on I got it love the senior in this game like it's it's one of those games that has incredibly pretty backgrounds very nice-looking game anyway [Music] okay whoo yes sir bourbon ah has there ever been a streamer that talks about chicken bouillon's and like gets killed by coffins at the same time I think I'm breaking new ground I think the reason why why I think this game is easier but I'm not really showing that office because I play this game the least like Castlevania 3 I didn't round like an hour and whatever Castlevania one I can do in like 40 minutes but this one it's gonna take a little longer I just don't play this game that often whenever I do I have an easier time with it so maybe just kind of me Helena what it's called a Mandela effect but this game is as hard as people say it is but III don't know man I've always kind of had like not that much of a trouble some time with it but uh all right here we go treasure room this time let's check it out should get soup so here [Music] maybe the next one [Music] hmm swinging the chain swinging the chain it's gotta be this one right here we go it's on a secret room it's a Mendel effect well okay yeah listen I wouldn't even know cuz III spent so long as I did this but uh I was gonna throw this X please what a lazy enemy it's rainbow death fog watch out [Laughter] alright so I place I can get a 2 here which is gonna be great but alright okay there we go oh listen the sound track isn't it spooky castle overload I love it here we are I kind of kill its purpose Lyra and rainbow death fog [Music] picking police thanks it's their point of killing him oh come on man I don't like it damn it I really wanted that three can have it again please there's no point of killing the ex student at all that sucks that sucks really we can do this part again you know what let me let me do this here whistling for our skeleton skeleton man come on oh yeah I can't whistle I forgot but destroy the cans with your sub-weapons increase the chance of getting a 2 or 3 I thought that was like a placebo thing like the Pokemon often be which I still do but when y'all gets quiet is a little more costly than usual which he really should Oh Mike I'm fine really I'll just take this that coughing is fort about its soul I don't like it how is upbeat placebo you scientifically prove that oh yeah yeah right that's right that's right Who am I Who am I to say the Crips the Bloods skeletons blood skeletons and if you guys want to do a really bad metal bands I got a band for you blood skeleton hey man this this name of my pen we talking about have a better name bloody death Oh explosion right how can you do this actually does his spawn when I okay hi Daddy say I thought you had like like a damage on this guy every time well okay [Music] Seth's I floored it got me there got me there they're more like ripping on bad band names and I have one of the worst ever right granted granted granted site Lord the name came out in like 2008 it's quite an old man named that I always wanted but you know you know listen listen listen guys you don't understand I had I had a choice I could either go with scythe Lord or fork master you know I you know I didn't have that many options okay and the office never given to me I just kind of rolled with I think he has a dancing couple hang awaits oh [ __ ] I don't think I can kill them yeah yes I can yes I can get out of here I won't grant you dance in death you will not have fun in death just like Luigi and Luigi's Mansion is deny ghosts of their you know fun all right there we go I think this is the dancing couple yeah yeah I think so hang on I have to though so we should be fine Oh God oh close though Mamma Mia alrights been a while oh but it's now really better by that what about the boys now they they they gave you a a one up on the wall here every time so you can't game over here really kind of the game developers to be like listen I know you suck at this game so here here's a break so you like to play Castlevania oh not kitchen tables my one weakness scary I wonder if Dracula nice trucks each one of his people like this like alright listen here's what you'll do when Simon comes surround dance on them it'll be funny and you'd the ghost with the the tables you just run over him it'll be funny the worst Dracula's deal it's good sense of humor that I can't appreciate all right away henchman yes from good word folding table oh yeah okay no sub weapon though I don't need one I don't need one man Oh yea-ah underlings I like that now you know my favorite word for like bad guys' it's earthbounds Moops sounds like moose you know what moose is also in Swedish well moose is actually like earlier but moose is actually mash potato mash all right animate I'm not gonna die once on this level I actually make your promise right now because this level is easy I say that and now are jinxed it Arial Swedish lessons with Joel yo you know the best way to learn a new language is if you have a friend who can like talk actual foreign language with you and be like you know this part is sucky but just listen to me but when you learn it from a book or something like an online thing when you can't like question the the teacher it's way harder right so if you have a like a friend who speaks a language you like take notes from him it's so much easier because it's like it humanizes like the alien part of it you're like okay what's all this scary weird stuff that I'm gonna learn and I guess that's why I kind of learned English because I'm like you know this video game stuff well I kind of learned it kind of rough that I just kind of forced myself to learn it but uh you know I mean if you can interact with the language a better that like the best way of learning a new language is just talk to people when you put stuff into practice the the learning process is like turbo speed boom [Music] where the books so big because I don't know Dracula's bad eyesight speedrun hate these dudes and Castlevania free guys get down here oh that's why you don't do that hey guys I won't die on this level dice bad mistake you partially learn English from me okay I need money I need to go you need to go to like a hypnotist and remove my my English from yours you've learned English the wrong way we have trained him wrong as a joke could you imagine could you man if you actually learn English through me I mean you would you would sound like a you would sound like like a squid trying to talk English incomprehensible but maybe not that bad at English but still [Music] we we're gonna call it thought the strange and they were did you guys ever talk to cat did you I mean I'm talking like when you when you when you have a cat around and you start to like just meow Adam back and you're like maybe he'll understand me for all intents and purposes you can just be like talking some really bad [ __ ] to him it's just like what my ass oh oh yeah I hate this part this part isn't very fun blood skelton almost gets in the way it's time to eat ass and just get through here real quick Oh Elvis pixel-perfect you see that okay now I need that book stat no no that's Kelly [Music] I had a really weird idea as a kid I thought that one day one day animals to just learn to talk like we're is waiting for that special day that they've been around for a while eventually what a special day like this dog right here be like hello listen I was a kid I was a little bit more gullible than I was now but yeah it makes a lot more sense with like monkeys and stuff because they're they're so close to us but I don't think that's how evolution works is it evolution doesn't just quick over time you start okay you're sort of getting there however though however though coke with a monkey she can she understands language and you know she can like you know point towards things and stuff Oh sad very sad what what if what if cope with a monkey is smarter than than she actually is and coco the monkey when all the zookeeper stuff go home she is possible laptop and just takes a cigarette goes alright let's watch some stupid YouTube videos in fact yo Coco stop it I know you're out there I know you're pretending for all it probably know for all we know when we're not looking all the animals do this like it right now there could be like 200 spiders is watching my stream you guys I mean I miss theoretically saying if there's any spiders out there I'm cool with you but there isn't you know haha a [Music] alright this part is easy just got to do this hold you the mine is fascinating right mine is so dumb alright does it count if your 200 spiders on trenchcoats yes alright excuse me I took 17 20 years Joel you are now blinking manually Am I well I'm only doing that if you feel the weight of your jaw all right anyway oh this guy's dual art you hang on Rock'em Sock'em robots amber girl once again oh god it's my people pretty bad hang on oh I get through that thing - oh not even that cool one fine can I kind of like bad bad pose I have to ask you something really stupid and this is a very weird question I know but I gotta ask you guys and that is do you guys when you're not doing anything okay okay I know the SEP trick okay now that you said it I can't I can't imagine it what you're not doing anything do you clench your teeth or do you let your jaw kind of like be half open when you're not doing anything but still holding like closing your mouth you get what I mean because I never I never like have my teeth closed in my in my jaw I always kind of like let it half drop half closed closed i clench all the time you know what clench is the wrong word it's it's bite English lessons with Joel y'all by the way I had a lot of trouble with earlier on with with this level this is this is the level that that'll end the stream this level is like the hardest for me I don't know why every time an nightmare nightmare I gotta be so focused on this every time I play this level every time the blood sewers is that one level man it's every time I do this [Music] all about it's followed it a little this and that's all right oh here's a terrible spot that I got through somehow [Music] come on there we go all right ooh mama [Music] okay get got to get through here and that's up oh that was just come on me on all right this is the start of a anguished hell that I'm gonna live through in this level but uh this is on an emulator of sness classic isn't that a bit bit of an oxymoron but okay so Jack a story aside this is emulator yes [Music] there goes but legatus this mini well you could get a get on the retropie oh really I didn't know about that you can you really I didn't know that after the farm owners really Tarma heard about dude oh my god biasness maybe but for the people it's aimed at I think it's like you know cool but listen III you know I save my money for more contemporary important things you can already tell it's gonna be one of those like ha ha moments to get ready to laugh no I I I'm not I'm not really interested in - Nessa MIDI I'm gonna buy something more compact and like more bang for your buck oh yeah shut the hell up Joel how fortunate though that that we are thinking like that that thing looks so good on my like Kickstarter right and oh [Music] god takes a perfect and that's like ready for the revolution are you ready for a new generation of video games and it's just like frog simulator and like tact simulator 2002 [Music] I don't know IIIi obviously never really oh my god that is some real donkey I never had a new year never played on one but I think I think it was lost potential you know unfortunate I was kind of laugh at it now because it's like almost you know I left out stuff in post because I I just remember all the advertisement all the slogans and like taglines for a new product and it just to remember that stuff and people don't remember it my first sample really unrelated thing here that doesn't isn't music or anything like that but a toy rather is about music rather than video games but I'm really into this one bank on annihilator right and I I love Annihilator I love this discography Jeff waters is a is a as a great guitarist loved the songs but uh so a lot of a lot of bands were like cash and nostalgia right and their new album like only for the demented or whatever it's called I saw ad for this this album and I got so disappointed cuz did the ad was just basically Jeff waters takes you back to the first album I'm like why why well the first one isn't the best and it's just this like 80s cash in on the stalled you and I started this album will drop and then the next time will be like oh you ready to go back in time to the thrash days and I'm like didn't we just do that already he's lazy advertised member they're like they don't know to write anything about the album so this kind of like remember this it's like the same thing alright this is taking forever here we go there we go Joel are you still playing in VAR CL afford I need to rephrase that question are you saying do I still make music yes yes yes I do if Ark Scialfa isn't really a band as much it is just me like farting around but with with music it's just me it's kind of how hard is that stop music but yeah I still very much am in the bath yeah a little confused now alright now as I said before I had I have so much trouble at this level it's it sucks you know like the later levels III do better at because III die so much Adam I memorize them but like mid levels like this that aren't supposed to be that hard I struggled with man anyway thoughts on Mead I think I had meat once or twice it's alright I guess not really my my pick when it comes to alcohol I really don't drink that much alcohol I if I can pick this is just like a late thing I've been doing but I like the keel a lot and I was like what kind of a weird like Adam the worst thing but and I asked you mean enjoying tequila I like that sort of like lime lioness to it anyway [Music] you're drinking hard root beer oh man you're badass alright I thought that really funny band thing by the way I I'm not sure all of you guys know the band tank but tank is a new wave of British heavy metal band that it's been around for a while now I are you ready for a mindfuck here you ready for like what what if I told you the same band exists three times on the same same name but they all have different band members and albums and they are all active they all tour the world but they're different it's it's it's unbelievable but but okay so like I forget the story of this but like singer and the rest of the band had a disagreement so like okay I'll do one band and you do the other not even like different band names or like solo stuff now both are called pink and like that there's a third one too it's like hey we're tank to in fact I'm tomorrow might wake up I'm gonna be I'm gonna be tank for I'm gonna make my same albums to this is unbelievable I know but not anywhere thanks you can look at this up on the talam encyclopedia Matt Elam but it's a little weird there's other bands that do this like Queens Reich do the same thing I think they settled that thing though but yeah it's like the same band but like under different legalities really stupid hey how about this how about this make a different band name call it super tanked the original tank alright [Music] Tate's it's not called operation mindcrime ok ok they so that guy chases band name ok see hey let's not die here wouldn't that be nice oh my god okay we're now further than we've been in this game so far it is a nice feeling that is not okay I'm about to do this now so what you got to do here is just cut out you got a skadoodle real nice like this hang on it's actually really easy there's not a great sign it's the Boop Barney death thank you go do that guy huh all right come on right here kill me do it all right thanks whoo mama I was watching some old captain Lou stuff on YouTube when he plays Mario and I was laughing so hard I had like ripped my head enough cable out because I was gonna suffocate but they say there's a video out there where he's like advertising the Super Mario this Super Show and it's the funniest thing cuz it's like [ __ ] holding ten spaghetti and like if you like pasta power you can't miss the Super Mario Brothers Super Show and I'm like why you're holding spaghetti [Music] alright ok this kind of works actually we swear to God look it up I was also watching one where he talks about guns and drugs no guns and knives and it was like it was actually like okay this isn't so offensive as much of this is kind of formative but it's a little funny cuz it's almost like chastising the kids like I'm telling it to you okay well I'm actually through with this level now unbelievably but I think this is where it gets difficult actually okay it okay I'll show this real quick I said this this game is good and mind-numbing for me now but I'm gonna do a B or B after we show this but I just wanted to show this off super quick it's it's it's a good message though you know it's like hey kids if you find a bear at 50 Cal sniper rifle in in in your grandma's attic don't start shooting bullets kill take this up here we go like it's a it's a good message though it's like terra-bull in family but yes she's laughing at it it's almost like he's saying I'm telling it to you Billick I've been there before man that thermo mother gone like dammit I talk from experience alright Oh God anyway anyway I'll be right back [Music] we have you have a fun okay we're stopping now it's awesome [Music] we're back alright sorry about that I had a little too much fun with the piano I'm sorry but when it's that Advil sponsorship coming in anyway back to this I was that great back to actual soundtrack I forgot all right so we got to go by the sound you're hearing is this one skeleton going rattle rattle right on me bones spin the wheel did anybody actually have you played rattle me bones it's very similar to pop a pirate there go excuse me oh I didn't see that coming there you go well what's that camel game it was very like pop-up IRA desk like you put knifes in the Campbell no no that's not what at all it is that's pop a pirate oh my god no you put like yeah stuff on the camel when he shakes them off right they don't [ __ ] kill ya let's put knives in the camel that'll teach him oh that sucks and I want that for this part is super easy all you got to do is this [Music] no problem oh I needed that to heart what the [ __ ] are these games you're talking about I'm talking about like your game games you know plastic you know Sunday school games oh my god excuse me Oh ruff that's Roth and that's this rough man okay whatever at least I know this level better now but that's rough it's not me out all right come on come on we gotta get through this man whatever your whatever like it or not we're gonna get through it yeah it's not to get good [Music] there we go well we all right you ever watched Lupin the third no but I know uh no of it so it's like no point at all going here I see okay cool it's a little spicy it's cool though that's cool too that's even cooler I like it oh my god not my favorite level I'll tell you that but uh you know it's definitely a challenge but a challenge is like little mistakes in this one it's not like huge mistakes you're doing you know which it really is add up over time and that's where you buy those are the worst kind of mistakes you know I'll just take it I'll take it anyway I'll just get through it anyway as long as we're getting through that's all that matters all right [Music] guys I have to ask you a really dumb question now this is a moderately difficult game but what's the easiest video game ever made burn the rope now I'm serious what is the easiest game ever made gta5 clapping for you what's that oh you know what I'd rather not do that okay this time I won't lose much help doing this Kirby's Epic Yarn [Music] can I get over with this yes I can't kind of I did it oh my god alright impressive well that's the sarcasm in chat you guys are funny huh let's list all the hard games you guys are super comedy club deluxe members oh mama you know that was kind of chats collective wish for me to die altogether and you had your wish done there we go Oh NASA said I I'm a lot of trouble with this this level before and while you're seeing it's seeing it up close and personal yeah blame it on you yeah yeah okay you're gonna take this real slow take it slow me I'm like I'm going too fast Rondo of blood God hand I gotta say though God hand like if when you get all the moves and you mash your controls a little bit God hand isn't too difficult it's a challenge yes but it's not like you know super duper difficulty but I still think that the Section C for NES one of the hardest games ever like I I II I you know I play that game all in my youth but I could only good for like stage two like I don't know what the rest of the game looks like and I thought I saw like a speedrun of that some years ago I'm like what there's more of the game except this one level over and over again Wow oh boy our a really funny story about section C though that's but I'm gonna save that story cuz it's so funny I'll say it for for last I save it for last I'll keep the story on hold remind me at the end I think I might have told it some dumb time but [Music] all right full health to us this is good [Music] you want to hear a not so funny story that's is kind of weird and like just exemplifies why I should never like to be able to make choices so I was having lunch a couple days ago end of the story no okay I was at Subway right and I asked I asked the person make the sandwich how many how many sauces gonna get me like as many as you want because I heard somebody say you can only get two I'm like can I get three [ __ ] sure alright I'm like woo potential so what I ended up getting was mustard mustard hot sauce and I think mayo and I I came to the realization that uh more is not better I think it was a mayor something [ __ ] more you know what make you probably remember since he was with me when I ordered the sandwich it was good though but I was like man I wish you ordered one sauce alright I'm gonna get through you know mustard and may are you insane no I'm wild [Music] all right anyway it's got to be careful here man [Music] all right now I gotta get through here yeah Orton where they want me to go with ya one may go down yes so [ __ ] off come on then get out of here and I lost my cross Matthew Frankenstein with like nothing all deaths are fun in this game I wanna who said that what an idiot who would ever believe that are you nuts spicy spicy you know it's an tang get here I wonder I wonder I'm not gonna risk it No thank you I will say this I will say this about subway though it's probably one of the few fast-food places that doesn't make me feel like anguished after I eat it you know I mean it's like sure it's fast food but it's not like horrendous fast food you feel it's like you know not healthy but it's not you know it's not just literal grease a grease bucket what's down here I want to see Oh another one oh I need this I'm actually neither that real bad real what is there a ton of like bootleg Subway places in America well those what's that one place called Cui's knows whatever like I'm real talking on my ass because I don't know but yeah right [Music] what happened that place is shut down or like anything like think your what what am i okay all you bastard that was my cross Cui's knows Christos is actually good okay Jimmy John's Jersey Mike's but no it's all the same though right it's not like different you know not really talking about Subway here because deep down in my soul I know I really would like a he's saying what right now but here's the thing I'm really rock and rolling it with with I won I have a have a loaf in the fridge because it was like on the last day before the the bread would go bad like the best before date and I know it's long as there's no mold on it it's fine right over bread and I'm a little little careful with that stuff but hang on cold water that was my mistake on my mistake but alright I was going to say it's I put I kind of saved the bread I saved the bread in my fridge because I like last day if I put a really really cool it won't I would like prolong its life a little bit and I know I know guys it's like what bread in the fridge you just make it go worse yeah but you got to have that bread there we go all right now I'm ember let's not be careful here man I need all that stuff okay I'll take that too fine so they won't okay one of these you know I'm not gonna touch anything what am I doing this is not the same pattern okay this leads okay concentrate concentrate come on come on night back let's drop down man nothing complicates the knife avoid this avoid this no no no it's tempting I know but you love me while I love you too alright now this is all easy easy peasy can't you just run out on the falling Spears no no not really doesn't doesn't putting bread bread in the fridge [ __ ] it up I think it does but it's it's not as fresh but it does prolong the life of it okay so let's let's see this pattern here we go [Music] so I can do this and I like oh my god I did not see that coming see here so that goes there I can stand on that okay III one of the one thing I can't do on Megaman 2 is that [ __ ] disappearing blocks I hate it I hate this stuff there's no patterns orange eating no no no that that doesn't pan right okay I'm just gonna rock and roll it [ __ ] it I'm sorry that was it that was the sound of like my soul in a paper shredder oh okay I don't forgot what boss this is by tracking Stein it's Frankenstein I can do this to Frankenstein's oh oh nice feelings oh okay okay yeah fine I'd enjoy that Oh first try all right here's the treasure room more weirdly you sick I'm out Castlevania four dozen doesn't have the same rocking it's more like a soundtrack compared to like the rock stuff of the three and one and one too I guess classic ones well by golden skeleton yes the treasure oh yes I forgot I I forgot how everybody gets me out that you call him Frankenstein and I'll Frankenstein's monster oh yes [Music] okay well if we're gonna get mad at that let's get more mad let's go angry you guys want to get angry all right guys Super Nintendo or SNES or let me let me [ __ ] with you Super NES uh uh we can all agree that that's not how you say it super Aeneas uh I don't think so I don't think so one bit I shall this shadrach's kicking us what am I talking about anyway we're gonna get through this me on look at me go look at me go bah boom I'm the best ever at this I invented it I made this game I made it from like sand and sticks and glue that constructed this game I did like Tom Sawyer made roller coaster tycoon he just made it in machine code that's not a joke by the way he Akana did I wilted into existence seriously how the hell did Tom Sawyer make rollercoaster Kunitz unbelievable okay for reference I talked about this before but the man made in an assembly which basically equates it he is like brought a bunch of oh not a Chris are you know Tom Sawyer [ __ ] rush yeah [ __ ] Chris made it in assembly which is like zeros and ones hey let me make a game just pulls up notepad and but like Babu roller coaster tycoon guy is an actual genius me Friday all right a little sloppy back I have on the floor comes down I don't like that feeling a family isn't exactly zeros and ones ill yeah I'm not I'm not saying it's like it coated in binary but compared to like c-plus and stuff like that II it's a very a hard computer language to like make a game in don't you make like calculators with assembly not a game I mean Ceyda sing them all these spooky spooky ghosts all right anyway do that again I've they died way more than I thought on this game I really I I can i in high school I took like HTML coding do you think I remember anything of that nope let me tell you something that's hysterical we did HTML coding and we're supposed to do a hotel site where where people could click on it and like book a hotel room I swear to God I got away with the stinkiest thing you know what I did I like I just went on instead of like listen to what the teacher said you know what I did I want on YouTube and I and I Google a tutorial how to do like clickable a button and I got top grade for it and I'm like I don't deserve this I do not Oh God [Music] I'll tell you one thing though that the most brutal thing I ever did in high school was I worked at a furniture store nothing was just like free labor for him because all we did was like assemble furniture and they all they did was like smoking me like yeah you guys just do that for us yeah I'm like okay I don't get paid not one dime oh yeah here's some okay that's one of the secret rooms I think yep you break that door like up here I think or whatever whatever that's [ __ ] something here can break you [Music] guys imagine a world without Google and and the internet how did people learn [Music] mama mia pizzeria baby's got the diarrhea all right but bulck bulck a what what is what is this Mookie thanks may we go down a lot of Google sisters since Calvin keeps slipping down he's like oiled up any of you guys want another band name lubed up skeleton they ready to bone there we go oh mama okay now he's jumping into enemies just like ridiculous what am i doing there we go we're gonna get through this man I guarantee you soon sooner or later well we'll do it so it's been raining a lot here in Sweden and IIIi love it I've said this before but I love raining right and I'm just like in heaven not it's raining so much but the problem is that now it's raining so much it's getting colder and colder and it's just I'm prolonging the inevitable because eventually we'll have to deal with the snow and that I'm not so much looking forward to limit oh there we go blast the ghosts Louis I'm here just hearts okay but no one will need it man any of you guys living like the warmer climates in America you never get snow I envy you [ __ ] I could really do without a winter without any snow I'll be wonderful whenever I saw the movie babe as a kid I'm like wait a minute they're celebrating Christmas but there's no snow they'll always fake they forgot the snow what are they done same skeleton same death every time this love was kicking my ass I don't know why I'm a man getting a little sleepy or something but uh yeah I I I'm doing like the super bad at this oh mama oh that's just sloppy he thought it was beginning to stop II all right let me let me have a drinky here see here's the thing about Swedish people let me let me talk about my own my own sweet sweets us sweets are never [ __ ] satisfied maybe it's not maybe it's just a human beings in general but the thing is when it's too hot here you're like oh man wintertime will be great and then when our time comes they're like oh dude summertime will be great we're never satisfied flute Ariat movie with it better this time there we go same in England yeah it's not so much of a Swedish thing I guess but uh okay here we go no more bats I'm gonna run with this from you man no let you do that unfair alright so I think the strategy there is to guess sub-weapon and like start throwing [ __ ] early because yeah that doesn't work out Blair Blair so guys got your Halloween costumes ready or ideas um I'm seriously contemplating this more and more and I might break an old tradition where I've sworn I would never do but I might do a a one-off facecam stream is get a Skeletor cost human like play games isn't technically facecam because I wanna be like in shot but still there we go it's a good thing though it's a good thing that I mean costing cuz I don't want to like see I don't need to play scare games to like frightened you if I just was like without it masks on you'd be like go out take it away oh [Music] yeah all run okay okay no more no more [ __ ] well yes it has a problem I don't have a sub-weapon that's why I keep on dying but now I do but [Music] all right whoo okay we're gonna do this here we go finally can't even get out yeah I got chicken out of it there we go okay start throwing subwoofers immediately when we go down okay let's reach it you gotta be kidding exact same one Oh Oh God oh oh they really mess with you here Oh God they mess with you here out of here whew okay now we're just at liquid gold come on come on mm come on come on watch out for the suckholes man this taking a while oh okay we go and then we go up here okay I still remember how to do this it's this is where the secret pressure room is hang on no just uh it's the cross with nothing else okay uh-huh I do help hang out yeah there we go oh so much better so much better oh no no no Simon Oh everyo that's the that's what I wanted nice it's by one of the dancing coffins all right good strategy just teach him a lesson you know a little bit of this it's like bad dog no no there we go speaking of dogs you know I have a crippling fear for something that's so ridiculous and I don't know if any other dog owners maybe maybe you and Chad who owns a dog can answer this but and if you get like social anxiety because your dog will start like growling at another dog and you have to like awkwardly be like with okay so what I'm trying to say here is uh I could never own a dog and take him out cuz like if he sees another dog I don't like strangers right and I don't want my dog to interact with another dog and I have to be like yeah that's my dog alright and he's just like pissing and puking everywhere the moment I see another dog on I'd be just like let's go the other way maybe well I know piss and puke dog it makes good conversation ya know but not if the other dog is like eating the other dog [Music] okay let's see here I have plenty of heart still but hang on could this be it so it's not point on this oh my god here he comes Oh bye no point whatsoever so he's just standing there for like remind you that he exists I see goodbye Paul Castlevania three oh boy oh boy no this takes me back right so a little bit more please set it though but I can't jump up there man I think about I might have to do is a reset way up that's what she'll the card you know what here's what we'll do and I can't wait too long oh the suck hole stop it all right I think this is where it might be so we lure this guy out come on come on that's it weirdest okay it was easier than I remember okay the good good good good good okay now we have okay I would love the three or something here but it'll do okay now we just can't die just cannot die please okay okay no more chicken that's nice but I don't really meet it on our you're straight up Castlevania three okay yeah you know what want to start struck from across this I mean I have it so oh isn't really love scrolling right yes just like Castlevania three yeah no no no god damn you here it starts here we go boys we're on such a good way we had the cross and everything oh this is gonna sting this is gonna sting and I'm gonna be stuck with like the bagger to do this oh what a haha what a mess alright I mean I can go with pressure room twice but man nah wait wait a minute that's like the wrong one this is where the yo yeah hang on get in that wasn't it okay just one time what I'm having a brain fart here that's not weird is okay hang on you know this is one time only thing I think yep yep yep what happened to Larry the Cable Guy Gator dude you didn't have its own like burgers like chips nothing or bread [Music] [Applause] okay we go that's a better way yeah I like this a little bit better [Music] hate these things taste hate him he still around he died okay we have a little bit of a conflicting opinion yeah he died but he's still around he still performs she's dead though but that they bring him out of the coffin every once in a while I'll be like Larry tell some jokes classic it's like a tag line to was it the one Jason Statham movie okay I just had I had a radical thought you know how they have like Holograms for like they're trying to do a deal hologram the Dame over Tupac could you imagine when they do like comedians in Holograms like a Bill Hicks bill a village hologram oh the irony hologram of me okay yes the boss I believe yes okay here's the bat I don't think the bat is that hard I think we start early we can do this better this is basically the Castlevania three boss he splits hang on come on little bits and then come yeah yep get her dude get her dude yep [Music] get article post implying you want to just be a soundboard or a stock game play up exactly maybe maybe this hologram Joel is even better much better extreme because it doesn't pause the game to tell a unfunny story every time you all right you're almost not almost done but we're doing major progress that soundtrack you okay Oh mom I turn it up [Music] now you better be dancing along man all right then very weird flute them here you'll hear it hang on comes out for this part I think they [ __ ] heard the song a little bit I wanna hear this first actually you know what it's a play instead ok night ok was unnecessary here come sister flute I like that it conjures up images of a of a new day sunrise with Dracula being dead it's quite quite artful isn't it [Music] okay whoa close one man see these these are the levels I remember the most because I was like stuck Anna forever when I was playing it here we go okay well I think count your play a really hard game and then you're finished with it and you're like that's it I didn't have any fun with it but sometimes when you're playing a difficult game you need to realize this is the fun part even if you're not enjoying it while you're frustrated you're not gonna have a good time when you beat it you're like [ __ ] what's that all about was that [ __ ] I just wasted my time with this game and sometimes those games can be classics and you're like this is missiles and so good this is just a frustration it it cost me pain I learned nothing of this now I never play this game again whoa I don't know what happened there but okay I forgot what one of those gains were but hey I think I wash I see and it was some Hana me or something in water I was like it's a [ __ ] waste of my time [Music] there was something I sat down and watched and I we were like recommending it to me I say like it gets good later on and I'm like all right and it never did I was like okay was a waste a waste people always say to me hey man you can't criticize something until you watch all of it I'm like okay but sometimes you just get a feel about something you know I mean like you get that feeling that I won't really enjoy this and that feeling is carries over and you're like alright but listen it's gonna get good soon and it never does it just never does Oh world of warcraft world of warcraft there we go hate that key I'm serious about that - I can't I couldn't stand World of Warcraft all my friends were playing it had a miserable time felt like I was working a second job absolutely loathe every second of World of Warcraft and I'm sorry if you had a good time with it you had something I didn't I I was just in agony playing that game most of the times when I was playing World of Warcraft I was like having I just playing with the mouse and with my left hand I had it cupped with my chin going all my friends were playing it it gets good later on Joel it gets good later on Joel whatever dude it gets good when it gets raids you want to do rates with us Joel never did hated it hate it like that that cogwheel as one of those a few games where I really really I'm I really stand for my opinion here I really dislike World of Warcraft and I all I remember from World of Warcraft these days is like killing mobs over and over again and this is before quest helper mind you so we just like okay where do I go now grind grind grind I got more fun playing like [ __ ] the Anarchy online than I did the world warcraft i think TBI and like runescape had a more impact on on on the fun levels from either in world of warcraft but here's the thing though it's just my crappy opinion and if you had a great time of warcraft more power to you i I just didn't I I just did not I I don't know man anyway oh boy oh mama yeah I deserve that after that whole spiel about the world Warcraft all right you know I gotta say there was one MMORPG that I played that I actually had semi fun with and no no you have played this no no you have played this but there was an MMORPG called drift City drift City and it's exactly what you think it is MMORPG both with course I remember anything about it except I had fun with it photos Korea name or PG side like you know drift city could you die is it possible so oh my god if duty snow city alright well I think I think the problem with world warcraft it was one of those things that really got shoved in my throat and I and I I got so sick of hearing about it that I played it with a mindset of all right I'll see what this is all about I I think I if people played World of Warcraft less and bitched about me playing it all the time I like could you play with us Joel I think I would have a better experience but it's when people don't shut up about how great something else that's when people love something and that that's why I'm like when when people talk about something it kind of well it depends what it is but if they I guess it's more of a fan base ting like the Joe Joe fan base is sort of like that unfortunately but a lot of fan bases are like that and uh it kind of drives me away from stuff unfortunately and I think it case for most people too there we go I deserve that too Dragon Ball Z fanbase is the worst I don't think a GAD Dragon Ball sprites in the 90s that's like that's just common anime knowledge you know but yeah I think if you're trying to introduce a friend to something do it lightly because World of Warcraft for me you're like George the best game ever I'm like okay and it was the best game ever every day so when I sat down I played it I was already pissed off I'm like oh let's just kind of house stuff this and it doesn't really apply to anything specific you know oh okay we're I'm a learner relearning this level there's a really hard part coming up by the way it's not this part but uh see the thing is I think one thing I'm really really for me when I hear about how good something is I need I need a description of why it's so good I hate it my people say oh oh it's just it's awesome Joel check it out I'm like but why I'm a fan of this well I also enjoy things I don't know but it's awesome if people could go out of their way just describe it a little bit more I'll be like oh sweet dude you know [Music] it's hard to do that without spoiling I want to say so when I checked out Jojo I was like keep my listen when Georgia wasn't like really that popular you know it was like in 2012 you know it's still whatever but the thing about it somebody said oh yeah you like this to the north start you'll enjoy this I think I'm like oh yeah like Fist of the North I'll check it out took me awhile oh but it wasn't just all JoJo's awesome because it's awesome and there's a bunch of memes about it that gets me off from something I'm like Georgia was never not popular well in the West in the 90s I guarantee you it wasn't this media did some translations but they kind of stopped halfway all right okay okay you know tricking out okay terrible mistake I need to clear this guy first okay I remember dying a lot here horrible flashbacks listen uh if you want a abridge version of this all I'm trying to say is if you enjoy a thing great but don't don't make everybody around you like have to get into it at the same time what's that all expression but at the same time I also want to say another one which is it's okay to like things or just like things but please don't be a dick about it oh god okay okay I'm gonna die now right now we're still alive okay whoo I don't like ding well you're wrong Joel everyone must like here are some item addict for you I can make an exception everybody has to like mine I managed three that that's that's that's it's not you just have to alright listen sorry but if you're not if you don't enjoy necromancy and Sandro you're not my friend anyway oh boy this boss is pretty easy I remember like it's it's not too hard [Music] well I'm gonna fall down how did I predict that my god I saw a mile away [Music] easy easy peasy he's random response I know that but so let's just immediately start throwing away a little bit of Rock'em Sock'em robots but it'll have to do ok ok this is fine I believe if I can just whack him to the head hang on begone shoo shoo shoo ok Rock'em Sock'em robots once again here we go no I saw that coming to last life so it's all depending on this man oh mama spawning your spawn here please ok you know I'll stand here I'll stand here then I'll be knocked down into the okay and it's not bad spot to be fished dodge the flames okay let's see spawn where I am you see this okay shoo shoo hang on please I got a bad thing okay that first and then throw myself back okay this might be a okay spot to be [Music] it's not the most brave way of finding him but can I just do one of these it'll take a really long time but uh it works ah genius we gotta be more careful of the the toilet paper than it is the actual boss here my god all right shoo shoo boss no no I can't believe this is working you cease normal attack yeah I could but this is also like eliminating a lot of the stuff coming my way well actually this and but it's working that's that's what matters okay please oh you know let's be brave about it there we go and to do this the real way here we go worst boss battle I'm my god at least we can do a cool ending here though please like F I guess the biggest enemy there was the time limit Dracula mmm music alright anyway all right oh mama mama wait I'm sorry [Music] one of the few cases where facecam would be appropriate as I'm dancing around my apartment like an idiot [Music] clapping it to a do you a little like extra flute stuffing in in this game which I I really like please please [Music] there we go beep beep boom you know what no you know what let me let me do this I can't get me if I'm flying genius [Laughter] they'll never get me okay I gotta be smart about this last one I think that's him okay so listen this this part of the level is easy honestly like the next part is a nightmare it's hard as far of the games it's not this part but the this this part is just fun the bats and you just got a run just run here we go that's what I'm talking about there we go you can ever quite catch up to you are there we go alright so this part sucks the music is lovely though but this part sucks okay I can't stress how much this part just sucks it sucks like a vacuum cleaner it's through a black hole I hate it this part is nasty the rotten thank God for this amazing music Bell but tonight can I know okay so I have screwed myself now I can talk get up he's waiting for death my Mac okay but don't worry though captain joel is not gonna let this ship sink kind of let the ship fall to death no no no no okay please and then we wait for this stone man let's go alright now it's already kind of ECGs got out oh my god alright it's been pretty gravy so far it's it's this part that just sucks hang on get up just get up oh my god alright well I'm still on this level I know you're watching it okay here I'm getting a better at it though oh okay well why it's when Castlevania becomes a Sylvania now oh god oh man all a good part about this I can enjoy the sweet tunes once again alright I can actually go down here yeah I was kind of pointless oh my god hello how was your day chant I spent like 20 minutes falling down stairs and like skeletons I spent skeletons okay I had a miserable day helping out whip help me out whip shoo-shoo okay and see elephants I regret I got through here man promise it look look at the scene in the background look how beautiful lettuce wonderful look oh that parallax scrolling ah gorgeous the frame that on my wall man wonderful oh I wish I could whistle all right listen Louis I'm gonna Ace this first try not even a joke look at this Loomis ba boom ba boom classic you haven't played it yet Liz Liz Liz Liz boom ba boom corner of shame [Music] classic okay though that was a practice run I'm serious this time though everything you saw before that it starts now though because that that was just uh meet me making a joke see it listen listen this is the run I don't care this is where it gets real [Music] okay classic have employed it did okay [Music] oh ok here here okay here comes to the real suck everything you saw before this was just whatever I hate this Park this if you like getting like spike through the heads there's like it's not cat oh man I my English is is falling apart yes because I hate this part so much mama [Music] spaghetti zone I'm fine I'm fine I will be fine chats pass the controller first ride well I mean I wasn't lying that much about that I may sit but you know okay I'm talking anguish let's call yeah all right we can do this it's all in the mind man okay I don't want this voices but I don't like it okay all right here we go here we go listen I I said it before we're gonna do it again boom this beautiful execution beautiful practice for years okay feet Oh execution frames Sunday school look at this look at this [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] burner Oh Mamma Mia and he goes were [ __ ] double boom and he goes for that [ __ ] kills and I go for the stone man stay out of your stone man and now now it comes the [ __ ] desert look at okay now now here comes the real challenge always ready he's real ready for this ah okay here comes the challenge okay okay okay okay I might actually do this if I don't [ __ ] up okay here comes the challenge not die I wanna eat this game okay I can do that again though that can do it [ __ ] slow cook this game now I'm gonna put in the [ __ ] slow cooker and make the [ __ ] soup out of it you know what I'm capable of I'm better watch out this look at this mama this flawless classic I didn't worry about that guy look at that it's not a for even cook it born all right there we go okay here we go [Music] okay I'm gonna have a [ __ ] heart attack I swear to God okay it's not the worst part of Louisville yet boys it comes in a couple seconds trust me oh my god here we go it is the [ __ ] here's the [ __ ] it's coming it's coming it's coming Oh gonna do it yes Oh first time oh I can't believe it intact okay we're fine here's this dude what's his name swagger I know okay we're gonna do this no more a man I got this oh and I was pissed now it's best no it's best okay damn okay get out here pterodactyl bad bad start bad start horrendous tort alright well we're good so far but it's that Rock'em Sock'em robots round at the end that won't mess you up man Oh another one thank God you start here Cena hell Mike alright I'll beat this guy again okay that's not how you do it tear a bird it's not how we do this boss you shoot safe states for your sanity all we don't we don't do that on honker Friday man all right here we go what Oh bad bad man that bad bad bad oh right on top of me all right this is not a way of doing what am i doing like I remember doing this way easier thing got it like manipulate where he spawns like yeah so starting with now yeah okay I see [Music] it's gonna get me now go man go Oh Oh going okay oh mama mama mama it's so close so close man okay this is it I don't know more mistakes okay oh mama okay see if I can get through this and not get hurt which I am like an idiot where should be fine at the the second forum now going good so far good derp oh that attack sucks okay she doing man whoa mama okay now I have this I have this I have this man got him whoo all right okay now the second guys in the heart at all I know that's slaw da guy bomb that his name yeah there we go is that enough chickens you think all right no sub-weapon side of the right here it comes this guy was so downgraded in in in the same from the knives just that regular dude but it's not a regular base like a mini-boss oh oh oh here comes the fire I think a little bit better than I thought actually [Music] all right now he's pushed red means bad I'm gonna do this on my first try I think so the dream is dead oh that was just on the cusp okay I think they're ready Murr you're not dagger but you plays a vampire with super strength yeah I guess you could say that which is more of a testament to Simon's a strength in this game I mean these take takes down Dracula and Alec are just like you know he has to struggle with them too and that's how we see woman oh no no no no I'm gravy all right now I got this I got this I don't have this [Music] oh you're down ooh skeletonized all right let's go beat up death oh you guys ready for death oh boy I might actually do definitely my first try I'm not even kidding about that it might actually happen he's kind of way too he's not like Castlevania 1 we'll see though I think I've gotta stand here hang on no no mmm death yeah I'll be doing death to my first try here welcome hey I can I can battle this right now you know here's a secret trick you ready here's the thing all right so the few people know about this trick if you want to beat death really quick or it's more like a shortcut to death looks like this [Music] [Laughter] anyway jokes Oh sloppy sloppy these sites man that that that screw up its it's oh my god look at it look at this look at this oh dude I that's not it's not easy at all what the hell am I talking about that it's like yeah easy PC get out of here uh uh uh uh local man killed to death all right here we go I think I like stay and do this and it'll help hang on yeah yeah that that's what you got to do here we go can't get the sickles now all God that the third one screws me up Oh God okay no no no we're still a gravy sort of comes I'm not Morse ah more more more more s'mores I know you're gonna do it death he's gonna come come wailing at me with that that shock attack hang on I'm surprised you haven't done it yet it does this like thingy we can stay here in one spot and not screw this up oh here it is here it is uh I got your anybody Oh so I've killed death knell by by dying it's time for Dracula okay Oh turn out the spook factor now huh okay mama one of the still works give me the power mummy all right let's see if I can still do this man I'll show you the holy water instead on this guy but all right so Castlevania one Dracula is easy with holy water third one I kind of struggled with a little bit but this guy hate him it is it's not orangey but he's difficult every time I I want to do it every rule here it comes now it's been a while so I apologize for sucking the first time here but okay now it's all about this time we fight Dracula if we get some chicken on the fireballs it gets so much easier trust me but yeah that's not happening look at this look at this I'm already getting destroyed here oh yeah you're going to fire start start throwing man oh yes I would beat him we just gotta gotta keep stuff in motion all the time and spawn right into me and okay okay okay spawn into me no okay you know I'll really appreciate I would really appreciate a little little health okay hey that don't matter man give me give me that give me that thing okay I can probably do Dracula this did draw my MA oh this is gonna suck you okay we have one more try at this [Music] [Applause] we're dead we're [ __ ] [Music] can I do it on the first try oh my god [Music] [Laughter] okay damn outflows I'll got cocky I got cocky I got real cocky and got real cocky and it [ __ ] us up so close so close almost almost alright just like Castlevania 3 yeah exactly it's like that stream quirky you got quirky see see if I got that one electricity thing or the little orb that floats away that is a chicken if I got that one we'd be done on the first try no here we go I'm gonna start running immediately okay it goes up - yeah I forgot about that okay that doesn't really work if you shake it around like that it's quite [ __ ] sorry yeah yeah works a little bit better I'll give it a get the chicken [Music] there it is give me the chicken there you go if that spawn on the first try we would have been out of here by now but no no a good spot good spot Thank You ruff always a bad spot oh boy oh boy oh boy I can't chocolate drink it sweetie do you know that okay let's start throwing now oh I need that too give me the chicken in the chicken oh they're perfect okay we can't lose now but can't lose now in fact this is gonna be like anti dramatic and not not at all entertaining cuz Joel's gonna like do it on his foot I heed my words I heed my words [Music] the look of shame I looked away from the computer I want to see what you guys are saying God that and I said I said don't get cocky oh man confidence is a slow and insidious killer yes absolutely local idiot sweetest [ __ ] dead hey okay okay that job is a little little low you know sometimes I here we go here we go bah bah bah bah the oldest it listen Dracula so it's up for you man I know I'm clicking with my tongue and doing that wink but I am here we go here we go he's gonna spawn middle all right Dracula's toast this time there's no way in hell man okay this is not looking so good but I need that I need that this - now - chickens thanks for the two chickens Oh three chickens now I mean this is absolute orangie but there we go these flames aren't that bad but it's just the other stuff Oh Baba but my mama all right come on oh I'm gonna spawn in him no no Dracula I was gonna suck okay I'll take it I guess what does Dracula have like electrical chicken and you being a little kind now aren't you okay now this time it's gonna be a piece of cake all right let's try you ain't seen gameplay like this man when the game plays on this ba boom it can't defeat me now man oh this is beautiful beautiful please can't die now can't just can't die now man it's unbelievable is lose please unbelievable please it's crazy town [Music] mama mama [Music] can't do night I need a moment I have to chase it coward [Laughter] you stink Joel after all that chick can you chase it like that sure did I sure did well yep listen after all that crap I just serve that victory man how many peas almost at 500 oh oh you guys are being so cocky right now that you know I can do it twice I can do it twice super Castlevania 4 password Dracula I don't I don't I don't need no I don't need no crap alright boom I can do it again I kicked Dracula's ass so hard I can do it twice alright hang on alright here we go let me just reset this I'm gonna do it there's a little lame there we go reset game no cheese here we go career uh hang on the UH need to see super Castlevania for I don't think I need one right just press Start okay you know okay so we need Dracula is this this heart and X okay cool alright listen I don't need I don't need no no pausing I can do it again in fact I'm gonna do it so nice I'm gonna kick Dracula SAS and listen it's gonna be beautiful boom like this Lewis look at this look at this not only huge cross oh yeah I'm gonna and I'm gonna use cross look at this I'm not gonna use cross at all I don't need cross I don't need cross man let me cross it all man [Music] sucks but I don't need that cross [Music] you can do it Nana it's all in the mind [Music] yeah yeah kick your ass Dracula this is my house okay Dracula whatever okay rock and roll man rock and roll let's go [Music] [Music] ooh mama oh that was close though come on all right oh it's close one man give me some credit all right all right jinx it all right I can still do it man I need one more try at this one more try why didn't you use cross because I got something to prove man there you go you expect the Harker Friday and III play easy model hell no these can get some lucky chickens all right not in Dracula please that's not the one this is not the one I think yeah I don't think this is the one we're gonna do one more but well I never seen never though I don't know I didn't feel that one and I feel that one don't count yourself out all right and I just to prove that I I don't I don't need no cross I'm gonna try to not to get it but are whatever here we go oof you will eat a whole computer if it does it with one HP alright there we go so all in the mind whoa mama all right yeah yeah how do I stream the same here for four hours because games are fun man all right anyway oh man whoa this might not be the one we'll see I'm gonna spawn right into me and I kind of kind of predicted what Dracula's gonna do there mmm you wrap an awful lot kick punched it's all in the mind right and spawn in to me this time which is good but [Applause] [Music] there we go I get to divine your [ __ ] already I know who suck no somebody's not getting an invite are you gonna prove that I don't need that believe you've gotta believe all right here we go here we go whoa I have a scratch scratch my eye ooh scratch my eyeball am i late it's I know it's my jumping is like annoying guys I will stop doing that now all right but you got a jump for dracula's you got it you just got to do that what can I get it up there we go that's that's a little bit better all comes down to this oh god no I [ __ ] it up already oh that's small may forget a chicken maybe oh I thought I jumped over that but Oh spawn into me nope I need that I need that Oh Oh Greg killed Lisa okay I need that won't do alright okay okay yeah let's see how this ends [Music] and I feel good oh god I hate those things mmm chicken god with our people do okay we can't do this [Music] farts [Music] ports [Music] now that's the ending we wanted to see I think I can breathe again now whoo my hands are [ __ ] sweaty huh all right now that's the ending we want right even a cool ending to eat a computer down to eat that computer boy all right oh man that was intense I seriously I don't think my heart like beat once we just like deep not going ding ding oh mama [Music] all right well everybody that's hassle Mina for I had a lot of fun doing this I did this for three thirty four years ago and now we're doing it again and I think every time we do this it's it's clutch sure and clutch here you know but uh yeah man I sucked [ __ ] tonight at this I like I was getting stuck on that dad one love with the stone man but uh yeah man that's uh that's a game that's uh but it was that's a science doc I know Tzu Chi that's a science mmm Eclair the spikes on one show that's true Kono's so I might do some more Castlevania this month we're in October spooky games all that stuff so you know same fun in the night Namie but I'll tell you one thing I'm definitely doing Castlevania 2 before sim for the nights because I feel like game never gets strained and I feel like there's some brittle called patched up versions that's a little bit better pipe on plenty castlevania fighting game I probably do that I can emulate it right you should do a Harker afraid of super ghouls and ghosts maybe maybe definitely not as hard as the original mama I'm gonna have a squirt of sriracha in my mouth to celebrate cheers everybody I destroyed I deserve this I feel alive [Music] hey everybody but uh yeah Castlevania for classic game highly enjoy its retelling of the first game but I think the first game is differently someone this is very different too but uh there may be aesthetics in that you know but uh yeah I love this ending too it's it's very uh it's very like I remember all this stuff you did well you conquered it remember it's not a lot of funny though that Simon has the default whip on these bosses this level is [ __ ] I don't like it mm-hmm you'd love to see me play the original Resident Evil all the way through that's definitely a candidate thank you for kill going back and killing Drac you dude yeah you're welcome oh that sounded Masanori Odadjian leather whip only run it's hardcore Castlevania bloodlines yeah at all dude I forget about Castlevania bloodlines great game great game one of the few casts of anus on the 16-bit era that's like very bloody - it's great but uh yeah this is the scene this is the part I'd love this what about forest in the background everything who so beaut beautiful super voice so it's it it's this mmm die bond or slugline pterodactyl ma'am total director it's just John Ferran oh no [Music] that's Laura this diamond [Music] yeah I am three Carano it's coming it's coming you need to play Friday 13 for the NES I did a hawker Friday oh that a couple years ago we can look it up very very tense game especially at the end you're like oh God one shot Konami Cora Cora koi okay presented by Konami ba-ba-boom all right anyway uh I need a like stretch after that I think I seriously make my heart froze when I was doing Dracul at the end hey remember when Kaname was good yep different time now let's do it again and it was so here's Castlevania four it's a little different from the original Simon has some new move sets I like this game I stream that three four years ago and and yeah now we said we're not even at the castle yet we're like at the courtyard I'm just kidding I'm not doing that again but I wanna thank you for watching Castlevania four with me and enjoying it got a lot of fun with it but we're gonna switch games here now we might do another hardcore Friday the 20 what what is Halloween again you gotta ask American Halloween 31st started first this Tuesday all right so there's potentially a scary FMV Friday and another hardcore Friday of a scary game so we'll see but uh yeah anyway cool stuff I love this game and I hope you enjoyed me suffering in it but cool stuff man anyway I'll be right back sit tight and the game called party hard coming up so you'll see
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 57,749
Rating: 4.9134617 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, hardcore friday, castlevania, super castlevania, castlevania 4, snes, super nintendo, konami, dracula, walkthrough, treasure, boss, captain lou, vampire, horror, frankenstein, clocktower, clock, death
Id: q7yWCGrUphs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 46sec (13426 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
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