Using VFX to become Handsome Squidward

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some say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder so behold me today we're all going to make heightened more perfect versions of ourselves today we are all going to become handsome squidwards let's take a look so we're getting really deep into unreal engine because it's a very powerful tool to make virtual productions very quickly normally we star in our live action videos and so we want to represent ourselves in these virtual production videos as well however we have one advantage here since we're controlling everything about what we look like we're going to perfect our form now we are facing one bottleneck though it's easy to make environments it's easy to have an animated camera but characters require a ton of work there's texturing there's modeling there's sculpting there's rigging all sorts of these things that require days not weeks per character i need each step in this process to be as streamlined as possible now last week the made a human project from unreal engine they released a sneak peek for it it's really really cool stuff however it's not going to be out for maybe a few more months if not longer maybe a year it's it's cool but it's still not a viable option for us to actually generate characters so today we're going to test out a new path forward to create characters there's a really cool application called character creator three these guys have been around for a long time but recently they've taken some pretty huge steps and made everything way more realistic so we all need to get our hands a little bit dirty because we want to reach our most perfect form and so today we're all going to make these heightened more perfect versions of ourselves and so for that we turn to the most perfect form handsome squidward you're even more handsome now this is this is the this is perfection of the human form this is this is pure beauty right here squidward got hit in the face by spongebob on accident somehow his face got like nicer and more chiseled so he's like he forced the spongebob to bash his face in with the door again but when he looks at him he's even more handsome the perfect specimen he's just the perfect being he's just amazing almost like an alien creature never seen something so beautiful in my deepest darkest moments when people when people look at me and just like dude that guy's so ugly you know it's like you know what i wish i had something for the for that person i wish i could just turn and be like you know what and they're just like oh oh my god this is the most beautiful man i've ever seen in my life there is one film that has attempted to make their most handsome squidward actor and that was prometheus look at him look at how handsome he is just look at his bone structure hot yeah he's making me rethink some things i mean if i could just be milky white with no hair with enormous the highest cheekbones you've ever seen i i would sign up for that program in a day what if i told you there was that program oh there is right now i just want to walk you guys through like here's the general order of operations it's a really easy application to use there's a button up here that says morph if you click it it allows you to select parts of the body and you know mess with it oh my god so there's also like full body morphs as well too so we can turn them into a lady really quickly but then we can also turn them into a more buffed and we can turn him into a freaking oh my god [Music] wait no i want to see that dude i want to see a buff slacker and then you want to go see the max buff nest [Music] they have a matching buff head the morphs are pretty sweet they're very powerful they allow you to get really fast results we can apply the herculean texture to this which starts to make it look a little more realistic let's oh my god but we can take that further here you can take a baby skin texture and put them on the buff am i gonna do it baby skin on buff man you're telling me we can motion capture this guy with facial capture in unreal and bring him to life in full ray trace beauty yes like if we can bring him to life they'll be walking talking peter i'm gonna take a photo of you three two one jeez all right wait like do you put that photo into the program and it generates your face based off the photo it's not that bad actually it's something like the video game version of you that's still the same facial structure it's not perfect but it gets you pretty close with like trying to make a a person or recreate them what we're gonna do we're just gonna like stand in a circle and then we pick the person on our right and we're all going to take a photo of them nice flat neutral photo and we will attempt to recreate the other person or make them much better we all got at least a sprinkle of body dysmorphia so the only way we can really get a true picture of our truest perfect selves is if somebody else does it i have clint clint i hope i capture your likeness and make it even better sam as soon as i capture your likeness i'm going to turn you into a neanderthal and send a picture to sarah i'm doing peter everyone says peter's perfect but i think there's room for improvement i got freaking nico and i'm gonna make him handsome [Music] there's a check box that says select if subject is a baby so i was like sam's a big baby that's a big old man baby baby that baby is rich baby was using the umbilical cord as like a tension cable so i got digital peter it's all right it's like it i mean certainly it resembles him i noticed he was actually sunburned so i found sunburn layers that i just put in there to just give him a little bit extra like discoloration and unevenness so i look at it it's like it's close but like this is where it just gets to the whole like artistry element of like how well can you recreate someone's face how how do you pick up the details i'm trying to match the profile right now you know because it does you feed it the front on image which does pretty well but it doesn't have any data of the side of the head so i'm going in and manually tweaking the shape of nico's profile to match him i'm trying to get a bit more realistic before we dive into the crazy stuff clint's ears are really high up most people's ears here sam look at me man he still follows the normal routine most people's ears line up with the bottom of their nose i literally had the slider all the way max and still not quite enough to get his ear that's heavily influenced by the prim tech video is that the baby from spirited away that's really good i'll tell you do you want to see peter it's like it's peter like he kind of looks like gary oldman you're right peter is a young gary oldman but instead of getting into acting he got into blender all right so i got niko pretty close i feel like nico looks great in a nice pair of overalls this is a weird conversation to be having at work to push this to the next level what should we do what should we enlarge stretch shrink that's actually not bad like does sam [Music] dude put some paint on that so he had pants he had pants there's a million sliders for me to go through but as far as like all right someone in the office will see this and they'll go like oh that's peter i think we've gotten that far but that's really impressive it resembles him yeah that's peter 100 his hair is too brown or whatever yeah maybe i'll do a little more tweaking and then i will perfect him he's getting handsomer every second all right i'm gonna make him look exactly like handsome squidward the key to handsome squidward his his face is swollen from hitting things puffy lips puffy eyes puffy cheeks excellent [Laughter] oh we're making nico beautiful you look like joker you know big eyes are attractive so i thought why not impart nico with these beautiful big bulbous eyes you got it you got it dude i need like oh sam had some work done this is just straight up a caricature of clinton now you don't have to go too far though there is i think a key element here which is that bottom lip and that top lip that's it that's it right there it's important that i be uh nuanced in my approach oh my god dude that's pretty good see that pose look at them look at that like that's what i want i want the the grace of a ballerina i need more abs oh wait no no it's the skin it's all on the it skin did it [Laughter] i think that's it no i think it's perfect dude oh my goodness oh my goodness it's freaking adrian brody so hanson squidward is not just a big buff dude he's like very clearly skipped leg day okay this is giving me inspiration for mine i feel like i went way too crazy off the bat and i need to tweak a lot more things a lot slower as opposed to just going ham on a few select features handsome peter [Laughter] look though look look look he's handsome i see he's so handsome [Music] oh by the way he's also like four feet tall right now i think i got it dialed in i don't think i'm going to push it any further here i'm ready for uh the big lights i've reassessed and i've come back at it with a new mindset now i feel like i still have the essence of nico in here but it's more beautified and handsome squidward i virtually rubbed niko down with baby oil i think i got something great nico is going to be truly beautiful i mean niko's a good looking guy but i don't know if he's beautiful beautiful not like handsome squidward so this is sam in his final form i thought giving him some long flowing fabio style hair was totally fitting he kept the jeans because they were sentimental for him and so are the boots i think it really brings out his abs alright so my perfect sam is done i'm gonna send it over to him and hopefully peter's motion capture performance can live up to the beauty that this render exudes all right so everyone made their models so today is the special day where we bring everything to life we're going to throw a mocap suit on here we got some gloves we even have a head mount which we can use phones to track our face we're going to capture the likeness of the man before and the likeness of the new man after i have a newfound respect for clint for wearing this thing all day in the desert because it is so tight thankfully they give us modesty shorts so you can get around the curvatures that you want to keep modest gotta get nice and stretched dude don't uh you know smash any acls on the fields oh baby all right you look stupid i look like freaking nigel from the thornberries what characteristics does my beautiful self have uh big muscles a handsome face very shiny very very shiny all right peter get ready to show off your new body okay ready and action [Music] what oh what oh no happy dance happy dance where's that music everything crashed everything's just crashed and we lost all our data it never goes smoothly unsaved project data sound yeah nico needs to be tough guy you're like a robot [Music] you are a perfect automaton you're so jacked up on steroids that you might break someone's neck i wasn't feeling that one [Music] my inner spirit was being captured right there oh this one's going to be you this one's going to be me now what do you feel like i feel naughty we need to try naughty i can do naughty let's do naughty naughty make me proud peter [Music] [Music] you know i did feel very naughty when i was doing that what's called quits all right sounds good you said you'd never work with me again after avatar too i appreciate you coming back for one last stripper job this was really fun i'd be happy to do this anytime all right so all we got to do now is i need to go through everyone's files export models of the characters the one plus of using iclone right now is it makes it so i can take this mocap data and swap any body model in there even if it's bigger or smaller anything because it's magic making it sound really easy hopefully it is so i built up this game environment based on the krusty krab i basically went through as i deleted all the lighting and i rebuilt all the lighting with ray trace lighting and i built a fancy stage truss system they have this truss system these hollywood lights so i hit play here you'll notice the whole environment kicks into gear and things start moving around all right so everything's placed we got all the animations finally in a lot of lessons were learned again on this project big lesson is it's incredibly hard to get all the motion capture software to play nice together what that's like five six systems basically all running in tandem and you know it's all great software when used individually the moment you start piecing them together when one thing goes wrong and the whole thing falls apart and it's slogged through it we got it all working here it's definitely better than avatar too so this is still just the beginning of our exploration into virtual production for unreal engine and this is all building towards future ideas for corridor videos and also a project called local xero that's on corridor it's already been greenlit if you haven't checked out our site yet please do it's got everything you see on youtube except there ad free as well as other exclusives like our vlog and a bunch of other cool upcoming shows like our d d show and functional filmmaking where we kind of bring you guys through some really cool conceptual tutorials and teach you about what we do here also as a member of we're giving discounts on all merchandise as well so it's a great deal so all the camera angles are in aside from all the technical improvements we'll eventually make to this workflow from a standpoint of creating handsome squidwards out of ourselves i think we definitely succeeded okay it's time to watch it i don't know if i'm gonna be able to live in this form after seeing my perfect self the reason i never made it in hollywood is because i don't got the looks but now with unreal engine i do so you guys are going to see a little fashion show if you will so i'm so ready i'm just ready to see sam's imagine hi you might remember me as handsome squidward now before us we have four young gentlemen with one common problem with those faces there's no way they're gonna be able to cut it in hollywood but we have a solution with a simple slamming of a door to their face we can chisel away all the unnecessary fat and bone and create the most handsome versions of themselves let's take a look [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh my god the bone structure [Laughter] but they're like skinny at the same time [Music] [Music] okay [Music] um amazon that's my favorite [Music] that's amazing [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] peter was my favorite by far you're like looking at his face and the door slams and then he's gone and then you like look way down there he is it was honestly amazing i love the anger i love the passion i remember when he was doing that exact mocap for mikko because i was just making a bagel and then he comes out flipping everyone off in the kitchen something about niko's just gives them like dead eyes it makes you look like a titan or something like that it's just so good the poses you do are really spot on actually like if you hit some really good poses like that [Laughter] you did a really good job on niko's face yeah oh yeah yeah i think it does it definitely looks like the actual characters when you see them up close look really really good it's just right now i think the like the overall animation needs to like kind of walk in a little bit better for it to feel a little smoother and organic it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen in my entire life dude micro peter is oh my god i i could only wish to live up to that man my shoulders were very bulbous which is a good thing and you chose up an opera dance for me too yeah that was fully sam's directing you got to thank him for that that was good yeah that was very good you know two or three years from now when it's time for a little touch-up on this i'll just take this picture to the doctor and be like make it happen yeah i mean you'll see these in the next quarter video as we act as ourselves if you like this video please consider subscribing to corridor crew [Music] you
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,600,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spongebob, squidward, handsome, plastic surgery, visual effects, vfx artists react, breakdown, computer graphics, 3d characters, character creator, iclone, reallusion
Id: u_awSkCIPZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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