VFX Artists React to MARVEL Bad & Great CGi

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These guys are great. They work well off each other and their analysis is always pretty specific and educational. Feels like I understand more about CGi every time I watch one of their videos.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SongOfBlueIceAndWire πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The fucking white suits in Endgame are CGI!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK Marvel! In 15 years Marvel will bring back young Cap and Iron Man for a movie as CGI characters and you won't be able to tell the difference

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hacky_potter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah these guys are fucking awesome. They make CGI understandable for people like me who don’t have the slightest clue as to how it’s done. I love their explanation videos.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/two_graves_for_us πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was really interesting. Thanks for the link!

Also, now I want to watch Doctor Strange again.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nachtopus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Giving VFX just six weeks to do the final fight in Black Panther is just shameful incompetence by the Marvel side of production.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zephyrinthesky28 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow this really made me appreciate the vfx artists even more! I never thought about all the little details they need to consider, like fingerprints on Iron Man helmet. That's so cool that they pay attention to such minor details! It was really interesting to watch!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/amynunavut πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

umm, are those guys actually vfx artists, or are they a bunch of guys who run a youtube channel?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DrWernerKlopek89 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Interesting for sure.

But one thing really annoys me. For people whose entire life’s work seems to be firmly rooted in CGI and visual effects work, the fact that most of them seem to have never seen most of the Marvel movies is rather astounding.

They are kind of the biggest VFX films of our current generationβ€”-you’d think they’d be fimilar with them.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RussMIV πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I work in the VFX industry, and You can tell these guys are just amateur VFX artists because they are using lots of jargon to sound smart, and lots of their explanations are just wrong. What films have these guys done? VFX in the film industry and way different than YouTube videos. And why are they viewing the footage on youtube when the quality is compressed heavily?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cmoncalmdown πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
look at that neck you look at that neck snap never Robert Downey jr. just do this and like trying to make stuff stick to him let's say I need to supervise them here's what stands out to me we should have our diplomas where's my VFX diploma hi welcome to VFX artists react to Margo's bad and good CGI now we've seen other people do their own versions of react videos online with different professionals working in different kinds of fields we want to do one for ourselves as visual effects artists and filmmakers here on YouTube here at corridor we're going to react to how Marvel has done their crazy crazy CGI in their films it's called throw money at the problem I am Iron Man this entire shot that you're seeing right here 100% of every single pixel is computer-generated really is his fingers his face his jacket all of that is a hard percent CG that is one good-looking CG face they made an entire main character that's computer-generated and super realistic looking I think they nose looks awesome over a dozen Studios worked on this movie so what they do is they have different levels of detail for certain shots so they have the highest resolution highest detailed 3d model of tano's the space for all like the hero close-up shots but as soon as it gets further than like a medium or wide there's no reason to have all that detail there you just have you're just wasting gigabytes of data you're not gonna see all the pores in his face from this far away so on his right cheek there's some pores and little wrinkles and when he smiles the poorest stretch I mentioned at the very first one that's like that kind of stuff there's technology there for it but such high-end custom-made technology as those kind of things will make cases look real or like the crow's feet on the corners in the eyes and their skin folding into those crow's feet these are the kind of details that you have to get right have a cg Facebook Nance like you have to have such specialized knowledge to make it work it's so crazy notice his hairs by catching light on the left side of his face there he has hair I can see it's like he is double I connect to dad also currently shaves cuz you're right he does have something good what does it mean that he shaves like everybody that's hilarious dude and now it's probably just them needing to make vandals look real and we don't identify faces the best the hair as being real so they need to put stubble on him but the hair itself is catching the light and shining that means that its physical hair as part of that model it's sticking out of him and catching that light it's not quite human enough to make you fooled into believing that they're trying to make him yeah it's not yeah exactly who's that what what you can't ask who's who if you haven't seen the movies ending fight between Black Panther and kill monger in Black Panther anytime people says oh it looks like a PlayStation game it does such a disservice to what you're actually seeing more of an Xbox you know I'll agree that the scene isn't very well done but do you know why that ended up being the case this whole scene they shot in October and by the time the visual effects company got it it was like December they only had about six weeks to do this entire scene but I got a good paycheck out of it you can guarantee that because you're going overtime doesn't mean you'll get paid for it that's just the state of the visual effects industry ok so what they're given another six months what do you do with those six months to make this scene better alright I'm sitting down I'm going to critique this theme let's say I need to supervise them here's what stands out to me first off I had approached the production designer and be like why do you have a black background on a black road in a black cave those two guys in black cease fighting because now there's no way from being had their silhouettes read we're in a tricky situation now where I need to be able to see these figures but they're on a black background so I need to artificially just raise the light on the figure completely from the pop-out so now he's kind of like gray and black yeah like there's black on his head just like it is a farm pit there's like no contact shadow there's no shadow really in general in his armpit or like beneath his head and if you look at the background the rules of the scene I'm established that the black levels in the background go deeper than what you're seeing on the suit please just kind of artificially raised up and that's another thing that's triggering me you look at his head big orange black guy in the background his head is shiny the brightness of that shine on his head is implying the light shining on his head brighter than that but the lights in the scene around us that we're seeing with our eyes are not that bright it's a subtle thing but subconsciously you can see that it's wrong because you see light every day one single source of light really just making a very dramatic looking image it would have improved it so much like Jurassic Park or detect Pikachu you know like it was yeah those scenes where they use the one source of light ambient lighting is the death of realism for visual effects nothing is ever just ambiently lit I think I see another issue that's making selfie they turn their motion blur up a lot probably to hide some the flaws now there's a couple of ways when you motion blur what you're doing Bo Schindler and CG the quick and easy ways to do something called motion vectors we're at four every pixel you get another pixel that's a color and that color represents a direction and later on in the post you can stretch the pixel out based on that motion vector that you're getting you make more motion blur less motion blur it's great for changing things here's the problem though it can only describe a direction so if my hand doesn't arc right and for that one shutter you're getting an arc of motion well I can't describe a curve really describe the direction what I'm seeing here none of the motion blur curves every motion blur line is a straight line there you can see there it's fish should have had an arc there there's no highlights that have occurred or all straight lines so you're saying that the motion blur isn't baked into the 3d render it's an actual filter that's applied on top of it dude I feel like we're detectives right now because it like this all makes sense this all makes sense you you would do that if you didn't have the time because yeah adding motion blur out of straight out of the render adds a lot of time and there's made the curves though that's a get the card it's more realistic that way but but if what if what we're saying here which sounds right and looks right they rendered out a pass and then they added it later which is a valid thing to do we do it all the time absolutely all the time yeah there you see the curves on the highlights on his ankles there yeah those that's what the motion blur should look like and the other scene but you're not getting any of that this was a great example actual like more effective lighting he's sitting next to a light so you're getting some like volume that's a good-looking shot right here yeah it looks great but also bear in mind it's a little harder to see him because he blends in with the background a little bit more so it goes back to the production design thing you're talking about a good visual effects shot is more than just technical prowess it has to have like artistic vision as well you have to have all the things that would make any shot look good go into it just because it's technically accurate doesn't mean those things exist it's really interesting though how like such a small thing can take people out it's a bigger challenge for you face the more high end we go with our effects the more any tiny little flaw stand out one thing you can't take away I am Iron Man that looks good science CG us real good yeah that looks so cool this has to be something this is CG yeah they remade the entire suit computer-generated so that they can have all the control they needed and have all like the little gizmos and stuff moving that you can't really do with the real suit so this guy's great look right there two things they announced me first the motion is pretty decent for them putting CG on it ahead the hard thing is is you have to project shadows onto a real face so basically to remodel a face and CG and then use it as a shadow catcher basically that from the 3d objects being there to cast a shadow onto that it looks kind of all right around the edges of his face there but what looks really good is when the thing above his head comes down right there that shadow looks really solid because not only is it casting a shadow but it's removing the shine from his skin there that's an artist going in there and taking the time to figure out what the skin tone would look like in shadow but also we're moving shine the second touch that I really like here finger smudges on the helmet yeah it's so good that's that's the first thing you should really learn as a texture artist when it comes to making textures for CG objects is surface imperfections that will bring the realism up from just like oh yeah that looks real I guess - oh that is a real thing does this all about the reference like you have to reference something like like this chrome helmet I got on my desk yeah look at that look at all the imperfections there's like there's dust on here there's there's fingerprints on year and the fingerprints react to light in a specific way there's like scratches and wash there's little dust elements it's more than just a chromed out sphere the one from Iron Man 2 where he has like the little briefcase and it suits up I remember really liking that cuz I thought it was super now arguably that suitcase would be as heavy as the suit you are so right dang it's so cool so outside here is faces a lot more light acting on it just harder to fake a shadow on it so they just get really fast by having a helmet close quickly favorite part about that is the mask itself actually fits into place like puzzle pieces and all the seams disappear it's not just the modeling and the cool lighting and rendering it's the animation like the animators are totally killing it here mm-hmm if the designs for all the mechanical intricacies and that stuff you actually have to study mechanical design can't just bake it on a percent dude there's so much work that goes into animating one half every little piece like all the anchor points are perfectly locked in and it like when you move one thing the other thing moves with it it's just like looking through some space right there like that would take me like a week just to animate that it's an idea of how many people it takes them do a movie I'm gonna need my suit really fast here we go I think the first Avengers film is my favorite Marvel Avengers film is a wonderful movie the how much hands-on the stakes are perfect right there look at that look love those perfect shadows on his face this is my only complaint with this film and a lot of other films is it's not necessarily the the actual rendering of the CG stuff it's the physics of the animation if he was to actually stop that quickly and turn around his aorta would just die inside this there's no he's in a suit he can follow the sky and just land on the ground and be tall or fine but it's like all of his internal organs would be squished from the momentum it's the same with Superman when he catches someone who's following second it exactly be dead immediately they take my race they did that in the second spider-man with Andrew Garfield today for real hmm no no he slams our head into the ground what he's a little late and so that she catches he catches her so she's fallen to the air spider-man is chasing after him good Dewey's you trying to hit the ground back into the ground full force kind of she hit that ground dude she's done for son wait go frame-by-frame her friend dude she bounced she bounced they look at that neck do you look at that neck snap sweet and this is Vegas like when something moves their fingers you got track tomorrow over it that's a lot of work this is just like how difficult three [ __ ] stood up sequence for our visual effects artist that's what this is right here she's never Robert Downey jr. just do this and like try to make stuff stick to him anytime you see a CG thing and there's a flair over the top of that that Flair was recreated for that shot yeah hopefully it wasn't it wasn't like a cutout and put back on top it was literally created from scratch and put on top yeah I think this is a very realistic looking suit it matches the scene the black levels are all messed like it looks real if there's a flare over like where you want to put a CG element problem is like you have a half transparent like color circle and somehow you need to like mask it out to put it on top your footage even though it's half transparent it's like trying to mask out a window you can't really do that I'm not solution is to literally just recreate like the the director of photography needs to choose lenses here that don't flare for the visual effects elements so they can add the flaring later that's that's some forward-thinking onset for sure who are you in this vast multitudes hasting Doctor Strange Clint I'm not I think you'll dig this I actually really enjoyed Doctor Strange I I thought it was pretty trippy and fun and who doesn't like Mads Mikkelsen come on Doctor Strange does some pretty cool stuff so far dang and this little the color love the vibes is awesome really cool stuff here is like dreamlike architecture is just changing and warping and clanging and moving which is such a great use of CG or it's like we're not trying to make it real we're Stanton bracelet computers can do well and that's recursive procedural fractal animation which looks so cool yeah you can actually do a lot of those particle effects while using After Effects and trapcode particular which is a particle plug-in or after-effects you can do a lot of that same sort of stuff dude that's crazy why is he running when he has this flying choreographic perspective even you'd like a weird like well the cars projection mapping thing to orthographic perspective doesn't have actual like vanishing points so something that's close to you this thing is far from you are the exact same size like an architectural drawing it only exists in CG and I love it it just went for it there it's awesome we need you to run down the street and do this okay but now you see the entire city bending around and moving that's awesome whoa there's stuff so cool I love you can just get inventive and kooky and weird which other facial effects buttons I'm tired of seeing people blow millions of dollars just like blowing stuff up yeah this is cool so that would really cool stuff like super imaginative like Wow showing me things I have never seen before yeah your team of artists crazy cameras like this is so great like I don't care this that was CG it's fun to watch yeah trigger this thing where you can't quite follow it it's like watching one of like Google's deep dream videos it's like what am I looking at like I see things that I can parse but I yet I can't actually place them into something this but it's not a visual mess either yeah no everything's thought-out here this is incredible man so full CG characters time for something that that right there I honestly don't know they're so good you can never like just tell by looking at it whether or not a character is digital versus for real like for a lot of that stuff it's probably easier to do it digitally oh it's over I could just keep watching that's an awesome that's super satisfying to watch man yeah there's there's like VFX that try to replicate real life and then there's VFX that look like real life and then mess with it like that or like an inception but that's also a little bit of kind of like what we do here at corridor we kind of like try to find novel twists on things that you are already familiar with because like I'm like how can we make it different exactly that was what movie did they just they took a city everyone's familiar with the city and they just did some really crazy different things with it it is that 80/20 Man got to get that 20% unfamiliar 20% fresh in the movie in game there they have those white suits have you seen the trailer where they're all wearing those white suits mm-hmm well for all you guys who have seen the movie in-game all those white suits every single one of them is digital or they didn't exist when they shot the movie because they didn't have the design for them at the time they did when they shot the movie they are all fake why every single white suit in this movie is fake and no one complains about it because no one was able to tell if they were fake they thought they were real costumes Patrick Williams I loved his video essays and he made a point on Twitter about like why didn't they just design the suits like why not just have the suits for filming it's like whoa there's a million different things that maybe are just not ready in time for the time of shooting building costumes a deal with already with the Avengers yeah and it's like your final product doesn't represent the trouble you went through to get to that point so that was probably one of those troubles is like we don't have the suits designed yet and so it's not a problem it's it's now an asset that they can use for making the movie I bet the collars wheel we have had incredible reception making this visual text artist react because we look forward to making many more but we need your help leave a comment below with any movies shows music videos things that you think would be great to react to and we will take it we're gonna it happen what do you guys want Bollywood The Matrix we got all that stuff plan we need more ideas guys but maybe in the meantime check out the crew channel that this is on and if you want to see some of our visual effects check out the corridor channel
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 7,049,537
Rating: 4.9311299 out of 5
Keywords: how to fix Black Panther, how they made thanos, I am iron man, frame stone, vfx breakdown, Avengers Endgame, Avengers Infinity War, marvel, iron man, fix Black Panther, marvel vfx, weta, ilm
Id: HWnRuPZ1Exg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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