Visa Interview Mistakes to Avoid - Mock B1/B2 Tourist Visa Interview at US Consulate - GrayLaw TV

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[Applause] hey guys it's courtney roberto with grayla tv today guys hi today we're going to do a mock b1 b2 interview of the consulate for you so you know sort of what it looks like okay and i'm going to be interviewing as a consul officer i'm going to be the foreign national who wants to come to united states she's begging for visa i want a visa now now please give me now this particular one is what not to do okay so um this is absolutely what you don't want to do in a visa interview what visa are you seeking to come to the us today um a visitor visa a visitor visa and do you have a passport um i do a passport passport passport passport okay uh have you previously been in the u.s when i was a kid we went to disneyland my parents took me when i was like five um my mom and my mom and dad brought me do you want their birth certificates i have their bursaries with kids here ma'am ma'am i'll ask you the question just answer the questions please um i see that you've had a visa before and how old were you five okay do you know anyone in the u.s um yeah my boyfriend your boyfriend yeah and how long have you known him um like six months and uh do you plan to be engaged to him um no i mean i hope that won't pop the question but like we met on instagram and so like we're really just like meeting for the first time ma'am are you gonna come back to brazil after your brief visit to the u.s if i give you a visa yes yes and let me finish my question okay before you answer please please um do you plan to work in the u.s no do you work in brazil um not really i mean like i i do some like i bartend sometimes but like not really and do you have an education in brazil did you go to school yeah what's your highest grade of completion um i finished high school and i did like a couple community college classes has your boyfriend come to brazil before no okay when did you meet him um we like we met on we met on instagram and then we were on um twitter because we both loved hillary clinton and so like he like slid into my dms and we were messaging each other did you see her tweet yesterday it was amazing okay it was like tweeting please please this interview is going to be really short if you continue to interject these things that have no relevance to this interview do you understand that yeah yeah fine okay all right so you're not employed do you have family in brazil yeah who do you have uh my mom your mom where's your dad um i don't know okay what are your plans in the u.s um i really just want to like meet my boyfriend and like hang out for a couple weeks and how long do you want to go uh like like two months maybe okay and do you have documentation to prove that you're gonna return to brazil after the two-month visit um i mean i have like my mom wrote a letter for me and then my aunt who lives there wrote a letter did you bring that documentation today yep this is totally not in order i mean we have you have evidence of your mom's employment no i didn't know i needed that okay and where does your mom work um she works at um the same restaurant where i bartend sometimes she's a man okay i'm sorry ma'am i cannot give you this visa why because you haven't brought the proper documentation well i have like our birth certificates ma'am i'm not going to give you the visa today i'm sorry you have you don't have the proper documentation number one number two you've indicated that you have a boyfriend that you want to see in the us and i believe you're going to go there and get married and stay in the u.s you have no ties to brazil you're going to have to get a job or go to college or do something that's beneficial before i'm gonna let you go to the us so i can never meet my boyfriend he can come to brazil you don't need a visa for us citizens to go to brazil you're so rude so that was an interview that went really really wrong really bad um you have to do the things that we've indicated in previous segments there's one on the five mistakes and she's made all five mistakes for a b1 b2 visa so check out that segment and really if you're gonna go and you're gonna try to get a visa concentrate learn these things and avoid these mistakes but she was really cute resilient courtney's always really cute what do you think courtney any comments um you know i think that it's really important to be polite to be personable to be organized um to know exactly what they're going to ask you or what they're likely to ask you so that you can have answers prepared um in the way that they like to hear it um they have a long line they just want to get through it and if you're disorganized even if you qualify for the visa or if you're rude they'll deny it because they can't get to the information that they need so make sure you watch our other segments on the b1b2 visa and you'll be just fine hey youtube this is umberto gray from gray law tv i'm an immigration attorney practicing in the area of entertainment and business and i've been practicing for a very long time i've represented celebrities at u.s consulates abroad and the one thing that i have found when i'm in an interview for example with salma hayek i was there obtaining her one visa and i notice at the counter mistakes that are made by applicants so i'm going to share with you the five most common mistakes made at a consular interview number one the invitation letter the invitation letter is not required for a b1 bt visa at all in fact it could hurt you if you have family members in the u.s and they send you a letter that you know you're going to come to the u.s and you're going to be with them that could be problematic because then the consulate thinks you're not going to return that's a big mistake it's a myth you do not need an invitation letter number two please do not be arrogant do not be argumentative these are consul officers and their dream is to be an ambassador and they're stuck at the window doing visa applicants and adjudicating visas they don't want to be there a lot of times they have a chip on their shoulders so if you're arrogant and you're argumentative that's going to be a big big problem number three don't be what i call a chatty cathy please don't talk a lot they have 300 applicants waiting and you know their time is real short so you really don't want to talk a lot you want to be attentive you want to answer the questions you want to be very specific don't ramble don't talk a lot that's not good one thing that individuals overlook all the time is their passport validity you're going to need a passport that's valid for at least six months okay check your passport before you go to your interview make sure you have validity for more than six months also you want to check your visa pages okay they have to place the visa on a blank page so if you've had many entries you've had multiple visas sometimes the pages are not blank and they're not able to put the visa in the passport so you got to check your passport make sure because they can't cover up any of the stamps that you have you have stamps in your passport every entry you make it's a red stamp they mark the validity date that's a problem if there's no room no space in the passport i've again on many occasions i've had you know individuals they just don't have space in their passport and the visa couldn't be issued so i always make sure that my clients have enough space in their passport for the visa to be placed and finally make sure that you are organized your joint documentation that you bring to support the b1b2 visa you want to make sure that it's in order okay you can even have a cover letter that's paginated exhibit a bank statement exhibit b employment letter exhibit c you know parents letter my spouse's letter make sure that they're in order do not come to the window at the u.s consulate and have everything out of order and you hand it to them because what's going to happen that consular officer is going to hand it right back to you so make sure that everything is in order that's going to be very very helpful if you avoid these mistakes you'll definitely get your visa thank you for watching greylaw tv click below like and subscribe hey youtube this is courtney and umberto from great law tv and uh we love the questions and answers that we're getting and we're also loving the comments that our videos are helping you get these visas at the us consulates abroad and uh you know thanks to courtney you know she has a very good video that has hundreds of thousands of views and it's getting real good traction you might go to that video so here's one comment uh that was posted this was posted by foonme firstly i'd like to say god favored me with the visa interview and the secondly this video is so helpful and straight to the point got my visa approval today congratulations for me congratulations so what we're going to do is we're going to talk about people on btv says we are okay i have i have questions that people have sent in but they've they've been about the b1 b2 they've been about marriage they've been about all sorts of things so okay so we're going to answer your questions you've asked us questions and we're going to answer those questions today you can go oh so this one is from 80 garcia diaz we've been married for five years so far we have the appointment next month i'm very nervous because my husband doesn't speak english fluently i've heard couples say that they were separated for the questions if we aren't separated can i translate for my husband i assume you're talking about the adjustment of status marriage interview so typically they don't separate you uh typically you're interviewed together every now and again you know an officer hasn't had his coffee or her coffee and they'll separate you if you look very different if he's like super tall and you're super short or there's like a 20-year age gap or something they might um separate you whether you're separated or not you may not translate for each other okay um so you could take a friend to translate for you um sometimes uscis will use a dial-in service if you don't have a translator or they'll ask somebody in the lobby hey can anybody does anybody speak whatever language and can translate for this couple um so it'll be a third party translator if you take a friend with you um or um you know a family member or something like that so if you do that that person has to be a u.s citizen or a legal permanent resident they have to show their their passport or their green card um and they can only translate it's so hard when you know somebody asks a question and you translate it and they don't quite get the answer and you want to help um and so you're like oh their address they're asking or you know you start speaking instead of just translating um the officer could get grumpy so make sure that you're just translating it and that you've explained to the person that they're only to translate okay and and sometimes people get nervous and they start making jokes where they start interjecting which is going to prolong their interview and officers don't like that either because they have a long day okay and a lot of people to see so um somebody you know sort of professional and they can walk in with you otherwise they'll help provide one for you yeah just to add to that you know i did a segment on what not to do in an adjustment interview and one thing to avoid that separation have your documentation in order bring joint documents if you come with a stack of documents the officer is going to look at it and he's going to say okay this might be a real nerd i'm not going to separate these yeah yeah and you're organized and you have your stuff together and you know you sort of look the part look like you go together that kind of thing yeah um we do have uh videos on um the marriage interview um including one coming up about um that that walks you through what it sort of looks like yeah so make sure you check those out mary moose i visited before us for 10 years many times without a problem can i apply for bt visa because i love to shop in america now you want to make sure she brings her checkbook no don't bring your checkbook to the interview but you want to bring your bank statements because your bank statement's going to be a real good indication that you have a lot of money to shop in america and it's going to support your 214 b requirement that you need to show that you're going to return to your home country after you're shopping in america so have fun at saks fifth avenue the only thing i would add is that this might be one of those places where you want to bring your old passport show that you've come in and gone out and in and out and you've never overstayed and you've never had a problem and that's just who you are you just come and shop because we do have fabulous oh my turn okay um so this one is from alex adofo i got denied yesterday on august 21st i was visiting my uncle's 22-year wedding anniversary what went wrong i know poor guy i know um it's hard to say without more information i don't know if you had the invitation with you i don't know if you were able to say that you had a relationship with this uncle have you visited before did you show that you've visited before and exited on time has your uncle come to visit you do you have you know family photos that kind of thing do you have the ability to show that you can pay for your trip your flight um you know where are you staying did you have your uncle's address handy with you um who else in your family is going um you know when you plan on coming back all those sorts of things if you had one of those sponsorship letters from your uncle that's such a myth that you need something like this that may have thrown them off because nobody in the united states is supposed to be sponsoring you you're supposed to be able to care for yourself and show that you can return do you have a job did you show that you have a home did you show that you know all of those things that if you check out the b1 b2 interview um video on what you're supposed to bring with you and the other video on um what questions they're going to ask you did you did you go through all of those things and show them all of those things so check out those videos uh maybe try again it's gonna be a little more difficult because they're gonna see that it was denied before but you can say you know i didn't have all my ducks in a row last time but now i have the documents that you need to see yeah don't be discouraged wait six months try again yeah but the party is soon he's gotta try again now well i don't think he's gonna make this party nobody wants to go maybe 25 maybe they're like 22 is not a big anniversary what's the big deal maybe for the 2015. you'll be there exactly the silver antivirus sally pacheco hi i'm married to a u.s citizen three months ago can i apply for b2 visa you can certainly apply for a b2 visa but i don't think it's going to be approved [Music] they know that you have an intent to go to the u.s and you can change your status to get a green card and that could be problematic you know you can't satisfy the 214b what you may want to do if you want to get to the u.s you know a little earlier is apply for a k3 visa i've done some other segments on that you can look at those segments they're really good you can apply for the adjudication time is not so long but it doesn't hurt to try for the b1 b2 just be very honest look i was married three months ago and i'm going to visit right now we don't have the wedding plan or the wedding's going to be in my home country whatever the case may be if you have evidence to support that bring that to the interview and say look i just want to go and visit for a short period of time and i'm coming back and later we'll think about applying for the green card well they're already married so they're having like maybe they're having another ceremony because a lot of people do that they have a civil ceremony and then they have the exactly the big wedding the big wedding with all the family and friends and you want everybody there anyway okay um jason pasitas um hi ma'am how about if someone will sponsor you does the u.s embassy ask me something can you please tell me what it is thank you and god bless okay as you may have heard us say before the sponsorship thing is a myth meaning it's not true you don't want to take a sponsorship letter you want to show ties to your home country the stronger you show your ties are to the united states the more likely they are to deny your visa because they think that you're planning on immigrating here permanently you should be able to show bank statements showing that you have money in the bank that you can play for your flight that you can pay for your hotel or if you're staying with relatives like you know i have a free place to stay because my aunt is there or what what have you um but i i wouldn't take necessarily a sponsorship letter with somebody saying i'm going to sponsor him and i i'm going to give him financial support with their bank statement i wouldn't do any of that now if you're a young person and um you know you're traveling to the united states for a couple weeks to visit an ants and your parents are going to sponsor your parents who are in your home country that's cool to show you know you're 20. i mean they don't expect you to have tons of money so yeah my parents were sending me for a short visit um and then you could show your parents bank statements but also show that you have ties to your country that you're enrolled in school that you have a job whatever the case may be be sure to check out the b1b2 video for that one okay again we just did a segment on the five common mistakes at a b1 b2 interview that's the number one mistake the invitation letter don't bring it yeah don't bring it yeah i don't know why that's so prevalent out there but it's just a big myth yeah and it's circulating there's some questions here about that let's take a look hello i'm participating in the micro soft world championship and my visa interview is this week i'm under 18. should i bring both my parents with me and what else do i need so they probably won't let your parents in but congratulations on your endeavor and i hope you do well in the u.s you're under 18 so you will need to bring documentation to show that you live with your parents that they have enough money to support your trip to the us i would certainly bring the invitation letter in this instance showing that you were chosen to participate in this event that's going to be important in this instance you know so sometimes you know an invitation letter that that is is is something um that's gonna support your application you can bring and this is one of those cases that demonstrates yes you will bring that letter and i would only add that once you have your visa um your parents can give it a shot i mean they could go in and say my daughter's traveling she's 17. she's traveling to the united states for this competition here's her invitation letter i don't want my daughter you know thousands of miles from me um with you know whomever like i don't know these people um these microsoft people so i'm just kidding sorry microsoft um they're wonderful i love them okay anyway so the google so they can they can give it a shot i mean all they can say is no right and so they're in the same position but it never hurts to ask um next question um from nani m can a person on a tourist visa get married to a u.s citizen oh yes nani you can um they really don't like it if you do it within 90 days they think that when you enter the united states that maybe you weren't honest with them um because when you entered on your uh tourist visa you have to enter with the intent to return to your home country so they think oh no she didn't tell us the truth or he didn't tell us the truth she was entering with the intent to get married and to um stay here so they really don't love to see it within 90 days but if you enter and then you change your mind and decide to get married that's perfectly fine that's right because she got a really nice ring and she couldn't say no [Laughter] so this one is from sana albat if a man already married to a usa citizen so that um case i'm sorry i'm starting um the font is too small that's why i use this the font's really big okay from this one well we need our bloopers here too from snob would you like my glasses it's very big font it's just okay about this one's from sana albats um if a man is already married to a u.s citizen can he sponsor another second wife from his home country um no okay um polygamy in is not cool in the united states and they will deny your visa um i it's tough because in a lot of places it's totally fine totally normal and people are married to more than one person you know typically it's a man married to more more than one woman are there places where there are women married to more than one man really i want to go to there um anyway i'm just curious um so anyway um so sorry i got totally distracted by that one um so it's a grounds for denial so it's totally normal in a lot of places for for to have more than one spouse to have more than one wife and to have more than one husband you said there's places like this all right um so but in the u.s like we're really weird about it um you know there's some things we're totally free about and then like other things where we're super uptight and this is one of those places where we're super uptight so i'm i'm really sorry because i know you know this is a family um you know lots of times with kids and they want to bring their whole family here and now they have to pick and choose who they get to bring um what sana asked as a follow-up question because sanat is very smart um is can a man sponsor his girlfriend so you know i have one wife and i have a girlfriend no they don't like to see that either um there are ways there are very significant important people in your household because not everybody is married right so um if there is a man who has a girlfriend who is not married um there are ways for that person to come in on the b1b2 visa and you're very honest with the consulate like we we're in a committed relationship maybe you have kids maybe you don't um he has a work visa here and so i'd like a b1 b2 visa i'd like a bt visa to come in and and hang out with him while he's on his work visa and then i'll go home at the end of it and you can go back and forth and extend and people do that all the time they used to do that for same-sex couples routinely before marriage was legal um so it's it's completely common okay and so they're used to that but if that person is married um they're they're not gonna allow it so some other ways to get significant people in your household to come in um you can sponsor them for a green card through employment petition so if you know you're here with a company or you're starting a company or you have a business in the united states or a friend has a business in the united states that wants to hire the significant person in your household you can go that way you can also incorporate your household and hire a nanny um people do that i'm not in any way shape or form advocating that you circumvent immigration laws that would be wrong but if this is true and this is your circumstance yeah it's going to be tough you can do it yeah it's going to be a tough one i've done a nanny whatever call me eduardo from south america i'm a golfer and my dream is to play on the pga tour um i have gone to the consulate i'm not quite sure what type of visa because i have a tournament that's coming up in the u.s that i'd like to participate in can you give me some advice so border being a golfer myself and following the pga tour for a long time there's a special provision in the b1 regulations that allow for you to come to the united states and to participate in the tournament so when you go to the consulate you want to have your ranking you want to have your information to show that individual exactly that you're playing on the tour in south america and then you want to show the schedule for the upcoming tour and they've chosen you to come and participate in that tour and you've qualified so they can issue you what's called the b1 visa good luck and hit them straight keep it on the short grass little known secret about dr gray he's not just a golfer he's a very good golfer and at times you were on the professional tour in the dominican republic yes i was i love her he's good um okay so this one is for uh from this one is from portia ahmancua i hope i'm saying that right hello ma'am please what if we never live together after marriage okay i'm not sure what the circumstances here i don't know if you're talking about marriage to a united states citizen or a marriage to someone else in your home country and you're worried about questions about that the reason why i decided to answer this question is because someone one of our youtube viewers replied to you and gave you advice which is difficult to do when you don't have more information so i just want to as a as just to give you a bit of advice if it's not for me if it's not from grayla tv if it's not from umberto i can't vouch for that okay so whatever advice you hear outside of that take it with a grain of salt if it's from us again it's not legal advice but it's from lawyers who specialize in this area so you can you can listen to it and and do some research and and i would highly advise that you get um a lawyer of your own a very competent lawyer to help you um with difficult situations um but when you know just folks are just replying and giving you advice on youtube um be careful okay i'd like to add you know there are it's an interesting question because there are some circumstances you know where the individuals are married and they're not living together because of circumstance maybe employment you know he got a job in new york and she's in school at ucla in california as long as you can explain the reason for you not living together right which is normally the case for married people right you know in some circumstances yeah so i don't know if like you got married and then he went back to the united states and you're trying to figure out how to come in um i don't know if you're separated and don't plan on getting back together um i mean in that case you cannot file a marriage petition um but um you know depending on the circumstances um there's always there's always a way around you're gonna be fine thanks for watching gary law tv and don't forget to like and subscribe bye guys bye bye hi this is courtney with grayla tv and today we're gonna talk about the interview at the airport with customs [Applause] so congratulations you went to the consulate you got your visa or maybe you're here on a visa waiver and you've just been on a really long flight and now you're going to talk to customs okay and even though you have your visa from the consulate even though you've just been on this long flight they can still deny you from walking out of the airport and into the united states so it's important that you are prepared for the interview with customs so again become best advice i can give you is to be calm be personable make eye contact be polite you're you know you're tired and you're in another line and you're so close to your goal but now is the time to just be really really kind to be organized i know you've just gotten off an airplane you might not know where your passport is and which pouch or which pocket you've been moving stuff around but make sure that you have it ready because the first thing that they're going to ask you is may i see your passport and you don't want to fumble and annoys them they have a line of 100 people behind you that have also just gotten off that flight um have it ready hand it to them and speak okay start that conversation say oh here you go here's my passport you know and show them your passport you might even want to have it open to your biographic page they love that because they can they don't have to start flipping and fumbling through so be ready to go when you get to the front of the line make sure you say hello okay just say oh hey here's my passport here you go the next question is how long do you tend to stay okay you have your ticket in hand you should have a return flight right you know how long you're staying um two weeks three weeks a month two months whatever the case may be that's what you tell them okay and it should match up with your allotted period of stay given you by the consulate and it should match up with your flight itinerary what is the purpose of your visit that's if you're traveling for business or pleasure oh i'm going to the grand canyon i'm going to coachella i'm you know i'm visiting my sick aunt whatever it is you just let them know simply concisely don't be long-winded keep it short but give them the information they're asking for and try not to give them any more because they're really trying to get folks through as quickly as possible when they ask you what the purpose of your visit is if you're here to visit friends um you know you've you've watched the b1 b2 interview you've done very well and so um if you're here to visit friends they're going to start getting at that boyfriend question again make sure that you're not here to get married um you know are you coming here to marry your girlfriend do you have a ring in that bag you know that kind of thing they want to make sure that you're not coming in to stay if they get the idea that you're here to stay and don't think oh i got past the consulate and now i'm going to tell them that you know i've decided to get married in the last two weeks now is not the time okay you need to show that your intent is to return okay you have your return flight you're here for a reason it should you know you've gone through this before with the consulate and so just do the same thing again okay what do you do what's your occupation um so you let them know you know i'm i'm a waiter i'm a physicist whatever it is um you tell them do you have any family in the us if the answer is no you're done if the answer is yes you tell them who um you know you're arriving at lax oh i have an aunt in missouri i'm not visiting her i'm going to disneyland you know like not on this trip maybe another trip if you are visiting a relative and they and you're staying at their house um you probably want to be able to give them the address so yeah i'm staying at my my aunt's house she lives in santa monica um you know if they ask for the address you can give it or you have it handy um but they they probably won't i mean they may they may not um but just make sure that you're not nervous um that you don't seem antsy because that gives them pause and and there is a possibility that they'll take you into what's called secondary inspection i know amberto's done a great video on secondary inspection um it can be time consuming they can put you in secondary for two or three hours and ask you a lot of questions and look at your phone and take your phone and take your computer and look at everything in it so make sure your phone and computer are clean and that you've watched embarrasses a video there's nothing on there that's going to cause you any kind of embarrassment and you should be fine but also when you're in secondary i know you just got off a long flight and you're super tired and this is the last thing you needed and you may have had plans and now they're getting messed up i i wouldn't express my displeasure too much to the officers okay um just it is what it is and you're gonna have to get through it and if you're unkind or if you say can i get out of here i've been in here for two hours if you're unpleasant at all they'll keep you even longer like so just get through it okay are you traveling alone either the answer is yes or no um no my husband's with me uh no my kids are with me no my parents are with whatever they're here or um if you're if you're traveling with someone who's on a different flight um yeah they're coming in on a later flight or you know you just let them know um who's traveling with you okay have you been in the us before um so if you've been in the u.s and you you know just tell them i came in when i was five to go to disneyland with my parents um you know that was like 20 years ago um if you came in um a few weeks i came in for business meetings last year or i come in i come in for business meetings like once a quarter you know you just let them know how often because they can see it right they they have all your information right in front of them so they just want to make sure that it all matches up that you feel confident in it that you feel um you know like you're in the right place that you're not nervous that you're not telling them anything that doesn't match other things they want to make sure that you're telling the truth that you're where you're supposed to be that you're confident that you're personable and so you know make eye contact where will you be staying um so let them know the hotel here's my here's my confirmation of my booking or i'm staying in an airbnb or i'm staying with my aunt this is her address or i'm staying with friends that can also get into the boyfriend girlfriend thing um but you know you just let them know you know we've been dating for i don't know six months she visits me i visit her you know we just go back and forth you know we're not if you want to bring up the m word you can like we're nowhere in your marriage but you know we're just we're hanging out right now you know we don't you know whatever so they ask you like do you plan on getting married no no no no no definitely not like she hasn't even met my parents like we're so far from there [Music] make sure you have uh your flight itinerary handy make sure you have your hotel or your your aunt's address handy um and be cool calm collected personable competent i mean you don't have to be they expect you to be in your sweats you were just on a flight so you don't feel like you have to get you know fancy on the airplane or anything it would probably be weird if you like walked up to customs like in a three-piece suit so just be yourself um that's all they're looking for and you'll be just fine thanks for watching grayla tv don't forget to like and subscribe hey guys it's courtney from grayla tv and today i'm going to answer a few of your questions [Applause] i have a question here from kira gasel and she said um what if like in my case i'm a student and my boyfriend's family wants to meet me and invited me to join them on their vacation they're willing to cover my expenses would the consulate approve my visa even if i'm a student the fact that you're a student could actually be helpful to this situation you can show that you are enrolled in school that you're taking a vacation that classes resume on whatever date so you would take something from your school showing that you're enrolled in the next semester of courses and that you have ties to you know you have an apartment you have bank accounts you have lots of ties to your home country um i don't know if your boyfriend is a united states citizen and lives in the united states and you're coming to visit him and his family and go on a vacation they're going to pay for you that can be tricky make sure you check out the b1b2 what they're going to ask you at the consulate video for that one i talk about that quite a bit um i don't know if your boyfriend goes to school with you abroad maybe he's doing a year abroad you live in spain and he's in granada with you for a year and so he's going on vacation like for christmas break or whatever you guys are you know for winter break you're going to travel to the united states to go skiing in aspen and then you're both going back to school so you could show that you know you're both enrolled in school you're going out and coming back i wouldn't take one of those sponsor letters they're going to want to know that things are are paid for so i don't know if you could show money in your bank account or tell them that maybe in this particular case when you have a a trip that's going to be paid for you can take a letter from a boyfriend's parents i'm a little iffy about that i wouldn't show it to them unless you know they specifically ask for it i would just explain like hey i'm you know going on vacation with my boyfriend and his family is like covering the bill for everything it's super cool uh if they ask you have evidence of that then i would show them that letter that says you know my my son and his girlfriend are flying out um we're going to aspen we're taking care of their accommodations and flights and you know and then their flights back home okay this is a question from somebody who didn't leave their name do i really need to show my hotel reservation to the officer even if i have not planned anything about it no you don't need to go out and get a hotel reservation or book a flight or do your conference registration if you're going to a conference if you have those things if you're you know if the company that you work for registered five people from their company for um for a conference in the united states and they want you to be one of those people then you would take proof of the five registrations and a letter from your company stating that they would like you to be one of the participants if you do for any reason have a flight you know you got a refundable flight because you know it's there's a wedding happening in two weeks and it just came up your brother's getting married he's loping he wants you to be there and you bought your fight because you just know that this is going to happen and it's refundable in case you don't get your your visa but you got it because the prices were low and you didn't want them to go up before your interview you know in that case then yeah take take you know i got a flight it's two weeks i have the return to get booked already for two weeks um you know after i arrive and and that could be helpful to you but i wouldn't go out they don't expect you to have it it would be an unusual circumstance but if you do have it it can be helpful okay next question is from um tariq turek um what do you need to do if you're already outside the us and you have a 10-year bar and you have a u.s citizen spouse and your i-130 is proof what you need to do tarek is get a very good lawyer okay there are ways around bars depending on the circumstances there are waivers available but it really depends on your very particular situation and you're going to need help so what you would do is you would go through the usual process and then that lawyer would help you file a waiver either in advance of your consular interview or at the consular interview you could take the waiver with you sometimes you think you need a waiver and you actually don't and so if you go to the consular interview the officer will say you know here's your your visa congratulations or they'll say you know what you need a waiver because x y and z happened and at that point you could submit a waiver so in that situation where you have real sticky sort of issues that are particular to you you were in the united states without status and left it sounds like that's what's happened i would consult a reputable immigration attorney so thank you for watching greylock tv i really love seeing your questions keep sending them in and let us know what you would like to see and we'll do some segments on that and don't forget to like and subscribe hey there youtube umberto gray from greylaw tv guess what i'm going to discuss today you've probably heard about the lottery lottery to get a green card [Applause] so the diversity lottery uh is an application that you make online it's absolutely free okay now it's an application that if you're chosen it's just like a lottery if you're playing the california lottery and you win a million dollars it's the same thing and the intent of the diversity lottery was to diversify the us what they do is they choose individuals from countries where there's low amount of individuals that are entering to the united states so you might want to check the government website and determine whether or not your country is one of those countries now very simple the first thing is there's a lot of scams about the lottery you got to be careful it's free you don't need to pay money what you want to do is you want to go diversity that's the website if you're not in the government website it's not real don't do it now the website is really good it's set up for applications online everything is online which is perfect so what you do is you submit an application very simple if you're chosen then what you need to do next is you need to start preparing documentation okay and you have to do this quickly why because there's only 50 000 individuals that get to come in annually on the lottery so if you're not on time you may lose your spot you got to confirm first your qualifications you need to have at least a high school diploma or two years of work experience okay if you qualify then you have to go online and complete a form called the ds 260. you have to submit that then they will instruct you to submit further documentation birth certificates marriage certificates now your family is included in the diversity if you're chosen your family can come along with you that is a spouse or children under 21. you have to submit separate applications for each individual now it may seem like well why am i going to apply for the lottery listen every year i have at least two or three clients that are chosen and they get green cards through the lottery so it's not hard click on try submit it see if you're chosen and just follow the instructions now also it's set up where you can check your status there's an online portal where you can check your status if you're chosen so it's really easy it's efficient so last year there were 25 million registrants and 50 000 were chosen obviously so i mean those aren't bad odds because there's 8 billion people in the world i think you you click on it you try you make an application it's free it doesn't take you much time so a lot of people think if they're going to get the lottery that they need to submit millions of applications not true remember if you submit more than one entry you will automatically be denied so don't submit millions of entries it's not gonna work now if you're chosen it's very tricky you can do two things you can pick up your green card here in the us or you can pick up your green card in your home country there's no requirement that you'd be physically present in the us if you're in the u.s you'll do what's called adjustment of status we have other segments we'll talk about the adjustment of status process and then there's consular interviews that's another segment as well we'll talk about what happens when you're picking up your green card at the us consulate abroad thanks for watching great law tv click below like and subscribe [Music] [Applause] hey guys this is courtney and umberto with grayla tv yes we'd like to give a shout out to all of our subscribers who have posted some really good and interesting questions so basically we are going to answer your questions live on this segment hopefully you'll get some good information and we really thank you for watching greylock tv so this one's from isadora so if i put on my ds160 that i'm traveling with someone else who is my girlfriend and she already has a visa should i take the visa print from her passport or will they know that so when you're going in for your interview just concentrate on yourself and your documents and your information they'll ask you who you're traveling with you could say my girlfriend there's really no need to have a copy of her passport or a copy of her visa or anything like that and again all these things are in their system so they probably can see it but just concentrate on your information um and you should be good to go d wow my interview is tomorrow and i'm a bit terrified but after watching this video it really boosted my confidence that is a great comment and that's a testament to courtney's video for b1b2 if you haven't watched it you need to click on that segment and you need to watch it'll help your confidence it'll help you know and be confident on what you need to bring to that interview and what takes place in that interview so good luck so this is from manish hello ma'am i'm from nepal i was rejected once and then i took my interview date again many students are rejected here because they haven't changed their university i even didn't want to change my university so sir i just want a perfect answer if the officer asks what changes have you made from your first interview so i just want to clarify this this is a myth you do not need to change your university that is not what went wrong okay something else went wrong and um take all the documents and information that they're requesting there's nothing wrong with the university or university is fine it's just a matter of giving them what they're asking for and doing a really sort of nice interview where you're short and sweet and to the point and you don't look nervous and you're not giving them information or things they're not asking for like should i change my university would that help you don't want to say that you just want to you know everything that you have is absolutely correct you just want to give it to them with confidence this is hans what if i already bought my flight ticket coming back and forth to the u.s then i get denied the visa i already paid for the ticket am i going to lose that money absolutely you're going to lose that money you really don't need a plane ticket you need to concentrate on the information that you do need you need to show employment you need to show bank accounts you need to show property you need to show ties to your country if you feel comfortable certainly you can get an open-ended ticket that's not paid for you can show an itinerary that's just fine but save money or a refundable ticket that works too um so this one is from ravali um hi ma'am my boyfriend he applied for us for a bt visa and he didn't uh this is all personal information i'll skip on over that um but basically she's she's afraid because her boyfriend's going in for the visa she already has the visa stamp and her passport and she really wants to travel with him i get it um take a deep breath okay he's gonna be fine everything is in order he has all the documents and information that he needs he has he knows how to answer all of the questions he's watched our videos and it's all going to be fine so just give him the support that he needs maybe you can do some mock interviews with him and ask him the questions and see how he does so that he's really comfortable once he gets there okay so good luck with that so the journey this is a really really good comment that came in on our youtube channel this video helped me tremendously just keep your answers quick and short don't volunteer information don't lie have respect smile be comfortable don't slouch always look them in the eye when they're speaking to you that's a great comment very important when you're going that interview to abide by those rules that's great you should make a youtube video okay so this one is from chris clark what's the difference between a b1 and a b2 visa that is a really really good question the b1 visa is for work related travel now it does not mean that you can work for a us company in the us this is you work for a company abroad they're sending you in for a meeting for a conference you are a golfer and you're coming in for a competition we have other segments on the b1 v2 so make sure you take a look at that and we go through exactly how how and why you can come in on the b1 the b2 is for pleasure so it's vacation it's disneyland it's the you know going to see new york or the grand canyon so um those are the differences between the b1 and the b2 pieces all right youtube well thank you for watching click below like and subscribe and again i'd like to give a shout out to our subscribers they are enjoying our content so if you haven't subscribed click below and do that thank you bye bye bye guys
Channel: GrayLaw TV
Views: 287,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: us visa interview questions and answers, us visa interview, visa interview questions and answers, green card interview marriage, us tourist visa interview, visa interview, b1 b2 visa interview questions, american visa interview, green card interview marriage process, o-1 visas, graylaw, graylaw tv, courtney graylaw, tv usa
Id: 8awD4Q_GQ0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 35sec (3095 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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