How to make Aloo roti | Aloo paratha | Aloo puri | Detailed Step by Step Instructions

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today we're making aloo roti also called aloo puri  or aloo paratha another type of stuffed roti we   enjoy in trinidad and other parts of the caribbean  in the first 10 minutes of this video i will share   secrets to making your roti pillowy soft so tasty  and teach you tricks to ensure that it swells   if you want more i have added a 20 minute bonus  feature at the end to teach you four variations   of this roti so if you're interested let's start  cooking in this bowl i've added four cups of   all-purpose flour two teaspoons baking powder one  teaspoon salt and one tablespoon of brown sugar   and i've mixed it to combine now i'll gradually  add lukewarm water and knead to form a soft dough the first step in kneading is  the grab and squeeze method   which i'm doing here i'll continue to grab and  squeeze until there's no more dry flour [Music]   it's a little sticky at this point so  i'll add a sprinkle of flour [Music]   the next step of the kneading process you will  roll the dough around employing the roll it   method that i devised for you you roll it around  until it becomes less shaggy and more cohesive   the third stage of the kneading process  you will employ the knuckle press method   which is using your knuckles to press  into the dough to make it smooth your   knuckle press a couple of times flip the  dough and knuckle press again [Music]   in the fourth stage of kneading you'll bring the  dough towards the center you're pulling the dough   and you're bringing it towards the center you're  not folding it in half do this about 20 times and repeat these techniques until the dough  is smooth adding a sprinkle of flour here and   there to make it more manageable and we'll  do just one more time and we're done [Music]   we'll just put the oil over it and let it rest for  a couple of minutes that's one tablespoon of oil to make the filling which is similar to my  pepper roti filling you'll need three to four   large potatoes a medium carrot which is optional  cilantro or culantro bandhania a medium onion   peppers hot peppers habanero scotch bonnet or  bird pepper garlic scallion is a good substitute   for the culantro or the cilantro and you'll also  need ground roasted cumin first thing i'm gonna do   is to wash all my ingredients i won't be using  all of these peppers but i'll still wash them we'll also scrub the potato i'll fill a pan with water i'll  place the potatoes in the pot   ensuring that it's fully submerged  i'll place the pot on the stove   over high heat add two to three teaspoons of salt  bring to a boil and cook until it's fork tender   you can grate the carrot with a grater using  the fine side and will give you a result like   this if you have a mini food processor you  can certainly put it in the food processor   and if you have a bigger food processor you  could put all the ingredients at the same time   just chop it into smaller pieces before you do  so carrots is not my favorite thing to slice i'll add half an onion to the mix just to help the  carrot to blend finer next i'll add the garlic and   the hot pepper and you can certainly control the  heat if you don't like hot peppers don't use it [Music]   sometimes if it's not processing fine enough   it helps to add something wet a little wet  i'm going to add a piece of onion [Music] i'm doing it separately today so you can  see the beautiful colors but if you have   processed it together in the food processor you  would have one unified dark color it wouldn't   be too pretty but because you're eating with  your eyes today i'm going to do you a favor   and keep it separate you'll know that  the potatoes are cooked when a knife   is easily inserted into the potato without  any resistance so we'll drain the potatoes   and allow it to cool a little before we start  working on it again now we'll divide the dough   into six equal pieces we'll round it out  just a little bit each half into three these two might be a little  larger but we can work with that   now we'll make each into a  loyah also known as a ball four five six keep it covered while we  make the filling i'll use my handy dandy   potato ricer to peel and mash the potatoes at  the same time just put the potato in squeeze   and out comes the mashed potato just pick  off any of the skins but it's not necessary now we'll add all the ingredients cilantro  the grated carrot which is optional   the pepper the onion the garlic   everything is going in now i'll add salt i'll  start with one two maybe three teaspoons of salt   one tablespoon of ground roasted cumin and i'll  give it a good mix to get all the flavors combined and that's it once this cools completely we'll  fill the dough and start cooking the roti   so now i'm going to cook one and i'll do the rest  tomorrow and i'll show you how i store it in the   refrigerator sprinkle on flour just to make sure  that it doesn't stick holy crap to the surface and you press it out this is about five or six inches scoop and  you're gonna put there we could probably   put a little more and this is a one-third cup so  that's two-thirds and then you're gonna pull up see some is peeking out there so you want to  seal all the openings add a little bit of flour   and press it out evenly and you're pressing so  that it will go towards the edges evenly [Music]   now we'll roll it out not too heavy pressure making sure that you get the edges as well [Music] as you can see it's getting very  thin in this area so that is your cue   that it's time to stop there shall be no  more handling of the dough or else it's   going to break now that the tawa(or griddle) is hot  i'm going to put a little bit of butter reduce the heat to low now we'll  brush the top and i'm just making   one today i'll make the rest another day  a little bit of butter good quality butter   and then we'll flip and put this gently under  because we don't want to break the dough   you broke the dough and flip and you  put butter on the other side as well and you press the edges to cook it raise  the heat to medium if nothing is happening you have to flip remember that thin area it was too thin so the  dough broke but if you can cover it press [Music]   it on the other side raise the heat to medium to allow it to puff up   and that's it it's done this is your aloo roti  some nice brown spots let's open it up [Music]   ouch lots of potato on the inside delicious  flavorful potato it's nice and soft yesterday i did all the prep work i made the   aloo filling i made the paratha dough  and i made regular dough [Music]   to store the paratha dough i just put it  separated by these paper parchment paper   so it should be easy fairly easy to remove and  it takes up less space in the refrigerator if you   were to lay it out flat individually so i'm going  to bring this to room temperature and then i'll   show you how to make three different things using  this dough and you just use what you need and you   put it back in the refrigerator it will stay two  to three days [Music] i'm going to press it out into a circle make sure that the dough is even  now i'm going to add about three tablespoons one more tablespoon and now i'll  pull it up to seal it opposite ends all you're doing is pulling opposite ends the dough has been sitting for a day so it's  very soft at this point pinch it to seal sprinkle   some flour on makes working with the dough much  easier and you're going to press around the ends   to flatten and to disperse the aloo evenly in  the dough keep pushing out i'm heating the towel   on medium heat if you're not too confident and  your roti does not come out round it's because in   these first stages it must be round here but it's  going to be very difficult to create a roundness   out of anything else i'm going to add a little  flower just to protect it and i'm going to roll   not too much pressure even roll it evenly and  in one long stroke i'm going to turn it [Music]   from 12 o'clock to 3 o'clock and then  i'm going to roll one long even roll making sure i get the edges as well it's getting  very thin here so i have to be aware of that   i'm going to add some flour to protect that area i flipped it over i'm going to gently stretch it  into a circle as close to a circle as possible   and i'm going to roll again gentle pressure really gentle pressure being very  aware of these thinning areas i'm also aware of my edges making  sure that they're not thick   and then i'm going to flip one more time  to see what's happening on the other side so i think we're at a good point here i'm not  going to roll this area because it's very thin   and then that's it the tawa is smoking so i have  reduced the heat to low and i'm going to get the   dough i am not going to oil the tawa because  i want to show you the result without oiling   i will make another roti and oil that and we'll  look at the results and the difference the tawa was very hot so i know i'm going to get color very  quickly on that side i'm going to check lift it   up here it's cooking i'm going to leave it for a  couple more seconds and we can get it double up   if you're not comfortable with using  your fingers use a dabla (wooden spoon) very gently because it has a lot of aloo in it so it will  crack i'm going to increase the heat to medium and as i said you have the option  of putting oil or not on the roti   so this will be the version without any oil or  butter and if you're vegan you can use coconut oil   vegetable oil or any oil of your choice  i personally love my good quality butter and as you can see it cracked here because it was  filled to the brim i'm going to press the area   that was cracked and here it is swelling because  we've stopped the seepage of the steam inside there   so this shows that it's fully cooked  i'm still going to press the edges just to make sure okay i love a little color on my roti roti  that's too white you're gonna lack flavor pressing the edges again and you can  make this as crisp as you like as well   so that's it i'm going to take this off very  carefully maybe i'll flip it again just so it   doesn't seep out on the tawa the aloo and that's  it this is an aloo roti without any butter or oil   still looks pretty good to me i have lined a tray  with my kitchen towel that was not washed with any   detergent and paper towels just to protect it  from any oil and i'm going to place my roti in   now i'm going to take another dough and i'm  going to make this aloo roti with oil with butter   first we'll sprinkle it with flour to prevent  it from sticking to the surface and we'll   press it out and press it on this flat surface or  between your fingers and the palms of your hands   making sure that the edges so the  ends are even and not too thick now making the least amount of mess i think  i'm going to grab it grab a nice amount   if you're starting off with as an amateur  and you're not too confident you can use   less aloo so now that we have a ball i'm gonna  put this in the middle so now we're going to   pull up this is the easy way you could also  put it in your hands and pull it up like this   what you're trying to do is to bring it together  and to seal it at the top so it doesn't break and as i showed you just now you could pull  opposite ends or you could do like that seal   sealing is very important if  you want some swelling action   once you're confident that it's sealed  properly sprinkle on some flour a good measure   put it down on your flat surface make sure  it's rounded you can do like this to help   it and now we can start pressing it out  as you can see i does not have to rest   because the dough rested for a long time  overnight press sprinkle some flour press around   and those air pockets inside just be very  careful because they could pop open turn   over keep pressing especially that center there  to continue to seal and now i'm happy with that   i feel like it's even and the  aloo inside is evenly dispersed   towards the edges i can see it now i'm going  to roll it out i'm going to put some more flour and i'm rolling long gentle even strokes  you're not putting any pressure in any areas   but an even pressure gentle even pressure smooth rolling strokes this is 12. i'm  gonna bring it to three o'clock you got   that now i'm going to roll keeping the shape of  a circle in my mind and trying to recreate that   and being aware that this area is thinning  as well as this area and i think we're done   there's thinning here too and i see my  nail almost pierced this you have to   be very careful with your nails as well another  gentle some flour in those areas that's thinning just to give me the extra  confidence to put it on the tawa for this aloo roti remember i said we're going to  use some butter so i'm going to butter the tawa just maybe it's about a half or quarter teaspoon  of butter nothing too much i'm going to reduce   it to low and get the dough and this is how  you pick up the dough you put your hand here   put the dough over and you pull up and you  move it on the other side if you have to   and you can move it back place a dough on the  tower you have it on the palm of your hands   hope you can see that and then i'm  going to gently lay it on the tawa you have a couple of seconds to stretch it into  shape like i always say and then we're going to   let it cook the heat is on low i think i left that  a little too long because i was worrying about the   timer a little bit of butter a lot of butter up  to you butter makes it better use your double   and there's nothing wrong with brown bits  my friend brown is good color is good heat is on low i'm not going to try to move it too much and it's not going to swell every time so don't  stress yourself out if it doesn't swell this is   done i don't need to flip it but i do know that  the other side is has a lovely brown golden color   and so i'm just going to take this off  i'm going to place it on my paper towel   lined tray the paper towel will soak up any excess  oil butter so here is our third piece of dough flour and now i have some cheese it's a very  melty cheese and we all love melting   so i have a handful of cheese and i'm  going to put it on put as much or as   little cheese as you like now  we're going to roll to the top [Music] twelve to three and we want to do the other side it's getting very thin so i think i'll stop  there and now i'm going to put it on the tower   reducing the heat to low because it's kind  of smoking and i'm going to butter the towel   i'm gonna put it gently on the tawa stretch  it it's okay if it's not a circle but we do   need it on the tawa brush it with butter [Music] and now i'm going to flip it's been  cooking for a little over 30 seconds   always be careful when you're pushing it or  moving it because it can break or burst or   get pierced with friction remember  this is the one with cheese on it we've made one plain with no  butter we've made one with butter   and this is butter and cheese  with the potato filling the heat is still on low i'm pressing the edges and it's beginning to swell because we sealed  it properly if we did not seal it properly   it will not swell so this is a testament to our sealing skills a  reward for our sealing skills i could turn it here this one is going to be nice and brown  you don't have to turn it if you don't   have the confidence to and now i'm going  to remove it to the paper towel lime tray everyone's hungry so i'm  going to show you this quickly   this is the one with no butter on the  outside you should be just an aloo filling   you want me to break that for you and if you  want me to eat it for you too i will here we go yummy i could eat this all day  long lots of aloo in the middle   very flavorful and this is the one  with aloo and butter on the outside it's nice and soft reminiscent of a paratha   just like pepper roti but an easier  version of pepper roti let's break it for you and i'll do the honors of  eating it for you as well   lots of aloo in the middle and  let me give it a taste test softer than the other one very  delicious now let's move on to the   aloo cheese roti remember we put  that melty cheese very hot cheese there is cheese in there and i'll  give it a taste test oh my goodness really tasty my husband is  laughing at me but it's so good and this is the inside [Music] very delicious none of the flavors are  overpowering you're really gonna love this   please give it a try and let me  know how it turns out for you   and here's the same dough that  i made into paratha we have one two now i'm going to put some flour on i'm doing this quickly because it's time to eat rolling it out i'm filming by myself today now i'm going to do the other one put this aside   roll it's sticking so i'm going  to add a little bit of flour the dough is very soft so i know it's going to be  a little more challenging putting it on the tawa i'm not going to roll it out too thin because it's  just going to make my life a little more difficult   i'm going to sprinkle on the aloo put as  much as you like or as little as you like   i see some pepper roti that's very thick  i personally do not like it too thick   a handful of cheese two will do  it's all up to you i'm rhyming today   now i'll put the other dough on the top you can  press it like this or you can roll it like this whatever makes you happy and whatever works i  feel as if the one with the fork will break apart   so we're gonna make a little  pie i'm gonna press it out   remember we're lifting like this gently i'm gonna  place it on the tawa press it to make sure that   it's even reduce the heat to low brush it with  butter i'm going to check on the other side   and i'm going to flip gently you don't  need a lot of butter and we're done   just flip the edges are thick so we  have to ensure that the edges are cooked   raising the heat to medium because this side  did not cook now i'm gonna press for the heat   to come through to the middle i'm going to turn it  over because this side did not have enough color   you don't want anything too white and let it  cook for a couple more seconds until there's   some color and the edges are cooked it would be  nice if it fluffed up puffed up but we don't have   any expectations so we won't be disappointed if  it doesn't this is not one that usually puffs up   because it's not sealed tightly the heat is  on number five [Music] a little less than   medium because it's very thick and we want it  to cook through we're going to check the color it's a nice color i'm going to flip it maybe  we shouldn't flip it too often if you're not   too this is your first time making it and if you  didn't seal it like this it would have been very   difficult to flip so that's it give it a little  pinch make sure the edges are cooked there's some   flakiness going on now it's done we'll remove it  to a board to cut it into four or eight pieces crisp tasty with layers of  buttery flakiness on the outside   and a savory spicy cheesy filling on the inside  it's everything you desire in comfort food   if you wish to see the full version check  out my peppa roti video on this channel   i appreciate you watching till the end if you have  enjoyed seeing me cook or have learned something   new today please give me a thumbs up share this  video with your family and friends and do leave   me a lovely comment below let me know what's your  favorite type of roti until next time bye bye
Channel: CookingWithRia
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Keywords: aloo roti, aloo paratha recipe, aloo paratha, how to make aloo paratha, potato roti, aloo puri, best aloo paratha recipe, easy aloo paratha recipe, aloo roti recipe, aloo paratha recipe video, aloo puri recipe, aloo roti recipe trinidad, aloo paratha recipe trinidad, trinidad style roti, how to make aloo roti, aloo roti step by step, aloo roti trini, aloo stuffed paratha, easy aloo paratha recipe step by step, aloo paratha easy recipe, how to make aloo paratha at home
Id: 9rIIVmnBXD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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