VG Myths - Can You Beat the Yoshi's Island Pacifist Challenge?

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good morning everybody and welcome back to vg myths the online internet video game tv show that will never do a smash brothers episode in yoshi's island like most platformers the primary method of interacting with the world is eating everybody alive but i'm recovering from a massive dental emergency and need to go light on the crunchy stuff which is why we're tackling a challenge run with substantially less literal pain and suffering can you beat the yoshi's island pacifist challenge before even starting the rules mega ultimate semantics warning most of the time the rules are clear-cut and i personally prefer to keep things as simple as possible but yoshi's island pacifist is gonna get complicated first off this will be a sum of best to low score challenge tallying our lowest scores for every required level in three categories kos oopses and items these are in descending priority a lower ko count is always better than a lower oops count and a lower oops count is always better than a lower item count items obviously increment every time we use an item in the stage these can be obtained infinitely from the secret mini game menu and completely trivialize the run if overused so adding them to the score counter means we should only use them as a last resort oopses are enemy casualties not directly caused by yoshi for example if a boulder spawns on a hill and kills an enemy without yoshi even touching it it counts as an oops this means not only do we have to avoid killing enemies we have to stop these idiots from getting themselves bumped off and finally the big one kos these are given the very specific scientific definition of anything that feels murdery eating an enemy or causing them to explode is one of the more obvious examples but look at what happens when you jump on a shy guy i personally say this is super murdery but the game actually disagrees exploding a shy guy prevents them from respawning if you move away and come back but jumping on a shy guy doesn't prevent them from respawning as far as the game is concerned the shy guy is just momentarily displaced nevertheless because the action itself feels overwhelmingly murdery for once i'm going against the game's opinion and still incrementing the ko counter with the rules as set as they're gonna get let's head into level 1-1 even in the first level we're going to have to get tricky ignoring everything and heading straight forward brings us to a dead end we'll need eggs to get past and luckily there's an egg block near the beginning of the level just past these two piranha plants to get through intentionally take damage and walk through during your invulnerability frames depending on how you do it the timing could be tight but baby mario should come just in range to rescue right as the timer hits zero now you can fill up your eggs and head through the level normally after climbing up a bit we're once again blocked baby mario's timer might run out if we get eaten so instead have a shy guy walk into you from the left doing it this way baby mario will be sent past the piranha plant and you can walk through near instantly just be careful when you walk into enemies like this a bumped enemy is temporarily capable of exploding on contact with other enemies when you reach the goal post you'll have to be extra careful any enemies currently spawned in when you pass through the goal will be turned into a coin which is automatically collected and legally counts as an oops wait for the two shy guys to come near and spit them off the right edge of the screen they'll safely despawn out of existence letting you finish the level with a perfect score in level 1-2 there's an unavoidable checkpoint with some enemies nearby any enemies spawned in when you pass through a checkpoint turn into stars while it's not obviously murdery you might think it still counts as a noops same as turning them into coins after some testing though i've determined the game disagrees and since i don't feel the vibe of murder in this instance i agree with the game if an enemy turns into a star you let the star-d spawn and you move back to the enemy's original location they'll still be there alive and well but if they turn into a star and you collect it the enemy will no longer be there meaning if an enemy is transformed into an item they're still legally alive until you collect them at which point it becomes murder so just be careful not to collect transformed enemies and your conscience is clear to pass through the level you'll also need to bring in at least one egg which you should have left over from level 1-1 many levels require eggs going in so keep in mind whichever you think would be fastest and easiest to farm eggs in the end of the level once again has some enemies that might turn into coins at the goal grab them both and politely and gently spit them down the nearby pit for another perfect score level 1-3 introduces rolling boulders they're mostly safe in this instance but be careful not to let them roll onto any enemies a moving boulder will instantly explode them on contact this can even sometimes happen without any player involvement so keep your ears out for the enemy explosion noise just in case it happens off the edge of the screen level 1-4 is the first boss level the level normally ends when you kill the boss so you'd think that means one required ko at a minimum and while that's definitely what the devs intended i personally don't intend what the devs intended head into this warp pipe get yourself hit by the enemy in just the right spot while facing right flutter jump above the screen as baby mario reaches you and you'll warp back up the pipe into the sky of level 1-1 should probably give a little explanation i'm not an expert but as i understand it area transitions send you to a location dictated by yoshi's current coordinates if yoshi isn't in a valid location when the area transition occurs it defaults to sending you to coordinates 0 0 and level 1-1 there's normally an area transition when yoshi reaches the top of the screen however you're not allowed to perform an area transition if baby mario isn't on your back letting us jump above the transition trigger when baby mario rejoins us up there the area transition is finally triggered and since we're a bit higher than intended the game doesn't know where to send us and thus uses the default while falling you'll have to hold right and flutter about nine times to safely arrive in the level proper otherwise you'll just end up falling in a pit from here just finish the level like you did before and as far as the game is concerned you just finished level 1-4 letting us avoid the boss fight for a perfect score 1-5 1-6 and 1-7 are easy perfect scores do note however the rolling ball enemies will kill any other enemies they touch if you quickly run straight past them they won't get the chance and of course i shouldn't have to say this but obviously do not touch fuzzy get dizzy okay 1-8 has the salvo slime boss fight there's no known 1-1 warp for this level so we'll actually have to kill the boss and it's gonna get a bit complicated we can only bring in up to five eggs and there's no pacifist method to get more once inside the boss room when we throw eggs at salvo slime they break into smaller slimes and of course killing any of these smaller slimes legally counts as a ko you need to be very careful with your egg throwing angle to deal as much damage as possible without bouncing back into a slime then wait for the slimes to safely walk off the right ledge don't worry they don't fall in the lava they only fall in front of it things get even more complicated when it's time to deal the final blow killing a boss is the same as passing through a goalpost turning every enemy into a coin not only do we have to avoid the slimes during the battle proper we have to time things out so the final blow spawns as few slimes as possible i did some tests in practice using save states and rewind and i'm pretty sure even if the boss has literally exactly one hp left it will always spawn a slime on the first frame an egg intersects with it this means the best possible score is one ko and one oops level 2-1 is an easy perfect score followed by 2-2 where we need a bit of rules clarification these cactus enemies spit out yellow projectiles that explode on contact with any surface and you may notice they have faces on them i wasn't totally sure if these should be counted as outright enemies or just projectiles so i once again abdicated to the game itself the question mark cloud item turns all currently spawned enemies into clouds if we test one out while one of these yellow things are on screen nothing happens to them thus meaning they're suffering is not our problem there's nothing here stopping us from earning a perfect score level 2-3 meanwhile is our first bullet hell featuring super tight corridors with tons of enemies literally jumping at the chance to be murdered when you reach the super baby mario star let it jump past you and slowly tiptoe forward at certain screen positions groups of three goonies will run straight towards you they automatically die on contact so one false move is an instant failure near the end of the tunnel you need to make a break for it a rolling boulder will spawn in on a collision course for a mill get through fast enough and they'll both despawn near the end you'll once again need to tiptoe forward to let more goonies walk past if you run too fast they'll try to snipe themselves past the goal for another perfect score 2-4 is another boss level this one being particularly annoying since three infinitely respawning bats are always on screen luckily we don't have to deal with that conundrum at this pipe lure the grounded boob law over step on it and walk into the pipe this elevates yoshi just slightly above the intended pipe entering cord and it's once again triggering the 1-1 warp glitch and letting us avoid the boss fight for a perfect score 2-5 introduces lakitu who throw spineys directly at yoshi you might think spines are obviously projectiles and not enemies since they don't have faces but for the sake of consistency i tested the question mark cloud [Music] welcome to the delicious world of semantics if a spiny collides with any surface the oops counter will increment you might consider displacing the lakitu but i'm afraid that isn't an option either lackatoo are special enemies incapable of landing on solid ground instead phasing through it and immediately off the stage partially due to the special attribute and mostly because it makes the run more hell i'm gonna say lakitu are extra fragile and this is super murdery instead you'll have to control the camera to prevent them from throwing spineys in the first place by constantly moving them just barely off-screen throughout the level you'll also have to reposition some enemies in your way when doing so always spit upwards while at a halt if moving too fast enemies will explode on contact with walls but when jettisoned upward at a standstill they'll bounce around safely at the end of the level is a thief hiding behind a bush if you ignore them they'll pop at the goal i managed to get them out of the way by accidentally on purpose letting them grab baby mario rescuing him and rushing back to the goal resulting in another perfect score 2-6 is an easy perfect score 2-7 features many lakitu in the background requiring careful speedy movement both to avoid touching them and to avoid letting them throw any spinies but otherwise is once again an easy perfect score 2-8 features rolling flower enemies who disappear on collision with walls since they respawn when scrolling the screen back i'm considering this totally normal non-death behavior the boss fight is against roger the potted ghost who we defeat by pushing off a ledge since it's not murder when pushing most enemies off letches you might think this one doesn't count either but look closely there's a lot more going on with the animation the screen shakes and you can visibly see wreckage fly up in time with the magical sparkles i'm gonna play it safe and call this one murder score 1ko world 3 has a ton of monkeys which are one of the best enemy types to encounter since they don't die when bounced on we can use them for extra height and as long as we don't linger we won't have to worry about casualties 3-1 3-2 and 3-3 are easy perfect scores though do be careful to scare away the monkeys at the end of 3-3 so they aren't around when you pass the goal at the beginning of 3-4 be very careful passing by the rolling flowers they'll kill the monkeys on contact for the boss fight all your eggs are taken away from you and the only way to get more is to eat shy guys meaning killing shy guys is required to beat the boss and to make matters worse eggs don't deal a set amount of damage hits that make the ufuela bounce around faster deal more damage and figuring out exactly what kind of shot deals the most is really difficult since at a glance there doesn't seem to be that much of a difference between a max damage hit and less than max i know for a fact killing the boss in 5 kos is possible and have even done so several times in practice but the best i've managed in an actual level attempt is 6 kos by the way to ensure there are no casualties make sure you have a shy guy in your mouth when throwing out the final egg this prevents another shy guy from spawning and getting turned into a coin the one in your mouth is totally safe wherever it goes when we leave the frog is both a mystery and not my problem final score including the frog itself 7 kos 3-5 features some tight platforming but nothing exceptional giving a perfect score 3-6 is an easy perfect score and my personal preferred level for obtaining eggs it's extremely short if you take this big shortcut and gives plenty of space to avoid enemies 3-7 is easy to get through but pay close attention when passing the goal [Music] you may have noticed the coin noise this area features several lunch fish who seem to have the special property of staying spawned in no matter how far you move the screen we could use an item to save them or we could find a wrong orp unfortunately this is what the speedrunning wiki says about 3-7 warps not that helpful without instruction i had no choice but to comb the level and discover a wrong warp myself grab some eggs pass by the checkpoint to give your health an increase then double back through the level to jump into these trees which bring you to this secret area the middle pit will send you back to the main stage that's the screen transition we're gonna be using these top monkeys usually get in the way so carefully spit them out so they won't attack us walk below this monkey and intentionally get hit while facing left sending baby mario bobbing to the right when baby mario is over the pit hit him with an egg to force him to drop down then jump below the pit and flutter below mario while tonguing upward if performed properly you'll successfully arrive in 1-1 and can finish 3-7 with a perfect score 3-8 is very tricky to get through thanks to its end segment you'll need to use up most of your eggs to get past this blob then get swallowed by a piranha plant at just the right angle to squeeze past through mafter has another piranha plant positioned much less favorably baby mario tends to get caught on the wall if we try getting eaten ever coincidentally luckily two nippers spawn in above tiptoe next to the piranha plant do a short hop to get nipped then grab baby mario and run for it we'll have to do something similar one more time then you're free to make your way into the boss room as long as you have at least one egg you can kill the boss before officially starting the battle giving a score of one ko 4-1 features more enemy bullet hells and a particularly tricky super baby mario course with some careful hopping you can get almost all the way through until reaching this wall with two paratroopers threatening to die a painful death if you dare approach rather than running up intentionally wait out the timer to turn back to yoshi grab a koopa troopa and bounce on its shell up to the top of the cliff where you can easily pass over and complete the level for a perfect score in the opening of 4-2 we have to go inside a pipe a piranha plant is standing on but luckily some shy guys spawn in from a pipe on the other side you have just barely enough time to make it in the levels exit has one lakitu just barely still spawned in off-screen that will be turned into a coin since spinning it out isn't an option just keep it in your mouth and pass the goal for the perfect score i wouldn't say it's easy but no new techniques are necessary to earn a perfect score in 4-3 4-4 is a boss level with multiple paths all of which are required and two of which are a particular concern the top right path has a breakout hallway with a couple snippets both of whom will die from a single egg hit be extremely careful and carve your path forward at minute angles ensuring the eggs either bounce off screen or run out of juice before hurting anything proceed through some bullet hell to grab the key and the hardest part of the level is done every trip back to the center make sure to drop off your key keys take up egg slots and you'll want to be carrying the maximum eggs whenever possible the other problem path is the top left which once again has you breaking through an enemy-filled hallway this time there are enemies on both the bottom and top i recommend the top path be extremely careful with your first egg aiming it over the enemy's head to bust yourself in then you can move the enemy back to safety where you came from and bust the rest of the way the boss fight is against marching milled whose gimmick is splitting into multiple smaller mills on death you know what they say murder begets murder if we count every single mild split as its own separate ko which we definitely will because that's so dumb this boss requires a whopping 23 kos if anybody wants to find another 1-1 warp this is the level to do it in 4-5 4-6 and 4-7 don't require any new techniques for three perfect scores one asterisk though make sure you don't let shy guys on stilts fall in the water they don't respawn afterward and rather than adding on any more semantics it's easier to just not 4-8 likewise doesn't need any new techniques resulting in one ko 5-1 features an indoor icicle section with a bunch of baby penguins bouncing around you'd think this isn't an issue since baby penguins don't die when jumped on but they absolutely do die when hit by an icicle i briefly attempted tiptoeing forward inch by inch until eventually getting pushed by the impatient penguin screaming and flailing until accidentally getting through with everybody intact finishing baby's day out with a perfect score alakadu chases us through 5-2 but more penguins are around for us to bounce on keep moving to the right and the lakitu shouldn't ever be able to throw any spinies at the end lift section the snowmen will jump off their lips automatically after a couple seconds so you can get on without killing them slurp and spit out the two flying penguins and pass the goal for another perfect score no new tricks are necessary in 5-3 giving a perfect score or 5-4 giving a score of 1ko small note 5-4 technically does have a 1-1 warp but it apparently requires a shy guy ko to execute which defeats the entire purpose 5-5 is also a simple perfect score then there's 5-6 it's an auto scroller with a lack of two throughout the auto-scrolling section you have to babysit every single spiny this lacito throws else sits flat on the ground below either position yourself to aim the spiny off screen or grab the spiny and spit it off screen yourself if spitting off screen pay careful attention for the explosion sound effect since it can still die a surprising distance out there as long as you get a running start and spit upwards it should have enough momentum to safely despawn you'll also have to be careful of the egg throwing bandits along the way their eggs are fully capable of killing other enemies part way through the lackatoo will finally despawn giving you a much needed breather immediately before entering hell now you've gotta babysit two of these guys at the same time obviously you can't slurp two spinys simultaneously so try to consistently get them thrown off screen thankfully this section of the level is more open in the first half so if you keep on your toes it is indeed somehow possible to escort both lakitus and their army of spinys to the end of the auto scroller the second half of the level is easy just make sure you flutter high above these three piranha plants who would otherwise get hit by an egg throwing bandit final score perfect 5-7 has one decently tricky mid-air baby mario pass i don't even have a consistent method half the time baby mario fails to follow you but luck is a decent enough strategy at the end of the level two baby penguins are in danger of getting crushed by falling block so swoop down there to rescue them before making your escape with another perfect score in the middle of 5-8 is another breakout hallway this time moving vertically and with three killable enemies blocking it one on the left one in the middle and one on the right i personally try to climb up the right side aim directly upwards fire an egg off and frantically try to lick it before it gets the chance to collide with the enemy carefully precision launch a couple more eggs to open the way to the rest of the level which you can finish with exactly one ko 6-1 and 6-2 are both simple perfect scores 6-3 features this rolling boulder directly blocking the path with two shy guys immediately past it i tried despawning the boulder with screen scrolling shenanigans but even with the tiniest taps it would always either stay in place or respawn i tried the same with the shy guys which worked for the closer one but not the farther probably has something to do with the distance from their spawn location nonetheless despawning one of them is good enough for the second one commit cold-blooded murder by throwing an egg directly into its face you might think a murder is a murder but this one's actually only a half murder while the shy guy is sent into an inevitable death spiral it despawns off-screen before it collides with anything since the shy guy is only officially dead after collision our crime is really better described as a successful attempted murder remember when i said this episode was going to have semantics i don't even understand him at this point we're just going with the flow with that entirely logical semantic conundrum solved we can pass the goal with a perfect score 6-4 is a simple one though there are two salvo slimes carrying keys who we must kill to proceed but in a twist for once we're not required to kill the boss the boss dies when falling in the lava so just break away the floor and let them jump in of their own volition since there's a unique death animation this does still count as a death giving a score of 2 kos one oops 6-5 starts with a very slow simple and easy auto scroller the only point of interest is this shy guy you need to rescue by pre-emptively jumping up to the top of the screen to stop a boulder in his tracks after walking through a door to the second half of the level you reach another auto scroller this one even simpler and easier a horde of skeletal goonies run around willy-nilly for a while on their own little obstacle course which serves basically no purpose other than the devs showing off sit back relax and enjoy the fireworks welcome to what just might be the hardest screen in the game there are eight goonies to rescue and only three opportunities to do so the last of which is when they get scratched at the earliest possible moment lick them up and spit them off screen standard spits aren't enough you need some momentum or height otherwise the goonies will about face and walk straight back towards you and likely collide with each other at the first and second opportunity you need to rescue at least six total finally slurp one spit it up slurp the other spit it past the wall and slurp the first one again just in case with the goonies safely escorted you can finally finish the level with a perfect score 6-6 begins with a very tight corridor full of tap taps where you're expected to mow down absolutely every single enemy with a boulder obviously you'll instead have to find a more polite way to squeeze through at this bend get a tap tap to fall you down and slowly lead it to the line of piranha plants let it hit you run past the first two plants and wait to repeat the process for the third plant we're sort of in trouble near the end of the pathway the key we need to proceed is in the upper alcove the dev intended way to get the key is to stand on the boulder we supposedly just pushed the whole way through instead you've actually got a couple other options here first you can do a perfect flutter with precise timing to get a little extra height this is only an option if you're a loser if instead you're super cool and wear snazzy shades you can tongue the key up from below and gradually drag it over the ledge the rest of the level can easily be completed for another perfect score which basically ends the run 6-7 is an easy perfect score and in 6-8 there are no roadblocks whatsoever eggs are 100 free in the boss fight letting us finish the level with 1ko with every main stage completed we can now tally my own personal final score 39 kos two oops and zero items and keep in mind if anybody is better than me at video games we could theoretically get this down to 38 kos and even theoretically er i'm willing to bet there are ways to shave off kos that i'm not even good enough at video games to fathom in the first place if you're a fan of yoshi's island and this run sounded interesting i personally found it super fun and definitely recommend it and would especially love to know if you managed to find any ways to shave the score down also seriously sorry for the semantics yoshi's island was a tough one to crack so i opted to just grind it into sawdust i promise the next episode will have no semantics whatsoever and before heading out special thanks to the entire yoshi's island speedrunning community for documenting a lot of info that helped over the course of the run also if you are going to tackle the run yourself or are just curious at my no commentary channel i've uploaded my best scores on every level in the game in order plus a companion spreadsheet to help keep track links in the description and finally special thanks to all patreon backers including all the bugs yugi has killed andrew cyber to non-42 rb drock saul and zero leslam chris snape on you alexander botkin and greera 20 covers vincent hall alex nelson blake long lively leader lady ashley the quacky gamer luminescent dragon vaxxoy jason ildespray tour rory kelly faith lane robert leishman jace harsh litty kitty queen sapphire crustacean creep plum sweater cam the can one at the end of kalita procrastinating destiny epic evan 921 alex likes to eat yield for an ace of hearts who misfunctional xander kozak celestial cookie 8-bit mysteries that 195 alistar echoes i hope your tooth is feeling better because you said you heard it in the previous video so multi-core aaron bailey the green scorpion game champ says trans rights or human rights random jor boomboxy james simon john miller curbs d50 kk damien r yapollonzo wave it platypu115 stands from undertale star captain eli shaba of clan ghost bear brandon jessup toro 25 blue moon van ido brit face the nonchalant nacho bragger chester very gucci blue boot riley anderson r combs robbie coenstrom neptunian baby chronosanthiam what's that noise kid salty sweet slowest game of chess black waiting for right to move fabie officer slart whispy syrup i'm game champ and i say i'm bad at video games but that is obviously a lie because i do some of the hardest gaming challenges i love you game champs sulfuric boss sith haggles hand dragon eric baron cyril ib mackie sini quest has hashtag landback mars becker fyra silk toy shadowfire638 pity polyphonic amphison admiral ampersand sylvie wing cat girl a literal cat grand miro hand which watches death note colonel i need to sneak into the facility but i need to do it without shooting any guards to prove i'm bad at video games flip chicken or hannah sound of rain ryan garvey milk succubus rk lesbian werewolf how much could would a could chuck chuck if a could chuck woodchuck could triple superstar omewa bakata game of champishan it's not super mario world 2 yoshi's island it's super mario yoshi arando jarrett traje chris goggin fireblade 974 literally judas drill cino now i only want a triumph and matthew elliott handicapable let me know how much this video sucks and how to improve in the comments below successful attempted goes imos for watching and get out of my house
Channel: Gamechamp3000
Views: 509,603
Rating: 4.9530735 out of 5
Keywords: gamechamp, gamechamp3000, gaming, video games, nintendo, snes, yoshi's island, mario, can you beat, challenge, vg myths
Id: 4zlkkaNgP74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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