[Vinesauce Fan Edit] RimWorld Part 7

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all right welcome back to bob's borg vinny if you're so addicted to this game how do you manage to play anything else once i get hooked on a game that's it um just years of streaming a million different games all right so um we were building some more rooms right i've been told that these rooms are not comfortable in fact they're very uncomfortable so that's a little bit of a problem oh yeah miku is is a has a light machine gun and is part of our our crew finished medicine production produced standard industrial tech medicine by combining herbal medicine new new neutral neutronamine and cloth yes um precision rifling would be next for the assault rifles i'd imagine and autocannon would be good i also know that we need more food for the winter and i'm going to slaughter bunk it um i got an email about you know some of the the stuff and uh basically we have too many pets and smegmaloff eats [ __ ] loads of kibble so you know bunk it needs to go that's sorry everybody i know it's very sad we're all very sad and and uh upset by this said and we are saddened um let's see what kind of hunting we can do we got some turkeys in the region there's rats uh vinnie tame rhino um okay so dreeb has a buff where he can instantly tame anything but the buff doesn't it's not gonna last that much longer like it's got like another seven days or so so i'm hoping that some cool stuff enters the region tame one rat that's an affront to god whatever you're proposing here um chat i'm also going to do something else this wind turbine is cool and all but it's actually [ __ ] up the flow of this um my building i'm gonna deconstruct it and i'm gonna build um i want a bigger store room here and i want this to be a different room they take components to build don't deconstruct what if okay so deconstructing it costs stuff can i get the materials back by deconstructing it only some that's fine otherwise this is just wasted space i don't i i'm i want to build another one i don't mind spending the components someone said that smeg maloth can roam and will not be [ __ ] up by predators is this true yeah pen you are now alpaca rooster has to go into a different area and um smegmaloth is mega sloth so we're gonna do uh zone because yeah smegmaloff eats way too much kibble who's hunting that's taking this much dreeb you know what this is good practice for dreeb dream needs this right now otherwise dream is just kind of not good at shoot let's say not good at shoot okay so zone expand areas and and uh what mega sloth in the meantime to say we gotta save a little bit of kibble and have the smegmaloth eat grass um i'd like to also some of the poor quality [ __ ] that we have someone said in an email i don't remember what they said exactly that i should be able to get rid of this stuff and i need to know specifically how to get rid of it any ideas chat campfire can burn it just sell it winter has begun i'm gonna leave the mega sloth because mega sloth is going to need the kibble during the winter so what's going on dimbo what woke up early he's doing some slaughtering do that slaughtering how we doing on the kibble all right kibble's gonna just keep happening as long as there's time there's kibble sad wonder he has broken down his wandering and sadness this happened because of poor mood the final straw was psychic withdrawal lock the door ah [ __ ] um what can i do for key no how are we doing in here looking pretty good in here again gotta figure out what to do with the rooster maybe i'll i'll have the rooster hang out in the house so it doesn't fertilize the goddamn eggs you know let's do that so the rooster will will now be with squirt if we need more you know we can bring the rooster back over there the [ __ ] [ __ ] of the walk what's this thumbs down what's your problem chemical starvation you'll be all right so that was so shitty dimbo joked about vacations with dreeb dreeb left at dimbo's punctuality dream equipped quipped about sweating with dimbo what dreeb gabbed about lovin with dayak dreeb is bragging about his sex with flowers that's that's real weird dude don't do that dream is like ah yes the sex there are times when i i in fact have the sex does dimbo ever go to see him oh i don't know for those that don't know dimbo is himbo's father he is still wandering he is almost uh the withdrawals gonna be there for a little while yeah that's a shame because smeg maloth man a training we got to get smegmaloth trained this is important let's see what wildlife is in the area uh there's some turkeys for hunting vinny go for the injured bear what injured bear grizzly bear how injured is this thing it's barely injured still though some good good meat was that a dead horse dead fox and horse near the bear for free food hopefully they weren't rotten can't have that beat get rotten you need to grow into a tree this horse is fresh still okay so we need some some people now some people to uh grab this stuff miku do you want to do some some hard labor what are we doing miku okay yeah i'm gonna have we need someone to go grab miku you're on hauling duty now and who else isn't really doing much who's not being utilized to their fullest potential limbo's cooking dayak is doing some stuff yeah miku's gonna go get this stuff dimbo's getting some getting that horse very good all right we're stocking up for the winter there is food to be had vinnie in a sign you can tell them not to wear tattered clothings oh right miku is still wearing garbage clothing um okay well miku hopefully will wear something different and if not we can build a good clothing we need uh just a regular old t-shirt i guess do we does miku need pants i can't believe i just said that sentence yeah the pants are kind of garbage we need better pants they'll make the highest quality stuff psychic sue the male some distant engine of happiness is stirring it is projecting a psychic drone onto the site through an orbital orbital amplifier it's beer and porn being projected into their brains and beer porn [Music] come on dream you can do this [Music] good job dreeb dreeb you're becoming more like your wife actually nine shooting not bad dreeb not bad he shoots faster than the others but less accurately no wonder his aiming is so uh shitty he shoots fast borglar has created an alpaca wool t-shirt masterwork that is mental miku i got something for you it's incredible read the description um not much of a description really but it's worth 285 dollars in the market he made the three wolf moon shirt how about three cat moon remember that memes remember everything had a three something meme shirt for a little while there make her wear the pop parka too playing leather duster yeah duster hell was that uh yeah you need to wear a parka where is that damn parka pakka parka that a park oh miku you need to wear this and then soon miku will wear pant as well and then there's no pant underneath any of that stuff that's a problem pant needs to be made where's that bill borglar will make it eventually i'd imagine he you almost done with your wandering no okay minor break risk still flowers is hunting with amazing accuracy flowers is now up to 13 shoot many if flowers and dream don't spend enough time together it'll hurt their relationship so should i spend should i um set dreams schedule to be the same as flowers so that they can get to bed together i mean as long as it doesn't [ __ ] up their schedule to like his mood dreams mood eclipse has begun we need more people on hauling dream you're unhauling now orglar's busy making pant how'd you do there borg poor pant that's a shame no no it wasn't poor actually where's the pant where'd they go he wore them he made an excellent t-shirt he did mad rats it's just one rat it's just one silly little rat illness needs treatment miku what's wrong with you miku what happened oh oh [ __ ] miku is in trouble gotcha just bit by a rat where the [ __ ] is the other man right i lost track of it chat i don't like oh here it is okay miku's got this [Music] really [ __ ] really you got a light machine gun oh that is bad aim christ almighty under the prison the president what this boy dude is cowering what are you cowering for morglar is the his mood is amazing but he's cowering oh he's worried about the rats then you try being calm when a rat is after you there's more rats how many [ __ ] mad rats were there dear lord man transport pod crash a recruiter named evo ivo is crashing in a transport pod nearby oh that sucks all right how are you doing what what do we got here let's see incapable of caring ivo is robotnik's first name really um incapable of firefighting but a quick sleeper is tough good melee can learn to cook good with animals good with social pretty okay with everything else can do some mining and stuff um yeah sure why not we don't have a bed set up for this though we will in a moment who am i going to send over there who's out already who's busy miku you gotta go save this man go save this man live let's see ivo's health cut scratch pain extreme moving 25 percent cracked lots of lots of damage we got six hours miku's tending to his wounds very nice who's our best doctor again i think miku might be the best doctor just about he's the best doctor kind of but miku's is good too precision rifling has been finished nice very very good now we can get the good guns the assault rifles so he's a guest right now he may not leave actually right if he tries capture him arrest him if he runs colonist needs treatment dimbo just get back and you'll be treated man um unhappy nudity miku is nude we don't have enough pants being made here and and no one is smelting and getting rid of the the stuff we need to get rid of that we need pants we need pantsu more ponzu they're still cutting plants right now disease infection ivo has gotten sick from infection the infection is in his torso ensure you have medical bed and a doctor make sure ival gets proper treatment i'm gonna increase the medicine quality leaving blood all over the place increases the risk of infection get over there miku you gotta help this [ __ ] out oh god she's far she is far how are we doing on the medicine here blood loss extreme miku you were the worst doctor and he did not help probably want to help this dude like right now are you going to eat first that's nice trader is entering the region he's oh my god keith what are you doing is this bed in the way can they not get in there kill this [ __ ] okay now now clean the goddamn blood that was miku's blood outlanders from aurobin are taking a wounded guest uh oh um what should i do they want their friend back he's from their faction just let him go not worth fighting them all right all right well sucks a little bit but what can you do goodbye eggman people have rat bites yeah yeah no one's taking care of it oh no one's bothering fine don't worry about it do we still have unhappy nudity no we got okay we got pants now relations with orum have changed well i mean the good news is yes we we are now in we have better relations with with them with our neighbors and good thing no one was in this bed vinnie that base is just begging to be burned down yeah it certainly seems so dimbo needs treatment i think what's going on with dimbo dimbo is just got some blood loss the whole body is being blood loss cool it's amazing the whole body is being blood loss those excellent words that i have too you okay blood loss moderate even though it still says blood loss moderate meteorite sandstone it's dangerously close to the base can't wait for that to hit my base all right wildlife um i see where we're going through our food stores a little bit not too much but enough that i'm starting to get a little worried how's miku miku's got 4.3 days for her inspired taming so i'm gonna still wait a couple more days put sun lamps next to the solar panel infinite energy and it's cold and people are sleeping in the cold so we need someone to like seriously build that stuff i'm gonna have linda build it when she wakes up maybe dreeb can build it let's see if dreeb's got this dream is up at night reeb's gonna try what's stream's construction looking like four that's enough stash of valuables okay we've intercepted a message about collection of valuable items worth about 385 bucks not far from borgluria it includes the power claw two turrets and one enemy defend the site there may be an unknown threat um i don't know how i feel about that i mean we are building assault rifles and [ __ ] i don't think it's not what is the claw bulk goods trader yes that's good power claw is best melee is it based in game i like how dream didn't even finish building the uh how all linda's got this all right let's see who's got best social i don't remember who's got best social linda's got nine i could sell borf for 68 chat i think i might do that uh yeah i will do it i'm gonna do it sell your shitty clothing i'm supposed to burn that stuff chat the right one is sell right this is positive numbers by negative numbers so wait this is yeah that's cell okay so borf goodbye consider wiring your batteries into groups with switches to toggle their connection to the power grid you lost me at word you can have this you can have that you can have that you can have that you can have that you could sell a duster we've got three of them it's gonna sell this normal 92 duster just for the extra cash give me the cash sell leathers well let's see what i can buy steel billiards table steel flak helmet wooden plate armor have anything else like chocolate i could buy bison meat i buy some meat um vinnie buy components and he sell leather uh guinea pig fur maybe try to even out the sail a little bit dog leather you just take all the dog leather honestly i don't want that in the house that's weird i'm not gonna i'm gonna keep the you know other stuff buy some neutral detroit mean i still can't say that for some reason neutral i mean troy mean i think this is a pretty good deal i'll get the new detroit i said it right okay i feel like we're good it's good trade that really freed up the inventory need research pride the psychic soothe is ending [ __ ] um all right research projects what is good next let's see sterile materials might be good for a hospital bed get that sterile why did i say sterile never said sterile like that in my entire life strange well i like to drink my own urine because it's sterile and i like to taste if anyone knows the quote congratulations you're a 2005 kid i don't even know what year that movie is from dream is cooking late night cooking everyone else is asleep he and lin uh he and flowers roam the night like you guessed it need warm clothes linda you not have park i don't know why i didn't say words bird skin parka strange is well bird skin is kind of shitty all right we need to make uh some warmer non-bird skin things because bird skin apparently is [ __ ] terrible so let's let's do pakka is warm good for winter actually i'm gonna deconstruct i want this to look nice because it's gotta be nice even if it's not symmetrical i'm fine with no symmetry i just want it to look nice raid but it's three people all right did it say they were attacking immediately yeah and it's snowing too who else shoot key you have to prove your quality now [Music] here we go okay one of them is going for the turret perfect [Music] not injure miku how dare you [Music] come on you guys got this come on i believe in you all i believe in you all how's the turret doing turret's doing okay turret's doing okay turret's not even firing [Music] how's miku doing gunshot head shot yo that boom elope come on come on [ __ ] kill miku you probably want to retreat you need self-treat wear a self-treat where is it where is it where is it self-tend there we go [Music] yeah we can't afford to have miku take any any more damage all right this one's fleeing you don't get to flee [ __ ] what are your stats looking like anyway dude's good at melee crafting he's misogynist he's a brawler he's sickly he's got some decent medical i want him dead [ __ ] this guy i attacked my colonists it's got shitty stats to boot dream dream fight this [ __ ] shoot the smoke get him dream you get him get him get him you will be buried along with the others check his log to see who shot him rib cage and torso were wounded by dreeb's bolt action rifle dream dream got him major break risk key psychite withdrawal observed corpse times two that'll do it who's cleaning up sterol materials clean rooms for safer more effective medical treatment research and cooking get medical beds next research hospital bed as your health miku you'll be okay racking a lot of blood through the house though disease infection dreeba's gotten sick from infection we'll get you some decent medicine they're having infected sex oh oh that's weird no check health tab of miku yeah miku's health is a little weird and and is not what's going on but she'll be okay um it should be okay i hope this whole area is gonna be like i said bedrooms for future expansion it's kind of a small bedroom but flowers and dream are the two people that are usually up doing tasks at this time but they're busy healing then you make one big one nah not two small ones [ __ ] whoever [ __ ] whoever else is here sexual healing uh flowers recovered nicely at least we're going to need are wild boars good food do they provide good meat miat miku expires in two days boars are good for hunting chat remind me about the two days thing from um inspired taming because i don't really know what else to tame i guess another smegmaloth maybe speaking of how you doing here smegmaloth good three out of seven going slow i thought for sure this stream we would have that thing tamed but inspired creativity dimbo furniture art or whatever the [ __ ] two levels higher than it would normally be more art maybe check the art on the assault rifle but there's art this weapon bears an illustration of a politician surrounded by smiths hundreds of hundreds of parrots appear beneath the main subject the rectangular structure of the image almost conflicts with its amateurish yet attractive style what we'll have uh [Music] p what are you doing unsightly environment darkness you're visiting himbo of course you're in a dark place stop stop that watch tv then you left the wood generator on [Music] good thing we don't need that anymore [ __ ] uh let's see how is key doing with withdrawal 80 we're almost through this what the [ __ ] just happened linda started a social fight with diac are you kidding me you've been injured what started the fight diac daya consulted linda's parents this drove linda into a rage and she began a fight is there a way to stop this no not really all right they just stopped they just gave up linda ignored his advances so he became a dick excellent mental absolutely mental yo what the [ __ ] is this maybe it was a boomerang or boomelopia boomelope exploded in crossfire medical emergency dreeb it's the infection the immunity is at 93 so he'll be okay he's gonna beat this now he's definitely gonna beat this no problem what did i need again drug lab yeah drug lab drug lab so we can start making some some stuff we got to make more of that medicine bill complete make sniper rifle all right good quality and dreeb you get this assault rifle hell yeah i gotta watch this they're going hunting together too that's one of their favorite things to do together i forgot dream's accuracy kind of sucks a little bit but this the uh the sniper rifle is going to be insane mental so much blood look at this it's like a pakka family here just hanging out by the fire also some steel slag oi slag dream do not accidentally shoot flowers please i'm gonna keep an eye on this fire but for now i have no problem with it to be honest let's see what wildlife we have there's not a lot to choose from there's another mega sloth tame a bear or another mega sloth there's no bears what level is is horse i cannot tame no usable food that's weird need kibble veggies or hay i thought it looks like we have enough food okay now the horse will be tamed we could get over here quick he's getting over here what are you doing keith no no no no no no no no no no okay go go uh go do a thing go go do nothing [Music] minor break risk miku what are you doing miku's not doing it go all right you got this miku named vinnie dayak is not healthy yeah uh i can't treat him starvation dimbo this dude like starving himself to make this really um really into his art what can i say your base is cozy you did well not making super symmetrical kami blocks do you have to put it like that i like it i mean some people pro want the the symmetry you know i like the space as is actually i think it's i think it's nice limbo no dimbo you finish you you you goddamn it may you make your [ __ ] bills make medicine hospital bed while we finished hospital bed before the hospital medical quarters when you look at the ingredients it's one herbal one neutra neutroamine and three cloth he is 86 over the addiction masterwork oh my god again we have another master work in the building dimbo you should be proud this sculpture bears an artwork of reena key searching for water while vomiting five unmoving sharks surround the scene if you squint your eyes the unbalanced composition of the image reveals the outline of a thresher the dynamic structure of the image almost conflicts with its romantic style this portrayal relates to key getting heat stroke on the 10th of jugust 5501 that is [ __ ] hilarious that is [ __ ] perfect vinnie why do you think he is always upset dimbo won't stop bringing up the time she got heat stroke vomited looking for water too i guess install some shelves what's going on with your key yet again i've spent more time this whole playthrough checking on key are we doing work frenzy flowers she will work faster for the next eight days oh okay that's nice so what are you good at flowers tell me can you construct you're good at shooting you're good at social you're good at chad don't don't mind me we're just killing some alpacas vinnie make her clean they do we just watched them make love again so back is fully healed flowers you're doing okay what are you doing sorry the pockets need to go they're good float means she can shoot and lift better i can't believe he goes out to fight to hunt with them dream is good at shooting yeah he's not bad he's not bad he definitely is doing really well with that assault rifle next research project shield belt auto doors yeah auto doors sounds good glitter world herbal medicine we can put drugs in here we don't want to put drugs in here right no absolutely not why would we do that pretty cool base things are going real well i'm really sick of seeing minor break risk so often god damn um who's working on on the drugs man yeah i believe i have a [ __ ] load of neutroy i mean yeah i've got a hundred of it yeah he he will make the drugs do you have cloth yep no yep no no yes yes i had cloth um cloth yeah i have everything needed to make lots of medicine auto doors are gonna speed the [ __ ] up speed this the [ __ ] up auto door build auto doors which automatically do the thing i have to build over these now god damn it i was hoping that these would be the auto doors you need component and stuff too oh oh just try to like keep the major pathways you know that i'm auto-adored computer get some basic researches out of the way like pemmican yeah that and probably um devil well eventually devil strand i didn't know he and smegmaloth have formed a bond that's excellent finally some training unfinished paco wool parka i peter peter parker i set that up so long ago holy [ __ ] dayak is amazing now look how fast he's researching this [ __ ] intellect is at level 17. this dude is amazing dimbo's room needs a door you should uh move dimbo's room everyone keeps waking him up and it's [ __ ] with his mood i don't even consider that so then this room could be something else entirely vinnie you moved him to another hallway oh i guess i did vinnie you should move miku too where the [ __ ] is miku living again yeah i didn't even consider that these people were getting awokened like this what if i just remove the door a nearby settlement has requested a trade special a trade request they want to buy 260 jade in returns your in return your faction relations will improve by 39 you will receive advanced component times three in returns um no it's a scam i'm just gonna deconstruct some doors if it means they gotta go around a little bit so be it flowers is and dreeb are going to cut cut plant and bring plant well now miku won't be awoken definitely wasted some components transport pod crash neville is crashing in a transport pod nearby oh [ __ ] okay uh she's like on death's doorstep right here um good incapable of violent can't hunt incapable of caring is a misandrist and is sanguine naturally upbeat about her situation pretty much all the time no matter what permanent mood effect plus 12. um her stats are kind of middling kind of kind of trash i don't i haven't been doing organ harvesting chat i don't want my uh people going mental about you know having to cut up people she's from an enemy nation she is yeah oh hey some steel slag good steel slag free her for a relations boost that means i got to take care of her all right dreeb capture we just leave her leading here medical emergency huh how do i remove her legs [Music] i guess she died wasted organs some someday i'd like to really see how you guys play this game i want to know about this this organ stuff um hang on a minute now training five out of seven we're almost there we are almost there and key is over the psychic withdrawal or will be in like a minute yes she did it amazing smegmaloth's master has given her a mood boost as well beautiful right um let me start one more thing that way it's in progress multi-analyzer why not lord of smegma what a title a lot of um progress on today's stream tons of it [Music] rare thrombose oh now they join us age 98. well yeah she oh she would have been able to tame them anyway yeah this this map definitely looks a lot different than it did a couple days ago or a week ago um save and quit good enough uh damn this went late been streaming four and a half hours time continues to fly by as i play that game
Channel: MONKEYZ eggz
Views: 472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, rimworld, vinny, vinny rimworld, rimworld edit, vinesauce edit, fan edit, vinesauce rimworld, vinesauce vinny, vinesauce fan edit
Id: Vh0awnJMetY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 4sec (2284 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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