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hello everyone welcome back to another great episode of my Hanna's machines today I am going to be making ghee and I'm also going to be answering a lot of questions that you guys have asked me in my email I just thought of instead of replying each and every person I just thought of making a full video so if you want to learn how to do how to make ghee and if you want to learn all the basics of the key of G let's go ahead and review all the ingredient subscribed please hit the red button and subscribe hit the notifications button so that you can get notified every time I upload a new video alright so we're gonna start by putting the stove on medium low I'm going to start adding my butter in I am going to talk about a lot in this video I have had so many questions I'm gonna address all the questions if if I haven't answered your question go ahead and put on a comment I'll make sure that I answer that question for you so today I am gonna be making I've got 16 ounces or 1 pound each so I'm gonna be using I'm gonna be making four pounds of Geeta day so so first question while I'm emptying this into my pot I will talk about some of the questions question number one what kind of butter should I use do I do I have to use Kerrygold butter no you don't have to but if you want to use Kerrygold butter then go ahead and use Kerrygold butter um I love Kerrygold butter I use a lot of Kerrygold butter but I also have made ghee and a carry cold butter but number one cocoa butter is expensive so for those that want to use it go ahead and use it it's from grass-fed cows it's from you know you honestly it's up to you so go ahead and use it if you like what kind of butter am i using I actually found this butter at Restaurant depot it is I know I it's just a good premium quality butter but I have also used butter sweet cream butter from Sam's I have also used sweet cream unsalted butter from Cosmo can we use unsalted butter because there's a lot of places that don't don't carry unsalted butter yes you can use salted butter what it's going to happen is all the salt is going to settle on the bottom when you are using it in recipes you will not taste any of the salt because the salt is going to go and settle on the bottom of the pan so I'm just getting all the ball right here this butter is completely room temperature I actually took it out of the fridge last night so you can see that I'm scraping the ends off with a spatula so I don't lose any butter so I just want you to see each and every step that I am doing I also made I've also made a key that has brown a little bit more and you can call it brown butter if you like it's delicious there's nothing wrong with it it's just a little bit more nuttier and I love using that kind of ghee into my meat ice or fudge that I make just all while that's melting away I'm gonna increase the heat just a little bit because I'm right here number two what kind of pan should I use to make ghee the type of pan you should use is a heavy bottomed pan also try and stay away from a dark pan just because when this will come to a simmer you will be just moving the the solids from the top a little bit to see the bottom it's always nice to have like a light colored vessel to make the ghee in and I'm just reading all the questions that I have had here alright is there a difference between clarified butter and Dean now I'm thinking most of you are answering the question saying no but there actually is a difference there is a difference between ghee and clarified butter clarified butter is when you simmer the butter you will have the milk solids come on top you're gonna scheme all that off you're gonna let it cool down a little bit it's gonna separate the water and the fat is gonna separate and you can use that for like let's say you want to dip seafood in it that's clarified butter now ghee is when you have the milk solids actually settle on the bottom get a little bit light brown and that's what gives ghee its taste its color and it also helps with not going bad I have made big ghee before that has stayed in my fridge for over a year and a half I'm not joking it'll stay you will not go back I have had geese sitting on my stovetop or beside my said my stove for over a year and it's not gonna go bad so the trick to that is letting the milk solids be on the bottom of the vessel get a little bit light brown and also you'll want to we will also be simmering this so that the water that's into it in in the butter is going to evaporate and you want that to happen so that your gear does not go back if you're if you're starting your ghee and you have your vessel and sometimes we have the habit of rinsing our vessel and then putting it on the stove either completely dried or turn on your stove so it completely the water has evaporated before you put in the butter so since we're standing here I'm going to increase the temperature just a little bit and I also show you it's going to take between 15 to 20 minutes for this key to completely get done another question why can't I just buy a bottle of ghee from the grocery store well because I have body before and one the cost I feel like is high and two I just feel that it doesn't taste the same as you make it at home you have the choice of butter you want to use you have you know the the the homemade is always the best way to go so if you make a power four pounds or if you make six pounds you're gonna get a good amount out of it and you can store it for such a long time so this is the reason why I make homemade ghee and don't buy any from the store now geek goes back in ancient years it's been there forever we have so many different kinds of people using ghee it is known to relieve constipation it is also a great for like paleo or keto people because I personally use ghee a lot now that I do part-time Kido I don't do it completely because of my condition not having a colon is very very hard there's a lot of stuff that doesn't settle and doesn't work with my stomach as well so I can't do keto a hundred percent so but it also is very easy to digest now you can see here that it has started frothing a little bit and I don't want it to go over so at this time I'm going to go ahead and adjust the temperature to where it's not going to be vigorously boiling all right it's just gonna be simmering so I'm going to move it around just for you can see and this is liquid gold if you want to know this is liquid gold it's beautiful in color and it's still gonna get really really gorgeous so we're just gonna wait for all froth or all this milk solids to settle on the bottom alright the other thing is that ghee has a very high smoking point so that is great because um you can fry things in there you can add it to stuff that needs very high temperatures so that's another really big thing why people use ghee it is dairy free and like I said I don't know if I talked about it completely but I do fry my eggs in it in the morning I am and I also got a lot of people asking me to do gear after I did my nan and Parata video because I used that a lot into making the bharatas itself as well as spreading the ghee or on top of the rotis or the bharatas or the nines to keep them soft it also gives it a super delicious flavor alright another big question is why don't I use an instant pot for making ghee well actually um I did use my instant pot and I did make ghee in it and in the end when I'm closing the video I will show you why I don't recommend using the instant pot when you use the instant pot what happens is when you even if you put it on sautee mode you can't adjust the temperature see how it's simmering really really well really nicely so now if I wanted it to increase the temperature all I have to do is increase or decrease when it's on sautee mode it's on one temperature it's really high it's really hard to control the temperature if you close the lid of the instant pot what happens is all the water does not evaporate the way it's evaporating over here so this is the other reason I don't use an insta pot number three is that you don't have control of how much the ghee is gonna get cooked so for example let's say you set it for 15 minutes or you set it for 20 minutes when the lid is hold you can't see the color of the geese so or the killer color of the butter so when I was making it mine turned a bit more it was it's cooked a bit more I can use it I can definitely use it it's beautiful I can use it in my meat eyes but that ghee I would not be I would not like to use it on my Nan's because it's got a little bit more of an idea taste to it but that's just my personal opinion but that's the main reason I don't use an insta pot to make my game so when the milk solids are on the bottom yes that is not going to be dairy free so if you are dairy intolerant I wouldn't eat the solids that are on the bottom because that's all the d-r-e that has settled on the bottom as far as preserving the ghee yes you can put it in mason jars and you can store it that way you are welcome to just wash it with hot water and soap and you don't need to sterilize the mason jars at all just make sure that when you are transferring getting the mason jars or if you have any other container you want to put it in just make sure that it's completely dry before you're putting it in because the whole process we're working on here is for the water to evaporate if there's any water that's going to be into the vessel then one it's gonna go bad and so I've had a lot of people ask me well I make my ghee and it goes bad that's because somehow the water stayed in the ghee that's the main reason what can you use ghee in you can use it in just about any recipe that calls for ghee biryani is another great great thing that you can just melt some ghee and and I usually sometimes even put some saffron in it because it's hot it's gonna give it a nice color and I just drizzle it on top of the biryani I'm told when you will see that the milk solids have started settling on the bottom and nice color we are gonna shut the guy at the stove off completely because while we shut the stove up the ghee is still going to be cooking so you don't want to overcook the ghee you can see here that the milk solids are getting less and less remember how it was completely full on top and now we can see that the solids are getting less and less so they're getting a little bit more thicker and also while the ghee is cooking you can hear that it's like it's like you take a frying pan I mean you add when you have a really hot frying pan and you add water in it you know how the water just kind of goes away or it makes a popping sound right now it's making a popping sound that means that the water is still evaporating the sound of the ghee you're gonna know it's done when but they're good there's gonna be a difference between the sounds where it's not gonna be making that popping sound anymore it's just gonna be simmering away slowly and I think I covered all the questions at this point so I just wanted to show you here the whole process of making the ghee you can see to the right now that the top is getting very less I don't see any of the solids yet on the bottom so I'm just gonna be simmering this away I am going to time it exactly so when we come back I can tell you how many minutes have passed and why I feel like the ghee is completely cooked I want to show you it smells amazing and then if you put a spoon in you'll be able to tell the color is amazing and if you look on the bottom I can see some milk solids that have started to brown so I'm going to go ahead and shut this off I'm gonna wait this I'm going to wait for it to cool down just a little bit before I start transferring it into my jars so I want you to take a look at this I want you to show you the color also you can see what I am going to do is I'm going to start transferring the ghee into something that I'll be able to pour into my mason jars so just gonna start adding the ghee into here and you can tell I love this color if you want you can cook it less if you like but I feel that this color just gives it that taste that I'm looking for also there was a couple things that I needed to tell you this guy costed me about $12 I don't know if I covered that and then the other thing also that I wanted to cover was also when you're doing when you're using this key for like spreading it on apparatus or anything just make sure that you are using a clean spoon every time you're using it because you don't want to cross contaminate and have you know water go in it or some kind of food or anything more in it because that's what's gonna make also the ghee it's gonna make it go bad very quickly all right you so I wanted to show you the amount of the milk solids on the on the bottom I tried to scrape it out so you can see I'd like to get them this dark because I like to get the ghee to smell really nice and nutty as long as the ghee color itself is not super dark brown then you haven't cooked it too much so I just wanted you to see that this is how much I cook it now if you wanted to actually have to eat the solids that are on the bottom then I would not cook it as much but this is exactly how much I cook it for and I absolutely love it and I'll show you and we will compare the color of this and the one that I overcooked into the instant pot so God Almighty here I want you to take a look at it this is the one that we worked on today I did put it in the freezer because I want you to see the color do you see okay do you see this color here this is still liquid see that that's still liquid this I put it in the freezer because I really wanted you to see that when it solidifies this is the color that it's gonna look like it's a beautiful beautiful color and what's gonna happen is in the cold months it's going to solidify in the warmer months it gets really hot outside it's gonna get liquid and then it'll solidify again it's like it doesn't have to stay solid if the temperature plays a lot of a big role on it role in it I did I did manage to get two out of this so I've got here about two and a half cups in here and I would say I've got about two and a half cups in here so I've got about five cups of ghee that we made today out of the four pounds of butter that we did use now as far as the timing is concerned this here I had made before this is about 15 to 16 minutes you can see that it's very very light in color I also like to put it in a small container like this so if I'm using it for my or my rotis or my Piratas I'm not contaminating the whole big thing I'm just dealing with a small amount all right this here took us about 20 minutes all right so that's 20 minutes here I wanted you to see this is important because this is the one that I talked about was the one that I did in the insta part which is brown butter basically it's very dark in color the taste of this ghee is remarkable this key here I actually you know it's it's weird but when you taste it it tastes like you're eating Indian fudge your Indian meat egg it's delicious it's really got that nutty flavor in it I kind of wanted you to look at all the you know all the colors and how everything is so if you have any more questions that I have an answer please go ahead and put it in the comments below if you want to look at anything I always have all the information in the description box below thank you so much for joining me on this episode of free Hannah's cuisines hope you can join me here next time with another great video Friday's are my special days every Friday before noon central time I upload my new videos
Channel: Raihana’s Cuisines
Views: 23,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make ghee from salted butter, how to make traditional ghee, how to make ghee grainy, how to make ghee from store bought butter, how to make ghee from Costco butter, how to take ghee, how to make ghee with salted butter, how to make clarified butter, how to make ghee, easy homemade ghee recipe, homemade ghee recipe from butter, desi ghee, purest ghee from unsalted butter, what is ghee butter, how to use ghee for digestion, difference between butter and ghee, indian ghee
Id: biZWfF6DWTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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