VFX Artists React to SNYDER CUT Justice League Bad & Great CGi

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I wish they did a longer deeper analysis on this

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/motorboat_mcgee 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is great stuff, and I hope everyone watches the entire video.

That being said, I think the Steppenwolf bit was the most interesting. A lot of people here actually said before how they were worried Snyder's design wasn't going to work because it was "too complicated like Transformers". But, as people in the vid mentioned, the simple concrete silhouette of Steppenwolf and the relatively simple patterns of his armor made the character work despite his complex designs. I think this is really impressive stuff especially considering how Snyder and crew easily could've taken an easier route to making his design.

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/sjbdario 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Its funny, I dont remember that little part where Steppy goes through the mud but they are right, it really makes the character feel real

Old steppy honestly looks worse and worse every time i see him

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/KakkaKarrotKake007 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

We can see Snyder's dedication in this video.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/SUNNYHFR 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’m still not crazy about chunks of the cgi in this movie but damn this video blew me away with just how much high quality cgi I didn’t even notice. Specifically the Iris scene.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/j_rich19 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love these dudes & I was planning on posting this video I’m glad someone else did.

The detail with Steppenwolf walking thru the puddle is legit INCREDIBLE!

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/LeDudeMcBroski 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
oh yeah oh yeah never really before in history have we had the chance to compare the same high budget films side by side of itself the snyder version feels like it has more momentum and weight the human lift is the hardest thing to do in cg you will love me man steppenwolf just looks like a dude [Laughter] huge thanks to expressvpn for sponsoring today's episode stick around to the end to find out how you can get three months free hey what's up everyone welcome back to another episode of visual effects artist react today we are looking at some incredible marvel movies scratch that no you heard that right today we're looking at not just the justice league but the snyder cut and kind of comparing the two because a lot of work was done to make sure the snyder cut could happen and i want to look at the differences and a lot of money was spent too how expensive was this movie because it's like they filmed the movie then they filmed all the reshoots they did all the visual effects for the original cut of the movie and then for the reshoots and then for the snyder cut each time there's money being spent it's probably more than you think it's probably the answer to that but no one will know they'll keep that under lock and key not even the mass detective himself batman could figure that out i'm willing to wager everybody asked us to react to this is that super cool so hey we like those comments keep them coming it helps us know what to look at in terms of just like the idea of doing something like this cinematically is crazy it is like unprecedented in terms of film history because movie studios don't go back to revisit their stuff they'll like make a sequel or whatever it's the first time as far as we can tell right where it's like okay cool everyone wanted this original version fine we'll go and do it again yeah like normally when you see a director's cut it's just it's using the same source material with just slightly different editing like with blade runner you know it's like it's basically the same movie just with a few different implications what they didn't do is they didn't go back and reshoot blade runner again to make a new version of the original blade runner never really before in history have we had the chance to compare yes exactly high budget films side by side of itself exactly which is why a close frame by frame study of the snyder cut versus the weaving cut is a film school in the box because you can infer everything from how does the visual effects approach differ from how does the script writing and story level differ from how long a shot's being held to what sequences are rearranged and what else they reshot for the weeden cut versus the snyder cut you learn quite a bit from it barry allen right away the color correction approach is different look at the skin tone difference period right like in terms of the reds how much more intensely colorful the wien justice league is versus snyder color grading starts delving into the world of visual effects like arguably color grading is visual effects it's you taking your film and manipulating the colors putting vignettes on masking certain things out you know swapping the blue hue of the sky for more of a gold or something like that like that's visual effects people think of color grading as just like dropping a filter on top of footage and just it does what it does and it's like no there's actually a lot of specific attention played out in different parts of an image just to get those colors and lighting contrast right for for everybody who kind of like makes fun of like oh zack center justice league is like oh it's all muted and stuff that's like well no he's still getting tonality out of it snyder's almost has like a metallic look to it yeah the other thing is also a big difference in the snider cut square frame for three versus widescreen so this is actually something that i think is really interesting it's a huge huge thing i mean it became a meme right oh the snyder's vision here's the thing i think is interesting about 4-3 i've always felt that super widescreen for superhero movies makes the superheroes look small like when there's a big vista and the person doesn't quite fit in that frame like just from a visual standpoint i've always felt like it makes human figures and wide vistas look tiny which is not the emotional feeling of superheroes superhumans are about big larger than life characters so weirdly enough when i look at the square format stuff comparing the two movies when i watched it i actually really liked the square form because it made the individual characters feel like these like god like figures more so than i think widescreen does i'm pretty sure the original justice league movie was finished at the wide screen the vfx shots were finished at that aspect ratio did they have to go back and re-render them with the extra resolution up on top and bottom this movie is why it's important to have a good file naming convention structure for your project because you never know when you need to go back and open up those old files you can't have you can't open up that folder and be like oh shot 30-1 version three final final four oh which one is it no you can't have that and that's all on weta like they did such a good job being able to like bring up their old project files but here's the thing it's one thing to be able to like open up the old project files but you can't just like make it rework for the new stuff that they're adding here we're gonna have to like dive into that [Music] here so i think it is time to address probably the biggest elephant in the room steppenwolf and i think it's very safe to say that one is quite a bit cooler than the other that's a mild way of putting it man steppenwolf just looks like a dude in the 2017 version no like he is straight up just a dude i think old steppenwolf's name would be like brody the original steppenwolf which is okay to clarify the steppenwolf we see in justice league is not the original steppenwolf the one we see in the snyder cut is the original that was the original design they they had it this character before joss whedon came on board like it looked like that and they redesigned him i don't not intentionally to make him look lame but that was the result so one thing that is interesting to me looking at the character design right one of them i just don't buy winning against a bunch of amazon super heroes right like the one then this giant scaly metal thing is like i buy a bunch of people holding it and building it up it doesn't quite work as well if it's this guy in this costume with the sort of medieval looking armor and you have eight different amazons holding him down she doesn't quite have the same impact i will say when i when i was watching it i found myself like just exploring the physicality of this cg creature way more just looking at his like chest and looking at the little like the way his shoulders are built like my eye had something to do with like during it you know seven wolf's armor is super detailed right it's like hyper detail there's little bits everywhere now there's a big danger to doing something like that because it can very quickly become noise and it would be a danger of you losing any of his form if you did that there's two things they did to to fix that one is his silhouette is super clean and smooth the fact that the suit is so shiny you can still see the you know bright white outlines of his of his body as he moves there's not little spikes everywhere that's one of the problems we run into with the transformers robots actually yeah there's not really a readable silhouette but there's another thing that they do so imagine somebody wearing a hyper detailed polka dot outfit you know maybe maybe the silhouette is smooth but it's still just noise everywhere right well that's what you could have had happen with steppenwolf and that is what happens with this helmet in the 2017 version is that it's just a bunch of squiggles which is basically the same thing as just noise in the new version there's a pattern almost like the direction of your hair to all the pieces of his armor and one of the things the human eye is surprisingly good at is detecting parallel lines and then changes in those lines like i could put a big like pile of noodles on the floor i could take and they could have them all point the same direction and i could take down that before by the way i could take one noodle and turn it from the direction of all the others and you can just look at it and immediately that noodles in the wrong spot yeah and like it seems normal until you think about like your eye can process a thousand objects and immediately tell instantly when one is not aligned and that's the thing that they're relying upon with steppenwolf's armor is that by doing the pattern and the flow to it you're also getting shape like clear distinct like macro shapes in his armory even though it's made out of a bunch of micro shapes and then some of the animations with the new model you can see in in some of the sequences it's just it's a wavier animation set they went in and read and just tweaked it and like you can look at some of the movements in earlier versions and then see where it ends up in the snyder cut you can actually see it evolve from being like this feels floaty to like oh this feels like a little more like there's something there and there's momentum behind it there's one shot of steppenwolf that literally made my jaw just drop when i saw it like just take a take care to look at the interaction between the liquid and cg characters oh oh yeah that's a 3d polo right there oh yeah just put a puddle in there make it harder hey do you want this you want this shot to be a little harder for everybody put puddle in there get the pot get some water oh but it's more than just the puddle there's mud that's coming up the water's interacting with it that's so dope that's sick i saw that i was like oh my god people have no idea how much effort just went into that one small moment to really like merge and marry steppenwolf with the scene it's small tricks like that that really helps sell cg objects as being real interaction but i can see that mud in the water being actual displacement from a real person just watch it stick under his left foot the way that stick moves a little splash in the water there i don't think that's cg but look at the size of his foot no one's walking around with size 48 feet bigger big old boots dog it's just the awareness to make a stick bounce in the perfectly realistic way like that that's just good artistic detail ah i think that the stick feels real to me yeah it feels real to me too maybe wedda will let us know yeah no here i actually would be super interested to see a breakdown of this specific shot whata hbo whoever warner brothers make it happen [Music] perhaps a snider for showing the stunt people hit the ground when they do this stuff like in the original cut she hits the wall and it cuts away it's like the wall impact isn't what's important it's the impact on the ground that's important i mean anybody can go it's the it's the wreck yeah snyder is someone who i think when you look at his work is someone who is like obsessed with the dynamics of the human body and and stunt people in their movement i think it shows because it's the snyder version feels like it has more momentum and weight so she's going to make a run for it there's a real cost here needs to get out with the box right they're going to have to break the wooden supports in order to drop gates trapping themselves trapping themselves into the hole knowingly doing so to me this is a huge difference between the two these shots here of these amazons knocking down the pillars done in slow motion look at how many more there are zack snyder is so in love with the human form that he gives you the entire wind up all the way around which gives you the sense of weight and the heaviness of it what do you get in the weeden cut you get the last bit of it of just the impact it's not about the impact it's about this herculean effort to like throw this hammer all the way around just like these are giant larger than life beings destroying things it's so much more intense to build up look at how much you're gonna miss in the original cut of just their struggle holding it up and how much of a buildup it is [Music] long long slide shots all the way and slow all the way and you see this finality of it closing as opposed to in the again and justice league is just like cool okay they're just trapped in because there's no point and then what's crazy here is that in the original justice league they just leave and then he busts through the wall and chases after them but in the snyder cut you you're like there are hundreds of people in that thing and it's now falling into the ocean they are all dying right now you're just like when i watched the snider cut of this i was just like like my jaw was literally dropped so this was so much cooler in the snider cut and we're not even talking about the visual effects there's so much like right there look at the shot look at this shot this amazing shot he's arguably a flawless shot like the physics are perfect the smoke is perfect the lighting's great like this was definitely a money shot on their list of like important shots big money shot the dust getting in there water interaction that's my favorite detail that's pretty cool and the glass melts that's amazing [Music] some artists have to make a perfect movie quality cg hot dog i think i say overall this scene is pretty dang great like my my misgivings for like how it actually happened with her and momentum and all that stuff like it doesn't matter he saves the woman from a car crash in a really cool slo-mo way how do you think they filmed that though i imagine she's on a wire it's kind of like a wire but i think it's actually a motion control arm she's got her hair pulled back so all of the hair you see is computer generated they did the cg hair also for wonder woman when she's moving really fast in that fight scene and she's ramping all over the place her hair wouldn't move like that if you just did regular speed ramps they had to take her hair out but there's another aspect of her that's computer generated that you might not have realized her clothes oh really because they need a ripple in their correct way yeah that that's textbook oh you think you know what cg what's cg in this shot you're like oh yeah what about all her hair and her coat oh no you didn't look real [Laughter] notice how he's being very careful to keep his hands outstretched and not actually pressing down on her because they knew that they're going to have to replace all of that so they didn't want to have like him physically conforming his hand to clothing that's not there yet they actually nailed the the surface contact shadows between his hand and her clothes really well there are moments in the movie in the snyder cut that they needed to do basically reshoots without reshooting so what do they do well they probably used old footage they used old footage so there's a scene between dark side and superman and he's like all like sad and whatnot but it's from man of steel after zod dies that's like the actual moment from the movie years ago they added a little bit of a cg tear going down his face too the only thing jank is the shadow from darkseid as we talked about in the harry potter piece it's really hard to add shadow on something that's already lit but i mean that being said they did a really good job here it doesn't take you out of it at all it's just a cool detail that it's like you know in order to make something happen you pull out all the stops to you know just do what's necessary oh you got to use old footage well make it work [Music] can we ask you some questions a full podcast well in that case another thing that blew me away when i went back to re-watch the justice league was that the snyder cut opens on this really like moody moment of superman dying and yelling and sound waves going out and then the original justice league opens up with hi i'm superman for those of you who don't know the story henry cavill was currently working on mission impossible five six something like that mission bothell mustache edition he was contractually obligated to keep that mustache he couldn't shave it for these reshoots and they're like ah fix it in post right well the human lip is the hardest thing to do in cg so in the new version this is just not present at all it was completely cut there is no reshoot of henry cavill with a mustache in the snyder cut because those were reshoots for the weaving cut originally right yeah but you know what zack snyder he's doing away with joss whedon's original vision you know and i think we should bring it back we should bring back the weed and cut so i think we need to give superman the mustache he deserves [Laughter] we have all of this incredible reference footage from mission impossible of henry cavill with the mustache what if we deep fake the mustache back onto all of the superman shots because superman needs a mustache that's right we are releasing the mustache cut so subscribe for that video it's coming out very soon don't forget we got you know peter here and he doesn't do things not at 900 percent i mean how big would superman's mustache actually be good question i mean you guys know how superman shaves right they address this there's a canon [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] hey guys jake here back with today's sponsor expressvpn now you might think brand integrations are an unimportant part of this show but i can assure you you've never seen somebody react to brand information the way that i'm about to so let's get started with a little segment that i like to call jake reacts to the best things that i learned about expressvpn today 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final product and your perception of the final product you know there's a lot of comments on in these threads talking about how great dungeons and daddies is no people liking the podcast yeah so people are listening i've been doing this podcast called dungeons and daddies it's a d d podcast this last year also been helping out my dad with uh his book which describes his uh escape from the chinese cultural revolution by swimming the channel between china and hong kong which is like a five or six mile swim which is very long yeah that like five or six miles might not seem that long but if you're swimming that how long did it take it took him eight hours eight hours of swimming how did he not drown uh flotation device the whole thing he wrote a book about it i helped him out with it what a story it's called swimming to freedom you can pre-order it right now it's on amazon barnes and noble yeah so yeah it's it's uh it's a good it's why i'm here it's a good story if you like these videos consider subscribing we got them coming out every single weekend two videos a week at least these days more yeah it's been crazy you content gluttons the mustache cut don't forget subscribe if you don't miss it it's gonna be a good time
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 2,285,145
Rating: 4.9443417 out of 5
Keywords: Hollywood, Breakdown, visual effects, cgi, behind the scenes, DC comics, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Flash, Steppenwolf, Darkseid, Zack Snyder, Joss Whedon, vfx artists react
Id: 2sqOBaw5CQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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