Soft Chapati Recipe (How To Make Layered Chapati) | Soft Kenyan Chapati | Soft Paratha recipe

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hey friends Chef uh welcome back uh good to have you here uh today my friends are making chapos I love chapos chapos they just very popular for those who are not familiar with chapos they are chapatis H Kenyan style chapais uh the bot are from uh the Indian para uh the two are interconnected uh because of the historical aspects uh between uh Kenyan uh the Middle East and the Indian sub continent there was a lot of uh trade uh going on uh which brought in a lot of a lot of uh uh people or Traders uh from the two subcontinent and we when they came in they came in with their with their Cuisine culture so the two integrated to form a very unique culture that is only in East Africa H chapati is a is a result of that so the Kenyan version of the chapati uh it's layered uh it's very soft uh it's very good and it's just so popular the good thing about chapati you can have it any time of the day you can have it with any meal you can have it with a cup of chai uh you can have it as a side dish with your stews you can use it as a wrapper it's just so veratile it's very simple uh the recipe is very simple it just calls for flour uh water uh some salt uh some oil and that's that most basically just all it requires so I'm going to start mine but before I do that if it's your first time in this channel uh you're welcome uh please remember to like And subscribe to this channel uh and remember to watch some of my other videos so for my chapais I've weighed about uh 3 lb uh of all Pura flour I have some salt I'm going to do about 1 and 1/2 tbsp of salt koser salt you can use any salt I'm going to do like a a tablespoon of sugar I like to add sugar because it gives it a nice balance so that's our dry ingredients what I have here I have about um uh 3 quarts water and then I have here uh this is a third cup of vegetable oil so I'm going to use a du mixer here so what I'm going to do I'm going to add this flour into the bowl going to fix this I'm using a door hook I'm going to start the mixer on on low just to mix uh just to mix the uh the flowers is going to be loud uh definitely if you're not making a lot of chapatis you can uh just do this by hand uh I use this uh because I have to do catering and sometimes I make a lot of them I'm going to start adding water just slowly [Music] I'm going to adjust the [Music] speed I'm going to go ahead and add my vegetable oil here so all we are looking for here is that dough that has the same consistency is a is a bread dough uh that is nice and soft when it's ready when you when you press it with your thumb it just pops back so this takes about 5 minutes or [Music] so if the dough is too wet you can definitely add some more flour as I have done [Music] here I'm going to cover this dough uh with a plastic rub I'm going to have it rest for about half an hour our chapati dough has been resting uh for about half an hour or 45 minutes uh this has allowed uh the gluten uh to relax and this is going to let the dough just be even more softer so what I'm going to do now I will remove this uh from uh from the bowl uh onto a work table I'm going to sprinkle some flour onto the table here I'll take out uh this FL ITI out look the dough is nice uh very soft so all I'm going to do just nudge it out awesome this plastic are those craber it's very very very useful in the kitchen so all I do now just take this two uh fold it together stretch it fold it in one more time and then that's [Music] it try to make it into a log this what one once you press it it's not sticky it's springy so once this is uh stretched what I do now is uh going to sprinkle some more flour in this corner here away from the camera so what I'm going to do now uh using my do scra I'm just going to estimate uh the size uh that I need I just cut it uh maybe about that size that's too big yeah maybe that and then what I do I just make these balls so this dough will give me about uh 20 uh maybe 15 um about 20 chapais uh it depends on the size that you're making them so there's no standard size uh so all I do is just uh tuck it in pull some of the extra they don't have to be exact size for me but sometimes when I'm doing like for catering I have to be careful I have to make sure that they are uh the you know they same size but when you do this at home you don't have to [Music] worry but it's good when they uniform they look good uh uh chapati cooks are very proud of their chapatis everybody's proud of their chapatis and a good reason to because they're just so delicious so it's just something you want to you know take your time uh make it uh the best way that you can it rewards you so I'll go ahead uh form this into these balls and then we will uh start uh rolling and this definitely uh is a step uh that you can uh you can skip I mean forming the [Music] balls [Music] [Music] and this our last one right here um slightly bigger than the other ones but that's okay this is mine I know they a little bit away from the camera I'm going to adjust it so all you need uh sprinkle this with some of the flour and then just put them here so what happens here is uh uh so the uh the dough will continue relaxing and now I'm going to go to the next step of rolling them so for this step you need uh definitely a rolling pin um personally I like this kind of uh pins uh they are much uh they are much much easier uh almost uh effortless and then I have uh this is vegetable oil so I put a vegetable oil in a squeeze bottle it's also uh easier so uh it's all about efficiency when you working in a kitchen so to start all you do take this [Music] one FL this stage uh doesn't need to be perfect all you want to do is just stretch this one as far as you can or as much as you want and then you take it uh my table is not big enough so what I do I take the vegetable oil sprinkle some vegetable oil uh take some flour it's not necessary but I like to do this uh because uh the flour acts as a hindrance not to stick so the dough doesn't stick again and then I like to to cream at the end and then stretch it a little bit and then roll it around there you have it then I have it and then I continue [Music] [Music] doing just remember for me uh this stage I don't have to be exact no formula at this stage then all I do canola one thing with the chapati um are very important uh to note um so the more what makes uh them uh soft in the layers uh is the oil uh that goes in the vegetable oil or whatever oil uh some people like uh to use lad uh lad actually is even much [Music] better [Music] so one thing to know uh is that uh you know the more oil you add uh definitely uh definitely the more calories uh that you're adding into it uh you can enjoy these uh chapos uh they will taste almost the same uh without uh you can avoid these St and just roll them and cook them straight they will not have you know uh as good layers uh but but there will definitely be much lesser in terms of calories because all these oil uh adds [Music] calories so I'll go ahead and finish uh rolling uh these chap uh chapatis and then we'll start start uh putting them on the right on the gray rof uh just to start cooking [Music] them [Music] [Music] the ones I rolled fast they are closer to me the ones are like these ones that I'm rolling right now is going to go all the way to the back so which means the ones I did earlier they have already relaxed so I can I can already start cooking right away uh without having to struggle uh with the uh stretching them I'll show you here I'll clean this table that's the other good thing about this a do scraper for Rolling the chapati you want your table to be nice and smooth so that will be my rolling space so as you can see those are our uh chapatis so the ones that are these ones I started with these ones right here so these ones have already relaxed these ones are the ones that I just uh did now so this will be uh will be cooked towards the end by the time I get there uh they will have relaxed so time to start cooking so on the stove I have uh two pans uh I use a stainless steel uh sauté pens or 12 in a big one you can definitely use a cast iron or the Karai if you have it but this works perfectly for me so all I'm going to do is just to start heating them so I use two of them when I'm making a lot of chapatis and then I have my vegetable oil and then I have a bowl here uh with some a parchment paper and a clean uh kitchen towel uh to cover my chapais once they when they start coming out so to roll our chapais all I do is just uh take this flour I put it in the flour [Music] here at this stage you want to be very careful uh because you don't want to uh kill or you know dismantle all the layers that you did you want to nudge it uh to go out slowly you know you don't want to press it all the way down uh because uh if you do that um you're going to destroy the layers that you spend so much time uh creating uh you can make them as big as you want uh that's a good size for me I put it aside take the first this the next one I go do the same thing I put it in [Music] flour start rolling you know they don't have to be perfect size you know I know uh chapati Cooks uh takes Pride on how you know perfectly round uh the chapatis [Music] are [Music] so what I like to do I like to make sure that I start with four so I make four and then I and then I put two on and then I roll two more that way uh you multitask you uh you roll and cook so it's going to be a little bit tricky uh because of I have to move the camera so that I can show you so I'll do this four F uh just to show you and then I'll continue not so bad rounds so I have the first four uh [Music] rolled to start my CH I heated my pans to around a medium high uh this make sure that the uh the Chapo once you put them they don't H burn and then I lifted up uh the Chapo rounds from my work table uh laid it on the pens uh flat uh parted them a little bit and then I gave them about uh 30 seconds uh to cook uh to know that they are starting to cook they will start uh bubbling as you can see on the edges so the Chapo I put on first is it's already uh pued a little bit as you can see uh from that side it's nicely ped so what I'm going to do I'm going to turn it to the other side and give it another 30 seconds and then at the other one I'm going to part it a little bit and then turn it also and continue cooking for another 30 seconds [Music] so you want to keep on tning this until both sides are [Music] cooked this looks beautiful already so one of my Stu is not as hard as the other one so one of look it's already see it's already PL that's what you want nice soft see that [Music] perfect [Music] I'm going to slightly uh wipe uh this then I'll bring the other [Music] chapani put it lay it on so this one is also done so look nice see that that's what you want uh so it's flaking already you can pull it uh off to as many layers as you want so there you go so I'll give this one a quick wipe you don't have to wipe all the time lay the other chapati there so so this one is already bubbling so what I'm going to do I'm going to turn [Music] it remember once you take the chapais off uh to cover them with a with a with a with a nice uh clean uh kitchen towel or paper towels so that they they stay nice and so so that is good some oil uh flip it uh the oil turn it and it's pupping already so those layers are the layers we spend so much time uh working this is the time now they show up so so you have all those layers so that is the steam uh that is trapped uh between uh between all those layers so once it's heated it causes expansion and expansion is what causes the [Music] layers oil it so this is good some oil puff it so this plastic uh spatula here is very good for puffing uh for puffing chapatis and it just so H look at that one just have a look at that take it out take some oil turn it and keep on popping so those were my first four chapatis so what I'm going to do I'm going to continue uh with the rest of the chapatis and then I'll show you at the end how we did but this is uh this is the uh this is the idea uh right here you want them a beautiful color nice and golden uh golden brown I uh when you have a heavy pan uh if works are perfect nice heavy pen it doesn't it doesn't really matter to me what kind of pen it just how you set uh how you set your fire so this one as you can see like this one here this one here this pen are here because my my my stove is a smaller one so it's not as fast and this is a bigger uh the bigger stove here so this is is good again nice soft you know fluffy you can turn it all you want see awesome I'll finish this one here and then I'll go ahead and do and do the other ones now and then I'll show you at the end how we did with the with the rest of the B and then definitely this one my chapati Papa look awesome all right there you go very soft very soft going to give this one a nice wipe get Messy as you go so I'm going to do my last uh two chapais I'm going to show you uh one thing here with these [Music] ones so for these two chapattis I'm actually going to cook them like almost all the way remember uh there's plenty of oil uh in these chapais so they can actually cook at this stage uh without having to add any oil and this is what I'm going to uh to partly do with these ones uh you can cook them up to this stage and then save them um you can put them in the freezer and then next time when you need them uh pull them out uh put them on a pan add some oil and then they'll just finish cooking so at this stage uh here you can take them out uh save them and the next time you need them just uh pop them onto the pan add some oil heat them heat them a little bit and then they are done but I'm going to add oil and finish this up nice and puffy see how they puff so once you add the oil uh it just causes that steam to expand this saves your fingers you don't have to burn the your fingers uh with the chapatis uh flipping them with a hand all the time it does all the work [Music] turn that one [Music] off nice that's beautiful beautiful chapati color that's what you looking for all the time there we go we done it's time to check our japar here how we did I'll take out the toel here going to lay them over here M look at that this is awesome super awesome M look oh my goodness this is so good nice a fluffy very chapais take them all chapati Stu very hot buring my fingers here but this is deliciousness oh my goodness [Music] wow this is good check in one of which we want look look now this is what we are talking about here you are so chates you can p it whichever way you want are very nice are very beautiful uh so uh guys oh so there you have it our beautiful uh layer the chapatis uh these are very good with teels are very nice with a cup of chai uh whichever way you want to enjoy this uh go ahead and try this uh the key uh to good chapat make sure that uh you you work your door uh night uh nicely uh all the way uh form some gluten in it and then roll it and then you have your beautiful chapatis there you have it thank you guys for watching I see you next time uh leave me a comment how you like to enjoy your chapatis by the way see you next week
Channel: Chef D Wainaina
Views: 4,007,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft layered chapati, tasty kenyan style chapati, chapati recipes, how to make chapati, easy chapati recipes, chef D Wainaina, east african chapati, easy soft chapati, How to make soft chapati, kenyan food, Indian cuisine, flat breads, Kenyan chapati recipe, Soft Chapati recipe, Soft paratha recipe, roti recipes, Kenyan soft chapati recipe
Id: EI5WLpJi_iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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