VFX Artists React to the Moon Landing

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I've read a few times from different people that it'd have cost more to fake a landing than to actually do a landing.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Infernalism 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Some great points, for instance the thing with the dust which causes no turbulence because there is no air. Never thought about that.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/theWunderknabe 📅︎︎ Apr 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Dude! They are *SO* in on it! It's totally obvious. These guys are part of the Deep State program of disinformation designed to make you think it's fake when it's real, or wait, it's real when... Ah jeez, I give up I can't even pretend to be that whacked.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/dv73272020 📅︎︎ Apr 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

One of my favourite YT channels. For a few reasons - amazing insight, well made, zippy editing - but mostly because the guys are so genuine and passionate about what they do. I wish I worked with them!

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/The-Go-Kid 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

But, does the moon ever mold if the cheesey surface is constantly in a vacuum?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/the_best_jabroni 📅︎︎ Apr 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love these guys. I've watched so many of the videos and learned so much random stuff about something I otherwise have very little interest in. It's made me pay a lot more attention we watching my media though

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/tits_the_artist 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
come in a little closer zoom in zoom in come on hey i'm going to tell you something hey the moon yeah it's fake whoa now that's a shot what am i seeing why does it keep going move these goofs no my hat no careful you might get a critical thought in your brain okay i'm not gonna lie this kind of looks fake so why does this look fake welcome to a surprise round of vfx artists react to the moon landing yeah everyone's like saying hey get some nasa scientists in there to talk about the moonlight no get some vfx artists in there because it's the effects all right so we're going to pull up the apollo 11 documentary where they basically took all the archival footage from the moon landing and i maxed it we're gonna watch these shots and we'll take a look at them as special effects official effects artists how would we do these shots or are they even possible why or why not let's jump in i love our hats miniature work dude rear projection little shots like this you could you could fake this shot yeah yeah okay so here's a shot that's an actual 3d surface down there you might say well if you built a miniature so when you're filming stuff in miniature there's a very very shallow depth of field if it's a small object and you're using a normal sized camera basically you get extreme depth of field things become out of focus very quickly and it's hard to compensate with that the only way to do that is to stop down to an extreme level like an f22 and then blast it with something brighter than the sun let's let it see how long the shot goes on for this shot is still going whoa okay it just got way more impossible there's no lights in the ceiling so if you built this whole thing in miniature and your camera is this big you're looking like at least a football field sized stage this would have to be built indoors too by the way because it's all shaded the sky is black there's no blue spill this is all lit from a single light source dude space lasers the ceiling would have to be so high and the light would have to be so bright to cover this entire area in an even wash of light because otherwise you have a hot spot whichever is closest to the light well that's the other thing is that like in order to actually evenly light a whole bunch of stuff it would just be too soft you wouldn't have any sharp shadows like you see on the moon and when you do get the sharp shadows they're going to be at angles they're never going to quite get parallel unless you literally throw millions of miles into the mix yeah if you guys like these videos and you like this channel and you want to get more consider subscribing to quarterdigital.com it helps us out helps you out make better content by doing so i want to see the actual footage of them running across the moon because people are like oh you could just slow down the footage slow motion that makes anti-gravity right now these goofs these guys are moving in slow motion that guy sure didn't move that slow kicked out at regular speed once again if these guys were on earth look at the ups that that guy has in that spacesuit well he could be on wires nico you could be on wires could he i don't know about that that's a big area to put a wire in somehow and then if these guys are recorded in slow motion one uh you only record things in slow motion for like a minute back in the day oh yeah that's the other thing motion cameras if you were to do this like you could only shoot for like a few like 30 seconds at a time it would be impossible to record slow motion for the length of time that we see some of these shots run for i was rolling on the moon one day okay i'm not gonna lie this kind of looks fake so why does this look fake i'm getting that like hollywood backdrop look where it's just that clean line oh but see but that's the thing the moment he starts running and you realize no oh oh that's no backdrop we just zoomed in so his skill compared to that back that backdrop was like hundreds of feet tall at the very least also another thing to keep in mind is that the reason why it does look slightly uncanny is the fact that you can see so far and it completely destroys your sense of scale because there's no atmospheric dispersion of the light fog basically yeah there's no fog there's zero haze in any of these shots notice that you can see all the way out to the edge of the horizon and there's zero haze because there's no air on the moon so like that distant crater off in the distance is gonna be just as sharp as the rock at your feet it's also worth pointing out the way the dust is blowing would be impossible if there was air in that room when you have air and you blow more air into it you get vertices you get turbulence so just like when a rocket takes off you have a little bit of a streak and it was poof and it becomes all puffy there's no puffiness there because there's no air to create resistance so you go and the particle just goes so that shot that we just saw with the dust would have also been filmed in a vacuum if there's one thing there's one thing that i've learned from shooting cool sci-fi stuff it's that having reflective space helmets is the hardest thing to deal with on set because you always see the camera and you always see the lights and you always see the microphones there are no lights being reflected there in that helmet you can actually see neil armstrong holding the hasselblad camera pointed at buzz aldrin right there so buzz aldrin may have not been the first person on the moon he's the first model on the moon these videos on the moon are really crazy to watch if you have any other real life phenomenon that people think are real or fake and would love us to break down like this let us know in the comments below let's watch them leave the moon all right all right there they are the little white dot whoa no way yeah cool this could not be stop motion stop motion be impossible to get that kind of motion out of it it just would you can't get that kind of smooth yeah so you got perspective shifts in the background so it's not a painting yeah they're moving around an object that would have to be a model or something that somebody has built let's just let it keep going though all right unbroken shot here we go it still hasn't actually left frame and it started out so tiny you couldn't even resolve it and now it's like very noticeable in the shot yeah the only way to do that shot of the moonlander coming back to the orbiter is you'd have to build a giant spherical art piece and spin it and then you'd have to have a little thing move across the disc it's a model i guess it had be a pretty big model for the amount of detail on it you'd have to have an arm a mechanical arm but yeah you couldn't paint it out there's no blue screen here there's no blue screen fringing or edging can we look at a scene it's 2001 really quick 2001 a space odyssey directed by stanley kubrick came out just a year before the moon landing so it's a great reference for the best of the best for visual and special effects at that time and we can see how it stacks up to the actual moon landing here just immediately it looks so different like you can tell the planet in the background is just a static painting and again we're dealing with deep space stuff where the harsh shadows are easier to get but the lighting doesn't match up between the planet and the space station and there's bounce light on the space station that's coming from who knows where once again there's no perspective shifts on any of this stuff because the way they had to do these shots is basically do a painting they can put little you know bits of footage like these people at their stations but notice the camera doesn't move anywhere in the scene it's just locked and it zooms out hey look at all the turbulence in that smoke oh yeah dude yeah so see how it's curling you would not have any curls on the moon so this is a funny april fool's idea we've had for a long time i'm glad we finally got to sit down and do it yeah believe it or not i think the technology required to fake the moon landing to the extent that we would see it is almost more ambitious and harder to do than going to the moon almost it's significantly harder thanks for watching everybody happy april fool's days or if you're watching this till later time then happy day whatever day it is yeah keep thinking critically consider subscribing i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,000,228
Rating: 4.9625278 out of 5
Keywords: vfx artists react, react, vfx, cgi, visual effects, movies, hollywood, cinema, Kubrick, fake, faked, 2001 a space oddysey, space, moon landing, neil armstrong, nasa, hoax
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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