VFX Artists React to Bad & Great CGi 41

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These guys are always fun to watch and I've been looking forward to them covering something Power Rangers related when on a recent episode covering stunts, the guest they had revealed that by being a PR stunt performer helped her with the vision limiting helmets in The Mandalorian.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AkibaPurple πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wish they had reacted to some of the scenes from the shows as well. Well, most of the special effects are pretty lame (which is not a problem, it's part of the charm) but lately there's some pretty sick vfx (mainly thanks to the Sentai footage)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/purejoyandhappiness πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What no turbo: a power rangers movie?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nekollx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I put a comment on one of their videos asking for this, I like to imagine it was my comment that did it, even if it was someone else

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/radioactivethighs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] dude all the six through nine year olds were just losing their crap in the theater when this was happening like hey that was kind of cool like yeah that was kind of cool it's like it could have been like janky something i really appreciate here is the use of realistic camera positions you know to be completely honest i don't know how they did that thanks to skillshare for sponsoring this video stick around to the end to see the easiest way to expand your knowledge hey what's up everyone welcome back to another episode of visual effects artists react there's a specific clip from this episode that i'm very excited to look at from my childhood are you ready sam are you ready nico i'm excited for a couple of these clips we're looking at some really classic clips here plus some new stuff and we got some kind of stuff too we don't like to talk poorly about artists here but it's always enjoyable to look at a chunky clip and be like yeah that's rough makes us feel okay about ourselves it's morphing time okay so this movie is called mighty morphin power rangers it came out when i was like six years old and it was like my favorite movie now this is a big climactic battle at the end of the movie they have all the megazords coming in and they film the whole thing on a miniature set some of these buildings are about like you know 10 12 feet tall pretty cool they're filming on a miniature but putting cg into it this miniature city's killer it's pretty awesome so many reflections are happening they're the most chrome of the beasts you want to probably know why there's so many reflections because reflections are easy to make look real and lighting on non-reflective surfaces is a lot harder it's a lot easier to make a chrome ball look photorealistic than it is to make a white ball look no that's an interesting point and i don't know how much that influenced their decision to make them all chromed out but i imagine probably quite a bit all right guys i've got a lock on the ooms man whoa it's clearly just a little video clip stuck to the front of the model it pops right there and it's straight up is just like literally a 2d cutout in a 3d you can tell it's a plane because there's a little gap at the top of it or doesn't quite reach the roof of the ship so it's basically just a digital tv screen the pop is really bugging me now where i'm like they're like sir it pops it's like we don't care the aerial vehicles in this are pretty good though because there's just minimal animation on them there's some pretty convincing shots at least considering how limited they were back then i'm impressed with what they were able to achieve they actually have the plate photography of the cameras going through the city you know these days that would be just completely computer generated but you have like this really cool atmospheric effect when you capture it in camera like this and they're basically just compositing the falcon into the scene like look at that the lighting is pretty great yeah oh he's using the tower as a weapon so a little problem i noticed there is his hand holding onto the post doesn't stick to it and that's probably because back then they didn't have an animation system to pin the post to his hand and some guy trying to animate the post and the hand frame by frame to line up but they don't quite because he have to just do it by hand you can't just click a button and have the computer attach an arm to the pole yeah they don't have those animation systems yet dude i still have that problem when i animate stuff you're this gorilla kong dude uh he's the hand and i become the nuts those gears inside the robots maybe enough like cgi budget for two gears inside the robot dude i remember loving this so much i thought there's so much cool detail and now i'm just like wow there were literally two gears and a spring yeah dude all the six through nine year olds were just losing the crap in the theater when this was happening like everyone was just chugging apple juice they're throwing it it's great pizzas for everyone hey wait that's good animation suddenly look at that yeah that looks really good that's like motion capture like that is not hand animated no look at it look at that it's so well done every animation i've ever seen from this era looks like booty and that suddenly got the most natural organic fluid motion i've ever seen yeah that's that's that's animated by hand yeah i think not yeah you can run but you can't hide okay we're now at hand animation again see see how suddenly it looks like hand animation i do see what you're talking about yeah it's night and day how did they get the role so smooth i feel like there was something where they use photo reference or footage just like the older animation techniques in certain disney movies where they would film someone dancing and then effectively trace over it it must have been reference and just really animating to reference oh no i want to give a big shout out to all the people who spent late nights getting that original power rangers movie out because it was so hype in those theaters when i was eight yeah so all you parents out there who took your kid to see this movie and you're just like ugh the things i do for my kids thank you thank you it's morphin time do it better than anybody ever seen so in 2017 they made another power rangers movie man look how far we've come yeah and so now obviously we're having all of the modern day visual effects that you've come to get used to like destruction rubble smoke fire motion blur the thing is this is all hand animated too there might be a little bit of motion capture for the big guy but probably not this is probably still all just animators doing their thing but it's worth mentioning if there's an animator in 1995 that's good they've been doing it for two years three years four years max and now yes some of you could have been an animator for 25 years something i'm now realizing again that i really appreciate here is the use of realistic camera positions it's the same sort of thing that made specific tim so great pacific rim worked really well because it always felt like the scale worked you know you're seeing it from the ground you're seeing it from inside a cockpit and you don't have any of these really fast moving cameras look at that freaking molten sword came out and blew through a building and that's pretty sweet that's a great angle for it and everybody's moving slowly which is what they should be doing so gigantic and back in the day when they'd filmed people in rubber suits doing the fights they'd film them in slow motion so they looked big and they're staying true to that they're using the dirty lens effect all over the place here that technically would imply that there's a camera in this scene filming it does that immerse you more or does it pull you out i think it in this situation immerses me more because it feels like every time i'm seeing something it feels like i'm actually seeing it from an actual position but by that statement each time you see like glow or bloom on an image you're like i'm not immersed anymore because i can tell that bloom is happening from lens artifacting it's the whole thing of like sometimes you do visual effects not to make it look real but to make it look how it would look if you did it practically but it was still a movie well yeah because this entire sequence is entirely computer generated the whole town is computer generated so they have to add as many lens tricks as they can to kind of help make you think that this is real you've talked about that before it's like we're not trying to make reality we're trying to make hollywood reality what have we come to expect when we see these movies i've gone back and forth on this one a lot and i've come out on the other side of it going it's good i would recommend giving the power rangers movie uh a look if you skipped over it today we're doing something very special it's a special occasion we are not going to ask you to subscribe instead feel free to check out corridor digital.com and maybe sign up for a membership we have all our videos there ad free exclusive shows it's great it's a cool place some say cooler than youtube and if you don't want to pay for the subscription guess what you get a free trial this is such a cool scene you've seen power rangers and your father's like all right we're leveling up you want to see a cool movie and you're like all right now you're like 10 and you're like okay let's do this i remember being terrified of these blades i remember this cave as like a place like when i think about this scene in that cave i know where that is it's a matte painting with the miniature in the foreground and then a little thing on the top beautiful i know they did a lot of really cool matte paintings in this movie so how do you guys think they did this shot um well that's projection mapping but how would they have done that projection mapping back then what if it's just a practical set like they actually this is practical that's practical except it's a miniature so they filmed harrison ford on a blue screen but what you're seeing there in the background it's a miniature and they literally painted that bridge so that it blended in and you couldn't see it until the camera moved oh i'm seeing the wobbly feet now i'm seeing the blue screen tracking is that film jitter yeah it's that film jitter but you know no one cares because they're looking at this crazy optical illusion yeah at the time it's like how the heck are you going to projection map anything there's no such thing but that being said it's like that is still projection mapping you know it's the same thing when you see like artists doing chalk drawings on the street and it's only an image when you view it from the right angle but when you get up and standing on top of the chalk drawing is a stretched thing oh dude which cup it's gonna be which one was jesus's cup she's like you should pick this fancy gold one jesus would drink out of this one he would slurp out of this [Music] oh oh cool dude his hair growing like that [Applause] oh wow god what a shot well right off the bat that hair growing i know how they did that one that's easy it's actually really easy to tell if you look at the background yes it's reversed footage they start out with the hair outside and then they pull it through the head of the model then they play that back and it looks like it grows and it's funny they didn't even bother to hide the flames in the background going the wrong way watch the fire you can see the fire burn backwards that's great that's great that's a fun little detail so but then it comes to this you know to be completely honest i don't know how they did that it's definitely done stop motion there's no stop motion in this whoa like look at the suit the suit ages and blackens and begins shredding i'm totally right the suit is stop motion i'll give you that much if you watch his jaw on the left there and you watch closely you'll get some digital artifacts happening that maybe can help cue you in a little bit are we seeing morphs you are seeing some more okay so i imagine that they probably created four different practical heads and each head is going through the same motions and then they're overlaying those and cutting between them and then morphing between them you got it you nailed it they built an animatronic dude and they programmed his motions for the entire performance they have it animated so like they have stuff on the inside that can pull the nose back and pull the eyes back and stuff and it goes as far as it can and they take that latex head they make a mold of it make a new head mess it up even more stick it onto the same animatronic so it's all motion controlled the animatronics doing the exact same performance every time then all they're doing is picking the end of when you want to see one animatronic head and morphing it into the next one but how did they get the skin to like literally boil and crumple like that that's actually practical what they did is they had like an underlying skull and they put plastic that strings under heat on top of that skull and they took styrofoam cups melted them down using a solvent and then painted that over it to give it like a skin layer and then they blast it with heat that shrink wrap plastic shrinks and it pulls all the skin with it creating the effect of all the skin getting peeled back from the skull wow that must have taken a long time to do the moment you start filming it to the time you're done is like weeks potentially you know like we talked about motion control of cameras we can replicate the same camera motion so you can like comp two people in the shot but imagine doing motion control for a character so the character is doing the exact same actions so you can blend between different states of that character and have it line up visually and not have any issues it's one of those things where you watch it you're like i don't know how they did it it's a magic trick and i love those kind of visual effects moments all right so this is a bad effect shot that was recommended to us in the comments so if you guys good effect shots bad effect shots you know the drill leave a comment it really helps us out in picking out shots for the show whatever happens next it's on you so all i know about the order is that it's about werewolves but i guess there's not a lot of werewolves in it sorry spoilers there's also the end of the season so whatever okay here we go he's getting snapped okay okay so some some particles so far it's pretty cool it's kind of aging you can see his face get gray wait that was it that was it that was it that's the finale that's that's the big moment hey that's kind of cool yeah that was kind of cool it's like you could have thought that like yeah like obviously this isn't like avengers like endgame snapping kind of stuff and obviously that's the best crumbling slash person dissolving effect of all time i'm defending this i'm putting my foot down i'm on board with that it doesn't make me go oh look i know what button they press to get that effect which is usually when you see a bad effect it's like this default setting but you look at this and it's like you know the turbulence isn't half bad it's it's pleasing to watch especially when his shoulder first starts disappearing there you can actually like really see the turbulence causing it to chip away and fly away in come on that's not bad you guys are right it's not the worst effect in the world or anything like that my biggest critique of the shot is where his body is melted away he's just a floating head but it's just still locked to space as he's still standing there just makes it feel pretty flat and like something's just dissolving the footage with particle effects on the side of it i actually enjoy looking at it i enjoy watching it mostly for the particles yeah i like particles and i like fluid mechanics me too i i could go for a good particle sim anytime [Music] this is one of the strangest videos we've done such a good video [Music] this is when ren unlocked how to do really really amazing smoke simulations octane had literally just released the ability to render out volumes like smoke and fire we're like what can we do with this this is like brand new we don't know what to do vape god [Music] look like jake as an adult farmer this crops are dying here comes the vape god to make new clouds rain look at like the holy vape that he [Music] has that plant growing looks great though the little snaps that it does and it pops up that's just straight up after effects dude that's a 2d image that you yeah it was just 2d images oh i took a hit from the holy vape man i died i'm very proud of that shot that yeah that looks great transition shot just literally a 2d image of nico is tracked into that shot [Music] dude i love staying with the vape that you have that you pass it to him it becomes giant [Music] dude in this shot right here oh amazing so this whole camera move here nico's not there but you tracked him into the shot yeah and used that as like a bit of a subtraction mask for the smoke when he's first going out not the two-door on horns you know but like two-two on vapes yeah but it's pretty good what a ridiculous video that's it four and a half years ago holy time flies you know what's funny and satisfying is when you release a video years ago and you're like i didn't get that many views and then you just wait a casual five years and it has eight million views now and you're like ah it did well you know what that video eventually lived up to my expectations so guys tomorrow a video is coming out that i'm very very happy with it's this brand new camera that's incredibly lightweight in fact it's so lightweight that for the first time ever we're able to put an hd high quality camera on the back of a falcon really really awesome looking footage really cool opportunity and that video comes out tomorrow subscribe so that you do not miss out so we are all about learning on this channel because we ourselves are always learning and if you're looking for a place that's focused on learning you should check out skillshare they have classes in pretty much everything whether you want to learn how to cook better write better draw better make videos better or just be at peace with yourself better they have lessons from all types of different individuals for all types of different individuals for example a lot of people rent apartments skillshare has a featured class right now on interior design parenters it's called reversible interior design the whole point is is when you move into a place you're going to want that security deposit back so how do you go about doing interior design in a way that's non-destructive it's a pretty cool concept for a class to be taught about interior design and it's a good demonstration of all the crazy different types of classes and knowledge that skillshare has to offer most classes are under 60 minutes so those lessons will fit into any schedule and it's less than 10 a month with an annual subscription so whether you're a working professional looking to hone your skills or just somebody looking to find a new hobby skillshare has a whole variety of classes just for you so go check them out the first 1 000 people to click the link in the description below will get 30 off of an annual premium membership if you've already used a free trial you can still use this deal as well all right back to the end of the video every sunday we do a visual effect of our own which gives us the right to come here sit down and roast these clips if you want to see these vfx that we're doing and judge for yourself whether or not we're qualified to do this show subscribe and watch our videos every sunday wait we do other things on vfx i know people are always like ah they only ever do vfx artists react and it's like no we do a lot of other stuff we've been putting cameras on random things for years
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,226,734
Rating: 4.9719014 out of 5
Keywords: vfx artists react, vfx, cgi, react, hollywood, movies, behind the scenes, shot breakdown, visual effects, breakdown, explained, power rangers, indiana jones, the last crusade, avengers, marvel
Id: FMlzE6ToFLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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