[Vinesauce] Vinny - Zelda II Enhanced PC Edition (PART 2)

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still so cool all right let's continue code error action data structure with index does not exist ignore ignore ignore that's not good well this is um a new version hoverbat emailed me back and sent a new version this is version um 0.5 whereas the previous version was point um 0.2 so a couple things were fixed a couple of things i complained about and i have to be careful because i don't necessarily want to it's probably the save data having a fit when switching that's what i thought yeah it's it's um i don't want to like change too much you know i don't i don't want to to be so much of a baby that the creator cannot you know try to increase the difficulty a little bit so hear me out hoverbats if you're watching i think keep doing what you're doing but i will give helpful tips along the way and and they emailed me and said that they like the helpful tips so that said though don't take everything i say to heart like definitely make your own decisions here too [Music] i do have the benefit of having played this game probably dozens of times but that doesn't mean that my um my changes are gonna be all good ones saw good ones [Music] wow but that said i think um so the the you know the hoverbats person is still reworking the first dungeon a little bit like the the dark rooms and um that little squishy dude won't knock you back into the water so that's good um other than that i think it's just a couple little minor things they said dark palace rooms uh flashing is off now by default troll slime a little extra room and it is a bit difficult for my biased perspective for me to gauge what is fair added challenge without more input from other players so i'm assuming [Music] they just wanted to watch me play the game a little bit [Music] and figure out maybe you know what might work and what you know what doesn't but regardless i do think 90 of this has been really great [Music] anyway um i have to jump off of some enemies does anyone remember where that was what town that was in [Music] uh also is dev actually in chat is that confirmed has dev taken any notes from the previous stream yes [Music] what is dev's name do we have real dev in chat [Music] i'm trying to find it chat is already packed which is cool it's just hoverbat okay cool [Music] well one of these villagers villages has to be the one i'm looking for [Music] by the way while i'm doing this oh there's hoverbat north rudo mountains thank you while i'm doing this i played songs of conquest today which is like a heroes of might and magic indie game it's a little expensive but it's really cool that'll be on the full sauce channel at some point but i i really enjoyed it and i've never played a might and magic game no it's not um it's not card it's rpg but it's strategy it's uh adventure it's cool it's really good it's like um turn-based grid strategy with different troops and you know it's it's just awesome but it needs a little bit more work so i would say hold off wait for a sale and see where it is in like another six months to a year oh look they put up the statue that's a nice touch vinny did you install c05 i did and i got an error starting the game i ignored them there were three errors i ignored them [Music] and here we are [Music] so we got north rudo mountains this is all new by the way if anyone here has never played zelda 2 this is new [Music] nice oh and blocks too [Music] new sand that's really nice that sand would not be possible on the nes [Music] it's a fella there's a fella up there [Music] keep in mind for uh whoever is watching this that's like oh man why wasn't some of this stuff actually in the nes version they still had hardware limitations and certain visual things that are in this would not be allowed on the nes miyamoto would not allow it he would actually [ __ ] drop kick you if he knew what was happening right now [Music] miyamoto would give you the people's elbow [Music] this is cool though i mean i do like the idea of this being even a little bit more difficult than the original but in the optional sense like here's a couple of areas that are actually more difficult but they're for collectibles that you may not want to get because the [ __ ] is balls it's like balls hard [Music] yeah i've heard balls cold and balls hard which i don't know why any of those things apply to those things like balls just do not strike me i don't know i don't know it's a weird expression maybe no one else has heard it before but if it's really cold out i've heard balls cold and if something is very difficult i've heard balls hard speaking of balls hard oh whoa um duke nukem forever [Music] like it leaked the early version and there's like just straight up porn in it because they they didn't fix it they didn't add they they had like temporary um images and some of it was like you know naked [Music] [Laughter] so i did want to check that oh no [Music] yeah the 2001 build so um yeah duke nukem there will be a duke nukem look i think i want to take a look at that 2001 version but i don't think i should stream it because that is just gonna be [Music] you know that that's just gonna be like a ticket for disaster so i'll probably just pre-record it check it out that way [Music] according to some people that like retro fps games this version of duke nukem forever is perhaps even better than what we got which is kind of a low bar but still kind of interesting that was weird but all right [Music] and it's like totally incomplete but they changed engines i think three times two or three times and the 2001 version apparently had actual like heart in it like the early 2000s charm but again never finished and um totally totally underdeveloped because it was understaffed but on the positive side there's a dedicated piss button and you can pee anytime you want but you piss out your mouth which i'd like to think was a design choice and not some unfinished thing that they left in by accident i'd like to think that that's actually what duke nukem forever would have been is duke just peeing out of his mouth on command truly the original postal too yeah piss coming out your ass [Music] there was a glitch in this that i found out about when you died your level up would default to help so the hoverbats fix that that's why i upgraded health so many times even though it was more expensive i didn't realize why that was happening it was that so i'm actually i'm actually bug testing the game [Music] for real like there's quality assurance happening during these streams when is release i don't know huffer bats is in chat um i don't think there's any specific [Music] maybe maybe no specific answer on that but um maybe let me beta test this first [Music] but yes this is all new content god damn the zelda 2 jump physics they're it's link is cool there's a weight to lynx jumping that i like but you need momentum there's a very specific kind of jump momentum where precise jumps can be nightmares so let me let me pretend that i'm actually a pro at this game for a minute [Music] this game needs a piss button yes it does every game would benefit from a piss button like p war remember that gem hidden gem of 2022 p war [Music] okay now how the [ __ ] am i gonna do this [Music] i guess like that [Music] 500 worth it [Music] has your gpu forgiven you for p war yet it is now a gpe you have you gotten orc massage yet no chat member and it was a total coincidence that the game uploaded today on the full sauce channel was called orcs total coincidence i had recorded that like six days ago five days ago and johnny just randomly uploads the orc game very close to the clip of me being told to play orc massage getting uploaded yes [Music] total coincidence no johnny doesn't do any weird stuff like that wow so there's a there's a ferry up there and that's an interesting one it looks like a red fairy i couldn't really see [Laughter] [Music] okay it's yeah it's very interesting [Music] uh [Music] hey dev does that mean i no longer turn into a [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i'm sorry dev i'm going to be asking you questions during this playthrough tricasting [ __ ] magic i don't have any magic for it [Music] bring it back to the fairy in the house oh right right right maybe i shouldn't right maybe i shouldn't be asking maybe that's a spoiler here's what i will ask instead dev did i miss anything up here or are we we good are we house of gucci [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so red fairy protects you from dying in a pit once [Music] [ __ ] yeah i'm dumb that's what you should be doing there and i didn't do that okay if you have enough life okay i see that's that's a smart change actually i think that makes sense [Music] that's a way to mitigate some of the [ __ ] jumps in this game but still you have to pay for it with your health so that's cool that's an interesting addition to the game dev you have uh i'm assuming you've made games before yes it's a quality of life change but it's cool because you actually have to earn it it's not just given to you you have to find it and like platform up to it so that's cool [Music] not this extensive well in chat i think it's a great idea [Music] so we have this up here right i'm assuming this is just like a hint that there's something over here and not a place you can actually get to oh i can't even go there yet okay i'll try not to annoy you too much dev vinnie do you want to know the container pieces you missed um [Music] yes please please give me one give me one heart piece that i missed i'll take one talk to town folk in rauru [Music] all right hello hello sorry i know wait do you know nothing i know nothing hello like when luke skywalker introduces himself to the droids he's like hello [Music] i saw all right dev well here you go i'm just i'm helping you out don't worry about it it's a little just a just a healthy bug test [Music] no it's pronounced rauru [Music] saul episode was was a very slow one [Music] i saw a heart near north castle is the what that dude was gonna say um i liked new saul episode quite a bit because it took its time and it made you really feel like this dread there was some good payoff and also the return of a character that i really wanted to see what they were up to the stuff with howard was amazing like the easily the best howard episode yet perhaps [Applause] [Music] but yeah it's just it continues to go really well it's just i found out the show isn't doing very well in the ratings but i think that's also because people aren't watching live tv as much and amc plus sucks the big nut so perhaps people are just doing what i'm doing which is watching it you know in other ways [Music] do [Music] okay i'm assuming that's not north castle i saw a heart near north castle was the tip [ __ ] soaked says chat [Music] well that's a palace you start at north castle [Music] i still like the way this was designed it's really cool well let's take a look around the castle and see if there's anything i missed also i can't believe they got finger i mean mike to do his own stunts jonathan banks my mind he climbed a ladder oh this is interesting okay yeah he climbed a ladder it was crazy [Music] oh [Music] new enemy which is actually just a famous zelda enemy [Music] but i love all these little catacombs they just look very in line with the way the game looks already [Music] [Music] i need that level up need that level up [Music] here's a different is this the crypt [Music] huh oh okay so this is where the slimes go so there are 12 of them [Music] well i didn't expect zelda 2 to become my main playthrough but here we are i mean it's not thanksgiving though i must give thanks for this new version of zelda 2 of which i am enjoying [Music] [Music] god i really hope they do another spin-off in the breaking bad universe like another prequel and they could just cast jonathan banks again as mike like a you know 28 year old mike i've said it before but i just really want that to happen [Music] because you know jonathan banks is he's actually a big softy like he he uh during interviews has cried on a number of occasions in regards to like the show being over you know and like when he was filming saul he was like where's the other guys where's everyone else like he he actually is the complete opposite of his character oh here it is and um at least that's my thoughts i you know i could be wrong as i am wrong frequently but i will say that jonathan banks should just continue playing mike for another 10 years he's he's got it in him [Music] sequel in which hewlett just lives in his house forever i'm telling you it's better nobody vinny he's 75 what you're telling me a 75 year old can't play a 35 year old [Music] skinny pete oh my god [Music] well this makes logical sense it's very unzelda too things make sense wow so yeah there's a whole crypt underneath the palace the castle that is interesting hey here's a question does anyone remember there was um a spot where i needed the down stab maneuver was it in a town it was a single spot it was like a lone spot it was in a town uh which town it was king's tomb oh oh okay you're right it was king's tomb it was right here wow um yeah it actually kind of blows my mind to oh wait no now this is something different this is not down stab this is going to require a different thing [Music] it blows my mind that there's actually meaningful content in areas of zelda 2 that had no meaningful content [Music] so i have to get over there and usually there's a hidden fall we're gonna find out if that's actually still the case it's like three away from yep it's still there king's tomb and there was a house in town with a pathway blocked off down in the corner you know what before i go to the next palace which town was that does anyone remember was it the white town by the by the bridge hidden fall saul oh my god [Music] it was the building above the church blocked with blocks no no no i already got that that's good chat member being a long-time member of the vinesauce community helps me get a better job now i work for a company that child's play and the money that vine sauce is hope use it money to help children across the united states thank you vine community for making my life unintentionally better okay [Music] congrats that's you know oh that was this fairy's friend oh and we get a heart piece for it that's cool um that's great chat member i'm glad i think i got what you were saying i think i caught the drift and i'm really happy that we could make some of that work for you and i definitely would imagine we'll be doing more of it i actually do have something charity related planned uh for this year as well a couple you know different couple different things just something unrelated to the big charity but just you'll see no no no i'm not talking about that i um it's a different thing entirely you'll you'll see in the time that it it happens i don't know how else to explain it but uh the the details are still being worked out [Music] i don't think it's related to p war no [Music] okay so this is a change normally you need ferry to get over here but i see that does not appear to be the case right now [Music] oh [ __ ] sake um that doesn't that is bad water that's that's the stinky [Music] water you helped put the video game machine together and work the phone oh cool okay i got what you're saying permit orc massage for charity if i were to do orc massage there would be no charity i i would not be able to raise another dollar ever again for charity damn it i used the wrong thing [Music] [Music] did orc massage become a new meme in the past two days [Music] [Music] vinnie what's your magic piece count [Music] that [Music] i would recommend you talk more to town folk while they're all synchronized you must save hyrule [Music] ask error of rudo about the palace can't remember which town mate you made it [Music] wow the game has a pause button now [Applause] what kind of witchcraft is this [Music] i think it's that town though um i didn't see anything i'm gonna continue trying to get to that palace it looks like you need so it looks like in order to get there you need to use jump and chicken [Music] so there's like a minimum magic requirement consider removing the jump requirement but do not listen to a goddamn word i say because i am not a game developer okay [Music] just because people are going to get like stuck here for a while while they scour for more magic i could be wrong though maybe maybe i'm misunderstanding what's happening so i think i need to use jump first and then ferry so we're gonna try that jump so we got jump and now very okay oh okay you know what no never mind because this was designed around jump and fairy and it looks like [Music] oh god okay no that's fine that works and i have magic despair so no you're good dev don't listen to me [Music] i thought i was like pretty much out of magic oh that's to get back all right [Music] [Music] there better not be any secret tiles here nope okay so [Music] san diego you know the song by now so this is dirt themed got it let me just kill the junkie [Music] stabbing to the rhythm of the song is not as easy as it looks [Music] my name is john michael morbius and today i am humbly requesting that you not only see my movie but enter it into the running for an academy award [Music] i am such a method actor that i drank nothing but human blood for three weeks and prepped for this role without telling my co-stars [Music] i am such a method actor i actually died for the role [Music] maybe we could have jared leto play jesus oh he already does in his head [Music] [Music] so i saw that elevator up there god i hate having to fight um iron knuckles or dark nuts what are these lads i always forget i always forget what these ones are but i hate having to fight them in like small spaces like that because then i have to play zelda 2 correctly or or the way it was supposed to be played and i'm like nope dark knuckles that's helpful thank you chat member without my cheesy little tactic it's not as fun to fight those lads [Music] they're iron knuckles [Music] you're supposed to pogo not really you can't pogo because they will shield they shield the pogo [Music] name is morbius my first name is pogo [Music] do i have to [ __ ] watch this movie just so i can mine it from meme material or is it better that i never watch it and just like invent what it is in my mind my name is john michael morbius and i am a werewolf i ride a motorcycle and listen to classic rock i need blood transfusions once a year otherwise i turn gray and die except i don't die i just piss myself through my mouth [Music] love getting stuck down here with the boar's heads [Music] vinnie that was your fault yep [Music] have you seen multiverse of madness yet no i haven't even seen the north man or everything everything everywhere that's what that's called right these rooms are terrible and i've already nerfed them twice it says new official developer of zelda 2. yeah they they kind of suck don't they [Music] welcome to the worst room in the game um it's yeah it's up there [Music] you know i will say i did enjoy when movies came to streaming at the same time as movie theater i remember it like it was yet last year [Music] because i would watch the only movie i would want to see in the theater of those is maybe the the stranger movie because that's like a special effects like [ __ ] fest you know so i'd want to see that in the theater but the other two i would watch at home it wasn't all that with the special effects oh would you want to see howard the duck introduced to the mcu at this point yeah i think that would be a good way to continue uh its relevance and weirdness without people getting so bored of of [ __ ] cape nonsense i mean he's already in guardians of the galaxy but i think like we need a lot of howard like a lot and we could have the dude who does howard hamlin from better call saul do the voice he's already got he you know what he would be a good howard the duck patrick fabian do it it's all connected man it's all connected i don't know i want to see a duck walking around alongside uh captain america or whatever bt or superheroes are currently being flogged for entertainment [Music] i'll tell you what that was a huge waste i'll tell you why that was a huge waste because i was that close to a level up dumb so dumb [Music] well we're going back in because we don't have the item [Music] i could have leveled up twice [Music] chat you may not want to waste all your brain cells because at some point they may come in useful also dogs listen to this pink cranberry juice [Music] trash what do you mean trash i was just gonna say it's good [Music] where was that elevator elevator's up here so let me let me just see what's going on there climb this without taking severe head trauma damage i guess i think they fall faster now also the room itself i think is kind of different by the way this was original minecraft i used to play this game just to come here and like play with the blocks maybe not this castle but [Music] did you do the airplane stage on goldeneye with the tank as endless combat too yes [Music] yes i did if i had the up stab this would be a lot easier but i don't get that until later so at some point i'll get it [Music] maybe not [Music] copium says a chat member yet cringe contrarian copium [Music] chat it's not happening i tried [Music] well there's an elevator up there no no [Music] there we go [Music] luckily the blocks don't do a ton of damage oh [ __ ] this is awesome nighttime slime time is this slime [ __ ] glitch oh no [Music] nighttime slime slime shrine i can't say that nighttime slime shrine say that four times fast nighttime slime shrime it just broke my [ __ ] brain [Music] alarm [Music] make the blocks look like the slime lad that's silly [Music] that's just silly [Music] well how do i know how wide it has to be is this the length of wide how would he do the eyes yeah i don't i how do i do the eyes [Music] the yellow grass is the grass the the signifier here because uh dev are you is this happening you know what why wouldn't it be happening it's happening it gives you the left eye it does there's that [Music] vinny you just gotta count all right so there's uh i'm gonna go with the yellow grass but i don't know how that eye is going to work so [Music] dev how do i make the eye now you can make it from the side arrow under from the right [Music] not like this no that's that's it correct right no good yes no that's middle there's the eye which i am i looking at is that not it no so it's it's one two it's hard to count one so that's one two and then i oh left eye good but right i not [Music] [Music] it's okay i'm gonna borrow again chat members watch watch the borrowage it's fine [Music] now we just have to get rid of these blocks so they fill in [Music] map [Music] we carve now in san diego carve you need one more layer to the left you are correct i think oh wow about to die while carving a slime in a palace in zelda 2. what the [ __ ] [Music] tenacious little slimes [Music] now i can carve [Music] the reward for all this like slime hunting better be worth it i better get the shasta sword [Music] he's gonna [ __ ] it up no [Music] just gonna do this in the slowest possible way just so i don't make any mistakes weren't you just talking about playing minecraft as a kid with these blocks what are the odds yeah tell me about it it's pretty much that [Music] i mean it's cool side content [Music] i did it that that is one to one you don't need the two outermost columns well what now [Music] you get nothing [Music] wrong it is flipped [Music] oh no [Music] what is this [ __ ] it's all one block to the left too far do they have to mirror like like you know what i mean like do i have to your one column [Music] i should change that to acceptable i think that's up to you but yeah that's not you know wouldn't be a bad idea to so now the eyes have to move over to the right one one each right this is [ __ ] yeah that that is yes yes do we have confirmation you will get something from this i can't see how we wouldn't i mean slimes are collectible in the game so yeah i think i think yes um [Music] this music is gonna get stuck in everyone's head [Music] so this this is an eye that is done for us correct so so is that correct am i dumb i mean yes but sometimes this is correct okay [Music] [Music] out [Music] yeah stop the blocks with your head no no no this is good now this is fine [Music] now we carve now we carve [Music] i saw one of those cool things like the shrimbo mail are you a shrimbo or shrigma but i saw are you a ziegler male or are you in irma [Music] very rare very very rare [Music] i will i will show you please give me a moment here all right hang on one second one second one second it's important you'll see there's two important things i want to show you before we finish this [Music] all right so here's how you know if you're a ziegler right which is very rare it's super where is it worth 50 irma and also this i gotta say the ship posts for breaking bad and and better call saul just just keep keep getting weirder and better [Music] pulp i catch your drift now also there's that sound the famous sound we did it yeah i think um just giving a little bit more of an acceptable parameter i do know about finger is the ziegler male worth 30 fingers i don't know [Music] but uh i have to find the more you drag this on the more the words better call and saul become unusable [Music] item should be there [Music] no no the slime was the item killing the slimes counts as items they're this game's golden sculpture at this point [Music] i don't know what that eventually accomplishes but we'll i'm assuming we'll find out soon while soon meaning the end of the game [Music] sultula oh my god hey for as much running the sol [ __ ] into the ground as i'm doing chat is not helping or they are helping get good position on this enemy [ __ ] is this why why was angry head come attack [Music] jump up i thought so too but i i don't know oh my god oh we went mental with this dungeon didn't we [Music] this is new completely there's no room that even looks close to this in zelda 2 originally [Music] uh [Music] [ __ ] hell [Music] that was acceptable distance [Music] but i still have to go up there so let's hope one of these [ __ ] drops more magic [Music] do [Music] at least the beep doesn't overwrite the music no not yet [Music] there's a chicken hole up in the top left top right there let's do the chicken hole first since i have just the right amount of magic for it cockhole no no chicken hole [Music] [ __ ] [Music] what there was supposed to be a heart there um error in action number one of other event room start data structure index does not start gml script g room start stack frame something something something ignore it three times and then i can play there was a stack dump so yeah i mean it's probably a good idea you didn't release this yet uh but yeah there should have been a heart piece there eh [Music] i'm just wondering where the item is [Music] [Music] [Music] custom lobot custom action figure custom game [Music] i mean we're going to talk about star wars soon because i'll be playing star wars stop looking up my yeah chat members are looking up your lyrics dave look at what you've done you you've made a famous video game parody song that makes zero sense [Music] no and listen in some cultures that is considered to be a sign of great success [Music] has vinnie seen the 700 tifa figurine the one with the buster sword um splitting her where the good lord split her yes i've seen it i guess chad hasn't [Music] cook any tasty delights recently um i made fried pickle pork burger with fries i mean it was given to me on a recipe card with the ingredients but i you know i had to like apply heat and chop [Music] it was good [Music] i just realized how much easier [ __ ] makes this look at that you can just glide around [Music] i can't get the [ __ ] up there [Music] very very very small jump yeah there's no thing there oh well [Music] it's quite unfortunate but yes the heart piece is not there [Music] it's cool that the item is up here something different [Music] yes mike mate wants to know if you've ever tried zelda 2 randomizer reloaded oh hey mike uh if you're oh wait no yeah yeah i have i've done zelda 2 randomizer a lot zelda 1 not 2. zelda 1 i've done a couple times randomizer reloaded well i did one has drawn full maps for it to help them keep track that yeah that sounds about right i mean you kind of need to i did one recently where your um overworld gets randomized as well as dungeons so i went mental i randomized the whole game and it was a lot of fun even if it was kind of nightmarish at times [Music] remember that time you rafted down a mountain in zelda zelda 2 rafted down a mountain maybe it's a randomizer the reloaded version has different graphics seems like you did the one i mean yeah it had like a couple new like villages you couldn't really do much but it was new graphics at least mike matinee living like a wind rammer [Music] i will never forget that as long as i live [Music] i think i've done that one but there's also um a couple different ones i mean there's so many different types of randomizers now [Music] do you think they'll ever do an hd remake of this game no nintendo would sooner forget about this game's existence which is why i kind of don't think this is at risk for uh dmca yeah i i feel you on that one mike i people ask me to say the word spin in a funny voice too that's one of those things that i will have for the rest of my existence on this planet meanwhile they could just as easily be asking me to say the word spit spit [Music] have you seen the randomizer that combines super metroid and a link to the past i have and i don't want to play it [Music] really just anything in that voice is good dopamine who you calling a dopamine i'm not mean i'm not a dope [Music] that was a dopey joke though i just say the word in a funny voice and like people have put it in mods for video games where something spins or rotates at a pleasing velocity and i say the funny line and people put it in video games and videos [Music] it's a legacy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey dev what the [ __ ] do i do here do i just need full magic again [Music] yeah no i have to go up here but i think i need so jump and and uh just jump okay speaking of rogue legacy i played more of it and i gotta be honest that game is pretty [ __ ] cool and the new update helps with the grinding a bit and uh they rebalanced some of the trinkets to make them a little bit more viable it is pretty cool i have played a lot of games where i just started played it once and was like i might come back to this and then never came back to it but i think rogue legacy is one that's going to keep me going rogue legacy 2 in particular it's very good not for everybody because it is a little grindy at times and the progression can be a little slow but i think it's great um the other game that i'm gonna be playing i think at least one campaign is that songs of conquest game that [ __ ] was awesome like shadow warrior three yeah i played shadow warrior three it was fine but i ended up enjoying turbo overkill even more even though i only excuse me made a video i only played shadow warrior 3 one time i almost got halfway through very very short game [Music] yes mike that is a thing that happens sometimes people just pick up on the weirdest [ __ ] and it becomes a thing that just it becomes lore [Music] and minecraft was such a big thing so [ __ ] huge [Applause] [Music] it was it's weird because i played minecraft when i first started streaming made a whole channel dedicated to it at one point because it was such a big topic immediately got bored of the game after that didn't play it for 10 years because it was stupid because everybody was playing minecraft and i didn't want to play it anymore and i was like yeah it's too popular it's dumb and then i came around to it again like a couple years ago and i was like oh no this game's actually pretty good and i ended up enjoying it and then i tried to enjoy it again earlier this year and i was like nah i'm bored of this game stupid so maybe in another 10 years [Music] thus is the cycle of the craft no i didn't think it was stupid i just didn't feel like building i don't know i i kind of like [Music] i'll wait for hightail let's put it that way [Music] by then it'll have a whole new like that game looks cool and it looks like it's got a whole new set of content and things to enjoy and rpg elements [Music] and maybe i'll like it maybe i'll play it once and never again i don't know oh this is awesome cool tile set [Music] [Music] have you heard of cube world that game had so much potential i've mentioned cube world a bunch and cube world was it was cool and then it just didn't have any legs and then the developer stopped making it it's disappeared but that was like one of those games that ended up being like overhyped hey uh dev did i miss anything up there or or am i good i just want to know so i don't have to go back there [Applause] [Music] yes you missed all right fine we go back vinnie have you heard of cube world i heard you were interested in orc massage and it is made by the same devs [Music] wow though to be fair an orc probably does have a world of pubes and they're probably like razor sharp too [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh yes i did miss something [Music] [Music] listen you can't mention cube world and not expect me to have some kind of comment [Music] you're not guaranteed to like said comment i can't wait for the lord of the rings amazon show the subtitle is rings of power subtitle pube world and it's just gonna be like orcs getting like blasted hang on a second what the [ __ ] is happening there conspiracies about jfk happening in chat i'm sorry i'm just trying to understand there's like a weird exchange happening in regards to jfk and lee harvey oswald and it was very confusing at no point have i mentioned jfk on today's stream weirdly i do tend to mention jfk from time to time about going to the moon and doing the other things we choose to go to the moon and do the other thing [Applause] [Music] i don't know what the other things are maybe it's orc massage maybe he knew maybe he knew about orc massage he got like a a dossier from the future and he knew too much and they had to [Music] these eyeballs hit kinda hard vinnie there is a glowing green person right behind you i thought you were talking about an extra life for link [Music] i do enjoy all these little side areas that you've added to the game [Music] and again visually pleasing side areas too yes good [ __ ] uh so i can't get that yet [Music] [Laughter] how's the physics it's exactly the same damn it [Music] hey chat don't spell mutt orcs backwards scrotum oh [Music] peak comedy and who's the [ __ ] lives here why did you come all the way here yeah i'm trying to figure out the same thing [Music] caution this pit goes to [Music] oh well that's nice to brazil [Music] baby please come down to brazil you have to take the brazil home hey hover i guess uh i guess that was designed to just get me back here but did i miss anything over there aside from that slime friend oh wow no loading no loading zones [Applause] i'm going to obviously not be completing something later in game okay so considering that dungeon has a heart piece that i cannot get maybe i can get it at another time um but yeah this probably is not going to be a 100 run i do want to get the slimes though [Music] [Music] ah [Music] why not [Music] there's another tiny house in the middle of the water welcome to naburu amazing i'll never forget that now the real question is will i still have to fetch a glass of water to one of the townsfolk with boots i could walk on the water [Music] help the fountains have dried up oh god damn it [Music] i wanted to get a glass of water [Music] i cannot help you [Music] stop by for a while [Music] there's an old well backside of town no in zelda 2 you legitimately just have to grab a glass of water you just go over and press the button and that's it [Music] you are persistent find heart over ocean [Music] nice graphics [Music] new enemies [Music] i will say developer you did a lot more than your email led on you're like oh just a couple new enemies and rooms just just a few things there's more than a few things here there's several many things in fact [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i got uh tacos today well actually no i didn't get tacos i got carne asada from a new place that i wanted to try right and you know a place with mexican food is good when they give you three whole skunions and like a moist wet [Music] hot poblano pepper uncut i'm not trying to be weird i okay let me say that like a normal human being it was a whole poblano pepper that was just like boiled or steamed and scunions three scunions it was legit it was really good [Music] i can see there are people here who do not know what a scunian is it's like i don't know it's like an onion it was uh but like there's it it had leaves on it it was like not it was like steamed uh scunion [Music] and it still had the leaves on it like the roots or whatever i'm saying very dumb things right now but the point is it's a green onion but it was like large and bulbous wow this has turned into like a weirdly sexual conversation that i did not mean to turn it into [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] go was this restaurant on the sixth floor yes it was on the hidden sixth floor of the restaurant there's a restaurant on the restaurant [Music] [Music] [Music] better hope that you have magic by the time you get here chat members because if you don't have magic you might be [Music] screwed i kind of think giving the player a little bit more magic would help [Laughter] the sixth floor is real and it's not a restaurant it's a hotel it is a hotel turned into a theatrical setting [Music] still not sex [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i like how this started as fetch a glass of water and now it's this [Music] vinny do you like papa john's pepperoncino that comes in every pizza box let me stop you at do you like papa john's because i can answer the question starting with that and ending with no [Music] oh wow this is the hidden sixth floor right here holy [ __ ] oh you did the thing the zelda thing that wasn't actually in zelda two but when the blocks attack you that's that's pretty good floor tiles in every other zelda game well not every but you know what i mean i do enjoy the attempts to make zelda 2 more like zelda ah that's cool that's cool [Music] this town holds a dark secret [Music] it's whatever the [ __ ] this is that's the dark secret [Music] i like that it just shits you out over there frogs those aren't frogs fecal exit why would you say that chat member [Music] now the fountain actually has water coming out of it yeah chat is [ __ ] unhinged tonight but i guess i am too so [Music] the water is back we shall reward you the water is back please fetch me a glass of water this magic will make your sword shoot fire [Music] oh wow it has another actual use amazing [Music] you don't have to cast it the wise man already did i am not a wise man myself chat member [Music] yeah it's fairly inexpensive vinnie does this have a full world map to look at with the changes i mean you can you can do this it doesn't look like you can move it around but [Music] ah [Music] someone please compile this jfk or sex conversation no no no need let it be let it bleed leave it there [Music] here's the problem with modern internet is sometimes people just can't let things exist ephemerally like we are such preservationists where it's like we must record every message of this chat please johnny chad replay johnny please [Music] like you can let some things go like some things don't have to be preserved nor should they be ever [Music] [Applause] but no it's not it's not a chat issue it's the internet it's just the way things are at the moment where everything everything has some level of like there's a call for preservation [Music] just kill the power build a new death star kill the past sometimes it's fine for things to have existed briefly in a window of time listen on a long enough time scale everything is going to go away anyway as soon as the sun burns out and the solar rays and the quantum photons hit your computer in the next couple hundred years you know when servers are pulped [Music] i'm dooming a little bit sorry we went from coming to dooming sorry [Music] damn it whoa dark forest what the [ __ ] oh i see slime that was clever oh no [Music] it's a natural desire to fight entropy but we kind of do that every day by existing i believe i've talked about that in one of my songs maybe several of my songs i'm not sure anymore i don't remember [Music] doombox yeah kinda [Music] no we're good [Music] but vinnie even after everything disappears those who remain will still remember me if i eat the mona lisa [Music] i like that chat message there's a lot to unpack that's exactly the kind of like thing i like in chat and life which is it's deep sorry to ruin the joke but i'm going to anyway that made me think a little bit it's utterly stupid and yet there's some intelligence behind it there's a deeper truth but you said it in the [ __ ] stupidest way possible and for that chat member i would give you a gold medal if i had one mountain town of darunia again nice little details this town feels unique oh you must save hyrule as i turn into a slime did you remove the the monsters that you can hit like 50 times [Music] it is said the east of naburu has mountains in the background would be cool whoa whoa whoa hold up there let's not expect too much [Music] i don't even know what that dialogue means yeah not even the developers did the localization most certainly didn't retro type you enjoying your paragraphs go ahead you can't unpost the orc massage memes no one will stop you [Music] retro type is doing the same thing as that other chat member but saying it in like four times as much text but i will say that retro is pretty pretty on point with his stupidity as well um vinnie i love visions and i'm excited for after thoughts are there any news is there any news you can share it's an album of after thoughts and you get free aftershave with vinyl [Music] no um do i have any news um well any i loved visions but mirage was pretty good too thanks well five of the songs some of which will not make the album and will be on the ep instead but five of them were recorded at the same time as the other ten from visions so we were almost done with 15 songs before we released visions and it was gonna be like well here's five and plus another five and then i wrote five more so that bumped a couple off the album that's the most i can say right now without spoiling too much but um you know you'll see maybe you'll like it i think they're good music dlc exactly a powerful knight lives in this town [Music] what is an ep an ep is is it extended play is that what it stands for do not go in the basement eternal punishment erected penis yep chat you got it do not go in the basement i've been told so here we go well an lp is a full-length album [Music] that is interesting it's just the baseline the way i've always understood it was that an lp is a full-length album which is like eight to you know eight or more songs generally and an ep is less songs when things were on vinyl more this probably made a whole lot more sense but we still do it because it's fun and so we've done we've done one before it's just a collection of songs that maybe sound good together that don't um [Music] belong on the album and so it's just some some extra stuff but they're not b sides see oh god then it gets confusing with b sides which is the the you know 45s a side and b side oh dear lord how do you even explain this have you ever heard of a cassette tape chat member [Music] um [Music] i have a feeling i'm not doing something right [Music] boomer rambling the ravings of a lunatic talking about something called a cassette which does not even exist [Music] oh i think i get it now not just because chat said it but because at the same time chat said it i figured it out [Music] maybe [Music] yoda alone on an island i don't know why he's on an island some island in the middle of the swamp on dagobah for years and years and years needing to get strong to defeat vader or train skywalker so that he could defeat vader it's on swamp island eating breadsticks and picking crust from his feet when he has the brilliant idea stronger i must get how does yoda become stronger there's only one way and yoda knows this there's not much to do on dagobah sure there's a weird evil cave but there's only one thing yoda can do to get strong rocky [Music] i must crush what yoda doesn't realize is that it shaved like 50 years off of his life very unfortunate [Music] he would have been eating breadsticks with luke in return of the jedi had he not crushed so much [Music] palpatine crushed his balls too he did but not enough to stop him from having children [Music] palpatine joked a little bit that's the thing [Music] that was his secret [Music] what if they use the force to do that they do they use the force of a rock vinnie none of these words are in the bible no no no no my child's joking is in genesis trust me [Music] could sith be more effective at this like using the choke technique yeah some say force choke is the pathway to many nut god damn it that some would consider unnatural so [Music] thank god the developer of this has watched my streams for long enough to know the stupidity could you imagine if it was just some random person who was a zelda 2 fan and they're like i'll check out this vine sauce guy and you know see what he's up to [Music] darth carradine attempted to master the force choke ah darth carrick [Laughter] a nice apprentice you are but once killed in many ways [Music] it's yeah it's [ __ ] up now yeah it's gone from ha ha funny like weird penis crush to oh no darth parading [Music] you know what if he survived we could do the bit but i'm not comfortable with it at this moment but chat member that was very good i will say i i enjoyed i enjoyed it and i like a little bit of dark humor from time to time and i i will say darth carradine gave me a good chuckle maybe you didn't hear me laugh but it was an internal chuckle [Music] darth humer oh my god [Music] but that's like honestly that's like george lucas level like name naming conventions uh well he's insidious so you know darth sidious whatever darth maul it's like a blunt instrument like a maul i don't care whatever [Applause] i have a new apprentice what is his name dolph tuma now what yes darth tumor [Music] [Applause] [Music] what about darth icky that sounds like a good name doth towards [ __ ] he was going to name starkiller darth icky yeah i like how i didn't even play a star wars game yet like that's that's still to come and somehow we're talking about like various darths [Music] vinnie talk to the townsfolk [Music] darth malevolence is a chat member in chat right now everybody are you talking about the randos that that pass by [Music] yet all these clever names in chat have made me laugh but the one that made me laugh the most was darth poopsock not randos but maybe a walker i know nothing i know nothing [Music] i know nothing [Music] please save our town [Music] jump in a hole in the palace if you go that [Music] not that one look for a heart in a field north of here okay see if you've played zelda 2 before you know that the townsfolk are weirdly like cryptic and silly [Music] and usually don't help they know nothing or they turn into bats so it's almost not worth talking to them so having experience with zelda 2 kind of actively screws you over [Music] a little bit also have you been in that house you just passed um maybe i do know that i'm hitting my two hour mark so i'm gonna probably just check out the maze and then play some lego star war but uh so it's just a random field the spawn rate of the enemies makes this very difficult [Music] north of here [Music] many fields have i passed [Music] ah [Music] i got nothing chat member uh dev up north that doesn't help up north does not help probably through the tunnel all right let me see if i have been in the house [Music] i'm pretty sure i've been in all of these houses [Music] i have a new um of a new enemy yeah is it another dart his name is darth singularity [Music] i mean that's a cool name can like shoot like black holes from his wrists like spider webs [Music] darth morby don't give disney any more ideas sorry that's [Music] sony so it's in a field to the north maybe it's this way [Music] oh god just when the darth thing was cooling down it it is here again [Music] [Applause] and it's my fault dev is it in this field or have i gone too far it is in this field oh okay there it is [Music] nice background graphics you got there looks really nice even though it makes no logical sense whatsoever i'm not going to bust you on that [Music] jesus christ [Music] it's a day night cycle but it only occurs when you enter that one square [Music] oh okay this is a whole thing darth hitler what what you can't say that that's the most evil name humanity could come up with [Music] [ __ ] [Music] darth antichrist all right now that's pretty good too just something about the word antichrist sounds evil in and of itself you know well this has been a weird conversation um we're gonna play lego star wars now we're gonna get to the scene where anakin doesn't like sand uh so hey thank you for watching zelda two we still got some dungeons left should be fun [Music] and uh that's two hours hover thank you for stopping by and help me helping me out with this it seems like you have a little bit of work ahead to fix a couple things but overall it's a lot of fun and i enjoy it's still been just very high quality so you know keep up the good work [Music] i'll just use this brb and i will be back with lego star war in just a minute gus cringe
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 39,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Full Sauce, FullSauce, Playthrough, Gameplay, Lets Play, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Randomized, Games Randomized, The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo R&D4, NES, Action role-playing, Single-player, Zelda 2, Zelda II, PC, Mod, Port, Remaster
Id: 3pEY_PXOB8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 6sec (7266 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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