AMAZING sea glass found under the Forth Bridge! Mudlarking with @Scottish Mudlarking!

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hello okay so here we are at queen's ferry well south queens ferry actually and we're with the very lovely nicole and craig of scottish mud marking and um we're really excited to see what we're going to find we already can yeah there's lots down here that we can see already so let's get going let's do it [Music] [Music] feet okay so my first find is a tiny little bit of blue and that is gorgeous can't go past a piece of blue okay so apart from this plastic which i'm gonna pop in my pocket um i see a few pieces first of all this really big chunky base here there's another big chunky base here and the lip of a bottle and luckily there seems to be loads of sea glass down here to find just found a beautiful little piece of pink and white pottery down here i love this shade of green so i've got a handful full of goodies here mum's way down there and nicole and craig are behind me but i've got some beautiful really well-worn pieces of sea glass and a few bits of potteries um including a button and something hiding down there can you see that piece of red it looks like some kind of little glass jewel so that's interesting a cute bit of blue and white oh it's off a little bit of pottery here sheila's marmalade jar i can tell already so for marmalade joe yeah i can tell if i use that little shard eight seven it's because look the um oak leaves and the acorns oh yeah those um keyless marmalade jars oh my god that's 1873. oh yes i see yeah cool i like it oh found another button another oh that's the second button i found today it's a little glass button i think oh main plastic glass of plastic well you know it's kind of very cool sorry i'll just have a little flattering angle for you i don't know it's my fault yeah yeah yeah let's take it oh fantastic i love these worn out stoppers though oh that's a nice one that's juicy isn't it lovely just we found a lot of these last time we were here but we couldn't find any last night when it was getting dark [Music] oh well [Music] that is a very old very thick piece of glass very dark green [Music] i think there's a little bottleneck down here i think it is wow it's so warm and smooth it's obviously broken off there but it's so rounded what color it is it's lovely oh this is nice it seems like it is is that spongebob not sure what that is it's almost like a stick drawing of a man lovely piece of amber i don't think nicole's found this and it has leech 1921 on it could be a rivet off the bridge i think i'll keep that i think this is multi-coloured all right i'll zoom in yeah look at that that's really pretty oh yeah reminds me of the slice of those tiles yeah those tails have got striation in them and i think i found a little button a little blue button there you go that's pretty oh i just found a hole saucer do you like that i think it's modern it says churchill made in england there you found a go amazing piece of little red sea glass down there it's only tiny will be perfect for a little ring isn't that beautiful and down here i saw a lovely piece of aqua glass i was about to pick up okay i found some amazing beautifully worn c river glass here really really beautiful stuff and look i've just found this amazing lavender piece and this purple sea glass slightly purple it's very difficult to see it has manganese in it how beautiful is that look at all of this isn't it amazing i found some beautiful blues we got a red one there gorgeous aquas beautifully worn these are going to be amazing for jewelry look at that and here just look how huge these pieces of sea leather they're huge oh my goodness look at how much sea glass is here it's scotland's sea glass beach look oh my goodness this is amazing another beautiful piece of lavender glass down there and i have found this is just so exciting i have found red um i found a multi i found some safety glass there this beautiful yellow piece this is amazing there's the multi there it's very difficult to see we'll take some better shots of these at the end of the video so you can get a good close-up view some lovely bits of glass here really smooth look at that nice bit of green here oh i like that another bit of green and white it's quite a bit here and that looks like a yellow oh that's a bit of a really old base there you go here's a lovely bubbly bit oh that's beautiful zoom in look at that perfect oh look at that look at that that's beautiful [Music] beautiful [Music] i know that's what i do [Music] this is a lovely color look at that [Music] [Applause] here's the tiniest piece of red it's tiny some nice pieces of colored pieces here it's a really nice blue bluey aqua it's another tiny piece of red down there oh my goodness if you don't know red is rare a red sea glass color so i've got my multi-colored one there i can't see it very well and the red one how beautiful this is just absolutely covered this part of the foreshore i can see some blues and some more pinks perhaps oh let's go and have a look oh look there's another malty see it down there it's another blue and clear malty tada and oh yes i've got i found that little purple piece as well oh this is wonderful oh there's another little blue another little blue piece cobalt blue i just found another blue hiding there down in the seaweed but first of all i found another red piece how beautiful is that there's another cobalt blue and a lovely piece of aqua kind of foamy color there's all my colorful pieces and there's a bit of pattern piece there aren't they amazing look i got some maltese i got some blue maltese and i've got a pink malty and i got some reds beautiful wow a colorful handful this is sea glass corner yeah this is sea glass beach corner two bits with two lavendery bits there manganese oh that's pink and that one there would that be lead i think lead goes pink doesn't it that's pinky red glass probably glows doesn't it might glow underneath light yeah oh treasures that's a lovely piece of lilac look at that that's beautiful okay so this isn't sea glass but i've just found this beautiful piece of wood and it's absolutely beautiful the grain in there can you see that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay down here i've just spotted a little pink got loads of really lovely pieces today it's a tiny little multi-colored piece it's clear and pink it's lovely perfect for jewelry another tiny tiny red down here minuscule look how tiny it is what have you got oh it's like a little key ring key thing plastic take that home so i ventured down into the mud more muddy parts there's this half a cup let's see what else we can see here's the base of a very old coke bottle it looks like got something solid inside of it all stuck to it oh yeah so i'm not sure what that is that's weird oh something electrical or something i don't know but i like it oh i've just bought something absolutely wonderful down there can you see it it's a marble oh lovely how beautiful it's like red inside i think red ish orange isn't that beautiful lovely okay i think i've spot a bottle down here it looks like part of a cod bottle but we'll see how much is still in here oh yes oh wonderful it's the whole base the whole um bottom part of a cod bottle i'm gonna have to put it in water to wash it off it's absolutely covered in sand i can't see what's on there looks like white perhaps i think it might be white someone's all white perhaps we'll have to give it a proper wash off to see what it says walk past these things i've just found a stopper in a place where i've just walked past so it just shows you you can walk past these things it's a lovely sea worn one so there you go okay i've just seen something sticking out down here and it looks like oh yes it's a piece of pipe stem let's see that's a bit of carbon out of a battery but yeah that's the only piece of pipes them i found today and usually i found a marble a marble the marble in the mud oh that's pretty i think alex just found another one as well i think i may have just found a marble down here oh look at that oh it's beautiful it's a white one rinse it off yeah i just found one just as i was coming over to you both found marbles [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] although there has probably been a settlement at queen's ferry since the iron age the name it is known by today derives from saint margaret who's thought to have established a ferry crossing there in the 12th century margaret was an anglo-saxon princess daughter of king edmund of england and a direct descendant of king alfred her family was forced into exile by the invading danes under the leadership of king knute the family eventually made their way to hungary where margaret was born in about the year 1045. when her father edward was named as heir to the english throne in 1057 the family returned to england unfortunately edward died shortly after their arrival and the family was forced to flee once again when the normans invaded in 1066 they went north and set sail for the continent from northumberland but a storm forced them to change course and land in fife in scotland it was here that the fierce scottish king malcolm iii offered protection to the anglo-saxon royals margaret had been well educated in hungary and led a very religious life it has been said that she had wanted to live a pious life devoted to the service of god she turned down several proposals of marriage from king malcolm but in the end love triumphed and they married at dunfermline in 1070. margaret became queen margaret of scotland and used her position of power for the good of others she worked to bring peace between the warring scottish clans and between scotland and england she brought about many reforms one of which was the abstinence of work on a sunday allowing the working classes a day of rest margaret also founded churches monasteries and pilgrim hostels and established a ferry crossing across the firth of fourth to accommodate pilgrims heading north to the shrine of saint andrew together malcolm and margaret had eight children three of their sons went on to be scottish kings and their daughter matilda was crowned queen of england and she married henry the first in 1100 by all accounts margaret was a very strong determined and pious woman who worked tirelessly for the good of others she is said to have worked personally with the poor and orphans feeding and washing them and providing them with clothes from her own wardrobe in the year 1093 margaret became dangerously ill and after receiving the devastating news that had beloved malcolm and one of her sons had been killed in a battle at anec in northumberland margaret died she was aged just 47 years after reports of miracles taking place around her tomb in dunfermline abbey margaret was canonized and made a saint by pope innocent iv in 1250 margaret anglo-saxon princess pearl of scotland and saint okay [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] hello so here is the amazing amount of glass that we found at south queens ferry yeah we found a huge hall of c slash river glass as you can see all different colors all colors of the rainbow okay so we sorted them into categories as you can see so we've got all of our whitish pieces here we got browns dark aquas sea foam and aquas we've got greens different colored greens different kinds of greens this is safety glass and then we've got our rare colors these ones turned out to just be plastic but these are our red glass and our blue glass and we've got a few pieces of yellowish glass down here and also here we have our sort of lilac and pinky colored glass and this is due to the fact that the glass has got manganese in it or lead i think the pink is yeah that's the lead and the purple yeah yeah manganese and um it goes this color when exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun so and here in scotland they're not as dark as you might find them in sunnier countries because obviously they haven't been exposed to much uv light so uh yeah bit of a shortage of songs just a little bit especially today yeah okay um moving on to our other items over here we've got three marbles three wonderful marbles here yay these are three beautiful cat eye marbles and they are all 20th century machine made marbles and they're very beautiful aren't they yeah they look well used they do they've got lots of chips on them yeah we have two fabulous water worn bottle stops here yeah we don't usually find them like this obviously because um we've we mostly find them at bottle dumps and things don't we so yeah they're really interesting they've got a lovely texture they feel really nice very tactile a pipe stem oh one poor only piece of pipes and it's got nothing on it either so it'll probably end up as beads yeah um this which is just i think it's an old nut or a screw or something i was hoping it would be a rib a rivet off the bridge but i think the bridge rivets are a lot bigger than that yeah um this is an unusual piece of glass i'm not sure about this piece of milk glass um we've got loads of buttons turns out we found loads of buttons yeah mostly plastic i think yeah they're all plastic unfortunately oh maybe bakelite yeah that black one looks a bit baker lightish yeah and then we've got some beautiful pottery pieces here and i find this one really intriguing yeah make it out if anyone has any ideas what this is supposed to be yeah are we even holding it the right way i have no idea i've got a feeling that's the right way yeah i don't know why is that like a pergola and that like a flower or something i have no idea what that's supposed to be or a stick person it looks like sponge wear anyway and this is a bit of tile glass tile for beads speed glass i think that's more modern that piece yeah and two beautiful little shells and this interesting little piece of wood all good candidates for jewelry and other projects yeah and for our final find we found this our whites cod bottle well piece of a cod bottle lovely river worn cod bottle here but we thought it broken off in just a nice place to sort of smooth that down and use it as a receptacle yeah definitely anyway mum's got some information on our whites which turned out to be quite interesting yeah and we usually see other mud locks further south finding these but we haven't really found one up no we've never found a white bottle so it's probably chucked off the ferry or a ship or something there in the first and fourth so our whites was started in london in 1845 by robert and mary white who sold ginger beer from a hand barrow and in the next 150 years they became one of the biggest mineral water producers in the area employing hundreds of people and they swallowed up of quite a few other mineral water producers in the process and the bottle itself is quite interesting because it has um an interesting connection the bottle was made by dan rylands of barnsley in yorkshire and he was already a successful bottle producer when he went into partnership with none other than hiram cards of cod bottle fame and that partnership they went into partnership in 1877 and it lasted until ryland's death in 1881. so i'm guessing from those dates that this is a fairly early cod bottle yeah that's really cool it's got this lovely kind of matte um texture because it's obviously been in the river rolling around for quite some years yeah feels really nice okay so finally what you've all been waiting for is mom's beautiful anglo-saxon inspired pendant which is coming right up okay so here it is the finished article and it is really beautiful really amazing and of course inspired by saint margaret yes we're really inspired by the story of saint margaret um after learning about it and that she was actually an anglo-saxon princess and so i based this on an generic sort of anglo-saxon design for a cross and the little piece of glass that we picked up was picked up actually probably where the first ferry used to run from because the ferry still runs from that same place isn't that amazing so she could have actually walked over the ground where we found that little piece of glass so it's got its own little direct connection there with with the place with queensbury and that is of course why queen's phrase called queensberry after margaret so and it was an amazing story about about her and yeah i think this i think she'd like this cross i think she's like ostentatious and i don't think she was a very ostentatious sort of person it's simple but very beautiful and i've put it on a chain that i made a while ago and it's an ancient style of chain called loop in loop which has been used for thousands of years so i thought it it just happened to fit luckily so i thought that was quite appropriate to put it on there okay so we had the most wonderful day with nicole and craig in queensferry and we'd like to ask you to go and subscribe to their channel right now after this video and make sure you watch their video of from the same day which is one of their recent videos and we look forward to meeting them again in north queens ferry so look out for that video in a few weeks time as well yeah definitely we had a fantastic time and thank you so much to um scottish meadowlarking for coming out with us that day yeah so on that note we'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who likes comments of course subscribes and to everyone who donates to our channel um in all different ways yeah and people who have brought things for us from our amazon wishlist which we're so grateful for and those things have been so helpful we actually used some of them in this video to make the cross okay so we'll see you again next sunday [Music] bye
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 31,005
Rating: 4.9790502 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarking, treasure hunting, beachcombing, Sea glass hunting, northern mudlarks, northern mudlarking, mudlarking Scotland, mudlarking england, mudlarking uk, scottish mudlarks, treasure hunting Scotland, sea glass beach, jewellery making, saxon cross
Id: pBp6_ok2VJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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