[Vinesauce Fan Edit] RimWorld Part 2

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i start the stream and the first message i see second actually is addict stream i'm hooked totally hooked i had dreams about this [ __ ] game well one in particular was that my dude that i'm nursing back to health died so i can't let that happen it took one stream of this game to get addicted to it that's impressive that's [ __ ] impressive but uh hi everybody thank you for joining me how are you doing i even got a face cam today the weather is beautiful all right everybody let's get started so we're gonna do bob's burglars how can i um chat does anyone know specifically how to bring a body into a grave open the grave oh wait no there's a body in here already oh [ __ ] this purple dude's gonna be okay also this house is kind of like dank at the moment we can't have that yeah early game house you know it's my first house how's the research going um it's going beer brewing is at 3 40 so beer will be here soon battery is at 36. so clearly we're spending you know our brain power on uh vital vital things vital research vinnie change graves oh [ __ ] um we dug up a corpse i don't like that how do i get that in there i need to get this skeleton back into the grave i just realized too they're playing horseshoes right near the graves i kind of [ __ ] that up vinny do you like this better than dwarf fortress i've never played dwarf fortress that game as i said last night would probably break my already broken brain so i don't think i could make it happen also dream is cooking up the meals but yeah dream is making french fries that you drink do you want to make some rat pork lodge too okay purple is doing very well even though he has a peg leg um for those wondering why i'm nursing this dude back to health if you weren't here last night he is my prisoner but we we may get him on our team is a skilled professional with taming and controlling animals very good with plants damn good at shooting and is for some reason the smartest dude on my team and is good at learning drugs so i don't get it but yeah we'll change that dude's name don't don't you worry about a thing or something oh my god what's this guinea pig missing body parts 42 things almost a [ __ ] skeleton beer brewing yeah we got beer whoa dreams in love what's going on here dreeb tried to romance flowers by telling a tale about makeup flowers ignored the advance oh no um okay so purple what are what are we doing here he's naked prisoner tab recruit recruitment chance 99 he ain't leaving okay there's diplomacy happening captain picard diplomacy the prisoner is living a good right life right now yeah he's been fed he's been nursed back to full health aside from the peg leg but we you know um he's got chests he's got it's air conditioned in here nursed and you are st he's bursting nurse's amazing intellect for you know i don't have anyone with intellect that high on the team so that means um more beer oh and he's pretty actual himbo purple will be called himbo when i can rename him the lizard is eating your food stop letting it into your fridge how do i restrict access for this [ __ ] lizard it's better to eat the stored food it might go outside and try to fight bigger animals i mean it's our pet it's gonna eat maybe i'll just leave it if you let the pet go everywhere it's gonna drink all your beer and die of a massive liver failure i think i'm okay with that this is where lizard can go lizard you can go here and you can even play out front a bit too except you're not coming in here this is where the beer is going to be so that's it animals will consume drugs so watch out my cat did the rimworld equivalent of meth oh my god vinnie the stream is teaching my cat to do meth i cannot keep watching huh yeah we can't have that happen uh well it was nice having you here for a little while dead turtle i know yeah that turtle i don't know what we can do can we like make like a helmet out of its shell because that would be cool assign someone to wardening i got a warden already my warden let me just make sure i got that is um flowers the bully whoa oh my god oh [ __ ] um it's just a rat kill the fox well it's keeping me safe from rats at least that turtle is is now red it's gross it might hunt the lizard oh well after flowers is done with diplomacy we'll hunt this [ __ ] you know what borglar how are you with shooting wild woman wanders in okay a person living among wild animals has wandered into the area she's called viper you can attempt to tame her or arrest her oh my god oh my god why is she naked the [ __ ] unit she's treated like an animal in the game system incapable of intellectual incapable of firefighting is a pyromaniac and a brawler oh [ __ ] off no way she's gonna set fire to my entire [ __ ] colony i guess if i i'll arrest her if anything but i don't i don't even want her in the region orglar did you did you kill borglar is attacking the fox maybe flowers could help too [Music] has to happen chad i'm sorry nice shooting good shooting stormtrooper shooting i'll start with solar and then eventually we could do what the [ __ ] is this thing a warg borg get the [ __ ] out of there kill it is very dangerous okay kill linda do not die okay we're good we're good wow we just need to let's take that body we can make some uh hats out of it check your missed messages there's an abandoned child that you missed uh no there's a wild woman um i didn't see a mis an abandoned child vinnie make morglars out of it okay wow an abandoned child oh is passing by he is named zosto zarabu zarabru but the x is silent okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] it's zosterabu abandoned teenage archer good crafting i don't know what to do i don't think i want to recruit sauce chiara abusive and jealous yeah that's that's not good abrasive rather and jealous and slowpoke ah maybe we don't want zastara would make good borglars oh oh okay assume warg no i need to chop this warg up maybe borglar can make warglars there we go good job flowers flowers is taking care of it butchering it up like tywin lannister kill wild woman and make human duster no no i'm not gonna risk the sanity of my people viper inbound she's fast look how fast she is steal you steal instead of wood you have a shitload of steel how do i make steel chairs steal ah thanks good [ __ ] chat make a gaming chair like the cosplay at pax where is viper viper what up use rope on viper to get viral pube oh if the lizard hunts the boom rat all your [ __ ] will burn nah lizard's good lizards restricted kind of what should i do with them should i have um flower shoot the boom rat oh [ __ ] we didn't build a door for linda oh [ __ ] okay hang on a minute give every single colonist a room they don't like when they share okay i'm gonna have to expand a little bit further for that i think also that i think that means these graves are gonna have to go this boom right is very very close to my [ __ ] house a group of travelers from the nation of something are of ballet banro are passing by and again they look like [ __ ] vampires [Music] one of them is named seahorse beautiful and cute we have to exhume these graves yet again i'm going to i'm going to build graves over here instead though what's the third grave for i don't know find out where'd the bodies go chat where'd the bodies go flowers move the bodies they hit the floor did she bury them maybe i want to deconstruct the graves goddamn yeah they reburied them it's [ __ ] weird gotta get rid of these disgusting corpses select any pawn right click things to force them to do it immediately if they won't you don't have the materials these men are pawns just so much steel that's taking up a lot of room stunks and bonds okay linda has done the thing these graves are now filled up beautiful beautiful good job linda see linda did it automatically and so did borglar oh we got some beer in the works visitor from the nation of um items to trade everyone's asleep fall has begun oh [ __ ] winter is upon us we should maybe we should get parker's instead of a duster yo you in my house social okay so borglar you have to go trade wake up and trade the clubs are yours oh [ __ ] you're right um this person only really has a helmet sell some of the weapons you aren't using i guess the steel club marble club we don't need those right i accept this trade all these little pieces of advice that chat's giving me are great you know for a first time player of this game vinnie kill all your colonists so how you win at this game i was wondering what the win condition was thanks ship to the stars a new quest has become active it's called ship to the stars a friendly ai from your past named charlene whitestone has sent you a message he reveals that he has a starship hidden on this planet and sends you its world coordinates the starship is in deep hibernation mode you have to start it up when you arrive then defend it from raiders trying to steal it until the startup sequence is complete it will be a long difficult series of battles if you can get your ship off the ground charlema will take you off this rim world to the stars wait a minute is that the wind condition holy [ __ ] did the game just hear me the [ __ ] man it's one of multiple win conditions it's all the way over there i'm here and it's there holy okay [ __ ] it's time to build [Music] okay i love this little song in this your game right now and chair finally yes whoa disease muscle parasites two of your colonists have gotten sick from muscle parasites ensure you have medicinal medical bed and a doctor make sure they get proper treatment spend much time in bed as possible dreeb and linda have gotten sick linda's the workhorse of this colony without linda i don't know what we're gonna do dreeb will take care of linda and himself set self-tend we don't sell attendees at this particular establishment do we cannot tend to dream self-tend disabled how does one self-tend where's that option chat self-tend it's on dream is self-tending now and sleeping in the storage area for some reason oh linda they're just falling asleep are we sure this isn't narcolepsy purple are you we need you you've been here for [ __ ] a month now we've treated you so well you've been fed you have chests you're naked you have a bed you have a light oh raining and thunderstorm this makes me wonder what's going on with viper just living her best life a phrase i very much don't like but food poisoning major food poisoning pain severe um blue ango is dead and um that was that was her lover wait a minute did i kill blue ango i think blue is on the way now whoa blue's on the way blue is on the way okay yeah [ __ ] him up dude can't even walk now [ __ ] him up you dopey dopey [ __ ] this this dude's just straight up dead squirt is outside yeah squirt has access to outside but only a small amount only a small area fire has been punched to death purple is still naked i don't know how to clothe purple some ramps purple is on the way to joining i think we're probably one more attempt at diplomacy and purple will be on our team dreeb is starving well then eat treep [ __ ] whoa what's going on here every female colonist smiles with contentment some distant engine of happiness is stirring it's projecting a psychic drone onto the site through orbital amplifier tuned to affect females for a few days some people's mood will be quite a bit better that's what the drone sounds like i think oh disease plague linda has plagued all right it's a good thing we have 57 rolls of toilet paper lizard is dead get linda into a separate medical room it's just a minor plague stan rip linda do you think she's gonna die linda is winning with immunity yeah the immunity is going well finer break risk for dreab again dream just wants drugs feels bad man it says because flowers keeps turning down dreeb i think that's linda's knife what's that noise flowers blasting the local wildlife again okay someone said i like how the prisoner has a chessboard by himself and purple's about to join the team recruit failed what's going on with you viper hypothermia shivering extremely low expectations eight corpse minus twelve dear lord because oh we've got immunity against the plague looks like linda's gonna be okay come on recruit linda you can do this get him on the team yeah purple's on the team vinnie you should capture viper and leave her on a chain out front all right satan okay so um purple now we have to figure out exactly what we're doing with this dude well he's gonna sleep first so first we're gonna rename to himbo i can't change the last name i can't change the last name it's never gonna happen i know it's unfortunate um dreeb is really burning the midnight oil um himbo doesn't deserve that big ass room you're right that seems like a pretty fair compromise then that's not bad dreeb's got really [ __ ] weird hours are the batteries uh new lovers dreeb tried to attract flowers by implying good things about his own personal hygiene flowers was attracted and is now dreams lover dreaming flowers now want to sleep together consider assigning them a double bed this is okay well he did it he did it lads he finally did it whoa mad hair you know what to do flowers kill [Music] [Music] okay that was easy chet owner so this is gonna be um who was it it was flowers and dream congratulations you now live together or our sleep together rather isn't that lovely any why have a door there oh yeah why have a door there you're right it's that way himbo can take a look here's linda's room make a door or they will be trapped again good idea hey himbo you want to wear a parka someone wrote linda's fortress of sadness she has to go outside to enter her room wildlife are we still hunting these donkeys even exist anymore yeah and they've been marked for death linda's still got rickets oh wait no muscle parasites have himbo research all right you're right himbo can research himbo's even smarter the name definitely doesn't fit where is viper i'm assuming dead viper is still alive with hypothermia and frostbite um losing toes and fingers no problem consciousness 10 percent but hearing in sight and everything else is 100 i don't think viper can move vinny just turn her into a jacket considering it no i'm not doing organ harvest for this particular set of of colonists and stuff you can draft someone to capture viper um viper is is kind of trash i don't think i want viper on the team put her out of her misery um uh time to plant cut him oh what's viper doing now probably just laying in the same spot malnutrition please at least bury her next to her to her husband that you killed sure can definitely definitely do that when the time comes [Music] a group of pirates from the mindless outlaws have arrived nearby they will prepare for a while then attack prepare a defense and attack them preemptively it's one person um they have a spiked club i'm not that worried about it uh oh a local mayor has gone mad it will attack everyone it sees attack yes attack the um oh [ __ ] all right squirt's gonna be fine squirt's in the house we must deal with it [Music] thanks oh oh nice good [ __ ] borglur are you injured just a bruce bruce a bruise just a bruce almighty research to two new quest has become active it will expire in 13 days a nearby settlement menhua has a special trade request they would like to purchase um 12 times pants of normal quality um that seems like a very difficult thing you need a lot to make pants it's actually doable for you you won't be able to do that in 13 days we make the pets eat horse and make pant eventually yes we can do that fancy meals showing up too that noise heard a weird noise pirates are beginning their assault okay there are flowers borglar see where we are getting attacked from there we go jennings on the way yo [ __ ] stop gotcha um dude's dead take these clothes no no no strip don't bury yet the [ __ ] is this thing mega sloth thing's [ __ ] massive himbo tame is there a r why would i want to tame this thing mega sloths are incredible animals the team they have very valuable materials and are very tough fighters okay mega sloths may attack prioritize taming we'll do the thing himbo it's time to tame there you go tame failed we'll get that thing yet it'll happen two percent chance to succeed 10 chance to die will it actually kill it will murder your colony it's dangerous it will [ __ ] you up i don't yeah i don't know if i want to try to tame this [ __ ] now viper is dead all right that was uh that was a hell of a thing i'm gonna place so this is blue i'm gonna do a grave right below blue flowers doing god's work over here look at that [Music] good job flowers make viper a new clothing brand oh what are you doing don't no oh we need a grave first yeah we just like flowers just carried her over to the [ __ ] dump are they making love or glare can you carry prioritize burying viper here we go borglar is going to do the work a proper burial and there you go beautiful to expand this is also going to be steel storage heavier steel feathers borglar's creating some more clothing from from ass leather [Music] good literally hauling ass right now beer is finished oh [ __ ] beer um what do i do with it who can i give the beer to i want who who had the problem dream drink beer this is your time dream have one drinking beer look at that good for you dream there he goes that son of a [ __ ] drinking that beer chemical want is still there but alcohol warmth got some lovin x2 wow nothing like a tumble between the sheets to lift the mood good for you dream drinking [ __ ] still got muscle parasites good for you it's a nice little crew we have tree what are you doing you're not dead are you cloud watching final fantasy 7 remake didn't come out yet what are you doing tamed alpacas give consistent wool i'm gonna take chat's advice if alpaca gives cloth i have to feed the damn alpacas though try to tame three three paca maybe they can eat the grass okay all right himbo you're up himbo's playing horseshoes never mind oh here we go tame very nice good pocket good paca i share my crew tamed i have to take care of like four alpacas no no no we can't have the alpacas in the house where should i keep the pockets i don't know tame apoca good band expand a lot area so uh there's a wolf here i don't like that this does not bode well filzy tame wolf or kill timberwolves may attack it won't kill though right it's not mega sloth versus [ __ ] nato it's nothing like that at least let them in the living room you want the alpacas in the living room what the [ __ ] oh they give a mood boost if they're in the around the they can they can go here marriage is on dreeb told flowers he wants to spend his life with her flowers agreed and the two are now engaged at some point the coming days are quandoms they'll have their marriage ceremony and invite all the colonists consider placing a marriage spot if you want to control where the ceremony occurs wow even with like severe muscle disease they're going to get married that's that's nice again it's the courage of the beer all right himbo here we go himbo you're gonna we're gonna have a pet wolf do not attack that's good we're gonna be fine pain failed 10 chance okay never mind this architecture i can't even imagine what the full sauce people that don't watch the streams live are going to be like oh a three hour rim world stream from saturday that's cool all right can't wait to watch vinnie's sunday stream and then they see another three hour rim world stream is this a glitch no okay guess i have to clear my schedule don't actually clear your schedule by the way dream is making the borglars again i like how the beer is just slowly decreasing every now and then someone takes a beer [Music] spoop that's what alpacas do what are the pockets gonna do during the winter i wonder just gonna like die just starve they'll be fine they have wool they're gonna just pocket all right please name one of the alpacas tupaca how dare you alpaca lips now kimbo is having a beer before going out to tame a wolf smart we got here a warg warg i won't [ __ ] with you if you don't [ __ ] with me bows counted shooting yeah hembo you got yourself a bow i don't know i don't know why i wouldn't why wouldn't it count a shooting himbose oh yep i just realized timbo has a bow wow do i feel good about myself vinnie squirt what's going on with squirt what happened to squirt wolf is hunting squirt then you read your alerts i didn't even see where's the alert okay so show message the timberwolf wolf is hunting timberwolf is hunting squirt oh we can't have that happen which wolf is it maybe it's this one oh my god [Music] a damn horn plant has died because of cold uh-oh rice plant has died because of cold it's winter it's okay you have plenty of food i do have potatoes as well potatoes are done yeah whoa whoa whoa what the [ __ ] blew up oh my god what about the damn fires man [Music] this is a fault of an electrical conduit has caused a short circuit oh no oh no flowers um do me a favor kill that wolf please [Music] this was a different wolf the one i tried to tame was a different one we can use the pelt anyway it means much too late now we don't need to look at this chat take a look it's in a book reading rainbow reading himbo this by the way this area is bad there's an ancient evil in this area right here that looks like majora's mask the old grizzly bear over here burglar are you sure cloud watching is a good idea when there's a grizzly bear open it for the memes uh eventually i would i might i might open that up at some point [Music] i don't like that timberwolf revenge timberwolf is attacking due to botched taming attempt [Music] watch job [Music] i like this death himbo this is why we don't tame timberwolves always tame in pairs too late for that you sort of sent him off alone i forgot that i even had that tamed is there a way to reload or this is not because i have it set to classic mode right you can't [Music] [Music] [Music] you get really [Music] put him bonus sarcophagus we'll have art of him on it it will be pretty okay i'm really upset about himbo getting revenge on this wolf ah damn can i can i strip him for his parka would that be cursed it's tainted it's tainted now [ __ ] god damn it himbo i spent so long nursing himbo back back to health limbo you will be remembered welcome to rimworld uh we're gonna make a sarcophagus this bed is now free so uh borglar you wanna you wanna bed you want your own room where are we bringing the body whoa i don't like that flowers i don't like what we just did here you best get him the [ __ ] out of there i'll make the sarcophagus now we get that bow down there i don't want to lose out on the bow man that was such [ __ ] horseshit hollow out one of the mountains okay but we're gonna do a tribute to himbo himbo's tomb this game is just hopelessly addictive [ __ ] himbo so upset borglar's gonna do this we'll build a thing in there and then you know it'll be we'll just sarcophagus it up you'll find another himbo transport pod a housemate named dak is crashing in a transport pod nearby if he survives the impact he will be badly wounded yak is from your enemy but you can capture him for recruitment or slavery himbo2 has arrived good cook good intellectual um not good with plants good medical artistic melee and bo2 is upon us the game knew flowers you gotta go help this dude capture quickly quickly now this dude's going to be all right uh oh mad boomalope oh [ __ ] that i don't like where's it going where's it going i'm going to try to track it i think borglar you might need to come with us ought to be doomed [Music] yeah yes [Music] put out the fire before it spreads um question uh is this corpse viable what should i do with this thing eat it you can skin it if you put the fire out and milk them for gasoline did we take that bow back we didn't take that bow back it's a weird [ __ ] sentiment milk them for gasoline dream needs to get the bow man what a [ __ ] crazy series of events that was [Music] all right well there you go himbo loner dead check the art on the sarcophagus there is no art on it check its art oh i see an engraving on the sarcophagus illustrates a timberwolf brutally murdering purple himbo pedorabo wrote in a cowardly half-hearted way several eels look on the overall composition is vertical this image tells the story of himbo being killed by the timberwolf being killed by the timberwolf on the 12th of september 5500 busta a wharf i can read him boat 2 is you know is here in terms of prisoner resistance remaining 14 so it looks like we're gonna get him old himbo punished himbo there's so much i need to do before i stop playing this tonight uh just now kind of crazy how many tasks need to be doing now you got a bow and arrow everyone that can shoot has good shoot jack shooting sucks yeah eat a deck shoot the boobs oh man they're making love again all right i'm gonna stop here for real this time it's a hard game to stop jesus christ three hours and eight minutes i was gonna stream for about two hours at most i don't know when more rim world will happen but it'll be good this game is great thanks for the help also thank you for the advice uh it went kind of well riphimbo and see you tonight in about three hours about three hours 20 minutes something like that okay goodbye
Channel: MONKEYZ eggz
Views: 4,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, rimworld, vinny, vinny rimworld, rimworld edit, vinesauce edit, fan edit, vinesauce rimworld, vinesauce vinny, vinesauce fan edit
Id: jciYxR7-1k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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