[Vinesauce] Vinny - Wingspan ~ European Expansion

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[Music] and there it is [Music] speaking of music i actually really like the music in this game so here it is the wingspan european expansion this is uh out as of today [Music] and uh for those that don't know what this is it's birds and it's cards and it's really chill it's not gonna be for everybody but weirdly i kind of really really like this game and um i want to check out this expansion because we get new birds like european birds so i guess i'll um explain the game a little bit [Music] i got i'll try not to go into every rule but i'll do my best um i'm actually friends with a couple of morning doves mallards as well they did it oh my god they did it they updated the game so that you can press the button and hear their sound i've been waiting for that yeah it's a bird pokedex so um i'll tell you the the ones that i see here in new york i see um a lot of morning doves pigeons obviously i see american robins okay i see house sparrows so i don't know if that's the same thing as a grasshopper sparrow i see [Music] crows obviously crows are amazing i'll tell you about them later um obviously the canada goose [Music] uh i haven't unlocked all the birds yet we got blue jays um northern cardinals [Music] uh we also get grackles i don't know if i have a grackle card there's so many new cards now because of the european expansion this is what i like to call fancy duck um then there's this cool duck uh sorry bird called the dick sizzle so a lot of great birds but i'm actually gonna play the game now so there's my character right uh other new ones you can unlock some new ones [Music] european expansion oh cool uh so you can we can go to europe let's go to europe why not and uh should we verse this pigeon you know what since we're going to europe is this a crow with a top hat absolutely amazing and um yeah we'll just try this with the level 2 difficulty and i'll try to explain the game as we go and i'll tell you about the crow documentary i watched and and other bird related information that that's the kind of stream this is going to be so the first thing is you get to keep five cards or food it has to total five so normally you wanna pick um one of these cards this is going to be kind of hard to explain because this game is a little complicated honestly when i first played it it took me all of an hour to learn if that getting good at it is a different story birds with wingspans 30 centimeters or less or birds that can only live in the forest so now i want to go back and see what i have here i have a couple small birds maltones warbler eurasian tree sparrow those are small birds um and then there's the black vulture so you know what let's let's go for that card [Music] the goal of this game is to get more points than your opponent all right and how do you do that well thank you for asking many ways you can lay eggs you can also have if you play a bird card you see that feather that says three on this bird that's three points if you put that down like this roadrunner here is seven points but is also it requires three food to put down if you use all four types of actions this round play another bird um another player takes grain gain one grain so yeah we'll do that we'll do maltoni uh this is a good starting card um the black vulture we'll get a we'll get a vulture sure and i'm gonna get food so i can put down the tree sparrow so you notice the the icons there it needs one worm and one grain also cool noise right so that's five i got five things now three cards two foods [Music] and i got one bonus card this game is cool but the physical edition just has so many [ __ ] pieces like i'm so happy i can play this on the switch because i would not want to set this up every single time so right now you'll notice that it's my top hat bird friend's turn right okay it's my turn now you'll notice it's divided into four rounds so now i get to play a card and uh note there are again i'm going to go kind of fast so you're probably not going to understand this right away but it kind of just clicks when you play it there are three habitats you'll notice on the left there i'm changing habitat so you have grassland you have uh well sorry this is the forest this is grassland and this is water water is where you get new cards new birds this is where you lay eggs and this is where you get food so i'm gonna put down this eurasian tree sparrow when another player takes grain uh takes the gain food action gain one grain or wheat so we're gonna play that eurasian tree sparrow a traditional japanese dance was inspired by the fluttering of the tree sparrow good good info thanks [Music] how do you summon exodia no now there's no charizard in the set either i guess the charizard for me is the the mallard so choose food from the bird [Music] feeder we get to choose one or the other so oh i because um when another player takes gain food so we get one of those right that's this bird's skill so it activated already all right now it's my turn so now i can do a number of things i can get some food i can play another bird or i can get another bird i'm going to i can't play the black vulture because i need an egg i actually have to lay eggs chat hear me out you see how it shows eggs each bird you put down subsequently costs eggs so it's one one two two so i have to um i have to get some more well i guess what i'll do is i will spend this term a turn not t-e-r-n like a bird i'm gonna spend this turn getting some food [Music] actually there's no good food in the bird feeder um what i need is berry and there's no berries here so that's a problem uh let's see what's over in the river maybe there's something good here well there's a cardinal [Music] so basically you use these tiles and you can get things so this cardinal is berry plus wheat and it is gain one from the supply when activated uh or i can just get a random card clearly you understand 100 i don't know what i want to do so i'll tell you what i'm just gonna lay some eggs i can lay two eggs right now so you'll notice when i plop the eggs down this european sorry eurasian tree sparrow can have up to four eggs each egg at the end of the game is worth one point all right so you'll notice it is now my opponent's turn it was a dapper crow [Music] and while the opponent takes a turn i can play this vulture now the vulture can only lay one egg and costs zero food to put down when another player's that succeeds gain one food what that means is if the other player has a bird that hunts i get food automatically so there you go and now i spend an egg black vulture turkey vultures have a better sense of smell so black vultures follow them to food [Music] okay [Music] what i've learned that um is kind of a good strategy in this game is you want to focus heavily on like one or two but two habitats and don't try to spread yourself too thin so now that i have two cards down my bird feeder is better when i get food i now get two instead of one because this habitat is stronger because it has two birds in it i hope that makes sense but yeah you can see it so the next one is pay a card and you can get three so um yeah i'm gonna get uh worm or worm and i'm gonna re-roll the bird feeder and i'm gonna get berry so now i have one berry you can see in the bottom right one berry one worm one grain someone said being a bird is a lot more complicated than i had assumed all my life all right bird life is i think blur wrote a song about that um maltone's warbler if you use all four types of actions this round play another bird hey it's normal food and egg cost so we'll put um moltoni's down moltoni's warbler while tony was a 20th century italian ornithologist [Music] so i can see what the opponent here is doing if i really want to like i can this is their layout so right now they have one bird with three eggs in the grassland and that's it [Music] um for the record though you can see in the top right there there are four cards each round has a bonus objective this round if you have eggs in grassland you get bonus points so my opponent has egg in grassland i do not um i could use another card i'm going to you know what i'm going to lay egg i'm going to lay two eggs on this bird here how many expansions does this game have just one so far i don't know if they're gonna do more but um this is the this expansion is all european birds [Music] uh okay so at this point it's pretty clear i need new bird so i could take any of these three or [Music] discard one egg from any of your other birds and gain two food from the supply [Music] so that's when activated i think that means just when it's placed i'm gonna get a random card it's a gray cat bird repeat a brown power on oh no no no no that's um another bird in this habitat that's every round repeat of brown power on one other so the brown powers are when activated every one of these cards has a brown power uh [Music] yeah i'll take the i'll take the cat bird that's fine it's a little expensive to put down but that's a good power [Music] i'm gonna call poop's brown power from now on that's cool chat member [Music] uh i don't have any brown power birds so i'll tell you what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get [Music] another bird when another player plays a water bird gain one fish from the supply so this is the belted kingfisher all right so hmm needs that symbol to play it means there we go it needs one fish and one of any other food [Music] choose birds with round end power to activate round and if you use all four types of actions play another bird i can't that's new by the way i haven't seen cards like that before [Music] i'm not expecting people to pick up on what's happening i'm it's been a while since i played this and i still am having to learn old mechanics on top of new ones someone in chat says i wish birds were real yeah me too so i want to play the kingfisher but i need i need food so i'm gonna get one of those and get a berry [Music] so next round or next turn i'll be able to play the kingfisher [Music] 53 centimeters [Music] all right now that's free the first slot is always free belted kingfisher a kingfisher burro can go up to six feet into a riverbank and slopes to shed water [Music] all right oh it's the grackle we have those they sound like fax machines they're weird little birds [Music] took a card from your hand behind this bird if you do lay one egg on this bird so that's a good card if you have a lot of cards that you're drawing from the water gain one food roll dice not in the bird feeder if any our fish gain one fish that's the white-faced ibis i'm gonna draw some food i'm gonna get some food so that way i can put down that cat bird it uh god damn it damn it doesn't want any of this [Music] ibis ibs [Music] at least i gained food i could play this because in this game [Music] the way food works is you can combine two of other food to make one food of whatever kind you want so for example this requires two berries in one bug i have two grain which will function as one berry so i i could just spend more to put the cap bird down i'm not going to because truthfully cat bird's an okay card i still need to draw you know what i'm gonna draw two cards and i'm gonna spend an egg to do that sorry moltoni i need your egg [Music] all right now i can draw two cards uh gain one food i'm gonna do random horned lark when another player plays a blo bird grassland bird tuck one card from your hand behind this bird tucked cards means you just put a card behind it and it's a point at the end of the round all right i got a lark and uh i'll get i'll get the grackle [Music] i don't think i'm doing particularly well [Music] um [Music] i think i'm gonna build the the water area because that way i can draw more cards i have to spend an egg common grackle in winter grackles roost in large flocks that can include millions of individuals it's interesting baltimore oriole my opponent has a baltimore oriole [Music] that ibus is a very interesting or ibis is a very interesting card um i can't play the i'll tell you what i'm going to lay some egg because the bonus is laying eggs in grassland for this round so we'll lay some egg i'm just going to focus on getting the bonus [Music] one two all right choose a bird with round end power to activate play another bird oh i can put down another bird i can voice crack sick yeah that's fine uh i have to spend an egg though all right fine see now i'm doing exactly what i said i didn't want to do large nomadic flocks mixing with other bird species which is i'm not building any one habitat as much as i would like however i do think the water habitat is probably what i want to focus on next so i need two berry one worm and there is none of that and i can't re-roll [ __ ] damn it [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] i need berries [Music] this is a very very sad state of affairs i had to waste three turns to get enough food to play this [ __ ] cat bird probably not gonna win this one the bonus is um [ __ ] a card from my i can't i don't want to skip skip the power um white and no powers oh i understand okay uh that's a bonus all right so we're gonna play the cat bird and spend way too much food in order to do so grey cat bird cat birds mimic other birds and also have a call that sounds like a cat meowing is this like hearthstone but with ducks something like that [Music] well my vulture paid off i got food i found out from this game that a sandpiper is actually a bird like sandpiper crossing from better call saul it's all connected man it's all connected man [Music] um anyway yeah yeah sandpiper okay so uh discard one food tuck two from this deck behind the bird [Music] we're going to get the ruby-throated hummingbird we're going to get the sandhill crane we're going to get a ram oh great egret [Music] i could place the egret as well as another bird instantly i just need more food select one other bird with a brown power in your water to repeat its power [Music] i'm not ready to tuck yet i need to draw more cards [Music] i'm gonna skip as well i need to place cards i can we can still do this the bird economy is on the rise i may have enough turns to really make this work probably not [ __ ] okay well uh [ __ ] so i need a mouse and two fish and then any other food i'm not gonna be able to get the fish [Music] what happens when you lose oh the uh you're executed oh man bonus points i didn't get any bonus points that round all right this is where the bird economy has to like actually it has to happen now i think i need eggs though in order to make it happen maybe i need more eggs [ __ ] yeah no this isn't gonna work this is this is a bad first round it's okay it's all [Music] right okay [Music] i'm gonna play the egret spend the eggs great egret smaller birds will sometimes follow after great egrets as they stir up prey okay now i can play this ruby throated hummingbird [Music] ruby throated hummus it's a shame because now i have good cards but they also eat many small now the bird economy is strong but there's not enough turns left to really make it work i'll show you what i mean um so we're gonna tuck this card all right oh [Music] so i'm gonna just get four random birds it doesn't matter what they are it i just need birds [Music] wilson storm petrol hooded crow forster's turn like i said not enough turns [Music] all players gain food choose a player who will gain food first me select one other bird with brown power so now i can duplicate this and i can just keep tucking cards behind the bird meaning uh oh lay one egg oh yeah you can lay egg on bird as well that's that's useful so now i'm gonna tuck that card so that's two extra points and more points because i have egg that is being laid and i just got some food problem is i think this is the last uh second to last turn so i mean oh well [Music] get some eggs down those are just points now the goal is to just amass as many points as possible select birds to lay eggs [Music] oh wait no i didn't want to do that no i want to do this okay so we're just getting birds brent that's a that's a weird duck so we're going to choose food i keep selecting cards i don't want to select cards i want to select food so each of these cards now just kind of work like that's the thing the more you build up your cards the more things just happen and that's how you amass many points so like again we're just laying some eggs we're gonna tuck that card unfortunately there's no more room for eggs but these birds with round end power do not meet activation requirements [Music] all right well now we see the final score i don't think this was my best showing of bird force but who knows maybe i won uh-oh oh no mario oh no it was close no i don't want to save this game have you tried the online yet dude i can't even face the um medium ai we're gonna try it again this time i'm gonna change the background because i want to see the other nice backgrounds like this one swift start 10 bird cards oh all right let's do another one is this better on switch or pc i don't know i didn't play the pc version i'm assuming they're probably both very similar because the switch version is good so bonus cards birds with at least four eggs laid on them or birds that can only live in the grassland i'm gonna go for the the egg card all right so none of these birds can have eggs of uh four egg huh [Music] tuck a card um choose one to five birds in this habitat tuck one card from your hand behind each [Music] oh that's if you draw a lot of cards eurasian nut hatch what a great name gain one grain from the supply and cash it on this card at any time you may spend grain to uh cash on this card you know what we're gonna get the nut hatch instead of paying any costs you may play this bird on top of another bird on your player mat discard any eggs and food from that bird it becomes a tucked card [Music] it is kind of rim world music-y a little bit here's the blackbird again tuck a card if you do also lay one egg i do like that card so i'll just get that that's it i'm just gonna get those two [Music] or you know what no i won't just get those too i'm also gonna get the turn [Music] [Music] try swapping your starter relic so uh i actually watched a documentary on cl on crows i was gonna say clowns i watched a documentary on crows it's on youtube it's [ __ ] amazing crows are amazing for one they're extremely smart i'm sure many of you know this they actually can recognize faces and then pass down to their children like bad faces to avoid um they can take like hangers and make nests out of hangers they can use a tool to get another tool to get food like they'll use a small stick to get a big stick to get food with the big stick they're extremely smart and they have a weird like um when one of their their crow friends dies they'll like just hang out in silence for a couple minutes and then all silently fly away at the same time like they do like crow funerals it's [ __ ] weird [Music] black turn these turns build floating nests out of marsh plants they're also drones [Music] so yeah really good bird documentary i'd recommend it um just fascinating animals i watched another bird documentary it was the tony hawk one [Music] serious it was really good i'm apologizing for my voice crackings now but i am voice cracking's bad [Music] reset the bird feeder if you do gain all worm and bird feeder after resetting uh gain one food [Music] i gotta get that goal draw a card if you do discard one card from your hand [Music] what this uh what card am i getting rid of [Music] [Music] okay [Music] so now a good thing to do would probably be to play something here so i can't not until i get the proper food i don't have the proper food [Music] what's the name of the crow video uh crow video it just type crow documentary youtube it's like an hour long and these researchers put on these weird masks and they track some crows it actually got me kind of like emotional like there's some there's this couple sad moments in that documentary [Music] very very sad it made me like kind of more sad than any of the new star trek shows [Music] like genuinely so and not manipulatively so it's always fun to make fun of new star trek shows i i can't help it [Music] tuck a card from your hand behind this bird if you do draw one card [Music] ring build gull these goals steal food and eggs from other birds and scavenge at garbage dumps [ __ ] weirdos so i'm gonna draw some cards look at this uh swan and look at this woodcock so these cards the woodcocks are very funny they move in funny ways the uh these cards don't have any powers but note they are worth nine points each they also cost three food so whilst they are in fact good cards they can just be kind of difficult wow just when i thought woodcock was funny we just got colted [Music] uh [Music] this will will draw the uh the woodcock [Music] draw a card if you do discard one card there's the crackle again um [Music] well [Music] so i'm at a point now where i'm drawing cards and making some like getting some points but i don't have a good way of getting food and my egg laying is very bad so it would be a good idea to fix that the eastern king bird would be a way to help with that so we're gonna do that i'm gonna grab a berry [Music] when another player plays a forest bird gain one worm from the supply [Music] eastern the king bird displays its orange crown while defending its territory [Music] birds are named after whatever the bird watcher shouted when he first saw it woodcock i say what are you talking about [Music] i was just lost in thought red shouldered hawk these are fun cards look at a card from the deck if less than 75 centimeters tuck it behind this bird if not discard it so that's how this game deals with like predator birds if it's got a small wingspan you just eat the bird and get a point for it turkey vulture when another player's blot succeeds gain one from the bird feeder what is blah blah is when they attack basically this power right here [Music] what am i getting rid of let me see what my opponent has because my opponent has a hawk of some kind no [Music] i'm gonna get rid of the turkey vulture damn that's a mean sounding bird draw a card if you do discard one card so i'm just drawing a ton of cards [Music] [Applause] [Music] the reason i'm drawing all these cards is because now i can spend some cards to get extra food i'm gonna do exactly that oh i just gained a worm nice uh you know what no i'm gonna play the robin yeah the robin would be a good card to play [Music] play the robin here though american robin robins have been known to roost in groups of a hundred thousand or more wow a lot of [ __ ] birds even the announcer was surprised okay this woodpecker has a skill all players lay one egg on any one bird you may lay one egg on one additional bird but they have to have this specific nest and i don't have a single bird with that nest uh but i do have a star nest which is all-encompassing you see the nests on the left of the cards so it shows you the nest type they make so it's just for additional card effects so you get to learn about birds while you play cards [Music] uh red shouldered hawk i'd like to play that but i also hmm [Music] i need a mouse and there's no there's no mice in there so you know i'm just gonna draw some more cards [Music] european turtledove oh red bellied woodpecker um [Music] gain one grain from the bird feeder if available you may cash it on this card i'm i'm gonna get rid of the turtle dove i think [Music] tufted tit mouse play another bird into the same habitat pay its normal cost [Music] grasshopper sparrow nice little sparrow fella [Music] okay now i just need some food that way i can actually play some birds [Music] i'm gonna spend a bird [Music] and get more food so we'll get uh a worm and grain i still need a mouse so i can play that hawk [Music] if these birds ever catch wind of the things we call them we're done for [Music] [Music] i really need to play this tit colton cold hits store spruce seeds and sometimes invertebrates for winter i can already hear the birds plotting against us what the [ __ ] did you call that smell what the [ __ ] would you name my stop [Music] there's a mouse and now it's nothing but mice so we'll just get two mice [Music] okay so when food is cashed on the card that's just an extra point um this round's bonus is brown powers which are those those brown skills the number of your played birds that have brown when activated powers on them so doing just fine there play that hawk and i gotta spend an egg i don't have many eggs left red shouldered hawk these hawks hunt from a perch swooping down when prey is nearby what level of bird law knowledge is required to play this game sweet d level [Music] we're going to draw some birds [Music] and i'm going to get typically cards like this are nice even though it's worth zero points because you just get food for setting it down in another [Music] took a habitat gotta get rid of one now um choose a card we'll draw the common swift discard up to five worms from your supply for each one tuck one card from this deck behind this bird jesus christ i don't do i look like i have that many worms oh it's the cat bird again [Music] i have to lay eggs now gonna lay three eggs total by spending a food [Music] and i'm gonna just uh put some eggs down on this coal tit [Music] the grey cat bird is really good repeat a brown power on one other bird but i'm gonna get rid of it [Music] wilson storm petrol i mean that's a cool sounding name for a bird who's wilson how about this one short-toed tree creeper oh yeah these birds would [ __ ] destroy us if they knew what we were calling them never mind [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay let's get some food oh we've got uh time to lay an egg um spotted tauhi i'm gonna put the spotted taohi down here and spend an egg from here so that way when we oh i said it right backwards to uncover insects and seeds in the leaf litter when we get eggs we will also get food so that is a very valuable card [Music] all right what food do we need definitely some worm [Music] i'm gonna play that woodcock dog all right so if this next bird is less than 75 centimeters we kill the bird and eat it it's 10 centimeters this ruby throated hummingbird never had a chance so we just got one point [Music] all right so the bonus for this round is i need eggs in that specific type of nest currently i only have this red hawk the red shouldered hawk has that kind of nest [Music] so you know what i'm gonna lay those eggs right now [Music] just to try to get that bonus and we'll gain one from the supply and i can tuck a card uh i'm gonna skip i wanna try to play all those birds if possible even though we're getting close to the end of the game or this yeah this this match [Music] i'm sorry if there are people who just don't understand what's happening it's kind of one of those things you just have to play i mean it makes much more sense that way do we want to play the woodcock there or there you know i'm going to play the woodcock here so that way we can spend time laying lots of eggs later on american woodcock the woodcock's amazing mating display involves repeated dives from 300 feet you should watch the video of the woodcock there's like a really good woodcock gif where it's just like doing like a swiggity swooty kind of dance you know [Music] okay so this next bonus objective is eggs in the the woodpecker hole in the tree type nest so i already have four eggs on one of those birds and the star nest is basically what that means is that that could be any nest so if there's a star that counts [Music] so i'm going to play this grasshopper sparrow and when activated lay egg on any bird that's a very useful power because that means i can just be an egg laying machine grasshopper sparrow the grasshopper-like song of these sparrows is often overlooked [Music] so that's how we're gonna win this one we're just gonna lay like a copious amount of eggs [Music] so essentially if i place this down this habitat is maxed out and i can just continue laying eggs like a [ __ ] so i'm gonna do that each one of these birds is a good bird [Music] i have to get rid of one of my cashed foods though blackbird flocks can include hundreds of thousands of birds um i think it's probably in my best interest to just lay a [ __ ] load of eggs [Music] talk a card no we don't want to do that um lay an egg uh gain food took a card absolutely not now we want to um get this bonus card here [Music] so this is um birds with at least four eggs laid on them so one extra point per bird so if i if i stack the eggs i get bonus points essentially so we're gonna do that unfortunately i cannot tuck these damn cards [Music] oh well the eggs may bring us to victory [Music] here we go [Music] and i maxed out the other bonus for this round you know what i'm gonna discard some food i'm gonna lay another egg [Music] it's a lot of eggs [Music] easily got the bonus [Music] so here's the bird amount that woodcock was nine points but not good enough end of round goals we're good come on come on come on nice duck with a jacket wins vinny please i need to know what the [ __ ] is happening i i tried i tried hmm yeah we won uh let's see how much more do i want to pipe i might do maybe one more show us some birds okay you can even sort by birds so i can sort by unlocked birds i can sort by alphabetical birds look at this the american coot another thing that crows will do is when they're uh like storing their food like they like to hide it if they get an inclination that something like another bird is watching them store their food they'll do like a jape they'll then tuck the food under their wing secretly and then fly somewhere else and store it in another location because they know they're being watched mental by the way this is what the bald eagle sounds like [Music] seriously what you think is the sound of the american eagle is actually a red-tailed hawk let's see if i have it unlocked they did that to sweeten the deal you know no i mean close but yeah that sound effect that everybody knows that's actually not even an eagle weird sound of ducks man says phoebe thomas say also has snails crabs and a snake nam named after him well that's [ __ ] confusing says crab play the purple martin me [Laughter] there is an online mode i just don't think i'm ready for online here's what i will do i'm gonna add another ai so it'll be um a free-for-all with three you know what we'll fight a bear i don't know what a bear is doing here but sure and my background this time is going to be this this ruins stonehenge is this ruins yeah it's lim grave exactly all right let's see what the bonus cards are um for each column that contains birds with three different power colors brown white pink teal per column or birds with at least four eggs laid on them again [Music] all right [Music] eurasian hobby uh do i want that i don't want this bird counts double towards the end of round goal if it qualifies for the goal ah [Music] roll all dice not in the bird feeder if any are fish gain fish [Music] yeah that's fine and uh kingfisher because that works [Music] not a great starting bird set but i'll take it this is bird music yes vinny do you think this game is pretty accessible without a lot of prior video game knowledge you know what chat member uh chat member says my mom is 60 but loves birds the person that made this love birds [Music] so your mom might like this game you might want to get the physical game and just play it with her like learn it and teach her that way i think she's going to get confused with some of the controls because um [Music] it does get confusing even for me [Music] common mergancer adult right not a bunch can you fish more than a foot long but if you have the cards and you figure out how to play she can enjoy the cards too and you can look at bird facts [Music] i have to get the morning dove i have a morning dev friend like i said it's actually two morning doves i will not elaborate [Music] [Applause] [Music] dice outside bird feeder roll oh i got a fish all right [Music] so now this is going to take a little longer because each lad is taking a turn okay um i need an egg to play the dove here lay one egg on this bird that sound is actually the sound of their wings when they fly their wings like do a weird whistle [Music] i don't know what a morning dove actually sounds like but yeah so that's what that sound is [Music] i'm gonna place the dove down here so we can get some more food morning dove one pair of doves may raise five or six small broods in a year whereas uh when you feed birds i've found that a lot of birds are very skittish like cardinals and um starlings and um sparrows i found that when they see human they leave very quickly morning doves don't give too much of a [ __ ] they'll just chill [Music] [Music] i mean they're you know in the pigeon family and pigeons are usually pretty okay with okay-ish with people at the very least especially new york city pigeons boy do they love people they love trash too [Music] vinnie how do you unlock legendary birds like moltres you gotta buy the cards yeah sorry they want you to buy the cards in real life i'm gonna spend an egg imagine like just just going and stealing an egg from a dove so that you can get more cards like more pokemon cards we'll go random god damn it it's a card that costs a lot to play uh the purple martin [Music] i'm sorry who the [ __ ] is purple martin [Music] purple martin sounds like some kind of like english show like a children's show alright everybody welcome to the purple martin show today we're going to teach you how to count your colors [Music] one blue three red purple [Music] this dove is carrying the game right now without this dubs eggs we would be losing daylight great bit thank you i pride myself on my on my bits [Music] i thought the purple martin bit was was probably in top five up there with gray leno [Music] i have to spend the morning dove's egg purple martin native americans hung gourds as houses for these birds because they eat so many bugs wait am i reading this right is that any bird can lay an egg that any other bird can hatch from because if so that is very cool um hmm [Music] yeah we're going to do this i'm going to draw some cards rudy duck that's a cool duck it's got a blue beak and those swift also pretty good tuck a card from your hand behind this bird if you do gain one worm [Music] i'm gonna get rid of the uh wilson [Music] draw one card for each empty card slot in this row yeah sorry wilson you gotta go i'll i will draw a card european turtle dove so we're gonna have a morning dove and a turtle dove when played draw a new bonus card then gain food lay an egg or draw one car oh i see i see that's that's nice european turtle dove that's very nice of you and we just got a fish for the merganser [Music] there was total birds so i got that [Music] um [Music] need food so we need food so that way i can place some more burb throw down an egg in a perfect world i would just have a row of ducks i would have the common mergancer the ruddy duck the mallard that fancy duck the wood duck it would just be like ducks across the board [Music] no we don't want to do that um i'm going to draw food again which is good because i'm also laying an egg so it's it's worth it this morning dove is single-handedly like jump starting this entire bird economy [Music] i'm gonna place the turtle dove here [Music] european turtle dove turtle doves are a symbol of love in the song of solomon and the twelve days of christmas wasn't that at home alone too uh birds that have at least one egg on them so you can have multiple bonus cards if you find them and that'll give you more points at the end so i need at least seven birds to get any points from this [Music] um do i want to lay an egg draw a card or gain food i'm gonna just [Music] a draw card [Music] long tail tit and his hummingbird each player gains one food from the bird feeder starting with the player of your choice [Music] okay we can go big food economy while morning dove continues to lay egg [Music] that's one strategy [Music] also that bird is very colorful that's a very nice bird if i saw that bird in real life i would look at it and be like oh god that's a shiny like at this point i'm becoming more familiar with the local birds here in new york city and anytime i see something a little weird like i saw a cardinal the other day that wasn't red and i was like what is this it turns out the female cardinal is like kind of like you know like a tan yellowish orange and i learned new things but i was like oh it's a rare bird [Music] anna's hummingbird these birds impressive mating displays involve diving from over 100 feet in the air [Music] i have to actually i think lay eggs now well technically not yet because i'm going to be if i draw enough food i'll get the amount of eggs required but i want to build this habitat and see if that works for me um who will go first um i'm gonna have this slide go first so i can get that worm now that was strategy that was strategy [Music] uh do i want to grab i wish i could get more fish but there's no fish available at this time so [Music] there's a fish okay now i have a very reasonable supply of food [Music] ruddy duck will be placed very very shortly but i'm gonna place the problem is egg [Music] we've got good food economy no no good egg [Music] rose swift william sansom vo was a wealthy mineralogist and naturalist [Music] okay now i'm going to focus on building down here which i need more egg first so i guess i'm actually going to place some we actually have to do egg i didn't want it oh well draw two cards okay so i'm gonna place down this this ruddy duck well what about the common kingfisher steal one steal one fish from another player's supply and cash it on this bird they gain one food from the bird feeder [Music] and run across the water the cards are nicely animated too but it makes me wonder how they got the art like i wonder if it was just like here's the the still art that was made now you know find a way to make it look good animated i don't know how that works but it looks really cool [Music] puffin draw two new bonus cards and keep one [Music] got two cards if you do discard one card sprogs pipit [Music] cassin's finch [Music] i'm gonna keep the big food cards because i make good food [Music] baltimore oriole [Music] whoa got a fish there i have to discard one um big food card [Music] i noticed this game doesn't have the ugly birds like vultures and pelicans oh they're they're here trust me we had a turkey vulture earlier [Music] i'm gonna play sprouts pippet sprague's pippet oh it's spray bird's mating display can last for over an hour [Music] this bird can last up to two hours in copulation you happy you know this now [Music] oh drop the thing [Music] i dropped the [ __ ] steam deck stream deck not the steam deck stream stream stream and i was worried that i uh hang on mute well the mute button doesn't work that's weird um let me make sure this works hang on [Music] yeah that works but uh can i mute no the answer is no i cannot mute that's weird very weird [Music] what the [ __ ] was that [Music] mute hello mute [Music] [Music] did i get it i think i got it i'm just like my nose is stuffy i don't want to [ __ ] deal with it over the microphone you know what i mean [Music] such a magnificent every week you see them from android cry for only dark skin tones perceive reality baltimore oriole orioles weave pouch nests that hang from a tree branch [Music] [Music] well none of that is fish [Music] who will go first not me i want the fish oh it's all worms [Music] vinnie what's your nightmare blunt rotation like politicians is that what you're talking about like like who would you most not want to rotate a blunt with honestly any blunt rotation at my age sounds awful i just don't think i think the whole scenario is a nightmare to begin with it would just be this i would just be hacking up my lungs none of that sounds particularly appealing to me at this stage in my life [Music] [Music] that's a great sound [Music] so i just got some more food um going to have to lay some eggs to get the most of my bonus cards but if i have food i can lay three eggs so it's i think kind of worth it there's enough turns i think to get an egg on all of my cards perhaps but i definitely want to play this puffin because it's worth eight points and i get a new bonus card too atlantic puffin puffins breeding areas are threatened by climate change birds worth less than four points birds with a bird power so if i take this card i get instant four points [Music] why is chad sad what was the fact i didn't [Music] i was paying attention to the game i didn't hear the fact oh no um all right i'll try to read the puffin in fact [Music] there's a button that allows you to [Music] there's a button i don't know what button it is [Music] [Music] vinnie we're trying to tell you what it was puffin what [Music] i want to know the fact it is um oh puffins breeding areas are threatened by climate change poor puffins what if we you know what if we bring them ice machines [Music] wrong button [Music] okay this round's almost over which means the game is almost over so it's time to lay eggs this is it the last turn the last turn on earth [Music] sadly two birds do not have egg i think that's okay though i think we just [Music] need damn oh man that's that's a shame [Music] if it was one more bird i would have gotten an extra three points so one two three four five six seven eight goddammit [Music] i mean i i don't know if i'm winning i i'd kind of doubt it but i have some pretty good birds down [Music] that's the thing i have going for me is i have a lot of bonus cards and i have a lot of high point birds [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] top hat bird wins top hat crow damn again there's like a weird amount of strategy in this game learning how to build your habitats and uh get your bird economy like really really running i mean i've seen i've had a couple runs where i was over 100 points so it is very possible i really didn't unlock all that many birds today did i oh well see we got vultures they make really interesting noises welcome to the purple martin show today we're going to be talking about colors do you know a color right well where are you from lancer oh well that's interesting have you ever had a hot toddy well here at the purple martin show we make hot toddies in between the commercials all right anyway um that's birds it's cards and birds and uh yeah it's fun you gotta be into card games but i am i like it and the european expansion adds some new birds and new bonuses and uh yeah that's fine vinnie we say adverts not commercials oh in between the adverts here in the limited series that we show in england england two seasons six episodes each we don't like to run our series to the ground american office nine seasons british office 12 episodes anyway so we're gonna take a quick break and i'll be back with wario all right never mind doctor who you're right doctor who who is doctor doctor who uh yeah that works i'm going to play a music for you it's not the new red vox that was earlier if you missed it but uh i will be playing something crusty someone said what new yes you missed the double album announcement and the new single am i japes i don't know is it peaches by justin bieber no but i heard it for real for the first time in a store and it made me laugh out loud so [Music] all right let's play some music um be right back yeah i need something to play
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 15,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Full Sauce, FullSauce, Playthrough, Gameplay, Cards, Bird, Card Game, Nintendo Switch, Video Game
Id: Lp-vgo97aO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 23sec (5783 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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