Roti (Parathas) || Easy Beginner Tutorial

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hey everyone welcome back to my channel today I'm coming with a pretty simple and straightforward recipe for roti if you're struggling with your roti and you want to learn a few new tricks on how to make easy real tea this is a video for you I recently taught my seven-year-old how to make roti using these ingredients in these steps and he made perfect protein so I figured if he can do it you can do it too first you wanted to start by adding three cups of all-purpose flour to a mixing bowl a large segment mixing bowl would be good for this type of recipe then you're gonna add one teaspoon of baking powder and a very non-traditional ingredient a quarter teaspoon of rapid rising yeast now traditionally we don't add ISTA roti so don't tell my mom she would never go for this but add some use to your roti dough and it'll be perfect every time mix that together using a whisk and then add one and a quarter cup of water to that flour mixture now here's a little trick I taught my son how to use a rubber spatula to mix the dough together so no pressing and pulling with your hands no figuring out how to get it all together just use your rubber spatula and mix it around and mix it together and you'll have a perfect dough every time once you get all of that flour mixed in together next you want to go ahead and just turn this dough onto a floured surface and continue to mix gently until it's nice and smooth now you don't have to do too much mixing here you just want to do enough mixing to make sure it's not a sticky dough but it still is gonna be soft so I added a little bit of flour to the board as you can see then I'm gonna go ahead and add a little bit of flour on top and then I'm just pressing it gently with my finger so it's not the kind of kneading that you would need to do if we just had baking powder in this dough there's no big manipulation needed there's no big kneading it's really just to make sure it's not so sticky that when I put it back in the bowl to let it rise a little it's not sticking to the bowl and I can't get it out so once I feel like it's not sticky and it's pretty good I'm gonna go ahead and put it back into that mixing bowl I'm gonna cover it with a kitchen towel and I'm gonna let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes so it could rise a little remember we put some rapid rising yeast in there so you wonder I used to get activated and you want it to rise a little so I'm just gonna go ahead put it in a bowl cover it with a kitchen towel and set it aside for 20 to 30 minutes and then it'll be the most perfect dough and be ready to go so 20 minutes later it's ready it's soft and now I'm gonna go ahead and separate it into five roti pieces so you want to clean any residue or any hard pieces of dough that's left on your royalty board add some more flour to that turn this dough onto the realty board and I'm gonna pull it out so it's elongated so it's easier for me to average the five pieces and then usually I like to just kind of mark it a little with the knife where I'm gonna cut it so I can eyeball it and make sure I have five even pieces and then I'm gonna go ahead and cut it you can tell the size of the pieces just by you know holding the dough in your hand and feeling the weight of the dough or the fullness of the dough and you'll know like if the pieces are even or not if you have a kitchen scale even better way the whole dough divided by five and then cut it into five pieces that's the OCD part of me and I have done that before but it's not necessary once you have your five pieces go ahead and move that to a plate I'm gonna move it to a plate and then I'm gonna clean my roti board off so it doesn't have any dough that's gonna make my roti stick to the board so with a clean board I'm ready to aisle off my roti and I'm gonna take one piece of dough cover it with flour remember this is a really soft dough and I don't want it sticking to the board I'm gonna cover my rolling pin with flour as well and then I'm gonna roll that out into a flat round disc thin disc the bigger you roll the roti at this stage the more surface area you have for that fat to go on there and the flaky area roti is trust me I've been making rosy for a long time sometimes and I'm in a hurry and I just roll it out to be a small disc and it's not as flaky so you want to roll it out as big as you can and then you're gonna go ahead and brush it with room-temperature butter now I'm using some vegan butter I've recently decided that Realty wasn't something that needed to not be vegan and so I add some vegan butter instead of using regular butter but you can go ahead and use regular butter you can use ghee if you want you can use some oil at this step but vegan butter at room temperature is really great here then you put a slit on the side roll this into a cone and you're gonna tuck the ends into that cone opening so tuck tuck tuck then turn it over and tuck the pointy part all the way down into the center now if that was a little confusing and you're like oh how how do I do that again have no fear there are other ways to our love it roti and to tuck it in that don't require a science degree or any sort of engineering in fact what I tried teaching my son that way he was like struggling so much he couldn't figure it out and he's also lefty and he's also 7 so I was like you know what let me see how I can do this a little bit differently and I remember seeing this next way of doing it on one of the blogs I follow it's for an Indian woman I was living in India who's having a gluten-free life and I don't remember the names blog but this is how she rolls her paratus so roll it out again add some butter on there gluten-free vegan butter if you want and then we're gonna go ahead and just roll this up kind of like if you're rolling a Cinnabon so roll it up roll it up roll it up isn't it so much easier now and then we're just gonna turn this into a little circle by the way this is my son's favorite way to do it and I often let him come do the rolling when I'm making royalty and he loves it so and there you have it and it's nice and round and you want to just set that aside one other way that you can do this and I think I shared this in my previous royalty video which is six years old by the way so definitely needing some updating my previous royalty video I showed you guys how to bake it into square and so again you want to go ahead roll that del out and I didn't speed up this part of the video because I really wanted you guys to see that this is not time-consuming doesn't take a lot of time and effort and because the dough is so soft from that little bit of yeast don't tell anyone it's perfect it rolls out perfectly and quickly so you go ahead brush it with the butter again and now we're gonna fold it in half and then in another half and then fold the two sides in to make a square so once you get it fully covered every inch of it nice and even go ahead and fold the end all the way to the center fold that over then fold it the two ends in and now you have a square and you are set I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna oil out the other two rotis just to show you guys that I'm gonna quickly finish this up and then we're gonna start cooking these rotis now because we are using a little bit of yeast typically when you're done oiling off your roti you have to let it sit again for another 30 minutes before you can start cooking but because we're using rapid rising ease and because the dough is already soft and perfect you can start to cook it as soon as you're finish Eiling off all of your real teeth and I promise you it will be nice and soft and flaky I've used this recipe multiple times and every time I get the same result and it's perfect for a large batch roti making I find that making five rotis it's pretty easy to mix the dough and get it smooth but if you have to make like twenty to forty or even a hundred I've made a hundred rotators before it sometimes it's tricky and with this little ingredient because the dough is nice too work with it's pliable it rises quickly it's really saw all of the roads he came out really good so don't worry about it give this a try and tell me about it in the comments tell me how easy it was and how you were able to make roti just like my son can't so my preferred method of all you know the roti as you guys can see is to make the funnel and to tuck it in that's how my mom taught me that's how I do it but the other two ways are just as good and you don't need any special tricks or tips you just do the one that works best for you and like anything else it takes practice and so if you keep doing it and keep trying it you'll get it right but a lot of people don't want to make roti because they feel like you know I can't get the door eyed and it's not gonna come out good it's gonna not gonna be flaky it's not gonna be soft it's gonna be stiff but I'm telling you that with this new recipe your dough will come out right every time I live in Denver we're above sea level science tells me that I need to do something different but I make my roti I don't do anything different except for this little trick and I get perfect roti every time so once you have all five of your roti oiled off you're gonna go ahead and cover that move it to a plate so you can have a good surface to roll out your roti when you're ready and then I cover it with a kitchen towel again not because I'm letting it rise again but because my kitchen is very dried in Denver is very dry and I don't want this rule T to dry out while I'm waiting to make it so you know I cover it and then when I'm ready to roll it out I just remove the cover it and I start to work with it so I'm gonna show you guys in real time I'm not speeding up this video how easy it is to roll out these rotis and cook them and clap them and have flaky delicious beautiful rotis so I'm starting with the one that's the traditional cone-shaped roll-up that my mom taught me so we're gonna go ahead and do it that way first we want to go ahead and add a lot of flour to the roti flour your surface and flour your rolling pin so it's not sticking add some more flour if you need to if you find out there any sticky parts on your roti just go ahead and add some more flour and continue to roll it out until it's a really thin disc these royalties are gonna roll out to be the perfect size for my flat skillet that I use to cook my roti on which by the way if you're interested in buying one similar to it it's a large cast iron skillet and on my blog I now have a section link that's coffee shop my faves so you can go ahead and click on that and see all the tools that I use if you're interested in having the same equipment that I'm using so you want to roll out the roti and then keep rolling until it's really nice and thin you want to be careful to also roll the edges to ensure that those are also nice and thin and then to move the roti just put your palm flat on the roti and then pick it up that way and you can move it over to your hot skillet so I have my skillet on medium heat and I go ahead and place my roti on there I'm gonna let it cook for a few seconds about 30 seconds and again I left this video in real-time so you can see that I'm not speeding it up and I'm not taking extra time to cooks as soon as I start to see some bubbles on the top of that dough I'm gonna flip the roti over and then I'm gonna oil it using some cooking oil and the type of oil that I'm using for this rooty is sunflower oil but canola oil or vegetable oil even grapeseed oil or avocado oil is really good for this then go ahead and brush it and then we're gonna flip it and brush it again some people like roti with lots of brown bits I don't so for this first one I didn't let it have any brown bits my husband loves it with the brown part and so I'll show you guys foreign legs roti I actually let it cook a little bit longer and get some Brown part then it's gonna start to swell up you can see some air pockets are starting to form on the roti if I had it if I had to heat a little higher there would be a lot more air pockets and it'll also get that little bit of brown bits that everybody likes so when I go ahead and just add some more oil after I flip it and I'll continue to brush it and I'll just wait for it to cook for a little bit so you can see again it's in real time so you guys can see how long it's taking for this to cook and then I'm gonna remove this roti move it to a bowl that I have lined with a kitchen towel and I'm gonna clap the roti it's a little bit of brownness there I think my Realty is done I'm pressing the edges of the rotis to ensure that it's cooking and also to allow it to swell up a little bit more then I'm gonna go ahead and move it over and I solicited the help of my husband to come class this roti because he's a better realty clapper than I am and so he's by the way my husband's an excellent roti maker so I listed us up to cook up the roti now I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to roll out and cook the square Rho T I spent this part up because quite honestly you guys don't need to see that in real time again but yeah just even though the square root e you can roll and manipulate so you can get a round shape and or you can just roll it out square like nobody cares that it's a square Rho T so just roll it out and then move it to the heat go ahead and follow the same process let it cook for about 30 seconds flip it I'll let it cook for another 30 seconds flip it again I'll it and then clap it so flip it one time brush it with oil flip it again brush it with some more oil and then I'm gonna let this one get a little bit Brown so it could be happy and I'm gonna move it to that same bowl that is covered with the kitchen towel and kitchen towels are really great for roti versus paper towel because they just keep the warmth and the moisture in and it helps it to not dry out and helps it to stay warm so by the time you're done making all of your ot it's ready to be served now a lot of people are connected to him like oh the real T didn't swell up but look it didn't need to be so inflated like a doll poori but it's still gonna be flaky now if you don't know how to clap roti but you have a bowl with a nice tight lid go ahead and put in Napa land just give it a good shake shake shake shake and then you can open it and see that it's just as if it was clap now this is not a new trick it's no I'm not owning this technique lots of people do it I've been doing it for five years and you can see that the root is still pretty flaky just like if you clap it so that's a good trick the trick though is to get a bowl with a lid that fits and is a tight lid now we're gonna go ahead and roll out the one that rolled up the way my son laughs loves to do it same thing flour it if it's sticking to your rolling pin add some more flour add some flour to the rolling pin make sure that you get all the sticky parts and roll roll roller until it's a really thin disc and ready to cook just like the other ones roll roll roll roof oh it's nice and thin it's ready to cook I moved it to the skillet that's really hot by now cuz I've been making roti and then we're gonna follow those same steps again as soon as I see some air bubbles form I go ahead and flip it I add oil brush it with oil all over flip it again brush it with some more oil let it cook for a little bit let it swell up a little bit and then I'm gonna move it and I'm gonna clap this one myself and you guys will see how pathetic my clapping is so I can only clap one clap at a time but and that's okay it's efficient it works and I'm all done and look these are all five rotis look at how flaky they are they're soft they're delicious they're perfect so give this recipe a try and don't forget to subscribe comment and like
Channel: Metemgee
Views: 1,459,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guyanese roti, trini roti, buss up shot, roti skin, Caribbean recipes, roti how to, paratha roti, easy roti, roti, oil roti, roti tutorial, metemgee roti, metemgee, pepperpot, covid19, coronavirus, rona, dontrush, How to make Mauritian Roti, How to make Paratha roti, How to make roti canai, How to make trini buss up shot, Buss up shut, How to make Guyanese roti, Easy roti tutorial for beginners, Kid friendly roti tutorial
Id: VP8UFR75jqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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