VG Myths - Can You Beat Jak II Without Guns?

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This video was sponsored by Ironside Computers.  Use the code Gamechampmakesluigifanfiction for 5%   off. The fanfiction will surface eventually, don't  worry. And/or worry depending on your perspective. Good morning, everybody, and welcome back to  VG Myths: the online internet video game TV   show that has officially run out of ideas! Jak  2 is the dark and edgy sequel to Jak and Daxter,   trading in the precursor orbs for good  old-fashioned lead. Unfortunately,   I don't have a single precursor orb to my  name, meaning we're gonna have to do without. Can You Beat Jak 2 Without Guns? The rules are what you'd expect: the act of  shooting a gun is banned. This obviously includes   the four gun variants Jak has in his inventory, as  well as the guns found on some vehicles or turrets   found in the game world. Simply put: if it goes  bang bang, we're not allowed to make it bang bang. With the rules set, let's get this run started.  Since we don't even have guns to begin with,   the first few missions are identical  to a casual playthrough. But take   one guess what happens the exact  moment we get the Scattergun? *game audio* We need to teach you  how to use this baby. The Scattergun   is a good short-range weapon with a wide field  of fire. To fire the weapon, press the trigger. Mission Failed! Now let's cheat. If you're already familiar at all with Jak  2 speedrunning, you'll already be aware   that most required missions are "required" in  quotation marks. Take a zoomer to this corner   of the Baron's statue. While holding down,  run straight for the ramp, jump onto it,   and jump once again at the edge of the  ramp, and finally dismount the zoomer.   You'll get enough height to fly past  the wall and splat safely out of bounds.   From here, you can jump back in-bounds very  conveniently inside a loading zone for Mar's Tomb,   which you shouldn't have access to until much  later in the story. Since we're not supposed to   be here yet, the cutscene in front of this  stone door doesn't play, and it refuses to   open. But solid walls didn't exactly stop us  getting here in the first place, and they're   not about to start. With some careful jumping on  the slippery ledges at the side of the room, you   can fall through the pillars on the side of the  door and hop around the door while out of bounds. Everything inside the tomb proper will be working  as you'd expect in a casual playthrough, plus once   we reach our first cutscene, you'll notice we've  gotten a bit of an addition to our inventory:   Naughty Dog apparently actually factored in  ludicrous sequence breaks into the game's design.   By triggering a cutscene in this mission, the  game realized we *obviously* must have cleared   every single mission required to unlock  this one, so not only did we technically   just finish the gun tutorial, we finished hours  upon hours worth of missions inbetween. Plus,   since we beat all those missions, we *obviously*  should have all the mission rewards in our   inventory. This includes the totally useless  guns, passes to get through all city checkpoints,   and most importantly, the jetboard, which  we'll be getting plenty of use from later. Or, at least, we *would* if we were capable of  finishing the tomb. The mission ends with a boss   fight against the Baron, who starts the battle  off by sending out a ton of electric spiderbots.   These spiderbots are completely immune to  melee attacks and *must* be killed before   the battle will progress. Mission  Failed, now let's cheat harder. The game is effectively softlocked, so we'll  have to reload a prior save from before entering   the catacombs. There's a non-melee, non-gun  attack capable of killing the spiderbots:   the Dark Bomb, purchasable from the precursor  statue back in town for 25 Metal Head gems.   This is essentially a screen-nuke, dealing  tons of damage to every enemy in the area,   enough to kill every spiderbot.  Unfortunately, this early in the   game Metal Head gems are an extremely  limited finite resource. In casual play,   so far you're only supposed to have been able to  get a small handful from the waterworks mission.   Even with some mild shenanigans to reach Metal  Head gems on a later mission path, I only found   19 total gems. To get any more, we'll once again  need to go somewhere we're not supposed to. First, head for this green checkpoint. We  don't have the pass to get through here yet,   so instead we'll be taking a long shortcut.  There are a couple different methods to do this,   but this is the one I found easiest: take a  large single-seat car and back it into the   window as close as you can get. Jump out, ledge  hang on the back, wait for the right angle,   then do a backward drop through the window. Be  careful how you jump from here, since if you get   too close to the laser wall you'll disintegrate.  You should be okay if you loop over to the right.   Now that we're on the other side, our next goal is  to reach the mountains. It's actually not possible   to go through the door to the mountains at this  point in the story, which I'm sure you already   realize is only a mild inconvenience. Head for  *this* wall. This is going to be an extremely   technical trick, so get out a notepad and pay  very close attention. Step One: walk into the   wall. Now that you've successfully pulled off  the hardest out-of-bounds trick in the game,   the next part will be easy. Things might look  normal for a second, but if you walk along the   path you'll notice reality has ceased to exist.  Grab a zoomer and drive into the nonexistance.   If you try to drive on the lower lane you'll  fall to your death thanks to the lack of ground,   but on the upper lane you're totally safe.  The death trigger is a decent distance below   ground level, though, and you can lane swap  whenever you want. Since the ground no longer   exists, we can drop below and then rise  back up past the outer wall. Unfortunately,   when reality stopped existing the loading room  to enter the mountains stopped existing with it.   We'll need to get reality to start existing again.  Head past the right side of the yellow checkpoint,   drop below the ground, and continue along  the path while constantly swapping lanes to   keep yourself low enough to stay out of bounds  but high enough not to hit the death trigger.   Since we're very technically moving along  the main path, the game will realize it   should load the area we're moving toward,  which includes the mountain's loading room.   To actually reach the loading area, stop below it,  drop down, rise back up, and dismount the zoomer.   If timed right, the momentum will launch you up  through the ground and into the loading area,   letting you open the door and proceed into the  mountains for a relaxing glitch-free hunting trip. But as you might expect, that was a blatant lie.  We have to take a portal up to the mountains,   and the portal back won't turn on until we've  completed our mission. And just our luck,   this area is full of platforming segments  with upside-down platforms that will only turn   right-side up when shot with a gun. Instead  of trying to jump past the first platform,   do a longjump directly into the cliff on the left.  You will obviously clip straight through. Mash   spin attacks and you should get enough distance  to land on the lower ledge across the chasm.   Continue along the path and you'll be able to kill  some Metal Heads and grab the gems we need. When   the giant Metal Head shows up, don't bother  actually fighting it and just do a high jump   up to the next ledge. After progressing a bit  you'll come to another upside-down platform.   Ignore it, and head for the tree  root on the left. It's slippery,   but with careful positioning you can land  on it and jump again to the above rock.   You can now walk into the glowing light and  trigger a cutscene. This cutscene turns on   the teleporter back to the city, which we can  safely get back to by dying a painful death. Once back in town, you can buy Dark Bomb, then  do the statue skip to get back to the boss fight   against the Baron. Finally, after ten dozen  detours, you can perform Dark Bomb to destroy   every single spiderbot. The Baron  will spit out a bunch of bombs next;   make sure you whack four at him  in one go to proceed to phase 2.   The baron begins Phase 2 with a  wave of Spiderbots. Mission Fa- Though we might not be able to use  Dark Bomb again, that's actually okay;   in Phase 2, the Baron also tries to kill us  himself with a machine gun. Hang off the ledge,   sit back, and drink a latte as the Baron  very slowly guns down his own spiderbots.   Side note, I never noticed before since  I was so focused on murdering them,   but the spiderbots are honestly  kind of adorable and I feel bad now. With the spiderbots gone, you can once  again whack some bombs back at the Baron,   moving on to Phase 3 which features no  spiderbots and requires no guns by design. With the Baron's retreat, the door back  out of the tomb will open, letting us   return to the city proper somehow having already  completed two thirds of the game. From now on,   we'll be doing each mission in the order  the game intends. The speedruns I've seen   prefer to use some ludicrously fancy tricks to  avoid all combat, but I personally found that   way harder than just getting our hands dirty  the old-fashioned way. Whenever Jak rolls,   the guards seem to deliberately start  missing him for a couple seconds.   Keep chaining rolls together while moving from  enemy to enemy and take them out one by one.   This should get you through this mission as well  as most Krimzon Guard sections in the future. Unfortunately, it won't help us in escort quests  like this one in the sewers. To keep Jynx and   friends from getting eviscerated, you'll want  to have every enemy spawn point memorized, and   head there ASAP. The Jet Board in particular will  help tremendously with this. In the final ambush,   stick slightly in front of the group, and scrape  back and forth constantly with punches and spins,   keeping an eye back at the three of them at  all times. You can use Dark Jak as a backup   if you're getting overwhelmed, but I  personally ended up not needing it. Next is the mission against the  spider bombots throughout the city.   We're under a soft time limit as they try  to reach their destinations, so killing   them as fast as possible is crucial. Luckily,  there's a semi-reliable way to speed things up.   Get under the bombot and start mashing  the jump and spin buttons. If done right,   you'll be cancelling your spins immediately and  then spinning again, causing rapid-fire damage. In Dead Town, we have to do a lengthy trek in  a mech suit. While this is definitely doable   gunless since the mech suit is definitely not a  gun, there's no reason to bother trying. Remember   that ridiculous speedrun trick I mentioned  earlier? It's time to bring it out. Using the   jetboard you can travel across the water and reach  this ledge, just next to the mission's end point,   Samos' hut. I'll spare you the full details,  but by doing fancy flippy tricks in a very   particular way and then mashing the flippy trick  button, Jak will constantly start and stop doing a   flippy trick, granting infinite height gain while  continuing to move with your current momentum.   Using this trick you can easily reach Samos'  hut and finish the mission, no effort required. In the next mission we'll be protecting  Baby Samos from an army of Krimzon Guards.   This requires literally any effort,  so once again we'll be cheating.   After riding the floating platform down to the  forest, turn around toward the bottomless pit,   jetboard into it while aiming for the rocks  on the left, and get off the jetboard just   as you touch the rocks. You'll splat at the  bottom of the bottomless pit, completely okay,   and can now exit the pit by doing a flippy  trick. This may seem completely pointless,   but once you start getting shot in the face you'll  hopefully notice that you're now completely immune   to bullets. I'm just gonna come right out and  say I have absolutely no idea why this works,   and I'm just blindly copying everything I see on  the internet. Apparently sick flippy tricks are   just the key to immortality. Once all the ground  troops are dead, walk down to the bottom of the   cliff to lure the flying guys and blow them up  too. Unfortunately, invulnerability ends when   you game over or when you bonk, and I lost it  immediately after finishing this mission, but   it won't actually be that important for a while  and we'll have more opportunities to get it back. In the next mission, we need to rescue six  Lurkers being aimlessly driven around in   circles around the city. Normal melee attacks  aren't the best option for such a high target.   Instead, get on the jetboard and do a non-glitchy  flippy trick from below. These flippy tricks   actually deal decent damage, and will destroy  each vehicle in just a few hits. There are a   couple over waterways that are still difficult to  hit on most of their route. For those, I grabbed   a car and rammed into them to deal most of my  damage before hopping out and finishing them off. The next few missions will be uneventful,  especially since with a couple you can   skip directly to the end with some  relatively simply flippy tricks. In the next mission we head into the toxic waste  factory; you can easily flippy trick inside   and then die a painful death to skip to this  checkpoint, right next to a vat of toxic waste.   Remember the invulnerability glitch? The same  glitch can be pulled off much more easily on   insta-death surfaces, the toxic waste being  just such a surface. Get yourself invulnerable,   run up the nearby conveyer belt, then splat on  the ground below. The invulnerability glitch,   when first triggered, prevents the player  from triggering cutscenes or enemies from   noticing Jak. We are, however, still capable of  taking fall damage which retains invulnerability   while removing these limitations. The way  forward is blocked by a platform normally   shot down with a gun, but you can also knock  it down by flipping into it with the jetboard,   and since we don't die in the toxic waste this  method is completely safe. Invulnerability   will last you through the entire rest of the  level, including the boss fight against Krew. After a few dev-intended gunless missions we enter  one of the hardest moments in the entire gunless   run: the centipede chase with Sig. There are two  separate chasing segments, with no checkpoints   inbetween. Everything before the second segment  is easy, but in the second we're faced with two   sets of upside down floating platforms that must  be shot with a gun to turn rightside up. The   infinite jetboard flippy trick absolutely could  get us past both gaps, but timing is so strict   we'd need to do it first try twice-in-a-row which  I'm nowhere near enough good at video games for.   You could also do some sort of super duper fancy  walk-off-a-ledge-super-duper-uppercut-super-duper   trick, but this is also not an option for  the aforementioned reason. There's still   another way through, though: notice Sig shoots the  platforms with his own gun as he runs ahead of us.   With some very careful jetboard hops, you can  boost forward for the first platform and piggyback   off Sig to reach the other side. Afterward you'll  have to do some extreme off-screen platforming to   keep up with Sig. If the screen doesn't black  out, you apparently survived. Piggyback once   again off the second set with negative time  left to spare, and you can finish the level. After that hardest mission in the game, we head  into the double hardest mission in the game:   the Samos and Baby Samos escort quest. To  keep the Samos' alive I recommend sticking   just behind them, and keep an eye on your minimap  so you know where Metal Heads are coming from.   To make the mission astronomically  easier, head in with full Dark Jak.   When you start to get overwhelmed, activate Dark  Jak, spin in circles around your favorite Samos,   and activate Dark Bomb as late as possible.  There won't be as many Metal Heads at the   tail end of the journey, so if neither Samos  has taken much damage you should be home free. The next mission at the construction site is a  simple cutscene that will trigger the endgame.   Before entering, make a backup save. The shuttle  at the port currently leads to the volcano,   but once the endgame is triggered it will lead  to the Metal Head Nest. You can still reach the   Volcano from the waterworks, but the shuttle is  much more convenient. With the backup save made,   head to the volcano first and dip your  toes in the lava for free zombification. Now that you're invulnerable and splatted  on the ground, it's safe to head to the   construction site and Metal Head Nest. I'm  sure it's going to be a shock to most of you,   but this level is actually pretty difficult to  lose when it's impossible to lose. Do be careful   to skip the cutscene near the beginning,  though, otherwise Jak will fire a really,   really big gun. At the end of the path  we start the final boss battle against   Kor. For phases 1 and 2, there's nothing  stopping you from farming Dark Eco from the   infinitely respawning Metal Heads, allowing  you to enter Dark Jak and spam Dark Bomb.   In Phase 3, Kor moves to ground level, completely  defenseless. Spin into him a couple hundred times,   and once his health bar reaches zero the  Jak II Gunless Run is Mission Complete! Before heading out, credit absolutely must be  given to the entire Jak speedrunning community   whose strats I shamelessly stole. Particular  thanks go to Ruh who helped answer some   important questions off-screen. I should  also stress that I am bad at video games,   definitely not a speedrunner, and honestly  expect I got some things blatantly wrong   at some point in the video since so much of  it was adapted from speedrun tech. Please,   if I'm dumb and bad, let me know in  the comments so I can correct my sins. Also, this video was made by request for Jak  month, a community event where Jak fans have   been celebrating the series' 20th anniversary  from November 1st to December 3rd which may   or may not have already passed because I'm as  good at time management as I am at video games.   All the content made for Jak Month  can be found at By the way, in case you missed my cash consumption  venture: there's now a $10 tier on the Patreon,   at which you get access to a selection of  commentaries on prior videos. Since last time,   we've added commentaries for the VG Myths  episodes on Splatoon 1 and Kirby's Adventure,   as well as the Knack Dumb Fun Gaming  episode. These will continue to be   released at a rate of 1 per week  until we get a decent backlog. Speaking of money: special thanks  to all Patreon backers, including: Drew Colpurs Anon42  Rb_Drache Zahlen 0  LezLamb Chris Nate  Alexander Botkin Anyuu  Ikreera Vincent Hall  Alex Nelson LivelyLeader  Jace Nilges Vaeth  Rory Kelly Layne Robert Leishman  LittyKitty Jaych Harsh  CrustaceanCreep Queen Sapphire  PlumSweater procrastinatingDestiny  EpicEvan921 Alexlikestoeat  Ye Olde Foren Rundamgoy  Miss Functional CamTheCan1  Nathaniel Coleda I was one of the people in the   rock paper scissors game and am still a backer,  I stopped doing the game cuz fate declared a tie  Zo Multicore  Aaron Bailey The Green Scorpion  Game Champ says Trans rights are Human rights! Xander Kozak  Celestial Cookie BoomBoxxy  Verovious KirbsD50  Jorb Damien R.  YopAlonso World's slowest conversation,   that's Ms. White to you and to be honest I don't  know how my day is going because I don't know whe  Star Captain Eli Shaba of Clan Ghost Bear SaltySweet  Chronosanthium dwro_25  BlueMoonVon Idaho britfaic  TheNonchalantNacho kid  Very Goochy wispy-syrup  Ryley Anderson rcombs  NeptunianBaby NickyWicky34  Slowest Game of Chess Black. I'll do cxd4,  and if you also cxd4, I'll conditionally Nc6.  Officer Slard Whats that noise  Have you ever considered not being  bad at video games, Miss Champ  Nova Siniikwe says #LandBack  Sulfuric Boss Fae B.  ZythAgol Zandragen  Eric Barron Xyrill  Mars Becker Xzy  Fira Shadowfire638  Silktoid ibmackey  DrawnByAJ 2 - The Return of  the Haha Funny Meme Name.  Amphyzen Admiral Ampersand  Literal cat Sylvi 'wingedcatgirl'  is gay and doesn't go to bed on   time. Reblog if you too are gay  and or don't go to bed on time  Eve Weaver Cable Zebras  Gamechamp-san don't just make a new VG Myth  of Jakku Dakusutaa Tsuu offstrem without   telling anyone or I can't bully you baka! I think it's time we blow this scene,   get everybody and their stuff  together. Okay, 3, 2, 1, let's jam!  Flip-Chicken Sound0fRain  Ryan Garvey Milk Succubus  GrandeNero Where is that Rock Man 4 damageless run  Fireblade974 LiterallyJudas  NowIOnlyWantATriumph Norahana  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,  aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA  Beem Animates The Jelly Bean Warlock  TheInsaneOne Yutyrannus is the biggest   dinosaur that we definitely know had feathers and  is also in the same family of dinosaurs as T. rex  Eleven Sorio99  Jack Silverson Dakota Riggs  NeO SaNdMaN4040 InfamousPeace  MilesEdgeLord TrisChandler  aertide Makii Bee  dreeze Lily oh no I lost my underscore Sap  Colin Monsma darknitte  Attempted Wholesomeness ChampDoesntLikeToSayFunsieRunsie  Iydak Carlo Calcaterra  brizgee Margaret Josephine  madrox07 Corporal Hi  Friendly reminder that it's NOT normal  to sneeze, I have never sneezed.  F Amadon Release Eidola LP4  TBrenelly200 QuietMisdreavus  GameChamp3000 is kinda sussy leverage  LemonPlanter HighPrincessErinys  NitsuaGamer (Nitsa-Gamer) got to a ringless  run of Sonic Adventure 2 before GameChamp did!  Fluff System Feduje  Rekindled by the heat-death of the Universe while  waiting on Gamechamp to beat Rockman 4 damageless.  Gracchus Frillylilly  Dirjel Alex S. Warrior  Gamechamp, I am sorry for making you almost  swear in your previous video. May you please   delete it so I can atone for my sins pl Supporting Gamechamp until ratatouille 2   is released CutieMonica  Nemeia, Corporate Enchantress Matti Saarenketo  TeckGeck Whether we wanted it or not,   we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars.  So lets get to taking out their command, one by on  No one Oh no I seem to have   dropped my five dollar bill Has anyone seen  where it went My cat requires it for my rent  mmnmnmnmnnmmnnmmnmmnmmnmn ThatHippieGamer  BJMashPotato is making Gamechamp  read more and is very sorry  When tomorrow starts without  me and I’m not here to see If   the sun should rise and find your  eyes all filled with tears for me  Cody Merchen Dantastic  Biggus Dickus We're not sure how   but Gamechamp3000 used video game challenge runs  to get meaningful gun control legislation passed  JEnduro STL of the Wild  Non-Euclidean Duct Tape Purple_PyrOZ  ATU ZAPAR Avery Akamatsu  Austin Zell Pyre the Flareon  Wei Shi Lindon Jadobo Zema  BunnehWyld Daimon  basic_emm NotTommy  Aipompous KenofRedLions  #girlmoments Professor Badger, its Qulin  AI The Somnium Files is a  Action-Puzzle-Visual Novel made by   Spike Chunsoft and is better than Danganronpa Game Champion “Three Thousand” , I think you   should play Nine Hours Nine Persons Nine  Doors it is a good game. It is okay if you  epic The Nonbinary   Eldritch Functional QA Tester Igni Elegy My profile picture is garfield that   looks like pogchamp, also known as pogfield. Jen the PinkHairedCat on twitter dot com says meow  Medo a gamer I am ME!  Robjection would like to inform you that this  video contains themes which some viewers may find   Robjectionable TwinBee  11Natrium, the nonbiney goat of salt Capt. Kyzerk  TGAAM doodlesack12  Viohazard MrOrangeFan  Howl’s one-handed egg cracking technique I Pledged Five Dollars To Gamechamp3000's Patreon   Per Video and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt So tell me GameChamp Does making my name really   long make me stand out it would be cool  if people could hear the name Hamm Mann  MoominBiscuit Theia_of_Truth  TheBeardPhantom Brandon Pelaske  Everyones favorite Trans Dragon girl Aurelia Let me know how much this video  sucks and how to improve in the   comments below. Expect Jak 3 on the 30th  anniversary, and get out of my house.
Channel: Gamechamp3000
Views: 467,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamechamp, gamechamp3000, gaming, video games, jak and daxter, jak 2, can you beat, challenge, gunless, sony playstation, ps2, without guns
Id: DMk6UZ1u9vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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