USA Tourist Visa Interview 2024- B1/B2 Visa Interview Questions and Answers πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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tell me um why do you want to go to America at church officer I'm traveling I want to go to visit America because I want to explore American culture and American psychology I've read a lot about America I've seen it I've followed I've got lots of friends in America actually American citizens but but I've never been to America and I do want to travel America and explore more and learn more because I want to learn from champagnes are you sure you're not going there to look for a job no officer I've got my job already plenty everywhere and I I'm not interested what is your annual income my annual income is I made around forty five thousand dollars so what kind of work do you do um I'm an entrepreneur officer I'm a businessman so you're not going to America maybe to get involved with business basically no officer I'm not um what uh what kind of money do you have in the bank you have a large bank account yes officer I've got um I got right now I've got um uh around like 100 000 deposited how much of that are you going to take with you um I'm taking around uh 40 000 40 000 for a vacation vacation it seems a little uh excessive don't you uh it seems like there's more money than you actually need to travel uh um yes yes but uh but I'm ready to I'm happy to spend on that I mean we're gonna spend that on your vacation it sounds a little fishy to me but let's go on what do you do for a living um yeah I'm an entrepreneur what exactly what do you do I'm into several businesses I mean to the education business I'm in the hospital business I'm into Hospitality I'm into real estate and the software company which is a it business officer right now there's a quite a boom it really is real estate in America are you planning to get involved in that uh not exactly right now but in the future maybe but I'm not sure but this time I'm not really start traveling because I'm looking for business or any work but I'm just traveling because I want to explore and I I'm completely going to be a tourist in America um are you sure you will return to Nepal when you're finished with your vacation uh yes officer I will be returning you're not going to go to some other country ah no official I don't have any plan like that yep property in the park yes officer uh tell me about your family um my family's got all together with sex in the family and uh four siblings two sisters and two brothers and my parents actually uh but right now the only only two everyone's got their family everything is it true you have a criminal record no so that's wrong that's um tell me um did you have a Letter of Invitation um I don't have any Letter of Invitation this time I just simply uh are you going to be visiting any Universities uh Now official um do you have anyone traveling with you uh no I'm alone you're not taking some little girl with you for weird purpose are you no no still okay um do you have your uh flight booked already uh no actually I'm not okay what airlines do you plan to use um I'm not sure about that officer I've got my consultant you know I mean the agency who's actually it's always been actually I've got my stuff who actually handles all those ticketing and booking and all I don't have to worry about it it's just something that I gotta go have my Visa once it's done I got people who's gonna look after all those errands mints for me you have travel insurance yes I've done it already so if you get it sick you're going to be taken care of yes yes I see and um tell me again why are you sure you'll be returning officer I've got my business in Nepal and my projects some of my projects are really big and it's really going on right now and for me it's actually modern staying in somewhere or you know I mean staying in America you know my business is very important to me my life is very important I've got my family here I've got my business here I've got my uh everything almost everything right here in Nepal and you can see my eyes that I'm speaking very truth and I am honestly coming back to Nepal hmm I I want to ask you about your criminal record are you sure you've never been arrested for drugs no officer freaking driving never never officer um how about taxes have you are you behind on your taxes um no I always pay taxes and I think I'm one of those very uh rarest person in Nepal that actually pays the high level tax to the government every year every physical is it true that you have siblings that have gone to prison no that's wrong okay and um you would uh you said your annual income was about 45 000 45 000 okay um have you been to the United States before no um can you um uh handle uh have you ever played for a credit card American credit card yes yes and why would you do that so sorry why do you wanna why would you want to use a credit card oh have I ever I've used and I want to use because American Bank is very powerful and I've got my friends and relatives who's got the American bank and then whenever I need for some International transition and they allow me to use that and I do want to do that um is there a place for you like um relative or friend that where you can stay in America yes officer I got friends I've got some actually business partners you know I mean I'm involved with some projects and in Social like you have a lot of reason to stay yes but I don't know why should I trust you that you're going to be coming back I'll come back officer because I've got a business not only in Nepal I get business in some other country including the UK I got business in the UK the real estate business I've got my investment in it and meaning like you can completely trust me you know I've been to UK I've been to some many more countries of Tourism business Visa and I got my investments and I'm not somebody who's just going to be uh hidden in somewhere I'm already publicly exposed person you know and I can't be just you know he don't need a corner right now in America so you can completely trust me you know I'm really having a problem because I I think that you really want to go to America for business reasons Not For Tourists so tell me why I should believe it that's the only thing you want to do is tour us sightsee I I think you've got some business reasons for going uh no officer I am I'm applying because I want to have some vacation but right not right now in the future maybe legally you know I'm not going to break any law American law in the future maybe I can start a business in America but this time I don't have an intention of stand there or doing business but I just I want to travel and I want to see London and improve myself better and I've met some met some friends and relatives you know and then I would like to come back to my own country and then focus on my business and when I succeeded and make it very higher then maybe in the future which I'm not sure but even if I do that I'm not gonna break any any laws any regulations of American government even if I do start a business so okay I I think I'm going to approve your Visa but I hope you don't disappoint me no officer I would never do that and thank you officer
Channel: Beyond Education & Immigration Services
Views: 131,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tkLHIRbfKhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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