[Vinesauce] Vinny - Inscryption (PART 2)

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good evening and welcome back to inscription i kinda love this game so far and i hear it only gets better this is an offline recording the previous one was live let's see the difference the chat makes you know i don't have advice now from a couple thousand people so so i have one brain to work with and barely a brain sometimes it's good sometimes it's like one brain cell let us continue kind of curious if i have to fight the prospector again if i fail if i die i don't know you considered one of the anglers catches as a meal but the rank odor deterred you dinner would have to wait let me see rigid gust of wind bellowed unwelcomed into your lungs beauty of the falling snow failed to distract you from the chill in your bones you descended to the snow line let me see if i can increase the volume a little bit because the the volume is a little uneven at times we'll see inky black mouth of a cave strange beast lurked within it spoke past one of my trials and i will be yours in a raspy voice three creatures will be drawn from your deck they will decide your success or failure but first you will choose a trial trial of power the three drawn cards must have at least four attack power combined to pass trial of health three drawn cards must have at least six health combined to pass and the trial of blood must have at least four blood i'm gonna go power wolf strange larva and glop shit oh oh yeah thanks club oh wait no larva has nothing but glup and wolf are fine you've passed the trial the beast revealed itself it was a mole a coyote or a worker ant sharp quills we've got waterborne cardboard in the sigil submerged itself during the opponent's turn while submerged opposing creatures attack its owner directly uh or the coyote which has got an ant spawner you know what we'll go for ants big ant deck the coyote join your team we have items at the moment uh get some items bleeding yields three blood if you can ignore the bleeding the goat pitiful opossum frozen and uh free squirrel boulder raven egg it's gonna hatch soon alpha or even egg all right um squirrel want to do then the cat uh yeah and then we can get ant queen soon why'd the boulder attack the cat what man why did the boulder attack the cat what what kind of cursed boulder is this i didn't even see that the attack was on there that sucks i have to use uh my items now wait wait wait wait wait how did that work oh man that was a waste that was a waste of items do i keep doing this to the damn boulder what a fucking mess that was absolute fucking trash that was the adept kingfisher a slippery hunter turkey vulture and the elk fawn goes into an elk um [Music] i'm gonna go for the turkey vulture again and hope that i get enough bone boneage might be a mistake but okay um do i have any zero cost cards oh like uh it sucks i can't use the other cat i'll try something [Music] okay so now that that's bones and then i can get uh free sacrifices oh shit what is this thing a lucky draw actually yeah that is a very lucky draw stinky it loses one power oh it's the stink totem sick get a worker ant down there [Music] get the stink bug over here and the stove over here good start rattler okay i don't have any uh boneage for this at the moment so i'm gonna have to do the thing i don't have the bones no bones make no bones about it i'm fucked man i was getting like much bones all right well let's see what happens where does it start me [Music] it is time for you to perish creep hands that sucks but i mean i didn't think i was gonna go that far um just a lot of misplays it's been a couple days since i've played this that's my excuse for now stay there no need to move i'm afraid you are not dead yet hold still where did i put that camera of mine pathetic do you really think i would leave film in there do you have any idea what that camera is capable of give me that we have a memento to create does that mean glupp is gonna is glupp gone the cost will be two bones all right its power and health will be guess we could go for the wolf it's no glup but it's it's all right and uh the sigils we we have uh double sigils here it's got flying and ant spawner it's pretty good um the name of this one will be skep bulb scabulba one thing now remains i must capture your visage jeez [Music] fresh blood perhaps you'll make it farther than that foot of totem knock on wood gift from the angler you see he was defeated recently wishes to redeem himself it'd be unfortunate if he were to fall to the prospector before he was given that chance the hook is powerful you may steal one of my cards with it for that reason you will not find any others along the path use it wisely it seems the lowly stink bug has made its way in but it is dealt so it stands [Music] wait is this the beginning again i think this is the beginning again god damn it oh well you may choose a specific beast instead you must now decide on a tribe that you prefer um um normally uh bird but the tenacious skink it moves over one attack leaving its tail behind sure randomly chosen reptile car do you wish for something else it's fine ancient woman emerged from behind an oak tree carefully laid out intricate wood carvings gestured at them burlesquely russ burlesquely bruskly what choose um [Music] the old woman hurt her teeth and satisfaction your first totem was complete bone king sigil is now marked upon all your squirrel creatures it's cool totem already me again that caged wolf he hid that for a reason the card seems useless but i think there's more to it so then yeah four burns per squirrel [Music] there's that damn caged wolf again again nothing i could do with it right this second but rip bullfrog [Music] there's one i mean i'm you know the you do go it goes quicker but i i was hoping it would resume resume me ringworm unappreciated ring ringworm ringworm its value is not readily apparent okay bones of ancient woman creaked as she crossed gently shaking hands she placed her offerings before you yes many lives so that's my sigil this time okay that's fine less bones but that seems fine infinite squirrels [Music] fuck if i know what the ring worm does i mean aside from like eat your asshole i think that's what it does a wolf in a cage but how to break it let an enemy break it [Music] okay like you know it's gonna happen right here uncage the menagerie is the name of the achievement i just got what was that [Music] well it worked definitely worked okay get some pelts now let's see you need teeth for that one so we'll buy the wolf one cool thanks for your patronage creepy okay what do we got here [Music] power up something so [Music] let's see you know what we can get the skinks power onto the wolf why not it's weird let's try it nice top deck rip stop less bones this way though that's that's one problem [Music] [Music] because you don't actually kill the squirrel the fuck is the ringworm do [Music] you have me here i surrender sure another wolf another skink or the black goat i'm gonna get the [Music] um another wolf would be cool the wood carver appeared um certain vigor and in spite of a considerable age can i not have more than one totem hunched down to place her offering in your pack he looked up the ancient woman had vanished that's uh interesting because i see that over there but i guess not what [Music] wait a minute why do i lose my life there smoke bone [Music] okay good start oh there's the pack mule again ah the wolf very nice now i understand it more damn pelts uh okay got you once [Music] oh right this yes the noble ringworm [Music] do i not have my toe it's only one what the hell well that's not good [Music] hmm that's not good at all [Music] no [Music] [Music] mine we're okay we're okay [Music] what is the fucking ringworm's purpose [Music] easy boss just pop that mule i can't [Music] i what i really needed was a bone card got lucky a little bit i need some better cards feel light yeah and for the reward i'll take you got glup shitto poor abandoned child does not die when sacrificed but do you have the heart to try i have no words for this freak of nature long elk when a card bearing the sigil damages another creature that creature perishes it's the end of the owners turn the card bearing the situation will move in the direction and scarred in the sigil i'm gonna go for the long elk because bones bones those items saved me let's see what's this way the skunk reduces the strength of the enemy rattler and the kingfisher skunk has no attack though try the kingfisher i don't remember what this does oh it imbues it gives it power i think nope oh oops wait a minute what have i just done oh that was a different thing than i thought it was well i start with a bone now i guess now the bullfrog has many lives oh so it's random so hmm not yet mantis oh no man oh god oh the bullfrog oh no long elk i just need a couple more bones for that but i i can't the fuck man shit damn whoa [Music] um so we can trade what the hell is this oh okay that's that's strange it's very uh eldritch i don't know what this card is i'm going to take it though because it's so weird and the wolf pelts grow into more powerful form yes the ringworm i will take that ring worm now i just want to see what it is what what does it turn into uh there's a grove with mushrooms you see a figure through thick cloud of spores we are the mycologists yes yes we are performing our experiments from far we are not welcome elsewhere we will experiment on your flock yes we will need two of the same creatures one for each of us yeah sure take them this could get messy look away i gotta see at least oh that's so fucking cool the wolf is is it now it is now one i have a mega wolf now mental [Music] see if the ringworm does anything cool you got to be shitting me yep [Music] i forgot that they could do that on the same turn i i'm very dumb long elk i can do nothing with long elk for the time being but i have the wolf do i i have to that was very close stop draw a card um squirrel i guess we could just put a b down that was very good [Music] still don't know what the fuck this is not gonna worry about that right now yes very good okay these matches are getting the they're getting a little scary when it's attacked you will draw a b snapper did i do that card counter i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get it uh more carvings worthy sacrifice a card bearing decision will count as three blood rather than one when sacrificed oh man again i don't know if you can have more than one of these fucking things i still like that one the best now everything has a tail you know your dog has no tail i'm gonna find out what that card does it gets more powerful that's gonna die ring warm tail it's over fucking hell you know bad plays but i wasn't crazy about my cards either mostly bad plays yep mostly mostly bad plays thing is i don't mind trying again because the game is good the game is fun please try to remain alive a little bit longer your death card let us begin all right so the cost is gonna be one the power and health um [Music] zero power one health from the hand tentacle i don't know how that works entirely oh man the sigils uh damn the wolf this fucking wolf six and four for one would have been incredible god damn waterborne and airborne this could be an interesting card if i get it i didn't even get the last one [Music] are you prepared to do better let's see you're starting a wolf stinkbug stoke bullfrog fine while this tote is looking weird the hell happened to the stout hmm didn't i i got these already now yeah nothing left in there that would have been helpful earlier all right try again ah i'll go get the adder okay now this is a plus one who gets the plus one i think um the fucking weird ass stoat sure why not don't know why it looks like that sparrow it's like sparrows could do any damage to anything that's cute there we go yeah arnold schwarzenegger here he is hello how you doing that's terrible yeah uh blood or bone blood or bone two two uh magpie eh it can fetch any card in your deck that's interesting i can power up the stone again [Music] oh it's health health this time um yeah stoke i want you to be like i want you to be massive considering stout is only one blood cost live bullfrog can kill ah guess not great draw yeah for the moment i concede sure i think the game just knows when it's going to get drawn out it's got to represent something this mushroom thing more power more power to this dote so i want super stoked god damn it more okay so this is more health um i'm gonna upgrade the adder because i feel like that's gonna be a useful card to have against enemies okay coyote and coyote all right um [Music] yeah i got nothing i can't put down a card god damn it i guess i could have used the squirrel that's good oh you son of a bitch he was that close oh didn't even realize more magpie porcupine um porcupine it is i can give the magpie stuff to the stout stout stout or i can give this to the stout because it has a lot of health i'm gonna do that power this fucking stowed up okay the old prospect d again okay gonna need the pack mule to die so we'll throw the adder there [Music] oh frog there there we go oh beautiful that is wonderful uh nice nice nice okay so we got oh a cat i'm gonna save the cat for the next turn though throw down another adder [Music] hello stout welcome back [Music] there you go [Music] easy [Music] okay easy first round then everything becomes gold oh except that spot throw a bat over there [Music] oops [Music] [Music] yeah i'll take it good draw okay my last card is this fucking thing um [Music] no can't do the can't place the cat there yet do that though [Music] yeah that's pretty good [Music] that's very good relent my oh my lives are restored perfect and i kept the hook mantis god the holy mantis god a perfect incarnation of terror trifurcated strike i'm going to do long elk again though i think wow yeah long elk would be good because i need more more bone boner cards so the mantis god seemed very interesting i guess we'll go this way trial of wisdom three drawn cards must have at least three sigils among them four attack power combined or for blood let's see blood blood i think there's a problem there's a pretty good chance that i've got the blood you son of a bitch absolute bollocks okay so um there's the tail thing this is a waterborne it's owner directly or the tail right [Music] i don't know really i don't really like any of those lame i know i should have just got one right oh well raven egg and kingfisher i guess the amount of cards you have is how much damage it does it does three that like lowered its power oh i can't play the long elk oh no i thought i had more bones than that my raven now i guess i think you've got me sure i wish i didn't have to waste that hook but all right on the house you have me gratitude wait no no no no no no you you you son of a bitch no i wanted to go back in and oh i got the i wanted to get the teeth oh i fucked up you gotta get the teeth first before you do that god damn it god damn it stoke you now have seven health there's a rattler rattle rattle rattlesnake worth it not worth it what have i done oh that was quick okay yeah worth it then give me a good one um trial of power at least four attack at least five bones at least four blood i'm gonna go go for the blood again son of a bitch son of a bitch just went for the fucking power uh we'll get some items turn this and i'll skip my next turn i'll take that oh no you can't use that to the user there's nothing will happen this bottle of goo has no use i'm taking the bottle of goo uh gonna need the stove oh like the spider just a random spider crawling across the table there we go ah oh we we both died oh fuck i gotta drink the goo i'm serious you cannot use that there is no possible use for it i'll place it on that shelf over there for now my advice is avoid it [Music] so [Music] whoa [Music] fucking hell i was like oh it'll be three and three that's fine i can do i can do that the pain is unbearable even after all these years what do you want i have very little to live for these days what the fuck is this cage has been broken the wolf statue is free believe this is a step towards freeing the master watching the angler lose and that soothed my pain old rival of mine that fisherman bested me this time but i'll have another chance how do i i want to save it i want to free it some stuff come out of it if only the cards are aligned just right okay i can't align any cards first they will be getting those cards in your deck oh squirrel and then magpie it's a place just so it's a squirrel and then magpie okay [Music] hmm yeah probably not the best idea that was okay um what effect long elk can get the insta-death from the adder onto something [Music] the stink lad [Music] sure see if i can defeat the angler i don't have high hopes so i need to place a squirrel and a magpie [Music] probably not gonna happen during a boss fight [Music] ouch [Music] fuck [Music] i can't draw i can't do anything i'm obligated to pass yeah well i have no choice there it smells like fish uh okay [Music] [Applause] so [Music] i mean little by little [Music] hey [Music] i wonder if this will [Music] work something happened oh wait no maybe not maybe i have to not have the stink bug here in order to make this work i'm not gonna find out i was thinking about it but i'm not gonna find out [Music] okay there's one [Music] all right fish bait stuff yeah oh shit oh shit it's really my last squirrel card what the fuck [Music] [Music] this is the best i've got oh i got it oh man that was unexpected you will not perish quite yet and i get a refill on my life mental the daos filthy feral hog becomes incensed when when its chimes are struck ballast card bearing the sigil is played a chime is created on each empty adjacent space chime is defined as zero power one health the uroboros okay a copy of it's created in your hand when it perishes upgraded this card could be good but i do like that strange larva becomes the mothman the snow line again eh i only have this one which is very unfortunate uh hmm opposing creatures placed opposite to an empty space card bearing the sigil will move to that empty space uh look at the cockroach um just give me a bone where i forget uh or can it give me a blood because i wouldn't mind getting a blood to start sacrifice the bullfrog and see what happens oh it's just yeah bone sorry rip bullfrog a starting bone moose buck hefty at the end of the owner's turn carving the sigil will move in direction inscribed to the sigil creatures in the way will be pushed in the same direction or or an empty space would be struck cardboard and said you'll move to that space receive a strike instead i thought that said moose knuckle for a second like a moose buckle it's not in fact that uh it's gonna do three damage that's that sucks can i afford three damage i really don't think i can yeah i can just this one time squirrel blocked and now i'm dead yeah [Music] jesus jesus god the difficulty spikes up here get a golden pelt if i didn't fail those challenges earlier maybe there'd be some better luck here what if i do strange larva or or or hang on a minute cockroach but instead of cockroach we do um strange larva so i cannot die if i even ever get a chance to use it i guess we'll find out this is probably gonna be a tough fight wrong thing place the golden pelt in the wrong door oh wait no that's actually just fine zero yep the mothman has arrived okay stoke do your thing yeah mothman ah no but the mothman's back yeah yeah seven fucking damage fuck you yeah mothman is the best could use items one two or bone oh let's go for the one this again yeah i'm not crazy about that card frozen opossum free squirrel we'll get a fuck at the frozen opossum and we'll get um another squirrel can't go wrong with extra squirrel [Music] hey wow [Music] do you understand only one all right [Music] got lucky with that golden pelt come on stoke stoke you can do it never mind [Music] kind of a waste of a squirrel draw well not really [Music] who are we bringing back we bringing the strange larva [Music] though i should have fucking used something with bone got plenty of bones now ah shit yeah that is a very lucky draw not dead yet scoop thank thank you okay okay um three blood great white tyrannical great white master of the deep sure if i ever even get to that point oh man another item um [Music] do that stop a turn okay new boss a man stood before you a man you recognized immediately it was the trapper he reached out to examine his wares but he stopped you that's a plot twist sorry but today you will supply the pelts oh my god strange frog [Music] huh enjoy shark oh no oh god oh that's left behind oh that sucks oh great white's gone oh no mario can at least block [Music] why is that there that that's now just dead possum [Music] uh how much else dude i don't know there's a way to mouse over this and see the exact number so you know exactly how much health you could lose because i don't really know visually that's a little bit of a problem uh probably gonna have to freeze the damn turn that's not what i wanted at all i could probably take one more damage before i have to freeze the turn long elk no long elk long elk you're dead you you fucked up long elk [Music] jesus well that's that's that i think a little too late strange larva damn yeah i never really felt like i got the stuff i wanted for this run [Applause] oh well free free from the rabbit pelt and power and health okay that's a good first turn card huh unkillable oh that's that's an interesting card wow that's weird um weird i really hope i get that one [Music] this is brand new what the fuck is this [Music] whoa too much for trading last one or so much for trading i'm not sure what it said are you prepared to make the right deals this is your deck okay yes flower pot you really did it i knew i'd seen stuff coming out of that painting bring it here oh that's because i did the thing solve the mystery of the mysterious painting for now hey where do i bring this though so that that's there i guess that has to grow but it needs like i guess it needs water oh you finally pried my special dagger from the paws of that squirrel though you may wish you hadn't may that dagger find its mark you must be brave [Music] hmm use the dagger on on him no [Music] why why are its eyes glowing now oh the dagger is an item in the card game huh alpha courage emboldens the creatures that stand beside it black goat and elk fawn one power to those near it um i'm gonna get the black goat try that see if i can build a little bit of a deck around that time to power up a card plus two health what is going on with this thing what the fuck happened to it okay push your luck or pull away push my luck luck was on your side perhaps one more now we'll run away now the health of the stoat was enhanced by the warmth wow that's uh god damn it i know i'll fuck that up at some point special dagger place you'll place a weight on the scales the pain is temporary so black goat gonna get fucking destroyed now not so much even though the black goat just like basically sacrificed itself without doing anything particularly impressive but that could be useful for um much more interesting cards later river otter okay skink and cockroach i'm gonna go for the cockroach so i can get that ability and then we'll give the ability to uh the stoat or the black goat would be interesting because then i could just keep getting the black goat sacrificing oh that's a pretty neat that's a that's a neat trick let's try spinning i don't know if this is gonna work out but i'm gonna try i need high cost cards though to really make the best of it let's try it out well you need high cost cards because you can't do more than one [Music] already ah man so much for that fucking strategy i need better cards mole turkey vulture and mantis [Music] shit mantis it is wood carver okay um oh [Music] man all right we'll try this maybe if i got one of these totems previously i would have won i don't know the squirrel has it isn't that just phenomenal okay so got that um goat down sacrificed that put the mantis here put the stink bug here ow huh good thing that's on the squirrel that's useful [Music] wolf okay now i just need wolf can go there am i gonna survive this probably not oh well so much for that cool card i had yeah i didn't want to waste my hook i should have wasted the hook that could have been amazing uh i guess i'll never see my death car i didn't fuck [Music] that's such a shame that's such a shame [Music] damn starting deck is always the same okay beasts not all choose from among these challengers who come came before you oh um oh it's the scock card wait it's cock the fuck is reginald so ant spawner airborne costs two bones for scabulba i wish that other cool card i had was here um that's not gonna happen or is it damn scock i guess i'll take the reginald card [Music] and improve it i'm not risking shit getting out of here hey hmm thank you man i really like that cheesy card with the the goat earlier just thinking about i miss it now god damn it well it's my fault i should use the item the hell was that [Music] so all right next moose buck oh it's the black goat again um i'm gonna get it hope that i get some high cost cards the wood carver appeared before you um cardbary in the sigil counts three blood rather than one or bone king we'll go for the bone king since we have the bone thing and now i have the goat see how that works out looks useful first turn reginald damn hell yeah reginald hmm i will need one more squirrel okay yeah we got a big bone deck now it's pretty cool [Music] i'll take the alpha no items i mean i can't get any hmm you can't take more than three items and you have three perhaps you'll accept this gift oh okay rat card thanks big rat deck nice reginald has arrived i don't even know whose cart this is [Applause] [Music] as long as the sigil is played all right so you have to use your items first i'll surrender thank you oh jeez that made my life a lot easier worker ant and uh wolf um go for a wolf because i have the goat always forget what this thing does let's upgrade a card more health who gets more health reginald is like one shotting so we'll just do that nope i will not risk losing this card problem with putting all your eggs in one basket is you may not even get the card and that's bad [Music] i was gonna upgrade the wolf truthfully and i still feel like i should have but okay we're gonna go for the pack mule ah reginald thank you [Music] [Music] gotcha nice [Music] that was enough all right reginald rip [Music] can we get an alpha sacrifice a couple squirrels get a wolf [Music] and then um get a bat going [Music] pack wrap [Music] extra strength [Music] this might be the end of the turn yep damn that was good okay maybe this deck a little bit of uh upgrading but maybe this deck has potential mole man the ultimate defense amoeba its sigils are ever changing fuck it we'll get the amoeba it costs bone tap in water flooded your boots all right uh i wish i really wish those descriptions oh it's a random thing um bird we got a raven i don't know if you can like turn down getting a card like slay the spire hmm flying wolf you say if only i had the uh cockroach i could have turned the goat into a cockroach goat you may search your deck for any card you want okay okay um i'm gonna do the flying wolf see how quickly i can end this hoping for a bone-based card but hey no two turns adder bullfrog or weird oh it's the weird card but was this again it will grow into a more powerful form after one turn on the board it's unkillable and it's like the card counter thing nice um i'm gonna go for the mushroom and make a more powerful wolf i think more powerful flying wolf that's awesome six damage um costs bones but i cannot sacrifice so we'll do two squirrel get the pack rat to drop an item so we can get a boulder and i can put down both of these good first turn okay here's the goat again and we won mental okay do i want a card or do i uh let's do a challenge see if i can actually complete a challenge power kin trial of health i go for power one wolf is win [Music] that sucks damn wood carver uh fledgling that's interesting or hoarder i'm gonna get the fledgling one but i'm not gonna use it just yet the the bone stuff is pretty cool and i'm still pretty new to this game so this this works well for me um can't get any anything there yet so we'll just end this turn it's only one damage but this turn is going to be mental it's what it what it's going to be let me tell you mental turn wolf is just ending turns if i get that wolf turns just end skink adder or kingfisher there's no passer i can't pass all right skink didn't really want any of those um more mushrooms i don't think i have uh no let's upgrade more health what gets more health um amoeba weird uh weird we'll get more health that's scummy card okay get out of there let's see if i get weird with it okay [Music] okay so we get the the stout the goat nothing really special right here [Music] slow and steady damage i'm gonna need some interesting cards that's an interesting card look everybody it's weird first round complete weird is just getting more powerful [Music] [Music] okay this is gonna suck [Music] only weird lives [Music] oh we did it that was actually very quick so yeah the weird card's pretty good and it's free geck i don't understand what geck is but you know i said i would get gek eventually so fine so cave yeah we'll go into the cave and try another challenge i gotta complete one of these three sigils among them to pass six health i'm gonna go for the health challenge i feel like i can complete that one yeah there we go there we go got it raven egg it has waterborne moose buck i don't have a borrower so we can do um i think rattler will be good because of the amount of bones i have and it creates more bones too so that could work come on attack power attack power upgrade health upgrade okay wolf [Music] oh things have spikes on them now how weird is here a little weird place you down there can't summon any of these creatures yet turkey vulture that's tough pack rat requires two oh [Music] one two could have put down an item for the pack rat but forgot to do that reginald and alpha that's a pretty cool turn [Applause] also pretty cool turn the amount of gold teeth i have is overflowing now it's a shame that wasn't over here but that's okay pronghorn and corpse maggots corpse eater if a creature that you own perishes by combat a card bearing the sigil in your hand is automatically played in its place yeah let's do it this will enhance the creature's power um again just trying to diversify a little bit you know what let's go for it again nice that was worth the risk i think [Music] so hmm amoeba wow i played that like shit i'm gonna blame bad draws that's what i'm gonna do health power and kin i'm gonna go for um health again instant wind okay we get the cockroach now that also has bees cockroach plus bees then i can take that power and apply it to the goat why can't i apply it to the goat huh i pressed the wrong thing yeah i don't know i don't know where it is that sucks a little bit get a pack rat on the stove why not one less blood more powerful i'll just try to use an item before then but man that that last one sucked that was a mistake i guess i was trying to play it like a certain way and it really didn't work out [Music] should have increased weird's attack power okay there's the alpha can't do anything with that yet cockroach can't do anything with that yet all right good good good uh mushroom coming up in a second do i have any doubles still no doubles so i'm not gonna go for the mushroom then again i don't need items either huh kaminsky bust one i'll get the turkey vulture for the boneage potential and i guess we're gonna pick up an item another black goat i'm gonna go for bones okay now if i have to use my good items i will scissors place reginald down [Music] here i'll throw a geck down i don't know what the fuck the geck does goodbye reginald why did i do that [Music] i thought the geck would leave behind a tail or something now so [Music] weird oh weird oh he's back i forgot about that [Music] i'll grab that thank you tip the scales a little bit [Music] well sure is no bone cards there we go rip weird again he lives he dies he lives again [Music] so there's one let's trade oh fuck oh my god powerful cards i will only accept the finest pelts for them trade for what you can but know this the rest will stay and fight for me take the grizzly i'll take the great white [Music] oh man oh god [Music] [Music] flying gray white this is a okay this this grizzly is pretty badass so we're gonna put that there that skink is doing no damage rip weird again [Music] okay amoeba [Applause] oh my eye is gone nice oh my god [Music] oh my god [Music] oh my god alpha i really want to get rid of the skink i can't do it um got it but now i only have one eye [Music] your lives are restored i can't see shit mantis god amalgam canine hoofed reptilian feathered insectoid the amalgam is all and strange larva take the strange larva believe it or not you're not the first to lose an eye here this isn't much fun if you're half blind perhaps you'd like to replace it replace the eye the fuck better finds regardless the choices final find salvation in the cuckoo clock wow with the enigmatic trapper and trader now bleeding in the snow you persisted you can see a light in the distance the end is near let me see okay salvation in the cuckoo clock some stains there very nice good stains keep sealed you have the master's eye does this mean the master can see me magnificus can you see me can you free me richard dagger didn't work for a moment i felt that my misery had company had its own noble purpose surely a step toward freeing the master master master fucking tom waits version of renfield from the dracula movie with keanu reeves there it is stunted wolf take the film roll before he sees it now what are you doing over there turn to face me i'm doing nothing i'm enjoying the cabin and it's many sites hmm let's see what do we have here strange larva i could put the effects of weird onto something else but then it wouldn't be free that's the problem let's see no we weird has to remain free weird definitely needs to stay free turkey vulture this might have not been the best choice creature that is that you own perishes by combat card bearing the sigil in your hand is automatically played in its space turkey vulture why not just keep it in my hand you know i might have been better off just getting an item your eyes are fixed themselves into the small cabin it's warm light a beacon of the in the oppressive darkness of the night surely surely this cabin marked the end of your trials or travels my name's not shirley [Music] oh weird [Music] this just makes me want another legend of grimrock game now step away steps away from the strange cabin you were presented with an opportunity i don't offer my boons to just any traveler if you're able to pass my trials you will be rewarded mightily trial of skins the three drawn cards must include a pelt card trial of rarity it must include a rare card or a sprinter i'm gonna say a rare card [Music] yeah two strange larva is a rare card success [Music] one of my most powerful boons cards that dramatically alter the game you don't even need to draw them the boon of ambidextrousness you may draw twice at the beginning of your turn boon of the forest you will start a battle with grand furs on all of your spaces i don't know what that means moon of the bone lord started battle with eight bones i'm gonna do double draw [Music] travel the winged airborne waterborne or um if you have a ring you pass automatically i don't have a ring let's try airborne yep got one ah oh the bullfrog doesn't count oh cause it was half it's different okay damn [Music] this is so fucking cool you managed to get a boon this may be a fair competition if there's like a way you can escape like you know what i mean no maybe not krusty you took your time out there i'm itching for another game you ready to play i hope you're adequately prepared [Music] perhaps one more to be safe [Music] dude you can't do that [Applause] [Music] i ought to thank you how has it been it has been quite bad why is the stoat now a computer body of the stone in the paper of a card i see that i have of course set up a way to reset or rest once more go on a player friend here they already hold the key [Music] lucky draw to start [Music] instant death on that mole [Music] draw again turkey vulture [Music] [Music] gonna play the turkey vulture now for maximum damage and end round one entirely capably endured the onslaught of rare creatures but the true challenge was forthcoming shadowy figures appeared before you in their eyes glimmered recognition of kinship but colored by guilt they were betraying you no man tits no i remember that one fondly [Music] i can't believe man tits would betray me round two over man i got some lucky draws holy shit this damned moon it's dramatic yes but perhaps provides no value to my board i wonder [Music] now that is value huh [Music] weird has arrived i don't get it oh i have to fight the entire moon strike each opposing space occupied by creature it'll strike directly if no creatures oppose it title lock the beginning of the owner's turn a card bearing the sigil will pull small creatures like squirrels into orbit oh fuck actually we kind of survived that so you found the stunted wolf i have seen this play out enough times to know that a plan is in motion make haste [Music] reginald i will place reginald down [Music] reginald had insta-death you really destroyed the moon i suppose all that's left is to finish me off go on that was an amazing run by the way i got super fucking lucky oh my did i just i think i just beat him oh huh what what [Applause] [Music] what layer is this cam works hey there car gamers i'm the lucky carter and this is another pack opening video i am opening catch monsters packs and digging for that epic shiny transcend dog and here this is exactly what happened to me over the past several months okay ladies and gentlemen i am about to open my first pack feeling good about this one feeling real good why is this here what is happening okay you're opening the packs wrong our first rare is a birchkin not exactly a viable competitive card but hey it's a pretty shit pull mate all right next pack feeling even better about this one i gotta say these cards are feeling extra silky today i mean they're so smooth not sure what they're doing down there at the uh the card factory but um these are feeling good in my hands okay let's see what we got here some jank cards maybe a few additions to my draft cube we'll see and our rare for this pack is bam dog not exactly riveting so far but we have many packs to go oh oh god is this how you all felt watching me come just cut out this part hey there card gamers i'm but all right you guys all right we'll just go in order hey there card gamers i'm the lucky carter and this is a vintage pack opening video today i'm opening a few super rare old packs i snagged at a garage sale i've got four packs of inscription you would not believe the deal i got on these now not all of you will even remember this game i'm barely old enough to have uh seen these going around in my childhood for whatever reason they only did one set of these cards and then stopped printing them there's not a huge market for them anymore but at the rate i got them for there's not really much to lose that being said a foil mantis god goes for a couple hundred bucks so fingers crossed really cool art on these definitely stands the test of time and our rare for this pack is blue mage cool looking card but not going to be worth very much this is in wait whoa all right i was expecting like animal cards this pack has been opened and resealed uh oh hope no one stuck the rare out of it that would suck come on people honestly who opens and reseals there's a set of coordinates on this card okay we're drawn on with a pen 49 degrees north 123 degrees west i think i'd have to check but i think that's pretty nearby this is very silly imagine just going to the coordinates why not you guys i'm out here living my best life got my trusty headlamp and shovel i'm not sure i would do the same thing always come prepared kids all right there we go yeah okay getting close i think assuming there is a thing to get close to this very well may be a massive waste oh my god error okay all right that's why you always bring an extra battery boys and girls every time you got to come prepared okay okay maybe i would do this all right this is it and now we dig i'm still trying to understand how just five minutes ago i was playing a card game with weird supernatural elements i give a 75 chance it's a rock but only one way to find out hey gamers we're gonna start digging now oh look i found a corpse that's epic gamers be sure to like and subscribe is that oh my god you guys i can't believe it there's actually something here what what the fuck guys are you seeing this i'm uh i'm a little confused me too okay i actually i need a second before i go to the next one i i have to uh expel fluid really i was drinking this fucking milk tea i'll be right back once you won't even know the difference i could have just paused it you would have never even known back the oh okay i was gonna say the weird part is that he's got a diskette steam ball driver all right fine wow great video a flop sorry floppy drive figure out what's on this thing it's not even really a the floppy disks were floppier than that that's a diskette i'm beginning to think that this is staged is this youtuber the stout is that why it started with the uh continue instead of start new game i wonder hmm i do not celebrate often and i seldom give gifts but you challenger you are worthy please do not be polite dig in was that shit something wrong your prize awaits very well come with me stand right there who gave you that you absolute ingrate give it back look at that is that all just clothes from previous adventurers all right too dark man can't see the hell am i supposed to do here it's too fucking dark uh uh nope and i thought that was gonna be like a fourth wall break yeah i don't know i'm assuming i just go back to the start screen well uh it saves here it doesn't look like there's anything to do here i have a feeling yeah i have a feeling that this is just yeah it's what's supposed to happen go to start screen and now new game is available but i have to go and we won't be able to see that until next time this game is a fucking amazing it's a fun card game mixed with weird psychological shit and some unexpected twists i mean the creator has made other stuff like this pony island watch my video on that if you want to see what i'm talking about but this is phenomenal so thank you for watching i enjoyed playing we'll see what happens next time inscription description scription scription scription scription scription scription script
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 117,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, PC, Horror, Horror Games, Scary, October, Spooptober, Spook, 2021, Card, Battler, Roguelite, Card Game, Inscryption, Daniel Mullins Games
Id: 7b7vRlRTPSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 58sec (8818 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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