VG Myths - Super Mario Odyssey's Hardest Jumpless Moons

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Good morning everybody and welcome back to VG myths! The show where we go out of our way to misunderstand the point of video games! In the last episode we proved that it was possible to beat the main story of Super Mario Odyssey without incrementing the in-game jump counter. But there's still a lingering question Sure, we can do the bare minimum and see the end credits, but what's the limit? Exactly how many moons can we obtain without incrementing the counter? We've been working hard over the last month to replay the postgame and grab absolutely every possible moon. In this video i'll be showing how we managed to get some of the hardest, trickiest, coolest, or just silliest moons in the jumpless postgame. As always, full game spoiler warning. The wimps, the weak, and the wusses have three more seconds to leave your cap at the door. Cap Kingdom, being the first kingdom in the game, mostly has free moons not requiring any significant effort from the player -- jumpless or otherwise. However, there is one moon of interest. "Cap Kingdom Timer Challenge 2" Normally, this is an easy moon where we just jump across some platforms to get a moon but we can't do that. Luckily we can give ourself vertical height on any platform with a wall jumpable edge by falling over the side while triggering a ledge grab, letting go, wall jumping, and then diving. This will barely get us the key and back to the starting point but the moon is too far from the edge to reach. We could reach it from the above area, but getting up there is a question mark of its own, and we are on a timer. Luckily, we do have a tool at our disposal. Cap Kingdom is home to Paragoombas who we can capture and bring over to the edge. Their despawn timer just so happens to last about as long as the timer challenge, meaning we have enough time to grab the key, bounce on them, and reach the moon. (LIVESTREAM) Like, wow, you played for a whole 10 minutes. I couldn't play video games for 10 minutes! (LIVESTREAM) Just dive straight out of the platform, okay. (LIVESTREAM) Oh my god! Nice! 2D moons are the least possible in the game, but some are indeed possible. By activating two-player mode, player two can give player one a short float -- ascending them about one block up and keeping them up for about a second. And if we hold the jump button on Player One while in the air we can bounce on enemies giving us a lot of height and recharging the float. By the way, for clarification, since I got some flack in the last video: When I say two-player mode, I don't mean I'm cheating by having a friend help me out. I mean I'm literally using two controllers at the same time! Next we go to Sand Kingdom where, on the original run, we never did the story because the first Sand Kingdom story moon is at the top of a 2D tower. But unbelievably (even to me) this giant tower is actually fully completable. There are Bullet Bills along the ground of most of the tower which we can use Cappy to get up with proper timing. We get all the purple coins, the secret of the mural moon, and finally scale the tower allowing us to begin the Sand Kingdom story. Now check this out: "Lake Kingdom Timer Challenge 2"! This one looks impossible. Everybody told me, "It's impossible." But this moon IS possible! But be warned: it's only possible if you think things out first. We need to get a lot of height and we have to do it without Cappy. Luckily there is a single tool in Lake Kingdom which will allow us to ascend. That tool being the nut. This nut is normally reserved for planting in a flower pot. But also has the special property of being a bouncable object that we can carry with us anywhere within the loading zone. We can even pick it up in midair! Which, with proper timing, allows us to bounce on it, grab it and throw it onto the next platform within a single bounce. With assist mode which extends the timer we have just enough time to throw it up to the second platform and from there dive to the top and wall jump dive into the moon. (LIVESTREAM) Oh, Here we go! (LIVESTREAM)Oh ye-he-he-he-he-he-ah woohoo! Nice! Yes! This took me hours, and then I accidentally jumped like an idiot and had to do it a second time. This is why you backup your save, kids. In Wooded Kingdom there's a capless section where you need to kill a Fire Bro and reach a moon elevated in the air I originally wanted to see if we could use the infamous rock moon to somehow elevate us to it, buuuuut I used my genius to find an alternative method that takes advantage of my own lack of gaming skill. This isn't technically related, but while carrying around the rock I somehow accidentally caused this to happen. The rock refused to listen to physics after I let go of it, instead choosing to spin in midair. I could even still grab it and move it around. Plus since rocks only break after landing the rock was immortal. I don't know of any practical use for this, but you can at least commit a couple murders. There's also "Glowing in the Deep Woods", another timed capless moon. We can get to where the moon is in time, but once again we're gonna need a boost. And thankfully this area has giant acorns which we have a bit of an incline allowing us to roll onto. (LIVESTREAM) "Isn't Cuphead jump to not die?" I mean it's a video game, yes. Not sure what you mean. (LIVESTREAM) Nice! Got it! Haha! In Cloud Kingdom, after accidentally ruining a Goomba's life, we went into another 2D section in which we're actually able to get the main moon by grabbing all five mini moons. In the Ruined Kingdom we have an unfortunate reunion with Klepto. I spent hours trying to kill Klepto and get this moon and started to lose hope... and then the chat told me I was an idiot because this is one of the easiest moons in the game. In New Donk City, we luckily never needed to make use of these nuts though one in particular had a flower pot on a rooftop. We had to take quite a route to get it all the way up there. This one is actually one of the easier moons in the game, but I'm including it here because I know half the comments section would be asking about it if I didn't. We have to get 100 jumps in the jump rope minigame and the jumpless solution is actually one often recommended to casual players. The scooter has the ability to jump without incrementing the counter so we can just drive on in and get the moon totally legit! No glitches required. In the Snow Kingdom is this side area that looks TERRIBLE, but isn't as bad as it looks. Here we learned that we can ground pound jump underwater without incrementing the counter, getting us to the other side where we can bounce on the Goomba to reach the water. After ascending, we need to lure these Goombas while standing on the edge so that we can do another Goomba bounce. A little ways after that we have to do a pretty close wall jump dive and then there's just one more Goomba bounce until we're home free. In Luncheon Kingdom there are a couple tricky moons, both of them being timer challenges. The timer challenge near the Odyssey requires us to do wall jumps without Cappy. The first step is to get a turnip over here requiring a risky midair turnip toss. After the turnip is there, you'd think the moon would be easy: just do the same wall jump tricks we've been doing before... Buuuut when we tried that Mario refused to slide on the wall. So we spent a while experimenting with wall jumps and eventually I got a good idea of how wall jumps work. Disclaimer: I have no idea how the game is actually programmed, but this is the simplest I can think of explaining it. Invisible to the player, similar to cappy bounces, Mario can only wall slide and, therefore, do a wall jump when he has a wall jump charge available. It fully charges whenever Mario is in a grounded state. When charged, Mario can wall jump off any surface. When he wall jumps the charge is used up, but he takes on a special property. He can still wall jump slide without a charge if Mario is either: 1: Moving against an opposite facing wall from his most recent wall jump. Or, 2: Moving against a wall while at a lower vertical elevation than his prior wall jump. Because we were getting on the turnip from a wall jump below and at only a 90 degree angle to the next wall we wanted to jump on, we met neither of these criteria, and thus we could never perform that second wall jump. But now that we understand why this is happening, it was a really simple solution: Wall jump from an opposite facing wall instead, which we happen to have very close nearby. A very easy moon to get input-wise but a very tricky one to figure out how to get. The other timer challenge, luckily, is a lot simpler. All we have to do is reach the far platform and burn Mario's butt. I'm sure most of you are already familiar with this one: "Spinning Athletics". Luckily, while some Youtubers tried to use, like, "skill" to get this one, I was more interested in just getting the moon so I had checkpoints via Baby Easy Mode. In the Moon Kingdom, incredibly, we're able to get one of the most impossible looking 2D moons. Due to a combination of the altered moon gravity and gravity direction changing depending on your current position we can float in just such a way that we launch between the moons here. I mean the circular moons, not the banana moons. But the more amazing thing is: that's not the one that looked impossible! We can go one step further and grab the bonus moon of this section too with an awesome launch into the sky. In the Dark Side of the Moon we run into yet one more you probably already know: "Breakdown Road". Here, Bullet Bills are constantly destroying the platform as you walk along. It seems ludicrous at first, but as you keep making new attempts You get a good feel for the variations in the road's structure and can plan an optimal route there and back. (LIVESTREAM) Gonna have to try anyway. (LIVESTREAM) Also somebody just said something about Mario hentai, and I agree, I would love to see some more Mario hentai. (LIVESTREAM) I want to see official Mario hentai. I think that's the only thing that could possibly improve the oh my god (LIVESTREAM) Aw yeah! *laughter* (LIVESTREAM) *gasp* 'kay. (LIVESTREAM) Oh no. For our final challenge, there was no other option but the Darker Side. While it's intended as the hardest challenge in the game, a lot of it is all based around capture targets so it isn't really a roadblock at all. The only potential issue is a 2D section near the end that seems to be impossible -- but luckily is entirely optional. Glydon's waggle ability is so OP you can skip every successive section in one glide. With one final, heartfelt goodbye to this game, we banked the Grand Moon and discovered our final total: 735. With that number found, our jumpless post game run is Mission Complete. Or at least it might be. There is still some lingering business. I'm sure you're wondering exactly which moons are keeping us from reaching the max, and why. In the next companion video, I'll be going back through the worlds and discussing the moons that seem to be less than possible, why they seem impossible, and our ideas on how we might make them possible. See you next week for Super Mario Odyssey's Impossible Jumpless Moons! Special thanks to all Patreon backers including Erik Flinn, Lord Arentci, LezLamb, Zanybandz, SuperScrubz0. RB_Drache, Zahlen Oum, Mrs. Seckman, Andrew Cyburt and Mrharrywonka. And special thanks to Helix Snake and everybody in the Strem chat for helping me out during the run. Let me know how and why this video sucks, and how I can improve in the comments below. Thank you gozaimasu for watching and get out of my house!
Channel: Gamechamp3000
Views: 2,300,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamechamp, gamechamp3k, gamechamp3000, gaming, video games, vg myths, hyrule myths, nintendo, nintendo switch, super mario odyssey, mario, no jump, without jumping, cappy, hardest moons, hardest jumpless moons, spinning athletics, breakdown road, timer challenge, hatless, challenge run, hard
Id: JH98j7W7BYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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