Roasted Porcupine!!! Asia's Extreme Village Food!! | Surviving Vietnam Part 3

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thank you to anya bike adventures for helping make this best ever food review show motorbike trip happen onya bike adventures offers one day to two week pre-planned or customized guided motorbike adventures across all of vietnam parts of nepal and the himalayas onya bike has you covered with a licensed english-speaking guide to ensure a safe and fun tour from start to finish we used anya bike for our trip whether you're an experienced biker or a first timer on your bike allows you to ride with style and peace of mind exploring the best historical landmarks local food spots and awe-inspiring landscapes link in the description below to find out more about anya bike [Applause] what is there another way the map says that way [Music] hey try jumping [Music] last time on our best ever central vietnam bike journey andrew and i explored hoi an where we witnessed some industries crushed by the pandemic and others that are still flourishing despite these crazy times pandemic proof today we're leaving central vietnam's coastline ocean and beaches and heading into the unfamiliar central highlands it's pretty cool that they're still unspoiled countries dotting these picturesque mountains dozens of this country's indigenous ethnic groups diverse tribes who have been here for generations all with their own culture oh boy customs and food oh what do you put in there andrew and i are on a food inspired mission breaking away from the tourist spots and going off the eaton path that house that's the chat how do you get up there to live [Music] but first breakfast want to find great food in vietnam look for vendors with only one item on the menu there you'll find years of singular focus on a single broad a single recipe honing it in bringing it to perfection this restaurant has been doing that for 30 years perfecting their iconic um this is sort of like the quintessential noodle dish of hayan we've had the other one mee wang and these are sort of the two dishes to vietnamese people would think of first when they think of pyrenees food this local classic starts with bold thick rice noodles then greens and slices of cha soup pork all that gets soaked in their homemade soy-based sauce before serving a spoon of chili oil and crunchy bits let's try it out let's go oh i like that pork just like fried pork fat i love how vietnamese food is always on two levels the actual taste but texture is always taken into consideration if it's something that's just mushy or without a crunch they're gonna add something to it yeah there's a few textures going on here i like even the bean sprouts a nice little fresh burst yeah very nice we're getting out of hoi an today it's a whole new level to this trip except i don't really exactly know what we're doing but oh wait we got another card oh no thank you why does she always have a skull her face looks like she's in pain just working with me so it says good morning gentlemen so far your epic motorcycle journey has included hardly any motorcycling that changes today from vietnam central coastline you'll be moving inland to its beautiful mountains here you'll become acquainted with some of vietnam's 54 ethnic minority groups also whatever your definition of normal food is change it what's that mean we're leaving one of southeast asia's most sought after beaches a coastline seen by millions each year due to the current block on outside tourists this is a beach we could have all to ourselves but no we've got vietnam's east sea in our rear view as we follow a new path to the mountains trading comfort and tranquil predictability for the unknown some call it adventure for some driving a motorcycle can be relaxing driving a motorcycle in vietnam is not it's an exercise in constant and unwavering focus an abundance of obstacles threaten your existence around every turn dogs trucks rocks and on and on after an hour you'll feel like you just wrapped the math section of the sat your brain needs fuel so vietnam also has these rest stops done their way equipped with hammocks and refreshments squeeze juice from the sugar cane [Music] ah that is refreshing after some motorcycling it is very hot it is cooking man we seem comfortable it's not comfortable at all no this is a small respite in amongst hours of pain we're not even halfway to kantum me said you need to change your idea of what's normal food that's after you ate the rabbit oh how do you get any worse than that i bet that was the peak i'm guessing from here it's going to be noodles local vegetables i wonder what they have in consumption i think it's going to be fine dude don't worry all right all right all right we should go this part of our journey follows the famous ho chi minh trail a chain of roads and bridges that were built to transport soldiers and equipment to fight the southern vietnamese and americans during the vietnam war decades before these days it's a mix of clean smooth highways and local trails from long ago whether they're safe or not is up to us to find out is this what is there another way the map says that way this thing looks rickety as hell man this looks very old all right this is holding up the entire bridge why is it shaking so much i don't know it's just for you know dramatic effect right now this is what's holding us up right now stop hey try jumping that was a big jump right okay i think it's good we just got to be quick okay all right let's do this let's do this [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] all right [Music] producer me's coordinates have led us here to this rubber tree forest [Music] rubber trees are only found in tropical regions and vietnam is the third biggest producer in the world this particular forest belongs to mr fulm and his family good morning everyone okay good morning vietnam has so many different ethnic minorities part of the reason we're on this trip is to learn more about the different cultures so your family is part of which minority where you're from that you're local the yaiching people an ethnic group of about 60 000 they're native to this area but they also inhabit parts of laos and cambodia they have their own unique language culture and of course food let's eat breakfast today this tribe welcomes their guests with a traditional sticky rice preparation cooked in bamboo with a special dip made from basil salt and chilies there's not enough sticky rice in vietnam i know it takes on some of the flavor of the bamboo a little bit a little woody and this is just a fireball of flavor i mean it's spicy super salty and then there's just tons of like intensely fragrant herbs on there on the side steamed bamboo shoots i'll also put that in there oh that's awesome today we're here to kind of learn more about how you live and definitely about how you eat and i want to know what is the plan today do you know what we're going to be eating for dinner tonight we are going to go fishing and chop porcupine i'm sorry trap trap trap yes chop a porcupine porcupine a poke pie when we trap the porcupine what will we do with it is it like a catch and release program uh then we are gonna fishy oh then we go fishing see that's a relief yeah i thought he was gonna say eat it thank god so we don't eat it do we eat it yes oh oh we did it i thought we just went fishing and then went home it feels inevitable we're gonna eat a porcupine okay here's what i think you go fishing okay i'll figure out the other part yeah but you have to get fish because if you don't get any fish then we only have porcupine no problem so i've been split up from sunny who apparently has to go hunting porcupine which sounds dangerous so i'm much more happy to be here fishing which i quite frankly love previously i've fished a lot in australia but on an ocean with big boats and rods and i can't imagine this is going to be anything like this but let's give it a try while andrew was away doing his thing i'm right here getting ready to learn how to trap a porcupine i took 11 years of boy scouts and we never covered porcupine trapping also i was never in the boy scouts right now my man is behind me he's trying to scale both the perfect spot to set up a trap all right let's see how it works step one i need to figure out what's going on so i'm gonna try and uh just watch and mimic [Music] um so there's no fish there but i'm gonna watch him one more time and then i'm gonna try give it a go so right here he's kind of dug a pit and then now he's gonna put this bamboo steak into the ground from here he puts a branch around and he puts two ends of the branch into the ground it's basically gonna be like a giant mouse trap do they have any cheese how long do you think we need to wait 30 minutes 35 minutes in three or four days we have an animal can he try to speed it up to like 20 minutes i'm gonna give it a try so i'm looping this around my arm now i pick up with the fingers oh god he's not that impressed i'm really wishing that i was paying more attention to the action okay that wasn't too bad oh man maybe i've gone on this time let's see right now i'm about 30 feet from the trap i just want to witness the moment something goes in there okay that was nothing that was just acting i know right now andrew is catching a bunch of fish and i can't come back without an animal that would be a failure i'm not gonna let andrew beat me unfortunately andrew can fish harder but i can't wait harder i just have to wait [Music] guys i'm pretty disappointed nothing absolutely nothing and now a meal of just porcupine awaits me we have finally arrived at village preparations for a feast have begun but do we have anything to feast on andrew oh i've got some bad news dude i fished my ass off so you have no fish nothing man what about the backup fish back up fish you didn't use the backup fish it was a backup fish yeah we never catch fish on this show we just have a backup fish oh man why is here so you didn't get a real fish or a fake fish no that's right at least we've got the trapping how did the porcupine trapping go the trapping right let me show you bring it in right here my man we have one porcupine that has been trapped study is insane it's kind of tragic because it's a beautiful creature it's gotta be 20 25 pounds i didn't feel legit bad bro i feel bad too but what can we do uh this is what they do here this is dinner [Music] porcupine meat although celebrated in this community is consumed pretty rarely last time mr fulm and his wife had it was five years ago so andrew and i are especially lucky to get a taste today wow guys this looks amazing can you translate a little bit let's take a look at the spread here we have a little bit of all the farm animals and some from the wild chicken oh this this is um the fish you caught is that right andrew i mean [Music] he's like yeah whatever you say man and then this is the porcupine i helped capture by waiting yeah and do you know where people always start the booze booze in this village comes in the form of straw wine the idea is to mix a sense of community with a sense of getting ripped out of your mind all those who imbibe must share the purple color comes from the use of purple sticky rice in making the alcohol surprisingly pretty good it's really sweet yeah very sweet like a cough syrup right our first porcupine dish is the most straightforward porcupine barbecue oh that's very nice did gifted for you what they cheers that's pretty dang good sensational man it's so porky it's got some nice fat on it a lot of protein it just feels like you're a piece of steak almost you guys know how to grow this is a dish called fake dog meat because it's cooked exactly the way one would cook real dog but instead of dog we've got porcupine make sense that's hilarious but it's fine because it's not really a dog it's uh it's just a porcupine porcupine hacked up sections of meat and bones are paired with lemongrass ginger pepper msg salt shrimp paste sugar honey and fermented rice well it's stewed you can taste some lemongrass and herbs but this meat is also quite delicious this is the kind of cultural food i can get behind even the intestines our final dish porcupine intestine soup chopped organs heart liver and intestines boiled together until their juices flow as one the gastric acids of the intestines contribute a deeply bitter flavor much like pure bile let's try it let's go oh bit up we just got to the drinking food segment my god that's um different from what i expected i'm going to grab an intestine chunk [Music] wow that's where the pokemon stops being good at least the liver had some texture to it this was just gooey the kind of inside bit that hadn't cooked quite as much it just gushed out that was something different that's for sure i want you to drink some of this broth with me so um with cheers and drink some of them why are we doing this all right here we go oh good that's a really strong flavor that is level 10 bitterness oh my god yeah he likes it please okay so he's going to take a bite oh he's just wolfing it down [Music] yes man that's awesome man wow guys thank you so much for your hospitality for inviting us into your home and allowing us to share this real delicacy that you haven't had for years and years is amazing i just want to say come on come on [Music] [Applause] uh here's the best part about vietnam everyone who comes here they spend all their time in ho chi minh city and hawaii like the developed places but when you're on a bike there's so many places here that they just can't develop it's pretty cool that they're still unspoiled countries they're doing the ho chi minh trail and it still has that we should go yeah we should definitely go yeah let's go [Music] the best parts of this country are the hardest to get to far from the airports and convenient modes of transportation it's not gonna be tourists here for a long time among folks who see a foreigner less often than they see a porcupine this is a part of vietnam i truly love yes but next time that love is going to be put to the test oh it's everywhere oh dude they're crawling up you all my breasts from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10 person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and a's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's okay too we're just happy you're here guys another episode in the can and so many more fun ones to come are you excited yeah i'm pretty excited great me too thank you so much for watching we will see you next time a piece on your own
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,866,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, central vietnam adventure, bike trip, motorcycle, royal enfield, what to do in Vietnam, vietnam travelling, asian food, south east asia cuisine, vietnamese cuisine, STRAW WINE, PORCUPINE INTESTINE SOUP, HOI AN THICK NOODLES SOUP, Cao lau, FAKE DOG MEAT, GRILLED PORCUPINE, Gie Trieng cuisine, Gie Trieng people, Kontum, Vietnamese Ethnic food
Id: SQZnEUwtmzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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