We Compete to Make the Most SATISFYING Simulations

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we should make the most satisfying simulated render one more one hopefully i can get it all done in time peter which one is the winner i think it's time to let everybody know i was really jealous last year because while i was away these guys got to have a ton of fun making the most satisfying renders like when i saw those satisfying renders i thought you know what it's just as satisfying to make them as it is to watch so i had to be in i i feel like sam it's great to have you on this one it's going to be awesome my goal here is to make a render so satisfying it lowers everyone's heart rate especially your sam because i know you got two kids and you know your sleep just ain't what it used to be in my opinion the two things that last challenge did really well having them loop is great you watch it you don't know where it starts or ends it's just a perfect infinitely looping image the moment you see one of these things cut you're like it's like jarring and you're back in reality your heart rate goes through the roof from here forth all satisfying render challenges will always loop the sound design is very important to getting that like satisfying feeling so we we definitely need to like not miss that this time as well so the last renders were really cool but one thing that was missing was physics satisfying things can be made by hand but when you watch nature take its course and deliver you something beautiful and satisfying it is i think one of the most purest experiences a render can give you for this challenge we should try our best to make the most satisfying simulated render using motion and using physics specifically it doesn't matter what it is it can be particles it can be rigid bodies it can be soft bodies it could be flaccid bodies a flaccid body simulation is one of the hardest goals to achieve as a visual effects artist so you're saying the bulk of our animations can't be hand animated they have to be simulated yes like take take the artist's hand out of this let the ones and zeros create the satisfaction for us that sounds good to me it sounds like a good challenge my expectation on this is to be able to like i want to learn something along the way so that we just get a little bit better and can make better videos after this video today is tuesday and we're going to watch these renders next monday and that might seem like a lot of time but we have a dozen other things to do other than this in the meantime so we're going to be sneaking in minutes on this every chance we get hey what are you doing here are you guys doing a render challenge without me no no we're just doing um oh clint clint's gone i gotta check my oil i like oil hey have you guys seen ren no i'm just trying to find him red red hi ren red what you doing up here so they told me to wait up here on the roof until they're ready to do the render challenge and so i thought while i'm waiting i might as well listen to a book i got a pretty good one that i listened to recently and i want to tell you about it because this is sponsored by audible is audible leader in spoken word entertainment i've listened to almost 100 titles on this platform at this point i love it so a recent one i listened to is called an absolutely remarkable thing by an og youtuber named hank green you might know his brother he's dead books so this title basically starts off with 64 robots showing up across the world now i'm not saying they're aliens but aliens so the main protagonist of the audiobook she finds this robot and her and her friend make this youtube video about it and then the next day she becomes like a viral hit it touches on a lot of things that felt a little too close to home about like insecurities and how social media corrupts the mind the book is incredible i literally listened to the entire 10 hour book in two days on audible and speaking of audible they just launched a new plan called audible plus you get full access to their plus catalog which is filled with thousands upon thousands of originals audiobooks and podcasts including ad-free versions of all the shows that you'd normally have ads on so with the audible membership you can download or stream without lemon and of course you can also do offline listening anytime anywhere to get your free 30-day trial all you got to do is go to audible.com quarter crew or just simply text quarter crew to 500-500 again just go to www.audible.com corridor crew or you can use your little smart phony thing and you can text cora crew one word to 500 500 and you will get your free 30-day trial 30 days free all right ran well good luck up here good luck with the book thanks uh just make sure you let me know before they start the render challenge or send someone up here that'd be great yeah good luck good luck with the book man good luck with the book so last time i bit off way more than i could chew and ended up getting points off because my render quality was just crap but this time i learned my lesson what i want to do is make something that justifies satisfying sound design alright so singing bowl i don't know the history of this thing but basically you give it a little tap and then you gotta like do the little in yoga they'll use it for what's called a sound bath which is just like a really weird i don't even know i just like the way it sounds that's probably the biggest inspiration of this whole render all right so i just had an idea i'm pretty excited about i was messing around with this cool new feature that blender just got where you can take a smoke simulation and turn that into geometry polygons points in space and i did like the most basic smoke simulation and i noticed it looked a little bit like a mushroom so i was thinking what if i use this smoke simulation to mesh converter to show plants growing in a really psychedelic way like for a tree i have one smoke simulation just going straight up for the trunk and then a bunch of little particles flying out the sides for some branches and then an explosion at the top for the leaves so i'm gonna dig my thingies into blender and see what happens my son gideon great kid he loves food cheez-its peanuts goldfish graham crackers he's great at eating them not so good at keeping them in the bowl so i'm on my hands and knees pretty frequently with a little vacuum while it might seem like a strange thing to be satisfying well it gets quite satisfying and i think that's what i'm gonna try and recreate i'm gonna make a cg vacuum that cleans up dust and creates the cleanest carpet so i've been playing around with the smoke to mesh function in blender and it's been working out pretty well so i think a nice render would be kind of a slow camera move through a forest of these weird little smoke simulation plants watching them grow and act all strange so i think my next step here is to make a couple smoke simulations that mimic trees plants i'm just going to make my own little library of smoke simulations that i can then populate the forest with i need to see how these physics systems work i've never really done anything like this but i think using x particles i might be able to do it gravity okay gravity so crumbs come out boom someone just ate a cracker and that's the crumb all right and now suck them up they're definitely going there all right i'm on my way last time my loop was not successful it may have appeared successful but if you really looked at it now basically in order to get this thing to loop what i did was hand place all of my bowls here all my singing bowls and then i added them into a cloner and it's being cloned three times down the line here so you're getting like the exact same pattern three times i'm taking my camera and i'm moving it down along the z-axis at a very specific rate everything's based on the math right so you want to break up everything exactly so for instance my camera's moving negative 2800 centimeters on the z axis so i'll take my cloner and i'm and i'm making sure that i'm moving my new clones negative 2800 centimeters on the z-axis so everything kind of lines up so i'm lighting my scene with two area lights now if i just left these area lights in place the first frame wouldn't match the last frame because the camera is moving but the lights wouldn't be so what i'm doing here is i'm actually throwing these lights into my camera so the camera and the lights are moving together that way the first frame is exactly lit as the last frame if you can get your first and last frame to match perfectly then everything else in between you can do whatever the heck you want i think the core mechanic here of these vacuums is working it looks satisfying so piece by piece i'm gonna render out a bunch of different sets that loop into each other here and i'm just gonna populate this with interesting objects now so i got my scene all blocked out and i've started adding in my smoke simulations but i've hit a bit of a bottleneck i'm going to need a lot of smoke simulations for the scene where there's a bunch of vegetation growing and things like that and each smoke simulation is taking way too long to do if i'm going to get this render done in any amount of time i'm going to need to switch over to a faster solution so i've been using embergen which is this new software that runs smoke simulations on your gpu it's way faster it's basically real time and it's amazing so i'm going to jump over to ambergen and make some smoke zones so for physics what i did was i cut out these little like grooves in the concrete portion of my render and i pushed these metal spheres down the chute kind of like a little bobsled situation and it's all physics based which i could have cheated easily but i didn't just for the record i didn't cheat it for all the textures and stuff i'm using grayscale gorillas everyday materials and i'm using some of my own surface imperfections that i created for the metal spheres to give them a little bit of smudge and scratch on them and if you guys want to know how to make your own surface imperfections i actually have a youtube channel and a video dedicated to exactly that i walk you through the entire process it's actually a lot of fun so i've been playing around with these smoke simulations turning them into foliage and it feels very percussive and so i was thinking it might be fun to create a little music piece and have the video go along with that so last night i sat down on my keyboard and i made a little song and the next step is to bring that song into blender kind of map out the scene a little bit so i know where things are going to be and what it's going to look like so i can save myself from doing a bunch of work that's not going to end up in the shot putting all my renders into sequence here i rendered these out in the order i started working on them they iterate they get each one gets a little bit more complicated as it goes dude it's turned out i think pretty cool i don't have any sound for it no that's kind of a requirement so hopefully i'll sneak that in at some point just it's just gonna be this the whole time i'm oh wait i'm totally gonna do the sounds of my mouth screw them it works it works dude it freaking works that's so cool i'm gonna render the high res over the weekend and i'm gonna come back monday morning and do the sound design hopefully i can get it all done in time satisfying renders to me are a relaxing thing and i tried not to get too stressed out about how intense or satisfying it was and just make something that came naturally you know i don't want to stay up to 4am doing this peter it was late night was until 5 30. i don't even know if this is good it just it's really weird final day dude i'm doing sound design i'm trying to create different versions of a sound and i'm trying to stack them together to make an even nicer sound i'm trying to figure out this program called paul stretch look at this i can stretch a sound out look at this i can stretch this sound out 59 million years i rendered this at like like 540p it's got it looks god-awful hopefully it finishes rendering on my home computer i can upload it using my crappy wi-fi it's time to do some sound design hopefully i finish it and um i know i'll finish in time these stakes are garbage guys today's the day myself sam and peter cranked super hard over the last couple days to get our satisfying renders in and now is the time we have two gentlemen here which we will aim to satisfy let's see if they are satisfied hey guys what's your current heart rate right now nico yeah i got my heart rate so right now i'm i'm sitting at a cool 70 i'm at 66. i'm gonna get this boy to 50. you're gonna drop this man's heart rate to 50. i'm going to put niko in the hospital i'll take him down to 30 feet so at the beginning of this i said i wanted to compete because rendering was just so fun and pure and innocent but i lied the reason i wanted to be in on this challenge is because last time peter won a computer wait is that computer still up for grabs i am going to win that computer back today no no i'm not going back to the 10 whatever get rent get out of here right this is invite only why are you here explicitly against their orders i just wanted to see your guys's renders so you're just here to you're just here to i'm just here to look i'm just hanging out in the background yeah stick around maybe i can satisfy you sam i bet you could satisfy me can you satisfy me right now it'd be my pleasure it'll be friend's pleasure too you'll make him feel good oh liquid oh my god it keeps going uh-oh oh that's the best one by far that's so good wow [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh one more one more my heart rate's a zero i can die satisfied finally this looks so good this is something you want to watch over and over dude your colors and your textures and your sound this one's wonderful and the thing is like not only is it beautifully rendered it's a classic like focused single action great sound design but for some of the sims it's all about like they clean up every single object you somehow made it so like every single thing gets sucked up at least since we are judging and being you know critics on this i was actually thinking the time the two times where it missed made it less satisfying it looks like the marbles just got missed so that made it a tiny bit less satisfying for me but otherwise i think i was at 9 or 10 and then 8.5 because that took me specific out of it but for nico it was more satisfying 10 out of 10. standing ovation peter yeah the winner the returning champ dude this is uh you guys ready for some 240p video oh dude that's what happened to me last time that's what happened here we go some uh oh it's something i don't know what it is i don't even know if it's good but it's at least something and it's done and it's ready to show so here we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] hit [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all right there you go it is pretty nice the palm trees i totally just realized were like kind of like explosions yeah shot up well it is it is a perfect loop and i like the whole symbolic you know force gets burned down and it grows up again but it does feel like more like a longer music video so if you ever took like a drawing class in like high school and there's the one kid that just does their own thing and they're really good but has nothing to do with the assignments the teacher struggles to like figure out how to give them a grade it's kind of the situation we're in right now peter i'm sorry i'll give you a six out of ten i'll keep it in the six to seven range there that's fine and i understand i'll take it no hard feelings this would have been a lot more satisfying if you had the render settings turned up a little bit i know yeah i know hey if you wait till the end you might see the non 240p version of this render who knows if sam got a 10 that means the only way i can tie with you is if i get a 10. or an 11. all right here we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is like top page reddit stuff for me [Music] i'm too distracted by how photoreal this looks to be satisfying i'm just like wow look at the detail in every single one of those bowls yeah it's a it's just a flawless render straight up this is the best render i've ever seen clint make but as for the satisfaction it's just kind of stick spinning over bowls but what can i do you know i feel like for something to be satisfying something you need to be changing like dust getting wiped off a surface or like soft red being sliced by a sharp knife i'm gonna have to give it an 8.5 it's a nice 10 out of 10 for me this is a tie breaker situation guys hold up hold up i had an idea for a shot and i couldn't i couldn't let these guys swiggity swag their way into the finish line without some competition from yours truly so they don't know it yet but i made my own satisfying render i ended up just coming to the studio yesterday and did the entire shot and i was up all night doing it so i have been a week since yesterday you can't keep me out of this challenge you can't keep me down look at this right here oh it's a flash drive whoa you can't do this you can't do this you can't do it no don't play this is really good i love this one yeah this is this is super cool i love the like the rainbow bread this is a luxurious render this is great i don't know if it beats the singing bowls for me but i'll give it a eight eight eight point nine eight point nine eight point five seconds i mean i'll take the 8.9 you gave it 8.5 huh look bryn this is really good i'm gonna give it a nine all right there has to be a winner you gotta choose what are we gonna do what do we do with the tie all right we're gonna come back down what do we do one of you guys is getting a 30-90 oh i was like joking i was gonna buy one regardless well it's still kind of like buying one if the studio pays for it clint's looked really nice but we're talking about satisfaction something about it being like an intricate perfect clockwork i think would have made that system work but it's not really an intricate perfect clockwork it's just kind of a bunch of bowls with the spinning handles just looking at it clint's obviously realistically looks perfect but i could agree there could have been maybe one other thing that really pushed it over the edge so my only doc is sam's like glitches but i don't know if that makes it less satisfying which one is the winner i think it's time to go downstairs and let everybody know all right christian and i thought really hard about this and then we stopped thinking and we started feeling and then our hearts spoke to us sam congratulations [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sam you satisfied me this is about satisfying each other all right and you know i'm just happy that i brought you that satisfaction you crave so oh i'm hitting 58 right now dude i'm at 86. all these surrenders were very satisfying peter i really look forward to when you complete your render i would really like to do this again let's do it again let's do it again i really want to do this again if you guys want to see another satisfying render challenge definitely subscribe like this video leave a comment down below if you would like to see the final renders in their most pure form head on over to our instagram page at corridor digital we have them all up there share them with your friends you can stare at them for hours whatever you want to do it's a good time also we post other fun pictures and videos imagine that quarter digital on instagram wow guys thanks this means a lot um peter uh just show me where you leave your computer and i'll snag that i'll wipe it tonight for you yeah yeah thanks yeah it's time i'm actually working on the luke skywalker do you think right now um yeah i know i know don't worry there's more videos don't worry we gotta we got one on the back all right this sucks [Music] hey this game's pretty sick
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,978,042
Rating: 4.9450293 out of 5
Keywords: VFX Artists React, Compilation, CGi, Bad and Great, Render, Satisfying, Physics, CG, simulated
Id: _zfAsOoRbxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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