[Vinesauce] Vinny & Friends - VR Mini Golf for Charity #1

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chat i'm so sorry i am so sorry i interrupted myself uh surprise that i know you were watching that don't worry you'll watch it after this can you hear me you can hear me at least right chat okay hi i'm so sorry there's no communication today i rushed home from the studio so that i could help out uh gear and zot's charity so yeah i'll tell you about it in a second um i'm just going to see if i can get over your toolkit launched it's been a while since i did this um vinnie go way we were watching vinnie i'm so sorry listen this is um an extra anus circumstance i believe they're called this is one of those things where um after i'm done here i swear we can do the rerun again and it'll be nary's trick if you haven't played this before you're in for a treat i i hope it's good no monday cyberpunk uh cyberpunk has been delayed yet again don't worry about it cyberpunk will be eventually you know it'll be here eventually i promise if you give me just a second i'll have this all ready i didn't want to get too far into the replay before um you know before stopping the madness so hang on a minute let's see if ovr toolkit actually still works because it's been a while vinnie you sound different yeah i sound different because i'm in vr chat remember vr so i'll tell you all about it give me a second now um i'm gonna join in to to uh gears thing there's a charity happening right now okay and you can go to twitch.tv gearomatic for that it's for um it's a it's a gamer charity okay gamer's outreach and if you want to watch there you can watch there if you want to watch here i'm just going to do a couple rounds of mini golf maybe an hour um then we'll get back to the gary's mod i'll even watch some of it with you guys in chat vinnie you sound humber okay all right all right all right all right all right um let me join in here that's fine yeah you know hi guys hey ben do you know i made a poopie i mean we all do that occasionally well that's not in your pants you're cool man you're feeling it yeah i mean i'm not feeling it actually that was a terrible thing to say although i got a punch [Laughter] now i'm gonna tell you guys uh thank you for having me here i interrupted one of my um one of my replays i didn't even know it was happening because i didn't communicate so i interrupted myself and now i'm in vr with you guys so yes sweet um do should we should we um back up then do i just join the the game that you guys um have yes you'll be a spectator but we can restart the the okay let me start i'm gonna try to press the room name now and then hopefully that works also for those that don't know i'm here with um gear za and hooty hi hoodie it's been a little while how are you doing oh god you have to mute your mic in the game as well um i'll try to do that oh i backed out how do you do that so there's a menu button somewhere and then on the menu is an option to mute yourself i can't find the menu oh we have to go out to the main menu i think um it's not what's what's the menu button on on index um so it would make more sense for us to all back out i need yes on the index it is the um lower of the push buttons what is that b a a is the menu button okay one second everybody i know this is infuriating uh chat a is menu yeah oh okay i see main oh i'm muted now yeah yeah yeah good yep there so we're all going to hit main menu and restart this okay okay chat you should now be able to see [Music] um we all we all have to leave and rejoin so main menu yes we have to rejoin the okay so i'll put up a screen because there's a password yeah yeah yeah please okay yeah i will start it right now well i guess it doesn't matter who goes back in but as long as we're all out yeah yeah please chat wait till you're ready how's the volume sorry guys volume is good all right cool thanks chad i'll i'll be streaming like actually like streaming something uh this week as well just so you know so okay vin original gothic and select play around okay i didn't i didn't see hootie in the match though beauty is here right there okay all right yeah i'm good so i've never played this do you want any tips or tricks or pointers or no no okay so i i have am i up right now yeah yep oh the the club conforms to your like arm oh god that's so weird oh god gear you're you're ahead oh yeah oh my god oh this is spooky okay all right i kind of get it already oh hey hoodie why are you up there whoa what's up dude how'd you do that no hey i'm up here bruh [Laughter] if you hold your club up in the air and then hold a stick up you'll start flying upward what i can't do that so wait you hold the stick up in the air and then you press a button or you just like analogy you hold your controller up in the air like you're pointing your golf club at the sky and then you hold the stick up there oh my god and then you yell rat farts fat farts uh is this a new meme that i missed no have you not seen uh caddyshack um dude it's been years though i just watched ed wood today and bill murray was in that so nice wow john geez i am going to attempt to turn vinnie up a little bit yeah i'm again i'm i'm i just like figured everything out vr again in the past like 20 minutes how do i do this can i yep you can go through the you can go through the walls um if you hit the right trigger you'll re like attach to the ball right trigger yeah thanks yeah it puts you in a perfect spot yeah this isn't that perfect of a spot my friend i feel i feel very disembodied and weird right now but also this ball is right in the so corner is an option to rotate as well i don't know what it is on the index okay it helps move stick yeah well it's my turn okay i'm sorry did i do that no you no you can't you can't touch the ball no but did i distract you no you're good okay your gear's always sending me like unspoken uh hate my [Laughter] lol my dog just shit his pants said a chat member that's why i don't stream anymore no that's fine i get it your dog wears pants that's cool um hey john fulsos can you tweet that this is happening and also uh let people know it's for charity so john while i'm here can you tell people what the charity is yes so the charity is for gamers outreach um they are fundraising to build what they call go cards which are basically crash carts with video game consoles and controllers and a screen that um can easily be brought into hospital rooms for children who maybe can't get to the game room or have to be quarantined or um for places that don't have game rooms and stuff like that um to help them with their healing process um so we are at 1880 um 80 wow crash cart costs about uh 3 500 so a little over halfway to one cool all right yeah getting there yeah if anyone has a couple extra bucks dollar or two hi zot yes yes oh i if you want to know a good go good way to move around yeah it's a is that our that right trigger will actually teleport you to where other people are playing too although put me in a statue so maybe you're looking at my ball this is so spooky too this map it's a good map this game is fantastic by the way once you get used to the controls um it's it's definitely one of my favorite vr games you know i'm just having issues golfing with one hand that's the problem yeah i'm kind of doing that now [Music] yeah eat dick i mean uh i mean donate to charity everybody sorry guys i'll i'll behave common mistake donate in my chat to get a link or bit.ly slash herezot 21. uh here is capitalize zada's capitalize and g and o are capitalize and go very good very good link you should find a heavy tree branch or something to hold as you play this um i'll just go get a heavy tree branch real quick dave that's just go grab one of your weights like you know like a dumbbell uh implying i lift bro lifting is so ten years ago you don't lift dude bro bro come on so i got a lot of work to do um to get good at this i think less less less power is always less power [Music] fairly sensitive to your yeah don't worry i only owe 12 dollars from the warm-up round someone said can you increase the volume of everyone else i can who's winning uh it's literally even one hole right now um me because i got a hole in one whose turn is it that's yours yes oh almost all right that was cool there's a wild yes your turn you have the power right by the way then that's a good power you just gotta aim a little better yeah triple bogey or if i was australian it'd be triple bargain oh sorry sorry sorry trial trial by fire everybody yay thank you guys for donating i appreciate it vine completed the hole [Music] we're gonna hit that secret bonus tunes uh oh n uh good yeah i'll play at the end of the stream not not during stream yeah yeah [Music] wow nice nice to see even the great gyromatic can fail at this game oh just you wait i either rock this game or am trash there's no in between you're golfing like me now okay all right i got to put the uh the margarita down thank you so much guys salt or no salt oh by the whole 18 there'll be plenty of salt okay i figured i figured man where did you buy two hot dog suits from yeah gear uh i'm gonna be the grape guy hot i got my alien from amazon i mean that makes sense they have everything yeah but at what cost i mean well how much did it cost my alien was like 150 bucks that's how much it cost okay oh no it's not as bad as the uh the cast iron oh come on i did just fine on this hole before you got here oh was it was it like 200 i don't even the know the secret incentive is not phasmaphobia nor is it another hot dog suit you gotta have yourself dog suits three [Laughter] i gotta get one with ketchup and one with mustard anymore with relish you're forgetting mayonnaise do they sell hot dog gloves where every finger is a hot dog so i'm saying you be answering that with real hot dogs you can do that with real hot dogs good yeah yeah i guess that's true i like how no one questioned mayonnaise on a hot dog i mean i think that's a thing so yeah i guess so it's uh it's probably in like butte oklahoma only that people do that it's a local tradition to put mayonnaise on our hot dogs in in a place that may or may not exist it's a tradition gotta dunk it right in oh boy some people like to put it on the side of the sausage i don't agree with that in these parts but you know upside down mayo only okay great grandfather jebediah dipped his hot dog in there every day he lived to the old age of 32. oh 32 oh shit [Laughter] thank you guys for donating i really appreciate it whoa we hit secret incentive okay that'll be at the end of the stream [Music] okay here we go mario golf time i'm gonna do the waluigi chop if i get this [Music] all right what'd you say here uh i got a report that the people's pop-up blocker were not letting them get the donation link properly so just keep that in mind if you were attempting to do that is that me that's you that is you let's see if i could do it correct this time [Music] nope wow they keep rolling in thank you guys here we go yeah yeah no no we don't go that's all right just do what i did last time remember yeah yeah yeah exactly as you did last time yeah i got this i got this it's not gonna be oh that's pretty all right that's good yeah yeah that's good angle not bad see this is something you won't get out of real golf you won't hear the other golfers like going oh good job buddy i can't here's the problem i can't golf clap because it sounds like this yeah oh just sounded like yeah pretty much nice nicely done i teleported onto the stairs and i was like oh i could sit on the stairs i'm really glad i did not try don't do you try to speak sweet nothings to the ball as it rolls okay here we go oh man all right your your power's right on for most of the stuff yeah but here yeah your angle dangles whose ball is this that's a pic to pick that up pull back on the analog stick as you're pointing your stick at it and that's a hidden ball that you just unlocked the ball oh you can change it in the main menu and um there's one per hole cool in between each round or between each hole yeah there'll be 18 hidden along this one okay that's cool i'll keep an eye out you're a mean one mr cringe sorry posting all the time so i found all the balls in this course so i'm not really looking you ain't getting any karma you have failed the ratio mr cringe not bad not bad i wouldn't retweet you i wouldn't retweet you that's good i wanted to work in something about seven proxies but i i didn't yeah that's enough there's a lot here i've been thinking about the mr cringe bit like i i wrote those lyrics in the car on the way here truthfully so yeah come on wow yes wow good job dude [Music] let's recreate better look for the hidden ball or just not at all oh this game did get a new update yes there's a whole new course that hopefully we will play next i'm actually really excited there you go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right i want to do that 3 500 we all make a whole mr cringe song for halloween yeah i can't i can't promise that listen if there are lyrics i'll sing it i know what i'm writing i got the first half i got the first couple lines i'm ready for the rest good job [Music] oh there's a ball it's right here cool rainbow rainbow i'm i'm telling you i mean they're really good or really bad at this game it it like all flip-flops i'm curious to see how this hole shakes up oh job oh this is a multi-tiered course oh oh yeah oh man thank you guys for joining oh well we already hit 3k very good thank you we're almost to a uh a go-cart 500 short [Music] you're doing a great thing for kids i've just been listening to the donation jingle this whole time like it's just non-stop right let's see that was mercedes ball going oh yeah he went to the left side again that's had a pretty strong spiral going into the hole there well that's all that doesn't feel good no why do i feel i feel like uh like a hot sauce in my stomach right now [Applause] so you go come on do something good get in there no all right i'm dead yeah that's fine yeah i can make that work is this pre-recorded not this no chat member um though i did interrupt myself from a pre-recorded garry's mod thing but that'll be later don't worry i'm also going to be live again this week with something maybe cyberpunk probably not never again how in the world you can continue to play that is beyond me at this point hoots i just have to see what happens to keanu chungus i mean it's fair yeah i'm at the very last uh event of the game i just can finish it now so you know what carried me was the glitches oh yeah i could see that yeah for sure [Applause] bar nice par thank you nice on [Applause] still cannot find the ball and hold in a hole number two number two three two three yes three oh my god that that is a long putt it's tricky all right let's see what we can do with this we were all on fire when the first time we were going through this and then i joined and then then it all went down i went to hell yeah i just cannot oh wait wait hold up not bad mr cringe joined no hootie i swear to god i i woke up the other day from a slumber and i just wrote into my phone notebook mr cringe and then i woke up i looked at it like why did i write this so so i guess i had a dream about this particular thing [Music] you can't believe me yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa look at the wall there come on come on oh that's pretty close that's pretty close that's good all right all right all right what's all the shame except for this hole i think i'm doing better than last time i think you are yeah several hole-in-ones did not hurt whoa look at that almost good almost was on path man find them secret balls all right how's your long game remember up here you got this oh there you go come on dude oh my god almost that was really really nice long book and on top of that i'm not even upset that was a great shot ah of course but hootie is upset yeah yeah yeah and there goes my minus one my turn here we go here we go here we go yeah what's that bird yeah that's the bird yep that's the bird such deep lyrics i i know that song really that was like a counter culture you know anthem don't you know about the bird [Applause] it's almost as deep as mr cringe no i am mr cringe what don't you understand about that chat member [Applause] was that not in your 100 top albums no mr cringe or bird the bird is the word i guess surfing bird this is me i think so yeah yeah yep oh wait that's good and i just that was a wild swing that was a wild swing what oh my god nice work he's ascending what the fuck sorry for the language all right it's too hard to make a new yorker not say the f word especially when it's in enlightenment yeah i know pure pure happiness [Laughter] oh oh come on oh my god you did it oh my god for you to fly yeah we're in the high flyers club now [Laughter] [Music] i'm just gonna just not think about it no it's not a bitch tell me i'm the only one who's not getting all in one i thought i was special oh we we got us a match now then uh let's see uh yeah it's getting it's getting pretty close well some of us uh pushed you could probably see me up in the sky vinnie look to your right left somewhere oh yeah you're massive yeah yes my tiny my tiny club i'm fine with that yeah yeah uh let's put some more spice on it shall we put the spice on it yeah put the beans on it you're all right okay all right i'm not putting the beans on it i'm electing no beans no beans it's too much let's see that's just the right amount of beans i think yeah hmm wow going into the sky is really cool i think it's my favorite part about this honestly i mean the golf is amazing but omniscient vision like like a greek myth up in there nice thanks okay all right [Applause] check can you see chat when i do the chat on the wrists no okay [Applause] shut up crows damn crows oh this one's neat okay um i don't understand it you gotta go down there all right fuck or not okay now this gives it gives me some skee-ball a few things right now let's uh just do something like that that's real good yeah right right that's a margarita right there yeah i was catching up the gear dave and busters yeah that hole in one really helped in the last couple courses of you guys yeah does vin know that sora drops tonight um no i forgot about that actually [Music] that was close dude yeah sora i'll check them out eventually do you care oh wow that was nice i care enough to see a new character at the very least [Music] i played smash uh the the piranha plant was the new character oh my god okay but wasn't that the first new character i also haven't bought any of them so it didn't really didn't really do me anything to play you know yeah [Applause] ah just a golf ball hanging out in the skull where's that hoot right over here it's an eyeball eyeball ball oh nice yeah i like this one there you go come on get in yeah okay there you go there we go whoa whoa oh yeah only 200 to a card we're close um i agree there needs to be a chaos mode with collision and everyone just going hilarious sword fighting sword fighting with your golf clubs oh we're on this side weird yeah wasn't sephiroth supposed to be the dark part of cloud's heart fuck i hate that just goofy voice 24 hours reciting kingdom hearts lore details in the beginning there was only love oh i hit the bar you raise the bar through the bar [Music] minus two i know [Music] how do you switch ball oh after okay there you go all right looks pretty good [Music] i don't all right i can bank it don't hit the bar i hit the bar again the same bar [Music] i will need water now oh goodness how am i supposed to know where the uh the angle is uh okay so between there got it all right cool hey thank you guys for joining yeah if anyone is coming to my channel at the moment if you want to participate in the charity go over to gear's channel it's twitch.tv slash geromatic it's um gamer charity what's the name of it again gamers outreach i keep forgetting i know it's gamer something i know what they do but i always forget the outreach part we uh raised enough for a card so i'm very happy about that nice yes well you know what since we did that i will show you my incentive which is an image of me as waluigi from dave and busters oh is that the one you put in chat earlier can i show you yeah give me a second i'll pull it up okay here you go you're a mean one mr cringe that's me surprise charity incentive all right let's see if i can make this work [Music] oh oh that is very good well that was nice yeah i'll take it [Music] vinnie sell that as an nft you joke but you can actually trade your your um your points at dave and busters for nfts now confirmed look it up yourself nintendo really messed up not making amiibos nfts as well yeah well i mean technically they are nfts they're nintendo they're nintendo's fucking toys nope no i'm really glad that we were able to at least get one of those because that's that's fucking great yeah kids that i'm cussing about being happy for no i mean you're so happy that you you're really happy you know just expressing emotion oh my god what's that four times now three times i'll donate to the swear jar don't worry chad just jump down [Applause] just just uh just jump right out at me i don't know what happened oh there you go okay okay's not bad okay here we are oh interesting where's the scoreboard hit that button that brings you to the big you know what i mean it makes sense in the sky and it looks right okay hmm so i'm plus two because i i my early stuff was terrible that was cool all right all right it's nice being in the lead for about 12 seconds he did the same thing come on the thing's got a little lip on it come on [Music] nice i don't know if these all sync between each other [Music] chat is arguing about nfts right now so which to which i would say you're a mean one mr cringe you trade the nfts do you own so many jpegs [Laughter] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] back over here now [Music] okay don't choke this oh oh my god [Music] it's cool there you go all right [Applause] nice okay nicely done next there we go oh i like this one it's the stockade yeah yeah that's clever this is a very good game yeah this is a great game never mind i hate this game yeah that sounds bad that sounds about right bye-bye all right somebody gotta make it through the stockings that's awesome feeling calm right now chat i will give you all one hot dog with mayo if you stop arguing about nfts right now need uh what was that the distraction oh come on yeah yeah i kind of saw that coming all right i can't see where the hole is or just yeah yeah it's close enough i'm gonna get a hole in one oh yeah man the pain is palpable [Applause] there we go okay that's a little better oh yeah all right i'll still get par though we'll get par that's okay that's a we'll work with that what is growing out of the ceiling here oh i knew it hit [Music] oh it's going to go in the other hole oh that would have been cool there we go not too bad oh gear oh my dude here watch how it's done all right [Laughter] just let him pick it up and talk all right you got this you got this i got it there we go yes wow all right yeah yeah yeah it's only a triple bogey i can come back from this guys listen it's i can golf real good i believe it oh that's an interesting one oh wow huh [Music] hey thank you for coming oh okay yeah yeah i wasn't here okay cool i got this there and blink believe that believe hard believe it's not hard enough damn it too much too much grace not enough uh fury the sound and the fury come on in thank you there you go and with a nice litter yeah that's good yeah okay no blow yes stay good very nice very nice very nice yeah [Music] oh hidden ball [Music] [Applause] vinnie you're the only person who's made me want a vr headset i didn't even know i wanted one until last year but this shit's cool i haven't done a whole lot of vr but expect phasmaphobia soon because that game is also a great vr game [Music] i heard i got a lot of updates since we last played yeah i i have to have a better playroom because when i get scared i get jumpy yeah as a gangly fellow like myself i don't need that my arm going through my 144hz monitors [Music] i cannot play that game not not even a little bit higher would would you would you be willing to play with a bpm meter gear me oh hell yeah i would too but yeah i would be my heart rate would go emergency crazy why is his bpm 360 what he's just spinning around 420 bpm this dude's a gamer sending [Music] hoodie what what headset do you have i have an oculus okay yeah yeah probably gonna sell it at some point and try for a index or something there's um some rumors that there's gonna be a better vive and a better index at some point soon so might be worth waiting and seeing where the market goes yeah that's probably a good idea so someone would say there's calling like the vive flow yeah they're doing their own take on the quest i think blurry yeah there's always rumors that's true there's always rumors i mean there's metroid prime trilogy rumors there's switch 4k rumors there's everything no baby please switch 4k we've got 4k resolution they can't run at 720p no no we have new technology though why why why yeah 2008 new maybe pokemon legend arcus [Laughter] no voice acting please 4k argues [Music] yes i am a traditionalist yes 4k 4k but we're keeping the original game boys guys these trees are made from sprite baby the coca-cola competitor i'm telling you 2023 we're gonna see in march a switch switch to they're going to call it switch 360. [Applause] [Music] oh oh that's me all right let me stand hold on 16. hey there's a ball nice wow that could have been worse it could have been better hmm someone in chat said a round switch is a knob nintendo knob coming 2023 i mean it would fit with the rest of the the names they've used oh my god sales of the nintendo knob are remarkably low in the uk knob would like to play i could eat a knob at night oh bounce twice on that oh bricks oh that's tough that's tough [Music] okay all right i almost went in the sand trap [Music] oh yeah that's eagle baby wow very good round good round not bad that's not a ball [Music] this is where we overtake gear it is time good luck oh yeah we got a long way to go wait never mind well that is actually sand isn't it oh come on baby please huh all right nope there's the ball great why did i just see myself golf oh you can hit a replay replay i'm not seeing how insanely lucky i got with those brakes yeah yeah that was a that was much it's a bird no it's park i have the most points so i'm doing the best yep that's how golf works everybody it is it's a beautiful thing [Applause] just to distract your gear okay so through the railing and yeah okay i see is that a crack that come no it doesn't okay it's just that cool let's see where are we at [Music] i mean that's possible but yeah whatever all right it's not no railing no railing yeah i just goes okay that was close yeah yeah you don't want too much power on that one yeah okay just enough that was just come on why are you posting golf cringe bro yeah seriously oh man golf cringe all right i'm going to potentially risk my not lead here um so we'll do the vr cable dance yeah i'm doing that right i'm untangling myself yep same do it what the fuck do it what the fuck oh if we have time for another round i want to do quixote yeah let's do quixote quixote themed yeah yeah windmills and stuff i believe so i actually haven't played it again you're posting much cringe all right i'm going again okay do it go for it no yeah it's going far too fast you almost got on the other one almost well i think that's a hootie win yeah [Music] i think so feel that deal [Applause] very strong start though [Music] there you go okay [Music] no reeling hype very final ball he's in deep enough no no no okay i might as well just go normal now i guess now that would have been real cool that would have been cool yeah yeah it's not cost yeah for sure wow oh there it is around you oh that's even cooler is that what is that oh it's a pumpkin oh it's cool nice yeah thematic [Music] it's like chattering teeth in an index clap there you are there you are like the very subtle astroturf ball rolling noise i want to hear that nope didn't hear it alright so this is skee-ball whatever you get is your is your your uh score for this round oh dave busters yeah i literally was there last night with mike we did dave and bustering take it and we and i did this exact thing and i did the the hacky sack where you throw the the hacky sacks into the rotating circles so that was fun okay yeah dude okay oh oh oh oh oh oh oh what is what's up there bad that's bad oh it's full of well it's just par actually okay i don't actually know [Music] that's uh that's a nice eagle i needed that sun colt oh it's a hole in one all right so all right hoodie that was amazing wow came back yeah i was i didn't have a great early game but four dollars for me um zod is six dollars uh and vinnie i'm not doing this nonsense no worries i'm going to put the swear jar money in don't worry i got you i got you yeah so no power for that one um something you got to hit end or main menu or something cool so choose your ball on the table here mine were little rockets um and then when you're ready the far right qihote valley hit play then this is your host can i use the eyeball are you guys okay with that i'm taking the jack-o-lantern okay oh i was gonna take that i'm gonna choose a different okay i'll go back to school no you can do it that's fine that's fine that's fine go for it okay okay okay are we um doing a full one or just front or back nine how do you guys feel about time i'm cool i don't know let me just check my uh monitor real quick i like how they split into front and back nine that's nice 9 20 eastern i have 40 minutes that's about a hole yeah yeah oh yeah okay i can do it the full one yeah sounds like it all right yeah it's fine it's fun i enjoyed this way more than i expected so sure wow this is gorgeous holy crap you all need to find the one because this is a new course and none of us have played it okay wow oh windmill already holy cow yeah we're just wow this is amazing wow oh going to the zoomed out view wow damn okay zoomed out view is oh my god this is amazing i'm getting teary-eyed oh wow they outdid themselves it's like the shire i want i want to be here as a hobbit as a manlet all right oh man all right boy eggplants okay has anyone found the balls yet um not yet i'm searching i'm looking for him i see the eggplants though [Music] it's in the planter box right here nice one okay oh there it is music here is really good too wow i saw a tweet i think there's three or four more courses in development right now cool why did this game come out like this totally like flew under the radar for me it was originally released on the oculus and oculus only and then they released it for steamvr on steam so that's probably why it went a little under the radar at least in our realm how is doom 16 in vr oh i've never done that but that seems like that would make me nice and sick oh the doom vfr or whatever the 2016 one yeah i got a vr mode i remember yeah yeah vfr i remember that was shredding video cards when it came out so you didn't play it like new world reports you have to shred it up figure explode but yeah i've seen reports of 900 serious cards breaking from that seriously wow yeah well yeah well i got a voodoo graphics card so i can run i can run double vr hey i i sincerely miss all the the the sick characters they had on the box in the advertising fight i know it's different i do too anymore i do too that is the lightest of taps and it was not worth it breath of the windmill yeah sora just released well on behalf of those who've never played kingdom hearts i'd like to say congratulations out there to everybody who got sora i just want to know isn't sora the dark part of the smash roster ball down here oh come on crap that was robbery [Music] yeah okay then the vineyard ball reminds me of the the never soft logo oh yes tony hawk was really it was really gross when i was a kid because i was like ooh gross what does the ipod wow oh this one's almost like easter themed not really like um no it's uh what's that the the bear movie with the the lady that's crying with the lady that's crying yeah he's got like she's got flowers in her hair the bear and she's crying on the cover mid-summer yeah that one oh oh i got it we already got this one right here yeah i got that one i did not they've gotten three so far yeah there should be one right over here too do you remember mario golf how you could like taunt while people were golfing in the gamecube version waluigi would be like i don't remember that actually that was a good button they got rid of that button it's like in mario party we can spam the button you're cheating you would say [Music] i'm gonna play the game sitting down no this is a bad idea i'm not gonna do that [Music] a long putt get it come on back now for anyone just joining be aware that this is for charity you can go to twitch.tv gearamatic and check out gamers outreach that's the word i keep forgetting gamers outrider nice i am not pleased about that bogey yes i like the dissonance we've had from the last level to this level too yeah yeah the tone you gotta be kidding me no oh all right okay that that ball will never be found oh you have to go you have to use the blade [Music] okay i'm so glad i hit that as hard as i did oh that is just not fun okay oh my bpm just went right up there the heart meter for this not phasmaphobia yeah yeah there's a ball in this house it's a smiley emoji it's crying oh my god that was really good the edge of them now i get to mess it all up we gotta watch gear i gotta watch gear yeah yeah you have to watch this this is going to be you got it nope nope this looks good oh wow okay none of us messed that one up a little safe but that's okay where was the ball at in here up in the corner oh the balls in the corner yeah in the house oh and the rafters nice [Applause] oh yeah okay ignore whoever's putting to go find the smiley face ball good all right cry laugh cry laugh i want to like chill in this house like in real life this is cool like especially right here this is like a nice spot got some garlic on a plate all right oh i can see this is not the last time we're going to be dealing with windmills that's a pie you think oh it is a pie what do you think was garlic right here oh yeah the whipped cream garlic yeah yeah that oh the house is a level what so wait where's the hole oh it's right behind that wood you can see it oh my god right by that two by eight so happy i'm not going first an alternate path to the right too my vr just is messing up okay oh i had not enough light in your room that'd be why okay whoo i was like getting pushed over for a second okay all good i'm going for it but you go underneath the bed oh you have to just corner it oh zod you did it nice to utilize the ramp that much say hey man nice shot hey hey man filter do you remember what the rumor of what that song was about do you remember that room ah no i only remember they went on to make do you wanna take my picture the prevailing theory um at the time when that song was released is that the nice shot man the man in the nice shot was uh nirvana front man kirk cabin probably i don't yeah it's a little messed up too yeah make it hooty come on replica all right all right all right we're standing i'm sending you home go home ball [Music] oh okay how are we nice yeah here we go okay they're very great let's do it spoke with the trees oh no oh no i'm ngbj to be fair i did i didn't take my time with that shot at all was that me i'm starting to feel like don quixote who is that you could theoretically hit a straight shot there theoretical golf physics i mean that's what they are [Music] that's that's all right as long as i mess that one up i hate this game oh that's nothing funny about that angle [Applause] is done birdie all right take it oh yeah nice you could wash your hands with that one yeah i'm a hot keyboard you could wash your hands and then go to the grocery store hey these are the daves i know i know [Applause] [Laughter] hunter that is that is canadian and uh just the funniest middle-aged woman canadian voice just constantly talking about killing people we're going to hunt some witches eh that's best spot on make the magic happen i've kind of uh i got too frustrated in your beans there dude yeah i kind of got frustrated and kind of gave up but i'm i'm good i'm good i'm only plus one no wait no that doesn't make no i'm seven fuck oh you might run out of strokes oh oh oh [Music] oh no moving on get edged on the ball you're a mean one mr cringe all right ball here oh fall there okay yep actually nice i don't know dude brave soul i'm thinking about this one yeah i don't really i don't like being the guinea pig on this one i think you could do it i think he could do it man i think you should you you hit you hit the ramp you got this one so good i have a different idea we go all right push it push it real good nope there you go that's the michael meyer halloween shot okay yeah yeah yeah why not sure i don't know if i get that reference where's the where is the ball at nope did not go where i wanted it to it's a trixie one okay gosh darn windmills knowing the grain and all that i tried i figured hey it would be worth the experiment there was no uh i'll be the guinea pig for the weird shots if you guys want me to because i've already um yeah i'm at like plus five see okay i don't want to hit that that mountain man stupid ball why won't you go home spooky map causing less suffering than calm peaceful men no bit of a disconnect here what what what in the hell kind of shot is that you dumbass dang it bobby god dang it bobby those boys beavis and butthead dang ol porky's butthole the only fans of that shot right there are the ones that are on the course oh yeah that's me all right cool [Applause] you're not making shit posting cool you're making cringe worse you can't say that yeah that was a foul order damn it i apologize gear i owe you one party i don't think i was going in any way so oh here we go by the wood pile over here what i got bogey huh oh no over here something oh oh i understand the implications of this hmm okay it there's a button and um i don't know what button it is on the on anything else but there is a button to hold it from going from from timing out when it's out right you you just it's the grip yeah it's grip so you you can get yourself some extra time if it's still rolling okay okay ideally i'll be rolling towards the hole though yeah yeah you should yeah this is just the right amount of power for that that worked you're up gear i need to what ball is this what ball i need to see this ball this ball is not legal ball thank you here so you you mini golf in like north carolina right yeah north carolina south carolina okay i mean gears thought to plan our in-person uh golf outing that we're gonna stream oh yeah yeah it'll be fun that will be a day trying to look into tech that tethered to my phone because if we can get 5g down there we'd be we'd be pushing stupid numbers streamer backpack if we could do that off my phone i would that is i need to really curve that we're good i'm not even joking the upload on my phone with 5g is faster than my apartment wow those gosh darn phones they're too strong now well you know [Applause] oh yeah that's right you have the playstation phone yeah wait what no there's a sony phone [Laughter] [Applause] ps vita phone fuck oh man oh god damn it yeah it's more power that rock is yeah yeah iraq is good yeah that works that's that's true where oh thank you desert i don't know i don't know if um how long they'll keep that speed up but i also don't plan on streaming at 40k bitrate though oh [Laughter] taking your hat off in shame or whatever [Laughter] go you can do it you little bastard all right all right do you ever see robin williams do a bit on on scottish golf god i doubt that i'd break down in these years every time you hear that oh yeah we're bored with the snake yeah a local bar goes into a gopher hole you do this one time fuck no fuck no in fucking times i'll pay a couple bucks [Music] yards away like a bowling pin i've i've listened to uh uh live on broadway uh probably a dozen times yeah probably one of my favorites back in the day that was that was a staple of cable i had to watch it is every time it was on just a little this tap you got there yes that was the littlest tap i'm i'm waiting for you are you okay [Music] sorry well we spent all thirty five hundred dollars on the race to that song thank you yeah no that's fine pitch perfect dmca vocalization almost there you go all right i'm glad that your name is zot and not zit yeah great zit no no there's no great zit none of them are great yeah yeah people one of my co-workers brought up that they like to go on the the popping subreddit yeah yeah that's a popular thing that's a popular thing i'm just not gonna communicate with you any further that's it all over snapchat too people love watching other people's puss explode i hate it i cannot stand that stuff yeah this ball here this ball here oh oh oh come on come on come on baby come on baby come on buddy okay all right that's fine this ball here this ball here that's kind of um oh yeah it's an it's it's definitely a a light green stripe nothing no nothing reminiscent of anything else nothing on a piece of kale [Music] i was gonna say patrick starr hulking out but yeah or whatever whatever there you go very nice part three okay wow that was a sexy shot nice work come on now come on yeah that's okay that one not so much okay uh just a little taparoo maybe slightly harder than last time there we go okay here or i guess i can ask what was the last time you ever went to an imax movie i guess that's for the whole uh golf community um i saw the suicide squad movie that just came out in imax because for some reason they invited me to it goes in manhattan yeah i want to say ford versus ferrari oh really okay i think so this one's pretty fucking cool the audio was great before that it was tenet and the audio was it hurt but now in reverse i think it was blade runner 2049 hell yes scott i mean good job good choice i'm pretty sure the the last imax film i i've seen is either avatar or leathering's return of the king it's been a while wow yeah they don't i don't got a lot of imaxes around where i'm at but we're gonna see dune dune yeah i'm gonna go see that too the doona dane where um interstellar at astra no no the mars guy he's on mars and his name is the one where she got stuck up up in space for a while gravity yeah gravity i saw that in imax that was sick i really enjoyed that too who's bullshit in time uh i went here i'm talking the second time i want to hated it oh the suspense was gone i knew what was happening hmm yeah that makes sense movies do be like that well yeah that movie was i didn't watch that one but i heard it was kind of uh like hollywood hollywood space hollywood space movie i really enjoyed it the first time and then after that it was just kind of like uh i would watch it i just haven't had it i just haven't seen it i think there's a sunflower ball over here something yeah it's unflirable just hiding back here and the logs oh cool what's up hmm [Laughter] [Music] i didn't see you right in the water i'm missing this shot excuse to miss that what are you doing oh thank you when will there be a space movie actually shot in space isn't that kind of happening right now well there was some of those flights the zero chance yeah so i mean that's not really space but it's about as close to space as you're getting well shatner was in space i would imagine tom cruise is going to want to go up there and shoot mission impossible like 12. i thought they were i thought they already filmed that movie and i heard that after credit scene with basis was really cringy oh yeah he popped open a bottle of champagne you're right there's not i don't know if my hands come checking your club a little bit russians are shooting a space movie in space but a doctor saving a cosmonaut on the station that's what i had heard yeah oh yeah okay russia's doing a film about an emergency surgery there you go emergency surgery in the studio [Music] almost redeem yourself [Applause] all right well this is halfway through um it's pretty close for some of us there's some oh wow oh geez you're fine zeros don't count so it's still one zero uh oh boy oh now we're going back down okay yeah this is good level design we're using that asset yeah yeah that's i like it i'll just be i'll be down here having a picnic a picnic basket i'm like standing on the ball and it keeps rotating me so the ball's always behind me sheeps has anyone actually gone on a picnic out of all of us like like a legitimate basket oh yeah oh yeah no for sure hey boo-boo where was that ball down here whoever found earlier uh just it was right around there uh yeah right down here yeah right here oh no i i have i got ants in my pants when i did so yeah that's right i remember that ants was crawling all over the the umbrella and blanket yeah like a milton bradley game where disembodied pair of pants i remember the icebreaker game being a lot of fun that game was cool i liked crossfire [Applause] you know those kids had a great time shooting that commercial yeah yeah what's the one that's like the time it was it bob goes perfection oh i remember that yeah they did that at like some of the arcades now they have like a life-size perfection well too much 3.8 k thank you guys very much [Music] okay it's a little disorienting when you set a charity goal and they just kind of like boom right away but one we're done before we started i know looks like you're gonna have to uh you're gonna have to spend some time working on a new guitar pedal guitar pedal oh yeah i actually have three kids lined up right now and i'm finishing up another one [Applause] so that was one of those ones where it was kind of happening either way but you know gotcha well good thing it was the first one first goal yeah yeah very pretty do you presume that that wind is going to knock that ball into the water no i don't i don't think so i i love the wind waker-esque wind though oh yeah no it well it's a curved oh man not very strong but it is physics that when is physics it did hyx did wind waker like kind of starch the wind that looks like this visually kind of thing or there was probably like some of this stuff in fictions before right swirls i bet that's probably animated no yeah i mean in video games wind waker invented wind no i mean one mr cringe that was close yeah saved it the millennium of the tank yeah that's coming back yes no no oh come on that was not that's not a tank yeah ah that's painful [Music] there's a bell on this one wind waker also invented oceans that's crazy and when and waking damn do you think link ever like baked cookies when he woke up [Music] like from how many times has he fallen asleep and woken up as a concept in the series i know yes i mean he usually starts by waking up that's like almost every zelda game he's like i'm up now good it's like morning like a modern rule this one's like come up i got it i'd like to think that when the previous link goes to sleep he wakes up as the next link oh god like dream yeah you're diving yeah oh i've gotten worse as i've gone on but that that happens sometimes i get a little complacent and i just start like all right we missed the ball going mental yeah i can't seem to find it do it one more pass i suppose uh it's your shot oh it is okay well never mind then i'm gonna try something stanky right here yeah over here okay one second here we go little sparkly red ball oh cool be speckled that could have been something yeah oh he living on the edge on that one oh yeah here's that all the way down i see it sparkly it's all up to you gear um i'm gonna take your around here yeah yeah yeah yeah take the mountain pass coming for the sheep i'm gonna go for it as well i want the mutton very good sweet made it back home awesome oh it's my turn to leave the nest quite yet hello what did you do what did you do on this mountain okay the sheep told me some where the next ball is there you go but that's not that's they got stuck it got stuck together i'll be on turf i'm taking this oh i just ran into my table one second one second do the dance ha ha clap clap clap there we go avoid having to sheet rock um replace the wall with spackle oh i got plaster walls dude i'm not good good avoid having to buy a new index uh good breathing the asbestos the the asbestos basil i don't know does anyone remember the crack speckle oh it was it was a terrible snl bit from like the 90s it was like for the plumber who needs to spackle their crack and it was just like no that sounds familiar it might have been phil hartman doing the bit but yeah that would make sense how about colon blow i remember colon blowing okay okay do you remember yeah okay nice very nice bye-bye oh two for one clown penis.fart it was the best snl bit of all time easily agreed uh click okay i don't know what's going on oh you are oh i didn't even think about the wind yeah yeah okay that's good that adds a layer of tactic i hadn't thought about i figured i was too in deep and i had to make the shortcut work but it just like flew back to me all right crack spackle was the man show oh okay never mind then oh you know what that makes a lot of sense yeah yeah it does dopey there you go butthole bit dang on porky's butthole i did not find a ball for this one i found a ball over here but i don't know how up there that's the next one yeah that's not for that one though yeah excuse me on time we are at there's a ball 10 o'clock we were just at 10. but we only have five holes left what time is it um we're on hold yeah what time were you guys planning on ending this zod has somewhere to he has to go pick up his wife but whenever we kind of finish is when we plan so yeah when this is good for me to do one more you know like to finish these rounds and then i'm done okay ball here i do have to leave right now so i'm gonna balance uh uh i if you're gonna bounce i'll probably do the same because i probably gotta go get my kid from uh near the room if you're gonna bounce then i'm gonna jump on my trampoline i want to finish it but gear we'll do this hole yeah let's do this whole let's finish the one i'm finished if you want to finish the course i'm more than happy to i'll finish the hole all right yeah all right here we go this is uh noticeably more difficult than the other levels though all right all right it's time here we go ready hold on one and go oh my god you got to go for the w sometimes there you go what in in between it went here into the crevasse yep oh a lot of power there kind of a weird shot because it's like under my feet yeah i'm ready to owe some money on the shot dude okay on you is he gonna do it do in a less crazy fashion nope oh no i did the thing the tippy maybe yeah nice [Applause] and with that i'm out of here you all have a good night gear congrats on meeting all your goals chat everybody have a good night take care dude i could have been the first one when i look to your eye it's brown's chocolate oh chad is singing one of my stupid songs for some reason hey all right let's do this all right well now you're released i am release but i want to see where i stand on the leaderboards let's see okay you won or i had about seven more dollars on to that uh so i just do an even 20. toss it in there nice thank you absolutely thank you for having me uh i'm gonna go ahead and get going it was good to see you again ben yeah you too yeah have a good night scott alrighty you too thank your gear and congratulations thank you all so much thank you thanks for playing man all right boy bye so um golf on gear yeah how about that i actually enjoy this game and this level is fantastic yeah this is good i i got a little bit frustrated with my uh impatience but this was great i would do this again i enjoyed a lot yeah let's uh let me know if you're playing i'll play okay um so i delayed one of my uh premiere videos of you know but i was thinking about maybe phasma phobia for a little bit tonight if you want you think you got you got some stuff to do no i've just been playing vr for a while that's my my big concern so then how about we do phasmaphobia on another night closer to halloween i am down for that sounds good all right cool so yeah sorry chat i didn't mean to get your hopes up but we i was only half in with the foe if gear was like hell yeah dawg then i might have been out down for it but we'll we'll do it another time i'll tell you what you'll enjoy the gmod maps um gear i'm gonna um donate a couple bucks for the swearing so appreciate it yeah happy to have helped a little bit hope you have a good night i'm glad you met your goals you're gonna be busy i am that's okay that's good it's good thing all right take care gear all right if anyone is uh watching please go over to gear's channel gearmatic on twitch and maybe uh donate to the charity gamers outreach please i'm gonna finish up the uh the course i think there's only a few more holes left so okay um you'll feel free to come over and say hello if you want okay i'll i'll host for a minute and then i'll do my rerun okay thank you all right chat i will probably be live again tomorrow by the way just saying so uh you know for now watch a little bit more of gear and then i'll be in chat with you for the gmod replay thanks chad appreciate you yes
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 28,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Full Sauce, FullSauce, Playthrough, Gameplay, VR, Virtual Reality, Valve Index, VRChat, VR Chat, Walkabout Mini Golf VR
Id: zVFIVo1KdbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 16sec (6256 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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