Reasons for a B1/B2 Refusal From a Former Visa Officer

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I'm a former Visa officer and why do Visa officers refuse B1 B2 [Music] visas well the most common way that B1 B2 Visa is getting refused is under the Clause 214b now the numbers and the L all all that that means for you is that that's the Clause that the Visa officers use to make most of the refusals that are based on their judgment that's the Clause that lets them whenever they feel that it's appropriate refuse your Visa based on ties these ties are ostensibly the ties to your home country that are going to draw you back there after you go to the US and then you are going to be assumed to be returning home now what are the main reasons the two main reasons that a Visa officer is going to use 214b to refuse your Visa the first reason is because they simply they don't believe you they don't believe that you're telling them the truth if the Visa Visa officer doesn't trust you the Visa officer is not going to issue you your Visa no matter what you tell them the Visa officer has to trust you they're very suspicious and the reason they're suspicious is because there are many Visa applicants who go into the visa interview and they are misled by agents or they have uh they have bad intent and they lie to the Visa officer every single day a Visa officer catches Visa applicants telling lies and so what is the Visa officer going to do when they find a few Visa applicants who have told them lies they are going to assume that there's the chance that every single Visa applicant might be telling them a lie so they're suspicious and understandably so you should know that you're going into a conversation with someone who's very suspicious who does not necessarily believe what you're telling them from the very beginning many people make the big mistake of using one-word answers to answer the Visa officer's questions this doesn't bring the Visa officer from this very suspicious state to an area of trust it leaves them with lots of questions also if when you're unnatural giving answers that are contrived and obviously memorized this is not what in genders trust in the Visa officer and they're going to refuse your Visa so that's reason number one is that they don't trust you they think that you're lying to them they think that you're not telling them the truth if you can't overcome that you're not going to get your visa you're not going to get your B1 B2 this applies to other Visa classes as well and you're going to get refused under 214 B now the second main reason why the Visa officer might refuse you for your B1 B2 Visa is that even though they believe everything that you're telling them they believe what you tell them is your uh your purpose of travel your job your finances your family they believe everything you've told them however they think that it doesn't rise to the level that lets them issue the Visa and what's that level that's the level of ties that we're talking about and what's a good rubric that we can use a good standard that we can use to measure that it's basically if they think that your life in your home country is better than your life would be if you were to remain in the US undocumented then they will be willing to issue you your Visa because that's a draw that's going to bring you back to your home country because your life is better there not just your current life but your prospects for a better life in the future right so this is what you need to know that they are considering when they're asking you these questions about your finances about your family about other family members about your PRI prior travels they're trying to to get a picture of you and your life and your potential and your prospects and your family and your socioeconomic conditions to decide if if issuing you the Visa is giving you an incentive to stay in the US long-term undocumented because that's going to be a better life choice than to return to your home country so even even though they believe everything you're saying if those if those criteria if those those facts that you tell them don't rise above that level then they're going to refuse your Visa so what can you do to avoid this this second part well you can make sure that the information that you're giving the Visa officer is actually the best information so many applicants have one bank account that's separate for some reason or just one parents bank account and when they're asked for a statement they show that one because it shows the bare minimum amount of funds uh that are going to pay for this trip to the US no no no no no no no you always want to show the most qualifications you possibly can not the minimum that you think you need to satisfy if you're applying for a student visa this this definitely applies to your tuition you don't want One bank account that you've set up in America with the exact amount of the tuition that you're going to be paying no you want to show the full breadth of you and your family's Financial Resources never show less when you can show more if you apply for a job and they ask you what's your level of education and you say I have a bachelor's degree because that's the bare minimum required for this job but you have a master's degree as well what you're selling yourself short you're not giving the the most impressive part of your credentials you're you're only sticking to the bare minimum okay give the most as you possibly can of your credentials academically professionally financially uh if that includes your parents resources as well then include those especially for people that are young this can be and young is a relative term people who are young adults definitely can still rely on their parents Financial stability in the visa interview so number one you need to make them trust you don't go in with contrived answers know what you want to talk about and go in and speak naturally and speak fully about your situation and your plans to the Visa officer this is going to help them get to the point where they can trust you two make sure that what you're highlighting are your actual highlights not just bare minimums that you think satisfy the requirements for the Visa class always show the full breadth of your your credentials and your qualifications show the most possible in order to get the visa officer over that bar over that suspicion to where they think okay your life your prospects in your home country are definitely better than what they would be staying in the US undocumented that's how you're going to get your visa [Music] issued
Channel: Argo Visa
Views: 42,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Immigration, Visa
Id: dhdZ6K66jh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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