The Most Death I've Ever Found in a Mine, Viewer Discretion Advised

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warning this video shows animals that have fallen down mine shafts and died viewer discretion advised [Music] vertical mine shafts large and small exists all throughout the western United States typically protected by only a few strands of barbed wire these abandoned pits lie in wait for their next victims today on abandoned and forgotten places I take you down a hundred and fourteen year old mineshaft to show you firsthand how these seemingly bottomless pits can become death traps for all types of animals the temptation is great to throw objects down these deep shafts but beware one false step two will fall victim and suffer unimaginable fate [Music] [Music] well hey everybody welcome back now before we get started today I just wanted to say thank you because by the time you guys watch this episode we're going to be at or over 20,000 subscribers thank you so much for your support and I really do appreciate it okay well we're gonna start off today by doing some smaller minds we just finished up with the five-part series on the silver souls mind complex but before I take you guys to the next big location there's a few smaller mines in the area that I wanted to explore and that's what we're gonna start doing today right behind me here is a horizontal haulage at it and I do believe that it's going to intersect into some of the vertical shaft workings higher up on the hill okay let's go check it out all right so on a lot of these mines especially as horizontal haulage adits you get a lot of erosion over the years that tends to fill in the portal a pile like this it could take 30 years to eventually fill in fill in the portal so what we got to do here is just or our backpack up in there first and I'm gonna have to just wiggle my weight down okay let's see where this one goes now right now I'm still just crawling on my hands and knees this mine has been filled in with Oh looks like a bunch of rainwater came in here but get a little bit further I can get up off my knees there we go all right okay let's take a look down here real quick oh yeah she goes away down in there all right I might take a moment I'm gonna help out my exploring buddy here for a second I'll be right back all right let's continue on exploring this old mine not much of an echo in here these poultry deposits are always really soft and crumbly and that's what it is in this section of Nevada is these epithermal x' oh here we go now we're standing standing upright I'm liking this looks like the drift at one time was gonna go that direction and what's sitting over here is an old kerosene tin all right let's keep traveling on down the Abbott can already start to see some woodwork in front of us here all right the Edit goes off to the right and he'll down here on the floor there's what's left of a jackrabbit I'll tell you what let's take a look off to the right see we concede Oh big pit we've got a yeah I'm gonna winds right here with a ladder going into the bottom of it but that's as far as it goes that I can see from this angle and then further on up into the face you can see up there there's another kerosene tin they could have been using that for a honey bucket okay let's head back over to the main hall Oh Janet okay we're back over here to the primary College at it you can see my exploring buddy Randy up there in front of me we've got a drift going off to the left we will come back and revisit that in a moment two more kerosene tins down here these actually have handles on them like that yeah okay let's see what we have up in here oh boy very nice we have a collared shaft lots of graffiti people been back in here and since the 2000s 2001 S&M was here there's a big platform or terrace above us and let's take a look down here holy moly yeah I can see the bottom I'm gonna say that's probably goes yeah it's it's borderline a hundred foot to the bottom do we have a man way maybe stairs oh yeah look here we got a beautiful looking man way here right there and off here to my left snake there's what's left of a snake now we're probably what would you say Randy a hundred and fifty seven or seventy-five feet into this mine yeah from the Edit and we've got a snake right here so that just don't fit you know the old argument people say that snakes generally stay within the first 40 feet well we're well over 100 feet in and there's a snake these critters those ladders look like they're in pretty darn good shape okay well I'll tell you what we're gonna under before we consider doing any crazy ladder stuff let's head back over here I want to take a look down into this drift let's take a look over here real quick okay it continues on that way makes a sharp left-hand turn oh I see what they were doing there they're running in the side of the hanging wall following that fault and that's what you want to do in these epithermal deposits that's where you're gonna have locations of content center condensating gold and it just goes to the face right there okay we're gonna head back over to that shaft and see if that's something that I can get down into I see you over there okay so a moment ago I was just pointing out to Randy here this style of a shaft and I want to show it to you guys to now take a look I'm gonna point the camera straight up right there now you notice how this one is collared where they stacked the two by 12s or two by tens one on top of each other all the way up it and out of the mountain now typically a collar is going to be spaced out every eight to ten feet but because these are going into such a soft poultry deposit they were forced to have to build the collar where the lumber is stacked on top of each other all the way down to the very bottom because otherwise you would have a collapse or material would fall fall into the shaft between each one of the collar segments that's why they did it this way now I got to looking at this ladder here those terraces down there are pretty skinny but I think I can I think I can work my way carefully down each one of those ladders I'm not so concerned about the rungs on the ladder breaking on me as I am one of those terraces snapping and falling down by the way guy is that so it wasn't a rattlesnake that's a gopher snake okay let's see let's try this thing okay here I'm just gonna take it with me stinky like sulfur you know there we go that's looking pretty good now let's take thanks letter see it's those terraces that really concerned me that one there is looking skinny and if that Terrace snaps them the ladder and everything is going down with me let's see if I can get around and put some weight on this see what it has to say as if it snaps a lot I can grab on to you boy this is skinny yeah my my backpack always hangs up on these darn things all right I'm seeing a technical difficulty here give me just a second guys okay just continuing on down the ladders here there we've got a couple of electrical insulators and we have to get over to the next one oh boy this is really skinny Randy I guess so huh so far everything's looking real good ooh yeah I'm liking how that's looking okay boy okay yeah much happier with the look of that Terrace rather than these first view [Music] okay then we have down here okay let's get off of that what is that an old pipe we may be coming into quite possibly our very first drift yeah alright let's see where we're at here before I put any more weight on that one that one's looking pretty good and yeah I'd see it we're probably we're probably 50 50 to 60 feet from the bottom I just turned back look here guys look at all the we got one two three four four dead jack rabbits right here that's looking pretty solid boy Randy there's a there's a whole lot of death down here there's dead jack rabbits all over yeah yeah there's uh there's good there's dead Jackrabbits and dead mice all over the place little falling down in here so one of the things that we've gotta be mindful of guys is the is the air quality I'm pretty sure that a lot of these critters just basically fell into the mind and that's why they died they're not dying from from poor air quality okay let's look down at this one that Terrace doesn't look too bad yeah if I can just get my big fat butt Oh for that backpack the line really is a pain in the butt sometimes in these tight spots I'm just gonna stand on the collar here see look here we've got we got even more dead animals down here by my feet I'm just standing on a bunch of bones okay let's look down at the next one yeah pretty much all the same how much further do we need to go Oh still got quite a ways yet till we get to possibly our first drift okay all right guys I'll be right back gonna make a few modifications here these are pretty tight getting down in here alright guys there's a few things around made some adjustments here boy yeah see how see that split in the collar right there now we're getting deep enough into this mine where there's a lot of pressure on the collar and this right here see how that's all bowed in what okay what do we have here we've got that right there is a dead coyote I'm pretty sure it's a dog I'm I'm pretty sure that's a coyote all right boy a lot of death in this - okay what's down to the next one here that Terrace doesn't look too bad in the world I can't say I've ever seen so many dead critters look we did there's a packrat there there's another Jackrabbit besides the dog mice they're all over the place okay whew boy look at the collar see how the collars bowing right there and it's snapping right there - this keeps getting sketchier and sketchier let's see if we can get down to this yep okay let's get down to this next terrorist and see what we're getting ourselves into here oh okay we're almost to the drift we only got one more ladder to go let's see if I can get over here that's that one look not much different but what's really got me a little bit nervous see that right there how that's bowing out that's getting ready to come in and collapse all right I think we got only one more ladder to go I mean I think it does kind of look like we are getting to a drift here no see where can I put my feet goodness I kick up a bunch of dust okay oh that is just damn creepy right there look at what's right there guys all right now almost to the drift I just got a few more ladders to go down Wow yep there's a there's a bulkhead right here we don't want to fall into that oh shoot no how did I press that button well that's kind of a first okay more technical difficulties I'll be right back okay guys back again let me show you where we came from there's the man way going up this shaft ladder coming down here that was the bulkhead slash man way door that would go into even some workings that were even lower but what's down here on the floor let me show you we've got all sorts of dead animals from coyotes to rabbits both cottontails and jack rabbits there's all kinds of pack rats off here to my right there's more down here even more but the really creepy looking one is what's right over here next to the broom that is a coyote and I think what's going on here is there is probably another mind Explorer down here at one time and they prop that that coyote up against the wall right there down here there's more Jackrabbits okay okay let's see what we have down in here drift goes that way now here's an old wooden barrel look at this barrel here now a lot of times that's what raw gunpowder came shipped in who was barrels that looked like that we've got a drift that went off this direction and this is as far as it goes and you can see how that is starting to collapse really bad I'm glad I don't have to walk up past that that's just really ugly looking okay we got a drift that goes up this direction again this is really really sketchy pee everybody oh goodness let's see how far it goes yeah see where they were fall I'm not gonna go any further but you see where they were following that vein right there but that's as far as this goes okay let's turn back around this big metal plate right here that's a muck sheet they would lay that down to muck material off of anything else hiding in here what does that say position position cartridges that's what it says it says position something cartridges on they're kind of hard to make out tin can okay and looking back where we came from well now interesting is there any writing on this old barrel you know we haven't seen too many barrels like that gunpowder barrels that's pretty darn cool that's just a beautiful artifact there I like that one time it held it is there some writing on it let's look here no no no there's not okay okay turn it back around looks like the last time someone was down in here was 2001 yeah what a creepy creepy looking mine shaft okay now yeah I know a lot of people are saying well alright what does it go down any further well let's look oh yeah indeed it does but that's just too darn sketchy that's not all break up there let's see if we can't get another view looking down this direction Neenee see down there yep so this Jeff did continue on further but now it's all breaking breaking apart the collars busted and there's just no way that I'm going down into that that's that's just too dangerous okay guys well kinda short and sweet but cool nevertheless so I'm gonna work my butt back up out of here and I'll meet you up where Randy's hanging out and waiting on me okay I'll see you up there all right guys 20 more feet to go thank goodness oh that was a tight one [Music] get out of here I'm gonna have a seat right here my mr. Nye mr. snake Hey all right well we didn't get to go all the way down to the very bottom it has the collar down in there as wolves as a bunch of other things we're starting to fail that's just too dangerous so I think we might have time to do one more mind today guys let's head back into ol Bob and hit that over there [Music] okay everybody we're over here at the second mine I really like that last one that was I've never found that much death in the mine since I've started this channel my gosh there's a lot of dead critters down in there but here's the next one I want to show you guys today I guarantee you there's never been a camera down in this hole I don't know how large this mine is I found it last summer how was scout in this area but I never got a chance to go inside it that's why I wanted to take you in here today so let's see what we have down in there I feel mr. backpack a lot of crumbly Rock here at the portal see what we can find [Music] okay let me bring you on inside shed some light on the situation here okay okay that's what we've got goes way up in there I'm gonna give my give Randy a hand real quick so I'll meet right back up with you guys here in a moment okay guys let's see what we have up in here first of all look at the amount of material that is falling down from the back of the mine down here on the floor over the years but it's all pretty old yeah stuff that has collapsed this came down a long time ago okay let's peek up in here no goes quite a ways oh it smells like critters Oh always feels good to be able to stand up okay yeah this one is really crumbly yeah we don't want to touch anything in this one Randy just now remember I'll let you get up to this point and I'm gonna show the audience to see that big crack off of the right there these are the kind of geological things you want to look for when exploring these old mines and that's what I was talking about earlier let's get out from under that and away from it as fast as possible here we go okay now we're looking a lot better while the geology in here is really interesting it's LA we're going through I don't know if I'd call it shale no it looks more like twisted and folded rhyolite tough yeah see this off to my left look all that see all the twisting and folding going on in that rock so back on it was deep in the earth it it kind of had the consistency of like oatmeal or taffy very pliable lots of that that collapsed look rather fresh this Boulder here looks kind of fresh to see that there's no dust on it yeah the musty the muster smelling is uh is pack rat droppings but pack rats don't contain they don't have the hantavirus all right what do we have okay we've got something going off to the right doesn't look like it's gonna go very far let me just peek up in here real quick now I know that somewhere yeah that's as far as it goes right there okay turn it back around I know that somewhere up in here we're going to intersect with a with a shaft at least I think we are oh well I'll be darned this is gonna be the end of the mind see I wouldn't have expected that I thought for sure we were gonna intersect with a shaft higher up on the hill but that's it okay guys I'm gonna look around here just a little while longer and if I find something cool I'll be sure to show it to you okay I'll be right back okay we did find something interesting and Randy wanted to point this out to you guys to tell tell them what you found Randy well yesterday we were exploring another location Joshua Tree that had all of its leaves cut off in half and now here in his mind we have discovered what was doing that these are yucca Joshua Tree yucca Bravo folia and that pack rats are using them as nesting materials along with grasses and donkey turds and the yucca seed pods are in here as well there's one right there yep and some of these cactus Barb's are using those as well a lot of other little seed pods and shells and other interesting things yeah we found him we found a Joshua Tree where the pointy the pointy needle II kind of leaves on it were all nibbled off and we couldn't quite figure out how that occurred and now here we discovered a packrat using it as nesting material okay well we are continuing to work our way back towards the portal I'll see you guys back outside so as I'm coming up out of this hole guys there's a there's a packrat right here and he's making all kinds of crazy noises he is not happy with me don't worry mr. packrat I'll be out of your house here at a moment oh you ain't kidding grab that big rock up there pull yourself up come on boy okay there we go alright well that one didn't turn out to be too spectacular but at least we got a chance to take a look at it okay guys well that's gonna have to do it for this weekend I've got a few more small ones I want to show you for next weekend too and what I'm doing here is I'm leading up to a really really nice site it's just just a monster of a mind it's probably gonna take three or four parts to totally film it so we'll eventually get to that one but like I said I've got some real cool small ones I want to show you guys over the course of the next few weekends so with that I'm gonna get on out of here I appreciate you all coming along again for another explore and again thank you so much for helping support the channel 20,000 subscribers that's just fantastic and I couldn't have done it without you guys okay I'll see you again next weekend take care bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 2,920,669
Rating: 4.8634601 out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: bzpesZkkmLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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