Very Detailed Roti or Chapati or Aka or Pulka Fulka (Indian soft bread)

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hello everyone welcome back to another great episode of Hanna's cuisines today we're gonna be doing a very very simple recipe I have got endless amounts of requests to do a simple roti and basically roti is an Indian flat bread that's made out of wheat flour now I'll show you the way we make them and I'll explain to you why we do it that way for the 40 ingredients we are going to be needing 2 cups of wheat flour and then I have about 1/2 a cup here that I might we might need for when we start rolling it out we might need to sprinkle some on top so for the recipe itself you just want two cups of wheat flour you're gonna need one cup of lukewarm water and then if you want to add a pinch of salt in it you can and then we're also gonna be adding two tablespoons of olive oil in here now I know I'm gonna get a lot of people saying no we don't add oil in our rotis and I'll explain you why we add oil in our rotis you don't have to but the reason why is if you're gonna make your rotis and think you're gonna eat them all the same day don't add the oil in there because you don't need it then but if you're gonna make a bunch if you're gonna make like I made a trial version yesterday and I made 10 of them and we basically had 8 of them and then we had 2 for breakfast and I had one little one left which I saved because I want to show you the softness of that roti and so that is why if you think you're gonna have leftovers and you want the next day for it to stay really nice and soft or if you're planning to even freeze it which they freeze very very well up to three months then I would highly recommend adding the two tablespoons of olive oil in there and you can do any oil doesn't it only have to be olive oil now also if you want to go ahead and add a pinch of salt in here you can I don't need to we are just used to eating it without the salt so I'm gonna leave it out so we're also going to need a little bit of ghee here that I have homemade ghee I have a video of how to make that if you want to watch I'll put a link there and this we're going to use just to brush the rotis on top when they are completely cooked I think I've got I've covered all the ingredients so now what we'll do is we're just gonna mix the oil and the flour together this is how I make it now I'm telling you there's so many ways people make rotis I mean everybody has their own way of making it some people also add or don't some people just don't add some people add half a wheat half white I mean there's just so many ways so there's really no right way or wrong way of doing it it's just I'm going to show you the way I do it and I'm going to try and make it as simple for you as possible so if you're doing this for the very first time if you want to learning and I've had a lot of people that want to learn how to do this so I'm going to show you the most simple way of doing this now you're gonna need the whole cup but I'm still not gonna add the whole cup of water in here you're gonna need the whole cup and I'll tell you the reason why you're gonna need the whole cup is because you want your dough not to be very soft but also not to be very stiff so I've made this three or four times trying to find out exactly and what I wanted it to come out exactly right for you guys so I've really honestly made it three four times to come up with because to tell you the truth if you've watched my other videos I don't measure when I cook when I'm not doing my YouTube videos but for you all I'm going to make sure that it comes out absolutely perfect now we might need to add just a couple more drops of water in it when because you want to make sure that you we're gonna get all this together and then we're gonna need this don't for about five to seven minutes I have a mixer I could have done it in the mixer but I'm doing this because a lot of people a lot of people don't have a mixer so if you have a mixer I would just do what I did here and make sure that you mix it for about five to seven minutes until the dough is beautiful soft and absolutely beautiful so see once I get this to come together like so right we're gonna transfer that just somewhere where you can need it now I'm gonna go get a measuring cup what I want to do is I want to give you the exact measurement so I'm gonna fill my cup up with about two tablespoons of water and I think we're gonna need the two tablespoons of water in here the extra because this is quite thick and it doesn't look like how it's supposed to look so what you want to do is you just want to take some in your hands add a little bit on there like that and then you're gonna start kneading it and every time the door becomes a little dry you add sprinkle a little bit more water in there and then again you start kneading it and again it's going to get dry and we'll see if we need because I already added 1 tablespoon so we'll see if we need to add the other tables put in there and the trick to making these rise really well is meeting it if you're not gonna need it really really well you're not gonna have it poof up now remember I've been making these rotis since I was 14 years old I would come back from school and we would have fresh rotis every day and so I had to make rotis every single day so I really didn't like to do that when the time was there but now I appreciate what my mom made me do because it gave me that practice that I needed to see how again we got the dough to be really again it became a little dry so again we'll sprinkle just a little bit more water on it and again we're gonna need it so if you have a Kitchen Aid to bind the dough in is amazing because then you don't have to do it but also if you don't have a Kitchen Aid and you're gonna do it by hand I'm telling you you're gonna get a good workout in the kitchen because you're gonna be needing this for about five to seven minutes and I'm now going to show you the five to seven minutes of meeting it because I'm sure you're gonna get really really bored but I'm just going to go ahead and show you a little bit more we're gonna add see how the dough is just soaking up the water so I wanted to have exact measurement so the exact measurement will be of our water will be one cup in two tablespoons so now I am going to continue kneading this and I'm going to knead it for five minutes when we come back I'm gonna show you how beautiful our dough is gonna look like just at my five-minute mark but I did want to show you how to knead it now there's a couple ways of how you can knead you can take your fingers put it down your palm push it in turn it around take your fingers take your palm again push it in same thing keep on doing it this way or the way I am used to it as you take your dough you take your two thumbs and you take a little bit of it like this and you just put it inside and then you keep on doing that until you've got like a log and then you again bring it back and then you take your again you take your thumbs and again roll it again bring it up just like so and this is how you're gonna get how you're gonna need your dog really really well and this has worked for me for years and years and years so and you will also see that when you're kneading it you will know the difference in the smoothness of your dough from the time you start till your five minute mark is up I'll show you look at this look at how beautiful the dough looks it's it's really nice soft it's shiny and really really good when you press it it doesn't you you know it's not like get going in right away it's taking a bit to press it in so that's about it so what I am going to do is I'm going to let this dough rise for about twenty-five minutes to thirty minutes and before I let it rise I'm gonna go ahead and cut it because so that when we come back all we have to do is start rolling these out now my measurement for the rotis is for two cups of flour I usually yield about a good amount of about ten rotis so we'll see and I'll make the little rounds in just a second two three four five seven feet and they don't have to be all like completely the same but then I also completely optional is I take a little bit out from each of them so I have ten and a half because when we were growing up my mom would always make sure that the youngest would have a little one so and that's that one is right here and I'll show you this was I made yesterday okay so what you want to do is they should be around the same should feel them and if you feel like this one's smaller than the other one take a bit out of that one and they should be good to go all right so this is the way you want to do it you want to take it you want to roll again just like that from the sides in from the sides in from the sides in bring everything together let me take my gloves off maybe you'll be able to see better okay so we got this one done and this is how I usually do it so what I do is I add my flour on here the extra flour I'm gonna dip it in the flour just like that and we're gonna leave it aside again let's do one more I'm gonna take this flat nip bring it in one two three four we're almost there now just bring everything up together just like so if you have extra dough you can just pinch it off but I think we have our good good amount of rounds or you could even go just like that you'll have a really nice round dough with no cracks nothing and then again we are going to dip it into our flour and keep it aside now I'm gonna finish continue doing these but in the meantime I want to show you this was the little one that I made all the big ones got eaten but to eat this the next day they are supersoft supersoft and I'll show you like see how we had some of them bubbled some of them dint but they still had the the way it turns out is really really light because it had the pocket inside so and I'll show you how to do that but I just wanted to show you that that's the difference one from putting oil inside of your rotis so let me go ahead finish doing all my rounds and then when we come back up after about 25 to 30 minutes we'll go ahead and we'll start making our rotis it's been 25 minutes and we let this door rest now I just had a cloth over it and you can see here that all of these that we have made are done okay then I have some extra dough sitting here gonna show you first one I'm going to show you is the one the way I make it but then I want don't be worried because I'll show you a couple of different pointers on how to actually I really need my wooden board because sometimes what happens is when you're doing it on the granite it doesn't turn as easily as it's as you would want it my grandma always used to say that the middle gets done but the sides always remain on thick so you always have to make sure you come around and get your sides done I'm not gonna make it very big because the thing with rotis is you want to have a handle on them and if they're really really big it's hard to get a handle on them so then I'm gonna get my plate and I'm gonna just start stacking my royalties on top of one one other not one another now they're not gonna stick on top of each other I promise so let's do another one and I'm going to show you a couple of tricks if you are just beginning how to make your rotis I would say first knead it straight turn it around knead it this way not need it roll it sorry not roll-up meet it but then roll it again going this way again turn it and then see now you have a big enough circle see that and we didn't do anything we've just done we haven't done anything else with it we've just been turning it and it's coming out a bit rounder okay now if you want if your first time you can stop now now the other thing you can do the other thing that I do is I hold my rolling pin I have my rolling pin like this and then the other hand I have it like this so what I'm doing is I'm turning it it's just and I'm letting it glide I'm not putting too much pressure on it wanted to turn so again put your hands straight and you let this hand just glide and you want to glide it but you want to put the pressure a little bit on your right hand that way the control of the pressure that you're putting is in your hand because when you do when you do it this way you don't have that this I'm just letting it see how I'm just letting it glide I'm just letting it glide the let the rolling pin do is think don't put too much pressure on it all right and look at how of a circle we got it without even turning it the way I did it the first time I made it I'm going to show you one more time you know you want to make sure that you dip it in flour like so now make sure so you've got enough flour on it then pet it down alright take your rolling pin put both hands on it one turn it around to turn it around three turn it around four one more five all right if you don't think that it's good enough circle for you then do what I told you one hand over here you want to hold this where it'll just glide let it glide put the pressure a little bit weird the rolling pin is coming over to the right like this so you're rolling it let's see you're rolling it over like so keep on with a little bit of flour on there just sprinkle a little bit so you can turn it it's easier for you to turn and then palm turn turn turn and if you think one side is thicker just roll it a little bit more see and then you'll and this is just practice just a lot of practice so the the more you make rotis the more you're gonna get the confidence of making these and them turning out but if you do want to do the method that I told you to do and you want it to do the traditional method I would still get it where it's a good circle like this and then go ahead roll it but again this side is always going more more pressure on this side so this is making it turn okay now I can see that it's sticking on the bottom sprinkle some dough on there now again you just going to come over and make sure because I telling you if my rotis were thicker on the ends my grandma would almost be turning in her grave because that was one thing that she would get so irritated about was you know anybody can make rotis go in the middle be really nice and dim but you gotta have the sides the same the same the same amount of thickness so what I am going to do is I'm going to continue doing this I'm going to finish these up when we come back I'm going to show you two ways that we're going to be doing this we're going to be doing this on a pan and then we'll also do it on the gas and I'll show you how that works you now I'm gonna be doing this on my stovetop the stove that the stovetop that I have for uh on the table it just doesn't have as much heat for the roti store turned out really nice so I'm gonna be doing it on my stovetop now I want to show you I have one of these these are useful if you're making if you want to do this on top of that gas stove where you know it Rises and these are readily available in all the Indian stores I bought it I use it once in a while to tell you the truth I don't like using it very much just because I like my rotis to have some color on it not color but the little brownish on it when you put it on the gas it doesn't get that it doesn't get that on there so we'll turn that on later you just want this one we want this one to be really nice and nicely heated now this is another thing that is readily available in the Indian store you don't really need it I use it once in a while to be honest with you I use my fingers but if you're an amateur at this the best thing to use is one of these spatula things and this is 600 degree proof so it's not gonna burn on you so don't use a regular spatula and keep everything that you're gonna need near you so if you've got our roaches here look at how beautiful they turned out and don't be discouraged if yours don't turn out all that one size I've been doing it for I don't want to say but since I was 14 so I've been doing it for lots and lots and lots of years so now mine just turned out that way you'll just if you're gonna if you're getting started give it time it will it will get that way and then I also have a plate here that we're going to be putting our rotis and then I have here the ghee here that I've melted just a little bit so it's easier and I love this brush because then you don't put too much on there now when you hold your hand over the tawa that's when you know that it is really nice and hot so at this point you take your roti and just put it on I'm not gonna break I'm not gonna edit this video at all because I want you to see exactly how this is working I want you to get a very close shot of this and hopefully we have good lighting here now you're gonna see little bubbles coming up do you see that you can see some see those you don't want to cook this very much see just those little bubbles that's enough so now I'm going to turn it I also do it with a spatula so you guys don't if you don't want to touch it you don't have to touch it like I said I been doing it for years now the bottom we want to get you see how these bubbles here you see it one two three four we getting all these little bubbles so when I said if you want to use this that's how I use it just you don't take it and you want to turn it but you want to get some Brown bubbles on the bottom that's gonna give us the jump start of it really puffing up now adieu my rotis puffs up all the time no they don't pop up all the time do they pop up sometime yeah but if your rotis doesn't puff up there's nothing wrong with it it's okay it's not a big deal you'll get it it's it's all about just getting it and knowing it how to see how it's already broken here I'm just gonna hold it and it's gonna turn it around make sure there's some color on the bottom before I take it up you don't want to cook it too much okay so we're gonna take it off put it down I'm gonna give it a light coating of our geese just a light coating okay now let's do another one usually by the second time the tawa is really nice and hot this is a circulant pan that I got from I don't know which store I bought it from but I remember your seeing it on sale Siwon has a red sticky on there for like $9.99 and I love circulant I just love that cook we're not advertising for them at all I don't get paid for that but I've used so many different brands but I love circulant so now see how those bubbles popped up she's gonna turn it I'm going to let it cook for just for a little bit until again we see some bubbles on the bottom [Music] so if you're gonna do it with the spatula turn it around just give it a light tap just like that by turning it around it just helps getting it puffed up see how it has the color now I'll show you let's turn the burner the gas stove on and I'll show you and if we do it on the gas the difference again let's go ahead put it down and a light brushing of the ghee or clarified butter okay now again let's take one put it on um and once you roll them and keep them down it's really nice because what happens is it's just so much easier to start making them so you can make a whole bunch by rolling them and keeping it because it's then you don't need to people to help with making them so again we have those little bubbles we're gonna turn it around we're gonna wait till it gets just a little bit more bubbles and for that you're gonna need one of these to do it on the gas stove so see how it has those little bubbles now we're gonna put it on the gas now I'll show you why I don't like doing it on the stove see there isn't much color on them do you see that well if you see this one it's got really nice color on it but that's just my personal preference I mean if you want to do it that way that's perfectly fine you I wanted to show you how I my grandmother taught us how to put the gear and she would always say this is the color that I like on it she would always say that you start putting the Gion from the corners because the corners is what is gonna start getting dry faster than any other part of the roti and then just don't put any more because it's gonna melt the sides are gonna melt and then they're gonna start drizzling in the middle so a little bit but there's some of the pointers that I know that that I feel like are helping me I thought I would point them out to you so I've got all my rotis done and I got about 20 out of it and then I have my little one here for samaya like I said it's like a traditional thing that we do now I'm gonna cut it open because I want you to see and it's hot okay so here it is so you can see that it's got that little pocket in there so it did rise although it if it doesn't rise all in one big poof it's gonna it rises on the left and the right and then you see how it's got perfect and so this was just such a basic probably a long video I don't know how long this is gonna be and if you are one of those that are an expert at making rotis obviously this video was not for you I wanted to do this one just because I had so many people requesting a very detailed video so this is for all those that have been waiting for a detailed video you can have this with anything you can have it with either a vegetable curry you can a potato curry you can have it with pinto beans and coconut curry okra curry I mean I can't tell you can just or you can just sprinkle some sugar on there roll it up and that's the way we always used to get the hot hot rotis just put some sugar on there roll it up sit down and enjoy a hot roti so these are soft mmm-hmm soft and they don't have any salt in it but we like it like that but they're super amazing and you can always like just you know put it in such a way that they all kind of sit together really really nicely and if you're gonna store these very very important that you want to store this is in an airtight container I usually just store it in a ziplock bag and make sure that it's really well closed and if you're going to freeze them I would first wrap them in foil and then I would put them in the ziploc freezer bags and then freeze it so you don't have any ice or anything built up in there so this concludes our very detailed video on how to make roti very simple thank you so much for joining me and this episode of Ranas cuisines hope you can join me here next time with another great video this video idea in request came from my uncle Ghulam Ali Ram Tala from Canada and I've been meaning to do this video for you and I just haven't had the chance to but it's there it's out there so the next time I come to Canada I want you to make these rotis for me
Channel: Raihana’s Cuisines
Views: 3,093,921
Rating: 4.6554141 out of 5
Keywords: rotis, chapati, pulka, pulka fulka, indian soft bread, wheat rotis, wheat bread, indian wheat bread, how to make rotis, rotlis, how to make rotis at thome, homemade rotis, very easy rotis, curry, wheat, baked rotis, clearified butter, butter, African rotis, flat bread, tortillas, naan, tandoori naan, garlic naan, how to make, kitchen, food, eating, Raihana's Cuisines, Indian rotis, how to make dinner, lunch, breakfast, eggs, lunch box, paratha, bread, low carb, healthy, no yeast bread, pita
Id: s2GaDM0baG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2016
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