VFX Artists React to HARRY POTTER Bad & Great CGi

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the harry potter movies are packed full of a lot of stuff and vfx is one of them there's a lot of it's the platform nine and three quarters scene is a good example of basically sleight of hand coolest water ball i've ever seen in my life seriously look how good that is dude no no oh so how do you think they did that shot thanks to our sponsor vessy stick around to the end to figure out how you can get 25 bucks off your pair of vessy's shoes guys welcome back to vfx artists react we are finally doing it the ultimate harry potter episode guys actually watched all eight movies believe it or not every single one so i'm i'm very excited to break these effects down with y'all dude i'm excited too we will do our best to cover the coolest effects that we can but there are eight movies each one filled with visual effects we're gonna go over all that stuff it's gonna be sweet so let's let's just jump in shut up shut up oh dude this scene this scene [Music] this is like such a big moment in the movie too because it's like wait what she's inflating [Music] it looks so good right yeah it's incredible this is no it feels like it's 100 practical i mean you know mine it's like a wire paint out or something i mean that's exactly it this entire scene is practical dude that's incredible they actually had like three different fat suits that she was able to wear and they actually had a bunch of different bladders inside of the actual suit that could inflate it's an actual physical prosthetic and none of that is digital like the way it folds and she moves her head around yeah such a good little touch that you get from the practical they actually put a stunt double in the big suit because they put her up in the air on wires and so all the actual digital effects happening here is just wire removal i'm just blown away at the gravity effects that they have it actually looks like she's bouncing like a balloon that's full of helium and to get that wire set up and to be able to replicate that look i imagine is very difficult did they replace the ceiling maybe is the ceiling cg i'm imagining the ceiling itself is not there on set i think it's like a classic sitcom where you have all the walls go straight up and you have like the crown molding and then just nothing you got rigging and lights above that because for her to go from the dining room to this like a little patio room she's probably attached to like four wires i think so yeah no i think she's attached to a few wires because notice how they cut they never actually show her go entirely through the doorway they show it through a series of cuts so yeah i wanted to bring this up because this is a cool example of something that was a cool mesh between you know doing everything practically but using visual effects to make it happen so the platform nine and three quarters scene is a good example of basically sleight of hand there's effects here you know basic rotoscoping it's actually not that crazy but we have this transition where harry potter enters wizard train station land [Music] whoa so my first guess is that this was done in multiple shots you know this is funny because like that's how i would do it too but they don't cut this is the same shot of harry the whole time the way they did the shot is pretty cool so this background here is actually the background we see later after he's gone through the pillar but they've done vfx to replace the cool old-fashioned steam locomotive with these new trains so that's basically just an image in the background here and if you watch you see how the reflections don't move on the top right it's even 2d it doesn't actually distort yep it's just a picture it's literally just a picture in that corner because no one's looking at it yeah you're looking at harry's face yep so what happens after the screen goes dark what's happening there so they just they straight up just do a lighting gig they just turn off the lights and they do a new light where that turns on here on the side the brick wall behind him is cg really that's a full cg brick wall full cg brick wall okay that's a fake harry potter shadow right there yeah and the thing is they have this problem like okay so how do we reveal the wall like does it just fade in like that's kind of lame how do we reveal the wall it just went with the tried and true wipe so as that bill hop walks across it reveals the wall it's really subtle okay sure it causes your eye to completely miss when the wall appears it's just there but these are like the psychological tricks that a good vfx artist can really implement to make impactful shots and then he steps around the corner and they reveal the set that's actually there but okay no i'm confused it's a wall that extends forward it's not a pillar yeah that's cg on the right yeah the brick wall i mean you can see the texture tiling so you can actually see a repeating pattern going up the side of the brick wall there yeah that's so funny in this day and age that train would be entirely cg yeah totally they don't have the capabilities to make the train look realistic with the steam like that back in the day like the technology does not exist so they had the train there for real and this is a situation where it's easier to put something over the train and then reveal it than it is to have the thing there and then try to comp in a new big awesome cool looking train it's like no make that your real stuff and then paint it out later for the beginning of the shot yeah it's always about what is the easiest or cheapest thing to do these days it's hard to make a big train like that for real but it's easy to make one digitally so it's like if we were to redo that shot we would have the beginning of it all be real and then the end of it be fake yep welcome hari to diagonal alley so you might be like hey it's harry potter they have all the money in the world they built this crazy set they actually did build a crazy set but the set ends like 10 feet into the air well there's your money harry gringos the wizard bike so this shot right here it looks real doesn't it yeah how do you think they did it i don't know niko how they do you know how i did it it's a miniature right miniature it's a miniature but here's the challenge they have a moving camera and they film people for real and they look up at where this thing is supposed to be now these days if you did that shot you'd film your shot you know you have your blue screen or something up and you'd go into the computer and you'd camera track the shot or match move the shots yeah basically the computer analyzes points in the scene and based on how those points move it can figure out where the camera was and where it was moving what it was doing so they did that of course but here's the thing they don't now have just a 3d model they can drop in what they need to do is take your miniature get another camera put it on a computer controlled arm miniaturize the movement that they did and then replicate that exact camera motion on that computer arm filming the miniature so they can stick the miniature shot into this shot and all the motion lines up which is such like a clunky and hard way to go about doing things because the cameras stay the same size the sensors stay the same size the lenses stay the same size and now you're trying to marry these two shots together and one of the challenges they face with the shot that took them a long time to fix was lens distortion because it's a wide angle shot and there's a little bit of lens distortion in it but the distortion is different for a miniature that's filmed up close versus an actual building that's still far away yeah i think that's something that is so cool and i want to try and mess with i've literally been wanting to get like some sort of motion control system for years now just so we can experiment with bringing back something like this yeah like that that to me is that's how you make a movie look real little quick trivia vfx moment for you guys all these candles floating in the air cg right wrong a hundred percent real those are all practical candles it just makes your job so much easier as a filmmaker to like have a magical space to work with yep gryffindor [Music] yay you're in a wizard okay but looking at this hat so obviously the entire hat is cg because it's like a character right but it's interfacing with a person right so they have a wireframe hat that the actors are working with oh really now the thing is when that brim falls across the face you see a shadow fall on their face and this is a big problem you have when you have cgi objects casting shadows is that there should be zero directional lighting coming from the top in fact what should be happening is harry potter in the shadow should be lit from the bottom because the only light that'd be reaching his face there would be light bouncing off the floor like right here technically you wouldn't have the highlight on his glasses because it'd be reflecting the bottom of the hat which is in darkness yep in fact actually let me grab the sombrero get our animatronic sorting head all right i got our sorting hat here so now as ren puts this on we're gonna lose all this top lighting here yeah also keep a look at the specular highlights on his glasses how they disappear look at his nose see how the bottom of his nose is now brighter than the top of his nose now remove the hat now the top of his nose is brighter than the bottom of his nose so you put that hat down there's no more light coming from this direction the only light's coming from this direction so his face is now under lit but harry potter's face with the hat is not under lit wait but which house am i in you're in my house now oh son griffin it's such a subtle thing no one would catch this like no one in the theater would catch this but it it's a thing it totally is a thing but that being said this is an effects artist trying to compensate for decisions made on set and i think they're doing a pretty good job they're doing a solid job cause i mean look at the shape of that shadow it actually deforms around his face perfectly in his nose it comes up over his nose it's perfect everything about this is perfect except for the fact that an artist had to somehow go in and paint out directional lighting on harry potter but they still did a great job the compositors on this film are like world-class compositors there are so many effects across eight movies of course we can't talk about all the effects in this one episode so we will be doing another harry potter special but the difference this time is that we are gonna specifically use your comment recommendations for that second episode so leave a comment down below we'll read them and we'll review them on camera it's gonna happen it's gonna happen [Music] intriguing isn't it no no oh how did they do that they did it god they missed you had real wizards on set that probably slid by a lot of people i don't know it's pretty in your face you're like wow i just went through a mirror concentrate [Music] the bow guard is interesting and all like they do some really cool transitions but for me personally the thing that is most compelling from this whole scene is just the camera and how they use it to go through the mirror sorry about that interesting so we've been in their imaginations the whole time and now we're back to reality that's so cool oh my god however look at harry he's flipped the entire scene is flipped the ending shot of this entire thing is reversed his patch is on the wrong side his scar is on the wrong side what are they implying are we in a different dimension now we were in a different dimension the whole time and when they started learning defense against the dark arts they were actually in the real world just for a moment no i think i don't think anyone actually gave that too much thought they're just like you're going through it has to be a mirror image of what you're seeing because you know it's a reflection so how do you think they did that shot i have an idea well first you get you're looking at the mirror shot right you move forward at a set speed figure out a way to do that whether it's controlled or you just have a little song playing in your head you're hitting marks at a certain speed whatever it is and you flip your camera or set up your people for the actual angle that you're seeing through the mirror and then you have a little cgi thing in the middle i just try to match the speed twice and then blend between them yeah exactly that's exactly it the camera's just pushing in on like this nothing thing there and they're tracking that shot and rendering in this cabinet that has you know a mirror front all they do is they take the footage of the second film shot and just put that on a plane behind the camera and so that the cabinet itself is reflecting that so that means at some point they're transitioning from the reflection of the real footage to the real footage exactly yeah and it's done even more intensely right here at the end because notice the mirror moves you know the whole door is open and it's reflecting the side of the room there they actually had to have footage of the side of that room there built out in 3d space and it happens so fast you know it's a very dynamic shot it works very well i just thought it was it's pretty cool touch of filmmaking that again requires visual effects to make happen dude pretty cool that's amazing that's so good i think magic is cool but i'm kind of cited by the fact that no one's done like the kind of stuff that you think magic should be able to do especially if you play some d and d yeah magic can be brutal but this is a children's movie franchise that can't be brutal but what if someone could you know make it brutal yeah what if someone could make it brutal almost like if harry potter was rated r what if someone already did all that in the videos coming out tomorrow on the corridor crew channel that's right we made rated r harry potter we took some of our favorite moments and we made them violent like really violent like seriously violent so harry potter rated r is coming out tomorrow on this channel if you're not subscribed and you want to see it consider subscribing [Music] so a major character in these movies is voldemort and he doesn't come into the picture until like the fourth movie one of the key visuals of voldemort is the fact that he's got like no nose he's got like this snake slit type thing going on they did most of all this stuff with makeup you know they painted his face to be a little more pale they gave him all like these veins and stuff over his head and whatnot but he still has a nose a lot of the time there are no tracking markers and some of the close-ups they do have the tracking markers they would then obviously track his head and try to just recreate that they had a very accurate photo scan of his entire head both with and without the makeup and prosthetic on and then in compositing try to use as little of that as possible because some of the time they only need to just kind of replace just the nose here other times they would have to replace everything from the eyebrows down to the bottom lip that's so much work man that's that's like the not fun part of vfx yeah they said it was a very painstaking process but they had to make sure it was done as perfectly as possible because it's a face even though it's a weird crazy looking alien face it is still a face and if they get any of that wrong it just doesn't look right [Music] dude right away that smoke effect's pretty sweet yeah right off the bat oh yeah dude this is a guy with a leaf blower off the side of the frame i love that movie like pulls in the energy and like turns into a fireball oh yeah dude it's so sick dude this part this part right here coolest water ball i've ever seen in my life seriously look how good that is dude oh my god dude this right here is so cool he looks so frail when he puts his arms i know i know i know like i'm actually just like okay that's a little less cool now i agree they look like little chicken wings man what a scene there's a lot to unpack there let's get started with i don't know the wand effects like are you talking about like the the juicy liquid yeah yeah effects exactly that's a really easy effect to do in after effects you just use this plug-in called trap code particular i've done it extensively you think you could pull that off with trapcode i did pull it off with trapdood i did a whole short film with it that's awesome you gave it the liquidy goops yeah and they land on the ground and everything so these guys are using a program called realflow realflow is like a liquid simulation tool that allows you to get you know these liquidy droopy droppy effects here they're mixing practical and visual effects they got a bunch of lights blasting the actors that's like critical to selling magical effects like that is like if you have something that's generating light you can't just add it into the scene without having that light you have to actually have it there in person well you can add it into the scene but it's very very very very very very hard to make it look good it's just a waste of time it's like do it on set yeah and it's kind of like anytime it's better if you do it for real this is the fifth movie in the fourth movie we see this wand effect happening for the first time in the graveyard between harry and voldemort and they actually used the old cash data from the fourth movie and put it in to the scene into the fifth movie and when we say cash we're not talking about like benjamin's we're talking about c-a-c-h-e it's a memory cache basically so they've did a fight scene in another film and they're doing another scene where it's basically the same angle we're just two dudes shooting wands at each other and they're like look we can just use our same goop simulation we have the cache it's already done we don't have to simulate it just drop those polygons into the new scene call it a day so for this movie they shot more practical elements than all the previous four movies had combined what yeah the way they get it to look so real is they film real elements but we're looking at a snake here they didn't possibly ignite a snake on fire how would they do that so the snake is a 3d model and there's like flames that are comp down that are probably some real fire bits but the big thing that makes it look extra good is there something called fluid simulation happening i'm not talking about water i'm talking about gases it's all these tricks that are up the sleeves of these vfx artists to try to really sell this stuff and make it real so the way they did this it's a mixture of 2d and 3d they got a giant like six foot glass sphere that they shot high pressure water into they got elements of the thing dripping they got a huge dump tank that they dumped the water out and they filmed all of this oh man they did it for real but the top half of this is a real flow simulation they're mixing this together in such a beautiful way and when the ball falls apart that's just the dump tank footage that's comped in perfectly too so cool man what a scene this is such a great example of combining practical and digital the scene would have not nearly been as good if there wasn't half of it being done practically in my opinion it'd be lackluster at best guys that was a magical episode very much like our sponsor vessy dealing out these magical shoes these shoes truly aren't magical because they're waterproof they're not water resistant they're waterproof it feels like wearing socks too you might as well be cast in the driest spell you got on both your feet you might as well be levitating above the water because these shoes are keeping your feet dry and also guys these shoes they're sustainably made if that didn't get you here's the kicker guys these shoes are made from dimetex it's a dual knit material dumbledore's cape was made from dimetex as well it keeps your feet warm in the winter and cool in the summer just like hogwarts guys they're vegan they're vegan shoes believe it or not no mandrakes were harmed during the creation of these shoes so you you know you wear them without feeling guilty every step of your day this is the best part if you click the link in the description and use the code corridor crew you guys will save 25 bucks off your pair of vessy shoes it's totally worth it the shoes are awesome keeping your feet dry and keeping your green guts accounts nice and high so click that link guys you guys look the closest you can get to the hogwarts experience it's right here this is the real magic thank you so much for watching remember we're gonna do part two very soon to kind of talk about some more stuff we didn't even talk about dobby we need to talk about quidditch yeah dude quidditch the janky quidditch match in the first movie oh i can't wait to just dig into it oh yeah there's a whole bunch more that we've already looked into and we want to tell you all about it the chair transformation scene where he's like a couch and then he turns into the professor like god there's so much good stuff
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 2,998,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, react, vfx artists react, cgi, hollywood, harry potter, visual effects, shot breakdown, movies, hermione, voldemort, magic, best
Id: Y9oLOrjiLLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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