[Vinesauce] Vinny - Cooking Simulator: Pizza!

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so this is cooking simulator again i played cooking simulator a while back there was a pizza dlc and i couldn't not stream pizza dlc for cooking simulator so after losing the job at the game store now we get to make it a pizza the fuck is this chaos tool [Music] i will just do the pizza fulfill your dream of running a real pizzeria prepare authentic dough and tasty sauces tasty sauces use professional machines for maximum efficiency and assemble gorgeous looking pizzas to meet your customers fancies so i've made real pizza like three times in my life it wasn't amazing but i did it it was okay let's see if i can also pizza in cooking simulator wow the menu the menu [Music] welcome to papa pepe's pizzeria frank pepe your training begins now let's cover the basics first i'll show you how to assemble a pizza from already prepared ingredient bake it in the oven and finally serve so we start with the dough neapolitan dough we put it on the bake board that's the bake board well i don't even get to do any of that where's the game part of this so here's the shelf we can strafe use the mouse on the highlighted container oh there it is sauce okay first uh let me show you the this is a technique for the marinara okay a little bit of the technique wow there's actually like sauce physics all right that's a good matter not we're gonna go a little bit more we like a little bit more marinate on the pizz okay mozzarell add some cheese okay that's enough he says nope not enough nope look i made a face it's meat i just ruined a perfectly good pizza with too much sauce okay press q or e to rotate the cheese my pizza is made complete with the finest geographic uh geometric patterns otherwise it's not good a few basil leaves will do the trick i mean some of my favorite pizza in brooklyn has just fucking full basil leaves on it i'm not kidding and it's good pick up a log well what the fuck is wrong with this game's performance what what's was there a dungeon down here like a pizza dungeon is mario in here whoa menu [Music] welcome to the menu pasta fazool enjoy the oven needs to reach optimal temperature you can check the temperature on the thermometer oh it has to be in the green area someone is stealing my pepperoni please no i've had enough of video game thieves why do i hear italian music i'd like to think that there's just some like italian man just blasting that in the hallway i wonder if i can play my own pizza music while i'm doing this okay now we pick up our pizza peel is that what they're called i thought they had like a fancy italian name precise tool handling holding down shift will open up new ways to manipulate whatever you're currently holding this thing's got physics foreign okay now we're grabbing a pizza and we're gonna shove it shove the pizza in okay here we go wait until the pizza finishes a baking okay do we need more wood not yet almost almost should hide the meat under the cheese and give the customers a pepperoni secret looks pretty good needs another three seconds three two one perfect just a little extra burnt i like it when it's a little burnt that's a one beautiful margarita place it on a plate and serve it to the servant window there we go all right now we serve it through the serving window the italians invented anti-gravity this whole time i guess there's no way to get the pizza back huh go out there and get it you think they would program an entire outdoor area for this game [Music] okay here we go we continue from here because the pizza i think still exists come on pizza come on a pizza well oh oh here it is nice floor pizza it's good while holding the pizza peel click on the plate oh okay now that the floor is clean you know what i mean like we use only we don't wear shoes in this kitchen [Music] fuck hang on a minute ah there's gotta be a way to order another plate oh they're right there wow pizza jazz this serving plate may be a little too big orders up [Music] why did i get two stars on each side [Music] okay let's start with preparing some neapolitan style dough so you gotta familiar so familiarize yourself with the recipe launch pizza pro app and find the recipe we need wait what the pizza pro app okay so we need um we can pin the recipe and then we go to quest villa oh my god it's a battle pass it's a pizza battle pass amazing this is all italians play just this prove yourself a diligent aprentice and i will grant you the title of navis pizziollo and let you run this pizzeria by yourself all right hey aprenticci what are you doing at the sky it's the dough mixer so we're gonna add the ingredients first so we're gonna um get some flour try not to go bankrupt but if they watch me play the other game there we go nice graphics i've never seen flower physics like that in my life that's really good excellent graphics i think we need to purchase the yeast wow it's so small [Music] but the yeast is in there are we just gonna leave the bag of flour in there i can't get it i can't pick it up oh okay now it's good let's be responsible italians and we'll throw our yeast back sorry flower bag onto the shelf over there okay next is water mario where are we gonna get water from everywhere luigi everywhere [Music] so okay can i use the sponge all right we've got enough water sponge okay oh the moist sponge is what gives the pizza it's uh you know it's it's wetness it's good don't have any fucking cups really oh jug hopefully the tap water here is good it's got to be good right i mean it's italy [Applause] my whole life i've been told italy has the best of everything i'm beginning to think strong jug the curling nascar has been broken here i am saying italy has the best of everything and their jugs can't survive two inches of pressure oh god day rotate day router okay yeah i need to buy more another jug that's that's more money that's more money that's going to be wasted but don't worry this business is definitely gonna last [Applause] okay so i need uh i wasn't trying to break it for comedic effect i really was not trying to break it oh i need more water come on just a little bit more that's how do you set this thing down god damn it that's three jugs instantly broken i need salt okay so salt that's easy isn't there like different technology to add larger quantities of salt oh oh no it's good listen a little extra water and a tiny little pinch more salt that's my secret recipe that's how i make the pizza my own it's not too salty it's gonna be fine for safety reasons the dough mixer has to be closed before it can be turned on well what if i want to reach in and make sure it's you know it's good do not press the red button it will clear the bowl of its stored ingredients use it only if you made a mistake [Music] saving [Music] now chat my secret ingredient in the dough is raisins that's how you make a good pizza [Music] there it is there's the doe so we begin with our marinara sauce okay here we go here we go san marzano tomato delicious clean up there we go good cleaning physics all right we gotta go get the metal sniffles again tonight slight allergies i apologize for that we need fresh vegetables okay pick up basket okay we got the basket gather ingredients so we're gonna gather four cloves of garlic i would go five if it was up to me those tomatoes so ripe delicious tomato now i sound like fucking tony montana from scarface delicious little tomato place the basket's contents onto the cooking processor where's where's that there's there's like too much stuff on the screen now that's the cooking process put everything in the cooking processor okay wow just hovers i told you about them italians in their anti-gravity tech we need some olive oil herbs you will find herbs in the herbarium i wonder if there's any herbariums in the chat tonight since we're preparing almost two liters of sauce we'll add a whole sprig instead of a few leaves you'll find the rest in the ingredients box so we need basil olive oil salt the herbarium oh there it is so we'll get that in there full full basil we'll get some salt in there too great okay and we use olive oil pick this up spin there's an incinerate button but it doesn't work weird okay uh olive oil what are the italians saying they're saying uh vw stream last night was was bad he's not good at video games they i think it was something like that yeah not too much a little bit olive oil huh rub it on the feet that way you can do you can slide around in the kitchen and you can make it good nice you can you can cook fast that way huh get some dried oregano for the real flavor i see no ingredients in there this game is a ripoff gordon ramsay uses a shit ton of uh olive oil he does all right teaspoon teaspoon of olive oil and then he's just fucking like two seconds later three seconds later he's like all right perfect just dumps the whole thing into the pan take one of the empty gn canisters that you find and insert it into the cooking oh i see now we can prepare the sauce i don't think they use this in old italy [Music] there was definitely i don't have any dropped frames there was definitely like an old lady like a babushka lady that's probably the wrong culture but um who was they just you know put a little olive oil on her feet all right now crush them tomato tomatoes hey i don't know what's happening oh my my brain i can unpin wait unpin pick up the basket and go to the pantry no no right the nonas it was an old nona i can't pick up the thing chat i can't make the good pizza vinnie that's not a basket i thought maybe that was the name for it look at the rest of the ingredients was this the meats salami very nice very good salami where's the pepperoni we carved that pepperoni directly from the pepper pig that's what happens you just carve it right off and black olives does anyone see any black olives down here the floor okay here we go delicious also what why are they scattered like this what the fuck happened to them we can just bring this whole can with us that's fine okay we're gonna put down the basket oh i put like a broken glass in there have you ever had broken glass pizza oh you haven't lived until you tried the broken glass variety i like how the game just put the basket down like that and i didn't take the gn container out oh that's what that is okay put it on the hand rail and see what happens it sounds like a threat that's like an italian threat okay well i did that oh over here oh god i'm such a dumbass wow this is smart that is technology pick up the salami 300 grams of salami okay i got my salami put it in the automatic cutter you know again i'm not positive that we had this technology in the 1900s when pizza was first and i don't know when pizza was first invented invented it i'm a fake italian [Music] that's a lot of slices of salami okay we gotta pick up the mozzarella there's a place i go to that they call it mutsy electric grater please it's true because it's you know a lot of people pronounce it mozzarella mozzarella i don't know why and not mozzarella cheese and so it gets turned into mutsy it's the progression it's how language evolves over the years where you just say the thing that's easiest to say i like how sphinx is like actually dropping like facts about pizza making and i'm busy like bastardizing the process someone said honestly why do you consider yourself to be a fake italian who cares i mean it's just my heritage you know what i mean it's not a big deal uh truthfully though i don't know a lot about italian culture i'm an italian american like i appreciate the food i appreciate that it it happened so i could be alive but i know only a little bit so i wouldn't say that um you know if you asked me about my life and the way i grew up compared to someone who was born in italy it's very different i'm going to dice up everything [Music] put an ingredient all ingredients of the same type in your basket will get thrown into the machine if you click it while holding the basket here i'll show you oh right open open open do i need one of these first okay open did the tutorial break one onion fell on the floor fuck where'd it go yo it disappeared oh i'd rather just cook in real life honestly like at least i have hands like i know how to use my hands at least yeah it's not letting me uh but now it is that's very interesting okay vr would probably be be good for this but i don't think there is a vr mode [Music] all the olives have um also decided to enjoy the floor so there is a vr version for this okay that might be um that might be good it's not out yet you were supposed to process that one onion earlier fuck god damn it this floor is disgusting now you keep throwing items instead of placing them yeah it's true i don't think that's enough olives chat i kind of want to make like a garden of them and then we can bring our recipes and our food to strip malls across the united states and then i can show the world what real italian food tastes like with infinite breadsticks [Music] i think the tutorial is like broken now [Music] yeah i can load the tutorial i feel like it was like really easy when all i had to do in life was just take the ingredients that were there and cook them i need employees man does anyone want to work with pizza i like how my basket just flipped over i didn't even mean to it's just the physics of the game is there another white onion the onion okay so then i i put the rest in you can't skip a single step [Music] put it in the highlighted spot pick up a can of sweet corn oh sweet corn on pizza okay pour it directly into the g and container if you don't have any left by one i did it super common in the uk really there's no need to cut sweet corn we'll pour it directly into the gene container do i need more corn didn't read mate you did it wrong so the tutorial bugged that was all of it magic magic corn all right okay no we have to do this in order for me to make a pizza so even though i would never use corn on my pizza whatever i respect people's choices because that's what being a professional chef is it's the code it's the chef's code alex it's the kite yep tutorials bugged [Music] wrong again we are telling you tell me what tell me put it in the highlighted spot where you put the other one insert the g in container with the sweet corn onto the i what hover over the jar of black olives oh okay that jar is broken so i had to put it on the shelf in order to pick it back up and put it in the spot when you hover over it you can see um methods of of stuff okay good got it dough mixer cooking processor blah blah blah okay insert cut into the oh we gotta process this a lot of olives yep done tutorial is good we did it pick up the dough tray pick up the dough the the uno dough tray okay follow the green line place it down on this disgusting counter with piss stains nice to finish the preparation head back and click on the clock authentic italian ingredient preparation one pizza sold oh my pizza battle pass has almost been uh fulfilled cool you must fill an order next okay each order is rated by your guests you can achieve a total of five stars what a lonely life this is like i hear everyone having fun and being italian and oh in the next room can't even open the door they welded it shut the chef can't even interact with them timer starts the moment you accept the order if you manage to complete it within 30 minutes you earn a bronze star within 20 that'll let you silver huh don't worry about the time if you go over the 30-minute mark you can still achieve gold in other categories never heard someone say no to a pizza okay so uh let's see serving window pizzery is really busy so don't worry about running out of orders it has never happened it has never happened are we like smartphone app now wow we need a pugliese medium neapolitan dough uh marinara 100 grams of mozzarella black olives white onion okay we're doing it we're doing our first real order so we need medium dough hover over a large lump of dough press q while hovering oh okay oh oh you can split the dough into medium okay and small all right so we got the dough we're gonna roll it we got this chat i know how to do this part this is all very familiar in fact this is in my blood so we're gonna do a little bit of marinara or marinade so we say here in new york italian fake italian land here we go looks like ketchup it looks like fucking candy actually like rtx on i wish i could like you know make it look good but the spoon keeps getting in the way looks like yeah it looks like strawberry jelly so we need some mozzarella two five that's a hundred grams okay next black olive what is this wow that's 32 grams we need another 32. um that's uh oh oh when you shove the pizza the cheese will begin to melt customers expect that the whole surface of the pizza will be covered by melted cheese last category is the hardest one you have to use all the ingredients the customer asked for and spread them evenly on the pizza maintain a proper quantity of each ingredient oh can i like pick off i think this is good right we could just roll with this so how much wow so it looks like um the ingredients selection and the smartphone are controlled the same way that's 16 grams this is 32 grams it's a little extra olive i'd be happy with a little extra olive personally this is fine this is fine for me i need a pizza flapjack here we go it's just whoever gets that olive slice better like olives oh wait a minute probably don't want to put the logs in after the pizza place the medium plate on the counter okay bake the pizza take it out of the oven okay halfway done it's almost in the green we need one more log don't worry too much about it not every pizza has to be baked perfectly chat you don't have to worry about me i know like i said pizza's in my blood i don't even need the tutorial that's a fine that's a handsome pizza it's a little olivey but the order's up i know they loved it claim your rewards italian sausage prosciutto young artichoke hmm we'll get some uh rosemary italian sausage and mushrooms level up claim your rewards quest oh my god this is ridiculous order re-roll replace an active order with a random one up to three times per day quest works in a similar fashion that's fine and four stars maybe some extra olives but yeah we fucked up on one of the olives it wasn't spread evenly imagine complaining about that excuse me waiter i got some bad news you see uh when i made the order you couldn't refuse you uh spread the olives a little unevenly there was a little bit more on one side so now i'm gonna have to offer you protection 20 just in case some unforeseen consequences were to arrive at this pizza shop unlocked perks can be activated by um checking perk hub it just struck me what perk hub might be a parody of it's even the same color scheme not that i would know like grub hub same thing very similar okay take a look at the wall next to the serving window this is the certificate proving that i've granted you the rank of a novice pizza look at the certificate look at it papa peepee what a nice um certificate i'll put it on my fridge it's a shame they don't have some voice over for this that would make life a little easier no next order all right now i'm on my own well and truly with no help uh we got a margarita so this is the standard neapolitan style dough is this a large pie medium now this is a medium i need you to get out of here pizza peel pizza peel pizza peel here we go i've always wanted to be a real pizza man this is my chance now i can prove it to chat without a tutorial [Music] this is the homemade marinara sauce that we're famous for at this establishment including small tomatoes made of strawberry jelly ketchup and small tomato delicious sorry delicioso whoa this is like italian dragon force who's swimming [Music] i feel like someone outside is assaulting me with their legitara [Music] how do i [Music] cut it with what see any knives [Music] what's this that mob boss is coming back to you to pay you back for the olive incident oh fuck maybe the greater why would this go in a greater no there's basil oh there's basil where's the bite [Music] oh this music um no seriously what what [Music] it's gone above the pizza use the red food processor not the slicer [Music] we're losing money and fast there it is [Music] i love these royalty-free tunes don't you wait this has been mulched [Music] um enter toppings mode and look for the leaf [Music] ah and that's the pizza someone just said go into all range mode [Music] fox mcleod kind of really does sound like a little bit of a parody of luke skywalker the fuck the song mother 3 song [Music] it's the midi italian version this shit gets claimed no it's not the mother teresa it's just a song that happens to be in mother 3. in a lot of stuff yeah in fact this song has showed up more on sunday stream than almost any other song this will be my finest pizza yet i'm gonna get very good reviews for this pizza and we scoop oh my god that looks so good doesn't that look good chat i should have uh got the plate a little early this is legit making me hungry again if you haven't had pizza like a neapolitan uh pie with the basil in full leaf form and it seems we oh and it seems weird i understand it's good it's actually really good okay one pizza coming up margarita ah bellissimo bellissimo bacon buffalo mozzarella and prosciutto perfect score oh my god oh my god okay did i level up i got alfredo sauce the pizza battle pass is leveled up let's go let's let's do this what's the next order another marinara pizza with garlic this time all right or margarita not marinara you know what i mean okay this is the old one this is not the way this is the new one all right get some of that sauce this is gonna have some thick crust okay no cheese what the fuck wait where's the garlic we don't have any cut garlic available oh no sorry uh we didn't have garlic we have onions are you okay with the substitute what mushroom where's the garlic i i know there was garlic here should have brought the damn basket this room is a fucking mess it's okay we're gonna get a bunch of garlic one clove is that remember that time chat that i i told you i cooked like some fajita dish and i used instead of like three cloves of garlic i used a whole bulb and then like my house smelled like garlic my place smelled like garlic for like two weeks all right it was like two days i like to embellish though at least that particular story why because i'm an idiot it was a newbie mistake i bet v dub would say that he's not a noob at cooking but truthfully i was now i'm not now i know the difference between bulbs and cloves i think we have to start with the one garlic and then we can put the basket in there's nothing in here where did it go vinnie you already did wait what i have no recollection of that did i have an aneurysm oh no someone said oh my god we nearly had garlic with no incident three five nine fourteen seventeen a little extra garlicky but it's good it's good this is the freshest garlic this is from tuscany all right this is where the tuscan raiders are from and let me tell you they know how to make garlic they know about our pizz ah it's delicious world class vinnie this pizza sucks i hate it truthfully i hate it but this is what the customer wants this is what the customer shall get nice so yeah it's a fresh no cheese pie with just garlic and basil which is a little weird but our sauce is really good so you know i get that they want to taste the sauce maybe they don't like cheese maybe they don't have the ability cheese doesn't stay down vinny clean clean your counters no it looks like semi burnt garlic again customers always right okay we put this here up for order delicioso enjoy your fucking trash pie what did i do wrong too much garlic okay well i'll tell you what you're gonna have to eat my balls okay that's what you can have for dinner what do we got now huh let's take a look at the new order another marinara pie this time we got what the fuck is this still no cheese i'm rerolling this okay now this i can do this is a little different we did this one already but i like this one so we're gonna do this one so we do we do the medium all right we can do this i'm gonna do this in record time chat watch this watch how good i am now all right i know exactly what i'm doing so we're gonna put the sauce we're gonna spread the sauce on there really there we go decent amount of sauce then we get a little bit of the mozzarella how much mozzarella we need another 100 gram do it like that do it like that just like that this is a speed run okay and then we get the white onion so where's the white onion very good we'll get that going we need 32 grams that's the it's 29 you'll you'll enjoy your 29 grams all right fuck you all right custom is always right fuck you olives 64. i wish i could like actually choose the the precise amount oh no okay now you get 84 grams of olive fuck you okay fuck are you huh okay is this still going now we need a little bit more wood i think i just like activated the crankshaft that's not good okay this is a good pizza i eat this a pizza smaller circle equals smaller amount going on the pizza uh nope there's that italian anti-gravity i was telling you about i tried that earlier and all it did was spread the same amount in a smaller area and that is weird okay how are we doing on the temperature we need another log get that log in there we can do one more log i feel like where i failed as a game salesman i'm excelling as a pizza salesman as a pizza creator here we go i saw an infographic of all the famous slices of new york city and it's just like a drawing of each slice and what makes them different from each other it was really cool i'll have to show you tomorrow or i'm not streaming tomorrow actually i guess there's an announcement taking a day i think i stream for like three weeks straight with no break so tomorrow i'm taking a day but i'll be um live another time remind me of the pizza thing i think you'll enjoy it and that way i can do some pizza recommendations again you know if if anyone ever comes to new york city for tourism purposes again which at the moment no one's really doing i can't blame you okay new york style dough there we go universal flour water salt yeast olive oil sugar sugar fast feet press space to walk faster plates will never break bottles will never break all machines work twice as fast i want feet um white onion wrong amount of ordered ingredient okay well you know what there's always the right amount of my balls which you can have that little taste though huh all right gabba ghoul let's move on a new pizza let's order next all right it's uh it's this one again wait what no it's jesus jesus christ what are we gonna do here gorgonzola gorgonzola alfredo sauce are you kidding me oh no oh no no i've had alfredo pizza it's fine i just uh this is a lot of new stuff all at once we got gorgonzole i don't think we've got gorgonzole parmesan milk bacon there we got the gorgonzole okay so we need some cut gorgonzole and graded gorgonzole which would be the electric grade this this may be the final pizza of the night this is like my final boss in in terms of like pizza you know this is so this is so different than what i was doing before i don't know if i'm gonna do well and i have to make alfredo sauce from scratch check can you believe it this customer is asking for a lot we're closing for today and won't be taking any new orders you leveled up pesto okay so there's the gorgonzola looks like it's weird it's a little weird looking all right that's no problem now how do we do cut gorgonzole i guess we just slice it we gotta slice the gorgonzole all right the game agrees yeah the game knows exactly what i was just thinking which is kind of weird how did that happen it's like the game and i are one it's italian telepathy all right next we're gonna work on the fredo sauce so we're gonna pin this all right so there's the sliced gorgonzole butter all right we're gonna get a basket we're gonna get a basket where's the most nearest bat there we go so butter i thought that was butter this is a sponge okay milk universal flour salt okay so we're going to get the garlic it's a little bit extra garlic so we got butter in here butter really need that much okay you see any milk chat where's the milk have you seen any milk around here chat see chicken breasts it's frozen oh god the wall behind you there's the milk okay universal flour where's the universal flour salt black pepper parmesan so we need some of that parmesan there we go whoa whoa you need more garlic uh maybe that's flour but what do we do with the flour so we can get products universal flour we're going to buy some all right we'll buy some of the flour so i think we put it in the cooking processor if i'm not mistaken and we'll start with this universal flower 150 grams uh-oh it's a little too much um it reset yeah reset that's a very small and specific amount of universal flour no problem okay so now we need salt 10 oh it's okay it's part of the secret recipe a little extra salt little extra salt is good for you all right keeps the bed bugs away get the black pepper very nice another 10. that's beautiful all right next is the parmesan we gotta put the whole thing in there just just just just put the whole thing in there the whole thing of milk oh no that's good i just uh oh i gotta go get more milk i thought i fucked up you know what no that's fine no no it's not i'm not going back down so we're gonna go get the milk from here and it just instantly teleports to my hands very convenient that gonna be enough with a little more i died very good very good amount okay garlic can we just put the rest of this in there we need a little more garlic chap member was right chat member was right not enough milk no nope no that's enough milk i promise you what the fuck this basket is problems this is a problem basket i wonder if i maybe left some garlic on the floor i forgot that i can sprint now okay okay so we got everything we need and then we put the canister in i'm feeling good about this chat the container five seconds here we go i got the salt in there i got the salt in there and you ready there it is alfredo sauce i always wondered what that was all about and now i know okay where's the order i need to get to the order jesus pin okay new york style dough oh wow for a last order imagine this has got to be every like nightmare if you work in the food industry this has to be a fucking like awful nightmare for you the most difficult thing on the menu for the very last customer all right we need some music if we're going to do this cooking ska jazz universal flower pop up [Music] it's gonna put a bunch of that in there [Music] good good enough very done very good all right some water hmm how do we get water without breaking the jug i wonder here's how water and water water water uh oh that's not enough water it's cheap enough it's cheap enough it's cheap enough should have got that perk where the bottles don't break i wonder if like the game is gonna lag even further if i just keep like breaking shit god you gotta be kidding me there we go just enough not too much not too much fuck fuck i wish i knew more italian than just like two words that way i can i could pretend [Music] it's a little extra salt again it doesn't really matter a little extra salt is good i'm telling you with a little extra salt it gives us a little more flavor there's glass in there no all right a little bit all right there's a little glass in there [Music] get the yeast in a little olive oil where did i put the olive oil see this is why you're gonna keep a clean kitchen take it from me master chef [Music] so and a little sugar [Music] so this is fine [Music] i wonder if it's too olive oily is the dough consistency gonna be like poop homemade pizza dough this is not counting as new york dough you didn't add enough flour this song perfectly encapsulates my rage we're going again fuck it we'll go again here we go 3.5 kg come on exactly 3.5 brilliant not that i even needed to order that much but okay i'm gonna i'm just gonna order a jug and i'm gonna be real careful with it [Music] 2.3 [Music] one full jug worth there it is perfect amount of water in record time good frame rates all right we need uh let's let's do where's the salts did i throw it yeah through it uh that's like you got to keep a clean kitchen clean kitchen that's sugar oh is that too much is that gonna is it gonna ruin the dough oh no oh no the salt was in the sink it should be okay as long as i don't like go too much over with anything else it should be okay this is still sugar oh my god [Music] okay here it is we gotta see chat this this might be it this is the final moment i need to deliver the proper amount of olive oil i have to be very careful here 90 milliliters perfect amount of olive oil perfect and one yeast we're gonna make the best goddamn new york style pizza [Music] close go [Music] come on come on new york style pizza dough [Music] yes it counts [Music] okay [Music] large so we need a large this is going to be again this is the final boss it really is [Music] mental okay so then it's full it's alfredo all alfredo i can't really tell i like how the a and d buttons it says move camera left or right so that was a lie [Music] should be enough alfredo we need cut gorgonzole so this is cut gorgonzole we need um 140 [Music] grams i mean really is this this is really what you want i need graded mozzarella now i don't wanna hear that okay um i i we're not done yet i gotta grate some mozzarella fuck this is taking too long we're gonna lose money because of this one pizza this one order gonna be homeless again come on where's the good mozzarella there it is mozzarella here we go grated mozzarella wait do i have that already too late we're making more it doesn't matter we got more for tomorrow it'll stay fresh let's see where was the greatest gorgonzol uh mozzarella graded 64 grams perfect and yes we already had it ah where's the gorgonzola graded there it is graded graded zola here it is okay 128. i am officially out of graded gorgonzola huh [Music] then he know you're not it's full there why wouldn't it let me put the zoll that's weird now it's okay it just wouldn't let me press the button vinnie that's mott i know they want two graded mozzarellas look at the ingredients but it won't let me 64 and 64. that's good no maybe a little more something is glitched where i can't press the button i already went way too over good good well okay well whatever this is not my fault anymore and i don't feel bad because the game wouldn't let me put the mozzarella on so 36 and 36 we need 72 this doesn't make any sense why would it be divided up like that maybe it's a half and half pizza like half is cut and half is grated gorgonzole i don't know yeah i won't rotate the fucking leaves this i'm listen i was done with my shift 15 minutes ago and then this clown came in with a fucking custom pizza order you think i'm gonna give this um customer the satisfaction of rotated basil leaves no no we don't do that here at uh vincenzo's many dicks will be eaten before i do [Music] that here we go here we go will this be a winner of a pizza it's bumpy it doesn't make any sense it's got mountains [Music] here you go enjoy your fucking pizza [Music] uh i the time was the worst part everything else magnif uh how do you say magnificent in italian [Music] magnifico do i go home i'm done day's over do we never go home finish the date early mate [Music] well we earned a little bit of money i mean even you know got a couple perfect pizzas one perfect pizza just one that last pizza earned us a lot of money but was like a nightmare to create i guess this is day two um i like how no one bothered to clean this place up all right we're good [Music] well i made a pizza for you i want to know what the chaos tool is all about [Music] but if i ever play this again then maybe i'll do that but for now we did it we defeated the final boss of pizza which was homemade dough homemade alfredo and lots of gorgonzola not bad and that's how you do it vincenzo's a pizza shop
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 131,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, Cooking Simulator, Pizza
Id: RQXD4vrW7Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 49sec (6049 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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