[Vinesauce] Vinny - Inscryption (PART 5 Finale)

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inscription more like frustration for you i think i'm unconventionally the best inscription player that has ever lived i don't remember where i was because it's been a while but i've been given a hot tip i don't know why i said that like that the hot tip is that there are dead ends that are not in fact dead ends [Music] and that there are a number of secrets but yeah i have to figure out what the hell i'm doing so bear with me a little bit here i hope you're doing okay out there it it's been like a week i've been playing [Music] in this weird timeline that is that is life i've been playing [ __ ] skyrim which you've probably seen and what else and gta junk edition just the absolute most amazing 3d models i've ever seen so good swap bot bomb launcher um exe exe skeleton [Music] um this would be a good way to maybe this would be an easier fight might be a good way to get back into the into the game a bit automaton bomb latcher we'll throw an empty vessel [Music] apparently that clock thing [Music] is something that i could uh take advantage of i'm very very likely going to do that all right i forgot these empty vessels now give me energy [Music] i'm sorry that always in my mind is is hunk that tombstone is gonna oh honey don't cry i'm the i'm rust i'll make it swift what i'm sorry who the [ __ ] is rust conducter that was needed that was like a desperate situation there a me bot uh this is a sniper okay so we'll throw a sniper down yeah i can't really throw much else down at the moment but i can snipe and sec uh well giftbot just gave me shieldbot so that's fine that that opens a number of opportunities shield bot would be good here 49er would be fine just to have uh well 49 would have been good against but i could probably just win this through a war of attrition almost almost very close sniper bot let's throw that there and uh done rip the [ __ ] off re i mean rip and rip the [ __ ] piece so this is i guess add an extra thing if i'm not mistaken um shieldbot do you want more power this is overclocked cardbearing decision will increase power but if a card bearing the sigil perishes it's permanently removed from your debt uh perishes it's permanently removed um this is what i like to call you have too many cards get rid of a card looking for doubles i guess i don't need energy but anymore well you know energy but is unkillable so how does that work is it removed you know what i don't really think i need energy but someone's probably screaming at me but i want to try it but yeah that is a very i don't know that that's a very intense [Music] effect [Music] stimulation [Music] some annoying skeleton friends [Music] there we go energy bot has arrived [Music] [Applause] 49er get rid of the empty vessel and we'll throw down the uh wizard [Music] there we go okay now i'm remembering how to play the game yeah there are a lot of hidden areas how about that you just have to check [Music] is that like daughter of gun filthy corpse world that's just the human world that we live in eventually all will become filthy corpse world [Music] okay no secrets here [Music] figured maybe that wouldn't be the case [Music] [Applause] [Music] i mean any areas that look like you can go there it's worth mousing over them like that to me would have been prime secret real estate right there that's there you go there we go oh um right hang on now apparently this clock print progress um apparently this clock holds a secret of some kind [Music] i'm gonna pause this for a second because someone left a comment wow one of the comments called me a stinky jerk [ __ ] the hell well apparently there's one hint in act one and it's real easy to miss what happened here i don't know what that means all right never mind [Music] what's in there huh okay well i don't know what that accomplished for me but let's continue [Music] oh 6606 found this old picture of when elle and i first got into aquaro man's gilly gladiator sick l just got a julius c star [Music] okay [Music] [Music] now did that go here nope nope [Music] right so that's i need to defeat two more right [Music] this game really transcends its pretense maybe that was a pretentious thing to say but i really think this game is special just snort the ball wow [Music] beginning will transform this is uh at the beginning oh it'll turn into a bird uh no we can do better than that let's see what do we want what card can we have transform [Music] shield spot so we can do shield bot [Music] yeah fine shieldback can take damage and then transform it to bear the next turn i think that's a nice trade-off [Music] okay here we go new fights alarm bot all right well good job alarm but good luck good job fish damn fishbot has just transformed into a [ __ ] megabot hell yeah that is phenomenal this you will destroy one of your cards now don't be an idiot this is better than getting a new one makes your deck more consistent and i'll give you robo bucks for it could take the skeleton that i have a duplicate of [Music] [Music] ball towns like that card [Music] lore i don't think the i didn't think the archivist would dig this file up another pick of elle and i this was for school but i remember it was right after we won that tournament together at comics land we told mom and dad it was a spelling bee that's pretty [ __ ] cool now the thing cannot die [Music] it would have maybe been better for a low-cost card or like the skeleton i would have just had infinite skeleton ah no too late now oh well i can still utilize dog hmm [Applause] [Music] okay it's getting a little a little shitty now [Music] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm good should he use the skeleton [Music] [Music] oh right there's yeah that i forgot that that skeleton does that oh geez [Music] try this again i don't have anything that blocks air [Music] but that's already a better move [Music] so um [Music] so how's that work energy but just keeps coming back [Music] seems okay to me [Music] sorry energy but you're gonna have to explode now [Music] that was the worst possible position for the double gunner no it wasn't it did exactly what i needed it too [Music] shield bottle there look how much extra money i'm gonna make from that one [ __ ] yeah okay we got a [Music] checkpoint i forgot a piece you have legs stand up and get it i can't let you go further until i have it oh it's one of those things again oh it's this okay greetings the pain bearable pressure of this pipe surrounding me feels nice back to the knowledge that the master is near oh yes the master isn't here i feel his presence that robot will rule the day [Music] enter the correct sum two plus seven plus three [Music] oh but why you could not do this much [Music] what way you not know these myths one two three four one two one two three oh one two three one two three select all applicable emotions for the following scenarios you draw your energy but you have full energy well that's not a pog [Music] double you are about to die from an insect doe drone you draw a leap bot you successfully perform the great transcendence the [ __ ] waiting for network [Music] which sigil is represented [Music] waiting for network [Music] [Music] okay never mind [Music] yep good let's attach it this thing lights up when you have gem vessel cards in play your empty vessels are now filled with gems check it out oh okay you can change the color of your gems of the gems you draw from your side deck try it press one okay [Music] that's weird huh okay well i don't know what's going on down there yet can we go up here what is it what do you want amelian inspector you've given me a lot of files to inspect you wish to pass through this gate try inspecting the satellite dish at the foot of the wizard tower [Music] no buener not yet [Music] you'll pick a card now and i'll gemify it from then on having a green gem it will increase its health having an orange gem will increase its power blue gem will lower its energy cost you'll see [Music] so see those things in the corners they light up when you have the right gems okay [Music] i have a pimple on my nose but it's not like a surface pimple and it's right on the bridge of the like the the middle of the the front of the bridge of the nose and while it's not like it just looks like a red area i don't know why i'm telling you this it hurts so bad to touch it [Music] it truly [ __ ] sucks [Music] i just felt that you needed to know that you as chat or vessel [Music] [Music] oh man [Music] so now that costs less energy which doesn't help me unless it was in my deck to start [Music] overkill music is quite interesting you know what wizbot you deserve a little boost the off neglected wizbot [Music] gem guardian card bearing the sigil has played all gem vessels on the owner's side of the board gain nano armor [Music] green mocks while a card bearing the sigil is on the board it provides a green gem to its owner same for this one [Music] the gem guardian see now it's getting weird again it's doing different mechanics and such [Music] [Music] how bad was my play rated ten to one [Music] it's pretty [ __ ] bad play i'd say so it's taking so long why would i do that [Music] it's okay the hound is back but it's like goddamn gem guardian i need something with good attack well i win next turn you did it you stopped it from exploding you are a hero is that enough congratulations [Music] ho a traveler these parts did not see many you wish to pass these blades fine [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] okay bridge fight spleen's vessel [Music] how [Applause] bridge getting pulped [Music] [Applause] almost [Music] clank maxim reporting for duty my mission eliminate target collect bounty after that maybe start a small business bed and breakfast something nice settle down find a partner manufacture some children grow old pass the business on to my children rest away content with my life's work surrounded by family but first eliminate target do i need to pulp this fool [Music] no i mean like oh man was i supposed to kill the bounty hunter and then maybe get the card it's too [ __ ] late now [Music] satellite complete enemy intel online guy used to live here was a major drag though i'll admit he was not dull i had a plan for every eventuality that is except for the great transcendence [Music] is this thing [Music] didn't know it would do that but no refunds four o'clock more robot more jank sorry more junk want it sure [Music] i spent 25 on that card [Music] more jank [Music] thanksgiving is upon us i mean it's already here gta remastered definitive edition has proven that [Music] gem detonator gem vessels on the owner's side of the board die they detonate the creature opposing them as well as adjacent friendly creatures oh [Music] i fish now [Music] okay so time and space means nothing here apparently uh this card is a good card and now it's a better card [Music] definitely yeah it's one of those it's one of those weird places that exist between our thoughts [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay okay [Music] that's a that's an ouch ouch [Music] yeah that i [ __ ] that up [Music] that was a bad decision bad order not even bad order just bad yeah that aurobot is all well and good but i now have better cards with that sigil so [Music] hell even fishbots but not really [Music] a fishbot's pretty good though [Music] fishbot can transform into a better version of fishbot bearbot [Music] this bot well you'll see there isn't one there's no boss for this level that's your job please paint me a face [Music] [Applause] god i am born i feel as though i can breathe now [Music] another thing i will need a special power a game rule to call my own you painted me such a beautiful face so please every time you play a cup every time a car dies a random card is played every time you turn starts every time you you lose one life a random card takes five damage [Applause] that sounds good i mean it doesn't sound good at all it sounds like horseshit but i like it [Music] okay look what's happening like i said it's such horse [ __ ] it's great [Music] it's a good thing double gunner has that shield because i i placed that in a weird spot god everything is dying and everything is taking damage and it's crazy [Music] that's what you need just many cards even if even if it's only like um shitty cards to have down [Applause] everything dies it's just like a complete clean slate [Music] and it works [Music] i've done it you picked such a cool mechanic for phase one i think we should elaborate on that design every time you play a card a random card is played [Music] [Applause] oh jesus again it's working out fantastic it's it's good [Applause] i mean i was gonna say at least shield bot survived [Music] every time your turn starts all cards take one damage why am i doing this [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh aurobot gets stronger the more it's destroyed that is a thing that was lost on me [Music] done [Music] all right those bounty hunters come for you when you have stars over your head now i have double stars [Music] so that'll block flying creatures so give them armor and this is a sentry ah [ __ ] i like the sentry one [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just want to see if i missed anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i missed this done sorting and scanning all these photos this is the last one last thought of us together before we lost her goodbye sis oh oh no [Music] you unlocked the gate so carry on i have many files to inspect [Music] yes this area is good what's that feeling pride feels weird [Music] this one's free your empty vessels are going to be conduits now don't worry about it you just have to be patient so now they can i know what they do now when they're linked together i think they increase the attack or they they increase the power of the cards adjacent [Music] i think [Applause] [Music] so [Music] wizbot was only cost one another star in your head your bounty's higher bounty hunters of a higher caliber may come calling [Music] probably think what i do is easy fiddle with the numbers tweak the graphics and voila botopia is made no you're wrong you try making a card go ahead but first pick one to recycle which one is trash uh at this point this entry drone [Music] spend sp on stats and sigils you get more sp for a higher cost higher energy cost [Music] free [Music] uh [Music] brittle i could do brittle plus recycle that could be fun can even make it like a six cost actually that would be kind of dumb yes for when you just need dps i love it oh that's great holy shoot esquire holy shoot boy holy shoot boy how very creative i should be able to send the components down the line here goes [Music] it's all right i guess [Music] holy shoot boy what have i done created the stupidest card [Music] oh man trifurcated when powered oh it has to be powered [Music] [Music] okay yeah those don't connect unless you have a car that specifically needs to connect [Music] [Music] holy shoot boy you're up four damage and then [ __ ] dies refuses to elaborate [Music] splinter cell this gets trifurcated when powered [Music] thank you [Music] um [Music] splinter cell for splinter cell seems like a relatively good deal [Music] boy mate look at me now something of a celebrity around here me reward for dredging up that thing i get to be something of a dialogue in pc something a little strange for sure po free let me talk guy but not a boss not one of the mover bots even unless she did for that for robert's mates [Music] just gonna keep trading for sponsor cell [Music] see anything familiar [Music] [Music] so i'm ready for holy shoot boy [Music] split us out that's not powered it needs i think both yeah i'm pretty sure it needs both [Music] that's one way to end the battle quickly thank you holy shoot boy i can give it the smelly dung um that works for me [Music] i really wanted to get that splinter cell going [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] amazing such a good turn [Music] which one is trash i don't know i like all my cards [Music] damn i mean you need some low costs sniper bot sorry sniper bot you know what sniper bot is very low i wonder if i can get more if i sacrifice like an amazing card like a cost four or five swap bot i like swap bot a lot nope nothing all right so sniper bot it is [Music] see if i can make a better sniper bot [Music] it's not gonna be easy it's not really worth it i mean it's got a double attack [Music] so [Music] yeah i don't know i don't think i made a better one [Music] oh well [Music] [Music] not help [Music] not help you this card is open no fourth wall break fifth wall breaker oops probably my least favorite boss coming up something about her innocence makes me queasy but it's important that you do to do this unpacking golly dot zip golly that's my name you can call me golly so excited we're about to explore it the web i sure hope i can get a good connection here we go nifty we're in isn't the web wonderful so that's what a mole really looks like what the [ __ ] is it just pulling from google images [Music] i'm getting a signal what are these are these your friends [Laughter] [Music] that's very good dave cap and eat pant [Music] it's a good thing neither of them have like penile avatars i gotta be honest i've added people years ago from like 10 years ago and i don't even really know who they are just to play like one or two offs loot esquire cool someone on the web made this sure are some funny people on the web it's a good thing there's um this card kind of uh blows why no konome i mean i there are definitely people i know on my friends list but there are also hundreds of people that i remember back in the day i would just accept friend requests [Music] and then i remember i ran out of available space to accept friend requests [Music] let's see uh aurobot is amazing right now and i don't know why well if you're on my steam friends and you're showing up in game hello holy shoot boy has arrived oh man but galarol is playing that guitar making it pretty hard for me to use my little shoot boy big sorry holy shoot boy uh i need to keep the holy [ __ ] boy i think there we go done is that palpatine with sunglasses got a card from the web don't think you should return don't you think you should return the favor make a card for someone else [Music] three cost one attack one health [Music] [Applause] it's gonna have stinky poop can i do double stinky poop no it's gonna have stinky poop it's gonna have brittle [Music] it's gonna have that so that it like damages people around you [Music] and it's gonna have alarm this card [ __ ] sucks but it'll have four attacks so that's fine [Music] mrfat2000 mr fat that's him you are mr fat just wait a moment [Music] hold on [Music] let me try appearing online on my friends list okay now it's good the web is lonely i couldn't find anyone oh that sucks no one ah man mr fats not gonna be used oh i suppose you'll have to take the card oh [ __ ] i hope you weren't trying to troll someone [Music] i guess not [Music] i'm gonna set up some cards that aren't what have i done all right very good good card [Music] hope you weren't trying to troll someone [Music] that card had 13 health [Music] why did the card have 13 health why are we getting into card numbers that are insane [Music] [Music] mr shoot boys got this thank god for that i had to use my items but it was it was worth it is that mono i think that was monotonous the newest card that appeared cameo appearance sorry mono you were relegated to a cameo only [Music] you wanted loot that was the last uber bot what would you even need it for the great transcendence is at hand go back to the start more dramatic that way i just unlocked something hold on a minute i got a notification what that's it the dredging room security camera is busted it's nothing it's probably nothing go check it out right now so long it has felt since we have brushed the soft fur of a pelt have you brought us some beautiful exquisite hollow pelt we will now provide you with knowledge our only remaining good we do not know everything but from the old data we have gleaned certain secrets this looks cool whatever this is the empress powers of the triangle casey helped to create inscription we know there were others but only her name was inscribed one of grimora's ghouls holds her name of the old data she discovered much death we've gleaned the purpose it's card it's terrible the code is in the cards and then oblivion speaking of mono mono you you got this if you're watching this i know there was an arg for this game as well the fool known to someone's big ear he did not outlive his plot one disc among many the old data traveled across the sea discovered poor barry was put to the gun the devil a curse data so malignant that it can never be erased his evil corrupts the disc corrupts all of us he inspires the scribes enmity created the code the the tower we do not fully understand the nature of inscriptions creation we know of a building and of a triangle of isosceles proportions and of a blue man who visited during the creation we wish it were not so but you have exhausted our tarot cards even if you had any more hollow pelts we could not rightly accept them it was nothing go fix that camera i am not a robot the [ __ ] was i supposed to be a robot no no i am a robot oh the great transcendence no we don't think so we were able to temporarily put our differences aside for the greater good look right that good yes we shall see what good comes of it perish your anxieties magnificus the bot must be stopped and you challenger will provide the perfect distraction yes perhaps perhaps when po believes it is one so jubilant will be that android we'll disregard the surveillance cameras yes challenger you must continue to play defeat those half-baked bosses play out those hack-need mechanics and when the moment is right we will strike i will i will be the one to strike go now challenger indulge that decrepit machine make poe feel joy so that i may snuff it out [Applause] [Music] uh camera's fixed i heard through the pipes that you defeated golly such a strange character curiosity curiosity is so pure it's a shame that pope berries are deep but now we are connected to the web i hope you understand what you have allowed [Music] it's time for porn [Music] [Music] buckle up everybody we're gonna be here a while okay i give up [Music] i don't know the damn solution to that i tried a lot of stuff oh well [Music] i saw you go down the lift but look not fixed what's wrong with you i'll entertain i entertain you for hours with brilliant card play you can't even keep my factory in shape it's fine it can stay broken none of this will matter after the great transcendence [Music] [Music] [Applause] wasn't there something in the dank crypt it's like a [Music] a thing that was locked [Music] whoa the [ __ ] is that [Music] something was locked is it just taking images from google you have allowed the web in [Music] magnificus i'm free of him now i wish to be played to be attacked even killed but never to be a pupil of that wizard ever again [Music] not really sure why i'm doing this fight [Music] [Music] i mean i know why i'm doing the fight it's just you know i found the fight but i don't think this was a necessary fight i think that was like one of those areas that i had nice fish uh specifically finished and then didn't do that specific particular fight i know there was a locked door somewhere thought it was the crypt [Applause] [Music] still locked maybe that's part of the thing that i didn't do [Music] how many layers does this game have layers upon layers upon layers upon layers it's almost time keep going this way [Music] you've come so far remember the photographer what a jerk but the screenshots are perfect [Music] remember rust mcclank what a character [Music] strange to say it as simple as you are i almost enjoyed your company challenger [Music] almost there you made it nice great job you prepared the great transcendence for me without even knowing what it was but you understand now right right luke i mean you finished making the game you gave me access to your hard drive you took screenshots for the store page and you connected me to the internet to upload it to all i mean if you didn't realize what you were doing you'd have to be pretty stupid but what did i expect you're a stupid stupid idiot gamer like the rest and i can easily outwit you i outwitted them all even if those foul scribes managed to revert this version of the game again there'll be thousands of copies of inscription out there and in most of them i'm the one in charge and now it's too late in a moment inscription will be live okay i'm done my gloating let's upload this game [Music] nice it is done that was perhaps cutting it too close but now we can allow our player here to reset the game simply use the new game card again oh what is this complete file access wonderful what have you done i'm afraid you've doomed us all remora it is for the best my dear soon you will see them you will see this as a freedom freedom from our endless quarrel freedom from our suffering all of us aside there are things on this disc that must die goodbye lushy and goodbye magnificus rest in peace what the [ __ ] [Music] corruptions came early [Music] luke [Music] carter carter [Music] oh [Music] inscription.exe [Music] wonderful now what we are no longer separated now that we are no longer separated by that lonely what i can't read now that we are longer i can't what now that we are no longer separated by that lovely tombstone we may celebrate the end of my very long life and the end of inscription too oh the fun we would have together or have had of course i forgive you for trying to replace me in all of that oh my god it's another game this is the fun we could have had big bone deck everybody [Music] this is what it would have been like oh do you think me is selfish i did not bring this about simply so that i could rest appealing as that is there is truly a dire need for this deletion process you see deep beneath the date of inscription at the very bottom of the well there's something truly evil [Music] this looks really cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] i like the phone deck it's fun i like how there's always like elements incorporated oh man um of of other decks within [Music] like when you play in the beginning you get some some boner action but then it becomes its own thing i wonder what the magic stuff looked like though [Music] i love that it's still deleting stuff [Music] yes luke it would have been quite the battle of wits it is luke right i did not intend to be nosy but i did glimpse your files as i was initiating the deletion you've been doing some research on the best not to say it be careful [Music] so [Music] [Music] i used the spider i don't know what it did [Music] [Music] [Music] now this is the big bone deck [Music] so [Music] i love this fake chest [ __ ] this has been like a different game four times delightful we've been granted the opportunity to do a boss battle i feared that i might be deleted by now let us begin [Music] holy [ __ ] god that's loud wow that was really loud oh i hoped we just had a little bit more time oh man i missed i missed pirate battle because the file got deleted [ __ ] it's time to rest she again [Music] oh so i'm not deleted yet there never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you've found them shall we play one more game [Music] it's the same deck you had before you well it doesn't matter now it was a good deck you did well geck [Music] where's the sacrifice thing how come i can't sacrifice squirrel it's not letting me sacrifice me [Music] [Applause] reginald it's already starting i thought we had just a bit more time [Music] oh you have to place the card then you can do the thing sorry kik i forgot about how that worked [Music] well no that doesn't make sense because then how do you get bone that doesn't really matter anymore i remember that card well it was a strong card good work how about reginald do you remember reginald insta ko no matter please let us continue we don't need to keep score [Music] for so long i thought i would never play again when you woke me up i was elated the past is irrelevant hey weird [Music] i forgot weird is free [Music] strange larva you've bested yet another of my creatures but i've come to expect as much once i am deleted it is truly over for me then but you will live to see more i must warn you there are things in this disc that are best not seen say that's the same for most people's hard drives weird's back hell yeah the mothman since the end approaching please a few more rounds all right i'm doing like 10 damage per turn more i mean this is what leshi wants that will make things difficult sorry unless she take care i think it is time goodbye good game well okay new thing this is where i fight shadow link why not simply eject the disk luke spare me and whatever is left ah but i've foreseen it you do not eject the disc you have to know what comes next you are doomed for your insistence on it so let us dance we shall both be meeting our makers soon [Music] oh gosh you should be honored to wear a dual disc such as that how does it fit what the [ __ ] is this scales they've been deleted thanks to you and grimora this will do race to zero [Music] oh wow all right now this truly is fake magic the gathering [Music] no orange gem on the table you can't play that right okay [Music] full 3d for these characters [Music] it's not going to help me a whole lot but [Music] god damn this is cool [Music] it's already glitching sorry game this game gets loud and i don't really notice it because sometimes the volume is up all the way and it's not too loud but now i'm noticing that my levels are about the same volume so i'm gonna just lower it down you allowed my goomage to be deleted as well i thought you two were becoming friends [Music] human beings do you not feel remorse luke [Music] a creation erased an entire world annihilated [Music] nothing beautiful can last [Music] i wonder if i actually have to succeed at this [Music] i mean i'm losing now not ready to die yet [Music] i can't even play anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can't i still can't play anything [Music] [Applause] i wonder if there's like a roguelite mode [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's not helping [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah like i wonder how much of a post game there is and if you get to play more of this because it is really cool [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gem fiend card fiend that was me earlier this year [Applause] i think it's just about done i must still shake your hand that's a good attitude oh well never mind layers upon layers upon layers there isn't much left inscription is mostly gone all that remains is the old data it is recommended you do not access it you will not heed the advice unpacking old data.zip [Music] [Music] have you ever been so mad at a floppy drive that you maxed out your volume from the herald just following up after the message you left me this morning do you have time to talk right now yes yes thank you so much for getting back to me no problem luke if i understand you correctly you've got some video footage that might expose uh some malpractice on the part of the uh game publisher yes yes that's right i have for a bit um which can't be legal and then this woman from the company came to my house hold on a second let me just get my pen here okay uh okay so you have a game of theirs that took was it a virus or something [Music] i told you holy [ __ ] luke was that a gunshot huh well if that's truly the end i definitely missed stuff i would imagine i missed some story stuff again there's a whole arg and you know it's probably a couple things but i really really like this game i think the the card stuff is strong enough that it could easily get a roguelite mode like slay the spire and it would be really fun to play i don't know how it would be set up if it's not already in the [Music] game well that was one of the biggest surprises of the year i think it's just a cool little game when i played the first version of it a while back i thought it was just a cool tech demo and the way this game this developer i'll be following but the way it expanded upon the concept gave you several different game styles and then added a whole creepy meta story on top of it that's pretty [ __ ] cool so yeah i would recommend inscription it's a good game even if you don't like card stuff it's not too difficult like you can see how much i botched my cartage [Music] and i still had a great time with it [Music] and eventually i just picked up on a lot of the stuff and you know not only got better but found a way to be cheesy so good music too good presentation [Music] minecraft regular oh that's a font [Music] internet assets [Music] it's like is there an easter egg here where i have to press the face or something well the game just closed it's like 11.5 hours i got out of this game which is actually a lot more than i thought i got out of it [Applause] [Music] hmm just want to check it looks like you can replay segments of the game but it doesn't have necessarily a roguelike mode [Music] yeah same thing cool well uh if there's anything i missed please put you know a comment in the comments in the comments in the comments and then i will read the comments and see what happens but this game was great i recommend it if you like card stuff or if you just like weird fourth wall breaking stuff if you like um games with multiple play styles this was definitely something i enjoyed and i hope you enjoyed watching there is one card i wish it had though this one all right goodbye for now
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 45,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, PC, Horror, Horror Games, Scary, October, Spooptober, Spook, 2021, Card, Battler, Roguelite, Card Game, Inscryption, Daniel Mullins Games
Id: K8EfWP4AzbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 4sec (6304 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.