Building The World's Longest Bridge To Prepare For Poly Bridge 2

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oh hey there it's me blitz welcome back to a game called poly bridge you know the one where we make triangles and the triangles pick things up like this this thing's pretty cool like that crane is actually amazing anyway uh we've got a secret tell you you know this game right up here poly bridge too well the developers have given me a key for it already uh-huh i've been i played it a little bit it's not going to say anything about it um but you can imagine i'll let you imagine what it's like i will be seeing videos of that on the 28th that's when i can do that i'm thinking i'm thinking if this video here hits uh yeah 15 000 likes then i'll do two videos on the first day would that be cool would you guys like that two videos on the first day of poly bridge to release i think that would be fun anyway we're going to do a little practicing today we're going to go into the workshop and we have to do we have to do some what is this roller coaster 2 that's when you're really excited use all caps locks what is this that's it's weird have i done this one i feel like i've done this one it's really gonna go oh oh we tipped over do i do anything or just watch them drive in circles okay that was interesting oh it lifted up that's pretty sweet oh look at that it's going around the circle again nice that was awesome that's what i like about community creations and stuff like that in games so are there any of these that are hard this one says an easy drawbridge level but it's got air is that a helicopter okay so we got a boat first and then a helicopter uh-huh and then the car goes okay weird so my big brain idea here i don't i'm honestly i'll be honest today i don't feel very big brain today my head kind of feels like silly putty right now so i might just take this the easier out you know which easy route i'm talking about the one where we don't actually do the bridge the way it was designed to go all right how's that look i know this isn't supposed to be right it's supposed to be a drawbridge but i don't understand why you'd make a drawbridge when the helicopter works just fine so okay now the blue car goes over it we beat the level wait a second is there something over here that's supposed to happen nope we just we did it okay i think we have to we have to try it again but doing it the right way this time so we actually have a drawbridge because that was a little too easy so there's five so if i need two on one side and three on the other that could work aha that that's not why did i even think that was gonna work whoopsies um oh there's no there's no hydraulics here it's called a simple drawbridge but you can't use the hydraulic controller and the hydraulics go first what and then the boat go oh okay so i figured i don't know hey that's really cool looking and it's not gonna work work for the boat it's gonna get smacked by a helicopter though or not or not or not oh yes that was cool that was cool that was cool now we just have to a little blue car go across hot dang we got the simple drawbridge we did it right for half the price without trying to make a weird little bridge thing that didn't have drawbridge parts in it this one's called binary counting i can't count normally i'm not gonna binarily count nope bridge with a twist that sounds fun i can twist okay we have wood hydraulic steel rope and cable and red what hold up huh wait a second what in the world is going on here bridge with a twist i don't even know where to start i mean i have an unlimited budget i'm guessing you just do something like this and then you just copy one side flip it and you have a bridge it's not gonna go up there oh there's the problem hot ding that's cool okay so you can't it's got a nosy pointy thing huh so the noisy pointy thing has got to go up on the edge weird i like this all right huh so we need to we need to force it apart i'm gonna try to force it with hydraulics expand it eash i mean that works oh yeah now now twisted a little hey i'm just going to bring you up sub and then it'll be fine make sure these are fully stretched out the hydraulic's not even going to go because there's no hydraulic controller neat so my question too is for polybridge 2 what do you guys want to see like in the first couple of videos because well let's let's be frank if we go back to this campaign all of these first levels are like stupid they're like oh make a bridge go across or derpy easy stuff and then there's gonna be some derp a derp youtuber out there who's just gonna scream the whole time and pretend to be mad at the game when they're not really because they haven't gone through the pain and torture that most poly bridge players go through they're just gonna pretend that way that's what they all do um so would you guys like to see me do a bunch of starting levels all at once or or what or would you like me to do like more advanced stuff that's an interesting question a bridge for a heavy freight train what oh choo choo i like it ever they just they just jump off the cliff at the end oh this is cool i just want to watch him go down right now choo choo oh that's a huge boat i didn't know those were in the game look at them all they're like lemmings you remember they came back from when we were kids so there are anchor points way at the bottom i'm wondering if we even need them i'm gonna try something just for science related purposes i have no expectation of this actually working so when you're gonna say in the comments blitz why would you think this would actually work i'm not i'm just saying that right now just so if it doesn't work then you guys can't get mad at me also this looks pretty cool i like this i don't even know why but i think it's neat okay um we're gonna let the bridge oh oh hey wait that might have worked except this member wherever it was broke here we go here we go here we go oh that's so cool looking don't break oh you dirty monster why would you do that to me okay it wants the anchor points at the bottom of the world oh i don't like it because this looks so much cooler you like got this big ravine you know what we need more triangles it used to be an upgrade tool wonder if polybridge 2 has an upgrade tool you just click and highlight and then you turn and turn metal to wood like an alchemist that'd be neat the fun thing is i could actually tell you because i've played the game already but i'm not and ready oh hot diggity dog it's gonna work it's gonna work this is gonna be the coolest bridge i've ever made i think hey metal bridge lots of triangles it's gonna work it's gonna work it's gonna work work work work work it didn't work it didn't work it didn't work work work work work how do i do this how do i do it increase the triangle size do this copy it flip it paste it it's gonna work it's gonna work it's gonna work work work work work this thing looks so cool i love it man it did work we did it that's a cool looking bridge you gotta admit say blitz that's a cool looking bridge and everyone just falls off the edge of the world yay we did it go team i don't like the idea of this it's called a tight fit what all right what's the order again blue car then it stops what is this let's see it's got to be one of these things which one is it i don't know i can't even tell so we gotta go over down to get this but that's a weird slope ah we got hydraulics okay so which is first the hydraulics go down he's gonna have to go down there and stop on a little thingamabob all right let's just see if he can go down without everything breaking ah perfect and the left one goes first right left boat left boat left boat that is a tight fit oh i made it though cool so the next one is we got to bring up this platform here i want this guy to go it's just going to be like an elevator that brings them all the way up but we have to figure out how to bring an elevator to make them go all the way up first so my oh that's not right let me go one more over my thoughts here are as follows you need to have a hydraulic controller or the hydraulics so if i make it maximum it contracts 50 so if i want to get it up to this point i have to contract it 50 so it needs to be twice as high as that single point and it's 20 blocks higher these only go 15 i believe so what i need to do is make this one 40 blocks high well i'm over budget but if this works i think it'll be cool if it works i think this will be the second coolest bridge i made today perfect it's exactly what i wanted you dummy i need oh boy two ones one two two one two huh huh huh why will this work oh that's so close little blue car okay i need you to mama i need you to flop yourself flop your dumb self over here dude like maybe just throw yourself on the off the cliff that's the wrong thing to say out loud but that's what i want you to do okay just kind of you want to land on that flat no not quite it wasn't right so if you get enough speed you'll just flop right on there yes perfect get up there a little bit higher a little bit hot if it didn't tip upside down this would be amazing it was it's like a shoot okay if i do something like oh that's so ugly we just got to get him to land right oh no okay and then whoop nice nice nice bro that was awesome no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you broke that you broke the thing that you were going to drive on no you didn't even drive wait what we don't need the hydraulic controllers all the time huh i'm going to turn that one off nope he just fell off of the cliff why did you fly off into the water this time yes no no no no okay that's that actually is pretty pretty stinking cool right there clip on oh no i think i need to do this don't i that everything needs oh i forget how this works i think everything needs to stay there get back on your grid come on swing in there swing in there clip flip no it didn't break at least clip in clip in it's not clipping get up there no no no blue car what are you doing don't what do you want you why do you do this to us why do you do this to us so this side's going too high we need to we need to like go about 30 oh would you like to be like suspended across like a big body of water like that oh she's supposed to clip in there dude supposed to clip in there in the back get up he can't go straight up the hill why didn't that clip in oh it's cuz this doesn't have a thingy on it on the swing and the swing and oh oh here we go clip in there oh come on bro come on it's not clipping very good this makes me so nervous like i'm biting my fingernails right now it's trying to work trying to work okay it's working clip in there please please clip oh it's going it's going oh no no no no no no come on that backside needs to go up a little bit higher this is what i'd like to see this is what i like to see somebody who knows how to use their brakes he didn't have his air brakes on see my thought is that by just letting it swing for one extra pass then it'll bounce a little better oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on oh it's above it it's above it get over there blue car drive bro dude oh yes look at that oh that was so stinking cool oh i don't think that's the way that level is meant to be done so i think hold up here workshop what was that thing called what was that called like a tight fit if you go to the gallery replays you can see what other people did too oh look at that nobody else oh that one looks nice that one's cool i like that check that out oh is it gonna show me how it's done oh look they made an elevator that went straight up what a unique idea that would have been so much easier than the derpiness i made there's some crazy ones here this is about the same oh they made they raised the whole bridge up nice oh no it's the cheater himself this is the guy who's got the leaderboard on like literally everyone watch leaderboards zero dollars zero dollars zero dollars so he's the cheater and i gotta go i gotta go play the levels where he cheated if you do go to his website or to his youtube page he actually has a video showing how he cheated it uses a twitch integration which is really weird and then you can delete joints oh my word oh there's a single point in the middle no two points wow this is the world's longest bridge in the history of world's longest bridges this will be good practice for poly bridge too this is weird though it's really weird something very satisfying about taking a point and then watching it go all the way across the screen look at that it wouldn't have been funny at the end if it was like three blocks off so it wouldn't be uh symmetric look at that thing okay so what do i do now i'm thinking the best idea is to make a kind of like a golden gate bridge sort of arch short short arch but this doesn't really work that way the other dumb thing too is i can't build or maybe i can let's see what the order is way to go it goes all the way across and it comes back that's a reverse this is gonna take forever just to drive across you know we could try the dumb thing and just make triangles and yes i did just call triangles dumb i don't think this will work i think the bridge will get too heavy these are squares too this isn't what i want but it looks cool if i do a buttload of these it'll look even cooler this is kind of a fractal design in a way isn't it i don't know i just made a word up but i think that's the right one all right so if i copy this a couple times it just fit up here does that work yeah wow this is weird i don't like it there is no chance that this is actually going to function make some sort of insane like support underneath of it too just because it weighs so much i'm not going to use those we're going to go triangles or diagonals all right will this thing hold the weight of itself not a chance [Laughter] oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy this is gonna be interesting okay you know what let's cheat there's been 19 people that have done this oh that's what i was oh that one looks cool that's kind of what i was thinking when i said the golden gate bridge this is neat oh i like that one oh that looks cool let's build that oh no this is what i meant with the golden gate bridge shoot okay oh that's cool too that's a cool one i'm gonna build that maybe i don't even know wow what i was thinking on it was to do the golden gate bridge thing uh because these points would go up so i guess we'll we'll do that one because that's kind of what i first came to the reason i did that last idea is because there was that one really really really really long bridge um at the end of the campaign and i thought that would be the way to do it now the question is how high do i need to make this thing is that high enough that's too high about that big it looks pretty good and i think i want to put a point on the top of it like i did on the bottom and we'll highlight all of this guy and we'll go to the copy button and then we'll go over to this side and i'm going to hit z paste button and tada i made a bridge and it doesn't work because there's no support but those things stand up which is cool now i just need to connect all the dots like four-year-old playing a scrap coloring book i was gonna say scrabbling book it wouldn't even make any sense because that's like spelling and stuff and kids don't know how to spell all right so i'll just hit copy up here yield flipped or doodle and bingo and we'll flip the doodle again bingo and the flip to doodle one more time bingo i think i also need to connect that guy all right [Laughter] that worked that worked real good real worked it real good wow uh-huh why did that die so quickly you were the chosen one obi-wan kenobi actually anakin was the chosen one not obi-wan kenobi i just recognized that the golden gate bridge probably has some bottom supports too probably should beef those up a little bit boop and phil really dork hey that holds a lot better i like it now if i do something in the middle and highlight and delete and delete and delete highlight and copy and flip for good measure and nailed it come on this would be cool if it worked i don't think it will oh no oh it's working oh look at that swaying in the middle what look at this it's all wiggly and junk go fast so you can fall through the middle of a wiggly bridge oh it's making it oh this is awesome i it sucks that we broke oh no [Laughter] oh the physics don't like it it's exploding my computer wow okay so i think this needs to go one more oh that was cool though are hexagons considered squares no that's a pentagon isn't it boy that seems like a lot of little mini triangles i don't like that everyone knows that triangles are better than squares so why does blitz keep building squares who knows it's because it's early and caffeine hasn't kicked in yet i think that's the real reason it looks marginal looks pretty bad like this looks so much cleaner over here then you get this nasty thing like why does this bad when this isn't bad here delete and then oh and then we'll oh what am i doing copy and then flip the doodle and oh i see the problem we'll fix the problem big problems require big solutions i don't think that's how that meme works yeah nailed it that looks so much cleaner so much cleaner okay and then you get destroyed and you get copied we're gonna recreate you how's that feel we're gonna take your body parts apart shove you in the other side does this get connected sort of i feel like yeah this might need a little bit of a whoop nope i don't like that all right then we then we're going to delete this side now like so and then like so and we'll go up and then copy flip and we gotta make sure it goes on this point right here nice matched up that side matched up that side activate oh no no it was better before why did you die so quickly seriously though why'd you oh it's too heavy now hot dang that sucks goodbye triangles it was nice to know you okay so i need to start it like right here i think all right third attempt oh it's functioning don't break go little blue car i love you so much you're my favorite i wish i could right click and follow it like a canon people playground look at this thing though what a magnificent bridge that is the thing of gorgeousness now the problem is he's got to drive all the way over here which is going to take him like an hour and he's gonna pick up a sandwich over here at the sandwich station he's like hey subway he'll take a double big mac extra quarter pounder with triple cheese and he's gonna go back the other way and by the time he gets back he's gonna way too much and then he's gonna fall through probably die uh but that's okay i hope it's just as long as he completes the bridge look at him go look at him go it's taking forever look at the little guy zum zum zoom and then he'll flip around he's got his double quarter pounder big mac triple cheese and i told you it was gonna be too big and it was gonna fall in oh man that's why you don't get you go for like the salad you're supposed to get the salad without the dressing that's lower calories how about a derpy wooden bridge in the center oh yeah it's too heavy okay i'm gonna copy this thing then this is gonna be weird but we're not gonna talk about why it's weird and then we'll do something like that then i'll just shoot and then we'll copy this wait a second we'll delete this side and we'll copy this side flip it i really like the mirror tool in this game oh it's too heavy again i don't like this anymore he made it all the way the ones you know what i need to do okay stop we'll go poop okay that work and we're just gonna let kevin drive across the bridge 30 times and see what happens i wonder if i overlap this a little if it'll work is there a maximum let's try this i'm just going to try clicking here to here and i'm gonna also do this one you probably can't even see that on the screen that's okay you know what that stabilized it so much better it actually did as long as he doesn't get it he doesn't supersize it this time do they still supersize the mcdonald's i don't know after that movie came out and the guy like ate in mcdonald's for a month then got really sick because he was a vegan he didn't know how to eat real food he got sick and then they kind of got rid of the super sizing thing oh no and i shouldn't say that because mcdonald's is definitely not real food unless they're wanting to sponsor some videos then your mcdonald's is my favorite restaurant ever you're listening i'm kidding or am i it puzzles me why it didn't work before i don't really understand okay that's not good no you can do it and you can drive across the bridge let's go buddy let's go this i feel like this is good practice for poly bridge too for sure nothing's oh it just disintegrated okay he made it he made it let's slow it down a little let's slow it down and come on oh you see that wiggle oh no really no so my question is why does it work going one way that should be identical to the other way like it should be symmetric everything about it should be symmetric but then it gets to this part on the way back and it disintegrates i don't really understand actually this might have fixed it i might have fixed it that one's been the problem one right there okay i don't care if it breaks back there i don't care one bit if it breaks back there we just need to get across it's only a one-time use we spent two and a half million dollars for a one-time use bridge like the us government we like building bridges that break right away oh oh boy oh boy we're gonna do it oh that's so much stress right there got it we got it we got it yes yes the world's largest bridge is completed oh that's so cool i think i did it now watch it just breaks right here and the car falls in and then we have to restart uh-huh uh-huh and well done well done on the community maps dude these are super cool and the boat goes yes that was awesome oh that was so much fun thanks for watching bye you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,422,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz
Id: o_aFkaQQ9nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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